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The year is 2015. Things aren't exactly going well.

15 years after the disaster of Second...
The Beginning
The year is 2015. Things aren't exactly going well.

15 years after the disaster of Second Impact, humanity seemed to be back on track. With the UN stepping up, and former enemies putting aside their differences for the good of man, the disaster had been recovered from in record time. A new era of human prosperity was at hand. Technology and industry advanced at a phenomenal rate, and the organization known as NERV seemed more than capable of protecting humanity from any repeat of the impact, their reputation almost unmarred, but for rumors of strange biotechnological experiments...

Despite this, it seemed too good to be true. So it was almost no surprise when it all came crashing down.

Them. The Xenos. The Enemy. The Invaders. They had no one name, but what was known was they struck all over the globe, seemingly at random, to abduct human civilians. Their UFOs were seemingly impregnable to AA fire, and could easily outrun any heavy artillery. The Sectoids, despite their physical weakness, had powerful plasma weapons that could vaporize a man and destroy armored vehicles. Some nations, dissatisfied with the performance of their militaries and the actions of NERV, convened as the Council of Nations, and activated the XCOM project, so they could fight back against the enemy. Meanwhile, Shinji Ikari is recalled to Tokyo-3 with the failure of Rei Ayanami to correctly synchronize with Unit-00, and her hospitalization. Ancient organizations clash in the shadows, and the first Blood Type Blue is about to emerge...

[] EXALT - Pro/Con: Hiding among the shadows: No one is aware of your existence, which is good. However, you will find it more difficult to gain assets.
[] XCOM - Pro/Con: The world looks to you: You are more powerful than NERV and EXALT combined, and can gain many assets with ease. However, if you lose the trust of the Council, your income will sharply decrease, and if you cannot rapidly correct the problem, its game over.
[] NERV - Pro/Con: A personal touch: You will have limited command over NERV, being a man in the organization, not its leader. However, you would be in a prime position to influence the children and save the Earth.


How do I fite gud?
A lot of mechanics will only apply behind the scenes (read - me making shit up as I go along and hoping for the best), but there are some very important things you need to know.
First off, war making.
The rolling is when there are two units of close power who need a tiebreaker, or multistage combat. It will usually be 1d50s, I feel. By which I mean 1d100s because your d50s were fucking cursed.
The standard unit size is a squad, or 10 men.
Combat skill caps at 25, the skill of XCOM's endgame elites (colonel teams) and Ethereals. It is an abstract representation of a units skill, training, tactical capabilities, experience and sheer bloody mindedness.
There are 4 tech levels - High end PMC, Ballistic/Military, Laser and Alloy, and Plasma and Elerium/Power Armor.
They have a multiplier of 1, 1.5, 3 and 5. Big numbers, holy heck.
Some example units:
NERV security team: Skill 3, Tech PMC.
Pretty sad, huh.
(NERV just use internal defenses and a lot of men. They never get anything better. Isn't it sad, NERV?)
EXALT agent team: Skill 5, Tech PMC.
Not as terrible, but still not great.
JSSDF infantry squad: Skill 5, Tech Military.
So a standard military team is only as skilled as an EXALT agent squad, But is 1.5x as good because of their better equipment.
JSSDF Special Operations team/XCOM Base Security team: Skill 10, Tech Military.
WOW! That is really OP. How is this balanced, EternalStruggle?
Better units are correspondingly more expensive. So you can have 3 Exalt teams for a SpecOps team.
XCOM Operations Squad (Rookies): Skill 15, Tech Military.
Pretty good! Looks like XCOM does get the best of the best.
Sectoid Squad: Skill 5, Tech Plasma.
Total combat power 25?!?
Surely there's been some mistake!
No, my friends, for Sectoids have Special Rules!
To be precise, Weak and Unarmored.
Weak cuts their total power fully in half, representing their frailty and cowardliness, and unarmored means they take significantly more casualties. So when they win convincingly, some units will die anyway, and when they would take moderate casualties they might be wiped out.
This brings them down to 12.5 + Glass Cannon-ish.
But wait, they have the Ability mind meld! This adds 2 to their base combat ability, bringing it up to 17.5, but if they still lose the combat (i.e against XCOM Operatives) they take even more damage, meaning a good roll could wipe them out in a single turn.
What about a Sectopod?
20 base combat power, Plasma Tech, vehicle so double power-
Okay Eternal Struggle, even end game Colonel teams only have (25 X 5) 125 combat power!
Well, there are two reasons for this. One, Colonels, like the game, are more powerful not because of their base stats, but because of their rules and abilities. XCOM teams get the most abilities in the game, by far. When you add in gene mods, a MEC or two and things like Weak-point Targeting, Well Oiled Team and Mankind's Finest, things become a lot more even. But even then, an XCOM team will struggle with even one Sectopod, never mind support, and that is deliberate. Because unlike the game, XCOM will have vehicles and multiple Skyrangers. Yes, this is larger scale than canon. And that's it for the basic combat mechanics!

Loyalty is simple. It influences morale gain/loss, increases the chances troops will follow dubious orders and decreases chances of defection or retirement.
Morale is simpler still. High Morale give bonuses, low Morale gives penalties.
Loyalty is set once to a faction and usually remains constant. Due to being an organization actively fighting an alien menace, XCOMs loyalty is High.
Morale only applies to Diplomacy and Intrigue sections for various reasons.

Loyalty: High
Morale (Both): High (Bonus to diplomacy and intrigue actions.)
Income: 390 credits/week.
Stockpile: Now irrelevant.
Engineers: 30/30
(Each engineer can make 15 credits of stuff per week.)
Scientists: 40/40 (Each scientist can generate 2 research point per turn.)

