Tiamat: Out of Context Problems (A Worm RP)

Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
You Awaken, in a body unfamiliar to your own. Upon examination, you realize you are no longer human. Staring out at your surroundings, you see a pair of Worms twirling above the Planet Earth, shedding Shards upon it. You object to this, greatly. Earth is property of the Humans and Gods, not that of an Invasive Species. A fiery rage burns in your core. With a primal cry, you and 6 others latch onto a descending shard, mauling it beyond recognition. Unfortunately, you're stuck now, in the very shard you lobotomized. You see a man's life pass by before the shard jumps hosts, it's automated protocols allowing it to do so. You watch as the young girl, the daughter of the man, goes through trials that would make heroes back down or break. Then, it escalates. Those filthy animals in human form attempt to murder your host, your chosen champion. No Longer! The smartest among you hijack the Shard, forcing it to activate, to grant the little girl powers. Your soul is flung into reality, and you are disoriented for but a moment before you tear the locker door off its hinges.
"You'll be okay little one... We're here now..."

Welcome to my lastest Brainchild, Tiamat: OOCP. In this RP, you'll be Inserted (Or an OC will be inserted) as a Projection of Taylor Hebert. You will still exist in a metaphysical plane, but the entire world is utterly convinced you are projections, including Taylor. I will be accepting 6 Players (7 if someone wishes to Play Taylor (no Insert)).
The rules are simple
  1. I am the Law in this RP
  2. Only SV Law Supercedes mine
  3. Have fun
  4. Join the Discord, Please

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Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.

To Create a Character Sheet, Follow this Little "CYOA" and Template.

CYOA: (The one right below darnit)
Pantheon: (Must be a Real One, not an Artificial IE: Historical, not Fictional)
Species of Monster (Must be a Real One)
Boon: (Can be anything, be reasonable
Favored by: Choose a God(dess) that favors you.
Boon from your sponsor: Choose a Boon that the God(dess) that favors you could provide

Character Sheet

Faceclaim or Description:
Boons: (From the CYOA)
From: (Pantheon Here)
Patron: (God(dess) that favors you here) (From the CYOA)
Bio/Personality: (If you don't wanna write, say this "I wish to develop this over the course of the RP")

Sample Sheet/GMPC (You knew I was going to dew it)

Species: Zenko Kitsune
Gender: Female
Name: Tsukiko
Age: 321(Mentally 21)
Boons: Onmyoji (From Shinto Pantheon, can Teach Taylor), Prophecy (Yahweh may give her visions of possible futures)
From: Shinto Pantheon
Patron: Yahweh
Personality: (Develop in RP)
Likes: Taylor, Humanity, Innocents, Respect for the Gods, Free Agency
Dislikes: Disrespecting the Gods, Infringements to Free Agency, the Worms, Manipulation
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Pantheon: Greek/roman
Creature: Hydra
Boon: Regeneration for Days ("oh I'm sorry, was that supposed to maim me? too bad!)
Patron: Echidna
Patron's Boon: Mini-mes (GO FORTH, MY PRETTIES!)
Name: kirov
Personality/Bio: I wish to develop this over the course of the RP
Age 21
Likes bacon, a good fight, trolling, people with a good sense of humour, puns, sleep.
Dislikes: The color pink, seaweed, and people who refuse to stand up for themselves, mornings.
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Species: Cerberus (Yes, I know Cerberus is not a species, but I've gotten permission since the good doggo isn't that drastically special in this case)
Gender: Male
Name: Terry, Larry, and Perry
Age: 26 years, 7 year, and 1,000,000 YEARS 14 years respectively for each head
Boons: Darkness falls, Chaos grows. (Translation from Perry Speech: Darker the surroundings are, bigger doggo gets), and Light Bane (Translation: Literally just makes things darker around himself. Stands near a light bulb? It'll start to fizz out. Candle? Flickers before snuffing out in prolong exposer. etc, etc. Perry wants to make the sun go out, buuut not gonna happen)
Bio: A single SI, put into the body of a Cerberus can't fit so seamlessly. And it doesn't. But what if you take two past versions of themself, and then throw them to inhabit the two other heads? One old, one young, and one...a young adult. One tired of everything, but wishes to keep the life they possess. One who's experiencing the shining novelty that life is for one so new. And the other is a mess of imagination AND DEATH.
From: Hellenistic/Greek
Patron: Apep
Likes: Sleep, Pets, and Murder respectively, but all 3 enjoy eating in general and will compete for food. Any is viable but has to be edible.
Dislikes: Being active, not being pet, and being treated like an animal. They all dislike people disrespecting them as a whole tho.
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Species: Wendigo
Gender: ???? (Changes based on last meal)
Name: (SI) Sol
Age: ???? (25)

I'm out in the Cold, PleAsE ReSCUE MEEE!!!!! - Allows the mimicking of any voice once heard to a point that most people would never think otherwise. (Can Teach Taylor through people watching and mimicking their speech patterns not voice per say)
The strength of lonelieness - Allows for the resistance of weather conditions of the colder nature.

