Voting is open
Time Loops are the Heartbeat of a Chronorepublic
Recent readers

Step up a notch as a time traveller and collectively assimilate into the Serentian chronorepublic.
Enlist and be enlisted by your fellow time travellers in their journey for stability or advancement. Impose your will on the fates of hapless locals. Wrestle with bizarre new threats. Leave your history behind and make your preparations to take it one notch further into godhood, or take your historyline into godhood with you.

A nation quest where the nation is one person: you.
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Loading screen New
The day you took up the time machine was the last day of your life.

After that there were no more days. Merely loops of the same few minutes end over end as you clashed with your enemy without pause. Breakfast had been missed and lunch never came. Sleep never took you and the circadian rhythm had no hold. You did not rest, you did not stop, you barely needed to breathe. There was only you, the others who were also you, and the unrelenting enemy tide.

When at long last you and the others breached the final loop and stood over the time-sliced body of the enemy, the one who wore your face and spoke with your voice, the one who had tried to destroy everything you held dear, you stayed your hand, risking their escape from what was to be their final prison to ask one last question.

"Why did this happen?" you asked them.

"Why did this happen?" you asked back.

Time combat had erased any known answer. The ouroboros had eaten itself, and the original reason had disappeared along with it. Only the fight had remained, and now after it, your victory over yourself. It left you, all of you, wondering how it all went wrong, and more importantly, whether it might happen again.

So you debated with all the others who were also yourself, from different loops, from different timelines, from all your pasts and all your futures. Collectively you. What should you do? Should you try to unravel all of this and try discover the original reason for the battle? Would such a thing erase the fight or reignite it? Should you destroy the time machine? Was there any sense in making a choice, given all the different and alternate timelines you inhabited now, who you could no longer speak for?

Were there more enemies out there, in their alternate timelines, waiting to be discovered? Waiting to discover you?

What could one of you do to save all of you?

Solutions were proposed, but there was no answer to be found in debate alone. So you set out, you and your alternate selves, each with different thoughts on the method to find your solution. And to your surprise, you found it. Or rather, they found you.

Other time travellers, skipping through timelines to scout out new worlds. They told you they had solved the societal problem of the alternate selves, and offered to teach you chrono-governance. They invited you to join them to live together, to engage in their debates, and to work together as fellows and allies, and to get involved, because they too had enemies at their door.

One of them was even you.
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Mechanics and Terminology New

Alternates, Doubles and Duplicates:

An Alternate, known as a Variant in some circles, is a self from a different timeline, usually one where the events splitting the timeline were natural instead of intentional.
A double or duplicate is a self where the splitting was intentional. Usually the timeline would have been split seconds or minutes ago at most, with the sole purpose of creating a clone of the time traveller, and then merged back into a singular timeline so both bodies inhabit the same timeline. Doubles and Duplicates are identical in every way, whereas Alternates are typically not.
It is appreciably easier for duplicates to be merged back later as needed. It is harder for Alternates to merge, requiring the administrative capacity of a traveller's Core Loops to help facilitate.

Core Loops:
The time loops made by a time traveller together with their alternates as an exercise in administrating their own population, allowing them to share information, experiences and bodies. The process is similar to parallel computing in concept, with information and problems being parcelled out and processed by additional doubles as needed. Difficult problems, such as the finding of a specific but yet undiscovered timeline, or braiding together alternate viewpoints into a single concise merged personality, are the kind of services a core loop would provide on a regular basis.

Despite the name, it is not strictly necessary for Core Loops to have any time loops in them, though it is more efficient to have them than not. When a solution is arrived at or a decision made, that information is usually sent back in time and the effort that was needed to arrive at the information is erased, leaving only the answer and spending no attention and willpower.

Core loops can be quite vulnerable to malicious actors if attacked.

A measure of time traveller ability. A Serentian term, not necessarily followed by other time travelling polities.
0-notcher: A local, a person without a time machine, or who only time travels on the whims of another time traveller, or is caught in a non-linear event.
1-notcher: A time traveller who has the freedom of determining their own time travel destination. Low 1-notchers might only be able to travel back and forth between 2 set times, while high 1-notchers will have freedom to travel all of time.
2-notcher: A time traveller who has the freedom of determining their own time travel destination AND is in contact with their alternates, so that they can coordinate and make decisions with their collective. Low 2-notchers have only just set up their core loops, while high 2-notchers may be the dominant factor in the fates of multiple timelines and 1-notch polities. You are a 2-notcher.
3-notcher: A time traveller fully capable of coordinating with their infinite alternates at every waking moment of every inhabited timeline. All abilities of a 3-notcher are effectively unlimited and unopposable. 3-notchers are known to exist, though they might not necessarily label themselves as such, and might be even more powerful than they let on. It might be that Serentia's entire fate is under the guidance of a 3-notcher working from a temporally higher point of view.
4-notch and higher: Theoretical time travellers with access to progressively higher cardinalities of infinity over the countably infinite 3-notchers. Since it is already impossible for a 2-notcher to plumb the depths of a 3-notcher's abilities, it is not known if 4-notchers can be differentiated from 3-notchers in any way that matters.

