TIK, off the deep end?


I've been somewhat of a fan of TIK for the last year or so. His videos on the Eastern Front were insightful, and tackled the logistical, strategic, and organizational factors that are often ignored in more pop-recountings of WWII, and he's especially harsh on the myth of the clean-Wehrmacht or that the Germans would have won if only that crazy Hitler guy weren't holding them back.

But he's apparently a bit cuckoo the further from WWII he gets. He's been doubling down on the assertion that the Nazis were Capital S-Socialist, and basically that any state regulation of the economy is socialism, therefore fascism, therefore leads to genocide. He's definitely gone off the anarcho-capitalist deep-end. Or maybe he's always been there, and never got off.

Here are some choice quotes:
(from comments pinned below his video on the Holocaust)
Means of production : people, individuals. [A factory/building/tool cannot operate without a human, so humans are the means of production. Therefore do you want to control your own life, or have someone else control it?]
Notice how the Left will change the terms of those above to hide the meaning of following -
Standard "Utopian" socialism : common-control of the means of production. [a group / other people / another authority controls your life - you're no longer free. You are not allowed to own property, and your possessions, money and lives are not your own.]
Marxist Socialism : class-control of the means of production. [the "workers" unions are in control, anyone else should be enslaved and murdered]
National Socialism : race-control of the means of production. [the "Aryan" race should be in control, everyone else should be enslaved and murdered]
Fascism : nationality-control of the means of production. [e.g. the "Americans" (nationality, not race) should be in control, everyone else should be enslaved and murdered]

Or from his latest video:

This is why Holocaust denial laws exist, because Marxist Holocaust Denialist distorians [sic] cannot explain the ideological reasoning for the Holocaust. So they created laws to prop up their narrative
Individuals act. Groups are made up of individuals. Therefore: Social Science has no place in History.

Here are some Badhistory posts about it

So the ideology that was born in direct opposition and with the stated goal to destroy socialism and communism was socialist all along!

I used to love this guy's videos when he just did the military history stuff. What a fucking shame.
The video he posted yesterday was completely off the deep end and I couldn't get more than a few minutes in once it became obvious that he wasn't making a rhetorical point via sarcasm. He straight up says that Keynes wasn't a valid economist, and that socialists only obtain resources by stealing them from capitalists. While I had originally been interested in how he was going over the logistical and economic realities, it is obvious from his use of terms that he has no idea what "socialism" even is, as his definitions run counter to what pretty much everyone who knows what the words actually mean uses. From his dismissal of "shrinking markets" it is also obvious that he has no idea what the concept actually is (ironically he's probably correct in the general idea that Hitler thought it was important but was wrong, but that was probably because Hitler didn't understand the idea himself). I mean, you don't necessarily even have to agree with socialists to know that his arguments aren't even strawmen they are so divorced from the actual arguments of socialists and communists.

But yeah, I only found him like a week or two ago, so this was a quick descent from "Oh, interesting!" to "Well, fuck" for me.
And that's another Youtube historian off my list.

Too bad, as his material was usually sourced, well constructed and interesting.

*Crosses fingers that Military History Visualised doesn't also jump off the deep end*
TIK has always rubbed me wrongly. On think about TIk I think is that he is purely working from secondary sources. That is generally fine for a debate between you and I but at higher levels, you need to go to primary sources.

That argued, the German economy was a strange dysfunctional thing that is hard to get your head around. I cannot see any changes allowing them to win bur there were severe problems.