Titanomachy (Supreme Commander, Horizon: Zero Dawn)

[X] Punishing the FARO plague: The FARO 'bots killed hundreds of thousands when they destroyed Hanoi. You should show them why that was a mistake with a brief stroll through the countryside. Tell the UN what you're planning to do, but keep it a solo mission to reduce casualties.

The UN can't successfully attack. They just defend until eventually overrun. We CAN attack, and should.
The sooner the FARO are put on the hind foot, the better.

[x] Hailing Science:
If there's one thing that all three sides learned during the Infinite War (aside from the fact that you should never trust AI made using mysterious space lizard technology), it's that science is key to survival. Your enemy won't ever stop improving, so why should you? (Starts a science vote.).
[x] Hailing Science: If there's one thing that all three sides learned during the Infinite War (aside from the fact that you should never trust AI made using mysterious space lizard technology), it's that science is key to survival. Your enemy won't ever stop improving, so why should you? (Starts a science vote.).
[x] Hailing Science: If there's one thing that all three sides learned during the Infinite War (aside from the fact that you should never trust AI made using mysterious space lizard technology), it's that science is key to survival. Your enemy won't ever stop improving, so why should you? (Starts a science vote.).
[x] Providing aid and comfort: Millions of people from nearly a dozen nations have been displaced by the advancing horde of FARO machines. According to Commissioner Lal, violence, disease, and hunger are endemic to the camps and the suffering is immense. You should work with the commissioner to help these people.

I seem to recall that our man got pretty angry a few updates ago about the concept that basic living requirements weren't free and universal. This is a chance to start changing that for the better.
I'd note that the Faro are disturbingly quick at catching up to our tech base, even if their efforts are crude.
[X] Working with Enric and Kawahara: The loss of Hanoi and several of the nearest factory complexes has snarled a great chunk of the logistics line flowing through Mitian. Guess who has to fix it?
R&D 01:
[x] Hailing Science
No. of Votes: 13

Hi, everybody!

So…. I'm a little late on this. On the plus side, I've done a little work on the research side of things, so there's a tech tree and everything!

That said, there are a few things I feel I should let you know before we get to the sciencing.

1) You can win without doing science, but you gotta be smart about it. I don't wanna hear anyone saying "we can just turtle up and let the FARO 'bots do whatever before steamrolling them with a million deathbots; Prometheus said we don't need to learn or adapt or anything." All I'm saying is that, right now, there are paths to victory for specific definitions of victory.

2) [Write in] Research projects are permitted subject to my approval. If you want to design the lobster from Atlantis: The Lost Empire and ride around on a giant robot crustacean, then go right ahead and vote for it. Just be ready for me to say "yeah, that's gonna take a while." (It'd be super cool though, right?)

3) The difficulty, time, and resource cost of a project all depend on its complexity and the knowledge level of those working on it. If, for example, you ask Shen to work on something involving protocrafters, it'll take her a while to learn everything she needs to know and the project will proceed relatively slowly.

4) Conversely, the more experience a scientist has, the faster projects can be completed so you should always start small and build up.

5) As I mentioned, there's a tech tree, and completing some projects will unlock others. For example, Molecular Ripper Cannon - Energy Efficiency will open Molecular Ripper Cannon - Miniaturization which, when combined with T3 Battlesuits, opens up Molecular Ripper Cannon - Battlesuit-scale .

6) Sub-experimental units generally require two research projects at a minimum to complete —one per weapon and one for the platform itself. Some will need more projects depending on their size and features.

7) Working with other people helps you to develop relationships with them, as applicable, because you're nerds and that's how nerds work. :p

So, without further adieu, let's talk science:

Pick one of the following research projects to carry out (or suggest one).

research options:
Contemporary Enhancement:
[] Vehicles - Production
During your time working with Kawahara to unsnarl the logistics jam-up, you mentioned that a modified Cybran factory complex could be used to produce a stream of replacement vehicles on demand instead of having a pilot (i.e., you) okay the production queue every time a warning pops up. Working with Kawahara and several mechanics, you could turn this off-handed comment into reality through a lot of tedious file conversion and protocrafter design work.

[] Vehicles - Weapons
Given how weak the weapons employed by the native vehicles are, you might make a few friends by replacing them with the best that Cybran science has to offer. You're confident that Enric could spare a few tank and IFV crews to help out, and you're doubly sure that they'd like to play around with Electron Bolters and Disintegrator Pulse Lasers.

[] Infantry - Weapons
Like their vehicular counterparts, the infantry-scale weapons you've encountered here are less than impressive when compared to the things you've seen on the battlefields of the Infinite War. Drawing on the templates stored in your ACU's databanks for both historical weapons and modern-day spec-ops gear, you could develop replacements capable of being produced in local factories.

[] Infantry - Body armour
If the armour on their vehicles is anything to go by, the body armour used by native infantry offers less than ideal protection against the weapons of the FARO plague. Using Cybran material science, you could quite easily replace the artificial spider silk and ceramic plates with lighter and sturdier materials.

