The wheel of time awakens

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The wheel of time turns, and the power reawakens un the 1st age, in modern earth. Chaos soon will be part of the pattern
The wheel awakens
The wheel of time turns, and ages come and go, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again. In one age, called the first age by some, only fragments of myth remained of the memories from the third age. Only remnants remained of the knowledge of the wheel and the power. Yet the wheel of time turns, and it wont stay unknown for long. In the first age, change was abound.

In the first age, a wind rose
[]from the plains, over remnants of the ancient civilization which marked the start of the age(the middle east and the Mediterranean)
[]from castles long abandoned, where kings once sat in judgement(europe)
[]from a dying, primitive land, which once was a paradise(africa)
[]from great cities, whose foundation marked the start of a new era(america)
[]from remains of ancient wonders, whose plundering was the drive to many vile man(easten asia)
[]from a great desert in the smallest continent, last to be mapped by those who thought themselves the only mappers of mankind(australia)
The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the wheel of time. But it was a beginning.

The wind blew west, to the place now known as
[]write in where you are

It blew onward, toward a

Known as
[]write in name

And shuffled their clothes. They kept on going for a moment, then stopped. A feeling of change dawned on them, and of sadness. Things were forever changed, and will not go back. At an impulse awakened by that sadness, they went over their life, which they somehow knew will change forever

They were
[]_____ years old(no more than 25, no less than 15)
And were
[]student at school
[]college/university student(for what?)
[]common workers(at what)
It was the year
[]____(between 1890 and 2019)
Designing channeling
You have 150 points to dedicate to channeling abilities and other abilities you may have. You may choose two affinities as well. Than I will roll for channeling and affinity strength, and some other things.
Channeler strength will be measured between1 and 12000,before adjusting for male/female power, with rand over it at 15000(he is beyond "normal" strength" by the books). So Egwene is around 6000, Nyneave at 9000, Moriane at 3000, an average aes sedai at 1500-2000(above general average), and Ishamael at 12000. You will have a buffed roll so you will probably land a 5000-6000, but you may purchase more, though you are capped at 12000, like is normal. Affinity strength are also rolled,measured between 1 and 1500, with 1500 is Egwene at earth or rand at fire and spirit, and 1 is terrible at the affinity and barely able to use it. 500 is average, so roll are 500+2d250 for strong affinities, 1000 +2d250 for extremely strong affinities, 400 +2d100 for average affinities, and 100+2d200 for weak affinities. Also, women gets a bonus of 1d50 at air and water, and men get a similiar bonus at fire and earth

Total:150 points

Strong chaneller(-30):provides a bonus to the power roll, may be taken multpue times and stacks
Unrelenting channeler(-15):you can channel a lot more time without tiring

Affinities:2 strong free
Weak affinity(+15): you are weaker at a single affinity
Strong affinity(-15):you are stronger at a single affinity
Strong->extremely strong affinity(-15)
Air(women gets bonus
Water(women gets bonus)
Fire(men gets bonus)
Earth(men gets bonus)

Talents:1 free
Talnted with_____(-10)
Very talented with_______(-20)
Extreme talent_______(-40)
Cloud dancing(weather effects)
Earth singing(earth and metal)
Conjuction(mind, bonds, and other things related to people)

Weaving skill:thes abilities are improved with time and depend on skills and other abilities(or improve learning such skills)
Can hold double amount of weaves(-15)
Can hold triple amount of weaves(-25)
Can hold half amount of weaves(+15)
Can learn weaving skills quickly(-25)
Learns slowly(+15)
Can weave double amount of weaves simulatnously(-30)
Can weave double as fast(-20)
Weaves at half speed(+15)
Can learn weave at seeing them(-20)
Can hardly learn weaves(+10)
Has a "feel" for creating weaves(you have this automatically for any very strong or extreme talent, but this applies to all weaves)(-40)

Other chaneling abilities
See power residue(-10)
Unravel weaves(-10)
Feel terangreal purpose(-10)
Sense taveren(-10)
Can create terangreal(-25)(the potential to create, not the knowledge how)
Can create power wrought items(-20)(the potential to create, not the knowledge how)

Other things:
Skilled(-5)(at what?)
Expert(-10)(at what?)
Very smart(-5)
Very strong(-5)
Very agile(-5)
Very stout(-5)
Very charismatic(-5)
Broad skills(-5)

Latent Dreamer:
Average dreamer(-15)
Strong dreamer(-25)
Master of dreams(-35)

Old blood(-10)
Great bloodline(-10)


Very lucky(-25)

After some delibaration, I decided to open a second quest. The adventure of once again is still running(and just got updated, actually)
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