The Witch-Queen of Westeros (ASOIAF SI)

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For Alarielle, being blessed with God-like powers by a strange entity was the best thing that could have ever happened to her.

To the people of Westeros, it was the worst.
Chapter 1


U.S of A
"Good god, how many of you fuckers do I need to kill before you leave me alone?" I demanded, thoroughly exasperated by now.

There was no response to my question, of course, as the utterly silent ice zombie charged me, its blue sword shining ominously as he swung it at me.

I didn't even bother dodging, having gone through this song and dance dozens of times already. Instead, I just watched as the sword shattered as it struck my neck.

The zombie, to his (its?) credit, reacted quickly, hopping back even as it raised its hand toward me like it wanted to launch a spell at me.

I didn't give it the chance as I raised my own hand, pointed my palm at him, and obliterated him with a ball of energy.

As I lowered my hand and stalked off, I didn't even bother examining the damage that my blast had caused. Why would I, after all, when there was literally nothing of value to destroy considering this place had naught but ice and snow?

When I'd first woken up in this place, I'd been confused. And why wouldn't I, considering I'd woken up covered in snow and yet not feeling cold at all?

Then, I'd become afraid. I had no idea where I was, I had no food or water, and I was surrounded by a winter hellscape.

However, after accidentally firing off an energy blast, I'd been intrigued. After some experimentation, that intrigue had turned into ecstasy.

I had superpowers now, god-tier ones to boot if my suspicions were correct, which after a day or so of experimentation, they turned out to indeed be.

Now, however, I was mostly really bloody fucking annoyed. Yeah, I had superpowers, but what good were they when I was lost in the middle of fucking nowhere, surrounded by murderous ice zombies?

And so here I was now, sitting on top of a torn-down tree, glaring angrily at nothing in particular, fear and anger alike growing within me as the reality of my situation began to dawn on me.

Was... Was I alone in this world? Did other humans live here, or was it just zombies?

I snarled, jumping up to my feet. No. No, fuck this. I refused to believe that.

Chances were, I'd just gotten unlucky and ended up in this world's equivalent to Antarctica.

I just... had to keep looking, that's all.

As if to taunt me, that was the moment that a group of zombies decided to ride toward me on equally zombified horses.

I sighed. Well... At least they weren't actually a threat to me. Hell, I was probably doing a favor to these things by removing their more brain-dead members.

"Oh my god." I breathed out as I stared at the pair of men dressed in thick furs as they stalked across the snow. They both flinched, whirling around to stare at me, spears quickly being aimed my way before pausing as they saw that I wasn't a zombie. "Actual, living humans!"

The two hunters glanced at each other for a second before turning back to me, still tense. "Who are you, weirdly dressed woman?" One demanded, glaring at me with a surprising amount of hostility.

"Whoa, relax!" I said, putting up my hands in a show of surrender. "I'm... Hm." I paused, stopping myself from saying my name.

I had a chance here that few ever got ahold of, the chance to reinvent myself, and like hell was I not going to take it.

"You can call me... Alarielle." I finally decided, totally not stealing the name. Nuh-uh. "But enough about me! Who are you two? Do you guys know the nearest city? I haven't eaten anything for, like, a week."

The two men stared at me, then at each other, then back at me, their spears still solidly aimed at me.

"... Right." The same one that had spoken before slowly said, his rugged and muscular features not having softened even a bit. "Are you a witch, woman?"

"Huh? A witch? Do I look like I have a pointed hat and a flying broom?" I asked, confused. At their equally confused stares back, I just rolled my eyes. "Of course I'm not a witch. Now, if you wouldn't mind, could you kindly point me to where the nearest settlement is? I'd really appreciate it. Also, stop calling me 'woman'." I said, just a little bit peeved. I'd just chosen an awesome new name, and they still called me 'woman'? Lame!

However, instead of doing as asked, the two men simply relaxed slightly, finally putting away their spears. However, despite the seemingly benign action, something about them nonetheless seemed to shift, becoming more... malicious.