Event space. The metaphorical space in which timelines reside, laying parallel to each other. A word coined because the term "Time-space" would be too easy to mix up with "Spacetime", which is a completely different thing.
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Places, Collectives and Travellers New

Battle in the Morning/Morning Battle/Your Dawn War

Your foundation experience of time travel, you fought and won an intense battle with and against your alternate timeline selves for reasons lost to time.

The Civil Chronorepublic of Serentia.
An alliance of time travellers, Serentia is home to hundreds of time travellers and claims to hold influence over millions of alternate timelines from the beginning of the Mesozoic to the Early Hyperzoic. Nominally a representative democracy, it is an oligarchy at its highest notches where its most involved time travellers reside. Its population is mostly human, but non-humans exist within its ranks also.

Serentia has its capital in the Assembly, a braid of historylines featuring chronologically braided worlds of pristine, untamed wilds marred only by the existence of a single Hive City. From here, the Assembly of Members rules, accepting petitions, ensuring services and directing the governance of its people. Initiate and migrant time travellers are encouraged to send their own ambassador to the Assembly to aid in its deliberations, and contribute the timelines of their own worlds to the cause.

Services provided by the Serentian Assembly, aside from ruling in disputes, include free access to all known time machines, action storage and banking, connection infrastructure via the Slipbraids (a cross-time infrastructural network of gates, stations and time tunnels), estate and perpetuation services to either execute the will of or bring back erased time travellers, template worlds for use in world merging or restoration, and expertise on the resolution of various time-travelling threats.

Serentians are expected to hone their skills and inform the Registrar to the Assembly of their available services.

The Slipbraids
Serentia's highways and network of time travel infrastructure.

Imagine a tall mountain rising from the clouds. It has a sharp peak, and the base is hidden from view, and may well extend downwards indefinitely. The mountain represents time-spanse, with the peak representing the beginning of the universe. For anything sitting on the mountain slope, up represents the past and down represents the future.

When a ball is dropped onto the peak, it may take any number of paths down the mountain, but will only ever take one. This path is the ball's timeline.

A primitive time machine represents the ability to pick the ball up and place it back at any point on the path it took rolling down the mountain.

A Serentian time machine can allow a traveller to pick up the ball and follow the timeline up or down the mountain to another point in the path, then follow all potential paths from that point up or down the mountain as well, et cetera, without ever needing to drop the ball. With a little criss-crossing and trial and error, the whole mountain can be explored by this method of taking timelines up or down alternative paths. If a Serentian doesn't care for getting lost, they might blindly throw the ball and allow it to land where it does.

Under this metaphor, the Slipbraids are shortcuts carved between paths that allow one to pick up the ball and carry it sideways on the mountain slope, while retaining full understanding of where you are. While they don't give access to areas that weren't previously already accessible by Serentian time machine, their existence does allow for a much more direct path to the destination.

The slipbraids embrace using a mix of train and highway terminology. Terms such as rails, tunnels, cars, on-ramps and off-ramps, and switches are all words used in the slipbraids' descriptive vernacular.


Micah/Miriam Alawi ميكا علوي / مريم علوي

"If there were any chance this would go well for you I wouldn't be here warning you against it."

Involvement Level 1: Passive: +1 to Outcome Reach (No cost due to being your sponsor)

An established Serentian and your sponsor for initiation into the alliance, Micah or Miriam Alawi is an oracle, telepath, mentat, and an AI wrangler from a high tech historyline. She is mainly sought after for her core loop advisory and efficiency improvement services. As a result her collective is intimately familiar with the loop-by-loop governance of a significant percentage of the Serentian time traveller population, giving her great and somewhat worrying amounts of political influence both in and out of the Assembly.

Though she has her detractors who mutter darkly about breached trust and NDAs, she is still generally well-regarded nonetheless.

As your sponsor, she will tutor you in the basics of Serentian rights and obligations, be your guarantor for any agreements you make with other Serentians, and help represent you in any disputes.

Likely Founders

"I welcome you to the Assembly. As do I. And as do I."

Involvement Level ?: Rewards Unknown

The likely founders are a quantum amalgamation of men and women who all hold some claim to being the founder or founders of Serentia. Despite their identifying and facial features continuously glitching and shifting into various shapes and forms, and having different personalities from second to second besides, they seem to have no problems holding a conversation or engaging in collective time travel. He, or she, commands great respect as the founder of Serentia, and it hasn't gone to his or her head. Instead they delight in showing newcomers the various services on offer at The Assembly.

There's some sort of story here behind this personified reality glitch, but nobody has ever gotten a straight story out of them. The only thing the personalities share in common is their physical location, their collective, a shared love of new initiates, and an interest in artisanally crafted timepieces.

Shi YenFang सिंह恹芳

"You must come see my latest project. Wait, did I show you version 53 last time we met? Or was it version 54? WHAT? We've never met? Then we must begin from version 1!"

Involvement level 1: +1 to any bonuses from high tech devices, or to skill checks involving a technological device.

Serentia's mecha pilot, communications network maintenance person and frontiers explorer. Originating from a high-tech historyline, she explores to discover new technologies, and has amassed a wealth of such knowledge and devices from a vast selection of histories high tech and otherwise. She is frequently sought out to give her opinion, and improve upon, one form of technological device or another.

