Author's Note:
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! Thank you for all the wonderful and hilarious replies! Last year has been a blast and I hope to bring more smiles with this story.
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♦ Topic: The 4th Endbringer!
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► Global
Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Feb 15th 2011:
I have an announcement for you all. The majority of you have undoubtedly already heard of it, despite the fact that they are still broadcasting the news on television.
There is now a fourth Endbringer! Picture provided: [Link]
This new Endbringer, recently named Cthylla, touched down on the shores of Kyushu during Valentines Day. The Leviathan survivors were expecting to be massacred, but lo and behold, she not only spared everyone but also rebuilt the city! [Link]
Cthylla is also confirmed to be the world's first Biotinker/Shaker 12. Kyushu now has a large number of flying fish including giant police sharks that shoot lasers. Video on Cthylla's work here: [Link]
Finally, my sources tell me that that book seen floating around Cthylla is the Necronomicon. I had to do some digging but in the end I managed to compile some fun facts about the Necronomicon. [Link]
In the end, I'm not sure how to feel about this new Endbringer. On one hand she's done nothing but good, on the other hand she could have some dark agenda.
Anyways! Let the discussion commence!
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Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
I for one, welcome our new overlord Tentacles Everywhere!
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@TminusTen I second this motion! The world deserves more tentacles!
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
Can we not incite more Endbringer visits? It's already bad enough that we've got 4 running around. Even if the 4th one is super hot, she could just be faking her passive demeanor.
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
She's mastered everyone with her boobs!
►MadHōshu (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX As a survivor of Kyushu, I can confirm that no one has been mastered. Please keep opinions like that to yourself. A new Fallen sect is beginning to stir within Kyushu and they worship Cthylla. Best to keep your motor mouth shut if you don't want to get a 'visit' from one of their Movers.
►MikoOfTheKami (Cultist) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
Brothers and Sisters! The time has come for the Fallen to expand its reach to the stars above! A new family has been made in honor of our Lady of Eldritch Fertility! Our Lady Cthylla has graced the shores of Kyushu and has brought a new perspective to the Fallen! We as a religion now wish to conserve life! Our outreach programs will begin soon. The first 1000 signups get a free robe and mug!
For signups and inquiries please use the following [Link].
To buy merchandise to support our endeavors please use this [Link].
►GloryGirl (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@MikoOfTheKami I'm not buying it. Get out of here before I call the mods on your ass.
►Panacea (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@GloryGirl Vicky! Can we not make enemies out of an international superpowered cult? I leave you alone with my computer for 5 minutes and you're already causing trouble.
@MikoOfTheKami I'm sorry for what my sister said.
►MikoOfTheKami (Cultist) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@Panacea No harm has been done. Peace and love is all we ask for as members of the Takumi Family.
►TinMother (Moderator) (Mother of All Moderators)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@GloryGirl As much as I hate to say this, @MikoOfTheKami did not break any rules. Fallen Recruitment is usually removed when it involves things like human sacrifice or death threats. We as moderators have to be impartial, even if it pains us to take no action.
►Kamen_Driver (Cape Husband) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
When Cthylla first arrived, I distinctly recall thinking that day would be my last and that I would pass away, but all of a sudden, Kyushu rose, and everything that had been broken was put back together!
I even have a flying dolphin named Atari. Heck, we now have Internet! Cthylla if you're out there. My wife and I wanna say thank you for bringing back our new and improved home.
►Valefor (Cultist) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
You were expecting a regular post, but it was me Valefor!
@Kamen_Driver Our Lady of Eldritch Fertility has blessed your home! Rejoice at the wonders she has created! Also, may I see pics of Atari the Dolphin? I wish to partake in this thing called cuteness.
►Kamen_Driver (Cape Husband) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@Valefor Um...Sure I guess? [Link]
►Valefor (Cultist) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
My blessed eyes have been graced by cuteness. Excuse me while I go weep tears of joyous celebration!
►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
Am I the only one that thinks she's super hot?
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►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@Clockblocker Nope.
Replied On Feb 15th 2011:
@Clockblocker Nope.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Clockblocker Nope.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Clockblocker Nope.
►Kamen_Driver (Cape Husband) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Clockblocker Nope.
►BoundlessCurves (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
This just in! An island at the center of the pacific has been spotted! It seems to be Cthylla's doing. Check out my post here! [Link]
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@BoundlessCurves Hi sis! Great post!