"Think she's a crow?" One asked the other, leering at me. "Bit far from the Wall, ain't she?"

"Maybe." The other responded, walking towards me with a smirk on his face. I just stared at them, befuddled. "Doesn't really matter, does it? I really wanna take this bitch for a ride or three."

"Oi, the fuck are you- WHAT THE HELL?!" I screamed as the one walking to me just straight-up groped me, grabbing my right arm with his other hand.

"Shut up ya cunt. I don't know what a woman like you's doing here, but you're coming with-"

For almost half a dozen seconds, I just stood there, far too in shock at the suddenness of it at all, doing nothing as the guy tried to tug me toward him.

Then, my mind rebooted. And when it did, pure, boiling fury erupted within me.

And so I slapped him without holding back.

To say that the guy's head exploded like a watermelon would be an understatement. It was more that it was reduced to a fine, red mist.

The other guy gaped at what had happened, his eyes wide as he watched the headless (and also somewhat shoulderless) body of his comrade fall into the snow without so much as a thump.

I wasn't all that better, as I looked at my bloody-covered hand and the corpse of the man I'd just killed.

I... I didn't really feel anything. It felt like I'd just slapped an annoying mosquito, rather than killed a living, breathing human being.

"W... What..." The other, still-living rapist stuttered, taking several steps back even as he whipped his spear back out. "S-stay back, witch! Stay back!"

Slowly, oh-so-slowly, I turned to stare at him.

The man screamed and tried to flee.

He did not get very far.
Interesting intro.
Looking forward to more.

Though I will admit I am a bit disappointed. And by that I mean that when I saw the title, I though it was a crossover with Destiny that our favorite Witch-Queen ended up in Westeros.
Oh well.
Chapter 2
"So you're part of a cannibal tribe? The 'Long Fingers', wasn't it?"

"Yes! Yes, dear Gods, yes! Please, let me-"

"Tell me more about these 'women raids', as you called them, and of the other tribes."

"Please, I beg of you, I didn't-"

"Tell. Me. More."

Well, if there was one good thing to come out of this, it was that my first kill was practically guilt-free.

I hummed a small tune as I walked through the forest, still lost in thought from all the information the cannibal rapist had, uh, volunteered after some encouragement.

Apparently, these people referred to themselves as the 'Free Folk'. They lived north of what the guy called the 'Wall', below which lived the 'Kneelers'.

Basically, these guys were the nomadic Mongols to the southern Chinese.

Great. I find humans, and they're all cannibalistic, raping, sexist, and homeless barbarians. Just my luck.

... Okay, I was probably being a bit uncharitable, but sue me, their first impression wasn't all that great.

I rubbed my chin, pondering over some of the other things I'd been told even as I casually fired a thin energy laser at a trio of wolves that had gotten a tad bit too close, causing the beasts to yelp and flee.

Greedy little things. They already had two corpses to feast on, they'd get fat if I let them eat me too.

Now, where was I... Oh, right. The fact that these people stole women from their homes to basically use as sex slaves.

Needless to say, I wasn't a big fan of that policy. Nor of the several others he'd mentioned.

The question now was, did I care enough to do something about it?

"Man," I said aloud, forcing down my embarrassment as I started speaking to myself. "This is quite the kerfuffle, ain't it, Alarielle? You end up in a fancy new world, with fancy new superpowers, and the first thing you discover is that the people here are all bastards. It's almost like someone put me here on purpose."

I paused, glaring up at the sky, raising my fist and shaking it at the sky. "Well, you know what big G?" I screamed like a madwoman. "I'm not falling for your tricks, you smarmy son of a bitch!"

I harrumphed, lowering my fists and briskly walking off, head held high as I waited for lightning to strike me.

Predictably, it did not.

... I think my powers might be messing with my brain a little bit, I decided, letting out a sigh as my shoulders slumped.

God damn it. I couldn't ignore this.

Some would say that with great power comes great responsibility, but frankly, I... just didn't really care?

