Space Battleship Yamato. Also known as Starblazers in America. The show that predates any Sci-Fi anime and shows. It's a simple plot about a single ship and it's crew travelling into uncharted territories in hopes of saving their once blue planet. In the end they succeeded and earth was saved once more...

But what if it was a different version of earth that the Garmillas attacked?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the Yamato Challenge!

The premise is simple. Replace the current sol system in Space Battleship Yamato 2199 with another Sci-Fi franchise. Will they be able to succeed?

These franchises must have these conditions met to be eligible for the challenge:
  1. Their technology is advanced enough for space colonization at the minimum.
  2. They haven't discovered or invented FTL technology yet. This is important for obvious reasons stated below.
  3. Previous evidence of alien life forms before the Garmillas can only be discovered in the form of empty ruins/civilizations, technology and dead ones in general.
With that out of the way, let's get into the meat of the challenge, basically, like in canon, the Garmillas discovered the sol system. First contact did not went well and starting the Garmillas-Earth war. Humanity is losing, message from iskandar arrives, blah, blah, blah, you get the point. Below are some information that can help you get started on the discussion. You can post a sub-thread if you are really taking on the challenge. Just remember to credit the idea and post a link of your story.
Phase 0: The setting
Now that you have replaced the sol system from another universe, it's time think about when is the starting point which in turn what level of technology does humanity have at that point in time? Take the Universal Century from Gundam as a example. Did the Garmillas arrived before the One Year War? How well will humanity be able to defend against the threat at that point in time? You have take all these into account as the timeline progress.

Phase 1: First Contact
Unlike the canon events where the UNCN shot first upon discovering the Garmillas, you could plan the events differently if you like. You might also have to consider which faction on earth would most likely made first contact. Talk about the potential language barriers if there was an attempt of communications. Heck the first contact could be peaceful but relations could worsen as peace talks progress. If you want my opinion, I don't think any version of humanity would accept any terms from the Dictatorial Garmillas. War will break out eventually.

Phase 2: Seven Years of war, the siege of earth
Now we are getting into the good stuff. War is now inevitable. A fleet of Garmillas ships is approaching earth. Humanity responded with a fleet of their own. Both sides meet up near Mars. In canon, this was known as the Second Battle of Mars. Regardless of the outcome, there will be heavy casualties from both sides. The Garmillas seeing the costly space battle decided to change their plans and conduct a siege via Planetary Bombardment. With Pluto being too far away without any FTL technology for any kind of suitable counterattack, humanity has no choice but to move underground, while watching their blue planet turned into a radiated wasteland. (They would also bomb the other human Space Colonies if those still exists) This went on for 5 years (The bombing started on 2193 in canon) until a new hope arrived from a Galaxy far far away... (No it's not Luke. Sorry to Disappoint. :p)

Phase 3: A visitor from Iskandar arrives
Two years before the predicted year of humanity extinction, a visitor from the planet Iskandar arrives with plans for a Wave Motion Engine, granting Humanity Access to FTL technology. She also brought information that her sister will be arriving with a with a Wave Motion Core and that her Planet has a means to reverse the effects on the damage done to Earth. How would Humanity respond to this information might depend on the type of universe and the factions of said universe. There will also be a debate on how to handle the alien visitor. If you want my opinion about this, I would think that since Yurisha has some Psychic powers, she can detect a faction with a government that would not be hostile against her. Despite first impressions. She would most likely be treated as a important VIP. Regardless, pooling all their limited resources, Humanity was able to build a ship with FTL capabilities and all their latest technologies. Keep in mind that technologies are still being developed improved through the years of the war, albit slower due to the the limited resources available.

Phase 4: Preparations for the voyage
About a year later, a human fleet sailed to the the planet of Pluto, their mission, to distract the enemy from their primary goal of recovering advanced alien technology being delivered to humanity in secret. A team is on standby in Mars to recover the package. The Iscandarian ship arrives. But it encounters engine trouble. Sasha ejects in the Martian atmosphere and her escape pod crashes into the desert ground. When the recovery team arrives at the pod, Sasha unfortunately died, but in her hands is the final piece of the puzzle for humanity salvation. With the Wave Motion Core installed into the ship's Wave Motion Engine, the ship is now complete. All it needs is a crew and they are set. This is the time to decide on the crew members. You can all the main characters join. Maybe other characters from different factions as a joint effort of saving Earth. There is also the fact the Yurisha Might not have been rendered in a Comatose state by terrorist bombing, so she would be part of the crew as only she knows the way to Iskandar.

Phase 5: Farewell Earth! Journey out of the Solar System!
Now the journey begins! You don't have follow the exact events like in canon, but there are some important key events that you have to keep in mind:
  1. The first usage of the FTL technology
  2. The elimination of the Garmillas supply base near Jupiter
  3. The attack on Pluto to stop the Planetary Bombardment, wiping any Garmilla presence in the Solar System
Think about what the crew would do. I would like to see your opinions.

Phase 6: The Voyage
Like above, you don't have to follow every events in canon. But there are some events which are unavoidable:
  1. The secondary plot involving the Garmillas for example, the attempted assassination on Deslar and the events following it should stay intact.
  2. The ambush at Carell 163 again, it will also be influenced by the Garmillas side story.
  3. The battle against the UX-01 Submarine
  4. Ambush at the Rainbow Star Cluster
There may be other important events that I may have forgotten but you get the idea.

Phase 7: Arrival at the twin planets and the Final Battle
The ship and it's crew had finally arrived near their destination, Unfortunately, they have no other choice but to fight against the Garmilla Planet in order to progress. How do you think this will play out? Will it play out close to canon or will it play out differently? You decide!

Phase 8: Judgement
The ship finally landed at Iskandar. But there is one more obstacle in the way. Now Humanity will be judge by the ruler of the planet if humanity is worth saving. The ship and it's crew will be judge for every action they took through the voyage. What do you think? Were the crew you imagined did the right thing? Only you know.

Phase 9: The Journey home
Just like the title said, the ship is finally coming to Earth with the Cosmo Reverse System to restore the Planet. You can make up some last-last obstacles like Deslar's return or that battle against the Gatalantis

Phase 10: Aftermath
Nothing much to say here, you can describe the epilogue of your story and think abut the future of that universe.

Well that's about Wraps it up. I may edit the challenge if there needs to be some clarification. This is my very first Forum post here BTW, So thank you for reading. I appreciate it.