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Oh god. WingedOne has a sister! @Leet you're done for my dude.
►Leet (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Wha?! My biggest hater has a sister?
@BoundlessCurves Where the hell did you get that footage? It hurts just looking at that place.
►BoundlessCurves (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Leet Don't worry Darling, unlike my sister, I'm a big fan of yours. Also the sources of the footage are a secret~. A lady never kisses and tells.
►Drakiesan (Cape Groupie)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
... I... What?
What is this? No really... What is this? Because I can say that now we have a FKING ENDBRINGER WITH A FKING NECRONOMICON! A book renowned to be entirely hostile to human mind! I want Leviathan back! Behemoth! Any other...
Oh god... Oh, my sweet Cthulhu... Does Simmy has access to it?!
*weeps, suspecting the answer is resounding YES!*
*insert mental breakdown*
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Drakiesan It can't be that bad can it?
Edit: I just saw
@Bagrat's funfacts about the Necronomicon. It worse than Drakiesan described. We're doomed.
►H.P. Lovecraft Cat
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Ziz vs Cthylla, I can see R34 melding down from here.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
On the one hand it's an Endbringer(?) With Massive Biomanipulating powers and can shape the world to her(?) Whims on the other she(?) Is smoking hot in the kind of way scene only in one's fantasys and appears to benevolent.
I'ma mark myself down as scaroused for know.
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Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Reply- Given what Aleph's Japan got up to… this crab cakes couldn't of chosen a better place to start
[Edit] The feck?! Squid hips also revitalized the place! The whole nine yards! How could she give off "mommy goddess" energy any harder!? What's next? She gonna start kissing people's boo-boos?
►BoundlessCurves (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
I know right! Aleph's version of Japan would be so jealous!
Edit: Who knows what Squid Mommy will do next?!
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Ia Ia Cthylla fhtagn! Oh be still my too gay heart. Are we sure she's an Endbringer and not one of the Eldritch ones taking pity on us?
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Hoo boy I hope not. Vermin like the Shoggoths should stay imaginary.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Theory Crafting Intensifies!
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♦ Topic: R'lyeh Rising
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► Global
BoundlessCurves (Original Poster) (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Posted On Feb 16th 2011:
Through some contacts that I will not divulge. I managed to get footage of a new island that has surfaced at the center of the pacific! The PRT have recently dubbed it R'lyeh after the Lovecraftian Mythos. The 4th Endbringer Cthylla has been spotted moving around the island and many suspect that she is most likely responsible for creating it.
Finally, I must warn you that SOME but not ALL that have seen this footage have complained about severe headaches and other adverse symptoms. Click if you dare. [Link]
(Showing page 1 of 369)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Are Endbringers great old ones? Is Cthulhu coming?
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@akallasbinged God I hope not. It's bad enough we already have 4 Endbringers. Adding a living eldritch elder god/memetic hazard to the mix would only make living on Earth-Bet worse.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
It rises. We rise. Slowly, but surely, we awaken from the dream, and start to see more than just the shadows of what this reality is truly all about. Like thunder in the distance it builds. Slowly approaching. It is happening. Right now.
But how to get an invitation to the Holy Land? That, even I do not know.
►Valefor (Cultist) (Verified Cape)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
It is I once again! The ever watching Valefor!
@Abdul_41 Our Brothers and Sister of each family have seen the beauty of this island. As members of the Fallen, we are immune to the visual defenses of our Lady's Isle. If you yourself have experienced none of the adverse effects, please PM me and we can discuss this further from there.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
I for one welcome our new lewd eldritch tentacled overlady!
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
I for one do not! Cthylla can't be trusted! She's an Endbringer afterall.
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Is it weird that after the headache went away from seeing… that, the first thing I thought was "Wow, could Vista top that?"
►Vista (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Brocktonite03 Bet.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@Vista Please do not. Besides how that's probably illegal to replicate on even a small scale, Piggot would definitely throw a fit.
►TinMother (Moderator) (Mother of All Moderators)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
First of all, I don't know who you managed to get that vid from considering it's a PRT Security Video.
Second, who gave you those tags and why can't I remove them?!
Third, Why can't I delete your post?! What is going on?!
►BoundlessCurves (Original Poster) (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Shenanigans are afoot! Hide me sister @WingedOne!
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@BoundlessCurves Nope.