How was it my problem that these people were backward savages? Besides, what if that guy had just been an outlier and the people were actually perfectly civilized?

I mean, I doubted it, but it was a possibility!

I sighed again. Oh well. I guess I could go and check out the other tribes in the area and see what those are like.

If they were horrible, Fallout-style tribes that ate kids and sacrificed babies for the lolz, then I'd do my civic duty and evaporate them. If not... I don't know. I'd decide later.

And so, with those heavy thoughts in mind, I continued making my way through the snow-filled land with nothing but vague directions, a confused sense of responsibility, and an admittedly not small amount of curiosity.

If I'd known the path that this trip would lead me down to... Well, I think I'd have probably taken it anyways, to be honest.

"Huh," I said aloud as I stared down at the tent-filled village some distance away. "Not seeing any skull thrones or sacrificial altars quite yet, so that's a start," I murmured, hopping down from the stone I'd been standing on and walking toward the village.

If I'd had any less confidence in my ability to survive anything less than the complete annihilation of the planet, then I might have been more cautious. As it was, though... A few barbarians with pointy sticks just didn't really intimidate me anymore, especially not after having faced down hundreds of spooky-scary ice zombies, all of whom had died pathetically easily.

Regardless, forcing myself to refocus on the situation, I entered the village proper, watching curiously as men, women, and children dressed in heavy furs went about their primitive lives.

In turn, I too was watched, first with confusion, and then with caution. Not unsurprising, considering that everyone here probably knew each other.

Thus, I would honestly be lying if I said I was surprised when a trio of tribesmen stopped me, staring at me with a critical eye.

"Who are you, woman, and why are you here?" The leader demanded, and for a moment, I felt a sense of heavy deja-vu, causing my lips to twitch.

"Weeell~" I said teasingly, smirking at him. "I'm here to be your new leader, of course!" I said proudly, puffing up my chest.

The trio, and several of the nearby tribesmen who'd been staring at the confrontation with curiosity, just stared at me. Then, after their disbelief passed, the leader started laughing loudly.

"Lass, you're a funny one." He finally said after an entire minute of laughter, wiping a tear from his eye before sobering up. "You know, you're rather beautiful. Say, how about you-"

Right. I wasn't gonna go through this whole song and dance twice. Taking a step forward, I grabbed the man's arm, causing him to shut up and raise an eyebrow, obviously not impressed.

That changed pretty quickly, however, when I launched him into the sky with a flick of my wrist, using my inner energy to avoid tearing him apart as I did so.

His screams were quite cathartic as he flailed in the air, and I calmly put my hands behind my back as he fell back down a half dozen seconds later.

Still, considering that he'd tried asking me out instead of just straight-up molesting me (god my standards were low), I decided to be merciful, catching him as he fell down, once again using my inner energy to avoid having him go 'splat'.

The entire area was silent, with everyone watching me with stunned faces. The man in my arms whimpered pitifully.

"So," I said casually. "You guys wanna call up your boss so that I can usurp him, or will I have to start shattering a few skeletons?" I asked mildly.

Needless to say, they chose the first option.
I just watched Black Adam, and this is giving me some amazing deja-vu.

To take even more inspiration.
- doors are for other people.
- say "Tell them Alarielle sent you" before you kill someone.
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Right. I wasn't gonna go through this whole song and dance twice. Taking a step forward, I grabbed the man's arm, causing him to shut up and raise an eyebrow, obviously not impressed.

That changed pretty quickly, however, when I launched him into the sky with a flick of my wrist, using my inner energy to avoid tearing him apart as I did so.

His screams were quite cathartic as he flailed in the air, and I calmly put my hands behind my back as he fell back down a half dozen seconds later.

Still, considering that he'd tried asking me out instead of just straight-up molesting me (god my standards were low), I decided to be merciful, catching him as he fell down, once again using my inner energy to avoid having him go 'splat'.

