The Witch Crown (Worm/Queen's Blade)

Are Annelotte's actions evil?

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Yes, yet another Worm fic on the forum. Binge reading of the recommendation threads is not...
Arc1.1 Possession. (Danny)a


The Idol Producer
Yes, yet another Worm fic on the forum. Binge reading of the recommendation threads is not healthy when you feel rusty in writing and your muse refuses to let go.

And yes, that Queen's Blade. The infamous anime with bondage and exploding acidic breasts in the first episode. Here's hoping you guys like it and can give me some comments on how and where to improve on.

The Witch Crown

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

Arc 1.1 Possession (Danny)(a)


Danny Herbert


My wife and daughter were clinically dead for ten minutes when Annette was giving birth in the operating theatre. It was sudden and had not been accompanied by any flashy lights or costumed supermen playing their games. One moment, breathing and struggling to begat new life, the next, two lives snuffed out like a candle and the flesh going cold.

And just as quickly as the doctors gave up resuscitation efforts, Annette's eyes snapped open and she turned the most piercing, judging gaze I've ever seen on the woman I loved on everyone in the room. Despite her pale complexion, the gasping for air and apparent frailty expected of a new mother that look in her eyes made everyone in that room shiver like the condemned before a hanging judge. I was certain that she was now one of those capes whose existence made our lives miserable and blessed in great measure.

The stillness of the room was broken by the lusty cries of a newborn child and my heart ached to rush towards my daughter who had been surgically removed from Annette and left for dead. But that steely gaze on my newly alive wife kept us all frozen to the spot.

Then she broke into a warm smile and all thoughts of my wife being dead and replaced disappeared. I hugged her tightly, afraid she'd die again.


I had always considered myself a rather progressive kinda guy. Not the one who'd leap headfirst into the newest social trend or shifting mores, but someone who won't flip out when my daughter takes home a boy who's not perfectly clean cut, respectful and won't so much as touch a single hair on her body before her wedding night.

I'd take him to a corner to make a few death threats if he doesn't take my daughter home safe and early, but I won't flip out.

So I'd never imagined myself feeling all sorts of inadequate as I watch my wife being fawned upon by men and women of the upper crust of what's left Brockton Bay's social elite in the café of a country club. Judges, CEOs, politicians and high powered businessmen gathered around my wife who's a humble English professor of lower middle class birth and means. The crowd striving for her attention while engaging in social combat with sly but polite putdowns about the inadequacies of their potential rivals.

It was like high school all over again, and I'm the plain wallflower who's somehow attached to the hottest girl in school.

"Whoever said that a woman's looks start going downhill after giving birth is spouting some Master grade bullshit, because your wife is living proof to the contrary."

I turned around to glare at the source of that unwanted but all too familiar commentary on my spouse. A certain redheaded divorce lawyer was grinning at me, nursing a drink in his hand while wearing the standard country club ensemble of a polo t-shirt with white pants. He raised his glass in greeting while his grin got wider.

"You should probably know, won't you, Mr Alan Barnes? It only took you nearly a year before you'd stop gaping at the wife of a friend of twenty years. "

Alan chuckled at my ribbing as he placed his free arm over my shoulder while he pointed to my wife holding court with the cream of Brockton Bay's social scene. A few of the plainer looking women had moved to outer rims of the circle that had gathered around my wife Annette while a few of the women who were closer to Annette personally whispered things into her ear. The men on the other hand were glaring at one another while sporting transparently fake smiles. Quite a few were intruding on the personal space of their closest counterpart, in an attempt to intimidate.

"I understand Annette has a Masters in European History?"

Alan was asking a rhetorical question of course. He had sat through more than one of her impromptu lectures of early modern period French Court etiquette though it was more like a recounting of a life lived rather than a lecture of a dry academic when Annette spoke of long dead European royalty.

"You going somewhere with that line of questioning, or are you just going to waste the court's time?"

My old friend raised an eyebrow at my comeback before laughing out loud, catching the attention of several of Annette's gaggle of hanger-on's. Alan then settled for smiling the smuggest smile I've seen in a while and the man can do a lot of smug. It made me wish we were in high school just so I can flush Alan's head in the toilet.

You know, as a friendly prank between friends.

" What I'm saying, Danny, is that your wife has an obvious love for re-enacting because I'm feeling like this is an afternoon party in the gardens of the Sun King, Louis the Fifteenth. All we need now is some whipping boys, a few poodles running around yapping away and powdered wigs and we're all set."

I was sure that Alan had gotten the powdered wigs, whipping boys and French King who was actually the Sun King wrong, but I decided that needling him on that wasn't needed. So I settled for grumbling instead.

"I certainly don't feel like a king in my own palace garden, Alan."

Alan's expression turned melancholic as he shook his head.

"You're not the king, Danny."

My friend pointed Annette, a calm radiating presence in surrounded by overeager courtiers.

"She is. Long live the queen."

Shouting from the fringes of the circle around Annette caught my attention as I saw two elderly men start shoving each other while the rest of crowd gave space to a potential fracas about to breakout. I recognised the two as a District Judge and also the head of the Brockton Chamber of Commerce Rupert Thornly. In other circumstances, I would have hoped for the judge to soundly beat the behind of Thornly because just last week he had propositioned my wife. I still felt the tingle of satisfaction when Annette had publicly rejected his indecent proposal and did it in such a way that everyone knew he was a dirty old man who got shot down. It is not very nice of me to feel satisfaction over a man's ruined reputation, but he propositioned my wife, so fuck him.

But the potential brawl between two senior citizens was a bit too close for comfort to Annette for me, so I strode towards her purposefully, daring those rich parasites to try and stop me from my spouse.

"Annette, we've got to go. Taylor's sitter is leaving in half an hour!" I shouted over the crowd and they turned to face me. Almost all of them wore various degrees of murderous expressions, except for Annette who smiled and stretched out her hands towards me. On cue, the crowd surrounding her parted ways for me to approach her, their expressions switching to strained smiles as if they've sucked on a lemon.

Feelings of annoyance started to boil inside of me. Annette Rose Herbert was my wife. I was not supposed to be vying for her affection and attention like some mistress! As I looked at her smile for me, the building feelings melted away as I saw in her smile a warmth and affection that was lacking when she was facing the others.

I suppose I can let this go for…the tenth time? And the sudden need for dramatic gestures she had developed after giving birth to Taylor. That one can go too.


The feeling that my wife had changed almost completely continues to gnaw at me even as I began driving home. Taylor's sitter was not due to leave for another hour and the drive home from the country club only took half that time.

A country club. A part of my brain still wonders if I had gone mad and I was dreaming all of this. An employee of a Dockworker Union where the docks aren't doing any business due to world ending sea monsters should have no business in a gathering of snooty rich elites. I called that part of my brain the logical part of my brain and even after adjusting for a world of people with superpowers running around in their jammies it was still screaming something was wrong.

I decided to take the scenic route to clear my thoughts. I found myself doing it a lot more often since Taylor was born and my wife did something that threatens to blow my mind.

I snuck glances at Annette as she stared out of the window onto the view. The club was located on a hill out of town and a drive down the winding route offered a bird's eye view of most of Brockton Bay.

Annette Rose Herbert is a stunning woman and she was not one when I married her. The woman I married was tall, slim with minimal curves and had a pair of lips that were too thin. Her hair was long, dark and wavy and kept simple and neat. She was very expressive and a lovely warm woman and I love her more than any other woman in the world. But she was not someone who'd grab the attention of everyone on the street when she walked on it.

The postnatal Mrs Herbert on the other hand, was a bombshell that hits harder than Behemoth on a city full of capes. I did not quite notice it at first. The change was gradual but it was noticeable after a few weeks. The shapely curves, the fuller lips, the skin that was blemish free and radiated vigour. As she got well enough to walk again, there was a very noticeable change in her stride.

Annette always had a quiet, mature confidence in her, one that suited the inner strength that had attracted to me to her. This new Annette glided with a regal poise and barely concealed swagger that demanded everyone look at her. Awkward during the first few days after her recovery, her poise soon grew into a confident stride that demanded attention.

"You're staring again, Danny. Maybe you'd like to park at the side so you can have a better look?"

I fumbled with the wheel as Annette's purring tease jolted me into realising I was lost in admiring my wife like some obsessed voyeur. Purposefully keeping my eyes on the road, I tried to ignore the burning sensation on my cheeks or the giggling of my spouse.

"You know, the offer's still open Danny. " Annette said causally as she resumed looking at the scenery.

"The one where you offered to be tested by the PRT for being a parahuman?" I said far more stiffly than I had intended. The car rolled to a stop as I exited the winding path from the club and I parked on the shoulder of the road.

"Yes, that one Danny. " All signs of humour had vanished as she looked at me expectantly with a hard expression. Seeing me hesitate, Annette pressed on.

"I'm your wife! I know that you're doubtful if I'm some parahuman Villain who replaced your wife or messed with your mind. "

She grabbed my hand reassuringly and her face softened as she continued, "I just want to let you know, that I'm still Annette. It's natural for you to think I've triggered to be some cape, since you know, dying during childbirth and then coming back to life. "

Annette squeezed my hand as she looked me in the eye. "I don't want this doubt to fester between us, Danny."

If I wasn't sure telepathy was impossible except for the Simurgh, I'd have been convinced that my wife was reading my mind and making me feel like a heel.

I considered my next words carefully, aware that a wrong turn of phrase can damage our relationship irreparably.

"Annette, I want to believe in you, without having someone like PRT having to vouch that you're telling me the truth. " I saw my missus flinch as if she had been slapped and I felt a stab of guilt in return. But I knew I had to continue.

"Ever since you left that hospital, when you gave birth to Taylor. I... damn it!" Searching for words as I struggled to let the words go, I decided to just let it all out.

I told her. How she changed in a way I cannot understand. How if she had changed completely, it'd actually be easier for me since then I'd know someone had taken your place in that hospital ward. That someone was wearing the face of Annette Herbert for what? Daniel Herbert is not someone important enough for some supervillain to target.

But for every bit of her that's changed from the quiet gentle woman I've fell in love with to Annette the Prom Queen, there's still the part of the old Annette that's how the way I've known. All the little moments together, the way you like our shared cup of tea and even the events that I've forgotten about but you still remember and needle me with.

That's how I believe that the stunning woman seated next to me is Annette Rose Hebert and not some freak in a costume using you.

As I let my spiel continue, pouring out my doubts over the past year and half, I saw Annette's face twist with grief as she broke into heaving sobs. As I finished my thoughts, I saw her make up running from the tears as she bit her lips in an attempt to stifle her crying.

"Even now she looks inhumanly beautiful." I pushed those thoughts away and I pulled her in for a hug and felt her return my affection even as her crying grew louder.

I've no idea how long it took for the crying to die down. I kept my eyes closed as I didn't really want to see her so hurt and preferred to just feel her next to me. My eyes only opened as I heard her start speaking hoarsely and I looked at her as she spoke.

"Danny, I… I'm so sorry. It's just that I didn't expect you to be so..." Sparring my wife, I finished her sentence for her.

"Left out? Neglected? Annette, I know women usually undergo drastic change after their first child, but most of them only let their figures go, rather than transform into Mrs Popular Amateur model."

I received a punch in the shoulder for that attempt to lighten things up. I didn't think that I'd be getting any offers soon, but if it helps Annette feel better than as far as I'm concerned I've brought the house down.

"Danny." Annette asked lightly," What do you remember of my life before I arrived here in New England?"

I racked my brains as I went through her history. Born in Quebec, moved to Newfoundland before Leviathan forced her and her family to flee to the US. It was then I realised I never asked about her life when she was in Canada.

"I was a bit of a social butterfly back when I was in school all the way to college." Annette offered, "After arriving in America, I stopped being so active in the popularity sweepstakes since it brings up so many memories. "

"So why get back in the game now? Why the eagerness after Taylor?"

She sighed as I saw her grimace. A long suffering look was etched on her face as she started playing with her hair.

"Being friendly with people I don't really like means Taylor can learn to be around people and be liked by them. As I was before she arrived, I don't think I'd be equipping her with the right skills for her in life. "

I disagreed quite vehemently with what Annette was saying. Being Ms Prom Queen brought a whole set of problems with it, one of which involves dirty old Heads of Commerce Chambers, but I kept my peace. Even if I disagree, I guess Taylor will have to choose when she grows older.

"So Danny. Does the PRT have a nursery suitable for children under the age of two?"

I looked at Annette in surprise.

"I want to go to the PRT, Danny. I want to clear this once and for all. I don't know if I have triggered. But I do know I want to keep you in the loop from now on. No more assuming you know what I'm thinking. We are getting this done. Today. "

I pulled her in closer for another hug and felt her shivering. No matter what the results say, the Annette Rose Herbert in my arms today is the same as the one whom I married. No more lies between us.


I returned from work an hour earlier than usual. Three weeks had passed since Annette got herself tested at the PRT and the results came back negative. It lifted a weight in my heart that my wife was not some parahuman body snatcher and was simply reverting to her practices in youth that she never told me about before.

No superpowers bullshit here. Merely bad communication that nearly killed a marriage. Completely mundane and manageable. To celebrate the discovery that whatever issues our marriage have were decidedly human in nature, Annette bought a tape recorder. I'd suggest jewellery, but she reminded me of our stretched finances. The freebies Annette got from her amateur modelling and popularity didn't translate into a higher source of income.

Yet. I have a feeling Annette has that angle covered too.

I walked slowly and quietly to the basement that Annette had converted to a nursery, hoping to give her a surprise. She had insisted on using the basement, despite us still having spare rooms. She said she liked the quietness down there and it was warm in the winter.

Approaching the entrance, I heard Annette speaking in French and the distinct click of the tape recorder as she finished her sentences. Using the best of my almost forgotten lessons from high school and what little I picked up from my Canadian dockworkers, I listened in on her recording sessions.

I picked up something about numbers. It almost sounded like she was reciting some figures though I did not quite pick up on what they referred to. I did hear some phrases I could translate however.





I chuckled as the pieces fit together. Annette was piecing together a fantasy novel, and it's going to be a New Englander in King Charlemagne's Court.

I opened the door and went down the steps to find a table with an empty cot next to it and a tape recorder on the table. No sign of my wife and child but then I felt the touch of very sharp cold steel at the back of my neck.

"…Danny?" I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding as I turned around and saw Annette holding our daughter in her left arm while clutching a golden ballpoint pen in her right.

"You know, that pen's tip felt a lot bigger when it was pointing at the back of my neck."

Annette was standing next to the steps leading into the house and was partially covered in the shade. I saw a flash of steel on her right hand and the faint outline of a gauntlet as the light reflected against it before I looked closer and saw nothing there.

The lighting in the basement needs some massive improvement if I seeing things that are not there.

"Your mind can play tricks on you when someone points a sharp metal object in a vulnerable place, my dear."

The hard look on my wife's face makes me inclined to agree.
Arc1.1 Possession. (Danny)b
1.1 Possession Danny (b)


Danny Herbert


Annette and I decided to celebrate Taylor's fourth birthday in the park just two blocks south of the Boardwalk. Pine tree acorns littered the grounds as Taylor raced ahead of us squealing in delight once the doors of the car opened while Annette and I followed behind.

Even if it was mid-June, the early morning was cool enough that Annette was wearing a beige wool cardigan and sweatpants as she strolled ahead of me while our daughter delighted herself diving into the vegetation pilling up near the trees. Annette strolled ahead, an ever-present thin smile of satisfaction lighting up her face while poor little Danny Boy-me- was left trudging along with a picnic basket and a mat.

"Hey girls! Mind helping out your old man with the basket?" I called out to them knowing that they'd never help. Too busy to having fun as mother and daughter to bother with the peon work after all. Sure enough, Annette turned around, stuck out her tongue at me before dashing head first into the leaf pile to join Taylor. It was times like this that made me glad we don't have a dog, because it was likely that he'd abandon me to join them in the fun too. Watching the two most important women in my life enjoying themselves, I felt a sense of pride and satisfaction burn in my chest before turning back to setting the mat.

Removing a bottle of wine from the basket, a loud sound that sounded like a cross between a sudden bolt of lightning and a car engine backfiring caused me to tumble onto the grass in shock. I turned towards Annette and Taylor and saw my little girl bawling while clinging onto her mom's cardigan. My wife's left sleeve was had a growing blood stain while her hand clenched into a fist. Picking myself up, I rushed over to have a closer look at Annette who was trying to soothe Taylor. I noted the distinct smell of burning ozone which triggered the fear of a possible Tinker weapon as I looked over Annette's wounded arm, I ripped open the sleeve of the cardigan and sighed in relief. Despite the blood, I saw that it was grazing cut than something potentially more dangerous. Helping the two of them up, I quickly bundled mother and child into the car and drove to Brockton General.

"Any idea what hit you? It'd probably help the doctors to fix you up?' I asked Annette while waiting for a traffic light to go green.

Annette shook her head while adjusting herself in the seat. "Maybe some gangbangers were having their little war nearby and it's a stray shot." Annette gritted out her thoughts as she tried to calm down our daughter. "Just happy Taylor's okay. " I nodded in agreement as my wife unclenched her fist, letting pine needles and bits of crushed acorn fall out of her grasp. Taylor flinched away from the broken plant life and began sobbing again.

Taylor always made sure to stay a healthy distance from pine trees from then on.


As the rented SUV pulled into the driveway, I waited expectantly for my six year old bundle of boundless of energy to make her dramatic entrance as she always does when returning home from a camping trip. I did not have to wait too long before Taylor darted out of a half opened door and leapt at me like a miniature rugby player.

She also hits like one too as I noted the slight jolt of pain in my chest when she tackled me and I stumbled from a six year old's lunge. Thank God these trips tend to drain Taylor's excess energy and make her less excitable. She can really hurt some of the other kids if she played half as rough with her peers like she does with me.

Laying down my daughter from our hug, I saw Annette approaching slowly looking completely haggard. I held Taylor back from doing the tackle greeting on her mom since Annette looked like a slightly lively breeze could knock her flat on her ass right now. I knelt down face to face with Taylor as I decided I needed to talk with my wife without an excitable six year old listening in.

"Hey kiddo, why don't you go to your room and see if anything's missing from your bag for your first day of elementary school tomorrow. Mommy and I have some grown up stuff to talk about."

The magic words of grown up stuff worked as Taylor's face fell upon realising her parents are about to speak about things she finds boring. Grabbing the opportunity, my little girl nodded eagerly and skipped into the house, away from the adult talk about to occur. Annette walked up to me, looking almost as tired and drained as the day where she gave birth, died and rose from the dead in a span of ten minutes. The confidence and boundless energy was replaced with a world-weariness that's more in character for me than the life of the party that was my wife.