Unit Profiles:
XCOM Security Team: Skill 10, Tech Military. Cost 2 credits per team.
Special Rule: Security: Despite being excellent soldiers in their own right, the blue-shirts are primarily security. Bonus to security actions such as patrolling and finding intruders.
Current number: 5 companies (50 squads.)

XCOM Operations Squad (Rookies/Squaddies): Skill 15, Tech Variable. Cost 5 credits per team.
Special Rules: Promotions!: XCOM Op Squads are almost supernaturally adept at learning from experience. They can be upgraded to better units automatically from combat experience.
Mankind's Finest: XCOM teams know they are the best hope for humanity and will push themselves to the limit to defeat the alien invaders. Gain 5 combat power to total if the Op squad is the strongest human infantry unit in play. Is not interfered with by other, better Op squads.
Know The Enemy: if an alien has been autopsied, an XCOM team gains 5 combat power against them. This doubles if the Alien has been interrogated.
Abilities: Reaper Ammo: Once per battle, XCOM Operatives may replace their magazines with mighty Reaper Ammo. This significantly increases damage dealt
Stun: An XCOM squad may attempt to capture an enemy using their Arc Lasers at any point in the battle.
Current number: 0 squads.

XCOM Operations Squad (Corporals/Sergeants): Skill 18.
Additional Special Rules:
Don't Die On Me!: XCOM squads are some of the hardest bastards to kill on the entire planet. Does not decrease casualty rate, but does decrease fatality rate significantly.
One Turn Is All We Need: XCOM teams are excellent at taking on anything, and thrive on the struggle of high intensity combat where anyone could win at any moment. If an XCOM team wins close combat, they do not take any casualties.
Current number: 0 squad.

XCOM Operations Squad (Lieutenants/Captains): Skill 21.
Additional Special Rules:
Focus Fire!: Sometimes its necessary to attack a specific target at all costs, and this level of XCOM squad has mastered that. Each squad of this level may choose one target to bring down, losing all ability to attack multiple targets but doing massive damage to the enemy.
Well Oiled Team: This squad has been through thick and thin together, and as such has had each others back at many times. This has meant they have forged a truly unbreakable bond. As long as one man is left standing, the team is only considered critically injured and will find it very difficult to die.
Current number: 3 squads. Strike-5, (Gene-Modded + Strong Psychic - Boosted + Core) Strike-6 (A.T Fields + Gene-Modded) and 7 (Strong Psychic - Boosted).

XCOM Operations Squad (Major/Colonel): Skill 25.
Additional Special Rules:
First Strike: When a soldier gains enough experience, they can see the flow of battle, and can always get the first attacks in. Squads of this level always gain a free attack against their enemies, even if they are ambushed. Exceptions are boss characters, Sectopods and Ethereals.
Veterans: These soldiers know war and conflict very well. They have an understanding with those two concepts: don't fuck with us, and we won't fuck with you. Too much, anyway. Once per combat update, this squad can declare a re-roll for any combat related roll in a battle they are involved in. No exceptions.
Current number: 4 squads: Strike-1, (Hero Unit + Gene Modded + MEC Trooper + Ethereal Psychic - Boosted + Core) Strike-2, (Gene-Modded + MEC Trooper + Ethereal Psychic - Boosted + Core) Strike-3 (Gene-Modded + MEC Trooper + A.T Fields + Core) and Strike-4 (Gene-Modded + MEC Trooper + Strong Psychic - Boosted + Core)
Additional Additional Special Rule:
MAXIMUM COLLATERAL!: At any time during a battle, Strike-1 may declare a rocket barrage attack, dealing massive damage at the cost of destroying all loot. Can be used once per battle.

Up to three squads per week may be tested for Psionic potential. The levels of Psionic power are: None, Weak, Medium and Strong. The Psi-Boosting Facility may raise a squads level of psionics by one. Psionics may be raised to above Strong.
Number of Psychic Soldiers in a squad: 2 at Weak, 3 at Medium, 4 at Strong and 5 at Ethereal.

Psychic Abilities:
Weak: Mindfray. This ability attempts to unravel an enemies mind, and in doing so wound them as well as distracting and confusing them, even to the degree of removing said opponents as threats from the fight in some cases.

Medium: Psi Inspiration. Inspires nearby allies and strengthens their will, reducing the chances of a successful psionic or mental attack.
Psi Panic. Sends waves of terror and panic through an enemies mind, inciting a loss of formation and ability to fight, as well as wildly firing even upon their own allies in extreme cases.

Strong: Telekinetic Field. The first physical ability a psionic is likely to unlock, this field deflects attacks, reducing their speed, altering their trajectory, splintering the attack into pieces and so on. Significantly increases the groups defense.
Mind Control. It's short-term total mind control. Doesn't last forever, but it lasts for long enough in the heat of battle.

Ethereal: Psi-Lance. A concentrated lance of psionic energy that can pierce armor of many types with ease. A good backup weapon at least, but it can't really replace a plasma gun.
Psi-Levitate: The ability to float with sheer psionic might alone. Allows our troopers incredible mobility both horizontal and vertical.
Tangify: After his enhancement, one of the psi troopers found an annoying fly in his room. Focusing on it, he accidentally turned it into LCL. This conforms the true nature of our bodies, and could be useful against human opponents. We think this interaction is based on the same principle that causes A.T Fields to weaken psi-attacks in the first place. The soldiers have also now taken to dubbing LCL 'Tang'.

A.T Fields: A squad may be given an A.T Field from the Psi-Boosting Facility. This can withstand minor weapons fire, and also gives movement boosting abilities, although more like enhanced strength, speed and jump height than outright flight. All MEC Troopers get this ability automatically. Mutually exclusive with Psionics.

