<Shit, shit, shit!> A teenage boy curse himself as he uses his power to turn himself into a human rocket to launch himself high up into the sky, far away from his pursuers.
The fact that he even still alive is a miracle, albeit a backhanded one, considering the fact that out of all the places in the world on Friday and out of all the things they can do first on the same day, his power decided that taking him to Leipzig, Germany to troll the Gesellschaft via turning their HQ into a bonafide circus tent was a wonderful idea.
Unsurprisingly, this is just, though hilarious, a one-way ticket to a life of the most wanted parahuman. That wanted parahuman is the poor teenager on a run – or is it on the flight? Eh, who cares.
"Halt im Namen des Gesetzes!!" shouted one of those Neo-Nazi capes, the gravity-manipulating Erdschüttler, behind him. Erdschüttler, known by few in his civilian identity as Hermann von Kroenen, was one of his organization's most notorious capes, who's infamous for his sadistic tendency to terrorize both his victims and sometimes, even his fellow Aryan supremacists by increasing their gravity tenfold for five seconds before returning them back to normal just because he find it to be the funniest prank trick he ever pull.
The little flying rat's action, on the other hand, cannot be said the same for when he woke up to an urgent call only to find that some nobody decides to take a piss on them by turning their entire headquarter in Leipzig into a giant circus tent. A giant FUCKING circus tent!!! Plus, everything that they had within their HQ are now replaced with circus equipments, as if the FUCKING RAT sees them not as the true successors of their great Fuhrer's legacy, but circus freaks!
That insult alone is not one he would let slide of. Even in the stratosphere, not even the heaven can stop him and his brethren from getting their hands upon their target right in front of him.
Meanwhile, the boy, while leaving behind countless psychic stink bombs to slow his pursuers down, was frantically trying to get Erdschüttler and his troops off his tail as his primary power flips through pages after pages of a metaphorical book of powers – Constellations, he termed them as – within him to achieve that goal. While they are all useful and whatever, the problem about most of those powers recommended by [HIGH PRIEST] is that they're little too much to be used!
[Instant Death Blast]
[Chronic Pain Inducement]
[Traumatic Event Manifestation]
<That's one sure way to have the entire parahuman community besides the Hitler's Youth jumping on me one day, more so than the guy right behind me wants to!>
<Please, High Priest! Give me something tame, for God's sake!>
Flipping through the Book of Constellations, he is finally been given the exact power he needed to finally escaped from his pursuers.
[Selective Imperceptibility]
Equipping it into one of his five power slots, he activates it. Lo and behold, he bear witness amongst the cloud as the Nazi manhunters goes from determining to capture his ass to just downright confusion.
What [Selective Imperceptibility] does is that it allows him to selectively make himself imperceptible to anyone. Any traces of his existence, any memories of him, any recordings and reports about him...they are all wipe off the board.
The scariest part of this power is that, like any other powers within, he can choose its range of influence. So when his pursuers stops remembering him, so does everyone in Germany, and thus, the mystery on who caused the Gesellschaft HQ to be converted into a circus tent continues.
Originally, the boy wants to stay in Europe for a while for sightseeing, but at last, he decides to not linger further and just go straight to Asia.
Perhaps he can pull a Butterfly Effect on Japan for shits and giggles by finding anyone who is willing to make Japan great again (without BIG BAD CONSEQUENCES) and then give them a chance to bring about a new golden age to the economically crippled nation.
Perhaps he can go to Indonesia instead; from what he can gather through the internet via [Technopathy], their foods and cuisines looks delicious, and he himself is a foodie.
Who knows? A trip to Asia is just a long vacation for him. For once he's done doing a tour throughout that continent, he'll eventually set himself towards the one place where everything begin....