"Danny, sweetie. Help me to the den please." Annette whispered hoarsely as she leaned against me for support. Nodding my assent, I huffed before sweeping her off her feet into a bridal carry, prompting a yelp of surprise before she laughed lightly at my gesture, her tired features visibly brightening.

"Reminds you of our wedding night, doesn't it, "I whispered to Annette as she giggled before burying her face in my chest. I got a whiff of her hair, enjoying the scent of her shampoo that smelled of jasmine and lilies before going towards the den.

The den, as my wife, calls it was actually the nursery that was converted from our basement. Taylor had grown too old for a nursery by now, but Annette still had a fondness for the room and had converted it to her personal study. Carpeted with rugs of red and regal purple, an oak desk stood in the centre of the room and a sofa which doubled as a cot was located in the corner of the room. Over the years, Annette had acquired a collection of ornamental medieval weapons, which were mounted and displayed on the walls. Weapons which frankly unnerved me despite their supposedly harmless nature as decoration pieces. No ornamental sword has any business looking that sharp.

I laid Annette down on the sofa before grabbing a chair from the desk and sat next to her. I saw her eyes closing and considered letting her rest before I decided this talk was too important to leave to a later date. I gently placed my hand on her shoulder, which prompted my wife to look at me with half lidded eyes.

"Annette. This is the fifth time you've brought Taylor out for a camping trip without me and you look steadily more drained each time round. I'm worried you are driving yourself to the ground like this. Why don't you let me join in so you don't collapse into a heap from exhaustion every time you come back?"

My wife sighed before she replied in a long suffering tone, "Danny, I'd love to have you with me when camping so someone else can handle our little dynamo, but your work..."

"My work can be delegated to some of the other guys in the Union. You know that. Kurt is capable of handling some of my duties for a while. "I interrupted her as I saw where this was going, "You're the one who insist that I continue my work while you take off with our daughter into the woods."

I fought to suppress my temper as I saw Annette frown in frustration. A minute of frustrating silence ensued before her face softened into a mask of exhausted resignation.

"I really want you to be with us when we are out in the woods Danny. But Taylor, well our little girl needs to be guided firmly and carefully. It's like a controlled burning you know, her passion and energy needs to be guided carefully before she burns down the whole place."

Pointing at my chest for emphasis, my wife stated plainly, "Imagine she did something like that to her classmates. What's going to happen to them? She got your, no... our tempers Danny and you're like dry timber that'd cause her to ignite while I try to direct the blaze somewhere safe. "

I silently conceded the point to myself. Annette can be ice cold when she's laying down the law and it's more effective than my broiling temper when it comes to getting Taylor to listen.

Annette closed her eyes fully now as she continued speaking in a low voice, "In any case, I think I've done enough redirecting the inferno that's Taylor Herbert. No more camping trips with just me and our little fireball. I promise. "

My shoulders sagged in relief as I realised my stubborn spouse has granted me one of my rare victories when we butt heads. I leaned over to kiss her on the forehead and she purred in delight. Pulling a blanket over her, I walked out of the basement to prepare dinner. Walking pass the stairs, I looked in the direction of Taylor's room.

A little fireball huh?


"Mr Hebert. Taylor's got into a fight with her classmate and hurt him quite badly."

Words no parent ever want to hear, ranking right below the police informing you of your spawn bringing a gun to school or they've found her in a crumpled wreck of a vehicle. The only consolation was that hurt badly in this case was bruised, knocked off their feet with some bleeding badly than ambulance and police badly

Walking into the principal's office, I saw Annette seated next to our daughter grasping her hands tightly despite her failing health. In recognition of her contributions to the fund raisers held for the Brockton U over the past few years, the college management approved a sabbatical on full pay and benefits for her until her condition improves.

My wife came in her best office attire of a cream coloured pantsuit and light make up with her game face on, which she had used to great effect whether it's to get donors to part with large sums of money for Brockton U or in this case, pacify an elementary school principal.

"I can assure you, Mr Singer. Reggie's parents have agreed to settle the issue amicably with minimal fuss. There will be no further issues arising from this playground scuffle." Annette crooned in the smooth tones I've seen her use when defusing social time bombs.

"I suppose I will have to take your word for it, Mrs Hebert. I have your assurance that Taylor has learnt her lesson on this matter?" Principal Singer, a rough looking Caucasian man in his fifties, rumbled out in baritone Commonwealth accent as he turned his glare on my daughter, who buried her face into Annette's chest.

"She is. Very much so, Mr Singer. I'm currently on a sabbatical from Brockton University, so I have plenty of time to ensure that Taylor learns from this." Annette grabbed Taylor's hand, flashed one more smile at the principal before marching off with our daughter in tow from the office.

I watched my family leave the office and was about to join them before the principal called out to me. Turning to face him, I saw him gesturing to the seat Annette had just vacated and gave me a half smile. I can see Principal Singer is more used to scowling that smiling.

"Mr Hebert. The reason why I've waylaid you from joining your family is because I feel it necessary to get a perspective of your daughter's family life from parents to pre-empt any possible issues, present or future." The principal leaned forward as he spoke in a lower voice, "While Mrs Herbert is as I understand the parent who's with Taylor most of the time, she is intensely private about the methods she uses in educating her daughter Do not mistake me for condemning her ways, Mr Herbert, "Singer raised his arms in a placating gesture as he noted my face hardening at the implication my wife had something to hide regarding the ways she raised our child.

"Taylor is a very bright and polite child. Not exactly at prodigy or Parahuman Tinker levels definitely, but she is smart and sometimes displays a flair for leadership and the ability to grab people's attention when she lets herself be more natural. For an eight year old, your child is uncommonly reserved. Her athletic ability, her charm when she lets it out should have her be the most popular girl in the grade. As it is, she has a circle of friends, but she's holding back by a lot."

I felt alarm building as I considered the principal's words, "Are you suggesting that they may be some kind of abuse or my daughter is suffering from a disorder of some sort."

"No, of course not! " The burly educator exclaimed in shock towards the dark turn of thoughts I have turned to. "I am suggesting however that however Mrs Herbert is raising her daughter makes me worried she might be too restrictive on her development. Repress if too much and it will cause problems down the road."

"Elaborate please." I growled out.

"Certainly. Your daughter is extremely athletic as I've previously said. So much to the extent that we tend to pair her with students older than her when it comes to gym class much like today. Reggie Hertzog, the young man which you daughter brought low today, is three years her senior and also has ten inches and thirty pounds on her. He also has a disciplinary issue with use of improper language against some of the students. "

Singer paused for effect before he continued, "Your daughter took him down with a single opened palm strike, Mr Hebert. No a slap thrown out by a child in anger, but a bona fide, well aimed and executed palm strike with stance and all that went straight for the throat. Taylor barely missed doing some serious permanent damage by getting the collarbone instead and because it was not another eight year old girl she lashed out at. "

I gaped in surprise at the ludicrous statement I was hearing and bit down a laugh to not openly mock my daughter's principal. "My eight year old daughter who's raised mostly by a college English professor is some ninja kung fu master?"

Singer's face was neutral and all business like as he observed my reaction. At the very least, he believed what he was saying.

"As you can probably tell from my accent, I am not a native to North America. Back in Vietnam when I served in the Royal Australian Navy as part of the Commonwealth contingent, I've seen several Sandhurst graduated officers carry themselves in the same manner as Taylor. Men capable of great violence who have that distinct gait that signals a bloodlust that's contained by a lifetime of values and lessons drilled by an unforgiving system designed to confine their glee for battle to avenues deemed more useful. I have no idea how an eight year old lower middle class American girl developed the same gait as grown men of upper class birth trained for violence, but it's there."

The war's obviously gotten to Mr Singer, so much that an incident of violence between children would cause him to confuse his old war buddies and my little girl. Still, I can humour him despite his eccentric behaviour.

"I will be sure to speak to my wife on not turning my daughter into a vicious killer, Mr Singer. " I managed the straight face, but I failed in the withholding of my obvious sarcasm. "

I saw the educator deflate in disappointment as he stood up. The man really does believe in what he had just said!

"Allow me to walk you to your car, Mr Herbert."

I really hope he's not going to use this opportunity to convince me Annette is training a cabal of ninja assassins.


Despite Brockton University agreeing to extend Annette's sabbatical for another year, I do not see my wife return either to her teaching or fund raising duties soon. Or ever for that matter.

The same hushed tones, the sideway glances and the eager noting of whatever it was doctors and nurses write into those clipboard of theirs. The same thing had happened when my father died from live failure caused by rampant alcoholism and now the same advice is being delivered in the same clipped, forced sympathetic tone of voice.

"Please inform her next of kin."

I sat defeated next to Annette's bedside, looking on helplessly as the machines and tubes stuck into her body countdown to her inevitable passing. The doctors could not diagnose the reason for the breakdown of her body as it wore down from some unknown illness. Her break from work had slowed down her declining health from getting worse, but Annette got weaker and weaker still. And there was nothing I can do about it.

I felt a soft hand pat my back reassuringly and saw a woman with lavender hair, reddish brown eyes and elfin features smile gently at me. Wearing a white plain t-shirt and black jeans, my eyes, despite the grief I felt with the imminent passing of my wife, wandered to the clothes barely covered her buxom figure that bordered on the unreal and obscene.

Forcing myself to smile and focus on her face, I gave her a tired smile in greeting.

"Thanks Aldra, for making it here on such notice. I'm sure that Annette will appreciate her elder sister being here for her."

My only known surviving in law smiled in return as she hugged me gently. "Don't mention it, Danny. I'm not leaving Annette alone."

I heard approaching footsteps running towards us before the doors to the ward swung open and Taylor jogged towards us. Her eyes red from crying, my daughter whispered thanks to Aldra and wordlessly pulled me into a hug before she knelt in front of the bed and grasped Annette's hands.

At barely eleven, Taylor was almost as tall as my shoulder and in contrast to her mother, grew stronger and more vibrant. Always loud and a forceful personality, the last year had seen her grow out of three sets of clothing. Rather than tall and lanky, Taylor's physical presence was large and domineering.

I found it hard to look at my daughter yearning for her mother on death's bed, because a vile part of me was saying Taylor stole my wife from me.


It was a warm summer day where the rain fell gently when we buried Annette.

A/N: Danny's part took longer then expected, so I've broken it into two parts.

I'd probably be doing an intro to QB soon as well as a preview on what elements of the extended QB universe I'd be bringing in.
Traveller's Guide to Queen's Blade
A Traveller's Guide to the Queen's Blade.

Here's the Intro to the Queen's Blade Universe. I've made several changes to the story canon and also introduced elements from the game as needed.

For those who are confused so far, pay attention to the parts detailing the end of the Queen's Blade, the Swamp Witch, the Demon Gates and Queen Annelotte who's encamped in the Swamp.

A Traveller's Guide to the Queen's Blade.

Greetings, fair traveller.

My name is Yuit, formerly the Strategist of the Rebel Army and the Continent's Second Greatest, most Brilliant Alchemist, Scholar, Sage, Genius, Creator of Vante and all other Automatons now and forever and all around smart cookie. Those posers like Ymir, Cattleya, and Elin can go suck off one of Furinkura's many purple throbbing tentacles if they think they're ever going to get second place. Who's the First if I'm Second you ask? Why, Mistress Cyan of course.

And if you have no idea who's Mistress Cyan, then you are reading the right thing, because this means you're either some hick from Hinomoto who somehow never learnt to cook their fish despite worshipping fire, a foreigner from one of the island nations around the Continent or an inter-dimensional traveller, of which we have many thanks to those darned Queen's Gates lying around. I'd call you ignorant, but then I'd be repeating myself.

Also, over the last half decade we've had two noted incidents when said travellers were working for cross dimensional entities that were trying to do something dastardly to our world and we had to go to great pains to stop their evil plans. This usually involves us dogpiling on the minions of the entities and then travelling across with the Queen's Gates to dogpile on their employer too.

Dogpiling works, always. So if you are the minion of some dimensional scourge, get a number and we'd get you lined up for a righteous smiting post haste.

See? I can mock you, threaten you and even educate you even though I'm not here and haven't even published this pamphlet! Call it a pre-emptive mocking, whoever or whatever you are.

First, another much needed introduction to my brilliant self. I served during the War of the Thunder for twelve years as Strategist and Alchemist and was made Chancellor of her Majesty, Queen Annelotte Armina Alphonse von Kreutz. Ruler of Gainos, Protector of the Church of Heavenly Light, Defender of the Continent and her Cities and Peoples, Slayer of the Widowmaker Witch at the end of the war.

That was a mouthful of a title but the entire extent of the Queen's title is as brief as the names of the sides fighting in the War of the Thunder was creative, which is not at all. I mean, I had sooo many nice, noble names that'd inspire our soldiers to fight harder to overthrow that tyrant Claudette, but nope, Big brother Annelotte liked the ring of the term Rebel Knight Princess and it stuck harder than dried Holy Milk from an Angel. So the War of the Thunder was fought by the righteous Rebel Army against the tyrannical Queen's Army led by the Storm Queen Claudette.

Don't ask about what Holy Milk is or why I called the Queen Big Brother. I'm not going to reveal that the Head Angels' a twenty feet tall pervert with breasts the size of a carriage who limits the powers of the Angels with bottles of white sticky milk or that Queen Annelotte cross-dressed as a man till she was nineteen.

I do however have a theory that the milk is from the carriage sized chest tumors of the Head Angel. If I were able to find a way to enter the realm of the Angels they so haughtily named Heaven, I will find out the truth.

Alright, back to your education. First, a history lesson

The Swamp Witch, the Gates and the Curse of the Widowmaker.

One hundred and forty years ago, the Swamp Witch appeared in the Northeast of the Continent. The Witch was a being which hated all life, regardless of species. She appeared anywhere, struck at any time and could be at several places in as much numbers she wished. The Witch grew stronger as more died due to her machinations. A grand alliance of Men, Angel, Elf and Dwarf was formed to counter this threat. As a concession for their joining the alliance, Heaven led by the Head Angel allowed the Netherworld Demons to open a permanent chasm near where the Swamp Witch had made her home called the Demon's Gate. The Demon's Gate own constant unending source of chaotic Demonic life energy both weakened the Witch's powers and had an added bonus of trapping the Witch in the Swamp. As a show of goodwill, the Demons taught the other races the secret of Dimension travelling, allowing them to construct the Queen's Gates and restore some which were uncovered across the Continent, allowing access to otherworldly knowledge. The alliance struck and after an epic battle worthy of song and tears, the Witch's body was destroyed and she was reduced to a frail spirit, wandering in the wind.

Or as I put it, the Witch was such a bad neighbour everyone dogpiled her to death or kind of dead.

Despite her body being reduced to nothing through liberal applications of all forms of magic and some esoteric technology dreamt up by the alchemists of their time, that hag left a nasty surprise for the good guys and not so good ones.

The alliance went home, and found that all their male children, whether in the womb, labour and below the age of twelve had dropped dead. Even the male children conceived after the men returned home were dying in the womb. The Swamp Witch had placed a curse on the Men who entered her new home, and most of the Men of the Continent had participated in this battle. The curse killed off almost an entire generation of male children and will continue doing so. Historians later called this curse the Widowmaker, because the young women of the Continent have lost their future husbands. For the Men of the Continent, they found themselves potentially the last of their kind, with little time left for a cure. Unlike the longer lived races or those whom are effectively immortal and can find a cure before replenishing the numbers, the Men of the Continent faced imminent extinction.

Cyan, the Great Alchemist and the Mother's Spring
It was this time that Cyan the alchemist came on the scene to offer a solution. A cure was developed in the form of the Mother's Spring. A woman who had reached puberty would drink from a water source which has been treated by a potion developed by Cyan. Another partner would drink from the same source but leave some of the water to be passed onto the first drinker by either spitting it into a cup to be drank or it could be administered directly which is mouth to mouth. The first drinker would then be pregnant, without fail. Thus was born the Conception Ceremony. Children born of this union would reflect the parents. Were they both female, the child will always be female. Would they be one man and a woman, there's a chance like in a natural birth the child will be of either gender. There is also a one in five chance that the Widowmaker curse will strike the male child at conception. Considering the expense of the ceremony and the potion as well as the determination needed to gamble with the possibility of a dead child, a male child became a status of great wealth for the family and the strength and fortitude of the mother.

The generation borne of this union was changed the nature of Men on the Continent forever. The race of Man had died and the Human had replaced him. The female of the race who outnumbered the male five to one on the best odds but were more likely to outnumber them seven or ten to one took centre stage from there on. She was far stronger than her parents, able to lift effortlessly life logs and stones that would take many of her male ancestors. Her skin was tough like the hide of a wyvern yet supple, firm, soft and flawless. Her face flawlessly shaped as if Cyan herself had held out an ideal image and carved it out of marble. Her hair luxurious and strong. She was tireless, her voice melodious and able to bring to vivid life the songs she sang. Her mind was sharp and brilliant, her reflexes faster still. She ran and leapt like the wind, crossing fields and meadows in the blink of an eye. This new Human, this Woman brought Humankind to heights previously unknown in the arcane arts of magic, industry and alchemy.

Not all of them had all these talents to the same extent, some had far more while others less. But each and every one of them were untouchable by conventional means when confronted by those who were born of the old ways.

The new Humankind dominated the Continent on a scale that was already under Man's overall control due to their sheer numbers. Humankind revelled in their new strength and brilliance. They also worried what would happen if they were to war again as their parents had did.

Humans and by extension the Continent needed a new ruler suited for this new age.

They decided the female who was best at beating the daylights out of her peers was the best way to select their ruler. Wars didn't end, it only grew smaller and was gender restricted.

The Queen's Blade and the Bellesoldats

This is it. THE Event which attracts the attention of everyone on the Continent every four years. The Queen's Blade tournament was set up to determine the ruler of the Continent. It was appropriate that the Angels of Heaven agreed to help officiate the events, for all Angels were female.

All females above the age of twelve or the equivalent of their races or species age of majority are allowed to join. Participants of the Queen's Blade are called Bellesoldats, a compound word from the old Continental words of Beautiful and Soldier.

Males are forbidden to participate unless bound to a female participant by means of a non-independent familiar, geas, and thrall or otherwise unable to function without the consent and input of the female participant. Men were no longer needed to continue the species, but Humanity as a whole agreed that gendercide will ruin what's left of what made them human. Battles are decided by either yielding of a side or if one side was not able to continue for any reason.

The Finals are held in the Capitol of the Continent, Gainos and selected Bellesoldats are those who are deemed to have won enough acclaim to be given an invitation to the qualifying rounds in the Sheldan Free City with the chance to the Finals in Gainos.