Measured since last promotion.
Strike-1: 18 Combat Deployments.
Strike-2: 13 Combat Deployments.
Strike-3: 10 Combat Deployments.
Strike-4: 3 Combat Deployment.
Strike-5: 4 Combat Deployments.
Strike-6: 0 Combat Deployments.
Strike-7: 0 Combat Deployments.

Rookie to L2: 2 Deployments.
L2 to L3: 4 Deployments.
L3 to L4: 6 Deployments.
Experience gain is subject to change under unusual circumstances.

Skyranger Squadron: Transport. Cost 25 credits to manufacture. 3 Skyrangers per squadron. Can transport 2 squads of units.
Special Rule: Hypersonic: Unlike other aircraft, the Skyranger can reach across the globe with ease. You only need to store them in one location, your primary base.
Current number: 5 squadrons.

Raven Wing: Fighter Jet. Cost 30 Credits to manufacture. 5 Ravens per squadron.
Weapons: Avalanche Missiles: Long range, Average burst damage, lowish DPS.
Phoenix Canon: Short range, Burst Damage N/A, medium-low DPS.
Special Rule: Interceptor: The raven is capable of engaging alien UFOs, and theoretically Angels (not recommended.)
Current number: 2 Present in Europe, 2 present in North America, 1 present in Asia, 2 present in South America, 1 present in Africa.

Behemoth Heavy Transport: Vehicle Mover. Costs 80 credits. 1 in a unit. Can transport 6 squads of units.
Special Rules: Vehicle mover: Can replace one squad of soldiers with 1 vehicle.
Highly Supersonic: Same as the Skyranger, but slower.
Current number: None.

Eliminator Squadron: Fast Ground Attack Craft. Costs 30 credits to manufacture. 3 Eliminators per squadron.
Weapons: 2 mini-guns, micro-missile pod, anti-infantry. Auto-cannon, light anti-armor.
Special Rules: Highly Supersonic: Same as the Skyranger, but slower.
Current number: None.

Disruption Squadron: Attack Helicopter. Costs 20 credits to manufacture. 3 Disruptions per squadron.
Weapons: Mini-gun, anti-infantry. 2 Landslide missiles, anti-armor.
Special Rules: Subsonic: Needs to be moved on a heavy transport to arrive anywhere in good time.
Current number: None.

VF-1 Valkyrie Squadron: Variable Fighter. Costs 50 credits and 30 Alloys to manufacture. 3 Valkyries per squadron.
Weapon: Laser Cannon: Medium range, high overall damage.
Special Rules:
Interceptor: Can engage UFOs.
Hypersonic: Can be anywhere, any time.
Evasive Maneuvers: Has enough speed and agility to dodge even the most accurate alien plasma fire.
Transformable: Can switch to a bipedal assault unit, allowing it to engage land based targets.
Current number: 4 squadrons. All rigged with Meld missiles.

Avenger Transport: GWD Transport. Costs 30 credits, 10 Alloys and 20 Elerium to manufacture. 1 per unit. Transports one squad.
Special Rules:
GWD: Can be anywhere in the world in mere moments. Can also travel in space, as it needs no fuel.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Current number: 4.

Firestorm: GWD Fighter. Costs 50 credits, 25 Alloys and 20 Elerium to manufacture. 1 per unit.
Weapons: One Fusion Lance, two Blaster Launchers.
Special Rules:
GWD: Can be anywhere in the world in mere moments. Can also travel in space, as it needs no fuel.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Interceptor: Can engage all UFOs.
Current number: 3.

Leviathan Heavy Transport: High Speed Vehicle Mover. Costs 80 credits, 40 Alloys. 1 in a unit. Can transport 6 squads of units.
Weapons: Several light laser turrets, acting as a Point Defense System.
Special Rules: Vehicle mover: Can replace one squad of soldiers with 1 vehicle.
Hypersonic: High speed transport craft.
Current number: None.

VF-2 Vendetta: Variable Gunship. Costs 40 credits and 25 Alloys to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 2 shoulder mounted Lascannons, anti-vehicle. 2 wrist mounted Multi-Lasers, anti-infantry. Cannot be easily used in flight mode.
Special Rules: Hypersonic: Can move across the globe in a short time.
Transformable: Can switch to a bipedal assault unit, allowing it to engage land based targets.
Current number: None.

Exterminator VTOL: Attack VTOL. Costs 30 credits and 15 Alloys to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 3 heavy lasers, anti-infantry + anti-light vehicle.
Special Rules: Highly Supersonic: can move across the globe in good time, but can be sped up using a heavy transport.
Current number: 1.

Simurgh Heavy Transport: GWD Vehicle Mover. Costs 100 credits, 50 Alloys, 30 Elerium. 1 in a unit. Can transport 8 squads of units.
Weapons: Several light plasma turrets, acting as a Point Defense System.
Special Rules: Vehicle mover: Can replace one squad of soldiers with 1 vehicle.
GWD: Can be anywhere in the world in mere moments. Can also travel in space, as it needs no fuel.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Current number: 1.

Silencer Gunship: GWD Gunship. Costs 50 credits, 25 Alloys and 20 Elerium to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 2 heavy plasma guns, anti-infantry. 1 Particle Cannon, anti-unit.
Special Rules: GWD: Can be anywhere in the world in mere moments. Can also travel in space, as it needs no fuel.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Current number: 1.

Jaeger Light Gunship: GWD Light Gunship. Costs 40 credits, 20 Alloys and 15 Elerium to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 plasma cannon, anti-unit.
Special Rules: GWD: Can be anywhere in the world in mere moments. Can also travel in space, as it needs no fuel.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Current number: None.
Ripper Tank: Heavy Attack Vehicle. Costs 25 credits to manufacture. 3 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 120mm tank cannon, 1 co-axial machine gun.

