Titanomachy (Supreme Commander, Horizon: Zero Dawn)

[X] Nanotech Haze Counters

How hard would it be to design and make a human pilotable mech Front Mission style?
Unless I'm completely misunderstanding Frontline mechs, to make one like that would be a [Very Hard] difficulty task. However, the Armoured Battlesuits project is a prerequisite for their development as they just aren't really a thing in the Cybran Nation* and so you don't have a good starting point (unlike the UEF who have APU style suits they could work off).

FYI, the powered armour these guys have are Elysium/COD style (albeit with ceramic plating and fibre providing the actual protection), while the T1 armoured battlesuits I'm envisioning are more like Dust 514's Drop Suits. Frontline-style Mechs are T3 armoured battlesuits and would resemble something like this (they're also the smallest thing that can carry a miniaturised Molecular Ripper Cannon).

In all cases, Shen would be a good person to ask for help as she's an expert roboticist (and also smarter than you are in the research system).

*You do have Mechanized Infantry, but you're pretty sure these guys aren't ready to have their brains inserted into mechanical centipedes.
@prometheus110 Is there an option for us to build sub-commanders so we can recruit locals to man SACUs?
Sort of.

SACUs are basically just really, really powerful combat engineers. Compared to ACUs, they're nothing special as they lack the quantum core that lets them manage an economy and army on their own (and they're too small to hold one). You could build SACUs for the locals easily enough, and it'd likely help out a fair amount, but unless they're tied in with your ACU's quantum network, they won't be as effective as they could be as they'd only have access to local mass and energy.

Now, you could build more ACUs, but they require exotic matter to manufacture, and that's a complete pain in the arse to make. To make enough for a single ACU, you'd personally need to build and manage a full T3 base for several months, and being off the frontlines seems a bit risky right now. If you had a trained and trustworthy staff (or another ACU), you could palm it off to them, though.

Edit: Wrote weeks and not months, lol.
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Unless I'm completely misunderstanding Frontline mechs, to make one like that would be a [Very Hard] difficulty task. However, the Armoured Battlesuits project is a prerequisite for their development as they just aren't really a thing in the Cybran Nation* and so you don't have a good starting point (unlike the UEF who have APU style suits they could work off).

FYI, the powered armour these guys have are Elysium/COD style (albeit with ceramic plating and fibre providing the actual protection), while the T1 armoured battlesuits I'm envisioning are more like Dust 514's Drop Suits. Frontline-style Mechs are T3 armoured battlesuits and would resemble something like this (they're also the smallest thing that can carry a miniaturised Molecular Ripper Cannon).

In all cases, Shen would be a good person to ask for help as she's an expert roboticist (and also smarter than you are in the research system).

*You do have Mechanized Infantry, but you're pretty sure these guys aren't ready to have their brains inserted into mechanical centipedes.

Front Mission mechs are bigger than that, their main body is the size of a tank, they would be a vehicle rather than infantry.
Front Mission mechs are bigger than that, their main body is the size of a tank, they would be a vehicle rather than infantry.
I've decided that, since the Cybran Nation has so many legged units in its ORBAT, you don't really need to worry about prerequisites (unless you want one with hands in which case you need to go down the battlesuits route).

As per the rules I mentioned in my research post, that means you'll need one project for the platform itself (modified to [MEDIUM] difficulty by various things), and and then one research project per weapon you want (the difficulty is dependant on the size and tier of weapon. Light pulse lasers are much easier to work with than proton artillery, for instance).

So if you want to design and build something like the Zenith (minus the hands and fingers) with Cybran equivalents of a bazooka and machinegun, you'd need to complete: Zenith - Platform [MEDIUM] -> Zenith - Resonance Artillery [MEDIUM] -> Zenith - Particle Cannon [MEDIUM]

Resonance Artillery and Particle Cannons are both T2 weapons and those are usually [MEDIUM] difficulty projects. Meanwhile, T1 weapons will generally be [EASY] projects, while T3 weapons would be [HARD] and would require you to make a larger variant entirely.

I'd say that they are at least T2.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
Now, you could build more ACUs, but they require exotic matter to manufacture, and that's a complete pain in the arse to make. To make enough for a single ACU, you'd personally need to build and manage a full T3 base for several months, and being off the frontlines seems a bit risky right now. If you had a trained and trustworthy staff (or another ACU), you could palm it off to them, though.

What would "trained and trustworthy staff" require of us, then? I was hopeful that SACUs could at least spread the load, but o well.
What would "trained and trustworthy staff" require of us, then? I was hopeful that SACUs could at least spread the load, but o well.
Well, you need to trust them for starters. :V

Education is pretty much automated in the glorious, shining future, though realistically the war won't last long enough for people to actually get the skills they need. I'm trying to be cagey about things, but you'll probably like one particular event that'll be happening soon.

Also, I didn't mean to imply that SACUs aren't useful, just that they won't be capable of acting like mini ACUs. An SACU could support a defensive action pretty well with a combination of self-contained firebases and its own weaponry.
I wish we had a UEF ACU to help with defense

also I know UEF units better.
Well, you need to trust them for starters. :V

Education is pretty much automated in the glorious, shining future, though realistically the war won't last long enough for people to actually get the skills they need. I'm trying to be cagey about things, but you'll probably like one particular event that'll be happening soon.

Also, I didn't mean to imply that SACUs aren't useful, just that they won't be capable of acting like mini ACUs. An SACU could support a defensive action pretty well with a combination of self-contained firebases and its own weaponry.

Ahh, so there's no option to just grab a bunch of people, Cybran-ize them, and stick them in a mobile command airship with the necessary bits of an ACU to command/control engineers and the resulting army? Shame that. I would be equally interested in getting a T3 base up so we could just mass-manufacture Cybran units with cockpits welded on the back but the thing about quantum core means that's probably out too??? Otherwise it would be really weird for us to be putting Cybran dakka lipstick on these vehicular pigs instead of just mass producing purpose built units.

I will definitely say something about a SACU initiative to spread the load and help out if it ever comes up, but until then, back to lurking.
Ahh, so there's no option to just grab a bunch of people, Cybran-ize them, and stick them in a mobile command airship with the necessary bits of an ACU to command/control engineers and the resulting army? Shame that. I would be equally interested in getting a T3 base up so we could just mass-manufacture Cybran units with cockpits welded on the back but the thing about quantum core means that's probably out too??? Otherwise it would be really weird for us to be putting Cybran dakka lipstick on these vehicular pigs instead of just mass producing purpose built units.

I will definitely say something about a SACU initiative to spread the load and help out if it ever comes up, but until then, back to lurking.
All Cybran units have variants that don't need to be hooked up to a quantum core and which can be piloted by people. They're usually used by militia and aren't anywhere near as good ton-for-ton, but they work*. IIRC, we see a Revenant being piloted in one of the SupCom trailers.

*As in, they'll work for a time but then run out of fuel, power, or ammo, and can't self-repair. You have designs for fueling, charging, and resupply stations, though.
All Cybran units have variants that don't need to be hooked up to a quantum core and which can be piloted by people. They're usually used by militia and aren't anywhere near as good ton-for-ton, but they work*. IIRC, we see a Revenant being piloted in one of the SupCom trailers.

*As in, they'll work for a time but then run out of fuel, power, or ammo, and can't self-repair. You have designs for fueling, charging, and resupply stations, though.

Can we get an option to build a T3 base and churn out militia units, please?
Keep in mind the political ramifications and considerations of this when asking. Mainly "who gets this miracle gear first at what cost?".

I'd say we help with making their own gear first and we can make milita gear when we have more political capital. Ideally we do it when/if we get our own population of refugees or something