The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

Shame my option got a dozen less votes, or even that the plan that won had the Ace option. Understandable that the QM might not want to write everything or get bogged down in that, but cutting out the option entirely isn't that fun when we get to the part. Granted us actually trying to get close to this chick after we marry her for whatever political gains there are.
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)

I somehow suspect this will lead to some dark times in Corsica though..
[X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
There's also the fact that Napoleon is aromantic(I think?) in this quest
The vote in the first post meant that this version of Napoleon is effectively asexual/aromantic, yeah.

As for Josephine, she might pop up if Napoleon visits Paris' social scene, but anything beyond that is up to you guys. She's (going to be) a lover of Barras, and has contacts with the nobility, but beyond that any influence she has is limited.
Can we not talk about that disappointment of a movie i went to the theater to watch it expecting a movie about his glory, his majesty, his tactical brilliance,his arogance against foreign powers not his oversimping of Josephine. The movie should have been called "Josephine in the eyes of Napoleon" or something
The irritating thing about the film is that it wants to be three films in one. It's supposed to be a straight up biographic, but it's too incoherent to work as one. It's supposed to be a love story between Napoleon and Josephine, but neither one is written with enough depth to be interesting. And from the casualty figures at the end, it's meant to be an anti-war film, except there are no common soldier or civilian characters in the movie, so the "cost of war" message doesn't work.

If they picked one of those premises to make a film out of, it could have been good.

Favorite part, rather parts, of the movie is when he gets defeated. Like this man was the master of Europa, he doesn't lose, he can't right? When he does in the beginning he just stops and visibly thinks and goes through everything he's done and thinks "What could I have done". He's done, defeated, and gives his great speech to the old guard before he leaves.

Fast forward to his defeat at waterloo (spoilers!) he just goes full downfall mode and rejects reality and has to be dragged away by his men and staff to get away before the British arrive. Like, it didn't show him after that, but you know he was just dead inside. There is nothing after that, no coming back, no grand reappearance, just what ifs.
Personally, I love the scene where he meets Ney and the 5th on the road.
Okay, since public opinion seems pretty overwhelming in favour of Paris, I'll be closing the vote. I'll give it an hour more, just in case, but I think we can pretty much say it's decided.
To be fair the only reasonable thing we could do in Corsica is train our guys (who have just discovered what pike and shot is) and shore up our families position in a backwater. Not really something impressive and worth doing unless it was our only option. Plus even if we did make Corsica a stronghold loyal to our family then its still just an Island that Britain could blockade at any point

Going to Paris we could at least see if we cant influence the revolution in some way and get modernish equipment for the Corsican guard. Maybe even a friendship with someone important who isn't going to get purged in the terror
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Tjf on Dec 11, 2023 at 1:24 AM, finished with 43 posts and 22 votes.

  • [X] Go to Paris. Paris is the beating heart of France, and it's from there that decisions are made that shape the fate of all Europe. Being in Paris will allow you to have a front row seat for the momentous events to come, and even get involved. Only in Paris can you meet and make connections with the most important people in the country. On the other hand, in Paris, you'll be just one junior officer among many. (Unlocks Paris influence mechanics)
    [X] Stay in Ajaccio. If your national guardsmen are to be used in this upcoming expedition to Sardinia, staying here a few extra months will give you precious time to train them. Besides, your family's position on Corsica is still very shaky, and getting involved with local politics could be the difference between having a Corsican power base, and having your family evicted from the island - Paoli's nephew in particular seems quite hopeful that you'll leave, which hardly bodes well. (Unlocks Corsica influence mechanics)
Shame my option got a dozen less votes, or even that the plan that won had the Ace option. Understandable that the QM might not want to write everything or get bogged down in that, but cutting out the option entirely isn't that fun when we get to the part. Granted us actually trying to get close to this chick after we marry her for whatever political gains there are.
I'm not against revisiting the matter in another vote down the line - but only if a lot of people in the thread show interest first.
Doing a romance vote now wouldn't be a good idea as it is now, we'd be hitting up characters who bring nothing to the table other then just being a friend and there since the beginning, which isn't bad on its own and could be done well.