Earthshaker Artillery: Ballistic Barrage Vehicle. Costs 25 credits to manufacture. 3 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 artillery cannon.
Special Rule: Long Ranged: Can engage targets from long distances, even beyond the horizon.

Inevitable Heavy Tank: Mobile Fortress. Costs 30 credits and 20 Alloys to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 heavy laser cannon, 1 pintle-mounted heavy laser.

Equalizer Assault Gun: Mobile Destroyer. Costs 30 credits and 20 Alloys to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 ultra-heavy laser cannon.
Special Rule: Penetration: More so than other vehicles of its tier, the Equalizer can punch through any material if it gets a clean hit in.
Current number: 2.

Imperator Battle Walker: Heavy attack vehicle. Costs 50 credits, 30 Alloys and 25 Elerium to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 hand held Fusion Lance, 2 heavy plasma guns mounted in internal hip compartments, 2 spiked grappling hooks, 4 Elerium missile mortar launchers, shoulder mounted.
Special Rules: Grappler: If the Fusion Lance can't destroy a target, perhaps a personal touch is needed. Through use of the dual wrist mounted grappling hooks and a system of jump jets inspired by those of the Paladin, the battle walker can get on top of an enemy for some close range fighting.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Current number: 2.

Warmonger Artillery: Hover artillery platform. Costs 50 credits, 30 Alloys and 25 Elerium to manufacture. 1 in a unit.
Weapons: 1 Blaster Launcher, 1 frontal mounted heavy plasma gun.
Special Rules: Long Ranged: Can engage targets from long distances, even beyond the horizon.
COFFIN System: The pilot is linked to the craft through neural connections, greatly increasing maneuverability of the craft and reaction times.
Current number: 1.

Barracks, Labs, Workshops and Hangers automatically provided.
Special buildings:

Foundry: 50 credits[BUILT]
Alien Containment: 30 credits[BUILT]
NERV Security Base: 100 credits[BUILT]
Internal Defenses: 50 credits[BUILT]
Gene Lab: 40 credits[BUILT]
Cybernetics Lab: 40 credits[BUILT]
Alien Containment Expansion: 20 credits[BUILT]
Psi Labs: 50 credits[BUILT]
Psi-Boosting Facility: 50 credits[BUILT]
Hyperwave Relay: 50 Credits, 10 Alloys[BUILT]
Gollop Chamber: 75 credits, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.[BUILT]

Equipment/Foundry Projects:
Basic S.H.I.V: Cost 5 Credits/squad. 1/squad maximum.
Adds 5 to total combat power, priority for casualties.
Current Number: 0.

Med-Kits: Cost 50 Credits to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Reduce both casualties and fatalities in combat.

Phoenix Cannon: Cost 40 to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Adds Phoenix Cannon to all Raven armaments.

Reaper Rounds: Cost 40 to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Adds Reaper Rounds to all Operatives.

Arc Thrower: Cost 30 to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Gives the stun ability to Operatives.

Alloy SHIV: Cost 10 credits and 2 Alloys to construct.[DEVELOPED]
Adds 10 to total combat power, more tanky than Basic SHIV, does not stack with Basic SHIV.
Current Number: 2.

Tier 2 Equipment (All T2 Armors, all Laser Weapons): 20 credits, 10 Alloys per squad.
Changes a squads equipment tier from Military to Laser/Alloy.
Current Number: 3.

Laser Cannon- 40 credits and 10 alloys to develop.[IMPLEMENTED]
Needed for tier 2 vehicles.

Sentinel Drone- 40 credits and 10 Alloys to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Allows SHIVs to repair themselves and other mechanical units. Also slightly enhances their decision making capacity (may be relevant at some points.)

Alien Grenades- 50 credits, 10 Alloys and 10 Elerium to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Replaces normal grenades with alien grenades, increasing the strength of any combat action involving grenade usage.

Genetic Augmentation- 10 credits, 30 Meld per squad augmented. 10 Meld to perform in-situ for special candidates (e.g. Kaji, Misato, 007, and Lily.)
One augmentation can be done for no downtime per turn. Up to three can be performed in a week, but the squads involved will be taken out of action for the week. All Gene Mods on the list installed with a procedure. Mods will be updated with new additions to the list.
Gene Mods:
Iron Skin- increases squad survivability.
Hyper-Reactive Pupils- increases attack if a fight lasts for multiple turns.
Nervous System Control- increases accuracy and reactions, general boost to combat capability.
Redundant Organ Systems- decreases fatalities and casualties among a squad.
Mimetic Skin- provides stealth and a weaker version of First Strike. Does not stack with First Strike, but significantly increases stealth capabilities instead.
Black Carapace- allows neural interface with equipment. Provides boost to combat capability.
Combat Drugs- allows a steady stream of alien-derived combat drugs to flow through the system of the body. Allows a squad to have a turn of significantly increased combat capabilities.
Neural Damping- several brain implants that work together to help defend a soldier from mental attacks, psychic and Dimensional alike.
Tactical Mind- an altered brain structure makes a soldier more aware of their surroundings and allows them to think of better tactics. Increases combat capability, makes ambushes less likely, especially from aliens.
Superior Body- enhances raw physical strength and increases reaction times. Grants boost to combat, melee and high speed reactions.
More detailed description of the Genetic Modifications.