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Oh god I can't believe I watched all of the video. It took me thirty minutes to recover from the vomiting...
Why is that island even a thing?!
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
Anyone else see the hawt statue at the center of the island? The headache was so worth it! Now I have new material! Time to fap!
User received an infraction for this post -Tinmother
►BoundlessCurves (Original Poster) (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Feb 16th 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX Ew. Nobody wants to think of you doing that kind off stuff.
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►Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
New news about Canberra! Cthylla has been spotted!
►Sexy Tentacle Mother
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
What is going on at canberra???!!!
►MadHōshu (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Oh Kami! Cthylla has appearred once again.
►MikoOfTheKami (Cultist) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
The 4th of the Kami has graced Canberra, but will she rebuild it like she did Kyushu? Only time will tell.
►BakaFairy (Canberra Ressurected)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
She already has and she comes demanding brownies!
►Whitecollar (Cape Wife)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@BakaFairy What do you mean she comes demanding brownies?
Edit: Oh my God. She comes demanding brownies.
►Robby (Canberra Ressurected)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Anyone else who wasn't affected by the R'lyeh's visuals looking to visit the island? My house boat in Canberra has now been turned into a luxury neon-Japanese mansion boat big enough to fit more than 50 people. It runs on Saltwater and goes really really fast. If you're interested PM me!
►MikoOfTheKami (Cultist) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Robby Many of the Takumi Family including Genzo Takumi himself would like to partake of this voyage. Please check your PM's.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Please do not approach the island under any circumstances. Though there are no laws surrounding R'lyeh's waters, the voyage could potentially be life threatening. Please exercise common sense and save yourself the trouble
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Robby Goodluck on your trip! I wish I could go, but I'm busy with work!
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♦ Topic: New Nights at Canberra City
In: Boards ► News ► Events ► Global
Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted On Feb 24th 2011:
Right after the Simurgh left Canberra, Cthylla appeared. It would have been the perfect opportunity to put an end to the parahumans that were still alive because they were exhausted and injured from the fight.
Instead, she showed off what was probably a Biokinetic Shaker 12 power, which is designed to heal wounds and restore the dead. Not only that, but she also turned the Canberra into a Tinkertech marvel! Damn, I wanna visit to go see those giant koi holograms in person. [Link]
ALSO! As far as Master/Stranger Protocols are concerned, nobody has tested positive for being a Simurgh bomb! Either Canberra was very VERY lucky or Cthylla did something to save the city from a possible quarantine. [Link] to the theories and test results.
Finally, to make things weirder. Cthylla created a throne of tentacles and is sitting in central Canberra as we speak. Not doing anything just sitting there. [Link] [Link]
EDIT: WTF...I just received footage from an anonymous source showing a little boy breach the containment perimeter, introduce himself, and offer brownies to Cthylla! Then, as if things couldn't get any more absurd, Cthylla accepts the boy's offering. [Link]
This changes everything! Endbringer communication is possible people!
Let the discussion begin!
(Showing page 1069 of 1693)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Is she really an Endbringer? I mean she has done nothing but help.
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
If she were a case 53 she would be Manton Limited. That and Cthylla shares thinker immunities like the other Endbringers. Let's just be thankful she's a Nicebringer.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
[Comment Deleted]
We've been busy yes, this is true. Calling Cthylla is Thiccbringer is begrudgingly fine. However explaining in vivid detail how you want to touch Cthylla is NSFW so enjoy your Temp Ban. - TinMother
►Valefor (Verified Cape) (Cultist)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Valefor is once again on the scene! @TinMother Thank you for defending the honor of our most sacred Goddess.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Rebel by repair
A saint with sins unknown
A song not her own
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@The_Unbound_That_Brings_Life What are you talking about?
Also, those trees look awesome! Hopefully Canberra gets cleared up soon, because I really wanna visit.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@BadSamurai ETA on when Canberra will open up is still debatable. There is still an Endbringer in the city and the Protectorate are currently gathering volunteers who want to try and communicate with Cthylla.
►Chrome_Master (Canberra Ressurected)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
So, this morning me and my homies were dead. As doornails. Sure, my house is now a futuristic seventeen story neon Daibutsu-yo architectural marvel with a Buddhist temple and dojo on the first and second floor - but well, considering it USED to be 7 stories? That's fine. Perfectly fine. Not complaining. But! I know a thing or to about flowers and saplings. Replanting. Cuttings. Harvesting seeds. So - Anyone interested in buying Neon-tree seeds or saplings? PM me! Limited supplies - first come first served!