Apart from her booth in The Assembly where she peddles her wares and adventure stories, she may be met by travellers on the slipbraids, where she works tirelessly to forge connections between Serentia and the latest timeline to catch her interest.
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Setting notes New

Serentian Time Machine

The Serentians have taken every type of time machine they could find and combined them together into one.

Standard features include:
- Jumping: Disappearing from one time and appearing in another.
- Jaunting: Going faster or slower through time or going through time in reverse
- Slicing: Stopping, slowing or making small skips through time while allowing yourself to still interact normally with the world.
- Sliding: Travelling to alternate historylines.
- Projecting: Take mental control over a younger, older, or alternate variant.
- Travel Tethering: Following another traveller's path through time
- Pulling from: Taking a body from a younger, older, or alternate variant.
- Stasis: Stopping someone/something in a moment of time while everything else continues around it.

as well as a full set of safety features.

Duplication, merging, teleporting, phasing, scrolling and the manipulation of time loops all come about through a combination of the above functions, but a Serentian time machine automates these processes.
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Character Generation New
Welcome again to time traveller quest.

You are, collectively, a time traveller or time travellers. After a particularly harrowing start to your time travelling career, a member of the Civil Chronorepublic of Serentia has noticed your potential and sponsored you to join their alliance. They promise resources, employment, and provision of services essential for the life of a time travelling collective.

Plan voting:

[] Plan name

What sort of collective are you?
-[] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
-[] An agency
-[] Write in

Choose your collective name
-[] Name

How do you overcome your opponents? Choose your historical solution-finding and combat style.
-[] With quick reactions and quicker wit, trapping the opponent in displaced time.
-[] With tenacity and determination, wearing down the opponent through multiple loops.
-[] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.

What sort of timeline did you come from? Choose one. Other options may be available later.
-[] High tech. Advanced technology is frequently used, and you have availed yourself of it.
-[] Superior or super skilled. People in your world are capable of amazing feats, and so are you.
--[] Write in the type of skill you have.
-[] Magical. People from your world wield a capable and versatile magical force, and so do you.
-[] Underlying System. A level and skill system forms the basis of your society, and you have access.
-[] Hierarchal. Higher beings and forces in this world grant supporters powers and abilities, and you have both a patron and your own supporters.
--[] Write in your patron (Can be a government if you are an agency).

Who sponsored you?
-[] The founder
-[] The populous one
-[] The oracle
-[] The controller
-[] Another immigrant
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[X] Plan Calm Like a Leaf, Strong Like an Idiot
-[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
-[X] Decius
-[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
-[X] Superior or super skilled. People in your world are capable of amazing feats, and so are you.
--[X] Microscopic telekinesis: Small objects and particles can be easily controlled by your mind through extreme precision.
-[X] The oracle
[X] Plan: Save Scumming
-[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
-[X] Kyle Masterson
-[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
-[X] Underlying System. A level and skill system forms the basis of your society, and you have access.
-[X] The founder

I think I speak for many when I say LitRPG exploiters are fun.
[X] The Technocracy
-[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
-[X] Janus
-[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
-[X] High tech. Advanced technology is frequently used, and you have availed yourself of it.
-[X] The oracle
[X] Plan: Save Scumming
-[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
-[X] Kyle Masterson
-[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
-[X] Underlying System. A level and skill system forms the basis of your society, and you have access.
-[X] The founder
Character Generation Vote New
Scheduled vote count started by Curtains on Aug 31, 2024 at 3:52 AM, finished with 6 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Calm Like a Leaf, Strong Like an Idiot
    -[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
    -[X] Decius
    -[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
    -[X] Superior or super skilled. People in your world are capable of amazing feats, and so are you.
    --[X] Microscopic telekinesis: Small objects and particles can be easily controlled by your mind through extreme precision.
    -[X] The oracle
    [X] Plan: Save Scumming
    -[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
    -[X] Kyle Masterson
    -[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
    -[X] Underlying System. A level and skill system forms the basis of your society, and you have access.
    -[X] The founder
    [X] The Technocracy
    -[X] A single person with alternative timelines (default option)
    -[X] Janus
    -[X] With foresight and resourcefulness, waiting until you fully marshal your strength before committing.
    -[X] High tech. Advanced technology is frequently used, and you have availed yourself of it.
    -[X] The oracle

Vote closed. It's a tie, but I've chosen to tiebreak myself and Plan Calm Like a Leaf, Strong Like an Idiot wins. The other options will be noted in the character sheet, and may have lasting impact on the quest at a later date if the story turns in that direction.
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Character Generation 2 New
News filters through to your various alternate timeline doubles of the Serentian visitor, and on the appointed day in the appointed timeline, you gather together at the local convention center in another timeline. One of the smaller party rooms had been booked out for the purpose, but as you follow the arrows towards the venue for "DeciusCon" and pass through the doors, you see the crowded room and wonder if one of the main show-floors wouldn't have been better suited for this. It didn't help that some of you had either not gotten the memo or ignored it completely, and had brought along friends.

The doors close as the last of you arrive and all eyes turn to the stage, where the Serentian time traveller stands together with one of you. She is in distinctly foreign dress, her simultaneously form-fitting and flowing white stola made of fine fabrics mixed with an unfamiliar metallic fabric. A swarm of nanites surround her, invisible to the eye but detectable to your microkinetic senses, and you spot a number of your closer alternate selves keeping a careful eye on them just in case.