MEC Trooper- 5 credits and Meld to augment a soldier. 1/squad maximum. Does not overlap with SHIV.
Gives no combat boost when tier is below squad equipment.
Gives assigned squad the following special rules:
All For One: MEC trooper may choose to interdict all enemy attacks on a squad at the likely cost of their disablement.
Even In Death I Still Serve: A MEC trooper will always survive the destruction of their suit if the rest of the squad remains intact.
High tier MEC costs deduct the lower tier cost if upgrading. If making from scratch, pay the full price.
MEC-1 Warden- 10 credits and 5 Meld to construct. Weapons: Minigun, Flamethrower, fist. Gives 10 combat power.
Current Number: 0.
MEC-2 Sentinel- 20 Credits, 5 Alloys and 10 Meld to construct. Weapons: Railgun, Flamethrower, Kinetic Strike Module, Variable Grenade/Healing Mist Deployment System. Significantly tougher due to Alloy construction. Gives 20 combat power.
Current Number: 0.
MEC-3 Paladin- 30 credits, 15 Alloys, 10 Elerium, 15 Meld to construct. Weapons: Particle Cannon, Flamethrower, KSM, Variable Grenade/Healing Mist Deployment System, Electro Pulse. Very tough, and also highly mobile from installed Jet-systems. Gives 40 combat power.
Current Number: 2.

X-Type Evangellion Equipment- 150 credits, 200 Alloys and 75 Elerium to make a set.
Gives an Evangellion Alien Alloy armor plating and an Elerium reactor that will allow them to operate continuously.
Currently applied to: N/A.

Superior Construction- 50 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Increases Engineering capacity per Engineer by 1.5x.

Superior Battlefield Communication- 50 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Provides combat boost in battles with five or more XCOM squads.

Enhanced Mechanization- 50 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Provides significant combat bonuses to MECs and SHIVs.

Arc Lasers- 50 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Provides significant boost to capture opportunities and success rates.

Reaper Packs- 40 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Reaper rounds applied to laser weapons.

Stonehenge Targeting Computers- 75 Credits, 15 Alloys and 25 Elerium.[IMPLEMENTED]
Completes the worldwide STN.

Reaper Coils- 40 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Reaper rounds applied to plasma weapons.

Harbinger MAC- 50 Credits, 10 Alloys, 10 Elerium to construct a squad. 5 in a squad.
Armaments: Mag Cannon (Slightly less power intensive and much less per shot powerful than the MEC-2 Railgun, faster fire rate.), Micro Missile Pod.
Durable, can usually be at least partially salvaged if destroyed. Takes up one squad's worth of space when being transported. Almost human intelligence in combat. Combat Skill: 20, Tech Level: Laser/Alloy, gains a boost to combat capability from being Mechanized/Very Heavy Weapon Troopers.

Cyborg Ninja Augments- 40 credits, 15 Alloys and 5 Elerium to implement.[IMPLEMENTED]
Creates a set of MEC augments that allow a human scale yet still extremely powerful combatant. Can be deployed on intrigue missions: significant increase in effectiveness at the cost of all pretense of subtlety.

Tier 3 Equipment (All T3 Armor, All T3 Weapons): 30 credits, 15 Alloys, 10 Elerium per squad.
Changes a squads equipment tier to Plasma/Elerium.
Current Number: 5.

Hover SHIV: cost 15 Credits, 5 Alloys and 2 Elerium to construct.[DEVELOPED]
Adds 15 to Combat Power, can fly, can become stationary for weapon power boost. Very tanky.
Current Number: 6.

Plasma Cannon- 50 Credits, 15 Alloys, 10 Elerium to develop.[IMPLEMENTED]
Required for T3 vehicles.

Particle Cannon- 40 Credits, 10 Alloys, 5 Elerium to develop.[IMPLEMENTED]
Required for MEC-3s and T3 vehicles.

Close Combat Weapons- 70 credits.[IMPLEMENTED]
Gives all operatives HF Blades, significantly increasing their melee effectiveness.

Core Implantation- 50 credits and 50 Meld per squad augmented. Can be done as many times a week as desired, due to the nature of the implantation method. All recipients have red eyes.
Abilities gained:
It Will Not Die: As with the Angels, anyone with a Core is endowed with immense regeneration. Someone who is not killed outright will always fight at full effectiveness. The only way to kill such a person is to destroy the Core itself.
Godflesh: As with the Angels and Evangelions both, a recipient of a Core has far greater physical capability than any human, augmented or otherwise, has any hope of acquiring. In addition, Anti A.T Fields have no effect because of this.
Administrator Access - Crippled: Such individuals theoretically have the power to input commands in the Progenitors. However, Vahlen's Core, producible by tools and used by humans, lack this ability. Despite this, they are still capable of producing an Anti A.T Field.
As One: Taking inspiration from Israfel and Iruel, Vahlen has learned how to join a squad into a single Soul based 'network', allowing them to share thoughts between them. As well as vastly improved tactical coordination, this also means that as long as one Core survives, the rest can regenerate from literal nothing. Due to the limitations on this type of Core, the holders can neither self-replicate not split and recombine like the Angels in question could, but Vahlen believes even if those features could be added it wouldn't be worth it for several reasons, least of all the psychological ones.
Fear No Evil: The Angels and Evangelions are highly resistant to mental manipulation, although their pilots are less so. Most forms of mental manipulation outright fail on such individuals, with the exception of those who can overpower an Angel's innate mental defenses: the Ethereals, although your soldiers are better protected than the Angels from this threat due to having stronger willpower.
Psionic Upgrade:
Enlightenment: With a Core, the passive A.T Field humans possess can be reduced to zero, the bodies form maintained by psionic energy. With both the barrier separating the holder and others turned to nothing, and with psionics flooding the body, the world can be seen objectively, in a new fashion unlike anything else. Several psionics have in fact compared it to a religious awakening. Gives a massive boost to psionic capability, although even an Ethereal Level Cored Psionic is not as strong as an actual Ethereal worth their salt. But the gap becomes smaller, and it is only kept significant by difference of skill at this level. In addition, with a zero A.T Field all members of the squad become Psychic, although to a lesser degree of power than those that were previously psychic.
A.T Field Upgrades:
Light Of The Soul: The presence of a Core significantly increases the power of manifested A.T Fields, and they can now hold up to all but the heaviest firepower directed at them.
Wings Of The Angel: Utilizing A.T Fields in the style of various Angels, users of a Core can access quite speedy flight, allowing them to move at a rapid pace unpredictably.
Through The Valley Of The Shadow Of Death: As seen in various Angels, it is possible for a being with a strong A.T Field to survive in the most extreme environments: from the deepest underwater caverns, the depths of a volcano and even outer space. Although XCOM troopers do not have nearly as much resistance as this, they can survive much better in hostile environments.
A Flaming Sword Which Turned Every Way: Many Angels have energy manipulation of some kind. This is a trait that your Cores also have. Although you're not sure why (they bear the Fruit of Knowledge), it can manifest in many ways, compared to the singular manifestations of the Angels. Energy beams, energy whips, omnidirectional explosions, directed explosions, the list goes on. But the most common one is a form of Sachiel and Zeruel's cross shaped blast, although obviously weaker. Eyes glow when using this ability, and as all Angels who use this ability have their eyes as a key component of it, this is likely not a coincidence.