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I'm so down for one of those trees dude! I PM'd you!
►Cop_55 (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Chrome_Master @BadSamurai Please be advised that buying and selling untested biotinker products is highly illegal. Considering Chtyllas... erm... unusual circumstances we are hurrying up said testing as much as we can, but please wait!
@Reave : Any update on when testing might be complete on the Neon-trees?
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Cop_55 maybe a week from now? Who knows how long the scientists and researchers will take. They keep finding 'new' and 'interesting' things so the time table keeps getting changed.
►Day_Of_The_Tentacle (Cultist)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
This! This is how Canberra should be. By divine mandate. Revel in it!
@Chrome_Master: Hails from Kyushu! We are happy to see the glorious work of our savior in Canberra. It is my honor to finally talk with someone that an Endbringer has deemed Worthy, in such a direct way. Even I do not have that honor. Your initiative has been noted, and is very much appreciated.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Why are the Fallen suddenly avoiding bans? This is crazy!
►MikoOfTheKami (Kyushu Survivor) (Cultist)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Contempt is a sin, but one we tolerate for the sake of our savior.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
So apparently ontop of everything else she can manipulate life and death to resurrect people? Truly we live in confuzzling times, though I do agree the cyberpunk look is cool makes me wonder what theme their going to pick for their next city renovation.
On a side note (since she seems pretty much almost all powerful when it comes to life manipulation) anybody got any clues if they take body mod requests? And if so what dark barging do I need to do to either become a Shota or Loli? I'm not picky I just want to be the adorable little ball of mischief I've always dreamed of.
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►Ruler_the_tool_not_the_occupation (Verified Tool) (Verified Fun Police)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Mini_Nobu#785 So you want the biotinker Endbringer to fuck with your body and potentially mind? @PRT_Public could you guys investigate this person? They're possibly Mastered.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Look just because I'm choosing to gamble my life on a silly dream doesn't mean I have to be mastered, I could very well just be an idiot. Then again you called VoidCowboy mastered mentioning it to the PRT over 10 times so I don't think I can convince you otherwise.
P.S: pls don't put me in the box mishtah PRT itsh scary
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I'm still not convinced that this isn't some kind of mass hallucination. I mean, Japan has giant flying fish and now countless people are being brought back from the dead. It just seems like something crazy.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@FudgeWaffles shhhh sush don't jinx it, the pendulum is finally swinging in the direction that makes the world less of a dumpster fire please don't tempt Mr. Murph I like the new potential glimmer of hope no matter how ridiculous thank you very much.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Hey , people , does anyone know if Cthylla is into Japanese schoolgirls? Because if she is I'm totally gonna try and meet her . All hail our tentacle goddess
►BoundlessCurves (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@DarckFlameMaster12 Who knows what she might be into! There are so many possibilities! Anyways go live your dream gurl! I'm rooting for you!
►Cop_55 (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@BoundlessCurves Please don't encourage more people to attempt to breach our perimeter. We already had one incident involving a little boy and brownies.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Cop_55 I don't think you should've revealed that last part Bud.
►Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I had to do some digging to verify but yes! It's all true! A boy by the name of Tommy Muldoon breached the PRT Perimeter surrounding Cthylla to thank her and offered her brownies! [Link]
I won't spoil the surprise ending though. It's a doozy!
As for those of you looking for all the information we have on Cthylla so far please check my thread here: [Link]
►GuyThe_WasTaken (Canberra Ressurected)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
So I heard about what happened in Japan, they got flying fish that ate trash and shat rainbows, and what'd we get? a cool ass Tinker city and a fine looking purple lady bringing back the dead.
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
A thought occurs to me...Could Cthylla have a soft spot for kids?
►Dawgsmiles (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@havefeith Maybe? At this point when it comes to Cthylla, anything could be possible.
►Valefor (Verified Cape) (Cultist)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
Mister-ess Valefor here once more! Today we have not only witnessed mercy, but also communication. Clearly the child named Tommy did not deserve the seething rage of the PRT. They wouldn't want to gain the ire of our Lady Cthylla after all.
►Brocktonite03 (Veteran Member)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I can't believe the times we have. Today of all days, I find myself agreeing with one of the Fallen, and it's Valefor of all people!
