The Weird World Saga
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Years ago the existence of vampires are revealed to the world in Korea and after an attack led to his mother's death Eun Neugdae is taken by his father to America. A decade later he returns to Korea to finish his studies in university and live a normal life but while escorting an underclassman home after a drinking party ran late they are both confronted by a vampire however things don't go as any of them expected. Unfortunately things only escalate from that point as Neugdae stumbles onto a conspiracy that threatens both his home and the careful stability of the world at large.

Vampires may have been revealed to the world but as it turns out the world is much larger and weirder than most could imagine. Thankfully despite his reluctance Neugdae has both the ability and experience in dealing with The Weird World.

*Inspired By Korean Manwha/Webtoons
Midnight Escort Gone Wrong
Eun Neugdae had a pretty mundane morning routine. It consisted of waking up, showering, eating breakfast and leaving the apartment to catch the bus to school. Today however the rather pleasant bus ride was being inconvenienced by a police blockade forcing traffic to one lane on a narrow road. The reason for this became apparent to him as the bus passed by what appeared to be a hastily set crime scene. Hasty in the sense that a group of officers were attempting to cordon off the area but a loose crowd of people had already formed directing their attention to the entrance of an alleyway where a tarp was placed over a corpse.

"Hey, no pictures!" shouted one of the officers to a student who quickly made himself scarce.

"She was attacked by a vampire wasn't she!?" shouted an older man all but demanding an explanation.

At that exclamation the murmurs in the bus became more pronounced and Neugdae scowled. A decade ago frequent and rampant attacks in Korea revealed the existence of vampires to the public and since then they have become an unfortunate fixture in the daily lives of every citizen. In recent months however it seems as if the vampire attacks have began to pick up to the point where the news was reporting an attack or sighting every day.

This however was the first time someone was killed this close to his neighborhood and he did not like it one bit.

"That's my daughter!!" a woman shouted as she attempted to storm pass the officer to no avail

A scowl made its way to his face as he regarded the situation before the bus eventually moved on but his mind was still on the topic of vampires. Even after a decade no one really knew much about their origins. Debates are still being waged on whether or not vampires are the result of a viral infection developed in a lab or were actually a species that kept hidden until recently. The government has done well enough to keep their citizens informed and protected. Along with giving out lengthy PSAs about the dangers of vampires they have even installed early warning systems across the city that blare out sirens and an automated voice over.

Moving away from these thoughts things picked up afterwards in his class as most conversation was taken up by the the usual things talked about by students in their final year of university. Eun Neugdae is no different in this regard as his concern/annoyance at the possibility of dangerous vampires being in the next neighborhood over from his apartment was put on the backburner for the time being.

Having only come back to Korea a year ago Neugdae had to go through a lengthy process to prove his eligibility to transfer and complete his studies in Korea. It took a lot of work to get his grades above average and just thinking about what he went through had Neugdae wincing something fierce.

It wasn't just the studies that came to mind but other issues. Eun Neugdae is an introvert by nature who reveled in his solitude then throw in a love for videogames and otaku culture (anime, manga, webtoons, light novels, comic books etc) and you have a textbook definition of a nerd. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it his 'nerdiness' is offset by his general appearance. Unlike the average Korean Neugdae was fairly tall for his age standing at over six feet tall with broad shoulders, a muscular build, short black hair and brown eyes.

He is also handsome and it is for this reason why despite not being a social butterfly not putting in an effort to make friends people approach him anyways. It's something he's been dealing with for most of his young adult life even overseas and because he spent so long outside the country people are even more curious about him. As it stood he could either adapt to the attention or ignore it and since he didn't want to come off as a bastard he chose to do the do former.

It was by no means a simple thing as it made go outside his comfort zone and many lessons were learned over the years but he believed he ultimately picked the right choice. Nowadays he has more or less mastered how to navigate the social stratum and has even come to enjoy some of the benefits. Case in point, today he was invited out to a restaurant bar by his classmates to celebrate…again.

There are so many reasons why this is a bad idea. It was in the middle of the week so they all had classes the next day meaning that it is ill advised to spend the night drinking alcohol and most importantly with the rise in vampire attacks lately making nights especially treacherous.

Everyone is aware of these factors, no one cared.

For Neugdae it definitely isn't the most productive way he could have used his time but damn if the stress of university wasn't getting to him. He usually loved to read books but he's been studying so much that the thought of reading words made him feel ill. He needed to unwind and clearly he wasn't the only one to think this as the establishment was filled with more than his classmates. There were students from other years present, a couple of friends out on what appears to be a group date and a few salary men in the corner complaining about their jobs.

Neugdae was fully immersed in playing therapist to his peers and making genuine complaints in turn.

'This is fun' he decided after two hours with copious amounts of food and alcohol in his system.

Speaking of alcohol the group conversations were interrupted by an announcement "hey we're doing a game over here! Drinking contest, Jang vs. everyone at the table, loser has to pay the tab."

Neugdae couldn't help but snort at that blatant scam. Jang is a massive bear of a man with a barrel chest and bushy beard.

"Is he even Korean?"

'The better question is whether or not he's even human?' Neugdae thought as he counted 14 soju glasses stacked on top of each other at the side of his table 'damn!'

Neugdae didn't think there was anyone drunk or stupid enough to challenge Jang…or so he thought but just when no one seemed to be willing to participate in the farce a challenger made herself known.


All eyes turned to one who spoke, a student from the first year who held up a full soju glass with a cocky smirk before draining the thing in one smooth motion as if it were water.

Then sitting herself at the other end of the table she spoke "challenge accepted~"

Naturally this mystery woman's brazen actions created an uproar amongst the students.


"Is she crazy?"

"Jang-Sunbae is gonna take this no shot."

"Who is she?" Neugdae found himself asking.

"I know her she's Hwang Soyun, the cardinal girl" spoke someone beside him.

He wasn't the one to ask the obvious question "cardinal girl?"

"Because she used to literally greet everyone she meets, spinning round like a needle on a compass."

"That's weird."

'I think I heard about someone like that but I've never seen her before.'

Half an hour later and Jang collapsed on the table leaking from the mouth with swirls in his eyes leaving Soyun as the winner.

"How the hell did you drink all that!?"

'Good question' Neugdae thought with a frown as he nursed his own drink.

After that the previously unknown Soyun practically got swarmed by her peers and even a few impressed Sunbaes. Neugdae himself kept his distance and the night continued on as normal for another few hours until it was abruptly interrupted by the sound of a very loud siren blaring.

"That's the siren, let's go" someone

"Is it already eleven?"Someone from his table questioned.

Neugdae wasn't really paying attention to the time at all and a look at his phone confirmed his fear "yeah."

"Shit" pretty much summed up the feeling of everyone present.

Neugdae too since he wasn't really planning on staying out so late himself but he got distracted. The manager of the establishment came in and announced that they will be closing and kindly asked them to exit after paying the bill.

"Aw, I don't wanna leave yet~"

"Don't be an idiot."

"Craap why didn't you tell me it was so late, I'm never gonna make it to the bus home."

"You can stay over at my place."

"You have a spare toothbrush?"

"Have a safe trip~"

"Yeah see you tomorrow."

"Hey did you hear? There was a vampire attack on the freeway that caused a five car pileup."

"Oh my god!"

"I saw that-"

Neugdae let the myriad of conversations wash over him even as he said his farewell to his own compatriots for the night. His gaze was surreptitiously fixed on Soyun who appears to be attempting to leave incognito…and failing. Shaking his head slightly he approached her while also demonstrating true stealth since he appeared to have surprised her with his sudden appearance.


"Eep!" tensing the woman turned then had to tilt her head upwards to make eye contact "um…Sunbae?"

"Eun Neugdae" he introduced himself.

Her eyes widened in recognition "ah…I'm-"

"Soyun right?" he interrupted "I saw your match with Jang, impressive stuff. Pretty sure he's not going to hear the end of it losing to a Hubae one foot shorter and half his body weight."

"Hehe, yeah" she laughed bashfully.

"Do you live close by?"

That caught her off guard for a bit and to be honest he sounded a bit too forward but this was important.


"Sorry, what I mean is allow me take you home."

"Um, a-are you sure? It's getting kinda late, it could be dangerous."

Neugdae raised an eyebrow and nodded "fair point" she seemed to visibly deflate "here's my counter. Who is more likely to be in danger between the two of us if we encounter any trouble?"

That took the wind out of her sails and as Soyun opened her mouth to retort she seemed to think better of it and instead said "if it's not too much trouble."

"Escorting a Hubae home can never be any trouble."

It also helped that Soyun is one of the prettier women he's met standing at roughly 5ft 6 inches with fair unblemished skin, lustrous brown hair tied into a ponytail, pink pouty lips and large brown doe eyes.

'If she dressed less conservatively she would be really popular.'

Not that Neugdae planned to make any moves on her. He is by no means a playboy plus he wasn't really interested in a relationship at the moment after his last one turned into a quintessential disaster.

Deciding to play it cool he changed the subject "so where did you say you lived again?" She gave him an answer and Neugdae couldn't help but voice "huh, that's a coincidence that's on the way to my apartment" he began with genuine surprise.

"It is?"

"Yeah" he gave her the street where he lived.