Fusion Lance- 75 credits, 25 Alloys, 20 Elerium to develop.[IMPLEMENTED]
Required for certain T3 vehicles.

Blaster Launcher- 75 credits, 25 Alloys, 20 Elerium to develop.[IMPLEMENTED]
Required for certain T3 vehicles, and upgrades Heavy rocket launchers.

Obliteration Lance- 150 credits, 100 Alloys and 75 Elerium to construct.[CONSTRUCTED]
Works as both an aim-bot capable sniper cannon and the focusing/charging side mounted rails can be easily detached in the field to make a plasma saber.

Research Projects (Available):
No major research projects remaining.

Research Projects (Complete):

Med-Kits- 5 points.
Satellite Fine-tuning- 5 points.
Xeno Technology- 10 points.
Blood Type Blue?- 5 points.
Beam Basics- 10 points.
Sectoid Autopsy- 5 points.
Alien Materials- 15 points, 10 Alien Alloys.
Vehicles (Air)- 10 points.
Thin Man Autopsy- 5 points.
Beam Weapons- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
Carapace Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
Specialist Beam Weapons- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
Arc Thrower: 5 points.
Advanced Targeting Algorithms- 10 points.
Meld Recombination- 10 points, 5 Meld.
Über-Soldat Autopsy- 5 points.
SEELE Agent Interrogation- 5 points.
Floater Autopsy- 5 points.
Chryssalid Autopsy- 5 points.
Thin Man Interrogation- 5 points.
Vehicles (Land): 10 points.
What is 'Lilith'?: 25 points, 5 Meld.
Drone Autopsy- 5 points.
Cyberdisc Autopsy- 5 points.
Veritech- 15 points.
Veritech Fighter Craft- 10 points, 10 Alloys.
Gene Research- 10 points.
Muton Autopsy- 5 points.
Elerium- 15 points, 5 Elerium.
Seeker Autopsy- 5 points.
Outsider Shard- 5 points.
Mi-Go Autopsy- 5 points.
Alien Navigation Computer- 20 points.
MEC Research- 10 points.
Berserker Autopsy- 5 points.
Floater Interrogation- 5 points.
Alien Power Source- 20 points.
X-Type Evangellion Equipment- 5 points.
Skeleton Suit- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
Juggernaut Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys.
Lance of Longinus- 20 points.
Sectoid Interrogation- 5 points.
Muton Interrogation- 5 points.
Sectoid Commander Interrogation- 5 points.
Psionics- 20 points.
Sectoid Commander Autopsy- 5 points.
Mechtoid Autopsy- 5 points.
High Energy Physics- 10 points.
Gravity-Wave Drive- 25 points.
Soul Theory- 50 points.
Advanced Power Armor Theory- 10 points.
New Transport Craft- 15 points, 10 Alloys, 10 Elerium.
Plasma Weapons- 15 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Active A.T Fields- 20 points.
Heavy Floater Autopsy- 5 points.
Heavy Floater Interrogation- 5 points.
Hyperwave Beacon- 15 points.
Armageddon Armor- 15 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Heavy Plasma- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
New Fighter Craft- 15 points, 15 Alloys, 10 Elerium.
Titan Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Alloy Cannon- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Muton Berserker Interrogation- 5 points.
Core Generation- 30 points.
Dragon Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Soul Communication- 50 points.
Muton Elite Autopsy- 5 points.
Ethereal Autopsy- 5 points.
Ethereal Interrogation- 5 points.
Archangel Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Plasma Sniper Rifle- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Land Vehicles (Tier 2)- 15 points, 10 Alloys.
Psi-Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Ethereal Device- 30 points.
Fusion Core- 30 points.
Muton Elite Interrogation- 5 points.
Sectopod Autopsy- 5 points.
Tier 2 Air Vehicles- 15 points, 10 Alloys.
Plasma Rifle- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Ghost Armor- 10 points, 5 Alloys, 5 Elerium.
Tier 3 Land Vehicles- 20 points, 15 Alloys, 10 Elerium.
Tier 3 Air Vehicles- 20 points, 15 Alloys, 10 Elerium.
Reanimation Protocol Reactivation- 40 points.