Between the crowning of a new Queen and the next finals of the Queen's Blade in Gainos, any female was allowed to take up arms to be Bellesoldat and participate in the Queen's Blade battles. A match counts only if an Angel was around to officiate it, a member of the Clergy or at least of ten registered officials in any settlements to officiate instead. The necessity of witnesses to progress prevents the use of assassination, poisoning and ganging up to advance in the ranks.

The Bellesoldat who won enough battles and gained the attention of her peers are then given a Title and the attention of an Angel. She will follow her charge as she continues to move up the ranks, announcing her name and Title to the Continent when she's challenged under the rules of the Queen's Blade, and will broadcast the battle with a projection spell that marks the sky with a giant screen showing the proceedings. The other Angels located in the continent will also relay the projection, so the outcome of the match is left without doubt to all people in the Continent. So it continues until the Bellesoldat's meeting with destiny in either the Sheldan Free City, Gainos or a sewer somewhere.

Slaying of the defeated results in the battle being voided though the remaining contestant is allowed to remain in the tournament and race. Should the reigning Queen be slain in battle, the survivor is considered the Runner Up and is open to compulsory challenges by any or all contestant in the finals bracket once who feels up to it. If the Runner Up is defeated, the remainder Bellesoldats will select a new Queen by a method of their choosing.

Like cross dimensional entities, the threat of dogpiling by dozens of armed Bellesoldats has been a good incentive to prevent fatalities in Queen's Blade matches in the Finals.

The War of Thunder, the End of the Queen's Blade and the Swamp Witch.
So this system continued for a hundred and twenty years, when the 30th Queen Leina Maria Isabella Vance was crowned. The Wandering Warrior Leina had no interest in becoming Queen, for she had ran from home to avoid becoming the next Countess of Vance. So she summoned her elder half-sister Claudette Vance who was a seeded contestant due to her acclaim and the 2nd runner up in the last tournament. Queen Leina then summoned the Angel Nanael to the throne room, challenged Claudette and promptly sheathed her sword.

"I yield." The now former Queen said as she left the crown and royal regalia on the throne and left a dumbstruck and newly minted Queen Claudette facing the throne carved out of a giant piece of jade.

Claudette Vance's Title then changed from the Lighting General, for she had been in command of the Vance County's armies to the Storm Queen. The new Queen had been known for her fairness and benevolence when she administered the border regions of Vance County and the Continent looked forward to an age of prosperity.

The Storm Queen then promptly abolished the Queen's Blade, the nobility's right to their land and also began to expand both her new Army and the secret police slash assassin's club known as the Fang. This prompted the now outlawed nobles to condemn the Queen and amass armies and arms, breaking the fragile truce that's held among the nations in the Continent.

At the same time Queen Claudette went off the deep end, the Netherworld also experienced a regime change. The Demon King was bumped off by his daughter Werbellia. The new Queen of Demons was then mindjacked and absorbed by the Swamp Witch whose powers had recovered, and she now had a new demonic body which allows her to overcome the restrictions on her powers the Demon's Gate once held on her.

The Continent was hurtling straight into the Demon's Gate

Needless to say, the War of Thunder and the Subsequent Second Witch Hunt was very bloody and we learnt the full extent of what sort of nastiness when a continent full of virtual superwomen goes to war. But in the end, the Storm Queen was defeated by Big Brother Queen Annelotte and after a year of preparation, we marched on the Witch's Swamp, destroyed her army of undead and demons, tore down her castle and destroyed the Swamp Witch, body and soul.

Today, Queen Annelotte is still encamped in the Swamp, directing the reclamation efforts.

Well that's depressing. Onto geography.

The Continent

The continent you've arrived in, is called the Continent. Note the capitalization and the lack of creativity in naming places. It is nine thousand miles wide from the east to west tips of the place and is shaped like a diamond in the card game that the Humans call Poker's Blackjack goes fishing for Old Maids.

Well not really like the diamond. It's actually more like a rectangle with the sides torn a bit for the jagged coastlines and the sides fraying. Don't blame me, I was fiddling with a pack of that game with the too long name and it distracted me. I'm a genius, not a cartographer.

Humans have strange card games, but back to your education.


Surrounding our landmass are some islands numbering in the hundreds of which Hinomoto to the east is the only one large and populated enough to be clearly marked on our maps. Their clothes are bulky and weird and if you've been paying attention you'd remember they never learnt to cook their fish despite worshipping fire and their ambassador keeps mistaking me for a child. Just because I'm designed to forever resemble a prepubescent Elf doesn't make me one, you racist bastard!

I admit that I am not sure if they really worship fire, but their clergy usually does a silly little dance with a stick with straps of paper on it, so I assume they worship it. I will now give you a minute to admire my humility.




The Capitol of the Continent, the City is surrounded by a lake which serves a moat around the city walls. Two causeways allow access by foot while canals allow access by water into the city through multiple floodgates. Multiple smaller settlements surround the city limits and form the bulk of the City's permanent population. The residents of the walled city tend to be merchants, soldiers of the New Queen's Army and researchers of magic.

Gainos Castle which is in the dead centre of the city is built on a floating island which rests above a pond. The castles is accessible by flight, teleportation by the Court Mages in their creepy black cloaks with hood and black bat wings or climbing the towers which link to the causeways connecting the castle to the city walls.

Why the designers of the castle of decided to have a pond above a giant floating castle and island is unknown to me. Maybe they feel that drowning the city is better than the earthquake and tremors caused by falling giant island castle if it drops.

Sheldan Free City
A city of trade and entertainment. Bards, singers and dancers mingle with everyone on the streets and almost every day is a carnival here. The city has a busy seafaring port and is also home to a large airship fleet in addition to the maritime fleet. The local lord is called the Doge and she's selected by the merchants that run this place. The Doge is committed to a policy of strict neutrality and does business with all sides in any conflict unless the Swamp Witch is involved. Well, she was until Big Brother deposed her and took the city as her capitol during the War of Thunder.
It was my idea!

Vance County

Home of the Vance family who are the oldest and most prominent of the noble families, the last Count of Vance is a bitter old man who tried to start a war on the former Queen Aldra because he's upset the former head of the Vance family Maria Vance died in the 28th Queen's Blade some eighteen years ago. It failed miserably of course because they didn't have me as Strategist. My advice would have been not to fight at all. Some wars are just unwinnable even for me.

Breadbasket of the Continent and home to the largest population of Humans in the Continent, the Vance family castle is also built on a lake, linked by a causeway to the shore. The Vance Family is also known to have been the only prominent Human noble family to have not produced one single Queen's Blade winner until Leina Vance and later Claudette Vance, who would also be the last official Queen's Blade winner technically speaking.

Also, their sausages are to die for.

The Elven Forests.
The Elven Forests are divided into three separate locations, which are the Elven forests inhabited by the Wood and High Elves, the Wild Elves who can be differentiated from their Wood and High cousins by their brown skins, dark green hair and penchant for violence and mercenary work. The Swamp Witch had driven the Wood Elves and High Elves to almost extinction and corrupted most of the Elven Forest while the Wild Elves had driven themselves to almost extinction through destructive wars with their neighbours.

The Little Elves, of which I belong to, are typically half the height of a Human adult. We are also the youngest of the Races, since we are actually Elf homunculi created by Mistress Cyan. The Little Elf Forest and Village was razed to the ground by the Queen's Army during the War of Thunder while Mistress Cyan was away.

Now I'm depressed again. I will go tinker with my Automata later on.

The Calibara Forest
Deep dense tropical forests that are icky and full of mozzies and other icky bugs and insects. The people there are Human and resemble the Wild Elves in that they're brown skinned and are fierce fighters, except human. Also, their Priestess Luna-Luna helped Big Brother in the War and was responsible for preventing several assassinations so I owe her.

However, she's also a filthy skank trying to seduce Big Brother and doesn't believe in the concept of clothes other than some handkerchiefs on her privates and those breasts she keeps flaunting in my face. I'd get her to wear clothes one of these days. Also, she uses pink extendable tentacles with a brass tip to fight. I'm scared to find out exactly where or how they're growing from.

Shai Fang
The people of Shai Fang look similar to the people of Hinomoto, except they don't worship fire but pandas instead. The totem for their god is a stuffed panda. Yang Taiyang and Yang Saiyang are siblings who joint us when we saved them in a restaurant that served Shai Fang seafood. The Yang sisters proved to be great generals. Also, their country is a punchline to a joke.

The joke being Shai Fang seafood. Shai Fang is mostly mountains and landlocked.

The Kreutz March

The Kreutz March was traditionally ruled by the Margrave Kreutz. It is also the place where I first met Big Brother when he was still he Alphonse, rather than a she and Annelotte. Despite the area being mountainous, the March is known for their Knighthood and the Calvary. The reason is because of the Kreutz Horse which was developed by Mistress Cyan. The horses are fierce, long lasting and have toed, clawed feet allowing them to dig into steep, mountainous terrain and even cliffs, allowing for some very creative maneuverers. They were also the first to inflict some serious defeats to the Queen's Army during the War of Thunder on the open field.

Like the Little Elves forest, much of the forts and castles of the March have been burnt to the ground. They are being rebuilt and being on the border with the Swamp, is a base for reclamation efforts.

The Witches' Swamp
The source of most of the Continent's problems in the past century and also home to the Demon's Gate. When the Witch was around, her dark castle loomed over the place and her presence was everywhere here. Nothing grew here and no living creature can survive for long without extensive preparation. Unlike the normal swamps and wetlands, the Witch's Swamp has no life, plant, animal or bacteria and unprotected life is quickly subsumed and destroyed. Only the undead and Swamp Goblins who are not living as so much meat puppets raised by the Swamp Witch's powers live there. Today, a large scale reclamation project is underway to restore life back to the place and exorcize the Witch's presence.

Again that was depressing. In the next edition, I will be teaching you of the myriad races of the Continent.
Arc1.2 Possession Annette ?
I thought of extending the chapter to include more details of Anne(lo)tte adapting to life on Earth Bet and her struggles with the many, many persons she's sharing Annette's body with. But this feels like a good place to end the chapter.

Also, Annelotte is one confused waifu. Danny's got a four in one package.

The Witch Crown

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

Arc 1.2 Possession Annette (?)


Annette Hebert (?)


I stood relaxed, resting against my trusted weapon Grim Venus in her lance form while I watched Claudette Vance and the remainder of her followers stagger into a huddle at a corner of the throne room of the Swamp Witch's Castle. Surrounding me were my sworn sisters and vassals. Women of strength, courage and beauty I'd trust and have trusted with my life, ambition and dreams who stood alert, their arms drawn and spells readied in case the followers of the deposed queen were to break the truce. I watched intently as the redhead made small talk to encourage her exhausted troops and felt a twinge of jealousy mixed with admiration at her skill in lifting their spirits. The former queen then looked at me, gave a slight smile before she bowed briefly. Turning on her heels, Claudette walked out proud and unbowed, while her soldiers walked out of the room backwards facing us weapons at the ready. Despite their failing red armour showing signs of falling apart, the pride and discipline still evident reminded me why it took me ten years to beat them.

All of us waited with bated breath for signs of treachery until Luna-Luna danced into the room. With a graceful twirl, the tanned priestess gave a vicious smile as she announced in a singsong voice.

"The Vance have left the castle grounds and are headed westward. Not a single Bellesoldats within the Swamp is aligned with the usurper Claudette."

Whoops of joy and hollering broke out among my assembled friends as we avoided a potential bloodbath. The celebration was cut short as I heard the loud, ponderous footsteps echo into the cavernous surroundings of the castle as the source approached us. The beat of these sombre footsteps seldom heralded joyful news.

The new Queen had declared war on the Kreutz. The only childhood friend whom I can love and respect as an equal killed my father the Kreutz Margrave. There was a massacre at Wascillica and Amara.

I braced myself for ill tidings as I saw Inquisitor Sigui approach flanked by her Church Paladins, her nun's habit singed in places even as the wards and seals sewn into the garment glowed in response to the unholy energies ever-present in the place. Her hood long lost allowing her long curly locks of fiery orangey red hair flow freely. Her weapon, the Inquisitor's Cross which is a three feet long crucifix with an axe's edge on the side was chained to her gauntlet, was caked with blood. I saw her face sporting cuts and bruises, her dishevelled state a mirror image of my other companions here.

The solemn look on her face did not inspire confidence the news she bore was good.

"An silver of the Swamp Witch's soul has escaped our attempts to annihilate it when we smashed her phylactery which was used as embedded into cornerstone of this castle. " The redhead priestess intoned gravely before continuing, "We saw that fragment take a form of a wraith and sweep towards the Demon's Gate. In her severely weakened state, the Swamp Witch will barely be able to maintain any coherent thoughts. She might end up prey to an ambitious demonic noble."

"Oh joy, another powerful demon with the powers of the Swamp Witch!" Tanyang, a dark haired Bellesoldats from Shai Fang cut in acidly. Wearing red brigandine armour that was missing patches, she remained undeterred while Sigui shot a venomous glare for the interruption.

"But it is more likely than not that even diminished as she is now, the Swamp Witch will use the Demon's Gate to gain access to a more pliable but potentially potent vessel on some other world."

I nodded drowsily as I felt my strength left me and I fell backwards onto the cold stone floor, Grim Venus reverting into a sword as she clattered helplessly on the floor. I felt a buzz drown out the voices of my comrades as they surrounded me and removed my armour. I idly looked at my chest and saw a black lump of rotting flesh on my left breast. I recalled the Swamp Witch wearing the form of my birth mother Werbellia, tapping my breastplate after I had ran her through right in the centre with my lance and realised that was her farewell gift.

I vaguely heard Sigui and her paladin's frantically cast healing magic on me and I hissed in pain as the divine magic made my demonic side quiver in rage at the defilement. Despite the pain caused by the treatment, I felt my senses return to me as the healing spells did their work and I started to hear clearly what they were saying. Gathering my breath, I called out to re-establish order.

"Yuit, Sigui, Tanyang. Attend to me. "

The trio stiffened as they recognised my command voice and they walked over stiffly before bowing before me as I sat up on the floor, helped up by two paladins. I could see Yuit trembling and her sharp ears twitch in panic, the blue and gold mantle she wore over her green bodysuit quivering as the little elf briefly shot me a look, before lowering her head again, her three feet long frame overshadowed by the other two standing next to her.

She was the closest to me, having spent our childhood together and she had deduced that what I am going to say will be thoroughly unpleasant. Time for me to confirm her suspicions.

"The three of you along with Aldra, my sister are now co-regents of the Kingdom until the day Ourselves or Our heir is ready to lead the Realm."

The three widened their eyes in surprise and shock at my announcement. I steeled myself against the looks of heartbreak and tears forming on the faces of Saiyang and Yuit and focused on the mask of harden determination on Sigui's face.

I glanced purposefully at the throbbing black orb of flesh on my left chest, knowing that it's only a matter of time before this human body would die. Had it not been for my Demon half, I likely would have not lasted as long as I did.

"This curse, "I pointed to the dark tumour rapidly expanding on my chest, "has the essence of the Swamp Witch in it. The silver of her soul that escaped Sigui and the Paladins," Sigui winced at the mention of her failure, "probably has less of her than this curse she placed on me."

I gave the inquisitor my full attention, which to her credit did not wilt under my gaze.

"The Witch has escaped through the Demon's Gate has she not, Inquisitor? Then you know what I will do next. "I asked with a forced casualness despite the pain wreaking havoc on my nerves.

" You wish to follow the Swamp Witch through the Gate, because Your Majesty's…unique physiology, connection to the host of the Swamp Witch and the fact that the curse placed on you gives you a link that will help you track down your quarry in the pandemonium inside." The inquisitor maintained an impressive mask of impassiveness, only spoiled by her bleeding lip as she bit down to control her emotions.

I felt my voice cracking in emotion as I spoke the last sentence through this pair of lips to this group of valiant women I'm proud to call my own.

"Help me to the Gate."


The Demon's Gate is a titanic pillar of light, which stretched to the skies with no end in sight. Pulsing red, purple, maroon, pink and then no colours at all, the people of the Continent typically knows it as the gateway by which the Demons of the Netherworld appeared on the material plane without being summoned.

That definition is at best a misleading truth, because it implies that the Demon's Gate was a device similar to the Queen's Gate, built for travel between dimensions.

The Demon's Gate is not a device of inter-dimensional travel. It is a tear in the fabric of reality, where matter exists and there is something called objective reality to where reality is a polite suggestion to be ignored often and with great gusto. The Netherworld is a collection of feelings, ideas and thoughts. Borne of the desires and the knowledge of sentient species past, future and present, the Netherworld has no being. Demons have no fixed physical form and barring several extremely powerful individuals no unique persona or intelligence. Nothing that is material survives when plunging into the Netherworld.

I already guaranteed that my human body and soul would not survive the trip, for it will surely merge with my demonic half. I cannot guarantee also that I will not end up as something worse if I survived the chase of the Witch's soul silver.

I bid farewell to my companions and ordered myself pushed into the pillar of light.

Pain, elation, lust, sorrow, joy, rage and other feelings that words fail to describe overwhelmed me as my body tore away as I entered the raging tide of demonic energies that is the Demon's Gate. Nothing of the material plane lasts for long here and I did not even feel it as my body was warped and absorbed into the immaterial reality of the Gate. I grasped with my mind's hands towards the familiar and vile presence of the Swamp Witch and Werbellia in the distance, the curse placed upon me acting as a tether and anchor allowing me to catch up. I clung onto them with a death grip as our minds surged through untold trillions of voices and presences that made up the chaotic space.

Tumbling through this primordial soup of emotion, thoughts, possibilities and base desire writ large, I felt the Witch gain direction and hurtle to an unknown direction, pulling me along for the ride. A riot of colours assaulted my senses and I felt and tasted joy and disgust, smelt hatred and saw concept as music before it all popped like a bubble and the deluge of sensation ceased.

I found myself floating near the roof of a bedroom and I looked down where a black haired woman, tall and lanky, was in labour surrounded by healers, nurses and machines that I failed to recognise. There was a tall, thin man with balding hair holding onto the left hand of the woman giving birth and he spoke a language that sounded like a mix between Trade and Dwarvish. He reminded me of the many clerks and scholars who labour intensely in the many libraries, archives and offices of the Castle in Gainos. Practical folk who seek to provide for their families regardless of the circumstances. I felt a sense of respect and gratitude for him and those like him.

The Witch's soul manifested itself as a small maroon fireball, much as it was back in the swamp before she fully merged with Werbellia. The natives of this world remained oblivious to our presence. If anyone of them living in this world were attuned to the presence of immaterial beings like spirits and demons, they were not in this room.

The woman giving birth was unremarkable, pleasant but under normal times doomed to a painfully ordinary life. The child being born however, lit up like a beacon to my spiritual senses. There was something like us inside of the child, dormant yet powerful. Regal and commanding.