"Huh…that is a coincidence."

Was that suspicion he heard in her voice.

Later on as the two made it to the bus stop Soyun made a startling discovery.

"You accidentally spent all your bus money without realizing it?"

Soyun looked dejected as she nodded "yeees"

"Even though you had Jang pay for your tab?"

"He only paid for the rounds up to the drinking contest."

"You were going hard on those bottles" he chuckled a bit "I'm pretty sure a weaker person would have died from alcohol poisoning."

Soyun glanced away with a sweatdrop "don't remind me."

"Hey it's not like I'm any different" he shrugged at her questioning look "I wasn't really paying attention either and ended up burning through my budget."



That's a lie he is much too careful with his spending to make a mistake like that but he only had enough for himself. He couldn't very well leave her alone plus it was worth it with how happy she looked at not being the only shortsighted person between the two of them. From that point on the conversation flowed a lot smoother between the two of them. Much to his surprise he found her company to be rather pleasant. This is one of the very rare conversations he's had with a girl without there being some weird sexual tension.

'This is not how I thought this would go' he thought but ultimately didn't mind.

A Bit Later…

"So you live in a church?" he mused.

"Actually I live in the orphanage next to the church."

"Wait it wouldn't be that same orphanage belonging to the crazy priest would it?"

"Crazy pri-are you talking about Father Joseph?"

"Yeah him."

"He's not crazy!"

He raised his hands up in surrender "sorry, it's just I've heard rumors about the guy."

Soyun's frown became pronounced "what kind of rumors?"

"Oh you know, that he used to be an enforcer for a foreign mob."

"Pfft wh-what?" Soyun sputtered.

"I take it that the gossip a few wives were circulating about someone from another neighborhood is wrong?"

"Yes! So wrong, Father Joseph isn't working for a mob."

Neugdae stared at her for a bit "he means a lot to you huh?"

At the question her expression softened into something wistful "Father Joseph took me in when I was wandering the streets as a homeless child. He saved my life" she spoke softly with a fondness that had Neugdae staring at her for a bit.

"So you live with Father Joseph by yourself?"

"I have two siblings."


"Yeah" she smiled fondly "they're both very energetic."

"Sounds exhausting."

"You have no idea but they keep the place lively" she smiled before looking to him "what about you?"

"I don't have any siblings and I live by myself."

"What about your parents?"

"My dad's back in America and my mom is …deceased."

"O-oh, I am so sorry."

"Its fine, it happened a long time ago."

An awkward silence ensued only to be interrupted by the sounds of sirens again. This time it is followed by an automated voice over the speakers announcing the commencement of the midnight curfew and urging everyone to come off the streets. With said announcement the general bustle from the few people still roaming the streets turned into a frenzy as they made more fervent attempts to leave the streets.

The duo even caught a few people chasing down a bus.

"Driver wait!"

"That's the last bus, hurry!"

Eventually the bus peeled out like a getaway car leaving the two young adults all alone in the middle of the night at a bus stop.

"It's times like these I wish I had a car" Neugdae mused.

Soyun did not share in his humor instead she was hyper-focused on the situation they found themselves in.

"Oh man it's really late now" she spoke while increasing the pace of her walk.

She did have a point though 'I didn't even realize the time was going by so fast.'

"Time flies when you're having fun."

Soyun gave him a sideways look but averted her gaze forward when he matched it "y-yeah, I guess."

"Afraid Father Joseph will be mad?"

"Yeah that too but" and she looked around.

"Worried about vampires?"

"Aren't you?"

He shrugged "not really, I mean what are the chances-" he cut himself off with shake of his head "nope I'm not saying it."

"Saying what?"

"Something to tempt fate."


Before he could speak again the sound of a voice interrupted their talk.

"You rat bastard!"

'No freaking way Neugdae thought with mild incredulity 'what are the chances?'

Right before them a man was suddenly thrown onto the ground from an alleyway. He looked like he'd seen better days with how ruffled and pale he was. Coming into view was another larger heavyset man wearing a black suit with a red shirt looking for all intents like a thug.

"So this is where you've been hiding! I told you I'd follow you to hell if it means getting the money you owe us."

"That guy…" he heard Soyun mutter but it was a muted thing as he stared not at the thug but at his victim.

"Please, I'm begging you. Just leave me alone" the man said lowly "it'll be better for the both of us."

The thug unheeding of his plea hoisted him up by the scruff of his shirt "you don't want any trouble?" he slammed his back against the wall "then gimme my money!"

"We should go" Neugdae whispered with urgency.

"Eh? Ah!"

Grabbing her hand Neugdae began pulling her away from the scene managing to cross the street before a horrible squelching noise reached their ears. It caused Soyun to halt in her tracks and gasp at what she was no doubt witnessing. Against his better judgment Neugdae looked across the street to find the previously helpless man's arm sticking through the thug's torso all the way through.

"I warned you" the man said dispassionately now having red eyes, pointed ears, fangs and his fingers ending in claw-like nails.

Soyun trembled next to him "v-v-vam-"

"Vampire" Neugdae finished with a groan before grabbing Soyun's hand and running "let's go!"

As he forced Soyun into a run the vampire took notice of their escape and quick as a gust of wind trailing before them he appeared with blood soaked arm and a smirk of euphoria causing the two to halt in their tracks.

"You both saw that" the man spoke licking some of the blood off his hand "for some reason I feel strangely excited by that."

Neugdae stood in front of Soyun his form practically shielding her from sight 'shit.'

"Where is it? Where is it!? I'm sure I brought it with me!" he heard Soyun mumble frantically while rifling through her book bag.

"What are you looking for? A cross? Garlic perhaps? Or maybe you have a taser or mace?" he chuckled "none of those work on us you know."

Neugdae held up a hand in warning as he addressed the vampire "we don't want any trouble."

"You saw me" the vampire muttered yet again "can't have witnesses."

At this Neugdae scowled lowering his hand to ball his fist "I think you should take your earlier advice and leave us alone" he threatened with a dark look "if you don't it'll end badly for you."

In response the vampire gave a fanged grin "oh really?"

Then as quick as a flash the vampire crossed the distance and backhanded him across the street causing Soyun to recoil and scream.


For his part the vampire frowned for a bit as he looked at his hand but his attention was soon taken by the trembling form of Soyun and he regained his grin. Soyun backed away clutching her book bag as she looked about frantically

"Is anyone there!?"

No one answered and her gaze lingered on the prone form of Neugdae for a moment causing the grip on her bag to tighten.

"It looks like you're all alone now."

Soyun's back hit the wall as nervous sweat built up "you don't have to do this."

"Kukuku…" the vampire chuckled at her words before suddenly lashing out with a fist and breaking the wall beside him "do you see that!? With this power I can do whatever I want!"

And with that he lunged at her preparing to sink his fangs into her only to be halted by the feel of a vice grip around his throat.

"Agh!?" he choked in shocked confusion before it quickly turned to fear "y-you."

Hwang Soyun glared at him with eyes a deeper shade of red than his own containing vertical slits, ruby red lips and grey silver hair.

"You should have listened to Sunbae and left us alone" she growled with sharp fangs as she raised a pale hand tipped with red claw-like nails.

The vampire in her clutches scrambled with fear "w-wait!"

But it was too late and in the next moment her hand went through his head like wet tissue paper. Instead of viscera and brain matter sand was scattered instead as his body dissolved away leaving his clothes leaving Hwang Soyun the only one standing. For a moment Soyun could only rest her hands on her face and mentally curse before she remembered something

Turning away from the sand and discarded clothes Soyun turned to where Neugdae was sent flying earlier "Sunbae!"

"Sup?" is Neugdae's plain response as he stood there with one hand in his pocket and the other giving a small wave.

Seeing him unharmed the woman placed a hand to her chest and released a sigh of relief "thank god you're okay."

Neugdae stared at her for a moment before speaking "so…you're a vampire."

His words caused Soyun to visibly flinch with comical wide eyes "w-what?"

'Is she being serious right now?'

Glancing to the side Neugdae pointed at a glass window display that acted as a mirror in this instance.

Soyun turned towards it and "gurk!" she froze staring wide eyed at her reflection as if noticing for the first time.

'She is being serious' he thought with a deadpan.

Her gaze lowered to her clawed hands, running her tongue over her fangs and noticing the silver hair strands in her peripherals. The now ousted vampire then slowly turned to look at Neugdae who for his part regarded her with his lips pressed together and a contemplative expression on his face.


There was an awkward pause between the two of them and Neugdae could see Soyun's thoughts running a mile a second in her ruby red eyes with various emotions flashing over her expression. Tension began to build in the silence until finally Neugdae broke it spectacularly with his next words.

"For the record I-"


"Aaand she's gone" and in a literal blink too "great."

Then as looked at the mess both vampires caused including a rapidly cooling corpse and destroyed wall Neugdae couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose.

"This is why vampires are just so…ugh."

Then he too disappeared in a blink.

~To Be Continued~

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It was a quiet night, the sirens had just gone off and the announcement was made leading to a mass exodus off the streets. The only people still on the street are the ones frantically seeking shelter, the predators who hunt at night and of course the animals completely oblivious to the dangers. One such animal is a wild cat that made itself comfortable one of the many rooftops and was currently grooming itself-



-only to be left befuddled and confused when a brief yet sharp gust of wind swept past it carrying a single word that was said too fast for it to make out even if it could comprehend it.


