[X] Plan inFamous: Sins of Future Past -[X] Quentin Tarantino is definitely your first option, he directed the original after all. -[X] You could set the show directly after Kessler's defeat, with Cole placed in the direct aftermath of Kessler's defeat... the first episode would mostly consist of Cole answering the NSA's questions, and being interviewed by April O'Neil. After that though... life goes on as normal, for at least a while. Until a new group emerges. A group calling themselves The Reapers, and their leader... a woman who was seemingly in love with Kessler, Sasha. -[X] In your opinion, 10 episodes would work well for the show. -[X] You got a script from a promising writer... maybe you could go with it? It features the lost city of Truso, Silver Sable, Wade Wilson, Camelot, along with The Scarlet Witch, Dr. Doom, and various other things. It was weird... but you felt that it could work. (Orion Ultor's Uncharted Pitch)
[X] You could set the show directly after Kessler's defeat, with Cole placed in the direct aftermath of Kessler's defeat... the first episode would mostly consist of Cole answering the NSA's questions, and being interviewed by April O'Neil. After that though... life goes on as normal, for at least a while. Until a new group emerges. A group calling themselves The Reapers, and their leader... a woman who was seemingly in love with Kessler, Sasha.
[X] You got a script from a promising writer... maybe you could go with it? It features the lost city of Truso, Silver Sable, Wade Wilson, Camelot, along with The Scarlet Witch, Dr. Doom, and various other things. It was weird... but you felt that it could work. (Orion Ultor's Uncharted Pitch)