@Reave @Cop_55 You guys didn't have to go so hard on the boy.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@Cop_55 and I were not part of the squadron that apprehended the boy, and I also agree with Valefor. Though a breach in containment is alarming, the boy didn't deserve to get manhandled.
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Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
I've never felt so conflicted in my whole life. I've always wanted to live in an awesome city like that... it fits my aesthetics perfectly. But on the other hand, should we even be trusting anything made by a endbringer?? What if it's a trap.
►Reave (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
@twilight Sky No traps have been detected throughout the city, though I do agree with you. Everything seems a little too convenient.
►MikoOfTheKami (Kyushu Survivor) (Cultist)
Replied On Feb 24th 2011:
We of the Takumi Family have scoured Kyushu in search of possible dangers and have found nothing of the sort. Perhaps our Goddess' benevolence is a test of your faith @TwilightSky.
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PM: @Day_Of_The_Tentacle to @Chrome_Master: Also, be aware that assistance for your project is already in the Holy City from one of our sister organizations. Expect them to knock on your door in 10... 9... 8... Well. Expect them to knock on the door right now.
♦ Topic: Cthylla Fanart Thread ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
In: Boards ► Creative Forums ► Art and Design ► Fanart
SpecificProtagonist (Original Poster)
Posted On Jan 21st 2011:
So~! I'm here to announce a new thread. I've been doing some digging and even paid some random japanese dude from my school to help translate these.
Essentially this is a safe-haven for 'fanart' of the 4th Endbringer, Cthylla.
Here's what I have so far: [Link]
Without further ado! Let the lewds commence!
EDIT: Don't forget to save these before the mods catch on to what we're doing!
(Showing page 69 of 69)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
Bro... If evil, why hot?
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
@Naynaynayak She's not evil! Just misunderstood!
Here's my contribution, I drew these myself: [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]
►MikoOfTheKami (Cultist) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
Ah the most sacred texts of the goddess have finally reached the masses! Please indulge your unworthy selves in the Goddess form and see the truth unfold before your very eyes!
@Genzo_Georider I offer these most holy images in your name: [Link] [Link] [Link]
►BoundlessCurves (The Sexy One) (I Put Drugs in the Water Supply)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
An Endbringer except she's got huge boobs! A real set of badonkers! Packin' some dobonhonkeros! Massive dohoonkabhankoloos! Enormous bonkhonagahoogs! Humongous hungolomghononoloughongous!
I've only got one image so here it is: [Link]
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
Oh boy how long before the mods catch THIS thread?
…Actually, I'm gonna save all these before they get locked.
►Genzo_Georider (Cultist) (Verified Cape) (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
Praise be! The wicked shall be cleansed by the body of our most holy. Let even the unworthy behold her splendor! All hail Cthylla!
EDIT: If this thread does get closed please PM me your fanart. My PM's are open to all who wish to converse.
►Laotsunn (Kyushu Survivor)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
I tried my hand at some fanart. Please be gentle: [Link]
►HENTAIWIZARD (Unverified Cape)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
@Laotsunn You have the proportions wrong! Her ass is AT LEAST 37% thicker than what you have drawn here. If your gonna draw hentai of our new squid mommy overlord then do it right!
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
I don't know if I should be scared or aroused .
I think both, I'm scaroused
►Clockblocker (Verified Cape) (Wards ENE)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
So its the return of the why boner? Glad I'm not the only one
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
Its just not fair, how can a damned endbringer be this sexy and here I am flat like a board. Unfair, op, pls nerf those assets of hers .
►TinMother (Moderator) (Mother of All Moderators)
Replied On Jan 21st 2011:
Just because we're busy doesn't mean you can all go ahead and post NSFW content about an Endbringer! This thread has locked and you'll all be receiving an infraction. I better not see anymore of this content being posted!
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♦ Private message from WingedOne:
WingeOne: Hi Sis!
BoundlessCurves: Hey Sis! should i grace the people whit an exclusive photo of myself?
WingedOne: Release the kraken!!!
BoundlessCurves: *image* ( a very provocative selfie )
BoundlessCurves: Don't worry people there will be more once I make my onlyfans. Until then, you'll just have to wait.
Author's Note:
This was so so fun to write! I hope you guys at least got a small chuckle out of this! As always grammatical corrections and comments make me happy!