[X] Sixiang's troubles directly. Ling Qi was no great philosopher, but she knew that ugliness did not preclude beauty. It was true that things were hard, and Sixiang was not violent by nature but… there was still worth in the waking world. [Ling Qi's arguments focus on Sixiang's problems with recent events and how to reconcile them with their nature. More likely to lead to a long term solution. Lower chance of Positive outcome.]
[X] Their personal bond. They did not know each other as well as Ling Qi might like, but… Sixiang was her friend and her muse, they had shouted at the Bloody Moon for her, and helped her through so much. [Ling Qi's arguments focus on their personal relationship and growing friendship. More effective rhetoric, but downplays Sixiang's problems and may only be a stopgap. Higher chance of Positive Outcome]