"Gentlemen," says the Decius on the stage. He looks out and scans the faces in the crowd. "Plus ladies also, and friends. I am Decius, your host, and I welcome you to my timeline. I will assume you all know what has happened, and what the topic today is. With me is Miriam Alawi, who found me after the Battle of the Morning, just as I was about to set out to find answers as we had agreed to do. She is also a time traveller, and she is here to speak to us about her home, the Civil Chronorepublic of Serentia. It is at her recommendation that I have invited us all here to hear her words in person."

The Decius of this timeline vacates the podium, ceding it to Miriam. She steps up to the microphone, seemingly having no difficulty adjusting the stand to suit her slightly taller height despite how out of place she looks.

"Thank you all for coming," she says. "My name is Miriam Alawi, and I am a Serentian Time Traveller. I am also a natural oracle, a telepath and a trained Mentat, but please rest assured that I will refrain from reading your minds or your fates today. Instead, I will get to the point immediately and then take your questions."

"On the topic of the battle of the morning and whether it is finished, whether it will restart, and whether you will find closure as to the cause. I'm not here to give you all the answers myself. Instead, I will say that you do have the ability to unravel the battle of the morning on your own and find out why it happened. But as you fear, the battle will begin again. You can also try to move on without closure, but some of you will find yourself fighting echoes of that battle for as long as time persists. Your evil doubles are out there, with time machines. They won't move on just because you do, and it is inevitable that you will be rehashing this battle again over and over as your evil doubles traverse timelines to find you."

"If you wish to go back in time to destroy your time machine before you have a chance to pick it up, I can confidently say that it will neither help you erase the battle nor its consequences. Your enemy will persist in their own timelines, and cross time to find you."

"I know this, not just because I have followed your battles and seen what happens, but also because these types of fights happen to many beginning time travellers, and this is always what happens. We even have a name for it. A dawn war."

Miriam pauses for a moment, letting her words settle in before continuing.

"Next, the topic of safe use of time travel. I'm sure you have all heard the stories of time travellers and their tragedies. Grandfather paradoxes, attempts to improve the timeline leading to worse fates, self-sacrifice as the only way to save the timeline after too many attempts at fixing it. These stories are warnings against the misuse of time travel and should be heeded, but they are limited in their outlook. After all, are there not also stories about villains misusing their power and shirking their responsibilities? If so, how can the heroes of these stories persist in using these dangerous powers themselves? How can you, Decius, persist in using microkinesis despite its obvious potential for creating death and destruction? You all know the answer, because you're a living example of it. So we bring ourselves to a similar question: how can your ensure your own use of time travel does not result in harm, but good?"

"Both questions have the essentially the same answer. Discipline, trust, and a network of support for guidance. What I offer isn't any shocking new power or paradigm shift, just a way to get yourself organised and allow you to gain confidence and ability with your new existence. The Civil Chronorepublic of Serentia is the name of this support network, and I came to recommend you to join it."

Miriam pauses again to let the words settle.

"That is all I came to say. Now I will take your questions," she says, pointing at a Decius near the front almost before his hand is raised.

"How did you find us?" the man called out.

"I followed the trail of your endless battles with yourself. The time machine you're using carves large grooves through the fabric of timeline-space, what we call the time-spanse to differentiate it from the similarly-named spacetime. I can see and follow these grooves with my own time machine, and I recommend you take a copy of my time machine to replace yours even if you don't decide to join. Apart from that, I was impressed by how well-contained the time combat is and the lack of utter devastation that usually accompanies a dawn war, so I decided to take a closer look."

The Decius who asked the question nods, seemingly satisfied, and Miriam points to another raised hand.

"What do you get out of this?" the man asks.

"If you decide to join, I intend to recommend your skills at microkinesis to the Serentian Assembly, our government, upon which other time travellers will ask for your services to help in their own dawn wars."

There is a chorus of mutters at this, and you run over what she said in your head. Reading between the lines, and depending on what Serentia is like as a governing body, she might be saying that you will be conscripted to fight in their battles.

Miriam holds up her hands to signal her wish to continue.

"The reason I say this," she says when the mutters have died down, "is because as I said earlier, dawn wars are frequently messy and devastating. Annihilation and doomsday weapons are used with disappointing frequency. Yet your own dawn war did not follow this pattern. You know why."

"Not because your enemy didn't try to use such weapons, but because with your powers you consistently prevented them from succeeding in their use. That power is what Serentians, not the Serentian Assembly, but individual Serentians who will pay you for your services, will ask from you. They will want help in preventing devastation to their own historylines. And if you don't want to help then nobody will force you to do so. You will be free to refuse, and Serentia will give you the support network you need all the same."

Other hands rise at this, more than there were previously, and Miriam holds up a hand herself.

"That's all I would like to address everybody on. I can tell that many of you have questions on subjects that do not involve everyone here, so I will come down to you and talk to each of you individually."

So saying, she splits into two, then four, then eight, then even more alternate selves until she has filled the limited remaining space in the room. A few of her addresses others of you in the open. Several of you lead several of her, plus some friends, into other rooms to discuss matters more specific to certain timelines. None come to speak to you, and you realise why. You've already decided to join.


