The Young Eagle - A Napoleon Quest

When we got the 6 pounders and howitzers, we did uhh, obtain the means to use and transport them right? If it's anything like the rest of our supplies we have them as set pieces and not much else
Yes, I'm not that mean :D Supply is tracked on a per-unit basis, so the artillery have better supply than the Corsicans.
In how many turns will we have to return to Corsica or start a campaign on the continent? , also what a bad luck we had in the rolls with the guns
In how many turns will we have to return to Corsica or start a campaign on the continent? , also what a bad luck we had in the rolls with the guns
There'll be one more full turn, then a short last minute prep turn where you'll get a briefing and a chance to plan your strategy. After that, the campaign will begin.
Turn 2 - Paris, September 1792
Anarchy is but a stepping stone to power
- Napoleon Bonaparte

September 2, 1792 - Paris

Verdun is lost. Lafayette has fled the country. King Louis is now Citizen Louis Capet, and the Kingdom of France is now a Republic. How much things can change in just a few months.

You shift your gaze from your copy of L'ami du Peuple and look out the window. Beyond the walls of your cramped little flat is utter chaos. The citizens of Paris, panicked at the approach of the victorious Prussian army under the Duke of Brunswick, have begun to flood the prisons of Paris, butchering any political prisoners considered enemies of the Revolution. Even from your flat, you can hear the chants:

Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira
les aristocrates à la lanterne!
Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira
les aristocrates on les pendra!
Et quand on les aura tous pendus
On leur fichera la pelle au cul!

Times are dangerous out there, but that's no excuse for inactivity. You stand - it's time to get to work.

Personal Funds: 3+1 (Army Salary)= 4
Paris Reputation: 1
Paris Political Climate:
Boring - Tranquil - Calm - Lively - Excited - <Dangerous> - Terror
Perceived Political Leaning: None
Paris Power Structure: Unknown
Actions: 5+1 (Tireless Trait)=6


Free Actions:

[] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.

QM Note: Free Actions, as the name implies, don't cost you any time. Pick this, and you'll still have 6 actions you can perform. Free actions are mostly just for flavor.

September Massacres Actions:

[] Participate in the massacres: As bloody and dishonorable as you might personally find it, being seen with noble blood on your hands could bolster your reputation with the Revolutionaries. This is effectively risk free, as bound and caged prisoners aren't exactly likely to pose much of a threat, even to a novice fighter like yourself - though your reputation as a butcher might sour your relations with more moderate people.
DC: 0
Reward: Reputation with Revolutionaries, ???

[] Try to rescue some of the victims: Imprisoned in Paris are about 200 of the former king's elite Swiss Guard, survivors of the assault on the Tuileries in August. Symbols of the monarchy, they're almost certain to be butchered. As a soldier, your heart bleeds at the thought of such fine troops dying in captivity. More importantly, you can't help but think that 200 elite soldiers would be a fine addition to your growing force. Besides the Swiss, you could potentially save influential people who one day will regain some degree of influence. The massacres have been inspired by Convention members - notably Danton, but they weren't ordered by them - making them technically illegal. As an officer of the National Guard, you're well within your rights to try and bring order to the situation - no one wants to dirty their hands with this, so none of your superiors will tell you no.

DC: 70
Reward: 200 extremely loyal elite Swiss soldiers, potential to rescue influential prisoners, potential significant reputation hit with Danton


Personal Growth Actions:

[] Find a fencing teacher:
You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait

[] Work on Napoleon's Theorem: You've had an inkling for a while about a revision of Pythagorean geometry, focusing on the nature of equilateral triangles. Now that you have some time, working on your theory might expand your already deep understanding of mathematics, and make a name for yourself among Parisian Academics.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Intelligence Stat, Reputation with Parisian Academics, Progress towards a trait upgrade

[] Visit Le Comedie Francaise: You've always admired how the skilled actors of Paris' most renowned theatre can toy with the emotions of their audience, making them laugh, cry or shout out in rage. Perhaps if you sit through a few plays you could learn a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charisma Stat, Reputation with Comedie Francaise Actors, Progress towards a trait

[] Take an Etiquette Class: Your rough militaristic manners don't fit in well with Parisian society. If you want to make connections in Paris, you'll need to learn how to do as the Parisians do.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Charm Stat, Reputation with Parisian Socialites, Progress towards a trait

[] Go People Watching: A lot can be learned in a Parisian cafe, if you have the tact and patience to sit quietly. Enjoy some tea or coffee, and observe.
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Subterfuge Stat, Reputation with ???, Progress towards a trait, Chance to learn rumors and secrets

[] Learn a Language:
Given that France is at war, you might well be in a foreign country soon. You're fluent in French and Italian - but you should add to that list.
DC: 50
Reward: Begin to learn a foreign tongue
[] Write in which language:


Social Actions:

[] Visit Military Headquarters: With a war newly declared, the Hotel de Brienne - headquarters of the French Armies - is abuzz with activity. There, you could make important connections with the higher ups, or with fellow junior officers on their own roads to power.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with the Army, Potential to meet talented soldiers, Potential to meet notable military characters
QM Note: By 'important military characters', I mean real life French officers like Murat, Lannes, Dumas, etc. By 'talented soldiers', I mean fictional characters you can recruit who'll increase the stats of your unit.