Hwang Soyun, 20 year old first year university student.


And secret vampire leapt across the rooftops to her home at blinding speed like a silent shadow imperceptible to the human eye.


Landing on the roof of the church she hurriedly yet quietly entered and rushed up towards her room.

"Where is it? Where is it-there!"

After searching through her room at speeds faster than the human eye could perceive she eventually find what she is looking for, a silver crucifix necklace with a sapphire jewel embedded in the center. Snatching the artifact she kneeled by her bedside with her eyes firmly shut while gripping the religious item with both hands as if her life depended on it. Soyun then began to recite a silent prayer and as she did her appearance began to change. Her black claw-like nails receding as was her silver hair and even the red coloring of her lips. After half a minute Soyun now held the visage of a typical if pretty Korean woman.

After checking herself over to ensure that the change was complete Soyun plopped onto the bed with her face to the ceiling. After mentally running over recent events she stuffed a pillow over her face and let out a muffled scream.

"You stupid idiot!" she berated herself "you had one job don't blow your cover! And you forgot to bring the one thing that would stop you from doing just that!"

Like all vampires Soyun is able to maintain a human disguise so long as her emotions are kept in check. Whenever she gets riled up she transforms though unlike the typical vampire her 'true form' is much more ostentatious. This is why it is imperative that she keeps her emotions in check. To help her maintain her calm Father Joseph gave her a crucifix to be used as a focus and when combined with reciting prayers Soyun is able to maintain her human guise even when riled and drastically reduce the amount of time it would take to reassume said guise if she ends up transforming.

With this in mind carrying around the crucifix necklace should have been a simple and inexpensive endeavor for her. Unfortunately with it being months since any kind of situation requiring its presence came up and with Father Joseph away on business for several days now she became lax in her vigilance.

'Now the one time where I absolutely needed it the most I left it at home!'

This mental reciting was followed by further self chastisement before the realization hit and she jerked upright.

"Eun-Sunbae knows I'm a vampire" she whispered then swallowed thickly "w-what's going to happen to me from now on?"

She paced the room while biting her thumb as she thought of the scenario. The first thing that came to her head was having a squad of KNP SOU (Korean SWAT) busting through the front door with automatic weapons. And when that happens not only would she be taken away but so would Father Joseph for harboring a vampire and then what would happen to her siblings!?

At that thought she could only grab her head in aggravation "argh, dammit!"

Finally she fell back to the bed with the pillow still in hand "just when I thought I could finally start my university life proper after that disastrous first semester."

A semester where she couldn't muster the courage to approach someone to make friends then got so nervous that she ended up formally greeting literally everyone who crossed her path creeping everyone out and ensuring that no one would approach her. At one point she even started pretending she had friends when people looked at her sitting by herself and was constantly lying to her rightfully concerned siblings about having friends and participating in group activities.

Tonight was the first night Soyun made actual friends and now because of her screw up she ousted herself.

"No, it's not my fault" she muttered turning to the side "I was just protecting a Sunbae. It's that vampire's fault."

At that a hiss-like snarl escaped her lips only for her anger to subside.

"Why couldn't I have been born a human?"

'What good has being a vampire ever done for me?'

Ignoring the fact that had she not been a vampire both her and her sunbae would have been helpless against that other vampire Soyun did not have fond memories of being a vampire. When Father Joseph first found her she had no recollection of her past and did not know how to assume a human guise. She did not even know she could do such a thing and it took her years to figure it out. Even then her control was less than ideal and she could not attend school as she was back then.

From elementary all the way up to highschool Soyun spent those years being tutored by Father Joseph. When it came to getting a degree it was Father Joseph who pulled some strings to get her sitting national exams. He would have done something similar for university exams (or not at all) had she not finally put her foot down and demanded (or rather pleaded) with him to allow her to attend a proper university.

Not a simple task by any means as Father Joseph is very protective of her and critical of any mistake she may or may not make that would reveal her true nature to the public. It took a lot of work over the course of years for her to build up enough trust for Father Joseph to allow her this. Even then she had to make reassurances that she would be able to attend university without slipping up and being exposed.

And after a single semester she got complacent, slipped up and exposed herself in one of the worst possible ways.

'Maybe Father Joseph was right.'

She wasn't ready, she thought she was but she wasn't and now her family was going to suffer because of her screw up.

"I wish I wasn't a vampire" Soyun mumbled while hugging the pillow to herself.

The Next Day…

As the final bell for the day sounded two students left their shared classroom together while chatting until they were accosted by a rather infamous figure within the university.

"Excuse me."

The two students looked to who called them only to gawk and gasp in astonishment at the tall handsome upperclassman standing before "E-Eun Sunbae?"

Neugdae nodded "Hung Min-Son and Kyung So-Ra right?"

"Y-yes!" So-Ra answered with a bright smile on her face.

Min-Son was a bit more respectful "is there something we can help you with Sunbae?"

"Yes actually, I was wondering if you've seen Hwang Soyun today. I only asked because I saw you chatting with her last night at the party."

This made So-Ra frown "Soyun didn't come in today and she's not answering my messages."

Neugdae frowned "I see."

"I saw you leaving with her last night" Min-Son spoke in a not quite accusatory tone but it towed the line "did something happen?"

"We encountered a vampire when I was escorting her home."

"What!?" they both exclaimed in shock.

Neugdae held up a hand before they could "we encountered a vampire but we managed to get away. We didn't really say much to each other after that but she looked really spooked so I just wanted to see if she is doing alright, apparently she's not."

So-Ra was already furiously typing on her phone getting both their attention with her friend asking "what are you doing?"

"I'm calling Soyun" she waited for a moment only to click her tongue "she's not picking up."

"Damn" Min-Son cursed "Sunbae, do you know where she lives?"

"I don't" he lied smoothly before adding "I wouldn't worry too much about her though."

"Why's that?"

"I'd like to think I'm a good judge of character and Soyun is stronger than she looks"


"Anyway I just wanted to see if she showed up today" he turned to leave.


Neugdae did so looking at So-Ra "yes?"

The Hubae held up her phone "let's exchange numbers" at his raised eyebrow she went on "for in case we see Soyun."

'That's actually not a terrible idea. Now if only she didn't have an ulterior motive as well.'

Still he agreed to exchange contacts with the two before gently turning down So-Ra's invitation to have drinks with them.

"I have to take care of something important."

As he exited the university gates along with a thrum of students there was another sparser group entering. It was the evening class and among their numbers is a familiar face Neugdae hadn't seen in quite a while. As they crossed paths Neugdae's eyes narrowed imperceptibly.

'I'll have to check on that later.'

Neugdae did not take the bus to his usual stop instead he got off in a neighborhood that could be considered a ghetto with shabby houses, dilapidated roads, narrow interconnected streets and consisting of people teetering on edge of poverty. He could even see a few shady characters loitering about but thankfully none seemed to be brazen enough to try and make an attempt on his valuables.

Eventually he arrived at the only Catholic Church he's seen since he came back to Korea and remembering what Soyun told him he instead went to the building attached to it.

'I really hope this is the right place.'

He knocked on the door a couple times and waited for a minute before the door was opened. Rather than Soyun however it was a younger boy who opened the door.

"Excuse me is Hwang Soyun home?"

Rendered speechless by his presence the boy could only stare up at him in awe. Luckily before things could get too awkward a familiar voice reached his ears and the woman he's been looking for appears.

"Yu-Jin who's at the door?"

Hwang Soyun froze at his appearance and 'wow she looks rough.'

As someone who is intimately familiar with the effects of stress he could say with some degree of certainty that the events of last night are taking a toll on Soyun even if she appeared fine at first brush.

"Who is it Unnie?" the voice of a young girl spoke up and managed to push her head through to peer up at Neugdae. The moment she did her eyes bugged out however instead of panic they became angry as she shouted "ah, you're with those gangsters that keep bothering us aren't you! We already told you we're not giving up our home!"

Neugdae raised an eyebrow at the little girl while Soyun worked to hold back the hellion who looked as if she wanted lay into him.

"Su-Yung stop it, he's not a gangster."

Seeing as how he did not want that smoke Neugdae raised an arm in surrender and even took a step back "I'm not a gangster, I'm your Noona's Sunbae from university" he explained.

This gave the girl pause "really?"

She then looked between Neugdae and Soyun for a moment before she gave the latter a sly smile that should not be on a 13 year old girl.

He could actually hear Soyun mutter "oh no" under her breath

"Oh~ our Unnie is being visited by a boy."

"Woow~" spoke Yu-Jin having gotten over his fear but still contained the awe as he regarded Neugdae in a new light "hey Hyung are you Noona's boyfriend?"

Neugdae couldn't help the smirk that formed especially as Soyun's face flushed a bright red "alright that's it both of you back in the house!"

"She's right Yu-Jin we shouldn't interrupt Unnie when she's getting all lovey dovey~" Su-Yung spoke with all seriousness.

Yu-Jin nodded empathically and as Soyun managed to shove to two siblings inside behind a locked door Su-Yung got in a few words with all the inflection of a parent wishing their child luck.