Like a ruler, a queen. Like me.

Excitement seized me and I felt the Witch-me- race towards mother and daughter to snuff out what the child was hosting and claim her as our own.


The impact of the Swamp Witch and myself plunging into her overwhelmed the woman who was halfway in birthing the baby. I felt the woman's body give up and die as I moved to take over the vessel and simultaneously maintain my grip and connection to the Witch, who was attempting to sever my hold on her and subsume the object that had drawn us from the Demon's Gate. The Swamp Witch's struggle against me was vicious and unyielding, but I detected none of the intelligence, merely animal cunning or the reactions of a new-born in her battle with me. I then knew that the Swamp Witch and Werbellia were effectively dead and this soul fragment while containing their powers and essence was more of a child borne of them rather than the Swamp Witch or Werbellia.

A demonic soul borne of a world ending undead creating monster and a demon princess as it's two mommies. The Demon's Gate has all kinds of surprises.

I never met Werbellia or knew anyone who had known her on an intimate level. Yet if she was anything like myself when my demon half gains control over me, then she was in many ways as bad as the Swamp Witch, only replacing the cold disdain for all life with the boiling contempt for anything beneath her own august being, which is everything. Through my link with this new spirit, I saw the parasite which had infected the baby get overwhelmed and absorbed by the Witch's soul. I pressed home the advantage and moved to subdue the soul fragment and seize control of the baby's body as well when I was felt my spirit get jolted by a painful spasm.

The mortal woman was fighting back! I felt my knowledge of all that's possible get turned upside down. Humans were not supposed to be able to maintain a coherent identity after they had died, for their souls were too weak and young to possibly survive as a unique being. Only the mightiest of Demons and Angels were a person to themselves and yet now a mortal woman of little remarkability was fighting the souls of two demonic royalty, one world ending entity and a parasite of unknown origin and she was winning! I drew upon my experience in war and instinctively sought a possible avenue of retreat by exploring the baby's body and got another surprise. The parasite had in the last moments before being consumed had preserved the child. Though she appears dead to the world, there was enough of her left behind that if I revived the child, she would still be the person she would have grown into rather than a puppet of flesh and bone to be used by me.

It was time to try diplomacy. I only hoped that the mortal woman could still understand me.

"Listen to me. You are already dead when the Swamp Witch chose your child as her new vessel as she was attracted by some parasite that had chosen her. She attempted to take over your baby through you and you're already dead. Your child will also be dead soon as well."

Another wave of pain enveloped me as I felt rage and sorrow from the mother. I held my ground and did not retaliate as I pressed her case knowing she understood me at least.

"I can help your baby and bring her back. But to do that, I cannot have you interfering while I do so. Even if you drive me off or kill me. You'd still die and your child will die with you. Trust me on this, and I will bring your daughter back and vanquish the Swamp Witch."

I demonstrated my goodwill by opening a link to the woman's spirit into my memories to convince her of the truth of my words. A moment of hesitation before I felt her contact me and I marvelled at how puny one single human soul felt to me. Comparing the mortal soul to the likes of the Swamp Witch, myself or that alien parasite was comparing a flea to a dragon, but there it was.

The flea that brought a dragon low.

The struggling of the mortal host ceased even as I felt her lingering in the back of my head, unwilling to abandon her husband and child. I gently embraced her to assure her and felt her join me in spirit before I turned my full attention to the Witch. I pressed against the Witch soul, reducing and absorbing it again and again until there was but a single spark left of that fireball. I spoke words of power and binding, placing shackle, bind and chain upon the remaining spark that still held immense potential and power. I felt the curse engraved on my soul call out to the spark, recognising its own self before I quashed the rebellious spirit, Extending my powers into the cooling bodies of both the mother and child, I found the soul of the child ensconced away, shielded by bits of the parasite that defended its host from the Witch. I gently drew her out of the shell she had hid in and saw the bound spark of the Witch enmesh itself with the mortal soul. Content that life will once again return to the body of her/ my/ our child soon, I focused on reanimating the adult host body I was in.

I felt trapped and elated as I saw the world once again through eyes of flesh. Though the feeling of unrestricted freedom made me yearn for the spirit, I also revelled in the pleasures of sensation that mere spirit cannot provide. Every sensation of the needles, plastic and even the pain from the exertion of childbirth and fatigue of recent death felt incomparably vivid to the dulled feelings of spirit. I turned my gaze upon the healers- doctors- and nurses who were gaping at me in shock, even back on the Continent, people did not just rise from the dead so I cannot really blame them even as I judged and found them unworthy. I knew that this disdain and contempt for those who are understandably was left from Werbellia and the Swamp Witch and decided to focus on something that I yearned for.

A tall, thin man who looked on me with concern, affection and nervousness. Danny Hebert, the host Annette's husband- My husband. Danny's not a hideous troll by any stretch of the imagination, but he's not the Adonis that I would have chosen to warm my beds back in the Continent either.

Still, he was a good and caring man and I felt great affection and gentleness for him thanks to Annette's memories. I gave him a warm smile and he returned with a gentle but unyielding hug before the doctors took him aside while they inspected me. Fatigue both physical and mental soon caught up to me and I allowed myself to bask In the feeling of security that my husband provided as I drifted into blissful sleep.
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Arc1.3 Possession Annelotte (a)
The Witch Crown

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

Arc 1.3 Possession Anne(lo)tte (a)


Annelotte Kreutz


My eyes flickered open as they wandered around the scenery. The walls were whitewashed with the monotony broken by posters of babies and young mothers frolicking in several pleasant and green environments that were barely visible in the dimmed lights. A plain light green curtain had been pulled to give my bed some privacy in what I suspected was a shared maternity ward. Silence reigned occasionally broken by the beeping of my heart monitor. To my left was my-Annette's- husband Danny seated in a plastic chair, his head nodding as he slept.

Danny. The unassuming man aroused very conflicting feelings inside me. I felt the host's affection and love for him and his presence gave me the comfort and security of a warm blanket on a cold winter's night. On the other hand, the good Hebert was not the type of man I'd have given more than a glance if I had passed him on the streets of Gainos. From what my host's memories told me of the man, he's a responsible leader of men. Caring, stubbornly sticking to what he feel's is correct and yet emotionally stunted when facing delicate situations. I'd have him put to work in the palace archives or the logistics groundwork for the army post haste, with subtle oversight to prevent his bullhead temperament from burning bridges that he'd need to ensure a smooth working environment.

Being Mrs Hebert though? Out of the question. Although I could seek him out as a source of comfort or security temporarily I suppose.

Just for now anyways.

Looking at the host's mate led me down to where Annette's memories of her being…intimate with her husband and I blanched at the images and quickly shut that train of thought down. I am no shy virgin maiden, but he was just not my type! The host body I was squatting in disagreed and I found myself reaching out to Danny. The thin man must have been a light sleeper, because just a light touch on his arms roused him out of slumber as he gave me a groggy smile. Purging memories of Annette seeing that very expression in the mornings after on their matrimonial bed and the associated thoughts that followed, I gave him my practiced smile.

"Mornin' Danny. " I murmured in a tone that was too husky for my liking. Danny smirked knowingly and helped to lay me back on the bed and covered me with a blanket. Despite myself, I felt myself blushing hard at this tender gesture.

Annette Hebert. Were you not already dead, I'd kill you for embarrassing me like this. I felt a wave of nausea and began to heave. Danny, bless him, quickly grabbed a paper bag for me and I released into it. As my husband rubbed my back comfortingly, I felt relieved by his presence while worrying that I was allowing myself to be lost in the identity of the host I'm inhabiting.

And I've just thought of him as my husband. Wonderful Annelotte Kreutz. You're being assimilated by a native's personality.

The upside of me losing the contents of my stomach was that it successfully quelled the amorous feelings I felt. I gratefully downed a cup of water that Danny poured for me before giving an exaggerated yawn and making a show of closing my eyes while muttering good night to him.

Sans overreacting hormones and the unsettling thoughts of a man who was a stranger only hours before, I reached out via the mental link to the mortal child that was playing host to the contained spark of the Swamp Witch.

Well, this is a worrying sight. That spark of the Swamp Witch which I've reduced and bound with layers upon layers of every mystical bind I was taught by the paladins was burning far brighter than it was supposed to after only a few hours. It was still not bursting against the prison I've crafted for it, but it was something that I needed to attend to immediately.

Languidly as to not alarm Danny, A few minutes passed before the curtain around the bed was pulled back revealing a nurse in a brown jacket over light blue scrubs. I did not need to be an empath to read the exhaustion clearly written on her face in a frown. I eyed her name tag which read Jessie and flashed my winning smile at her which got me a half smile in return. Nursing in this world must be as thankless as it was back home if such a small gesture is so appreciated.

"Mrs Hebert. Glad to see you're awake. While the doctors didn't find anything of immediate concern after your resu…scitation, "The nurse bit down the word resurrection mid-sentence to prevent looking unprofessional. Count me impressed. "It'd be a good idea to have the doctor on duty to have a look at you. Let me get him so we can get this done with and you can get back to your rest."

"Thanks, Jessie." I put as much cheer and gratitude I can muster in my commendation. Her face further softened as I continued. Nursing must be a really shitty job if she's reacting like this. "While you get the doctor, can you also get my baby as well? I'd really like to see her."

"Sure, Mrs H. Lemme go push your baby's incubator in." As the nurse flashed a bright smile and half skipped out with a spring in her steps, I spied Danny looking at me with barely concealed amusement.

"Anne, I always knew that you're better than me when it comes to dealing with people, but damn that was smooth. " I shrugged and smirked at the praise and amazement offered by my host's husband. The help, or service staff as they're known here, are always more appreciative of basic human decency when shown. Unless the source of it is from Yuit, or Saiyang, or Luna-Luna or almost anyone I know off. Strange how people whom aren't outright hostile to us didn't seem to react as strongly to gestures of small kindness from the rest of my friends than they would from me.

Something to think about I suppose. I guess there was a reason Yuit called me a heartbreaker before she left Kreutz Castle all those years ago.

The sound of wheels rolling broke me out of my thoughts and I turned my attention towards the incubator being pushed towards my bed. I looked through the glass at the newly formed human inside. The hair was non-existent, the skin was a ruddy pink and had a complexion that reminded me of an overripe peach crossed with a prune. The limbs and the general shape of the new-born reminded me of an egg with four stubby limbs poking to the side and a small oval on top of the egg.

It was also the most beautiful thing I've ever gazed upon in my life. I felt hot tears blurring my vision as I placed my hands on the glass of the incubator and I felt my breath caught in my chest from the pride, happiness, grief and worry that swelled within. Pride and happiness that I have begat this wonderful daughter of mine. Grief and worry on what I might eventually have to do to her in order to save the lives of all the living in two worlds. Danny dabbed away the tears with some tissues and rested his other hand on the small of my back. Nurse Jessie, bless her, wordlessly opened the incubator and allowed me to scoop my daughter out.

Taylor. The memories of the host that spoke of months and years of discussion and thought rushed my mind informed me with great joy of the name of my (host's) daughter. I brushed her scalp with my right hand while my beaming face masked a deep anxiety at the threat nursing inside the baby. Each brush helped me to get a closer look at the binds on the Witch's presence. Three brushes, the first for Taylor, the second for the bounds and the third for the Witch. Satisfied that the spark was contained sufficiently, I handed off my child to the eager arms of my spouse.

The sound of someone clearing the throat to get my attention caused me to focus on the source. A heavy set man with sandy hair and a bushy moustache stood in a wide stance, holding a clipboard in one hand and wearing a blue jacket that spotted an emblem of a winged kite shield with the letters PRT written on it. His slightly wrinkled face was tight and alert, but it was the overwrought attention that's due to heavy use of caffeine rather than sufficient rest. He was barely able to hide the irritation that was bubbling to the surface as the man fixed me with an enquiring look.

Parahuman Response Team. The locals' response to the presence of Parahumans who exhibited abilities that separated them from the conventional humans that made the bulk of this world's population. But that a man was actually actively engaged in potentially dangerous field work left me dumbfounded, the culture shock I still felt despite the host's knowledge that the ratio between the sexes aren't quite as skewed due to a potential world ending monster's sore loser gambit killing off half of the world's population aged twelve and below.

"Forgive me, officer." I leant backwards to my raised bed as I tried to keep my unease under wraps." It's just that I wasn't expecting a strange gentleman to be approaching me quite so soon after I woke up."

A flash of irritation crossed the wizened mien of the agent before it resumed the practiced professional politeness expected of any public servant. The PRT agent shrugged and set his pen back into his breast pocket as he said in a practiced tone what sounds like a rote memorized line for difficult subjects.

"Not an issue, Mrs Hebert. I apologise for disturbing you so early in the morning. I can arrange a female agent at a more appropriate…"

"Wait, I'm sorry." I cut into the PR line that he was reciting from memory as I gathered my wits and decided to seize the initiative. "It's just that so soon after giving birth and surviving a traumatic experience, the presence of men I'm not familiar with is quite taxing." I gave a placating sheepish half smile and offered my hands to shake. "We got off the wrong start, sir. I'm Annette Hebert. May I have your name please? This time, the rattled look was visible to everyone in the ward."

"Not at all, Mrs Hebert." The PRT man regained his previous composure and professional demeanour at my sudden change in attitude. "My name is Agent Biggs and I am here to ask a few questions regarding your reported death and subsequent revival without the use of any effective methods of resuscitating a newly deceased person. With your permission of course. There is no compulsion and this is, I stress a mere formality for any medical issues that are slightly out of the ordinary."

"No problems with me, Mr Biggs," My demeanour grew relax and confident as I settled into a familiar role, armed with the host's memories of the situation in this world. " Please ask away."


The week I've spent In Brockton University Hospital allowed me time to acclimatize myself to this strange new world I've found myself in. It was just as well that post pregnancy women tend to exhibit atypical behaviour as I gradually digested the memories and knowledge of Annette. The first thing that struck me was the incredible amount of males of all ages going about their lives in professions that would be outright prohibited to their sex and the sheer number of them appearing on their media and everywhere else. I've met offworlders back in the Continent who regaled me with their stories of men walking their streets unescorted without fear of gangs of kidnappers targeting them for sale as novel breeding stock in places where the sex ratio was even worse than the places the men were kidnapped from. Even back in the Kreutz March which had the most number of men versus women due to our ancestors missing the final battle in the First Swamp Witch Hunt thirteen decades ago, intermarriage with the other realms had caused the number of men to drop drastically. It took me days before I stopped openly gawking at the number of males in any given place.

The second thing which I noticed was just how fragile I am. It was the stark contrast between my old body and the new that drove home the difference between humans (and half demons) born of the Conception Ceremony and Cyan's Mother's Spring potion and those whom were born naturally. Even as a child who was stricken with plague induced high fever, I've never felt as vulnerable and feeble as I am now. I had initially dismissed the weakness I've felt assuming the body was due to the rigours of childbirth and dying, but as I assimilated the muscle memory of the host, it became apparent that weakness was not an assumed flaw, but was a feature of the previous owner. I resolved to fix it slowly but surely to avoid unwanted attention while working to my as yet undefined goal.

The last thing which bothered me were the parasite the Swamp Witch and myself had subdued and absorbed and those Parahumans. Capes, powered people, freak shows, whatever you wanted to call them they had become an essential part of life on Earth Bet and by extension, mine. That parasite which was divided and consumed between the Witch and myself was like a queen ant, and if there's a queen ant around, you'd find a hive, soldiers and workers along with other hives. Was the parasite meant to contact others like its kind if it had awakened? Was there any link between the parasite and these capes? How many parasites were there?

I decided to file the concern on parahumans and the parasite-soul hybrid on the not so eager to do list. So long as the soul spark was contained and separated, it'd do little real harm.

"Anne, we're home." I heard Danny rouse me from my thoughts and I felt his arm wrap protectively around my shoulder while unlocking the car door. I left the car after sleepily shrugging off his arm and had a clear look at the Hebert residence, my eyes unhindered by the bias and nostalgia for home which clouded my host's vision.

I let lose a soft grunt of disapproval at the sight of the house. Despite the freshly painted façade and the respectable house, this neighbourhood was a dump. A pall of quiet desperation hung over the place, accented by the unkempt lawns, rotting wood on the utility poles and the bone shaker cars that most of the neighbours drove. A couple of the houses were empty, the For Sale signs showing visible signs of being battered by the changing seasons. I had lived in worst conditions when I was a fugitive dodging both the Storm Queen's Army and the Assassins of the Fang, sometimes living in literal sewers, but the sense of suppressed hopelessness wasn't ever-present as it was here.

It will have to do, I told myself suppressing bad memories as I followed Danny inside our home carrying my baby.


The basement of my new home was a perfect spot for my atelier which I planned to construct based on my own arcane knowledge as well the instinctive knowledge gleaned from my absorbing part of the Swamp Witch. An unused mineshaft allowed me easy access to the ambient energies of the earth despite the distance from the nearest leyline. It also formed a natural location should I decide to construct a miniature Queen's Gate. Danny's paternity leave was running out, so as soon as he went back to work at the Union, I watched him go with a smile and made sure he had driven beyond the horizon before I moved underground, bringing Taylor with me.

Holding Taylor so close to me was unsettling considering my current vulnerability and the danger posed by the spark that resides in my baby. Steeling myself, I turned on the lights upon entering the room and looked in satisfaction at the solid brick walls of the basement and the boarded mineshaft. The room itself was empty barring a few cardboard boxes filled with miscellaneous household items and clothes too old for use as I walked around the room, my left hand holding onto Taylor while I ran my free hand over the walls as I strolled in circles while chanting my aria to focus my power.

Despite the arcane knowledge I've gleaned from Swamp Witch thanks to piece of her inside me and what I've been taught. I am not a Mage and will never reach the pinnacles of sorcery like someone who's dedicated to it. If I am creating my atelier, my own space forged by my being and a reflection of me, then it must be something that's forged by a piece of myself. I ignored the second hand knowledge obtained from others and finished my aria and began to feel.

Thus I Spoke.

"I am Annelotte Armina Alphonse von Kreutz." I felt my voice reverberate in the soon to be atelier, a thundering and imperious cry as befit my station and being.

"In Our name, I invoke the Title."

Je Suis Chevalier Reine.

A brilliant wave of light flooded the chamber, bathing it in royal purple tinged with gold and sky blue. The royal colours with the colours of my heraldry to mark my space and kingdom. A surge of confidence and pride in my creation surged in me, threatening to pour from my chest. I indulged, no luxuriated in the feeling of rightness that covered me as I let lose a sigh of pleasure. It felt like I was back in my own skin again. I took a moment to savour this before I resumed my work.

I Spoke the Gates of Iron and Floors of Bronze. The bricks, doors and wood of the atelier thus imbued with the strength making them unbreakable, worthy to serve as a castle of the Queen of the world.

