[X] Join the Syncretic Cults in their war, deploying Jedi to aid them and to remind the Hutts that you survived. (Go to war against the Hutt Cartel, aid Syncretic Cults and Hutt Rebellion, likely will gain Detachment)
[X] Plan: Glorious Jewel
-[X] Write In: "The Republic may do as it pleases. But if it wishes to recover, to truly recover, then it should not allow the fester to prevent its healing. As long as the Kadijic menace persists, as long as the cartels encroach, there will be no respite, no end to the missing children, the plundered worlds, the climate of fear and corruption. We are all of us under attack, and allowing the cartels to delude us otherwise does not stop them from eating us. We will never be free and peaceful and prosperous so long as the rot of their invasion goes unchallenged. We can lie down and slowly bleed out, or we can actually fix the problem before it poisons us. Make your choice. The Jedi shall make its own. You did not surrender to Exar Kun, nor Mandalore the Ultimate, nor Darth Revan, nor Darth Malak, nor the Triumvirate. It is your families, your friends, your homes, your wellbeings, all under threat, the cartels are simply quieter about it. Do not surrender now. Or it shall all be for naught. Remind your senators that the Kajidics already declared war, and remain at war so long as their occupation of free Republic worlds do nothing to resist."
-[X] Join the Syncretic Cults in their war, deploying Jedi to aid them and to remind the Hutts that you survived. (Go to war against the Hutt Cartel, aid Syncretic Cults and Hutt Rebellion, likely will gain Detachment)
[X] Write in: "It's a difficult question, Chancelor. I don't like the idea of standing by while injustice is done, and at the same time I can understand being weary of war. I wonder, if war is not possible, perhaps there are other ways we can hit them where it hurts. More than just looking the other way. What can the Republic do to cripple the Cartels economically? The flow of credits is the key to their power, without riches they'll fall. If we could cut them off from trade, deprive them of new slaves and needed resources for long enough, the Hutts might weaken to the point where they war with one another over what remains. Eventually they could grow so weak that the oppressed and enslaved peoples might free themselves, or we could knock the whole rotten edifice down with a fraction of the effort, expense, and death a war would take today. It would mean defending the outer rim worlds from raids and cracking down on Hutt criminal activity in Republic space, but those are things we should be doing anyway. As part of a strategy to hurt the Hutts and avoid war at the same time, perhaps you could sell it to those who want to stop the atrocities of the Hutts and those who don't want another war."
[X] Write in Two, A Different Kind of War: The Jedi Order does not have the numbers to war against the Hutts, and does not wish to betray the Republic. But it can protect Republic space, and in so doing weaken the Cartels. Wherever agents of the Hutts try to spread crime and corruption in the Republic, Jedi shall be there to protect the innocent and capture the guilty. Smugglers, thugs, and drug dealers shall be pursued by Jedi investigators. Slavers shall find the Order's blades between them and their victims. We shall not stop until every Hutt interest in Republic space is in rout.
[X] You are sworn to the Republic. You will not betray them in such a way. (Do not join the Syncretic Cults, do not declare war against the Hutt Cartel)