Doing it later when we're at least a famous general or a renowned figure in France means we could meet a lot more people and have a lot more enticing prospects with benefits behind them

Honestly it's a question if we want a wife in politics or a wife we're a friend with. Either can become the other but it would take time
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Turn 1 - Paris, April 1792
April 21st, 1792 - Paris:
The carriage rumbles as it leaves the dirt roads of the French countryside and the wheels begin to clatter against the paved Parisian cobblestones. You're back. A flood of memories of your time in the Ecole Militaire come back to you, as well as dreams for what you might do here in the future.

"You know, I think we should be helping them, not debating on whether to fight them." Beside you, Captain Treguet rouses you from your daze. "Hmm?" You grunt, not knowing what the navy man is talking about. "Saint Domingue - Toussaint and his slaves! We Frenchmen liberated ourselves, and we celebrate the fact, and yet many of those who supported the revolution would deny the people of Saint Domingue the same opportunity!" You smile and make a noncommittal noise that might be taken as agreement - Treguet's egalitarianism is admirable, and a little surprising for an aristocrat, but good God can the man drone on if you let him.

"Well, young Buonaparte - this is the admiralty, so we part ways here. Good luck, and feel free to come find me if you have any questions about Sardinia. Or if you want to talk more politics." As you depart the carriage, you see that the man quite clearly hopes you'll take him up on that second offer. You bid your future commander farewell, and step out onto the streets of Paris. As you walk to find some lodgings, you pass a tumult, as a man shouts out towards a crowd.

"WAR! The members of L'Assemblee Nationale have decided that no longer can France tolerate the belligerence of the Habsburg thugs in Vienna! France is at war with Austria, vive le revolution!" The speaker shouts with fiery passion. "And yet, despite going to war with Austrian tyrants halfway across Europe, we allow a tyrant to sit in the Tuileries, conspiring against our revolution. Down with Marie Antoinette! Down with the Austrian hussy! Does any citizen here doubt that such a perverse, horrid woman, the scion of one of the most reactionary houses in all of Europe would be conspiring with her relatives?" The crowd shouts, screams their agreement, and you decide to get out of here before the crowd gets so angry that they search for a target to vent their rage. "She spies! The witch spies for her cursed hou-" The voice falls away as you make some distance, allowing you to reflect on what you just heard.

France is at war with Austria!

April 22nd, 1792:
You awaken, scratching idly at a red spot on your skin, courtesy of some bed bugs, and get up from your bed. You managed to find a small attic flat to stay in. It's hardly a paradise, but it's cheap - which is a good thing, given that your pay isn't particularly substantial. You dress and head out - time to get to work.

Personal Funds: 5+1 (Army Salary)= 6
Paris Reputation: 0
Paris Political Climate: Boring - Tranquil - Calm - Lively - <Excited> - Dangerous - Terror
Perceived Political Leaning: None
Paris Power Structure: Unknown
Actions: 5+1 (Tireless Trait)=6

QM Note: The Political Climate is a display of the situation on the ground in Paris - Stability will make it drift towards Boring, while instability will make it drift towards terror. The Colder the political climate is, the harder it will be to advance rapidly through the ranks and through Paris' social circles, but the hotter it is, the more chances there will be for Napoleon to end up having a date with Madame Guillotine. The Terror hasn't started yet - but if it does, it'll be as dangerous for Napoleon as it was for everyone else.

QM Note: Paris Power Structure represents which figures in Paris have influence, and how the various factions interact with one another. At the moment, Napoleon is flying blind due to not having been in the city for months.


You have six actions:

Personal Growth:
The amount of stat points, reputation points and trait progress you get depends on how well you roll. Beating the DC means that you're guaranteed at least one stat point, but higher rolls will grant better rewards. If you crit, you could potentially make a lot of progress in a short amount of time. Inversely, a crit fail could have consequences.
[] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait

[] Work on Napoleon's Theorem: You've had an inkling for a while about a revision of Pythagorean geometry, focusing on the nature of equilateral triangles. Now that you have some time, working on your theory might expand your already deep understanding of mathematics, and make a name for yourself among Parisian Academics.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Intelligence Stat, Reputation with Parisian Academics, Progress towards a trait upgrade

[] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charisma Stat, Reputation with Comedie Francaise Actors, Progress towards a trait

[] Take an Etiquette Class: Your rough militaristic manners don't fit in well with Parisian society. If you want to make connections in Paris, you'll need to learn how to do as the Parisians do.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charm Stat, Reputation with Parisian Socialites, Progress towards a trait

[] Go People Watching: A lot can be learned in a Parisian cafe, if you have the tact and patience to sit quietly. Enjoy some tea or coffee, and observe.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Subterfuge Stat, Reputation with ???, Progress towards a trait, Chance to learn rumors and secrets

[] Learn a Language:
Given that France is at war, you might well be in a foreign country soon. You're fluent in French and Italian - but you should add to that list.
DC: 50
Reward: Begin to learn a foreign tongue
[] Write in which language:


Social Actions:

QM Note: Who you spend time with will alter how you're perceived. Spend a lot of time with people of a particular political leaning, and you'll start to be associated with that leaning - regardless of whether or not the perception is true. The less well known you are, the more freedom you'll have to interact with various groups without consequence, but as more people learn your name, the more they'll speculate on where your loyalties lie.

[] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Army, Potential to meet talented soldiers, Potential to meet notable military characters
QM Note: By 'important military characters', I mean real life French officers like Murat, Lannes, Dumas, etc. By 'talented soldiers', I mean fictional characters you can recruit who'll increase the stats of your unit.

[] Visit a Salon: The salons of Paris have been important social hubs for the last century at least, and are travelled not just by socialites, but by politicians, aristocrats, revolutionaries, military men, business magnates and all other types of notables. You never know who you'll meet there - but they're probably important.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Socialites, Potential to meet random notable Parisians, General Reputation Boost

[] Visit the Society of Friends of the Constitution: The Jacobin Club, as most people call it, has evolved into one of the foremost power blocs of France, with a stranglehold over the National Assembly. Still, though, it's a club that's open to the public, where one can sit and drink and discuss the Revolution with like-minded souls.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Revolutionaries, Potential to meet notable Revolutionaries, Information on the factions within the Jacobin Club

[] Visit the Feuillants Club: The old Feuillant monastery on the Rue Saint-Honoré is the home to the moderate constitutional monarchists who split from the Jacobins last year. They seek to moderate the radicalism of the Revolution, and ensure that things don't get too far out of hand. Their detractors call them crypto-monarchists, though there's no real evidence of collusion.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Moderates, Potential to meet notable Moderates, Information on the factions within the moderates

[] Go To Mass: The Civil Constitution of the Clergy means that only priests who've sworn oaths of loyalty to the Revolution can practice their faith, but several high profile clergymen have managed to skirt the line between the National Assembly and the Holy Roman Church, and their services have become havens for royalists and counterrevolutionaries, as well as constitutional monarchists who think the revolution has gone too far. Whether you believe or not, you're still technically Catholic, so no one will object.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Royalists, Potential to meet notable Royalists, Information on the factions within the Royalists

[] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
QM Note: Must be someone who was in Paris at this point, who Napoleon would have heard of at this point, and who isn't too high status to get an audience with (Some random captain isn't going to be allowed to see the king, for instance).

Work Actions:

[] Try to acquire some better weapons for the Sardinia Expedition: You might be away from your men in the national guard, but that doesn't mean you can't get work done while you're here. By hook or by crook, you're going to get a few hundred modern muskets, uniforms and accoutrements, as well as some stockpiles of food, water and alcohol.
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 50
Reward: Better Supply for your national guard battalion

[] Try to acquire some maps of Sardinia: Jean Baptiste Bourguignon was a chief cartographer of the Kingdom of France, and a renowned mapmaker. On a trip to the market, you overheard that some of his maps of Italy are going to be on sale at a local booksellers. If you could find one of Sardinia, such a remarkably detailed map could really help you plan your operation.
Cost: 1 Personal Funds
DC: 30
Reward: Detailed Sardinia Maps - provides a bonus to all military actions on the island of Sardinia.