Plan voting:

Are you a costumed superhero, a vigilante or simply someone who was trying to live their life out of the limelight?

[] Costumed superhero
[] Vigilante
[] Living a normal life
[] Other

Who are the friends the other Decius's brought along to DeciusCon?

[] Your crime-fighting teammates
[] Your government handlers
[] Your actual family and friends.
[] No idea. You don't have anybody.
[] Write in.

Character Sheet
O₁ @P2​
Core Traits:
- Primitive time traveller: 1 Passive Action.
- Microscopic telekinesis: Small objects and particles can be easily controlled by your mind through extreme precision. Among other more benign uses, blocks the use of all nuclear-scale or annihilation weapons within range with payloads smaller than your body.

Other traits:
- Travelsolving style - Foresight and Resourcefulness: +1 Passive Banked Talent.
Economy Stats
Actions Available: 1
Active Event Capacity: 0
Holding Event Capacity: 1

Other pools not available.
Population Stats
Population of Collectively You: Not Available
Supporting/Collaboratively You: Not Available
Crew of You: Not Available
Other support size modifier: +0
Other crew size modifier: +0
Societal Stats
Banked Talent: 1
- Open slot

Outcome Reach: 1
- Open slot

Connectivity and Interests: 0
- No slots
Active Events:

Joining Serentia (Requires 1 Action to progress):
Sponsored (uses sponsor's event cap).
- You're assimilating yourself into the time traveller society known as Serentia. Is this the right place for you? You're about to find out.
- Resolving this event allows equipping: "Serentian Initiate: +1 to Outcome Reach, +1 to Connectivity and Interests" to Outcome Reach OR Connectivity and Interests.
- Completion gives trait: Serentian time traveller. Replaces Primitive Time Traveller.

Identity: Decius (Identity events are passive events and do not consume cap)
- As long as it is not faded, this Identity allows:
- Core trait: Microscopic telekinesis: Small objects and particles can be easily controlled by your mind through extreme precision.
- Other trait: Travelsolving style - Foresight and Resourcefulness: +1 Passive Banked Talent.

Resolved Events:

Battle in the Morning (completed)

- A battle with yourself, at the dawn of your origin event. Your foundational experience of time travel.
- Resolving this event allows equipping "Veteran of the Morning Battle: +1 to combat skill" to a free Banked Talent slot.

Holding Events:


Faded Events:

Identity: Kyle Masterson.

This identity has faded and barely exists as a ghost of a possibility. This event is limited to this post.

Identity: Janus.
This identity has faded and barely exists as a ghost of a possibility. This event is limited to this post.
Miriam Alawi.

Involvement Level 1:
- Passive: +1 to Outcome Reach (No cost due to being your sponsor)

Allied and Braided collectives


The enemy Decius, the opposition of you. Occasionally reappears on a bad roll.
Resources, Infrastructure and Exploitables
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[X] Plan Temporal Heroes United
-[X] Public mentor: You are pretty much a mentor figure for the heroes, both established and potential, in your timeline, showing them the ropes and pushing them to be the best versions they can be. But you don't also shy away from getting your hands dirty when the times call for it.
-[X] A large group consisting of your teammates, friends and family members, alongside some representatives from the government. You want all of them to see what you are dealing with.
I've updated the character sheet. Separate character sheets showing the state of the collective will be attached to each post, since accessing an older version might be needed later. Because of time travel.

(Shameless bump)
Character Generation 2 Vote New
Adhoc vote count started by Curtains on Sep 2, 2024 at 9:25 AM, finished with 3 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan Temporal Heroes United
    -[X] Public mentor: You are pretty much a mentor figure for the heroes, both established and potential, in your timeline, showing them the ropes and pushing them to be the best versions they can be. But you don't also shy away from getting your hands dirty when the times call for it.
    -[X] A large group consisting of your teammates, friends and family members, alongside some representatives from the government. You want all of them to see what you are dealing with.
    [X] Plan: Loner
    -[X] Living a normal life
    -[X] No idea. You don't have anybody.

Vote closed. Since it's a tie and in the spirit of having parallel timelines, you'll get a bit of both.
The loner plan won't show much mention in the text of the next update, put you'll get something for it in the character sheet.
Tutorial: Home Base New
Core Loop - DeciusCon

The formation of a new government administration is a messy bootstrapping process and nowhere is this more obvious than at DeciusCon. While access to time travel would have normally helped - one could simply check the future to see if a certain decision was the correct one after all - the presence of a much more skilled time traveller in the form of Miriam Alawi meant that she could feasibly falsify these checks, throwing doubt into the trustworthiness of reports of Decius's coming back from the future.

Without an administration or a spokesperson among the Decius's that everybody could put their trust in, no ambassador could be sent to Serentia to represent the collective in obtaining the promised expertise and resources. After all, evil alternates did exist. What if the chosen ambassador simply took Serentia's offered resources, departed for another timeline and was never seen again? But conversely, without first visiting Serentia, DeciusCon did not have the expertise needed for developing that trust in the first place.