"Have fun you two~"

"Don't do anything you'll regret Noona!" Yu-Jin also spoke before Soyun shut te door and gave out an aggravated groan.


That single sound was enough to have Soyun stand up ramrod straight and give him the finger poke of doom.

"Not. A. Word."

Again he held up his hands in surrender and Soyun's exaggerated scowl lessened to a more concerned frown as she regarded him.

"I'm guessing you know why I'm here."

"Yeah" Soyun looked around wearily.

"We should talk somewhere more private" he spoke in a lowered voice while pointing to the door behind her.

In response Soyun unlocked the door and jerked it back hitting two eavesdropping adolescents sending them tumbling onto the floor with cries of shock and pain. Soyun held a satisfied smirk as she properly closed the door. Said smirk was wiped off her face however as she turned to Neugdae.

"You have somewhere in mind we can talk?"

"Follow me."
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Clearing The Air
Soyun lead Neugdae a far distance away from the house as a precaution. The entire time she was a bundle of nerves watching out for some kind of ambush but she couldn't exactly see or sense anything suspicious. Well that's not exactly true she thought she sensed something at the edge of her perception but it turned out to be nothing. She did not ignore it but it became clear to her rather quickly that the police isn't involved here. In fact the more she led them away the more Soyun felt like Neugdae wasn't here for an ambush

Eventually Soyun led to a small park that once would have had children in it however in lieu of the recent vampire attacks is now devoid of people.

Neugdae was quick to point this out with his next words "well this place is sufficiently abandoned."

Soyun regarded him with a wary glare "what do you want?"

"Last night you left before I could finish speaking."

'Did I?'

She couldn't remember any words being spoken by him. Though she was so caught up in being exposed the only thoughts on her mind was getting away as fast as possible.

'Now that I think about it I think his mouth was moving.'

"I was saying that I don't have a problem with you being a vampire."

"Y-you don't?"

"Not really" he shrugged "I mean are you like attack people?"

"I don't drink human blood."

"You don't?"


"Not even from like a blood bag."

Soyun scowled "drinking human blood is an addiction. I drink animal blood."

"Wow that's…wow."

There was a brief moment of silence at that before Soyun broke it "is that all you wanted to say?"

"Yeah. With how freaked out you looked at me finding out your secret, the panicked disappearing act and you not showing up to school today I figured I'd just set the record straight. Clearly you went through a lot of trouble to keep that side of you a secret."

'You have no idea' Soyun thought to herself with a frown.

"Although to be honest I would have been suspicious of you being a vampire even without you transforming in front of me."

"Huh?" that caught her off guard "you would? W-why?" she pressed with curiosity while mentally going over everything she's done over the semester and trying to find what gave her away.

"I mean there is no way a woman your size can pack away the amount of alcohol you consumed last night and still remain not only completely sober but without any liver problems."

"That…" she struggled to come up with words for a moment before continuing "m-maybe I just have a strong metabolism? I've seen videos of thin guys out eating fat guys before."

"There is that" he conceded "but governments have released a whole bunch of information about vampires that's available to public on their website and people repost said information all over the internet space. So it's public knowledge that vampires can't eat normal food without rejecting it but can drink anything and due to their unique metabolism most alcohol won't affect them."

"…" Soyun could only stare blankly at him.

He continues "I never saw you eat anything at the restaurant last night Soyun even when you were offered."


"I know that's not exactly something people usually look for especially in that setting but people are getting paranoid about vampires possibly being at school so…"


"Yeah…" he trailed off.

The awkward silence that ensued after his declaration was only broken up by the distant sound of a crow cawing.


She raised a finger "one moment please"

With that blank expression still on her face Soyun robotically made her way over to the nearest tree and proceeded to slam her head into the bark with meaty *thumps* each one followed by a single word of chastisement.

"Stupid. Idiot. Moron."

Neugdae watched on for a few moments with an air of awkwardness 'I should probably stop her buut this is kinda funny to watch.'


That last one actually chipped the bark completely off however despite this Soyun's forehead was devoid of any damage so she was still going.

'Okay I think that's enough'

Neugdae "I think the tree has had enough Soyun."

The disguised vampire paused, looked from him to the tree and blinked owlishly for a bit before nodding but she did not stop leaning on the tree.

"Right" she sighed an massaged her forehead wiping away to bark from it before glancing at him "so you really don't care about me being a vampire?"

"I don't"

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion "how can I trust you?"

"You mean aside from the fact that there isn't a squad of SOU officers coming out of the bush with rifles pointing at you?"

Soyun flinched as that example was too close to her worst case scenario but she held firm with furrowed brow "okay, then what do you want from me?"

"Whoa, this isn't a blackmail situation Soyun. I only came here to clear things up since you didn't show up to school today."

"Really, that's all?"

"Yes" he paused.

"I don't believe you" she said straight up.

"That sounds like your problem" he shrugged.

Soyun wasn't satisfied by his answer but before she could comment he continued.

"By the way did something happen to your phone?"


In truth she turned it off and took out the sim card. Father Joseph explained how phones can be tracked and taught her what to do stay off the grid should the need arise. She spent all day inside monitoring the internet for any news that may allude to her and preparing for the eventual visit of the police.

"Well you should explain that to your friends next time you see them."

"Wait what? Friends?"

"The two you were having fun with last night, Hung Min-Son and Kyung So-Ra"

"Oh!" she realized before patting herself down for her phone only to realize she didn't have it on her and cursed under her breath.

"As a heads up I told them about our encounter with that vampire."

"You what!?"

"Relax, I told them we got away but you got spooked by the encounter so there's your excuse for missing a day."

Soyun worked her jaw soundlessly for a moment before speaking "you didn't have to do that."

"It's the least" he waved her off "I can always respect someone trying to make something of their life despite the shitty circumstances."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, see you around I guess" he gave her a nod before walking away.

Soyun watched him go out of view before releasing a breath. She hadn't realized how tense she was.

"I can't believe I made it out of that okay."

It really was an unbelievably lucky thing that the person who ended up finding out about her secret did not have an issue with it especially at a time when the fear and paranoia of vampires are at an all time high thanks to the frequent attacks. Surely she thought he would have hated her on principle but he wasn't which was weird. No doubt it was good for her but weird nonetheless.

'He wasn't bothered by me being a vampire.'

With the benefit of hindsight as well as a lack of anxiety to color her thoughts Soyun also realized that even last night Neugdae looked more bewildered by the sudden turn of events than with her turning out to be vampire.

'He even tried to talk to me but I panicked and ran away~' she mentally reflected with a groan.

He really didn't look the slightest bit phased with the knowledge that he was talking to a vampire, disguise or not. It made her very curious about the person her Sunbae is to not care about confronting a known vampire.

In any case "man, I dodged a bullet."

If it were anyone else the situation would have been much worse but it wasn't.

'It feels like I'm getting away with a crime'

These were her thoughts as she made her way back home and upon entering called out "I'm back."

"Welcome back."

The voice that greeted her caused her to freeze up as her head swiveled to the sight of the last person she wanted to meet at this point.

"F-Father Joseph" Soyun felt cold sweat gather at her brow "you're back."


Father Joseph is a tall European man slightly taller than Neugdae with short cut brown hair, a well kept goatee, a vertical scar running down the left side of his face and he wore the traditional western clerical clothing of a priest. Joseph came to Korea over a decade ago and set up the church coincidentally just before the existence of vampires was revealed. During the height of the initial attacks he along with the church exploded in popularity and before long he became a respected and beloved pillar of the community.

"Your siblings have been telling me an interesting story."


"You were visited by a boy?"

Soyun gave a sideways glance to the two snickering hellions poking their head out from the doorway.

'My vengeance will be swift!'

As if sensing her intentions the two scampered away but she doubted they truly grasped the severity of her mental threat…they will.

"I don't know what those two have been telling you but Eun Sunbae is just a friend."

"Just a friend?"


"I'm sure I approve of boys visiting you at home when I'm not here."

Soyun rolled her eyes at the amusement in his eyes "I'm allowed to socialize."

"Hmph" he scoffed but did not press the issue "follow me, we need to talk."

Soyun did as she was told and followed him upstairs to the small rooftop balcony where some laundry was hung up on the side and a table with two chairs was present. Joseph went to the edge to look over the neighborhood whilst Soyun stood nervously a few feet behind him.

"So I heard you were doing charity work" she spoke in a bid to ease the tension "how did that go?"

As Joseph spoke he took out a cigarette and lit it "it went well, met some nice people who shared some very interesting stories."

Soyun tried not to show her spike in tension as she calmly retorted "oh, what kind of stories?"

"I think you know what I'm talking about."

'It couldn't have been about last night!' she convinced herself 'right?' or at least tried to.

To that he pulled out a rolled up newspaper of all things and slapped it on the table. Whatever thoughts Soyun has at the moment were set aside as she looked over the contents of the.


On the paper Soyun saw a picture of herself being hugged by a woman with a crowd in the background. The caption under the picture read Local Woman Saves Child From Car Collision.

"Oh" she voiced out with an expression that was cartoonishly blank only to flinch at the infuriated glare of her guardian/father figure.

"What were you thinking!?"