Ah yes. I've seen that before. The Hancock maneuver. this a Worm Crossover or just generic superpowers?
Wonder if she can use that energy to fly. Outside of the obvious uses, it would probably be a pretty damn good and easy way to establish dominance, maybe even divinity/godhood if you're lucky/unlucky.
Chapter 3
Horton's steps were hurried as he jogged through the encampment, his closest friend right behind him as they both marched to what might very well be the fight of their lives.

When one of Horton's wives had run into his tent while he'd been busy discussing the tribe's next raid with his lieutenants, he'd been slightly surprised. When she'd started screaming that a witch wanted to see him, he'd been quite concerned.

Now, as he rounded a corner and came upon a sight that had left him gaping like a newborn toddler upon seeing a giant for the first time, he found his concern turning into fear.

Men and women with whom he'd been fighting alongside with for years now lay helplessly on the ground, groaning in pain and completely unable to move.

And at the center of the circle of defeated warriors, a woman- no, not even. A girl stood, hands on her hips and with a satisfied smile on her face as her head turned slightly, her eyes focusing directly on Horton.

Horton's heart skipped a beat, and not in a romantic way. For all that the kneelers down south might call him and his people savages, he knew that he wasn't stupid. He might not be a genius like his first wife, or a social savant like his friend, but what he did have was the ability to understand an opponent.

And right now, this girl did not consider him or his people her opponents at all.

"Ah." She uttered, her voice surprisingly soft and high-pitched, her accent strange as she casually removed her foot from where she'd been keeping it atop a fallen spearwife. "And so comes the big boss. Took you a while, didn't it?"

Horton remained silent, clutching his stolen kneeler sword with both hands, even as his friend and the rest of the quickly arriving tribe did the same, staring down the girl with as neutral an expression as he could manage, taking the opportunity to examine her further.

As highlighted by her accent, there was no doubt this girl was a complete foreigner. Her skin was pale white, her hands soft and without callouses, and she wore her long, black hair free.

To add to that, she was also fairly tall, not overly so but quite a bit more than most women. More than that, she also visibly lacked muscles, looking more like the delicate kneeler ladies down south than a proper Folk woman.

However, what stood out the most about her was, without a doubt, her clothes. She looked almost like a prostitute, with a skirt that barely went down to her knees and a scandalously short black shirt that left her belly button and arms exposed.

In any other situation, Horton would have barely spared the girl a glance, assuming her naught but a common whore. As it was, however, with dozens of men and women at her feet and looking completely unbothered by the freezing winds striking her bare skin, the girl cut a nigh-mystical figure.

"Why are you here?" Horton spoke, his entire examination having barely taken a few seconds. He took a step forward, aiming his sword at her. "Are you here to merely mock us, witch, or are your purposes nefarious?"

"Oh my god, why does everyone call me a- you know what, it doesn't matter." The girl sighed heavily, flicking her hair back with a motion of her head.

Then, she pointed a palm at them. Horton tensed, wishing for a moment that he'd grabbed his shield as an ominous ball of blood-red light formed in the with's hand.

"Let me spell it out for you in the universal language." The witch spoke, a smirk forming on her face. "You guys will kneel to me, and for as long as I stay here, you'll obey me. In exchange, I'll protect and help you."

She raised her hand to the sky. "If you refuse, well..."

The red ball abruptly fired out from her palm, traveling so fast that Horton barely saw it move. A few seconds later, however, he definitely saw the explosion that lit up the sky for a few moments.

He was almost forced to his knees as a harsh wind abruptly smashed downwards onto them, and he heard several of his people gasp in terror at the show.

"The next one will be directed right at you." The witch finished her speech, looking mighty pleased with herself as she put her hands to her hips, smirking at them all as though this was naught but a game to her.

Slowly, painfully, Horton righted himself, glaring at the witch. Then, he spoke, his voice tight but unyielding. "No."

The witch blinked, clearly taken aback. "What?" She half-asked and half-exclaimed, having obviously expected a different answer. "The fuck do you mean by no?"