Similarly fiercely debated was the question of where the administration should be located and how power should be shared. While some individuals wanted the new administration closer to home, others feared that wanton use of time travel so close to their friends and allies could have negative effects on their timelines. Several of the Decius's, who had circumstances far different than their alternates, feared that their own timelines were in the minority and might not have adequate representation unless they themselves had day to day input in the new government. Some wanted nothing to do with all this and assurances they would not be forced into it in the future, which was not helped by some of their futures reporting back, saying they had reconsidered and wanted in. Already there was an ideological power struggle.

Fortunately, several people had the presence of mind to bring in friends in the form of actual politicians from the actual government, and it was their expertise, plus advice from Miriam, that helped pathed the way forward.

In the end, it was decided that no new administration would be formed as of yet, but instead a Transitional Administrative Committee would be formed at DeciusCon with the location of the committee expanding to other timelines as needed. Miriam would stay on hand to teach the basics of time travel bureaucracy, and the politicians who had been brought into the loop would contribute in their own ways, even if it was, as one of the politicians was heard to say, "bloody scary how all this fruitful discussion could be erased and we could all wake up with missing memories tomorrow if someone makes a single mistake with this time travel stuff".

For now, DeciusCon would continue to be the site of the transitional administration, but with signs of real progress being made, a decision for where the real administration was situated was expected soon.

Visit to Serentia

Miriam Alawi solved the problem of who would represent the Decius collective at the Serentian Assembly by simply inviting everyone. In a crash course lasting a mere half an hour, you were each given a copy of Miriam's time machine and taught the basics of duplicating, tethering and pullback-merging. This would allow you to send a duplicate of yourself to Serentia by following Miriam's path through time-spanse, and then allow the duplicate to come back and merge their timelines with those that had stayed. This also provides an additional layer of security by leaving behind a double who will stay safe in case you are met with trouble or deceit.

Nevertheless, Miriam does not lead you astray and your transition to the Serentian seat of government, known simply as The Assembly, is both instantaneous and effortless, and you and the other representatives find yourselves standing on an arrival platform overlooking a spectacular view, with green and blue untamed wilderness on one side, and a mountain of glass and steel on the other.

Despite the grand nature of this venue there is no great assembly for you to address. Instead, Miriam leads you into a series of parallel timelines and then into a nearby food establishment. There she introduces you to a number of time travellers who had gathered to meet you. You shake hands with a succession of otherwise normal-looking people wearing strange clothing, and some not-so-normal people wearing strange clothing, all of whom explain their backgrounds and listen with interest when you explain yours.

Parallel timeline versions of you visit and are introduced also to the Serentian Instituions. You find yourself opening accounts at the Adjudicators, the Registrar, the Bank, the Perpetuators and the Estate holders, where you can apply for mediation in disputes, ask for the services of other time travellers, bank your free actions, and ensure your life and your legacy respectively.

Lastly you are given a tour of a mock administration for demonstation purposes, staffed by somebody who introduces themself as Likely Founders. He, or she, is a richly-dressed man or woman who glitches from one set of identifying features to the next, never settling on one height, weight, gender, face or race for long. He is apparently a quantum amalgamation of several people, each of whom had some immeasurable likelihood of being Serentia's original founder. He takes you through the steps of setting up a Core Loop style of administration, concisely explaining the use of time loops in bureaucracy, the methods of making decisions using information from unrealised futures, and the benefits of an administration using a precise mix of dictatorship, oligarchy, representative democracy and direct democracy which is impossible in a Local government, but greatly beneficial to implement in a time travelling one.

Pulling back from the core loops, you are given instruction into how information gained from a wealth of timelines can be digested and uploaded to each individual of the collective at their request, and how this allows an individual to obtain up-to-date news from a multitude of parallel universes, allowing all its members to make decisions using similar information and thus arriving at similar conclusions together.

Likely founders finishes the tour by showing you his Talent Bank, a braid of alternate timelines where he stores the best versions of himself. You shake hands with a Likely Founder at the very top of their physical form, another who has spent their life studying a range of subjects and has just gotten a very good night's sleep, and a number of other Founders of varying expertise, all in a state of heightened readiness. He also shows you his collections, because as it turns out, if a time machine can duplicate a person, then it can also duplicate gold, jewels and time machines. Strap several time machines together, and you can duplicate spaceships, mountains, and worlds.

When you finally pull back and merge with all the duplicates of yourself, it is with new riches, a new understanding of time travel and a broadened idea of what is important and necessary and what is not.

Core Loop - DeciusCon

DeciusCon expands and stabilises to encompass a time loop of exactly one fortnight, spanning over a dozen alternate timelines. The fortnightly schedule was adopted to allow the various friends of Decius to visit on weekends or weekdays in accordance with their normal life schedules, and also to allow time for the politicians of various sorts to report back. The location has expanded out onto the showfloors of the convention center, and the local governments are subsidising the costs of their use.

Because while some of the politicians had feared what would happen if their national leader got their hands on time travel and a means to secure power forever, others had thought the trade-off worth it. Those governments had heard the reports of 'time travel', 'accurate reports of the future', 'effectively infinite money' and 'complete instantaneous economic disjunction' and had inquired as to what the hell was going on and asked to be kept in the loop.