"I thought I left before any pictures were taken" she said more to herself than to the irate priest.

"You shouldn't have been involved in the first place!" he took a deep drag of his cigarette "what if you got caught? Have you thought of what would happen to your siblings or the people in the neighborhood?"

"What did you expect me to do, just let that child die?" Soyun snapped.

Joseph didn't answer at first instead taking a long drag and blowing a puff of smoke to the side "you're supposed to be incognito Soyun."

"I know but look" Soyun urged while holding up the paper "they don't know who I am and they don't have my face."

In the picture the hood of Soyun's jacket was up and from the angle of the picture no one could see her face and they don't her name. Take away those and really Soyun could be any young Korean woman. This did not seem to assuage the priest at first but in the end he could only sigh as he put out the cigarette.

"The situation's changed" he began gravely "the Noble Bloods have been increasing their powers over the past decade and we don't know how far along they've gotten. What we do know is that the number of vampires in the city has grown significantly. They have gangs organized like terrorist groups, the backing of major corporations and they've infiltrated circles of influence like the military and government."

Soyun could only swallow at his words 'I didn't know it was this bad.'

"At this rate it's only a matter of time before they take over all of Korea and if they find out about your existence then they'll come after you."

Soyun winced "okay, I'm sorry it won't happen again."

"See that it doesn't because this" he tapped the paper "could have been much worse."

It really was a blunder on her part, she should have just ran the moment she confirmed the child was saved however she got distracted by the mother thanking her. It actually felt good to be thanked by someone for doing a good thing, especially where her vampiric abilities are concerned.

'He's right, this could have been a lot worse.'

At least it doesn't appear like anything has come from such an incident.
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Pain In The A**
'I'm so damn thirsty'

Kwok Ji-Hun has a reputation in the university as a delinquent. He skipped classes, got into fights, went to clubs, vaped and basically treated university as a hang out spot. He unlike a majority of the other students can afford to do this since he came from a wealthy family and has a large enough trust fund. Due to this Ji-Hun has repeated his final year in university six times with his parents ensuring his enrollment continues.

This year however was different as Ji-Hun faced several dilemmas.

His parents cut him off and basically disinherited him. Their only form of support now comes from a monthly allowance that is a fraction of what he would usually spend weekly in the past. He couldn't keep a job due to his lack of experience and poor attitude so there was no extra income flowing in. Even then he is so poor at managing his finances that even with the allowance being enough for a normal person to live off for a month Ji-Hun still found himself living in a rundown apartment building, living off takeout and microwave meals and squandering it on gambling.

His grades have not improved one bit and without the support of his parents he could very well be expelled but that was fine with him. Ji-Hun has already given up on graduating and nowadays is only even attending classes to pass the time or as a form of escapism. Yet despite these issues his most pressing dilemma at the moment had nothing to do with academic, financial and lifestyle woes.

'Fuck I'm so damn thirsty'

The most pressing dilemma for Ji-Hun at the moment was trying to figure out how he can quench this damn thirst.

'Shit they never said it would get this bad.'

Evening classes had just let out, it was in the middle of the night and Ji-Hun had just upended three whole gallon buckets of water that is supposed to be used for the school garden. Ignoring how he got wet and the call out from the security guard he continued to drag his feet forward.

'I'm still thirsty' Ji-Hun gritted his teeth

Eventually he happened to cross the paths with three other students and paused to stare unerringly at them. The more he stared the more he felt his teeth ache, his hands getting twitchy and his mouth which was still dry begin to salivate. It didn't take long for the trio of two girls and one boy to notice him.

"Um Sunbae, are you okay?" the boy greeted politely only to have his sleeve tugged on by one of the girls.

"Don't you know who that is?" she whispered "he's from the class of xxxx"

The other overhearing them whispered "wait wouldn't hat make him almost 30?"

"How is that even possible?" the boy questioned.

Meanwhile Ji-Hun could hear them as clear as day but he wasn't truly listening. Instead his attention was being taken over by an urge.

Suddenly one of the girls looked to her watch and exclaimed "the next bus will be here soon, we have to go now!"

And so with a half hearted farewell the trio left Ji-Hun alone. With their absence came clarity of mind as he shook his head. In regards to their words he would have flown off the handle a bit but not anymore.

"None of that matters now" he muttered to himself as he walked through the mostly empty car park.

A few days ago he got wasted at a club and got into it with some assholes before security tossed him out. As he sat in that dingy alley he was visit by three men in suits, he didn't quite remember what they said but the next time he woke up he was completely reborn! Going over to the tinted window of a car he leaned down to check his reflection. With a simple flex of his will his eyes turned a deep red, his ear became pointed and his canines elongated into fangs.

'Not that I've got the boss' gift fuck 'em' his parents who threw their own son out to the wolves, the other students who look down on him, those managers who make fun of him when he tried to apply for a job and most importantly 'fuck this school and everyone in it.'

As his thoughts went deeper and deeper into a dark place his attention was taken by the approach of a familiar face. Ji-Hun scowled at the sight of him but wasn't so agitated that he forgot to reform his human guise. On the other hand the man himself looked to Ji-Hun with some measure of shock. This man known as Professor Paek was actually Ji-Hun's former classmate Paek Dung-Ho who graduated and became a professor of the very university he studied at.

Ji-Hun's scowl of contempt worsened at that fact 'the fat pig is just as ugly as I remember.'

Unaware of his thought Dung-Ho spoke "Ji-Hun what are you doing out here so late?" as he spoke he fished out his keys and pressed a button causing the very car Ji-Hun stood beside to chirp.

'This is his car?'

It wasn't a luxury sports car by any definition but it was a good enough car that Ji-Hun didn't think Dung-Ho would, or rather should have been able to afford. Ji-Hun never liked Dung-Ho. As a student he thought of him as nothing more than fat, ugly and poor bastard with no friends. And that was the main problem Ji-Hun has with Dung-Ho because while the current student population universally loved him Ji-Hun just could not reconcile that the fat ugly loser he knew back then grew up to become a successful university professor.

It was bad enough he was stuck in university for almost a decade at this point but seeing Dung-Ho only brought into focus his own personal failures. Worse is the fact that the current generation of students fawn over the fat bastard. 'Professor Paek' is a favorite among the student population for being friendly, relatable and charismatic.

It utterly sickened Ji-Hun to no end.

Ji-Hun couldn't see Dung-Ho as 'Professor Paek' because that would be the final nail in the coffin for his ego. It frustrated him to no end that someone who used to be so pathetic grew up to be not only successful but also loved.

'How did that shithead even get a job?' he silently seethed.

"You should go home soon Ji-Hun, it's not safe to be loitering around out here at night."

'This fucker.'

While Dung-Ho started the car he was surprised to find Ji-Hun standing in front of it. Even with the brightness of the headlights his enraged expression can clearly be seen on his pale face.

"Um Ji-Hun can you move out of the way" Dung-Ho asked with clear apprehension.

Instead of answering Ji-Hun leaned down grabbing the front of the car. The last thing Dung-Ho saw was blood red eyes and fangs on a maniacal expression before his whole world was turned upside down…literally.

"Raargh!" With a snarl Ji-Hun flipped the car over with all his strength and watched as the multi-ton vehicle spun in midair with a fanged grin of glee.

That grin to turn to shock and confusion when just before it could land on its roof the vehicle suddenly froze mid spin and lowered gently on all four wheels. The action revealed a person who Ji-hun is sure wasn't there before. Someone wearing all black hoodie, jeans, shoes, gloves, ski mask and goggles pretty much obscuring their appearance.

Caught off guard Ji-Hun only had one reaction to this "the fuck?"

Ignoring Ji-Hun the person went to the window of the now thoroughly terrified professor who was gripping the wheel and shaking from the shock of the experience.

The person bent down to the window and spoke in a casual ow tone "drive home and forget about what happened here."

After he finished speaking Ji-Hun observed the shell shock fright immediately leave Dung-Ho's face as his expression became blank and his breathing evened out. The man then proceeded to calmly drive away. Even with the situation taking a turn for the truly unexpected Ji-Hun did not suddenly forget his grudge and seeing his prey get away Ji-Hun set his sights on the professor's car.

"Where do you think you're going pig!?"

Due to a shift in his attention he momentarily forgot about the stranger which turned out to be a mistake. Before he could even take a step the stranger appeared in his peripheral causing him to flinch back in surprise but didn't lose his anger.

"Who the fu-AGH!" but before he could finish a hand was clamped over his face partially obscuring his vision.

"Let's have a chat" the stranger growled before tossing his body away but not before Ji-Hun felt something shift for a split second.


"ACK!" he grunted out as his back smashed the wall behind him before falling to all fours.

Looking up to his attacker the snarl cut off into bewilderment as he noticed they were no longer in the university's car park but in what looks to be a construction area.

'No' a closer look found it to be 'the old Jujong building?'

It is an old condemned building slated to be demolished in a few weeks.

Dismissing the how they managed to get there his red eyes narrowed into a glare as he regarded the masked individual.

Surging to his feet he barred his fangs "who the fuck are you!?"

"I'll be asking the questions" said the stranger as he stuck a hand in his hoodie pocket.

"You son of a bitch!" Ji-Hun snarled as he leapt at the man fist first "you're dead!"