[] Visit a Salon: The salons of Paris have been important social hubs for the last century at least, and are travelled not just by socialites, but by politicians, aristocrats, revolutionaries, military men, business magnates and all other types of notables. You never know who you'll meet there - but they're probably important.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Socialites, Potential to meet random notable Parisians, General Reputation Boost

[] Visit the Society of Friends of the Constitution: The Jacobin Club, as most people call it, has evolved into one of the foremost power blocs of France, with a stranglehold over the National Assembly. Still, though, it's a club that's open to the public, where one can sit and drink and discuss the Revolution with like-minded souls.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Revolutionaries, Potential to meet notable Revolutionaries, Information on the factions within the Jacobin Club

[] Visit the Feuillants Club: The old Feuillant monastery on the Rue Saint-Honoré is the home to the moderate constitutional monarchists who split from the Jacobins last year. They seek to moderate the radicalism of the Revolution, and ensure that things don't get too far out of hand. Their detractors call them crypto-monarchists, though there's no real evidence of collusion.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Moderates, Potential to meet notable Moderates, Information on the factions within the moderates

[] Go To Mass: The Civil Constitution of the Clergy means that only priests who've sworn oaths of loyalty to the Revolution can practice their faith, but several high profile clergymen have managed to skirt the line between the National Assembly and the Holy Roman Church, and their services have become havens for royalists and counterrevolutionaries, as well as constitutional monarchists who think the revolution has gone too far. Whether you believe or not, you're still technically Catholic, so no one will object.
DC: ???
Reward: Reputation with Royalists, Potential to meet notable Royalists, Information on the factions within the Royalists

[] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
QM Note: Must be someone who was in Paris at this point, who Napoleon would have heard of at this point, and who isn't too high status to get an audience with (Some random captain isn't going to be allowed to see the king, for instance).

Work Actions:

[] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 70
Reward: Better Supply for your Corsican Battalion, General Reputation Increase, Reputation Increase with the Army, Significant Reputation Hit with whoever's responsible for the disappearance of the muskets.

[] Request a Transfer: France is at war with Austria, but it won't be at war with Sardinia for a little while at least, and glory waits for no man. Petition your superiors to be transferred to a different front.
Cost: 0
DC: 70
Reward: Transfer to a front that will get you into the fighting sooner, ends stay in Paris and starts a military campaign, removes control of your National Guard Battalion and replaces it with an artillery company based in the chosen front
[] Write in which front: (Current available fronts are: North Eastern France, The Rhine)

[] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
DC: 60
Reward: Increases the training level of the 6th Company

[] Start another business: Some might say it's a little early to start a second business, with the first still in the cradle, but you think it's a great idea to diversify.
Cost: 3
DC: 80
Reward: The creation of a second business of your choice. The income from both will stack, but both will require work to run properly, and you only have so much time.

[] Write a political tract: Paris has an abundance of printing presses, which makes publishing something very cheap, and very easy. In such a politically charged city as Paris, writing a political tract is like dropping a letter in a bottle into the sea, but if you write well enough and get a little lucky with distribution, you could really make a name for yourself this way - a lot of the foremost Revolutionaries got their start by doing this.
Cost: 1 Personal Funds
DC: 50
Reward: Moderate to Large Reputation Boost, Ability to take control of public perception of your political leanings
[] Write in positions for the tract (ie: Status of women, Abolition of Slavery, Trade and Tarriffs, War and Diplomacy, Status of the Monarchy, etc)

QM Note: Votes for tract topics will stack, so long as the positions aren't contradictory - so if two plans both choose this option, and one chooses to write about abolishing slavery, and the other chooses to write about abolishing the monarchy, Napoleon will write about both of these things, regardless of which plan won the overall vote.

[] Invent Something: Your area of knowledge tends to be more theoretical than practical, but you're still an incredibly bright person. This is an age of radical new inventions, where even the sky isn't a barrier to human progress anymore. You seek to create something new and useful that will cement your name in history.
DC: 70/80/90 (Depends on what you're trying to invent)
Reward: A previously unthought of invention enters the concept stage
[] Write in: What are you inventing?

QM Note: I won't be super anal about this, but please try to keep the inventions somewhat plausible. Remember that Napoleon, smart as he is, only has access to the technologies and general knowledge of his era. He shouldn't be building the Wright Brothers' plane, for instance, because the internal combustion engine doesn't exist yet.