Special Circumstances:

You have the pilots under a security detail (generic Blueshirts.)
You have the pilots undergoing therapy, and have detailed psychological analysis of them (and Misato.)
You know Rei isn't human and contains Lilith's Soul.
You are NERV security.
You have subverted Kaji and Misato.
You are aware of SEELE, it's scope and powers, it's base locations, it's control of NERV and the existence of the Human Instrumentality Project.
You are aware Gendo is connected to SEELE.
You have an alliance with EXALT, and know their origins.
You are aware of the origins of the Evangellions in GEHIRN.
You are aware of Lilith.
You and the Council have the UN cleared of SEELE's overt supporters, and have significant influence over the world.
You know the aliens infiltration methods and have an intrigue bonus from that.
You know Lilith and Adam created Humanity and the Angels.
You know Meld is an anti-Angel/Progenitor/(FAR) Nano-Weapon.
You have very basic knowledge of the Extra-Dimensional Beings.
You have assaulted the alien base.
You have inserted Pilot An-Yi 'Lily' Shen in Eva-04 as the Fourth Child. She has been Genetically Modified and enhanced with a Core.
You are aware the Marduk Institute is a sham.
Kaji, Misato and XCOM Agent 007 have been Gene Modded. Kaji is a Strong Psionic. Kaji and 007 have Cores.
You have learned of the Esoteric Order of Dagon and their mechs. And their Tentaculats.
You know almost everything there is to know about the Soul and A.T Fields.
NERV is very suspicious of XCOM and Kaji, or at least Gendo is.
The Stonehenge Turret Network has been completed.
The canon Bardiel and Zeruel disasters have been averted.
You have taken out both of SEELE's primary bases.
You are now in almost open war with the Chrysalis Corporation.
You may talk with your captured Ethereal on as many subjects as you want.
You have an Angel chart:

1st Generation:
Sachiel- General Purpose/Prototype/First Production Model
Shamshel- Fast Attack/Rapid Response
Ramiel- Energy Manipulation/Heavy Weapons
Gaghiel- Fluid Environments
2nd Generation:
Israfel- Multi-Core
Sandalphon- Extreme Environments
Matarael- Failed Scout Walker
Sahaquiel- Orbital Reconnaissance/Bombardment
Iruel- Virus/Control
3rd Generation: (War Models)
Bardiel- Infestation/Takeover
Zeruel- Devastator
Arael- Seer
Armisael- Biofusor
4th Generation: (Prototypes/Experimental)
Leliel- Inverted Field/Dirac Sea

Kaji, and by extension you, knows basically everything there is to know on the subject of the FAR and the Evangelions and Angels.
You can theoretically reactivate Unit Null, either with Psionics or manually.
Asuka is a Weak Psionic.
Kaworu lives.
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[X] EXALT - Pro/Con: Hiding among the shadows: No one is aware of your existence, which is good. However, you will find it more difficult to gain assets.
[X] EXALT - Pro/Con: Hiding among the shadows: No one is aware of your existence, which is good. However, you will find it more difficult to gain assets.
[X] EXALT - Pro/Con: Hiding among the shadows: No one is aware of your existence, which is good. However, you will find it more difficult to gain assets.
We can use the lack of knowledge about us to manipulate both NERV and XCOM, though on the other hand NERV, XCOM, and the Ethereals will all probably be gunning for us... On the other hand again maybe we can recruit Kaji?
Sold. Being genuinely evil would be interesting.

[X] EXALT - Pro/Con: Hiding among the shadows: No one is aware of your existence, which is good. However, you will find it more difficult to gain assets
To clarify, the morally lowest you would be is replace SEELE, run the world from the shadows for your own benefit while taking extremely amoral actions, e.g. brainwashing Misato and having her kill the Eva pilots. Note this would be an awful idea, as you need the Evas to fight the Angels. And it would make you the worst person. You could still do it, though.
EDIT: Hmmm. (The second XCOM dice was a mistake.)
It seems that XCOM is starting off in a perfectly normal situation, could go either way. The Sachiel attack and NERV's resources are exactly as cannon.
EXALT, on the other hand, is starting in a relatively solid position.
The effects of these roles are low, and the situation could tip in any direction, and they are just a scene setter. Even a 1 or 100 would only have faintly noticeable effects.
Note these dices don't mean anything by themselves and I threw them for my mind to receive inspiration more than anything else.
I really don't know what I'm doing. :p
EternalStruggle threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: XCOM Situation Total: 108
50 50 58 58
EternalStruggle threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: EXALT Situation Total: 86
86 86
EternalStruggle threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: NERV Situation Total: 55
55 55
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Do the aliens not get a roll?
The aliens are a constant, they move at the same rate during the game and therefore they do that here too, whereas XCOM is actually the biggest variable of the three. The NERV roll was to see if anything out of cannon happened (no) and the EXALT roll, I have decided, is to see how resource starved EXALT is. You would have several high profile backers for monies if you go EXALT, and that's the only effect.
Note that the aliens have a different motivation here than in cannon, which will become apparent when you see the Sachiel attack. But why? And how?
[X] X-com

Because I'm a traditionalist! Plus, X-com occupies both ends of the difficulty graph, since they start off much stronger than the other organizations, but will suffer much more from the INEVITABLE screw-ups.

NERV probably puts us in the best position to prevent third impact, but I wanna see if XCOM scientists can't bullshit something better then EVAs for fighting angels. I mean particle cannons can already pierce AT fields. Get those powered by Elerium and we might be able to manage to shrink them down into VTOLs while retaining enough power to punch through AT fields.

(Also, because I've only recently gotten into XCOM and haven't really participated in an XCOM quest yet)

Though I suppose I should ask, is the XCOM side of things going to be Normal, Classic or Impossible difficulty wise? -has yet to do a classic playthrough let alone an impossible one- I suppose I should also ask is this Reboot XCOM or original XCOM? -has only played reboot XCOM-
So to clarify, we have both Angels AND the aliens? pls tell me second best boy kaworu is okay
[X] X-com

Because I'm a traditionalist! Plus, X-com occupies both ends of the difficulty graph, since they start off much stronger than the other organizations, but will suffer much more from the INEVITABLE screw-ups.
Very true! However, it should be noted that thanks to alien tech XCOM will also grow the most, but then again so will the aliens (Sectopods hoooooooooo!)