In response the stranger made a casual gesture swiping his hand to the side and in the next moment Ji-Hun slammed into the far wall before he could even react.

*Crack* went several of his ribs.

"What the…hell?" he wheezed through perforated lungs.

'How did he do that?'

"You know Ji-Hun when you suddenly stopped showing up to school I thought you finally gave up on graduating. Not that you had a chance to graduate to begin with."

"Tch" with his internals now healed Ji-Hun got to his feet and in a blur of speed appeared behind the man rearing his fist back for a haymaker only to be met with the strangers hand right before his with his finger curled.




It felt as if something hit him with the force of speeding car, Ji-Hun coughed up blood as he was once blasted away this time his body going through one of the building's support pillar.

"Argh, fuck!" he cursed out loud amongst the debris

"And now you come back as a vampire with a surprising amount of control" the stranger continued "you managed to sit through a three hour class without attacking anyone, you can assume your 'feral state' at will and you seem surprisingly adept with your abilities despite only recently turning."

A barrel was tossed the stranger's way only for it to be deflected by an invisible force before it could even reach him. As it did Ji-Hun punched him across the face snapping his head to the side and followed up with a gut punch that lifted him off his feet.

"You talk too fucking much!" Ji-Hun shouted as he continued to wail on the stranger.


As the sound of bones breaking reached his ears a sadistic fanged grin appeared on his face.

'This is how it's supposed to be! I ain't a nobody anymore! I'm a made vamp now!'

Ji-Hun delivered a final punch that sent the stranger slamming into the ground.

'I'm gonna move up in the world.'

He's working as an underling now but it'll be a matter of time before he's the one in charge.

'I won't make the same mistake depending on other people's charity.'

There is no doubt that he owed the boss for taking him in and making him a somebody but he won't make the mistake of edging all his bets on the gang.

'I don't have a lot of time but I'll do it. I'll aim for the top!'

"I'm going to rule this city."

"I'll add delusional to the list" the voice of the stranger spoke causing Ji-Hun to whirl on him in shock.

The stranger stood there completely unfazed. Not even his clothes looked ruffled or scuffed from his impact on the pillar.

"What the fuck? I felt those hits connect!"

"I wonder about that" the man spoke.

As he looked at the unharmed man a thought came to mind 'then why did I hear the sound of bones breaking?'

At that thought Ji-Hun looked to his own hands to find all his fingers broken in bloody and grotesque manner.


"Took you long enough to notice you broke both your hands."


"I'll give credit where its due those were some pretty good moves back there. It spoke of training but you and I both know that you don't have the patience, discipline and intelligence to actually train of your own accord" as he spoke he strode over to the writhing vampire to loom over him.

"Fuck you!" Ji-Hun shouted as his hands mended themselves.

"I hope you got that anger out of your system Ji-Hun because I want to ask you some questions and it would be in your best interest to answer them."

In response Ji-Hun lunged at him with his claws out for a swipe looking to capitalize on their close proximity only to freeze. As in his body literally froze mid leap in suspended animation with the vampire only able to move his eyes and mouth.

"W-what the…" the vampire struggled in vain.

The stranger sighed "I don't even know why I'm being civil with you Ji-Hun. You certainly don't deserve it."

"Who are you?"

The stranger ignored his words and instead placed a hand on his head "now what have you been up to this two weeks?"

The moment those words were said Ji-Hun felt pain in the form of a massive headache causing him to scream out. He struggled with veins on his neck and head as memories came to fore against his will.

He had blown his monthly allowance in a gambling den, took out a loan, subsequently lost said loan and ended up in debt. Then a group of suited men offered to pay it off if he worked for them which involved turning him into a vampire. Afterwards his new boss set him loose on a couple of schmucks driving on a highway to satiate his thirst after which he educated Ji-Hun.

Usually it takes about a month for a newly turned vampire to manifest the full range of their powers after drinking blood. Ji-Hun however is special as he was able to do so in only two days. Combining this with his aggression and fighting capability made him a cut above most ordinary vampires.

Ji-Hun was put under 'training' which was basically just a means of his new Sunbaes to show him exactly where he stood in their gang. Because of this Ji-Hun knew he wasn't the top of the food chain, not even close. In vampire society blood held significance beyond just being something they feed on. A vampire's blood determines their strength, status and longevity. It is the reason why he and a great majority of vampires are referred to as Common Blood.

Along with being the most mundane of vampires a common blood vampire has a most significant and detrimental weakness, longevity. Common Bloods only have a lifespan of five years before they turn to dust. The only way for a Common Blood to extend their lifespan is if they receive blood from a Noble Blood and ultimately that was the plan of the vampire gang Ji-Hun was conscripted into.

The boss wanted to ally with one of the Noble Bloods but didn't want to be a grunt having to work his way from the bottom. The boss knew his worth and to prove said worth he spent last several years gathering talented individuals to form a kind of vampire organization. The way it was explained to Ji-Hun they weren't just a gang of thugs but a a freelance organization that specialized in a number of things.

The boss' plan was the build his organization as a third party freelance group and once they built enough reputation they would approach one of the Noble Bloods to be under their employ. And as it turns out they did manage to ally themselves with one of the Noble Bloods who charged them with a task as a means of proving themselves. Should they succeed he would grant them the honor of receiving his blood and becoming part of his group and the boss would become a high ranking lieutenant.

Suddenly Ji-Hun dropped and immediately began to cradle his head while wheezing and writhing on the ground in pain. Words cannot explain what Ji-Hun is going through right now, his thoughts were scrambled and his head felt like someone taking sledgehammer to it repeatedly.

'It's like…he pulled my memories out of my head.'

Because what else could it have been?

Even when Ji-Hun tried to resist it was like a leaf attempting to go against the winds of a tornado. A small fish attempted to swim against the current of a waterfall.

"This is going to be a whole thing I can feel it" the stranger muttered "dammit Ji-Hun you are such a pain in the ass."

"What the fuck are you?" Ji-Hun gasped from the ground still reeling.

In response he was lifted up by an invisible force where he came face to mask with the stranger.

"I'm usually less invasive but somehow I can't find myself to care about that with you" the stranger intoned before his fingers curled slight.

"Grk" Ji-Hun stiffened feeling a pain in his chest.


Before he could continue the stranger quickly closed his fist and Ji-Hun spat out blood before he turned to sand from having his heart crushed.

"Pain in the fucking ass" the stranger repeated before tossing the remains of Ji-Hun aside along with his clothes.

With that done the stranger disappeared in a blink.
'Of course that jackass would somehow get himself wrapped up in the only organized group of criminal vampires outside of the local Noble Blood's crew.'

Ji-Hun was an idiot who didn't understand the scope of the 'gang' he ended up joining but he did from the memories. This 'boss' isn't just another upstart with delusions of grandeur. He has agency, ambition and worst of all an actual plan that doesn't involve challenging the Noble Bloods to a duel to usurp their position.

'Should I even get involved?'

This group is not small time and they are definitely not amateurs. The fact that they managed to turn Ji-Hun into a vampire and instill within him enough discipline and self control to suffer through hours of sitting with people and not attack them on sight as well as training him enough to be able to utilize his powers effectively in the span of a little under two weeks spoke a great deal of their competency.

More than that they are already in business with the Noble Blood and messing with them might just earn him the interest of the vampire boss. He didn't want that, the last thing he wanted is to start a war with the one who controls most of the vampires in the city. He still has important things to do and a campaign against a Noble Blood is going to need a full time commitment…not that he wanted to in the first place.

"So what the hell am I doing here?" he spoke lowly to himself from the rooftop overlooking a nondescript office building that belongs to Suntronics LLC.

Of course that is just a front for the actual organization known as the Blood Syndicate. A name so on the nose he wondered how anyone could take them seriously. Unfortunately if that was ever a phase in their history it is one long in the past because at this moment in time the Blood Syndicate is kind of a big deal. At least that's what he got from Ji-Hun's memories of when he was given a tour of the place. From what the dead man saw there are vampire guards, surveillance systems and automated security measures.

To reiterate these people are not amateurs.

Unsurprisingly to cover up their illegal activities they ran a legitimate business of a call center that handles outsourced tech support for other companies. They even hired human employees some of whom are working the night shift at the moment. As for their illegal work it is relegated to the basement floor where the rest of the vampire employees reside. As for what they do Ji-Hun's memories didn't provide any specifics on that front as he was hired muscle and didn't have any interest in anything outside of cracking skulls and drinking blood.

'Fucking useless.'

What he could guess however is that it has to do with cyber crimes? He couldn't bring himself to really care about that aspect of their work as Ji-Hun's memories did reveal something that piqued his interest enough to be worth further investigating. It is the only reason why he bothered to show up in the first place since he is not interested in taking down criminal organizations or possibly getting the attention of the city's Noble Blood.

And so he lightly dropped down in front of the building and entered. As he did the cameras quietly malfunctioned leaving the guards working the shift as the only ones with eyes on him.

"Hold it right there!" one of them spoke as they got up from behind the security desk.

"Forget about me and continue as if nothing happened" he spoke whilst giving a little wave.