Société des Amis des Artisans Actions:

Company Size: Tiny
Company Profitability: Barely profitable

Current Income (Dividends): 3
Current Role: Board Member (No Chairman)
Important Employees: Jervis MacDougall (Jacobite Investor) - Amicable Relations

[] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
DC: 30
Reward: Become Chairman of the company, Paris Reputation Increase

[] Wine and Dine investors: Keeping your investors happy makes running the company a lot less stressful. Jervis MacDougall, the most important current investor, thinks highly of you. You want to turn that into genuine loyalty.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased relations with investors

[] Attract New Investors: The amount of business you can do is tied directly to how many investors you have. Convince Paris' bourgeois to join you.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased Company Size

[] Attract Artisans: An investment firm doesn't work without businesses to invest in. Convince Parisian artisans that the Societe is a reliable source of capital to fund their dream stores and workshops.
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe

[] Research Industry: For the creator of an industrial investment firm, you don't really know that much about industry. You should hit the books and tour some workshops to get a better sense of which businesses are likely to succeed or fail
DC: 50
Reward: Increased profitability for the Societe



[] Go Shopping
DC: 0
Reward: Opens shopping interlude where Napoleon can buy items to increase his stats


(Sorry for the delay, folks. As always, hit me up with questions or feedback, and of course, please vote by plan)
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[X] Plan: Napoleon Bonaparte
-[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
-[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait
-[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
DC: 60
Reward: Increases the training level of the 6th Company
-[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 70
Reward: Better Supply for your Corsican Battalion, General Reputation Increase, Reputation Increase with the Army, Significant Reputation Hit with whoever's responsible for the disappearance of the muskets.
-[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
DC: 30
Reward: Become Chairman of the company, Paris Reputation Increase
-[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
--[X] Davout
-[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
--[X] Murat

Might as well attempt to gain more relations with Davout, Spending more time with Murat wouldn't hurt.

Any better ideas to do?
[X] Plan: Napoleon Bonaparte
-[X] Change your name: You're tired of hearing people mispronounce your name. It's time to replace the foreign sounding Napoleone di Buonaparte for the more French sounding Napoleon Bonaparte.
-[X] Find a fencing teacher: You've heard of an eccentric fencing master named Le Chevalier D'Eon. Frankly, your skills with a blade could use a bit of work, so maybe she'd be willing to teach you a thing or two?
DC: 40
Reward: Increase to Valor Stat, Reputation with the Chevalier D'Eon and duelists, Progress towards a trait
-[X] Train the 6th Company of Artillery: The 6th is already a well trained unit, but you want perfection. You intend to drill the men until they're equal to any artillerymen in Euorpe.
DC: 60
Reward: Increases the training level of the 6th Company
-[X] Investigate the Missing Guns: The armories of Paris are almost completely bare of modern muskets, and you can't find any record for most of them
Cost: Depends on roll
DC: 70
Reward: Better Supply for your Corsican Battalion, General Reputation Increase, Reputation Increase with the Army, Significant Reputation Hit with whoever's responsible for the disappearance of the muskets.
-[X] Create a motion to make yourself President of the Societe: Currently, the Société des Amis des Artisans operates as an informal club, with a board, but no chairman. You feel that the company needs more direct leadership to succeed, so you'll convince the other investors to make you president. Given that the whole endeavor was your brainchild in the first place, you doubt they'd put up much of a fight.
DC: 30
Reward: Become Chairman of the company, Paris Reputation Increase
-[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
--[X] Davout
-[X] Write In: There were plenty of important people and factions in Paris during this era that Napoleon could have crossed paths with. Choose a person or group for Napoleon to pay a visit.
--[X] Murat

Might as well attempt to gain more relations with Davout, Spending more time with Murat wouldn't hurt.

Any better ideas to do?
Only addition Is want is to make Berthier and Davout friends and be friends to both
Didn't we already took the fencing master and military headquarter actions last time? SHould the text not be changed to reflect this?
Didn't we already took the fencing master

We're basically at "Beginner's Class", that's why the text is the same, it can be chosen again to build up the Skill, which is fencing.

There are more commanders, fictional and not, that can still be met, thus the choice can be taken again to know more Lannes (He first joined the National Guard and gets chosen to be leader of a group of volunteers in 1792 against the Spanish).
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We're basically at "Beginner's Class", that's why the text is the same, it can be chosen again to build up the Skill, which is fencing.

There are more commanders, fictional and not, that can still be met, thus the choice can be taken again to know more Lannes (He first joined the National Guard and gets chosen to be leader of a group of volunteers in 1792 against the Spanish).
Didn't we already took the fencing master and military headquarter actions last time? SHould the text not be changed to reflect this?
Otto explained it well - retaking the options lets you build up the skills, traits and relationships further. Sorry, I should have put in a QM note or something.
I don't see a need to improve swordsmanship if we aim to be a general via artillerist roles xD
With all this talk about getting fencing lessons and swordplay instructions, how adept is Napoleon right now with actually shooting a gun? If we were to put a pistol or musket in his hand and have him shoot at someone charging his command staff at 100 yards, how many could he tag?
With all this talk about getting fencing lessons and swordplay instructions, how adept is Napoleon right now with actually shooting a gun? If we were to put a pistol or musket in his hand and have him shoot at someone charging his command staff at 100 yards, how many could he tag?
Depends on how he rolls. Probably not many - he has no bonuses to musketry. Options to increase his musketry, strategy and horsemanship will be available in turn 3, though.
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