"We are the Free Folk," Horton spoke, drawing himself up even as he took a step forward. Around him, the entire tribe was silent as they watched the showdown between their leader and the mysterious yet terrifying witch. "We are many things. Strong. Resilient. Ruthless. Unyielding. What are not, however, are kneelers!" He roared, taking several steps toward the witch.

Surprisingly, the witch actually stepped back, looking a little intimidated. Horton capitalized on it ruthlessly. "You may be powerful, witch. You may have defeated our warriors. You may be able to defeat me. But you will never be able to break our spirit!"

The tribe roared their agreement, and at that moment, it mattered not if they were men or women, children or elderly, sick or healthy... At that moment, they were simply Free Folk.

And the Free Folk would rather die than kneel.

The witch's head whipped around, staring at the gathered tribesmen all glaring at her. None approached, but their hostility was nonetheless obvious.

Then, she looked back at Horton, and he saw that her face had contorted into a rictus of pure rage, her hands clenched tight.

"I see." She said, her words far louder than they should have been. Despite her clear anger, her voice was deceptively calm as she spoke. "How admirable. You savages actually have something going for you. Congrats." She praised venomously, taking a step forward, her now reddened eyes still fixed on Horton's tense form.

She spread her arms out, almost as though she wanted to hug someone. "So, in lieu of that, I'm gonna be merciful. Instead of kneeling, I'll accept you simply bowing down to me. Do that, and as I said before, I'll protect you and bring you savages to highs you'd otherwise never reach. If you still try and defy me..."

Suddenly, an impossible pressure descended upon everyone. Horton gasped as he was driven to his knees, feeling as though the hand of the largest giant ever was pressing down on his very soul.

Around him, people cried out as they too fell, and the earth itself shook. Rocks and snow trembled, some of it even rising into the air and failing to fall back down.

"... I will annihilate you." The witch finished, practically snarling the words as she glared down at the panting Horton. "So, make your choice, scumbags. Serve and be useful, or die pathetically. What will it be?"

Horton answered by forcing himself up, feeling his very soul begging him to lie down, and letting out a war cry as he charged her.

By the time the sun rose once more the next morning, the Snow Rider tribe had been reduced to half of its former numbers, with the majority of those remaining being children, elderly, and women.

Unfortunately, it would be far from the last tribe to suffer such a fate.
However, what stood out the most about her was, without a doubt, her clothes. She looked almost like a prostitute, with a skirt that barely went down to her knees and a scandalously short black shirt that left her belly button and arms exposed.
Do the Free Folk have a concept of prostitution? They dont exactly have money and I doubt there are brothels there.
Also, isn this happening in the far north, near to where the others are, beyond the Wall? It seems there are far more important implications that the Free Folk would notice about being half naked; like, how are you half naked in that fucking cold?

By the time the sun rose once more the next morning, the Snow Rider tribe had been reduced to half of its former numbers, with the majority of those remaining being children, elderly, and women.

Unfortunately, it would be far from the last tribe to suffer such a fate.
This was a tribe of cannibals and rapists. The previous chapter said so. And yet these people and their chieftain are far more sympathetic than the SI. By design, obviously, so kudos to you.
Why am I loving this so much?

Also, Author?
Please don't tell us exactly what her powers are.
That is just gonna encourage the Munchkins telling you things like "why doesn't she just do X and Y? Is she stupid?" and the a*tistic Power Rules Lawyers coming in saying things like "no, the powers clearly state things that can't allow her to do X so OP should rewrite their story so she isn't doing that!"
Basically keep a little mystery so the Fortnite Readers don't start going REEEEEEE!

Also, this story is Watched hard.
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I will not lie, but why does she bother trying to rule over the savages? I would think some info trade and maybe trade of services for goods would be more efficient and less Genocide-y
On the one hand why does she even want to conquer them when she can just grab a few people to be her servants and bully the rest of world into giving her whatever she wants when she wants it. On the other hand Aegon too had little justification to conquer all of westeros the way he did aside from "I have dragons your argument is invalid."