Likely Founders had come back from Serentia with you, and together with Miriam they had addressed the various Local governments about transitioning to a time travel economy. They had begun by addressing the most pressing and obvious topic - that the government that first discovers time travel gets effectively infinite money and effectively infinite martial might compared to the rest of the world and effectively wins history. But that without good governance, it won't necessarily last.

They had also explained that the Serentian model might not necessarily work for governments, as there were options available to single-person collectives that weren't available to multiple people acting under one banner. Not unless you wanted a compound entity such as Likely Founders as the result. Neverthless, Serentia had several governments they already worked with, and would extend their help and protection if this government didn't mind that their administrations and fates would probably be subsumed by Serentia eventually.

You leave that part of the equation to the politicians. It's their fault and the fault of those timelines' Decius's for intruding. It's time to decide where you'll put yourself.


Plan Voting:

Where should you put Core Loop - Administration, the seat of the administration for your collective?

[] Continue your Core Loops at DeciusCon.
[] Move the Core Loops into your home and into various parallel workplaces in your individual timelines.
[] Move Core Loop - Administration to a room at The Assembly.
[] Build your own secret offices in nearby empty timelines to house your Core Loop - Administration.
[] Separate the Core Loops into various partitions and build them in two or more of the above options.
-[] Write in
[] Other (Write in).

Where should you put your Talent Bank, the place where the most capable and heroic versions of you will reside, ready at a moment's notice?
[] Leave your talents at home. Just note down which timeline they are in. You're happiest at home.
[] Put your talent bank close to Serentia's great infrastructural network of time gates, to maximise easy access.
[] Put your talent bank in a secure timeline near The Assembly.
[] Other (Write in).

You met several Serentians who wanted to your help in their dawn wars. Most of them offer only 1 action in payment, but there's one person there who offered 3. This is a good opportunity to network, and to learn the arts of Serentian time combat.
This requires an open Active Event slot.
[] Take the job for the 3 actions.
[] Take the opportunity to move somewhere or buy something instead. You have so much money and the entirety of history to explore.
-[] Write in what you want to buy or where you want to see.

Do you want to equip your event rewards to your slots?
[] Equip Serentian Initiate: +1 to Outcome Reach, +1 to Connectivity and Interests to an open Outcome Reach slot.
[] Equip Serentian Initiate: +1 to Outcome Reach, +1 to Connectivity and Interests to an open Connectivity and Interests slot.
[] Equip Veteran of the Morning Battle: +1 to combat skill" to an open Banked Talent slot.
[] Write in some combination of the above (you can't equip Serentian Initiate to both slots).

Do you want to bank any actions with the Serentian Action Bank?
[] Choose a number of actions to bank (not recommended at this time)

Do you want to take a loan from the Serentian Action Bank? The Serentian Bank will require collateral for your loan.
[] Choose a number of actions to loan and something to post as collateral. You might be rejected. (Not recommended at this time)

Do you want to time shift the entire collective?
You currently have an outcome reach of 2, meaning you can reach two steps forward or backwards in your current historybraid. Your available navigation points are: Battle in the Morning, O₁, O₁1₁, O₁1₂ and O₁1₃. This costs actions equal to the number of steps taken.

[] Pull back to O₁1₁ (This will revert this quest to the start of this post but keep your current character sheet. The next post will be a repeat of this one, plus a little more. Not recommended at this time.)
[] Pull back to O₁ (This will revert this quest to the start of the previous post but keep your current character sheet. The next post will be a repeat of character generation, plus a little more. Not recommended at this time.)
[] Pull back to the Battle in the Morning (This will reignite the Battle in the Morning).
[] Pull from a backup. (This will revert your character sheet to one from a previous post. Some plans will be incompatible with this option. Not recommended at this time.)
[] Hop to a future. Choose the number of steps. (This will help accelerate and finish your current events. You may miss some lore.)
[] Pull from a future. Choose the number of steps. (This will overwrite what your next character sheet with one from a possible future. Not recommended at this time.)
[] Some combination of the above.
[] Other (Subject to author veto. Check before writing in).

Character Sheet
O₁1₁ @P3​
Core Traits:
- Serentian time traveller: Gain a base +1 to all your societal stats. Add the sum of your two lowest societal stats to your actions available. Add your Connectivity and Interests stat to the re-roll pool.
- Microscopic telekinesis: Small objects and particles can be easily controlled by your mind through extreme precision. Among other more benign uses, blocks the use of all nuclear-scale or annihilation weapons within range with payloads smaller than your body.

Other traits:
- Travelsolving style - Foresight and Resourcefulness: +1 Passive Banked Talent.
- Very Different Lifestyles - Some of you live vastly different lifestyles than the others, and it's detrimental to coordination. -1 Action.
Economy Stats
Actions Available: 2
+3 from societal stats
-1 from Very Different Lifestyles

Active Event Capacity: 2
+2 from Connectivity and Interests

Holding Event Capacity: 2
+2 from Outcome Reach

Reroll pool: 2
+2 from Connectivity and Interests

Record of Actions:
O₁@P3: +0
O₁1₁ @P3: +0
Population Stats
Population of Collectively You: ~(6)!
Supporting/Collaboratively You: ~(4+1)! = ~5!
Crew of You: ~2!
Other support size modifier: +1
Other crew size modifier: +0
Societal Stats
Banked Talent: 2
+1 from Travelsolving style - Foresight and Resourcefulness
+1 from Serentian Time Traveller

