This Mighty Scourge of War: A Reconstruction-Era Quest

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It's actually tracking both relations with the Native Americans and the situation with the Chinese on the West Coast and the railroad lines, which is increasingly tense.

Oh interesting. If I'm remembering right we actually have more immigration than OTL due to policies specifically encouraging immigrants to come to the states. I can imagine that could get pretty tense, especially since I don't think the economic crisis is over yet?

[X] Keep the National Union Party together.

In all seriousness, broad tent though it might be, keeping the National Union means that the party leadership can at least establish some core orthodoxy - and that way shove the opposition way out of the Overton window, i. e., making it state rather than government policy. You can't chart a new course for the state without political hegemony.
I hope that works out, but I fear institutional inertia will break it down back into just two major parties down the line

It might be a chance for more "regional" parties to form out, if local power brokers play their cards right. Not necessarily likely, but its a possibility I suppose.
Wait did I hear that right @Kirook the British isles are now in revolution like actual revolution

I'ts bad me friend, these unseemly chaps are out h're burnin 'own the 'ouse o Lords and the ain't even got a loisence! No riotin liosence, in this day an age? it's a roight shame, it is!

I am deeply sorry to any English viewers of this post.
[X] Keep the National Union Party together.

We need a vanguard party to lead the nation until people are politically conscious enough for democracy to function.
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