[] Try to get another unit for the Sardinia Campaign: If you could secure command over an additional unit, preferably from the army rather than the national guard, you'd feel much better about your chances in the upcoming campaign.
Cost: 0
DC: 70
Reward: Another military unit to command

[] Request a Transfer: France is at war with Austria, but it won't be at war with Sardinia for a little while at least, and glory waits for no man. Petition your superiors to be transferred to a different front.
Cost: 0
DC: 70
Reward: Transfer to a front that will get you into the fighting sooner, ends stay in Paris and starts a military campaign, removes control of your National Guard Battalion and replaces it with an artillery company based in the chosen front
[] Write in which front: (Current available fronts are: Austrian Netherlands, The Rhine)

[] Start a business: You're clearly not going to be getting rich any time soon on your military salary. Paris is in an economic slump, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of opportunity for someone with your talent to make your fortune.
Cost: 3 Personal Funds
DC: 50
Reward: Ownership of a business - increased income each turn
[] Write in business type:

[] Write a political tract: Paris has an abundance of printing presses, which makes publishing something very cheap, and very easy. In such a politically charged city as Paris, writing a political tract is like dropping a letter in a bottle into the sea, but if you write well enough and get a little lucky with distribution, you could really make a name for yourself this way - a lot of the foremost Revolutionaries got their start by doing this.
Cost: 1 Personal Funds
DC: 50
Reward: Moderate to Large Reputation Boost, Ability to take control of public perception of your political leanings
[] Write in positions for the tract (ie: Status of women, Abolition of Slavery, Trade and Tarriffs, War and Diplomacy, Status of the Monarchy, etc)

QM Note: Votes for tract topics will stack, so long as the positions aren't contradictory - so if two plans both choose this option, and one chooses to write about abolishing slavery, and the other chooses to write about abolishing the monarchy, Napoleon will write about both of these things, regardless of which plan won the overall vote.



[] Go Shopping
DC: 0
Reward: Opens shopping interlude where Napoleon can buy items to increase his stats


(There we go - the first proper turn of the quest, and my first proper turn as a QM. Please let me know any feedback you have about the content/formatting/mechanics of the post.)

(P.S: And it's vote by plan as usual.)

(Edit: Added an option to learn a new language)
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[X] Plan: There is Something We Can Do
-[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait
-[X] Start a business: You're clearly not going to be getting rich any time soon on your military salary. Paris is in an economic slump, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of opportunity for someone with your talent to make your fortune.
Cost: 3 Personal Funds
DC: 50
Reward: Ownership of a business - increased income each turn
--[X] Write in business type: Industrial Investment Company
-[X] Try to acquire some better weapons for the Sardinia Expedition: You might be away from your men in the national guard, but that doesn't mean you can't get work done while you're here. By hook or by crook, you're going to get a few hundred modern muskets, uniforms and accoutrements, as well as some stockpiles of food, water and alcohol.
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 50
Reward: Better Supply for your national guard battalion
-[X] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Army, Potential to meet talented soldiers, Potential to meet notable military characters
-[X] Try to acquire some maps of Sardinia: Jean Baptiste Bourguignon was a chief cartographer of the Kingdom of France, and a renowned mapmaker. On a trip to the market, you overheard that some of his maps of Italy are going to be on sale at a local booksellers. If you could find one of Sardinia, such a remarkably detailed map could really help you plan your operation.
Cost: 1 Personal Funds
DC: 30
Reward: Detailed Sardinia Maps - provides a bonus to all military actions on the island of Sardinia.
-[X] Try to get another unit for the Sardinia Campaign: If you could secure command over an additional unit, preferably from the army rather than the national guard, you'd feel much better about your chances in the upcoming campaign.
Cost: 0
DC: 70
Reward: Another military unit to command

Remember the close-encounters Napoleon Have on the field? Might as well get Napoleon able to do Melee Combat on that off-chance.
Might as well create an Investment Company in focus towards Industry for the income.
We're Napoleon, we're not abandoning our Small Armee to be poor quality.
Might as well establish some connections with potentially friends.
Again, We're Napoleon..Maps are key to victory.
Then, as usual, we ask for more units to join us in the Sardinia Campaign.
[X] Plan: There is Something We Can Do

Don't mind me, I'm just preparing to see if the Magoose Dice have jumped ship to do something insane.