This Day, and Never Again (Fate/Zero AU) (Interest Check)

Yay! Berserker made it in! Or at least was accepted and is the only Berserker application at the moment.

Now I can pulp my enemies in the name of glorious violence!
Are servant applications still open?

At least I'd be able to recycle my application from Wade's RP for this one.
An Aspect is something about a character that tells something about their personality,

Take Shirou, an Aspect of his would be "Save Everyone" or something along those lines, another player, the GM, or even you can suggest Compels, if the GM hits you with a Compel related to your Aspect, you have to take that action even (especially) if it's detrimental or else pay a Fate Point to resist it, or you accept the Compel and gain a Fate Point.
I really shouldn't...I'm in This Illusion and GMing Another Night.....

Screw it! They say we're doomed! That we're just a broken wreck of a man, that we can't save Sakura, or Aoi, or even ourselves! That we should just lay down and die!

And what do we say to them?

Not today. Not. Today.

(Which is an overly long way of saying I'm sending in a Kariya sheet.)
I really shouldn't...I'm in This Illusion and GMing Another Night.....

Screw it! They say we're doomed! That we're just a broken wreck of a man, that we can't save Sakura, or Aoi, or even ourselves! That we should just lay down and die!

And what do we say to them?

Not today. Not. Today.

(Which is an overly long way of saying I'm sending in a Kariya sheet.)
One of the best RPers on this site RPing one of my favorite characters of all time?

I really shouldn't...I'm in This Illusion and GMing Another Night.....

Screw it! They say we're doomed! That we're just a broken wreck of a man, that we can't save Sakura, or Aoi, or even ourselves! That we should just lay down and die!

And what do we say to them?

Not today. Not. Today.

(Which is an overly long way of saying I'm sending in a Kariya sheet.)
Hm... considering I'm Berserker unless someone else submits a better one, if we end up together our interactions would be.. interesting.
I really shouldn't...I'm in This Illusion and GMing Another Night.....

Screw it! They say we're doomed! That we're just a broken wreck of a man, that we can't save Sakura, or Aoi, or even ourselves! That we should just lay down and die!

And what do we say to them?

Not today. Not. Today.

(Which is an overly long way of saying I'm sending in a Kariya sheet.)

Great, now I'm tempted to send in a Servant sheet for this.
One other question:
Applications are currently open. Servants can be anyone from history, anyone from mythology, anyone from classic literature that is set on Earth, or any Canon Servant (That isn't in the same Class as Canon). Master's can be any Canon Nasuverse character that I approve of.
What's the cutoff date for this one?
This is not an application, just a curious.

Do video games and comic books count as a "Mythology?"

Logan Howlett as Berserker, John 117 as Archer, for example?
This is not an application, just a curious.

Do video games and comic books count as a "Mythology?"

Logan Howlett as Berserker, John 117 as Archer, for example?
You'd want my RP for those, if it hadn't already started.
(Well, I suppose you could base a Servant off of 300 or something and handwave it as Historical Inaccuracy, but yeah. Actual myth/legend/history only.)
Rats :D

Probably for the best. It would open up several dozen cans of worms, even if you keep it restricted to "especially noteworthy video games and comics."(Mario OK, Toe Jam & Earl not so much.)

I was thinking Samus Aran as an Archer, specifically. The Varia suit would probably be her Noble Phantasm.
You'd want my RP for those, if it hadn't already started.
Yeah, I'm kind of sort of poking my nose in there occasionally.

I'm trying to limit my archive binges right now.
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Rats :D

Probably for the best. It would open up several dozen cans of worms, even if you keep it restricted to "especially noteworthy video games and comics."(Mario OK, Toe Jam & Earl not so much.)

I was thinking Samus Aran as an Archer, specifically. The Varia suit would probably be her Noble Phantasm.

Doesn't work because she doesn't exist.

Nasu history is weird. People like King Arthur with the wave motion kaiju vaporizing holy sword actually existed. Or in certain cases, exist retroactively.

If you tried to summon Samus, you'd most likely fail. If you 'succeeded', you'd get a cobbled together fake from a bunch of wraiths who didn't make the cut for Heroic Spirit status who can kinda imitate her supposed abilities.

Unlikely Satsuki Kojirou however, none of these wraiths are likely to be reality breaking badasses who can defy metaphysics with their swordplay, and thus your 'Samus' receives a hilariously one-sided curbstomp from almost every other Servant.