[] Armoured Battlesuits
Having seen a few of the skeletal-looking suits the locals deem 'powered armour' laying around Camp Mitian, you can safely say that native scientists and engineers would kill to meet a Cybran kill-team (funny since it's usually the other way around). While it would be easy enough for you to ship out Cybran armour, you think the locals might appreciate it more if you work with Kawahara and her mechanics to develop a suit that they can make themselves.

Existing Unit Enhancement:
[] Flak Mod: Ground Targeting
Problem: Large numbers of T1 'trash' units
Solution: High-energy shrapnel
With some minor tweaks to targetting software and hydraulic systems, you should be able to modify your flak weapons to target ground units. Electrok flak might not be the deadliest weapon in your arsenal, but it should be able to blow holes in a swarm of 'trash' units easily enough, and it'd free up your more advanced units.

[] Medusa: Cluster Munitions
Taking a leaf out of the Aeon's book, you could design a cluster munitions shell for use by your Medusa T1 artillery vehicles. While the EMP generators of each submunition would be less potent than the one in use now, the combined effect of multiple generators going off at once is such that you'd have a larger EMP radius with a weaker pulse strength.

[] Medusa: Stronger EMP
Alternatively, you could go the complete opposite route and increase the effectiveness of the EMP generator currently in use. Due to the somewhat arcane physics being used to generate the EMP, the effective radius of these rounds would remain the same, but the power of the EMP would be dramatically increased.

[] Rapid-Fire Anti-Missile Systems
During your last battle against the FARO 'bots, the tactical missile defences of you Battleships were overwhelmed by the sheer number of missiles thrown into the air. While every TMD hit was a kill, you weren't hitting enough to make a difference. That needs to change.

[] Rapid-Fire Anti-Torpedo Systems
Like your tactical missile defences, your anti-torpedo systems were merely overwhelmed by the sheer number of targets in the water. As a result, losses amongst your naval forces were higher than expected which is not what you want to hear when you're the one who's outnumbered.

Cybran Designs:
[] Molecular Ripper Cannon - Energy Efficiency
A perennial amongst Cybran science teams, improving the energy efficiency of Molecular Ripper Cannons such that they can be mounted on units other than ACUs is The Dream. While this project wouldn't offer you that capability just yet, it would let your ACU fire its MRC more often due to lower energy costs and improved heat handling.

[] Molecular Ripper Cannon - Effect Radius
Like improving energy efficiency, increasing the field effect radius of an MRC shot is the dream of many an engineer. By focussing your efforts, you may be able to significantly increase the area in which atoms become dissociated from one another, and thus the lethality of an MRC shot.

[] Gatling Plasma Cannons
While the Cybran Nation has always been at the cutting edge of research and development work for obvious reasons, the other nations in the Infinite War often came up with exciting and powerful technologies of their own. One example of such a technology is the UEF's Gatling Plasma Cannon used by their Mongoose Gatling Assault Bot. Before your final deployment to Earth, Cybran and UEF scientists were working together to develop a variant of the cannon that could be mounted on Cybran units for use as harassment and crowd control weapons against the Seraphim.

[] Microwave Laser Turret
Throughout the Infinite War, multiple attempts have been made to design a 'T3 Killer' point defence turret. While every attempt resulted in a weapon system that was less cost-effective than simply building multiple T2 defences or T3 units, the existence of the Seraphim's Othuum Seige Tank prompted Cybran scientists to take another look at the problem. As a result, the concept of the Microwave Laser Turret was born; a T3 Cybran equivalent to the Aeon's T2 Oblivion PD.

Counter FARO Development:
[] FARO Missile Launchers Tactical Analysis
The missile launchers the FARO showed off were a nasty surprise. Working with Kawahara, you may be able to come up with some countermeasures, or at least figure out their vulnerabilities.

[] Nanotech Haze Counters
The nanotech haze deployed by the FARO experimental was… bad. Not only did it dissolve your units, denude a square kilometre of ground, and throw masses of ash and toxic gasses into the air; ingesting or inhaling the deactivated nano-disassemblers could cause cancer given long enough. Frankly speaking, it's an area-denial weapon par excellence considering the level of technology the local's have to work with, and you need to develop counters.

Knowledge Building:
[] Cybran-Native Computer Communication Protocol
Work with Shen to develop a communication protocol that enables Cybran and Native computers to transfer simple data
sets to one another.

[] Energy Shield Analysis
During the battle of Taiwan, you noticed that the locals had put up some sort of shield generating system to protect critical parts of both cities. While the Cybran nation has very effective shield generation systems already, it wouldn't hurt to have a look at what the locals use; especially since these shields don't seem to rely on the same principles as yours.


Yo dawg, I heard you like charts...
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[X] Nanotech Haze Counters

I don't mind improving our allies construction ability, but this was our biggest threat in the last battle without a doubt.
[X] Nanotech Haze Counters

umm my idea for a plan

- Haze counter due to its ability to harm us.
- Vehicles, Weapons and Armor for the locals in that order to help - we can't be everywhere at once.
- Improve our own units
... by then I'd want to see whats happening before I make more choices.