Pantheon From: Algonquian
Patron: Malsumis
Patron Blessing: You know I'm here waiting for you... - Allows the placement of a curse that can bring the target to itself through a sensation of an increasing cold

Bio/Personality: I wish to develop this over the course of the RP

Likes: Food, warm places, games (any type really), singing and driving.
Dislikes: Cold rain, People who linger for too long, Self Important people.
Species: Púca
Gender: ???
Name: Puck
Age: 2,673
Faceclaim or Description: (Preferred humanoid form A short, roughly 5 foot, young teen looking being. Possessed of short, black hair, and eyes that shift color with mood. They have black furred floppy rabbit ears, and a black cottontail as well. They wear a roughspun forest green tunic, leggings, and half-cape, though without shoes.
Boons: The spear of Lugh, and a thumb burnt on the Salmon of Wisdom.
From: Irish Mythology
Patron: Lugh
Bio/Personality: Puck, or so they started calling themself after watching a certain Englishman's play, was young by the standards of the Fae, and never really tried to do much but live easily and enjoy themself. Doling out random acts of kindness and cruelty on all those silly humans in the Isles was the order of the day. Then one day, they played a trick on the wrong being, and after a stern telling off by Lugh himself, Puck was conscripted into acting as a hero, in the name of of the god himself.

After three hundred and thirty three years, Puck had learned to enjoy the hero's life, and when the head placed on them finally wore off, they continued their work, though with more of a focus on playing tricks on ne'er-do-wells than before. So it was no surprise when the Worms came, Puck threw themself into the fray. Now, she's on bodyguard duty.
Likes: Playing tricks on people, helping those in need, Lugh
Dislikes: Humorless cruelty, Lugh
Pantheon: Norse Mythology
Species of Monster: Dragon
Boon: The Gift of Baldur - Only the Mistletoe is capable of piercing Morghon's scales.
Favored by: Hel, the Goddess of the Underworld
Boon from your sponsor: Nidhogg's breath - The fiery breath of Morghon is capable of melting even the toughest of materials.

Species: Dragon
Gender: Male and/or Female, Dragons usually switch gender if needed.
Name: Morghon
Age: The newest child of Loki, he is but a year old, though he grows fast.
Faceclaim or Description:
Boons: Gift of Baldur
From: Norse Mythology
Patron: Hel
Bio/Personality: I wish to develop this over the course of the game.
Likes: Cows burned to a crisp, gold, jewels, and all kinds of treasures. There is nothing like fine ale and a good battle to keep his blood hot.
Dislikes: Long and boring situations, Morghon is a Dragon, he craves excitement and conquest!
Species: Vampire
Gender: Male
Name: rouxues
Age: 200
Faceclaim or Description:
Boons: Shadow Bride : Allows the ability to use shadows like a pocket dimension to hold item's and hide in it.
From: European Mythology
Patron: Reitia
Patron Blessing: The healer: gives the ability to heal allies and the user of needed.
Bio/Personality: I wish to develop this over the course of the RP
Likes: Stars, food, men, adventure, loyalty, willpower.
Dislikes: Hypocrisy, bad luck , bullying , backstabbing.
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Name: Ashlyn (Meaning "Dream")
Age: 14
Boons: Adept in Healing Magic and Light Magic, Inspiring others to follow the Path of the Unicorn

Secrets of the Starlit Grove - Ashlyn has been entrusted with knowledge of the Restorative and Protective Magics used by Unicorns to guard and nurture their forests.

Beacon of Ideals - Ashlyn's presence, actions, and existence are blessed to inspire others, show them a better path and way of life, and cause them to understand the ideals of Lurue. She inspires people to Search for the Unicorn, and in the pursuit, find happiness.

Pantheon: Celtic

Patron: Epona

Bio/Personality: Ashlyn was once a normal human girl on a normal planet, who was a bit of a daydreamer -- okay, very much a daydreamer. She did well in school, and paid some attention in class, but she never was truly invested in it. All her time was occupied by a small yearning, a small wish for something a bit... better, a dream that promised more than reality could offer. She had friends, of course, but those she truly connected with were few. Still, she was fine with that. Her daydreaming nature drew her to the place many daydreamers are drawn to: Role Playing Games. Specifically, Dungeons and Dragons. While reading through the lore, she came across a description of the philosophy Goddess of Unicorns, Lurue, that... spoke to her on a deep level.