The two guards suddenly went blank faced and sat back down to do just that. He did not so much as slow his stride as he continued on but not before telekinetically snatching one of their keycards. With Ji-Hun's memories as a guide he made his way to the basement with no issues whatsoever. The few people he happened to encounter on his brief walk acted as if they didn't see him and as he left their sight the memory of him was summarily deleted from their minds.

Using the guard's keycard he is able to access the basement where he disabled the more prevalent surveillance and mentally obfuscate his presence from the minds of the over two dozen vampires present on the floor.

'This is actually a nice setup.'

The room itself is spacious and taking up the majority of space are high end computer desktops most of which are being manned by someone. The entire thing looked like a typical office setting except there are several men in suits standing in the corners overseeing the process with a surprising amount of vigilance. There is also the fact that literally everyone in the room is a vampire with most of them in their feral state and a lot of 'red drinks' being enjoyed as they worked.

After taking it in he walked through the organized chaos of the room towards management office. The 'interesting thing' he saw from Ji-Hun's memory happened to be on one of the worker drones' computer but he figured this thing to be important enough that the manager would be paying attention to it. As luck would have it the manager in question is in and looking like the vampire equivalent of a typical middle management tech bro.

"What the-who are you!?" the vampire demanded looking up from his monitor to glare at the intruder with red eyes and fangs partially bare.

"Calm down."

The words had an immediate effect as the vampire calmed himself.

With that done he walked around the desk to stand next to the man "now I want to know everything on a girl you seem to be keeping tabs on."

The Next Day…

It is a rather gloomy morning with the police setting up a perimeter around a call center building which turns out to be a front for criminal vampires. Overseeing the proceedings is an older man getting on in age with wrinkles showing and his dark hair graying at the temples and a significantly younger man, wearing a pair of glasses and fiddling with a tablet in hand.

"Another day, another vampire attack" spoke the older officer, Han Kwon, cradling a steaming cup of coffee "do I even need to be here for this?"

"Apologies sir but this time it's different" answered his glasses wearing subordinate Roe Seong-Ho as they entered the warehouse.

Perhaps once it would have looked like somewhere hospitable however at the moment it looked as if a tornado had sped through the building. There was damage, destruction and death in the form of empty clothes surrounded by dust.

"What am I looking at here?"

"We believe this building to be a front for a criminal organization led by and comprised of vampires sir."

"We already knew the vamps were getting organized tell me something I don't know, like what the hell happened here?"

"The prevailing theory is that this organization got into it with another vampire organization or gang."

That did not make the older officer feel better "the last thing this city needs is a vampire gang war" he grumbled while sipping his coffee before grimacing at the taste "God this is terrible."

"That's because you can't be bothered to spend the extra money for quality stuff Kwon."

The voice caused the younger of the two men to turn around before gasping. Standing behind them is a fair skinned woman with a youthful appearance, violet eyes and bluish black hair running past her shoulders. She wore a black turtleneck long sleeved shirt under a blue coat, grey suit pants and black shoes. She is Hwa Chiyon, an officer who received special training for dealing with investigations into crimes involving vampires.

"Roe did you find any blood?"

"N-no ma'am" the man floundered with a small red on his cheeks.

"What about cameras?"

"They all went down."

Chiyon hummed as she walked deeper into the carnage with purposeful steps.

Her keen eyes swept the area as she spoke "you said it's being speculated that this is the result of some sort of turf war?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Hmm" she hummed to herself "if this is a turf war as is speculated then it wouldn't be farfetched to think that a group of vampires were fighting amongst themselves."

"Yeah" he answered before his eyes narrowed "you think it's something else? We've seen vampire gang wars before."

"Yes but do most of these men look like thugs to you?"

Kwon grunted "Roe, did we get any IDs from these guys?"

Seong-Ho tapped his tablet for a bit before answering "yes sir it appears that these vampires are part of the front company."

"I can see two sets of uniforms here" Chiyon observed.

"The suits appear to be guards while the rest are technicians."

"What can you tell us about the technicians?"

"Most of them have no criminal backgrounds to speak of. The manager got in trouble for fraud and money laundering."

"What were they doing here?"

"I did some research and managed to find their website on the Darknet."

The answer made Kwon scowl "what? Let me see that" he swiped the tablet and read the contents before spitting out a single word "freelancers!?"

Jung looked like he ate a lemon and this piqued Chiyon's curiosity. Taking the tablet out of his hands she too read the content and her brows raised a bit.

"You must admit that it's a good business for a vampire to be in when you think about it. After all who is going to mess with you if you're under the protection of a vampire?"

"Lot of good that did them" Kwon spoke looking around the place before turning away "in any case that's a couple more vampires off the streets."

Chiyon didn't offer him a retort as she came to her own conclusions. Unlike her fellow detective and officers in the department Chiyon had a lot more perspective when it came to vampires. She's seen the aftermath of what a group of vampires fighting amongst themselves looked like and this isn't it. Even the most unimpressive vampire can break through concrete walls and these men seemed to be professionals meaning the group that attacked them must have comprised of some very powerful vampires.

'Even then this is too constrained.'

At first glance this certainly looked like a mess even if there weren't any bodies to drive home this fact given the nature of vampires Chiyon has enough experience dealing with this to make a reasonable assumption on how things went about. Other than that there are destroyed computers, cracked walls, broken glass and the place generally looked like a tornado blew through. And this sort of debunked the insinuation that the incident is caused by another group of professionals.

This mess is not the work of professionals…nor does it seem to be the work of a group.

It was a scary thought to be had but 'from what I can see it looks like they were all fighting against a single person.'

There is more than just broken furniture in the room. The walls looked like a car had smashed into them, the floor had a massive crater in it and part of the ceiling was caved in. There was also blood splattered in various sections and despite the carnage Chiyon could find nothing to suggest a struggle between multiple vampires which is perhaps the most worrying aspect of this entire ordeal. For all intent it appeared whoever attacked these vampires held such an enormous advantage in terms of power that the others were finished before they could even mount a proper retaliation.

Now this could have been a surprise attack but she just could see how when dealing with a group of trained and experienced vampires. She made sure to check the background of the guards and found that some had actual military background along with being hardened thugs.

Chiyon handed the tablet back to Seong-Ho and posed a question "were you able to pull any information from the computers?"

Seong-Ho shook his head "most were destroyed in the carnage however their hard drives remain intact. They're encrypted so it will take some time to get the information though."

Chiyon clicked her tongue but nodded anyway "good."

'Better than nothing.'

Considering some of the 'services' offered by this Blood Syndicate it wouldn't be out of the question for these men to have crossed the wrong individual and paid the price for it. Vampires hardly have any solidarity unless they are in the same group and fights between them often end up with one side dead.

'Whoever did this is not your average vampire' and as far as she knew there is only vampire capable of meting out a response like this and if he is involved then this investigation just became a lot more dangerous.

Another thought that came to mind is the fact that this is the second case in as many days of vampires attacking each other. Just yesterday they were called to the scene of a double murder. The first victim was a local thug Dae-Ho who is known in the area for his violent harassment and extortion of people. The other 'victim' however was in fact his murderer, a vampire by the name of Hee-Chul who borrowed money from a loan shark to support his gambling addiction. So there is the link between them and they found the thug's blood on the deceased vampire's clothing so it checks out.

The way Chiyon saw it Hee-Chul who had gambling addiction borrowed money from a loan shark and got in debt. Whether or not he became a vampire before or after he took the loan is still a mystery as well as moot at this stage. In any case Dae-Ho was sent to collect but was killed by Hee-Chul and shortly after was himself killed by another vampire. From what she saw of the crime scene apart from the broken wall there wasn't much of a struggle if any. Hee-Chul may have gotten an attack off but otherwise was completely dominated in the skirmish.

'What are the odds that these two incidents are unrelated?' she paused 'wait wasn't Hee-Chul a technician?'

She distinctly remembered that being the case when she skimmed his file yesterday.

'I should look into that when I get back to the office.'

Suddenly Kwon's voice interrupted her thoughts "well I'll be damned, we got another dead vampire."

Chiyon's interest is immediately piqued "another one? Where? Who?"

"A university student" Kwon answered "the school's groundskeeper found a student's clothes and vampire dust in a condemned building on the property along with some damage, apparently there was a fight."

"Any witnesses?"

"Not as far as we can tell yet."

"I guess we're going back to school then" Chiyon chirped with amusement earning a snort from her older colleague.
A Lead
If it wasn't already made apparent then let the record show that Eun Neugdae did not like vampires. The reasons behind why is as personal as they are practical. The Common Bloods are quite literally parasites whose only functions seem to be acting as fodder for the Noble Bloods, feeding on humans and generally causing chaos in society. As for the other types of vampires the reasons vary but make no mistake he disliked them all. At the same time he is also a fair man and at heart and believes that the individual should not be judged by the crimes of his or her race.

It's the reason why he did not jump to conclusions when he found out Hwang Soyun is a vampire. Neugdae is aware that vampires like her exist but they are unfortunately the exception to the rule. Case in point the Blood Syndicate he investigated yesterday. In truth he didn't really plan on doing anything more than get some information and perhaps alert the police to their presence but then h got a look at what middle management had on his computer and let's just say they dabbled in more than cyber crime.

