[X] Plan: Light Help
-[X] Send a Jedi with a Republic archeological expedition(15 PP)
-[X] Claim Tojora (90 PP)
-[X] Send a Liason to Ithorian Technical Institute (20 PP, 4 Knowledge a Turn)
[X] Plan Go Big or Go Home
-[X] Recolonize Jedha (100 PP)
-[X] Establish an Inner Rim Patrol Route (What would normally be one of the more quiet areas of the galaxy is, in actuality, positively swimming in pro-Sith sentiment, organized crime, and worse.) (+15 PP)
-[X] As the Republic's borders have expanded, it has found itself contacting new worlds, new life and new civilizations. To help keep the Republic free from more war, they have requested help training their ambassadors. While your consulars are decidedly more mystic than diplomat, they are still somewhat helpful in the matter. But if they do this, they cannot patrol. A balancing act, then? (+20 PP, at least 3 Consulars must be deployed training Republic Ambassadors through the year.)
-[X] Recruitment Drive-- Recruit 2d5 Initiates (30 PP)
-[X] Send a Liason to Ithorian Technical Institute (20 PP, 4 Knowledge a Turn)
-[X] Establish a Patrol Route in the Deep Core (Located near the Yuuzhan Vong Republic, this is the area where the borders touch. Keeping it safe and contained is a necessity.) (+10 PP)