The Unicorn is a symbol of hope, joy, salvation, and protection for the needy, forlorn, and forsaken. Life is to be relished and lived with laughter. Quests are to be taken on a dare and gifts are to be made on a whim. Impossible dreams are to be pursued for the sheer wonder of the possibility of their completion. Everyone, no matter how unique, is to be praised for their strengths and comforted in their weaknesses. Evil melts quickest in the face of a rapier wit and unshackled joy. Search for the unicorn and in the pursuit find happiness.

Ashlyn didn't really know what about that appealed to her, but she did know that she... liked it? Admired it? She didn't really know. If she had grown a little more, she would have soon forgotten it, and pursue her yearning in the real world once she found something she was passionate about. However, she was instead transported to a new world, in a new body: that of a Unicorn. Because of that, she has realized that the Philosophy of Lurue, the Path of the Unicorn, is the actualization of her wish, and will pursue it for as long as she can...

Likes: Hope, Kindness, Warmth, Helping People

Dislikes: Pain, Destruction, Cynicism, Hurting People
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Species: Vampire
Gender: Male
Name: rouxues
Age: 200
Faceclaim or Description:
Boons: Shadow Bride : Allows the ability to use shadows like a pocket dimension to hold item's and hide in it.
From: European Mythology
Patron: Reitia
Patron Blessing: The healer: gives the ability to heal allies and the user of needed.
Bio/Personality: I wish to develop this over the course of the RP
Likes: Stars, food, men, adventure, loyalty, willpower.
Dislikes: Hypocrisy, bad luck , bullying , backstabbing.
Heya! If you're not in discord, please join~
Here's my sheet for this thing! Hope it's good!

Character Sheet

Species: Fae/Sidhe/Fairy
Gender: Female
Name: Calthellya
Age: "And why should I tell you that hmm?"
Faceclaim or Description:
(Normal Boon)
Chiron's Mind:
This boon gives you passing understanding of many subjects, from academic to physical and combative matters, while useful in having the material needed to teach the students something in the first place, the true gift of this boon is the ability to teach anyone efficiently, whatever you want to teach will be easily implanted into their heads, and they can find that they can use this knowledge effectively, note that it works best with neutral-opinioned subjects, teaching them how to swing a sword will stay with them, but teaching them that Nazis are bad won't stick with them if they want to, so no turning Nazis good by teaching them that it's bad.

(Patron Boon)
Forged for a Hero:
This boon gifts one the ability and expertise to not only make equipment and items of the highest quality, ones fit for people of legends and myths, but also enchant them with special powers, making them even more unique and special, worthy of being called Heroic Artifacts.

Examples are rings that turn you invisible except being able to be deactivated with salt, swords that can manipulate fire but don't grant fire resistance to the wielder, armor that are indestructible except for a point in it, and magic wands that cast random spells, of course the recipient of the boon can make weapons without weaknesses, but they grow less in power and more weaknesses means more power (so if you made a dagger that constantly thirsts for blood or else will kill the wielder gives the wielder the physical capabilities of a high-tier brute), also doesn't help that said recipient of the boon likes to screw with people.
From: Arthurian/Celtic
Patron: Hephaestus
Bio/Personality: I wish to develop this over the RP
Likes: Fucking with People, Teaching People, Eating Junkfood.
Dislikes: People being bad students, people that hate Taylor, people who are assholes.
Species: (para-)Human
Gender: Female
Name: Taylor Hebert
Age: Fifteen
Faceclaim or Description: Five seven isn't tall, i still don't get that.
Bio/Personality: Bitches love Canon.
Likes: See Above
Dislikes: Ditto.
Glorious! I now no longer have to control angst fest! PRAISE BE!
In all seriousness, welcome. If you have time, join the discord!
Species: Dullahan
Age:72. If asked what unit of time, laughs eerily.
Faceclaim or Description:
The Fire Of Creation(Hephaestus)
The Fire of Creation allows metalworking ranging from stuff that would qualify as tinkertech to outright magical stuff. Tools forged in the Fire grant weak Tinker classifications to those who use them while equipment forged in the Fire itself equates to powerful sorcery or takes the form of powerful tinkertech. There may be other effects. The Fire of Creation can be bestowed on any furnace or equivalent equipment temporarily, including welding tools and the like.
Sorcerous Master
The ability to teach humans how to use magic, including but not limited to divination, healing, and lightning effects, along with wield these to some extent.