I Spoke the Royal Mystery and made this space impenetrable to scrying and spying. None beyond this room will listen to the whispers and words spoken here in confidence. No one will pry and look into the secrets of the Queen. Those who attempt will find themselves looking elsewhere and misguided to anywhere but here. The Inner will forever be hidden in the Veil from the Outer.

I Spoke of the Royal Presence and the Immaterial Throne. From a simple room of brick and wood, I saw the atelier transmute into a circular hall of immeasurable vastness and I was standing in the middle of it. In the distance I saw a red carpet with silver and white embroidery stretch from an arched gate to where I was standing.

The walls gleamed of white polished marble and the roof dazzled with the innumerable precious stones of diamond, ruby, sapphire and more expertly cut and placed on it to form the shape of a swirling galaxy. Behind me where the red carpet ended stood the Jade Throne. A mound formed of purple crystal rose up to six feet above the ground and a staircase was carved out leading to a seat carved out of a piece of white jade. On the left of the throne a winged angel in battle gear wielding a sword and shield was carved beneath the arm rest while on the right, a horned leering devil wielding a pitchfork was engraved. The seat in between is carved at a perfect ninety degrees and was without flaw in the surface. Laid on the chair was the crown. A wide brimmed circle headdress with a diamond the size of a goose egg was emplaced on the top with four feathered wings shaped from iron extending from the back of the rock. The headdress itself was shaped from orichalcon, an unbreakable metal that shone with the colours of the rainbow. Strings of the pearls draped over the brims of the crown forming a veil.

This was an exact replica of the Throne Room of Gainos Castle. Space inside my atelier has now been altered to suit me as the material world is now displaced with the immaterial much like inside the Demons Gate. I felt a piece of me depart as I Spoke the Royal Presence into being, but it was worth it to make this place truly my own. Should someone somehow gain entry into this room without my permission or it's a person I was not ready to reveal my secrets to, then all he'd see was a unassuming brick walled basement. Only those I allow or are my blood kin will see the Immaterial truth of this place.

Carrying Taylor in my arms, I ascended the steps to the Jade Throne and looked at the crown resting on it. It felt wrong to wear that crown with one hand, so if I were to wear it, I'd have to put Taylor down.

A moment's thought, and I grabbed the crown with my left hand and placed it on the arm rest before seating down cradling Taylor in my arms. Now comes the dangerous part.

I held Taylor close to me as I placed my forehead against her and probed the prison in which I had locked the Witch. A jolt of excitement shot through me as the Swamp Witch's essence still within me was aroused at the presence of the entrapped pieces of itself and I felt the foul smell of decay envelop the hall as I heard the sounds of popping in the distance. The world began spinning as a wave of nausea welled up and I felt my muscles aching as if I had did a forced march from one end of Brockton Bay to the other. I hastily broke the connection and began to strengthen the wards placed on the Witch spark, pouring more of my power into it. In just a week, the spark had grown strong enough to eat into the prison and had just released the Blight onto the world upon coming into contact with the parts of the Witch within me. I plugged the leak from which the Swamp Witch was able to exert her influence and placed Taylor on the seat.

I smiled as my child gurgled in delight at the wondrous sight of the gem galaxy before I hurried out of the atelier to see the effects of that little bit of the Blight. I was instantly transported from the feet of the throne to the gate of the atelier once both my feet touched the carpet and I felt my heart leap to my throat in panic as I surveyed the damage Taylor's little exercise had wrought. Trees previously brimming with life reduced to dried wrinkled husks of deadwood littered with the corpses of birds and insects. Several fruit bearing trees had pieces of rotting fruit which had aged instantly and exploded due to the Blight.

I walked down the street in both directions and found the desolation extended to ten houses down the street. I held my breath at the sight and the smell of decaying plant life and animals because it was now clear that a mere moment's exposure of the Blight had did this. I could still smell the faint whiff of the foulness of the Swamp lingering as it drifted away in the breeze. Several of the occupied houses went out of their houses to investigate the sudden death of the local ecosystem and I started looking around, bewildered. I made sure to speak with the Fergusons to the right and ask if they're aware what had happened. People are less likely to be suspicious of a panicking new mother asking her neighbours what happened after all.

I then resolved to ensure that Taylor will-had- be strong enough to master the growing presence within her and not become the next Swamp Witch.

For I do not relish the prospect of filicide.


The nights that followed Taylor's manifestation of the Blight was…tiring. The PRT poking their noses in the neighbourhood aside, I'd had to move mundane stuff into the atelier to convert it into a nursery proper. While I had specifically made Danny one of the people who would not be rejected by the protections in place, I had to ensure I knew he was there so the illusion of normalcy was not broken while he was still inside it. What followed was nights of me waiting till Danny was asleep before I would spend hours before sunrise slowly and painfully integrate the Witch's spark into Taylor.

The process would involve my own soul and hers engaging in an exchange that's similar to a two way blood transfusion. Part of my powers and essence would enter Taylor to sustain her, while I would remove part of the Witch's remains and carefully graft, though the word doesn't begin to do justice to the complexity of the surgery, onto the Taylor's own human soul and then retaking some of the now diminished life force. At the same time, I was also subtly adjusting my human body to compensate for the stress the procedure placed on it.

For three months continuously, I spent eighteen hours performing three complex processes at once and it taxed my knowledge and finesse to a degree while the strain wore onto my body. Add the more mundane chores of changing and feeding my child, the reason that I did not keel over dead from exhaustion was due to the adjustments made on my human body to be more similar to the old half demon body I had back on the continent. The fact that my looks also grew far more attractive was a side effect, but it was a welcome one. The slow but noticeable improvements helped distract Danny from the fact his wife Annette was performing magical surgery on their daughter.

Or that I don't behave like Annette that much, especially when I slipped into Continental unknowingly. Fortunately, Continental was close enough to French on Earth Bet and he spoke so little to none of it that he never caught on the difference a native or fluent speaker would.

On the ninetieth day, I finally grafted the last sinew-again barely a word that describes in justice but it'd have to do and I heaved a sigh of relief as a great weight was relived from me. I once again placed my hand on Taylor's forehead and with practiced ease ran my power through her. Relief washed over me as a cool breeze as I noted not a single piece was out of place. Taylor now had a body that was fully shaped and modified to accommodate the rigours of a demonic physiology and powers befitting a Netherworld royal who also possess the powers of a world ending monster. Though I suppose most observers can't tell any difference between the two.

She will grow much faster than a human, her senses and reflexes far sharper. Her mind so much keener to accommodate the fine knowledge and finesse to wield the powers effectively. She will be far stronger, tougher and will be more beautiful. She will reach the peak of her adulthood, and there in perfection she will stay, never knowing sickness or death by age. Her presence will be compelling and her lesser peers will find it difficult to resist her demands. Her beauty and strength will captivate and demand their devotion and attention.

In a world of Scion and parahumans possibly triggering in the womb, it was a recipe for disaster. Either she will be treated as a new form of parahuman and be dragged into the crucible that was cape life before she is ready to be guided slowly into her proper destiny, or she will be outed as something completely different, resulting in many possible fates that made me shiver in pondering.

The only option left to me was one that dragged up many horrific memories of Sheldan Free City. I steeled my heart and Spoke of Dimmed Eyes, so that her eyes will deteriorate and eventually go blind had she not been modified. Instead, she will simply not be able to see colours and other things that are beyond the human eye's visibility spectrum.

I Spoke of Feebleness, so she would not be throwing grown men like stuffed toys when she was barely out of her diapers.

I Spoke of Slow Wits, so she will not be thought of as a prodigy in a world where unusual talents are thought of as a parahuman ability.

To save my daughter, I had to curse her out of fear for her future where others will bless their young in love and hope.

The fires of Sheldan burn brightly in my eyes while the screams of the dead ring clearly in my ears. I froze in shame at the memories.
Side Story- Incident at Sheldan
The Witch Crown Side Story: Incident at Sheldan

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

A/N I'm surprised no one actually asked what happened at Sheldan Free City before.

I nursed my drink as I took in the sound of the port right outside the tavern that Yuit and I had booked for tonight. Here on the upper floor of the shop, I saw the evening's dying orange sunlight peek through the gap of the Shai Fang style bamboo strip curtains, casting streaks of orange on the greasy wooden floor and table.

The single lamp on the table I shared with my confidant didn't do much in illuminating the room, the flickering lights causing the shadows of the sparse furniture and both of us to dance on the walls. A perfect set up, considering what the Little Elf and I was discussing.

"Big Brother. Are you still hesitating on what you should do?" My elven friend shot me a quizzical look from across the table, the red wine in her glass reflecting my face and the lamp. Dressed in a simple blue blouse and brown skirt, Yuit looked like a simple bureaucrat after work, rather than a key figure in the rebellion against the queen.

I ran my finger over the rim of my own glass as I stared into my own drink. Doubt weighed on my mind as I pondered the gravity of what Yuit was proposing.

"Yuit. Are you absolutely sure we have the support of Risty's group if we do this. The Doge has been supplying their forces defying the orders from Queen Claudette."

My strategist dismissed my worry with a giggle followed by a smug smirk.

"As far as that redhead ape of a woman is concerned, the Doge is making mad bank and a killing over others killing each other. You should have seen how her bronzed face turned black with contempt when mentioning that merchant posing as a lord."

Yuit downed the rest of her glass as her smirk turned into a predatory smile.

"To show us her support, she's sending her right hand woman Tokiwa and a few hundred of her best Bellesoldats. They've contacted me and they've set up camp near the volcano overlooking the city. With Claudette busy putting down Menace in Amara, the Queen's Army isn't sending help any time soon."

It was a perfect opportunity indeed. Taking Sheldan will give me a perfect base to build up strength and legitimacy, not to mention the taxes and population base. But I still find it distasteful.

"You're worried that people will think badly of you turning on the Doge after she took you in as a guest and that the supporters of the Doge will be trouble." Yuit correctly guessed my worries.

"Don't worry on that part, Big Brother. I've already sent my girls into the populace spreading the news that the Doge is feeling the heat and is prepared to murder you before sending your head to Elena Vance." Yuit huffed dismissively at my misgivings. "Helps that she was stupid enough to have her Fang Assassins roaming around the Doge's mansion vicinity in full uniform in an attempt to intimidate."

Her elfin features twisted in a frown, Yuit looked me in the eyes as she stated clinically, "It's the last part of the plan that's got you worried isn't it. The part where we'd have to slay the entire clan of the Doge and the other seven merchant families supportive of her in Sheldan so they have no one left to rally around."

I felt my body stiffen as the revolting nature of the scheme was once again thrown in my face. Yuit looked at me hesitantly before she offered one of her plans.

"I can have Vante put the children to sleep pain… "

I sent the table flying towards the stairs with a kick where it splintered as I leapt up from my seat, a wordless roar emerging from my throat. My strategist shrank back with a wince at the sight of my anger and raised her hands in surrender.

"Just a suggestion, Big Brother." Said the petite elf sheepishly

"I will not have children gassed like so many rodents, Yuit!" I snarled out my objections as I felt my rage boil over. If nothing else, anger overcoming my guilt made it easier for me to carry out her plans.

No, not her plans. My plans. I am the leader of this army and the buck stops with me. I reached for Grim Venus hanging from my side and gripped the pommel tightly to release some of the pent up frustration I felt for a minute before I felt myself calmed enough. The smell of smoke and a growing heat caught my attention and I spied a fire growing from the wrecked table and wooden. A fitting start to the night.

I grabbed Yuit into a hug as I leapt over the bonfire and hurried down the steps. The innkeeper, a stocky brunette woman in a greasy apron wearing a scarf on her head tried to block me from leaving the shop, no doubt deducing I was responsible for the arson. I casually backhanded her away, my metal gauntlets causing gashing cuts on her face as she fell onto the floor. I looked at the quivering figure before me and the now empty tavern with as much disdain as I can muster for if I felt even the slightest bit of hesitation, I would be overcome with cold feet. I untied my purse filled with coin and threw it at the innkeeper who had enough presence of mind to catch it. I suppose it wasn't the first time she dealt with rampaging Bellesoldats.

"There's enough money inside the purse to buy you a dozen of this hovel you call a tavern. Sorry for the damage. I suggest finding somewhere safe to spend the night." I strode out of the burning building onto a gathering crowd which parted when I drew Grim Venus from her sheath and let Yuit down.

"Yuit. Pass on my orders to the girls." The elf's face formed into a hard mask as she prepared to carry out her duty as my second in command.

"Bring the children of the Doge and her supporters to me. Alive and unharmed if possible." I saw Yuit raise an eyebrow but she nodded her assent. I took a deep breath before I gave my next declaration.

"I will see to them myself. They deserve the dignity to meet the same fate as the Doge."


Unlike in the movies, adults generally do not awake screaming from their nightmares, even if they're shaken to the core. I woke up covered in sweat before I looked at the cot next to the bed. I gave a soft sigh of relief as I saw that Taylor was still sleeping safely and snug before turning away burning with shame and guilt.

I so wanted to hug her to assure myself she's safe, but the blood on my hands won't wash away. It never does.
A/N I've got a teaser for y'all. I will change the threadmark once I get the full chapter out but I feel it's a good thing to let you guys have a look.

Question- how dangerous a game Annelotte is playing and how annoyed is Mr Anders?

The Witch Crown

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

Arc 1.3 Possession Annelotte (b)


Annelotte Kreutz


I felt the world spin as I was thrown onto the mat again, followed by a kick to my left ribs which was thankfully protected by a padded chest plate. The blow knocked the wind out of me but I made use of the slight momentum to slide across the sweat soaked mat, getting out of range of my opponent. My sparring partner slash tormentor settled into a relax stance, his arms resting by his sides as I struggled to find my footing. His long, pointed face and cropped brown hair glistened with sweat and sporting a satisfied smile, as he eyed me appraisingly, though whether it was lustfully or in regards to my coming back for more after the beatings he gave me I could not tell.

"James, Annette. Kindly take a water break for ten minutes. You two have been engaged in high intensity combat practice for twenty five minutes non-stop. Annette especially needs to rest." I felt a tinge of annoyance at the baritone voice for the implied dig at my physical condition, but conceded with a sigh as I gladly took a water bottle from a gym instructor who was observing my training. I sat on the mat cross legged as the source of the command that ended my audition for human punching bag then walked over to me. His rugged and handsome features with a square jawline, oval green eyes and light black hair slicked back caught my eye almost from the time I laid my eyes on him at a fundraiser for Mayor Christner. Were the both of us not married and more importantly Annette's instincts still not deeply embedded with me, I'd seduce him in a heartbeat. As it is, I limited it to some friendly flirting.

"Max, thank you for letting me use this place and also for introducing James to me." The Medhall gym was usually reserved for patients undergoing physio therapy but Max had kindly cleared their schedules to accommodate my training sessions. During some small talk at the fundraiser, I had off-handily mentioned how difficult it was for me to get some actual self-defence classes that went beyond getting pepper spray and try not to attract the mugger's attention while he robbed you. The others that went beyond that sparse curriculum was controlled by the ABB and were fronts for training gangers for the Asian crime syndicate. I had almost despaired by then of getting some proper training to bring my host body up to shape to prepare for Taylor's own training when my new friend came to the rescue.

Max Anders helpfully suggested someone he knew who'd be of great help to my problems and introduced me to his employee James. Herr Filescher then introduced me to a world of pain as he put me through the wringer and also introduced me to two facts of life.

One, my body, even transmuted and toughened, was nowhere near what I'd require to handle Taylor when she grows into her powers in the coming years. She's already two and half years old, and I don't expect her body or powers to remain slowed too much by the limits I Spoke onto her. Despite the knowledge of fighting I have in my head, Annette's body, reflexes, muscle memory and ingrained reluctance to inflict violence meant that even if I knew, saw and could theoretically block the coming blow, my vision and reaction fell very short.

Two- Racism on Earth Bet and Aleph by extension was weird. Even with the knowledge from Annette and my own life here, the concept of discriminating against fellow Humans based on skin colour mystified me. Class, religion, political allegiance I understood but when there's actual other races that are different species or spirt beings, the idea puzzled me despite James dropping subtle and not so subtle hints on the superiority of the white race every time he's not busy beating me into a fine paste.

The rugged man placed a friendly shoulder on my arm as he beamed with a charming smile. "Think nothing of it, Annette. You agreeing to model for our media campaign regarding our new hospital was more than sufficient payment. Why, just the mention that the talented Mrs Hebert was fronting our campaign got some of our other sponsors being more enthusiastic than they otherwise would be." Max clapped his hands and one of the gym employees appeared bearing a suitcase. He allowed my eyes to linger on the case before he opened it, revealing a pair of foot long practice swords with ornately carved wooden pommels. I reached for the hilt and admired the perfect finish and the linen grip on it.

"Shark skin grip." I breathed in wonder at the rough texture of the cover on the wooden hilt. I gingerly took one of the blades and found the weight distribution to be perfect and marvelled at the work on the blade. It was dulled for sure as I ran my finger on the edge and tip of the metal, but the work was so fine that it appeared as menacing as a real short sword perfect for war. Even in the artificial lights of the gym, the metal of the sword gleamed as if polished for a parade in the sun.

"I can't take this, Max. This fine blades must be horribly expensive." I said in a small voice as I handed the sword back to him. The Medhall boss shook his head while chuckling, and pressed the sword back to me as he gripped my hand.

"Consider this homemade knives as a gift for agreeing to our advertising campaign and also a sign of our friendship, Annette. I would be delighted if you would take them to cement our ties." Max declared as he placed the blades back into the suitcase and handed them to me expectantly. I hesitated for a short while before I took the gift reverently, feeling gratitude at the generosity displayed. I felt a wave of nostalgia at the gifts, as it reminded me of the time when the Margrave Kreutz presented me with my own steel training blade to replace the wooden one I got as a child.

"Why blades, Max? Most suitors trying to woo me from Danny tend to go for jewellery and even cars." I spoke with a teasing lilt even as I reminded the charming Mr Anders of my marital status.

"Because I feel that it's only fitting that weapons to symbolise your determination to defend home and hearth much like the glorious shield maidens of old could possibly show my admiration for your martial spirit. Spirit that resembles our values once embodied by our ancestors now sadly lost." The Medhall boss actually looked distressed as he mourned the perceived loss of heritage and values. Max then gave a sad smile before he took my right hand and kissed it. Despite the gesture actually being customary for greeting someone, the suaveness of the faux pas had me giggling in delight.

"Perhaps a dinner tonight, Annette. To further discuss the campaign and perhaps other future collaborations?" I could see the twinkling in his eyes as Max said that to me in his lovely smooth baritone.

