[X] Plan Sustainable Commitment
-[X] Destroy Hutt Affiliated Physical Infrastructure, such as warehouses, freighters, etc. (Requires investment of Combat)
-[X] Heavy (You will hit very hardened targets, such as mercenary barracks (AT LEAST 45 Combat))
-[X] 16 Jedi Guardians (80 Combat)
-[X] Strike Hutt Illicit Operations and Operators (Requires investment of Skill)
-[X] Heavy (Moguls, Kajidii, Overbosses (AT LEAST 45 Skill))
-[X] Mira, 1 Watchman, 15 Jedi Sentinels, 17 Padawans) (71 Skill)
-[X] Try and funnel support to the Rebels (Requires Investment of Diplomacy)
-[X] Medium (The Mid-Rim, far, though not far enough, from the Hutts, though considerably wealthier than the nearby (AT LEAST 30 Diplomacy))
-[X] Grandmaster Bao-Dur, 7 Consulars, 8 Padawans (48 Diplomacy)
[X] Plan: A Wider Net
-[X] Destroy Hutt Affiliated Physical Infrastructure, such as warehouses, freighters, etc. - Medium (You will hit somewhat hardened targets, like freighters) - 3 Sentinels, 6 Guardians (36 Combat)
-[X] Try and funnel support to the Rebels - Medium (The Mid-Rim, far, though not far enough, from the Hutts, though considerably wealthier than the nearby) - 1 Sentinel, 4 Guardians, 2 Consulars, 3 Padawans (35 Diplomacy)
-[X] Physically Aid Rebel Forces - Medium (You will position Jedi in Rebel Bases) - Brianna, 2 Sentinels, 5 Guardians (36 Combat)
-[X] Offer Technical Support to Rebel Ships - Medium (You will help refit the Rebel Fleet with heavier weaponry) - Visas Marr, 9 Sentinels, 2 Padawans (35 Skill)
-[X] Facilitate Hutt Defections - Heavy (You will attempt to convince higher ranking Hutts, such as Vogga who has business interests in selling his fuel, to defect to the Rebels) - Bao-Dur, Atton Rand, 4 Sentinels, 5 Guardians, 1 Consular, 2 Padawans (51 Diplomacy)
-[X] Develop Force Abilities within Syncretic Cults - Heavy (You will establish a Praxeum proper on a Rebel held world) - Mical, 2 Sentinels, 7 Consulars, 2 Padawans (51 Wisdom)
[X] Plan: Glorious Jewel In Action
-[X] Destroy Hutt Affiliated Physical Infrastructure, such as warehouses, freighters, etc. (Requires investment of Combat)
-[X] Physically Aid Rebel Forces (Requires investment of Combat)
-[X] Offer Technical Support to Rebel Ships (Requires investment of Skill)
-[X] Develop Force Abilities within Syncretic Cults (Requires Investment of Wisdom))
[X] Plan Eyes Forward
-[X] Destroy Hutt Affiliated Physical Infrastructure, such as warehouses, freighters, etc. (Requires investment of Combat)
-[X] Heavy (You will hit very hardened targets, such as mercenary barracks (AT LEAST 45 Combat))
-[X] 16 Jedi Guardians (80 Combat)
-[X] Offer Technical Support to Rebel Ships (Requires investment of Skill)
-[X] Heavy (You will help redesign the Rebel Fleet from its Hutt Origin (AT LEAST 45 Skill))
-[X] Mira, 1 Watchman, 15 Jedi Sentinels, 17 Padawans) (71 Skill)
-[X] Try and funnel support to the Rebels (Requires Investment of Diplomacy)
-[X] Medium (The Mid-Rim, far, though not far enough, from the Hutts, though considerably wealthier than the nearby (AT LEAST 30 Diplomacy))
-[X] Grandmaster Bao-Dur, 7 Consulars, 8 Padawans (48 Diplomacy)