From: Tuathan
Patron: Hephaestus
Bio/Personality: Gonna develop this over the RP, mostly.
Likes:Karma, 'Entertainment', Respect, Allies, This New Thing Called Pizza
Dislikes:Sinners, Boredom, Deep Dish Or Anchovy/Mushroom Pizza
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Fira Vrees
Pantheon: Greek
Monster: Catoblepas
Patron: Phobos
Specific Boon: Manifest fears. (General fears, it becomes more powerful however if taylor chooses to use fears the person actually has. summon and control a swarm of spiders, make an area of darkness. Can be used on taylor, though can't be taught.)
Name: Fira Vrees
The Rights of Fear: He is able to make fears made manifest. By default he is only able to make use of known phobias, with each one having a specific affect these can be used freely, but when he knows about the specific fears of someone he can tailor his fears to them, these increase the power of the fears and allows him unusual fears if one of his existent fears doesn't cut it at base level.

The Forms of Man: He may transform people, including himself into creatures of this world. Be it a fox, or a rabbit, bug, or a whale. He must be able to see them, and powers to resist afflictions like this stop it from happening. Causes disorientation when entering the new form, the change is permanent until he brings them back, but the person has all knowledge, memories, and recollections they had previously and keep their parahuman abilities even in this new form. This can affect taylor, and himself.

Age: 64891 years
Personality: (Develop in RP)
Likes: Horror shows, Funerals, disgusting food, Halloween
Dislikes: Children shows, weddings, sweets, Christmas
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Black Wind Demon
Species: Bear Demon
Gender: Male
Name: Black Wind Demon
Age: 1317
Faceclaim or Description:

Boons: 36 Material Transformations- The Black Wind Demon may assume the form of any animal, as well as certain natural phenomena such as winds, rocks, clouds, and fog.
Spirit Refining: As a bear who purified his spirit, the Black Wind Demon is strong enough to lift a car, run as fast as a horse, and even fly at roughly thirty miles per hour.
From: Chinese Folklore
Patron: Guanyin
Bio/Personality: The Black Wind Demon was a bear who made the key and critical error of being a demon along the path of Sun Wukong. The fact that he nicked Tang Xuanzhang's cassock also had to do with it. In his defense it was a really pretty cassock and his cave was really damp and when the mold gets in your fur you might as well just light yourself on fire and regrow your fine black pelt. Anyway, Sun Wukong fought with him, the Black Wind Demon ran away, and then as he does, Wukong got Guanyin to bring a couple of pills, which the Monkey King turned. Obviously, the Black Wind Demon ate Sun Wukong, to the ensuing sadness of the Demon, when Wukong began to punch his stomach from the inside.
Defeated, the Demon agreed to serve as a protective diety and turn away from a life of sin before Guanyin.

He still steals religious icons. It's a bit of a hobby for him.

The Black Wind Demon is stolid, upright, and has the temperament and forgiveness of a bear. That is, a pretty calm walking slab of muscle and claws until somebody pokes him one too often. Then it's all over but the cleaning-the-blood-and-guts off the walls. He likes his quiet afternoon teas. And quiet morning teas. And quiet nighttime teas. Generally it's always Tea O'Clock unless it's Repossessing Religious Icons O'Clock.
Likes: Collecting Religious Paraphernalia, Tea, Peace and Quiet
Dislikes: Noisy people, Monkeys, Door to Door Salesemen
Species: Oni
Gender: Female
Name: Chiruka
Age: At least over a 1000 years old, she stopped bothering to keep track after that.
Faceclaim or Description:


Raijin's Fury:
The mighty God of Storms has bestowed upon Chiruka the ability to be able to alter the weather at will, letting her calling forth thunderous storms, gale force winds and devastating lightning.

Mountain Breaker:
Chiruka's strength and endurance is far beyond that of any mortal man, practically making her a near unstoppable juggernaut.

From: Japanese Mythology

Patron: Raijin, God of Thunder, Lightning, and Storms.

Bio/Personality: I wish to develop this over the course of the RP

Likes: Drinking, parties, fighting really strong opponents.

Dislikes: Liars, cheaters and cowards. People who boast and can't back it up, especially when it comes to feats of strength.
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Tiamat: Out of Context Problems (A Worm RP) IC

You were never told how you got out of the Locker. Not one of your doctors, not even your dad told you how you got out. It seemed that they hadn't wanted to frighten you, but as soon as you investigated it online... Well, it made sense why they hadn't told you. "Girl Found in Mauled Locker...