Oh Max Anders, you charming cad! You manage to push all of my buttons and play them like a master pianist. Were I not bound by marital piety to Danny, Annette's gagging reaction at you and my love for Taylor, I just might commit adultery. As it stands, I will have to shut you down.

"I'm so sorry, Max. But I'm all booked with family commitments for a while." I saw a flash of annoyance in his green eyes before I sunk the knife in.

"Perhaps a lunch together sometime? You can bring Heith along and I will formally introduce Danny to you. I'm sure you will have so much to discuss."

"Perhaps." Max to his credit took my rejection with no visible signs of annoyance.

"James, help Annette to get used to the swords I have gifted her in the next round of practice."

Okay, maybe he's a tad annoyed.
I wasn't sure at first how I should vote considering the whole "slaughter the kids" thing in the interlude most certainly IS S9 worthy, but as to her actions in the main story.... I'm assuming the curses will eventually be overcome by the Swamp Witch's power and everything else is acceptable due to it being necessary to save Taylor, so I'm voting "Probably should have said something but meh".
As for the story itself, will this eventually switch focus to adorifying Swamp Witch Taylor? Because that could be fun.
I wasn't sure at first how I should vote considering the whole "slaughter the kids" thing in the interlude most certainly IS S9 worthy, but as to her actions in the main story.... I'm assuming the curses will eventually be overcome by the Swamp Witch's power and everything else is acceptable due to it being necessary to save Taylor, so I'm voting "Probably should have said something but meh".
As for the story itself, will this eventually switch focus to adorifying Swamp Witch Taylor? Because that could be fun.

Of course Taylor's going to be the focus soon. A dead MC doesn't a good story make. Usually.

But damn, you find the killing of the kids of the rival families S9 worthy? I was under the impression that they're usually a special kind of evil who revel in their cruelty rather than someone who regrets doing the deed in the context of an epoch making war and the aim of bringing peace to a continent. War is rather different in the context of a medieval, early modern world where while considered extreme isn't so frowned upon as it would be now.

Over on SB, someone pointed out that her pretending to be Annette, the downplaying of the suspicions of Danny the intention to use baby Taylor as a puppet before realizing she was still alive makes her actions horrific. Downright villain country, even if well intentioned. I guess I created a monster in trying to flesh out QB's Rebellion story.

I guess Taylor in canon would be horrified to have this Annette as her mom huh?
Yeah but the character isn't really Annelotte. It's a severely damaged Annelotte partially rewritten by Annette. Even if she doesn't view herself that way it's pretty clear from the writing. As such she's not really pretending to be Annette so much as she is in a very confusing situation. So yeah, everything pre-merge can be said to not be completely her, kind of.

And as for baby killing, the Lannisters find it a wise course of action. 'Nuff said.

Oh! I just realized that the Witch absorbed QA before being spliced into Taylor! Does that mean she's a godlike multitasker? Because that plus magic is kind of wonderfully OP. As in, "my god this will be as glorious as watching explosions to the sound of Ode to Joy" wonderful.
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Arc 1.3 Annelotte (B)
The Witch Crown

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

A/N: I would recommend referring to Arc1.1 Danny (b) for some of the scenes involving Annette. Readers who read my snip feel free to skip the first scene. Also for the purpose of this fic, though the Queen's Blade Canon doesn't exactly spell out the difference between magic, alchemy and purely physical abilities like Leina's Dragon Tail I will be modifying the lore accordingly. Speech and Word are considered inherent magic that are unique to spirit beings like Demons and Angels or those who are bounded to one.

Arc 1.3 Possession Annelotte (b)


Annelotte Kreutz


I felt the world spin as I was thrown onto the mat again, followed by a kick to my left ribs which was thankfully protected by a padded chest plate. The blow knocked the wind out of me but I made use of the slight momentum to slide across the sweat soaked mat, getting out of range of my opponent. My sparring partner slash tormentor settled into a relax stance, his arms resting by his sides as I struggled to find my footing. His long, pointed face and cropped brown hair glistened with sweat and sporting a satisfied smile, as he eyed me appraisingly, though whether it was lustfully or in regards to my coming back for more after the beatings he gave me I could not tell.

"James, Annette. Kindly take a water break for ten minutes. You two have been engaged in high intensity combat practice for twenty five minutes non-stop. Annette especially needs to rest." I felt a tinge of annoyance at the baritone voice for the implied dig at my physical condition, but conceded with a sigh as I gladly took a water bottle from a gym instructor who was observing my training. I sat on the mat cross legged as the source of the command that ended my audition for human punching bag then walked over to me. His rugged and handsome features with a square jawline, oval green eyes and light black hair slicked back caught my eye almost from the time I laid my eyes on him at a fundraiser for Mayor Christner. Were the both of us not married and more importantly Annette's instincts still not deeply embedded with me, I'd seduce him in a heartbeat. As it is, I limited it to some friendly flirting.

"Max, thank you for letting me use this place and also for introducing James to me." The Medhall gym was usually reserved for patients undergoing physio therapy but Max had kindly cleared their schedules to accommodate my training sessions. During some small talk at the fundraiser, I had off-handily mentioned how difficult it was for me to get some actual self-defence classes that went beyond getting pepper spray and try not to attract the mugger's attention while he robbed you. The others that went beyond that sparse curriculum was controlled by the ABB and were fronts for training gangers for the Asian crime syndicate. I had almost despaired by then of getting some proper training to bring my host body up to shape to prepare for Taylor's own training when my new friend came to the rescue.

Max Anders helpfully suggested someone he knew who'd be of great help to my problems and introduced me to his employee James. Herr Filescher then introduced me to a world of pain as he put me through the wringer and also introduced me to two facts of life.

One, my body, even transmuted and toughened, was nowhere near what I'd require to handle Taylor when she grows into her powers in the coming years. She's already two and half years old, and I don't expect her body or powers to remain slowed too much by the limits I Spoke onto her. Despite the knowledge of fighting I have in my head, Annette's body, reflexes, muscle memory and ingrained reluctance to inflict violence meant that even if I knew, saw and could theoretically block the coming blow, my vision and reaction fell very short.

Two- Racism on Earth Bet and Aleph by extension was weird. Even with the knowledge from Annette and my own life here, the concept of discriminating against fellow Humans based on skin colour mystified me. Class, religion, political allegiance I understood but when there's actual other races that are different species or spirt beings, the idea puzzled me despite James dropping subtle and not so subtle hints on the superiority of the white race every time he's not busy beating me into a fine paste.

The rugged man placed a friendly shoulder on my arm as he beamed with a charming smile. "Think nothing of it, Annette. You agreeing to model for our media campaign regarding our new hospital was more than sufficient payment. Why, just the mention that the talented Mrs Hebert was fronting our campaign got some of our other sponsors being more enthusiastic than they otherwise would be." Max clapped his hands and one of the gym employees appeared bearing a suitcase. He allowed my eyes to linger on the case before he opened it, revealing a pair of foot long practice swords with ornately carved wooden pommels. I reached for the hilt and marvelled at the perfect finish and the linen grip on it.

"Shark skin grip." I breathed in wonder at the rough texture of the cover on the wooden hilt. I gingerly took one of the blades and found the weight distribution to be perfect and marvelled at the work on the blade. It was dulled for sure as I ran my finger on the edge and tip of the metal, but the work was so fine that it appeared as menacing as a real short sword perfect for war. Even in the artificial lights of the gym, the metal of the sword gleamed as if polished for a parade in the sun.

"I can't take this, Max. This fine blades must be horribly expensive." I said in a small voice as I handed the sword back to him. The Medhall boss shook his head while chuckling, and pressed the sword back to me as he gripped my hand.

"Consider this homemade knives as a gift for agreeing to our advertising campaign and also a sign of our friendship, Annette. I would be delighted if you would take them to cement our ties." Max declared as he placed the blades back into the suitcase and handed them to me expectantly. I hesitated for a short while before I took the gift reverently, feeling gratitude at the generosity displayed. I felt a wave of nostalgia at the gifts, as it reminded me of the time when the Margrave Kreutz presented me with my own steel training blade to replace the wooden one I got as a child.

"Why blades, Max? Most suitors trying to woo me from Danny tend to go for jewellery and even cars." I spoke with a teasing lilt even as I reminded the charming Mr Anders of my marital status.

"Because I feel that it's only fitting that weapons to symbolise your determination to defend home and hearth much like the glorious shield maidens of old could possibly show my admiration for your martial spirit. Spirit that resembles our values once embodied by our ancestors now sadly lost." The Medhall boss actually looked distressed as he mourned the perceived loss of heritage and values. Max then gave a sad smile before he took my right hand and kissed it. Despite the gesture actually being customary for greeting someone, the suaveness of the faux pas had me giggling in delight.

"Perhaps a dinner tonight, Annette. To further discuss the campaign and perhaps other future collaborations?" I could see the twinkling in his eyes as Max said that to me in his lovely smooth baritone.

Oh Max Anders, you charming cad! You manage to push all of my buttons and play them like a master pianist. Were I not bound by marital piety to Danny, Annette's gagging reaction at you and my love for Taylor, I just might commit adultery. As it stands, I will have to shut you down.

"I'm so sorry, Max. But I'm all booked with family commitments for a while." I saw a flash of annoyance in his green eyes before I sunk the knife in.

"Perhaps a lunch together sometime? You can bring Heith along and I will formally introduce Danny to you. I'm sure you will have so much to discuss."

"Perhaps." Max to his credit took my rejection with no visible signs of annoyance.

"James, help Annette to get used to the swords I have gifted her in the next round of practice."

Okay, maybe he's a tad annoyed.


I spent more time training my body at Medhall, refining my powers and growing my Word and Speech by speaking and recording into my tape recorder as cover against eavesdropping in my atelier. I prepared for that day when Taylor's powers will start to shake off the limits I had set on her and finally, I begged off from more sessions at Medhall after six months and twenty lessons, despite the excellence of both teachers and equipment there. Max had appeared distraught, almost, at my insistence on departing and to placate him I had promised to assist him on an upcoming series of fundraisers and media appearances. I did emphasize that I had to ensure that our relationship had to appear more professional, even if friendly. Problems which were obvious in hindsight was now brewing.

People were starting to speak in hushed tones of a tawdry affair between myself and Max, sometimes within earshot of Danny and myself when he actually could muster the fortitude to endure the high society meet and greets with people who'd look at him like used gum on their shoes when my head is turned.

No, correction. The rumours were always within earshot especially when my husband was around and they'd look at Danny like he was yesterday's kitty litter with transparently brittle smiles to my face. Max Anders had done little to dispel the rumours on his part, seemingly enjoying the implied satisfaction of being rumoured to be bedding the hottest new piece of tail in the Bay.


But if Max had hurt me by omission, a move I could almost respect for his quickness to exploit the situation to boost his own standing as a ladies man, then Zoe Barnes, wife of Alan was actively trying to knife me socially. Apparently, she was sore over her husband's not so former crush on me and how I've displaced her sweet deal on the endorsements, fund raising and amateur modelling business. I wasn't sure if she was actively working in tandem with Max or she simply exploited the situation upon seeing an opening, but the one-two combo really damaged my reputation. Adultery really hurts one's social capital in high society, especially when you're the other woman. The sexual dynamics on Bet had thrown me for a loop as my own prejudices blinded me, despite all the similarities of noblesse oblige between the two worlds. Here, it's not common for several ladies to share one male paramour if only out of numerical necessity and I had tripped over my own feet.

In my hour of need, it was Sarah Pelham who would come to my rescue. The motherly blonde had kept a close eye on me after my debut a year and half ago and she took the initiative to call on me at my home with family in tow after hearing of my troubles. A show of solidarity with me putting at risk her own reputation by being seen as associating with a rumoured homewrecker. Sarah would forcefully rubbish any claims of my infidelity with a laugh and would arrange for very public meals with both our families. The image of Danny, Taylor and myself having a good time with the Pelhams and their Dallon in-laws quickly discredited notions of trouble in my family.

"Call on me if you ever need anything. Anything at all. Should I be able to do it for you, I will." I vowed to the Pelham matriarch, grasping her hand as I was walked their family to their car. I silently told myself I will also inform Taylor of this promise to the Pelhams when she reaches her age of majority.

That Max Anders would later start his own campaign of presenting the image of familial bliss with Heith also lent credence that we were both happy with our families and the rumours eventually died. He even took the initiative to make nice with me at a party hosted by the Brockton Chamber of Commerce and promised sponsored medical services should my family or myself were to require it.

"I will be sure to remember your generosity and offer Max. Thank you. "An ambiguous and public enough answer that left me options to take it up should the need arrive as I wasn't in the habit of burning bridges, even if it's with parties that have proven far too Machiavellian for my taste. I made sure the eyes in the hall were on me as I made my way towards the Pelhams and Danny who was standing with them. Despite their relative wealth and social standing which should have turned off Danny due to his experiences with the upper class, my husband had taken a shine to them.

I wasn't sure if Max's father Richard was the one who decided that his son being rumoured to be having a mistress of middle class origins was distasteful, but it helped me and I wasn't about to dismiss luck when it's in my favour.

Speaking of luck and choice of lovers.

Danny, oh how I love him, reaffirmed my own growing love for him that was independent of Annette's influence. He had remained steadfast in his belief of my loyalty, clinging onto my own openness in informing him of my training at Medhall and showing him the practice blades that I was gifted. But for him to ignore the sneers and whispers of his wife cheating on him and still show the love and affection for me made me wish I had married him for real as Annelotte Kreutz instead of pretending to be Annette Hebert. I was ready to give up my powers and royal status if that was what it took.

As it was, my mission to ensure that Taylor doesn't grow up into the next world ending horror takes precedence over my own feelings for the man and I cannot risk telling him the truth and jeopardizing the task.

I do not know how many times I have to repeat that before it stops sounding so hollow. Forgive my audacity in not asking for your forgiveness for the years of lies and the death of your wife, Daniel Hebert.


Taylor's powers had manifested at a rather inconvenient time, but thankfully, it was one that I had suspected. I had stopped nursing her for years now but Taylor loved spending time in my lap while I read her stories in my atelier, though I suspect she enjoyed the view from the Jade Throne more than she does my company. This sessions allowed me to check on the conditions of her bindings and how well her adjusted body was taking to the Witch's essence grafted onto her. I concluded my daughter was taking to it very well, since I felt her human soul gently meld with the foreign spirit. The operation was a great success despite my amateur efforts, though considering the strength of Annette Hebert nee Rose's own fighting spirit I should not be surprised.

Be proud, Annette. Our daughter will grow into a towering symbol of strength with the courage that we left for her.

As we went to the park for our baby girl's fourth birthday, I made sure to keep ahead of Danny, leaving him to carry the refreshments while Taylor raced ahead. I kept a hawk's eye on her, for the night before I felt the last silvers of the Witch's transplanted soul fully integrate with Taylor's human one. My child Taylor Hebert is now the Swamp Witch incarnate. It is a new-born one, due to the binds and the parts of the Witch still inside me sustaining that curse that lay dormant. But it was still the Widowmaker herself that I identified as my baby girl. Taylor raced ahead towards the leaves that had been swept into neat piles near the pine trees and was happily playing with the acorns. I observed the scene carefully and was happy to note that the Blight had not broken out into the world. I joint my girl in play within the leaf pile, when I noticed a wisp of smoke snake around an acorn that Taylor grasped on her right hand that jutted out of the grass pile.

No, not smoke. Smoke didn't twist around arms of little girls and have a human face of indecipherable gender and origin twisted into agony. Taylor giggled as she looked at the wraith that wrapped around her arm and acorn before she turned to look at me.

"Mama, look! Mr Smokey wants to say hello!" My daughter beamed brightly at me while and held out the wraith to me like she would a stray, proud of the display as if it was her first school project. I quickly reached for the apparition, but it reacted to Taylor's burgeoning powers and my own and glowed before it exploded with a pop, causing the acorn and nearby litter to scatter in the explosion, sending dried pieces of leaf, acorn and pine tree needles at me. I grabbed Taylor to shield her from the explosion as the shrapnel from the improvised plant explosion gave me a grazing cut across my arm and showered me with assorted plant debris. The smell of freshly exploded wood was mixed with the smell of my blood as Danny dropped his picnic and rushed towards myself and Taylor.

As I deflected the questions of what happened, I spotted gathering smoky trails following the car towards the hospital, gliding lazily along the wind.

We would then spend hours in Brockton General, as the doctors and nursed probed of the origin of my injuries. Taylor sat on Danny's lap as she stared in wonder at the gathering spirits which were attracted to the new mistress of death. They formed a white cloud that was invisible to the mundane and delighted Taylor who giggled as the mass of smoky spirits formed into a travelling parade of elephants, jugglers and clowns. One particularly adventurous wraith even transformed into the shape of a mini Alexandria and flew in circles around my daughter. Despite the macabre origins of the display, I smiled at Taylor's joy while Danny tried to get our child to settle down.

"Mama! Look its Alexandria! Mr Smokey is turning into Alexandria!"

The young doctor dressed in blue scrubs raised an eyebrow at Taylor's outburst and I stage whispered to him, shielding my mouth and leaning forward for effect. "Children like their imaginary friends." My attending physician laughed lightly as he nodded in agreement.

"Children at that age can be quite a handful, can't they Mrs Herbert. But you won't trade them for anything."

"It's Hebert. And no, not for the world."

Not for the throne, world or my life would I trade Taylor.


The next two years passed quickly as Taylor grew more adept at wraith manipulating. She would idly have them float languidly around her before she had them re-enact scenes from cartoons though the detail of the wraith formed Armsmaster was disconcerting as Taylor directed a fight scene in which Mouse Protector dispatched the local star cape in a relatively violent fashion involving an oversized mallet, a mouse trap and a stick of dynamite.

Taylor apparently didn't like the armoured hero after he had interviewed me when we were about to leave the hospital during Taylor's fourth birthday. Enough wraiths from both the hospital itself, which was already a large source of the poltergeists, and the surrounding areas had gathered and a fog had formed due to their dense presence. I was fortunate enough then that whatever Tinkertech devices Armsmaster had on him didn't allow him to deduce the nature of the fog which had appeared suddenly on a clear June day. He would leave frustrated to pursue other sources since I was to him a local celebrity unlucky enough to get entangled in likely cape warfare, but his gruff manner would earn him Taylor's ire.

The wraiths for their part were becoming more material, to the point where they can directly interact with physical objects and would soon be visible to the mortal eye. After Puppy and Kitty Smokey eviscerated the Hudson's pet Doberman in a fight while they were out at school and work however, I had to restrict Taylor's activities and told her she can only let her friends out to play in the atelier.

