Time Travel Quest Help?


Never bought a physical comic book
New Delhi
I have been thinking about running one for awhile. Nothing too overly out there - a general, somewhat omniscient agency which exists outside the bounds of space time (Inside of a singularity, perhaps) which recruits agents from every period in history and try to preserve the timeline from other interlopers (bad guys with time machine, parallel world villains).

When someone changes the timeline, the ripples are detected by the Agency, which sends it's agents to a known source of deviation. From there, the agents have to discover what caused the changes and how to change it back, while the other bad guys fight to preserve their status quo.

History is like a big river - most of the time it stays on it's course, and minor changes don't affect it. However, there are linchpins; key moments in time which could have gone either way - which are vulnerable to attack. Of course, someone could also playing a long con, by making repetitive subtle changes... until it has deviated far from it's original course.

One of the key issues to address might be the preservation of status quo - should the time travelers attempt to make the world better, or let it stay as it is? What happens when Hitler is killed? Perhaps the Agency is not actually so benevolent, but interested only cause of it's own survival depends upon it. The players might rebel against it in that case - which leads to alternate history. Or perhaps the world might begin in alternate history, and the players discover and shape it back on the true course.

These are the few things I have thought so far. What I am unclear on are the actual missions - I am weak in history, and here I need your help.
Which moments in history are critically important, yet not so famous?
What are some of the zany alternate histories possible?
What should be the nature of the Agency - and how did it come to be?

I would like to know your opinions on this - provided you're interested in such a quest, of course.