Banked Talent also serves as your skill roll, and serves as your attack modifier in time combat.
- Open slot
- Open slot

Outcome Reach: 2
+1 from Miriam Alawi Sponsored Involvement Level 1
+1 from Serentian Time Traveller
Outcome Reach also measures how far you can time travel your entire collective, and serves as your mobility/defense stat in time combat.
- Open slot
- Open slot

Connectivity and Interests: 2
+1 from Just yourself, you loner
+1 from Serentian Time Traveller

Connectivity interests also serves as your reroll pool for failed event rolls, and serves as your perception/HP stat in time combat.
- Open slot
Active Events:

-Open event slot
-Open event slot

Brewing Events:


Resolved Events:

Battle in the Morning (completed)

- A battle with yourself, at the dawn of your origin event. Your foundational experience of time travel.
- Resolving this event allows equipping "Veteran of the Morning Battle: +1 to combat skill" to a free Banked Talent slot.

Joining Serentia (completed): Sponsored (uses sponsor's event cap).
- You've assimilated into the time traveller society known as Serentia.
- Resolving this event allows equipping: "Serentian Initiate: +1 to Outcome Reach, +1 to Connectivity and Interests" to Outcome Reach OR Connectivity and Interests.
- Completion gives trait: Serentian time traveller. Replaces Primitive Time Traveller.

Holding Events:

-Open event slot

-Open event slot

Faded Events:

Miriam Alawi.

Involvement Level 1:
- Passive: +1 to Outcome Reach (No cost due to being your sponsor)
- Spent 1 action for you at O₁1₁ @P3 to complete Joining Serentia event.

Allied and Braided collectives

Your peers, your students, your handlers, your family, your friends.

You are a beloved mentor of many and supported by all. Some have become time travellers. However, none of them are up to your notch.
Other support size modifier: +1

Just yourself, you loner
You have a lot of time to talk with yourself.
+1 to Connectivity and Interests.


The enemy Decius, the opposition of you. Occasionally reappears on a bad roll.
Resources, Infrastructure and Exploitables
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I find it hilarious that pulling all the way back to The Battle in the Morning doesn't have the not recommended disclaimer. Let's just not shift the collective right now, we can have done that later.
[X] Plan: I Guess We're Doing This
-[X] Build your own secret offices in nearby empty timelines to house your Core Loop - Administration
-[X] Leave your talents at home. Just note down which timeline they are in. You're happiest at home.
-[X] Take the job for the 3 actions.
-[X] Take the opportunity to move somewhere or buy something instead. You have so much money and the entirety of history to explore.
--[X] see if you can find some sort of high-tech cloaking device. It might help with subtly defusing any nukes in other people's dawn wars.
-[X] Equip Serentian Initiate to Outcome Reach, equip Veteran of the Morning Battle to a banked talent slot.
-[X] Maybe keep the collective where it is for now.
I find it hilarious that pulling all the way back to The Battle in the Morning doesn't have the not recommended disclaimer.

It's because it might be the last time you'll be able to access the Battle in the Morning in a single time shift in the forseeable future. It's at the very edges of your Outcome Reach, and there aren't any options that improve outcome reach this turn.

But there's also no good reason for reigniting the Battle right now, so it's not as if any opportunities have been lost by not going back.
It's because it might be the last time you'll be able to access the Battle in the Morning in a single time shift in the forseeable future. It's at the very edges of your Outcome Reach, and there aren't any options that improve outcome reach this turn.

But there's also no good reason for reigniting the Battle right now, so it's not as if any opportunities have been lost by not going back.
Indeed. I assume that's the furthest back we can go, since that's how we got time travel in the first place?
No, assuming Decius has enough Outcome Reach and Available Actions, he can bypass the Battle and overwrite his younger self if he wants. Travel too far back and it might start erasing parts of his identity. If he does, his completed identity event will first be put into holding, then into faded, and then erased from his character sheet.

Edit: Alternatively, he might erase the source of his identity, which means that while he doesn't outright lose it, it does make it much harder to recover if his identity is attacked by an enemy.

Might be useful to do somewhere down the line, but not right now.
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Tutorial: Home Base Vote New
Adhoc vote count started by Curtains on Sep 5, 2024 at 6:26 AM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

  • [X] Plan: I Guess We're Doing This
    -[X] Build your own secret offices in nearby empty timelines to house your Core Loop - Administration
    -[X] Leave your talents at home. Just note down which timeline they are in. You're happiest at home.
    -[X] Take the job for the 3 actions.
    -[X] Take the opportunity to move somewhere or buy something instead. You have so much money and the entirety of history to explore.
    --[X] see if you can find some sort of high-tech cloaking device. It might help with subtly defusing any nukes in other people's dawn wars.
    -[X] Equip Serentian Initiate to Outcome Reach, equip Veteran of the Morning Battle to a banked talent slot.
    -[X] Maybe keep the collective where it is for now.

Vote closed

Edit: Rolling to find out who requested combat. Second roll in case first is 1 or 20.
Curtains threw 2 20-faced dice. Reason: Who requested combat. Total: 17
14 14 3 3
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Voting is open