"Heroes have secret identities, Taylor. The den will be our secret base!" Letting Taylor think I was training her to be a parahuman hero helped deflect uncomfortable questions of her wraiths, my magic or the need to keep it secret from Danny. I would teach her the reality of her nature and my own, but for now like parents letting their children think that imaginary friends are real, this fiction is more palatable for her to swallow until I was sure she won't be telling everyone she's a reborn demonic world ending necromancer witch from another reality.

I drove Taylor out to the wilderness about three hours' drive from Captain's Hill. After setting up camp and removing the practice swords from storage, I unlocked the Word of Slow Wits, which had slowed down her learning to match those of mortal children. It also had a happy side effect of preventing her Witch powers from developing before she can be guided to properly control and use them. No such problems here miles from civilisation though. As I removed the binds, I saw the Blight come onto the world as the soil turned into a sticky muck, the plant life perished and the smaller animals like squirrels, nesting birds and insects keel over and die. The air turned foul and smelled like a mix between corpses left in the sun for days and wet dog.

"Eww, it stinks!" My daughter held her nose as the stench assaulted her sense of smell as a white, translucent cloud gathered around her. At the very least, her reaction to the Blight was human enough. One burden and worry removed from my list at least. I decided it was a good time to test out her control over the extent of the Blight.

"Taylor, can you make the smell go away?" Taylor looked at me thoughtfully as she considered how to remove the stench before she nodded and puffed her chest out in pride.

"Sure thing, Mama. Watch me!" I saw my girl close her eyes and scrunch up her face, getting steadily more frustrated as she started to stamp her feet before giving up with a yell. I walked over to the panting Taylor and bent down to her level as I looked her in the eye.

"Taylor. Try to Speak away the smell?"

"You want me to speak, Mama?" My precious looked at me quizzically.

"No Taylor, I want you to Speak. Words have power when you truly mean it." I made sure she was able to hear the capitalization as I emphasized on the word speak. My instructions were hardly tutor material in the Church of Light's Paladin training schools or even the average Mage's teachings of her apprentice, but it will have to do. I do not doubt that the Swamp Witch will not be able to tap into her own instincts and powers. Taylor tapped her chin in thought, before she gave me a bright smile.

"Okay! Icky smell go away!" The vomit inducing stench became a bad memory as the more pleasant odour of jasmine and lilies soothed my offended sense of smell. I felt a surge of pride at the speed my child was learning, but I was also a tad annoyed as I recognised the pleasant scent.

Taylor Anne Hebert, I'm going to ground you till the beginning of the first elementary school year after this. How dare you break into my stash of personalised perfumes!

But first, her education.

"All right Taylor, why not start off with a round of Heroes and Villains."


"So grounded." I muttered angrily under my breath as I dodged another enfilade of two separate waves of explosive wraiths formed into arrowheads, my body twisting and weaving in mid-air to avoid one wave of spirit projectiles that aimed for my legs and another that aimed for my head. As I landed feet first into a crouching position, tree roots burst out from the muck to try and trip me while the waterlogged mud formed a mound around my legs to trap me. Taylor didn't miss a beat as she sent another wave of powered wraiths at me, catching me right In the my left hip and sent me bowling over into the wet turf, The powered wraiths were not quite as dangerous as they'd seem despite them tearing through the trees I've used for cover. Those things hurt, but it was more like a particularly painful water balloon than something more dangerous. Either her powers were not too strong yet, or she is displaying a frightening level of control at only five years old. As I spat out wet mud from my mouth, I decided that finding out which was which can wait.

I've got a naughty girl to punish.

Taylor looked at me with her head cocked to the side, secure in the bubbling mud surrounding her that moved to block me when I got close, the twisting tree roots and branches that acted as her spear and shields and those stinging wisps of smoke made of wraiths that covered her sword and formed another layer of defence for her. The sides of her mouth crooked upwards as she let out one single sound.

"Heh." That single, dismissive snort of laughter made my blood boil as it reminded me of Yuit when she's convinced her Automata and alchemical creations finally perfected an attack or trick that would stop me when I got serious.

"You cheeky little brat. Get a few licks in and you think you've got your old lady beat huh?" My voice echoed with as I unleashed my demonic heritage onto this world and my skin turned deathly pale, my eyes turned wine red, my hair went pitch black and my ears formed into the shape of sharp knives. I admit that doing this wasn't very healthy for my human body and also wasn't very mature of me. But getting showed up by my six year old daughter stung. I was wreathed in an aura of black flame, causing the mud and roots around me to burn up and I charged towards Taylor. My daughter's sense of danger must have ticked off, because she abandoned the makeshift fort she had constructed as I empowered my practice sword and thrust into the strongpoint, barely missing her by inches as my aura and weapon burned up or simply crushed with the kinetic force generated by my charge her attempts to stop me with branches, mud and explosive wraiths.

Taylor's expression was one of gleeful bloodlust, one that I suspect mirrored my own. My demonic instincts howled with joy at the sense of danger and challenge and my heart beat with a tempo that threatened to tear through my chest. I saw my heir slide backwards in the mud before standing up, and without delay began to chant an aria that I did not recognise. More wraiths gathered around Taylor, their translucent form gaining shape and colour until the massed spirits resembled a white glowing whirlpool that formed into a spear. I saw the mud bubbling around her as they gathered into a large sphere and they hardened into thick dried mud. My battle lust sang in a way that it never did since I arrived at Earth Bet. More wraiths gathered around the growing wraith spear which now throbbed with a white light and they massed into smaller arrows of their own.

I see Taylor's not about to go easy on her old lady. Well, I guess she resembles me a lot.

"Minions!" A tear formed in the fabric of Bet's material plane as winged purple circle shaped creatures the size of a baseball with a mono eye and mouth full of teeth flew out from the fissure into the Demon's Gate. The Minions were one of Aldra's preferred methods of distracting enemies, attack and being floating meat shields if needed. And now I am borrowing them as I sent them to their dooms, swarming the gathering wraith arrows, their fragile bodies exploding along with their targets. I prepared myself as I called upon my real surprise for this lesson.

"Ambrosius! Come!" Another fissure into Demon's Gate formed, and an aqua blue stallion with red eyes and burning blue mane galloped out and I leapt onto his back. I crouched down on horseback as I willed my demon fire into a lance, the fiery tip extending from the practice sword. I then charged forward, the tip of my fiery lance meeting the wraith spear. Both weapons blew up on impact, the ensuing shockwave tearing apart trees and tearing a gorge into the land but the momentum of my charge didn't slow as the two hardened mud spheres my daughter threw at me shattered from the power of my charging Ambrosius. I closed in on the fort of mud, tree root and wraiths that Taylor used to shield herself and swung my blade through it, cleaving open the makeshift defence and sent her flying onto the ground. I galloped past the limp form of my heir as I let loose a cry of victory as I let my bloodlust die down and my mind began to recollect my actions.

I closed in on the fort of mud, tree root and wraiths that Taylor used to shield herself and swung my blade through it, cleaving open the makeshift defence and sent her flying onto the ground.

A cold fear grasped my heart as I realised what I've done. I leapt off my horse, threw my sword to the ground and dispelled my transformation as I ran towards the prone form of my child. I got about ten steps before I was enveloped in a rising tide of mud and was covered until only my nose and eyes were not in the grip of the rapidly drying and hardening soil. I fumed helplessly as I saw Taylor roll on the floor laughing with tears rolling down her cheeks before my companion since childhood Ambrosius went over and licked the girl's face.

Et Tu Ambrosius? You're all grounded!


Amelia Claire Lavere looked upon her saviour with awe as she withdrew the brass chain from the bad men that tried to attack her. Those brass chains that enveloped the mysterious cape resembled the bone armour and spines that Daddy used before the bad people took him away. She wore a red bodysuit that was mostly covered in that spine looking brass chains and her face was also covered by the chains with her wine red eyes showing and beautiful light silver hair. Her right arm had a closed eye which the hero had opened to encase all the other bad men that attacked her in amber, before she used one of the chains on her body to pierce the shoulder of the man holding the knife pointing at her.

The eye opened again, there was a bright flash that made her eyes hurt and when she opened it the last bad man was also encased in amber like insects. The mysterious hero poked the amber with a red sword that had a nasty looking jagged edge on one side before she nodded in satisfaction and turned to look at her. The lady spoke to her in French and she shook her head to let her know she doesn't speak it. Her red clad saviour cocked her head, before she asked again in lightly accented English.

"What is your name, little one? And do you know where the home of Annette Hebert is?" Amelia felt excitement as the strange lady mentioned the home of Mrs Hebert. Daddy had mentioned that she was a special woman. Maybe she can help her find Daddy or at least save her from that nasty lady who said she's now her mom!

"I'm Amelia! I was going to the Hebert house!"

"I heard that Annette only had one child.." The lady was eyebrows arched as she folded her arms.

"Bad people took my daddy away. I heard Daddy said Mrs Hebert was a special person. I think she can help me!" Amelia's face was downcast even as she hoped the strange hero will not send her back to the horrible people who took Daddy away.

The eyebrows of her saviour softened as she crouched to see Amelia face to face.

"Alright Amelia. Bring me to Annette and I will talk to my sister for her to help you."

The lady withdrew the chains from her face, revealing a very pretty face and sharp ears.

"I heard from Alicia that people with powers here have a tradition of hiding their faces and having something called a cape name, but I think a little angel like you can be trusted. Others will know me as Gorgon, but you can call me Aldra."

A/N: No Annelotte isn't going to adopt Amy.
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Yep, definitely some Annette still in there. Come on, Annie, instincts? Little Taylor isn't the only one who soul merged!
Well, specifically it's more the parts where she refers to Annette's "instincts" and whatnot. That really makes it sound like she's the dominant personality in a merger.
Beyond that it's difficult to tell though. Annette wasn't really characterized beyond "likes books and teaches" and the less said about characterization in Queen's Blade the better (Oh come on, you know it's mostly about boobs and swords). I suppose the initial resurrection of Taylor seems like an example of Annette influencing the whole, but again we don't really know enough about either character.
I do think that the whole "falling in love independently of Annette's memories" is due to Danny being Annette's type though. You'll recall that Annette was a feminist.
Actually, yeah! Annette's taste in men is clearly the one that won out! Even if a lot of the personality is that of Annelotte, Annette is clearly still there! (I think)

EDIT: She was also rather quick to decide on Taylor being her daughter.
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Just realised I've gotten Saiyang and his sister Tanyang confused in Annelotte's debut chapter. Tanyang is the pseudo-Chinese girl in Red, Saiyang the boy in white. Changed with apologies.

Yes, boy.

He's also cuter than his sis.

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Arc 1.4 The Heberts (a)
The Witch Crown

A Worm/ Queen's Blade Crossover.

Arc 1.4 Possession. The Heberts (a)

Taylor's POV will be after this part. I felt if I didn't get this out, the story will die, so here it is.


Annelotte Kreutz


"Mom, there are several bad guys waiting down that route." Taylor mentioned off handily as she peered into the crystal ball cradled in her hands.

I cursed lightly under my breath for keeping to a routine when going on these training trips. Brockton Bay wasn't the safest place to be a famous anyone, much less a prominent socialite with connections to high society and possible ransom. Cleaning up bodies and dumping would be kidnappers are troublesome and can invite uncomfortable questions if I get sloppy during clean up. Captain's Hill wasn't that deserted after all.

In my defence, I am exhausted and in pain after several hours of physical combat training with Taylor. My girl hits hard when the restrictions on her are lifted.

"How many?" I asked as my eyes scanned the horizon for any approaching vehicles on the deserted road leading back into Brockton via Captain's Hill.

My girl narrowed her eyes as she looked more closely at the foggy crystal ball. Curse my lack of talent for being unable to grasp the art of scrying,

"About twelve of them. One large man with long black curly hair is standing in the middle of the group. He's wearing a black coat and a gold leaf plated carnival mask with a large beak."

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. If things go badly, we could be the ones ending up dead in a ditch.

Marquis. I have Brockton's most famous supervillain's attention. I should be so flattered. Marquis may have a reputation of not harming children or women, but reputations are only as good as they're useful to most people, meaning they're expandable.

I should know, Yuit had proven time and again perceptions are easily changed with a good PR campaign and misdirection.

"Other routes?"

Taylor ran her fingers through the surface of the crystal ball, before shaking her head. Scrying is such a useful ability for making choices and planning, unless you only find out after all the options have long been closed except for the worst ones.

"Men there too. Some in costume." My daughter said glumly. This leaves the option of trying to run the gauntlet of unpowered goons and unknown capes, or I can take the risk and meet Marquis, BB's most prominent parahuman criminal.

I decided Taylor's restrains can wait before they're reinstated as I drove my rented SUV straight ahead.


"Well met, Mrs Hebert."

The booming bass travelled clear as day into my car as I exited my ride. Taylor immediately dashed out in front of me, brandishing both training swords as her body tensed for violence.

I felt pride at her bravery, and also annoyance. All those cartoons and comics are a bad influence if she thinks dual welding without specialised weapons or training is a good idea. I gripped her shoulders firmly, prompting my daughter to pout in annoyance but she complied as she fell back behind me. Taylor lowered her blades but kept them at her sides, drawn and ready.

"A fine display of martial bravery and discipline, particularly for one so young. But are our invisible friends so willing to listen and wait before commencing hostilities?"

I instinctively looked around for any signs of the wraiths or my Minions manifesting, before I realised his bluff. I allowed an annoyed scowl to show on my face. He got me good and there was no point hiding it.

"Was it yourself, Mrs Hebert or the young brave heart that so gallantly rushed to the defence of her mother?" The villain probed before he shook his head and held out his hand palms facing upward while he bowed.

"No, that was rude of me to ask. You have your reasons and I am not here for whatever powers you might have, but the person I so wish to see with my own eyes. If I may have the honour?"

I daintily placed my left hand with my new wedding band Danny had saved up for showing prominently, the diamond that didn't exist on the older one shining brightly. Marquis gently kissed it before letting go and standing straight again.

"Well met indeed, good Marquis. Though I wonder why the lord of the underworld would have any interest in a mere social upstart who schemes to upset her betters. Surely Marquis has no interest in idle gossip."

A hearty laugh as he brushed away my implied dig. Marquis reminded me of Count Vance before the death of Lady Maria at the hands of my sister embittered him and narrowed his vision. What Allfather tried at, Max Anders grasped at, Marquis exuded effortlessly.

Power, dread and most importantly, respect. This man is dangerous even without his powers.

"I can see why Max Anders was so smitten by you. What man aspiring to greatness will want to give up a companion of steel wrapped in the finest velvet? Richard was a fool to not encourage his son to continue going after you."

"Surely someone like you would have faced women greater than myself?" My encounter with Max if nothing else had taught me caution on strange, roughish men.

Marquis placed his hand under his chin, as if deep in thought before sighing wearily.

"More powerful? Certainly. More than ready to present steel and violence, more than enough. But most of them are survivors, irreversibly scarred by their experiences and embittered that they are no longer able to conceive of something greater than the next headline, the next heist or surviving for another day. In baring too much steel to protect themselves, they forget the velvet that makes them beautiful. They have traded grace and matronly bearing for brute force and camp. A true tragedy."

The villain's eyes hardened as they bored into me, inquisitive and judging.

"What gives you such iron that you'd face down a notorious powered villain and a dozen henchmen with only a six year old girl and yourself, a lone woman? It is not mere powers," Marquis spat out the word like a curse, "yet there is nothing from your background that would suggest your apparent tranquillity in a situation like this."

I felt my defiance rose up. If this thug playing at nobility thinks he can scare me.

"Should I beg for mercy from mere bandits, Marquis? You will find I do not quail easily." I injected as much ice as I can into my voice, intent on letting my potential assailant know who he faces.

Another hearty laugh, before Marquis threw up his right hand and his men formed two parade lines with a wide path in between for my SUV to drive through.

"I'm not one for high treason, Mrs Hebert," my heart skipped at his interesting choice of words, "I am truly curious to view someone so regal in person in a town so shifty despite my best efforts." Marquis bent down to meet my daughter face to face, who glared daggers at the stout villain. Taylor slapped off his hands with my approval as he attempted to pat her. The act of defiance prompted a light chuckle from Marquis.

"You will do well to listen to your mother, young Taylor. Even if you feel otherwise as you grow older."

Taylor blew a raspberry, before she shuffled closer to me, arms still bared and ready.

"Farewell Mrs Hebert. I will be sure to remember the day I met the uncrowned queen of Brockton Bay."

Marquis then silently joined his men in the parade line as I hurriedly went back into my vehicle.

I admit I felt a twinge of regret on learning his fate.


The news broadcast is certainly fascinating viewing, but sometimes, I have to remind Taylor her mother isn't one to lie slack jawed while viewing TV content that children really should not be viewing. I wrote down a message on my note pad and placed it in clear view next to me, aware that my daughter has Mr Smokey XII or maybe it's XIV, the one with a bullet hole in the cheek hovering over me while the other wraiths tried to smuggle ice-cream into her room while Emma is here for the sleepover. At least this time, she waited till Emma was asleep before trying to sneak one past her old lady. I shifted a bit to the left, ensuring Taylor's minion overlooking the sofa had a good look at the message.

No ice-cream after you've brushed your teeth. Also, leave some of the pistachio and caramel for me next time. Will make you clean room with tooth brush if I catch u again. Love Mother.

I heard the satisfying thud as the freezer door closed over the noise of the television and Danny's snoring. I turned my attention to the news showing a cape fight captured on home video from a week ago titled "Unmasked cape catfight featuring Purity and new unmasked cape!" Lies of course, for even the Brockton News Channel doesn't unmask capes.

I sniffed at the plain descriptive title that the local news had given to this latest cape fight. Lack of creativity in naming apparently is exclusive to the Continent.

On the other hand, the lack of creativity does evoke memories of Continental plainness and straightforwardness. A fitting one since the cape facing the rising star villain Purity at Lincoln Avenue was not a cape but a Bellesoldat. The beautiful soldier yelled out her frustrations in authentic Continental with a distinctive Gainosian accent that reminded me of the Court Mages back in Gainos Castle. I felt a surge of homesickness swell up as I heard the distinctive twang of my homeland and annoyance that the news didn't attempt to translate it.

"What kind of world is this? The men fight as much or more than the women! Their warriors reject an honourable challenge and more than one lowlife has commented that my costume makes me look like some slattern!"

While parahuman costumes weren't exactly conservative as a whole, barring Narwhal most capes wouldn't show as much skin as the average Continental fighter. I'm sure Leina Vance's dress code of gauntlets, a breast plate, greaves, one pair of underwear and many belts with nothing else would scandalise most parahumans with a moralistic bent on Earth Bet. The Bellesoldat own clothes of a half thigh long blue skirt with a white top with a red tie that shows a fair amount of cleavage, a matching blue mantle and striped black and white stockings were down right conservative

The red ribbon really accentuates her dusty brown hair and her blue eyes though.