NERV probably puts us in the best position to prevent third impact, but I wanna see if XCOM scientists can't bullshit something better then EVAs for fighting angels. I mean particle cannons can already pierce AT fields. Get those powered by Elerium and we might be able to manage to shrink them down into VTOLs while retaining enough power to punch through AT fields.

(Also, because I've only recently gotten into XCOM and haven't really participated in an XCOM quest yet)

Though I suppose I should ask, is the XCOM side of things going to be Normal, Classic or Impossible difficulty wise? -has yet to do a classic playthrough let alone an impossible one- I suppose I should also ask is this Reboot XCOM or original XCOM? -has only played reboot XCOM-
Firestorms with Fusion lances are potential anti-angel units in the late game. The difficulty will be classic in universe, but not as hard ooc. This will be reboot XCOM, but there will be a choice between XCOM's predecessor organization being the Bureau (game events not necessarily canon) and X-COM (Hyphen important) should Vigilo Confido be chosen. It will default to being the first of its kind if not picked.
So to clarify, we have both Angels AND the aliens? pls tell me second best boy kaworu is okay
You do, and the game will start with the arrival of Sachiel. Kaworu... may well be drop kicked from orbit by the Ethereal's, but if you're lucky he won't. He might even survive! (In order of Kaworu survival: (You have a chance!) NERV - EXALT - XCOM (Yeah he's going to die.))
In any case, that's all from me! Goodnight all.
but there will be a choice between XCOM's predecessor organization being the Bureau (game events not necessarily canon) and X-COM (Hyphen important) should Vigilo Confido be chosen. It will default to being the first of its kind if not picked.
If we do go XCOM, then I'd prefer to pick the Bureau so that we have a chance of getting this guy:
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[X] EXALT - Pro/Con: Hiding among the shadows: No one is aware of your existence, which is good. However, you will find it more difficult to gain assets.
You do, and the game will start with the arrival of Sachiel. Kaworu... may well be drop kicked from orbit by the Ethereal's, but if you're lucky he won't. He might even survive! (In order of Kaworu survival: (You have a chance!) NERV - EXALT - XCOM (Yeah he's going to die.))
In any case, that's all from me! Goodnight all.
Kaworu was only ever on the Moon in the rebuild movies. In manga, anime, and other spin offs Kaworu is raised by SEELE. In the case of the manga where Kaworu is the same/similar sort of being as Rei what with the aquarium, and was only alive and out of the tank for 9 days. By which I mean before he died he lived for a total of nine days. In the anime he was born due to second impact, but I'm not sure if it's the same in the manga.
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[X] XCOM - Pro/Con: The world looks to you: You are more powerful than NERV and EXALT combined, and can gain many assets with ease. However, if you lose the trust of the Council, your income will sharply decrease, and if you cannot rapidly correct the problem, its game over.
New [X] XCOM - Pro/Con: The world looks to you: You are more powerful than NERV and EXALT combined, and can gain many assets with ease. However, if you lose the trust of the Council, your income will sharply decrease, and if you cannot rapidly correct the problem, its game over.
Keep in mind Voters: this isn't just voting for what organization we are, but also what game we're playing. While the other factions will certainly exist, each one will be interacting primarily within their own area of expertise, and interfering in each other's fields will not be looked upon kindly by the appropriate faction. Breaking it down:

XCOM is the largest of the factions, but that's because they have the largest workload. In charge of defending the planet against an organized, advanced, and apparently militant extraterrestrial threat, they're duty is to organize the resources granted to them by the Nations of Earth, and defend our world. Crossover points: Evangelion; 'We are charged with defending the world from extraterrestrial threats... So why don't we own these guys already?' Exalt; 'Someone is messing with our budget... NO ONE SCREWS WITH OUR BUDGET!!!'

Evangelion is the most narrowly focused, more character driven and concerned with the small picture effects of the current state of the world. Also, giant robots/lovecraftian creatures. Crossover points: XCOM; 'Government oversight? That's a dumb idea.' Exalt; 'ANOTHER Secret Society? Where are they all coming from?!?'

Exalt is going to be steeped politics and espionage. Where XCOM will also have a certain amount of politics, they are going to have the narrow goal of 'Your still giving us money, right?' Exalt will be concerned with a broader picture, and is the most likely to deliberately interfere with both organizations, for good or ill. However, they also have the least direct control over the fate of the world, lacking the resources or positioning to directly engage either threat. Their early game will likely be working towards reinforcing their ability to interfere with either, or even both, organizations. Crossover points: XCOM & Evangelion; 'This shit is WAY to important to miss out on. Deal me in.'

So, in conclusion: Do you want a Grand Strategy (XCOM), Cloak-and-Dagger/Spy Thriller (Exalt), or Personal Relations/(smaller)Cloak-and-Dagger/Spy Thriller (Evangelion)

Oh man, they all sound so good...


[X] Exalt
These guys may not be the most active, but they will almost certainly be the best informed, and their mid-to-late game goals may well see them as the most influential, though they will remain largely unwilling to make direct interventions.
[X] XCOM - Pro/Con: The world looks to you: You are more powerful than NERV and EXALT combined, and can gain many assets with ease. However, if you lose the trust of the Council, your income will sharply decrease, and if you cannot rapidly correct the problem, its game over.
Eh. I'm not keen on EXALT because well, they're basically entirely counter productive in nature. "Oh hey we got aliens invading and/or eldritch abominations seeking to bring about the apocalypse, I know, lets steal funds and tech from the people meant to fight them off, thus lowering their chances of success. Who cares if it brings about the apocalypse or the enslavement of all humanity"

I mean yeah alright, if EXALT wins, we don't have to be Stupid Evil, but eh.