"Time to die, Musketeer!" The glowing villain screeched out as she let fly with several blasts of blinding white light towards the Bellesoldat, who danced around the beams as she closed in on the Nazi cape at a rapid pace, her rapier brandished menacingly. Musketeer got within range and prepared to stab, when the white clad villain started to glow even brighter and a burst of white light and the sounds of the concrete sidewalk tearing up engulfed the footage. As the light cleared, the Bellesoldat was lying in a crumpled heap as Purity moved in for the kill before the unmoving body suddenly turned into a mass of black flame which surged towards the approaching Nazi and knocked the surprised cape off her feet while engulfing her in black fire.

As Purity rolled on the floor to put out the blaze, Musketeer walked into frame as she clicked her tongue in disappointment.

"Typical of you light magic users. All caught up in the glorious light while forgetting the brighter the illumination, the longer the shadows cast. One doppelganger and you bite without hesitation." The Bellesoldat made sure to face the camera while making air quotes with her fingers to drive home her taunt. Musketeer arched her rapier before hesitating and withdrew her weapon.

"Forget it, you're not staining Liddell over. Hopefully, Chancellor Yuit will let me keep my job in exchange for all the information I've obtained "Muttering under her breath, I saw an inky darkness engulf the swordswoman before she disappeared in a flash. As the news channel switched focus to some talking heads yammering over speculation of the bizarre behaviour of the new "cape", I fell back onto the sofa while considering the new development.

There are Bellesoldats on Earth Bet. In a worst case scenario, I could soon find many of the beautiful soldiers packing a mean sword arm and a huge grudge over the Swamp Witch or myself coming after us through a functioning Queen's Gate. Although my absconding to Bet is supposed to be a secret and officially I'm reclaiming the Swamp, I cannot discount either a regime change in my absence, or the secret leaking that I'm no longer on the Continent.

In the best case scenario, it's only the Court Mages under my sworn sisters having figured out where I have chased the Swamp Witch to and would now be sending help in the form of someone capable of killing the Witch and completing my quest. Neither option is acceptable to me now. Once again I wished for my old body and Grim Venus back so that I can better protect my daughter.

I tried not to dwell on what I might have done if I had Grim Venus and my old body seven years ago. The thought of simply dispatching my family so readily had become unthinkable and made me physically ill to dwell on it.

A creaking on the wooden step that leading to our front door followed by a sharp rapping caught Danny's attention as he roused from his slumber and moved to answer. He had been insistent that he will answer all calls at the front door ever since parahuman gang wars and crime in general got worse and he worried over my safety. I kept my eyes on the TV even as my hearing strained to catch what our late hour visitors might be saying. Just because Danny was answering the door doesn't mean I cannot keep an ear out for potential assailants before him.

"Thank you sooo much, ma ange! I would have gotten so lost if not for your guiding me here." The sound of the door opening and that familiar voice continued without missing a beat, "Ah! You must be Monsieur Hebert! Bonsoir! So sorry to call on your château so late, but is the lady Annette around?"

"Ms Aldra, you're talking funny," A small voice belonging to a young girl fumed at the over the top delivery of her fellow guest. So one adult female and a young girl with the elder guest being named….wait.

My sister is on my doorstep, and she's playing up the stupid foreigner act to the hilt. Well, if she's informed enough to know of my real identity, I suppose she has enough information on the situation on Earth Bet to avoid suspicion.

"Nothing quite as fancy as a chateau, miss. And you are…hey! What are you doing?" I turned around from the TV just in time to witness a buxom female with lavender hair dressed in a ruby red blouse and brown cargo pants grasp the arms of my husband and plant two loud, sloppy kisses on both cheeks in greeting. Wine red eyes twinkled with mischief before they fell on me, and the grin on that familiar face grew even wider. Some visible wrinkles formed around her eyes and the knife like ears were now rounded, but there was no doubt Aldra had just kissed my husband in front of me.

Way to go, Aldra. Kiss the beau of your long separated sister as a greeting. It will surely endear yourself to me.

"Anne! Give your soeur aînée a hug!" Aldra didn't wait for my response before she lunged at me and pinned me down on the sofa and began nuzzling me. I managed to shove her off, prompting a bout of giggling from my sibling as I sat up cringing at her antics.

"Bonsoir to you too, Aldra. How are things back on the Continent?" My gaze fell onto her companion, a young Caucasian female with brown curly hair dressed in white pyjama, a pair of red sneakers and a bright yellow jacket while carrying a backpack. My eyes narrowed as I spotted two mallards with visible cuts on their necks, drained and plucked clean of feathers along with a large duffel bag resting near the door.


"Oh, the ducks are a gift I was going to prepare for my beloved sis…"

"No, not the birds, though I appreciate you going through the trouble to provide the wild game." I didn't bother rubbing the bridge of my nose in anticipation of the oncoming migraine. "The girl. Why is there an obvious runaway tagging along with you?"

The runaway in question boldly stepped up to me, birds still in her hands. Her voice was clear and bright as day as she exclaimed, "I'm Amelia! Daddy told me you're a special lady so I thought you'd be able to help me find him from where the bad people have taken him!"

So obviously a child who's parent is either missing, dead or captured and is most likely with a foster family. Also likely enough to be someone whom I have left a deep impression on. I began going through the list of acquaintances who would bear a family resemblance to the young brunette and have recently passed on or are missing. Aldra protectively placed her hands on the shoulders of Amelia and pulled her close.

"She's not too happy with her foster mother apparently. Said she's a mean lady who might be responsible for taking her papa away." The young girl nodded vigorously in assent at my sister's assessment of the situation, but Aldra has always been very biased with children who maybe lacking familial affection. So the girl is apparently adopted by people who are linked to her father's disappearance from her life and has a foster mother who's not too kind to her. Now how many people who know me enough to fit into that little category? The gears began moving in my head as I went through those who fit before I sighed in defeat. The coincidence was getting ridiculous.

"I'm getting Sarah on the phone. She will help reign in Brandish's excesses and prevent her from slicing you up for kidnapping her daughter." I shot a pointed look at my sister and her runaway that she picked up from the street like a stray kitten even as the girl held tighter to Aldra. My sibling glared back at me with her wine red eyes bulging with maternal fury.

"I am not releasing Amelia back to whoever left her on the streets to be prey to some common criminals." Aldra said testily as she wrapped her arms around the young girl. My sister hesitated before she added in Continental.

"I'm disappointed in you, Annelotte."

I winced at the sheer despondence she added into that statement of familial distress. Aldra's playing dirty right now but I cannot compromise the safety of Taylor and my family. I placed my right hand over my heart as I spoke in English, "Aldra, I have my own daughter's safety to consider. If you or I were to take Amy in and her secret is exposed, we will all be in danger." From Amelia's downfallen expression and Danny's look of understanding, I knew the misdirection had worked. Aldra on the other hand understood perfectly well the secret I was actually referring to. She was the whole reason I was here on Bet after all.

"Danny, please inform Sarah that her niece is safely with us and has been found by my long lost sister so she doesn't lead New Wave to storm the castle. Amy can spend the night with us and I will be happy to host a lunch with them tomorrow." I took Amelia's hand and firmly led her to Danny while my sister fumed. I knelt down to face the young Dallon who was on the verge of tears. Her pained expression reminded me so much of Taylor that I nearly caved, but I held firm even as I spoke as gently as I can.

"Amy, why don't you spend some time with Mr Hebert over there? I need to speak with Aldra over some things." I winced at the vehemence as the young girl protested her unhappiness over the situation.

"No! You're mean and I'm not leaving Auntie Aldra!" Amelia wrenched away from my grip and ran towards my sister, hugging her tightly. Aldra gently stroked the hair of the sobbing girl before lifting her up to her shoulders and returned the hug fiercely.

"It's okay, ma petite ange. After I've had words with Auntie Anne for being a meanie, we can have a sleepover together. So you stay with Mr Hebert for now okay? Oh, I know!" Aldra carried the young girl over to her duffel bag and set her down before ruffling through the contents. My heart skipped a beat in excitement as I recognised the tell-tale glimmer of a shrunken down Grim Venus and my horse choker for summoning Ambrosius. My sister then let out a triumphant cry as she pulled out a pink teddy bear with an eye patch over the right eye and a spiked choker and a green frog pushy from her luggage. Aldra has some weird ideas on what constitutes suitable playmates for young human children.

"The teddy bear is Belphe and the frog is Dogor. They will keep you company and safe and if they act mean, I will know." Aldra flashed an evil smile that matched the best of her days as a tyrant ruling over the Continent. I could almost swear the two dolls are shaking. The young girl took the two stuffed animals housing demonic nobility and stuck out her pinkie in her free hand. Aldra needed no prodding as she gladly made the vow before Danny guided Amy towards the kitchen. I walked towards my atelier with Aldra following close behind me and turned on the Royal Mystery to prevent eavesdropping once inside. My sister's face lost all signs of humour and goofiness as she demanded answers from me, her face mere inches away from mine as she peered at me, looking for signs of me being mind-controlled or otherwise dominated.

"Tell me Annelotte Kreutz. Why is the Swamp Witch alive and why are you dying of her curse?" Demon's Blade appeared as Aldra gripped her weapon tightly, ready to do what she feels is necessary.

"Why should I not finish the job and kill the Witch reborn?"


The next day came and went, as the Pelhams and Dallons arrived to pick up their runaway though they declined the lunch invite. Or rather the Pelhams arrived in civilian guise while Brandish had arrived in costume with her husband Flashbang along visibly reluctant. I'm starting to think Carol has a bit of a complex regarding her adopted child. Amy who had spent the night in my atelier's cot along with Aldra was wrapped firmly in a protective embrace by my sister who glared daggers at the quote "mean lady" unquote. Leave it to Photon Mom to defuse the standoff with a question on my sister's choice of hair colour.

"So Aldra? Nice dye job on the hair. You have a stylist or did you do it yourself."

"Dyed it myself. I am actually albino and I didn't want to resemble a wicked stepmother who aged before her time." Aldra shot a glare at Brandish, who bristled at the insult but remained stone faced and unmoving. The Pelham matriarch then decided to take over the negotiations before her sister went full attack dog lawyer and set off Aldra.

"Anne, a moment of your time please."

Sarah decided to call in her favour that I had promised her in the aftermath of that fiasco with Max Anders. Sarah helped lighten her sister's burden by having Brandish agree to let Victoria and Amy spend more time with Aldra and even stay over a few nights. Amy however will thankfully remain with the Dallons. I simply cannot afford to take in someone so connected to the cape scene. As the New Wave collected their young adoptee, Aldra bid a tearful farewell before she walked back into the house silently. It had been a long night for both of us with me convincing my sister to withhold judgement on Taylor.

Aldra trusted my judgement and was convinced I had not been corrupted or controlled by the Witch, and was willing to observe Taylor's growth. I had drawn Grim Venus and threatened to fight her to the death to convince her, but in the end Aldra backed down after extracting a vow that I would not stop her if Taylor were to show signs of being corrupted by the Witch's influence.

It was a lie of course, and I suspected Aldra knew that as well. Convincing Yuit and the rest of my sworn sisters back home however had proven far more difficult however, and I did not relish having to yell, cajole and threaten people I considered my kin after being separated for seven years. I went into my atelier, knowing that Aldra had preceded me into my sanctum. I saw Aldra standing next to the mahogany desk that stood in the centre of the room, and on it was an olive green metal case. As I approached the case, a small slot on the top opened up and I saw a small Wizard Stone forged crystal pop up before it projected a small sphere that resembled a large crystal ball floating above the desk.

"A projection spell, like the ones the Angels use to broadcast the Queen's Blade matches." My voice was tinged with nostalgia and wonder as I saw the magic of my homeland once again with my own eyes. The fog in the projection soon cleared up, and I saw the banner of the Kreutz Margrave, a dull yellow fleur-de-lis on dark green field hanging on the wall of the Kreutz castle state room. My eyes started to blink rapidly as I fought off the tears upon viewing once again my rebuilt childhood home. Aldra stood to my right and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving me a warm smile which I returned.

"Big Brother, it's good to see you again." A voice at once high pitched and childish yet steady with the experience of decades of war and governance. My confidant and advisor, the little Elf Yuit.

"Aneja! It's been so long! When you coming home so I can give you a big, big, hug!" Melodic and exotic with the sing-song accent of the Shai Fang people belling the shrewdness and instinct of a capable commander, fighter and mage of her unique Shai Fang magic. Taiyang. Her cross-dressing brother Saiyang dressed in a white qipao was looking shyly at me.

"Annie! Oh I just love your new look!" Luna-Luna. The dual personality priestess of the Calibara who is fair skinned and innocent when representing the Sun, tanned, bronzed and sultry when representing the moon. For once, she was wearing clothes that consist of material that's more than a handkerchief and a napkin.

"Sister Anne…I mean your Majesty!" Mirim, teal-haired and wide eyed even after seeing first-hand the horrors of the War of Thunder and an invincible avatar of war on the battlefield.

"Gao!" A mechanical feminine chime from the Automata Vante, designed to resemble a buxom freckled blonde elf in a maid's uniform.

"Your Majesty. I thank the Light of Heaven for once again being able to see you. "Serene yet firm, the stern visage of Inquisitor Sigui in her dark blue nun's habit struck fear into the hearts of heretics, blasphemers and demons alike.

I struggled to keep my tone steady as my tears flowed freely on seeing the people I considered closer than lovers and family for a decade of my life. There is so much I have to say.

"All of you. I...I miss all of you so much. I'm speechless." I bit down on my lip, regaining my composure before I continued, "Tell me everything that has happened these seven years." And so they did. The Continent has bloomed in the aftermath of the reconstruction from the War of Thunder and the Second Witch Hunt. I heard how the population of the Continent had grown, with the seventy five million souls that survived the cataclysm of war now had another thirty million ready to join once they reached the age of majority at twelve. I heard of how Yuit, along with the surrendered Ymir and Elin were going to connect all the cities, towns, villages and hamlets of the Continent with roads and railways with trains and airships powered by the Wizard Stones being mined and made in workshops and factories across the Continent. How vox and pict projectors will change communications in the Continent, allowing projection magic to be a daily affair rather than the exclusive domains of magi and Angels.

"We have Court Mage Alicia to thank for this. Five years ago, an experiment with teleportation magic led us to come into contact with a world called Aleph. She scouted that world in disguise and brought back many ideas on changing our Continent, though we have Ymir to thank for expanding the uses of the roads, railways and communications beyond the military and Court business. After the fiasco that was Mel Fairland, we are elated that Aleph proved so beneficial to us."

My mind's gears started moving as I made the connection between the Court Mage and the Bellesoldat I've seen on the news last night.

"This Alicia. She a dusty brunette, almost blonde hip length hair with a blue mantle, skirt and white shirt? Wields a rapier she names Liddell? Manipulates dark magic?"

"That's the one!" Luna-Luna beamed with pride. I figured she probably scouted her talent going by her reaction. "Alicia was also the one who informed us of the culture of Earth Bet, the capes and of course, she found you as well! It wasn't easy to confirm if you're really, you know our Queen since you look so different. So Aldra volunteered to confirm if it was you since she'd be able to tell your soul, even if it's inhabiting another vessel. Personally, I think she's just eager to walk of the extra calories after ingesting Delmore. She got that bastard good!"

I suppressed a sigh. I was so sure my cover was nice and impregnable.

"Speaking of Your Majesty being yourself, we got a troubling report just now from Co-Regent Aldra just now." Sigui stated evenly as she gave me an appraising stare. The expressions of my other companions turned either carefully neutral or openly worried as the conversation took a turn for the unpleasant. The redhead inquisitor cleared her throat as she continued her questioning. "We understand that the Witch's curse is still slowly killing you, despite her reformed soul not actively maintaining it. We also understand that the native girl known as Taylor Anne Hebert, who is the daughter of the Annette Hebert you have possessed is the next Swamp Witch." Sigui's face was a stone mask as she spoke the next words.

"My queen, I beg you to let me understand why you're allowing yourself to die to ensure the growth of the next Swamp Witch. Why did you vow to protect the Widowmaker? Taylor Hebert is a common-born native of an alien world."

I felt something snap as I burst in anger.

"Taylor Hebert is my daughter!" I raged at the accusation levelled at me by the inquisitor. "Annette Rose Hebert was a mighty woman who fought me and the soul of the Swamp Witch and nearly won and Daniel Hebert is my husband who bore shame that he had no reason to bare! I will not have you slander my family, Inquisitor!" I felt a gentle hand land on my shoulder and Aldra gave me a wan smile as she pulled me behind her. I showed my back to the projection and Sigui. I knew she was sincerely worried over my state of mind and the fate of the world, but if I continued now, I will surely say something I regret.

"The young Taylor, from what I've seen is a precious, beautiful child. Loyal, steadfast and filled with a sense of right and wrong that is very much like Anne here. She is summoning and manipulating wraiths yes, now don't give me that look Sigui you are fully aware non sentient undead are not actually the souls of the departed, but she's unaware of the nature of her powers or that of her mother. As far as the young princess is aware, her powers are actually that of the parahumans of Earth Bet and Aleph."

I could hear Aldra's smirk as she gave her proposal.

"I believe that is would be better if the young Taylor is presented to all her Aunts from Europe, so she may understand her mother's "past". That way, all of you here can determine your opinion of my sister's chosen heir. Once she reaches the age of majority at twelve, we can reveal the truth of her heritage." A pall of silence fell over the room as my sisters awaited my decision. I hesitated for a while, before I began walking out of my atelier without turning back to face the others.

"I will go bring Taylor in once I've sent Emma home."


A/N Sometimes I wonder if this fic would be more popular if I had started out with Taylor's POV straight out or immediately after Danny's chapters. But I felt that Annelotte and Annette deserved to be a character in her own right rather than a background character that serves primarily as a motive for the MC. Let me know if you feel that Anne was getting too much attention from the heavyweights of BB in this story.

Note that the Rebellion anime showed Ymir as Strategist for the Queen's Army making use of powered vehicles, radio communications and even had real time imaging of the battlefield. How they lost with such tactical advantages is probably due to bad writing on the part of the anime team. Well, maybe Annelotte in demon form and Mirim soloing entire armies tilted the balance somewhat.
Huh, I thought I remember there being more than one page for this, or am I getting my fanfics mixed up again
A/N Sometimes I wonder if this fic would be more popular if I had started out with Taylor's POV straight out or immediately after Danny's chapters. But I felt that Annelotte and Annette deserved to be a character in her own right rather than a background character that serves primarily as a motive for the MC. Let me know if you feel that Anne was getting too much attention from the heavyweights of BB in this story.

For what it's worth, I enjoyed reading Annelotte's chapters and I love you for it.
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