Of course what else would he expect from a group who thought someone like Ji-Hun was a viable prospect? In the end Neugdae got more than what he asked for, got lost in the sauce so to speak and ended up killing everyone in outrage. Now was that the right thing to do? He'd like to say he didn't care but as stated before he is a fair man. Good thing about being able to access people's mind is that you can be extra certain about the validity of someone's innocence.

No one in that room was innocent so they deserved no mercy and died a swift yet brutal death. Of course he took the opportunity to ensure he wasn't caught on any kind of devices before doing that and alerted the police after snagging middle management's flash drive with some specific information on it. He spent a good chunk of last night perusing the various files and what he found was not good. So he will have to take care of dealing with that today which he is not looking forward to since it meant involving himself in the affairs of the city's Noble Blood.


And yet it wasn't even that inevitability that had Neugdae massaging his temples. No it was because the police showed up earlier today and now rumors about vampires on campus are spreading. That is by no means a coincidence and Neugdae realized he did kind of left Ji-Hun's stuff in the old Jujong building. To his credit he did it on purpose and not just because hiding his ashes would be more trouble than it was worth. He didn't really care for Ji-Hun but his parents are actually decent people but terrible parents and deep down he hoped they would receive some closure in knowing what happened to their son.

Granted knowing that your son became a vampire and got himself killed isn't the best kind of closure even if said son was a piece of shit. No really Kwok Ji-Hun was trash, the type of person who didn't deserve any kind of sympathy or goodwill because he would leech off of it like a parasite and move on when the host no longer has anything to give. There's a reason why even his own parents gave up on him and it wasn't for lack of trying even if it was their terrible parenting that contributed to Ji-Hun turning out the way he did.

That's beside the point, Ji-Hun didn't matter and even with the police getting involved isn't the thing that has Neugdae lamenting his decision, rather it is the reaction to the rumors of a vampire student on campus. With the increased vampire attacks there has been a growing hysteria on campus about the possibility of vampires infiltrating the campus.

It was the end of the day for classes and by this point the news about the attack on Professor Paek by a vampire who turned out to be a student. Despite the identity of the vampire being known at this point thanks to a few students witnessing the attack on the professor occurring it didn't stop some of the students from acting out.


While a crowd of gathered students muttered agreements and cheered him on as he continued to preach from his metaphorical soapbox all around them were other students wearing face masks and dressed in the same blue coat. Neugdae couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the display as well as the fact that medical tents are being set up around the man.

'It feels like they've been planning this for a while.'

Neugdae knew that student as a third year who has been strongly advocating for increased measures for protecting students against vampires. And to that student's credit he does bring up some good points in that as far as anyone could tell the university didn't seem to be implementing measures that would protect the students. No additional security, no emergency drills, no special curfews or even switching night classes to online. More often than not it is the professors themselves who have to adapt their methods for security purposes.

It really does seem like the university doesn't care for its students so there is a point to be made with that. On the other however for Neugdae the entire group's message fell flat due to the fear mongering. He is never a fan of whipping people into hysteria especially when there hasn't been a single incident with a vampire on campus thus far. Ji-Hun doesn't count because he nipped that in the bud before the idiot could do any serious damage.

'Except for the people he killed on the highway.'

…was it mentioned that he hated Kwok Ji-Hun?

In any case he turned his attention away from both the student preaching on his soapbox as well as thoughts of Ji-Hun to focus on other more important matters.

*Bzzt* *Bzzt*

His thoughts are interrupted by his phone vibrating in his pocket. He read the text message and his eyebrows raised imperceptibly.

"And speak of the devil."

A While Later…

"Thank you for protecting our Hwang Soyun the other night Sunbae!"

Eun Neugdae blinked as he looked down at his three Hubae all bowing before him and despite managing to maintain a stoic expression internally he cringed.

'This is embarrassing.'

To make matters worse they are in public and several passersby are staring at the spectacle

"Please stop that" Thankfully they heeded his warning "so what brought this on?"

Min-Son chose to answer "Soyun told us how your quick thinking helped you guys escaped from that vampire you encountered."

"Really?" Soyun tensed at his gaze "I didn't think I did much but thanks for the praise and you're welcome Hwang-Hubae."

"You can call me Soyun, Sunbae" she replied with the tension lessening.

"Then it's only right for you to call me Neugdae" he replied and she smiled.

Their moment was interrupted by So-Ra clapping her hands and literally coming between them "aren't we all such good friends! We should totally hang out together after classes today."

While Min-Son looked exasperated at her obvious ploy Neugdae and Soyun shared a bemused look with the woman speaking "if Sunbae isn't too busy."

"No I'm not doing anything particularly important tonight."

"Excellent" So-Ra clapped her hands together "now let's have lunch together."

While Min-Son shook his head at So-Ra's antics Neugdae had to raise his eyebrow at her confidence. All the same he didn't mind, in fact it worked out well for him since he needed to have a serious talk with Soyun anyway.


'It's just one thing after another'

After getting the call about a possible dead vampire Hwa Chiyon hopped in her car to check out the scene of the crime. Said crime scene is an old condemned building slated to be demolished. Apparently the school groundskeeper noticed something off and decided to investigate only to find that the place was thrashed and some clothes was left resting in a pile of dust. The groundskeeper alerted the school administration who alerted the police and so Chiyon ended up standing at the scene of the aftermath to yet another vampire on vampire battle.

There were multiple broken walls, an entire pillar missing its middle and of course articles of clothing near a pile of grey dust-like sand. Within the clothes are a cellphone and wallet with a student ID belonging to one Kwok Ji-Hun. To be extra sure they also tested the blood spattered at the scene and found it belonged to Ji-Hun. His parents were called in to collect his belongings and Chiyon ended up giving a brief interview with the two.

Chiyon found that Kwok Ye-Jun and his wife Kwok Chae-Young are wealthy entrepreneurs who basically bribed the school with donations to keep their delinquent son in school. Because of this Ji-Hun repeated his final year of university six times however this year they cut him off from both the wealth and various other support. Looking at his online, university and public records it is clear that Ji-Hun was your typical spoiled rich kid turned delinquent who couldn't function without his parents' support.

She didn't know if he chose to become a vampire but he isn't a good person and from her experience when bad people turn into vampires they become the worst versions of themselves due to a lack of inhibition and letting their newfound power go to their heads. According to school records there was a period of almost two weeks where Ji-Hun missed classes. This isn't out of the ordinary except this time when he came back he was a vampire.

Chiyon knows this from interviewing the university staff who noted his odd behavior. They say he looked sick: pale, sweating and constantly drinking. One security guard even said that at one point he upended an entire gallon of water down his mouth, twice. Chiyon knew this as symptoms of a 'vampire's thirst' specifically Ji-Hun was practically at the point where he could literally attack anyone and drain them of blood.

Luckily it didn't come to that because he apparently died before it could come to that point.

'Now the question is who killed him and why?'

She could speculate on the why but as for the who?

"Once is happenstance, twice is a coincidence but thrice is a pattern."


"Hmph" frowning at her stomach Chiyon checked the time.

'Come to think of it I didn't eat breakfast this morning.'

"They have any good restaurants in the area?"

After getting some directions Chiyon set out across the campus on her way for a meal. Almost immediately her presence drew attention from the students which is par for the course really. Chiyon is very much aware that she is a beautiful woman and exotic too as shown by her hair color (among other things) which she gained through her father's European ancestry. She ignored the gawking as she always did in public while following the directions first then the smell of food to a quaint restaurant.

Inside is already populated with some students and her presence immediately drew attention. Again she ignored it to place her order and utterly shock the awed young man with the amount of food.

"Ordering for a friend miss?"


And on that note Chiyon left the young man to find a seat. Thankfully the place wasn't so packed that seating was hard to find. She took one in the corner near the back where a group of four students were chatting animatedly. Or specifically the two young women are while the men are more restrained.

'He's cute' she thought of the one on the left and as if hearing her thoughts the man's eyes met her own and for the briefest of moments Chiyon could have sworn she felt something.

The moment passed however as the others seemed to notice her presence and stare. Chiyon internally chuckled at the rising red on the second man's face while the women went to gossip.

"Who is that?"

"No idea, think she's an actress?"

"Model, definitely."

Chiyon shook her head at the words. It wasn't the first nor the last time Chiyon was mistaken for someone famous or working in the entertainment industry. She really did not look like a police officer.

'Ah to be young again' she thought wistfully which is weird since she's not much older than the students being only 28 years old.

She couldn't help it though because at times it really does feel like the stress of her job was shaving time off her lifespan. Case in point there might be a slim chance that the city might have its first vampire vigilante. Emphasis on the slim considering her only evidence (if it can be called that) are three crime scenes that have dead vampires. Having three incidents resulting in dead vampires that took place over the course of two days doesn't mean much without being able to connect them.

'What does a washed up gambling addict, delinquent university student and a vampire criminal organization have in common?'

Well the obvious angle would be to link the two former to the latter something she will be doing once she got back to the office. Thankfully her subordinate is going through the Blood Syndicate's confiscated hard drives even as she sits there.

'And if they are connected then there will be a commonality to the vampires being targeted.'

Hopefully a deeper dive into the Blood Syndicate might shed some light on the 'vampire vigilante' though that in itself is an assumption.

'For all I know this vigilante might be an assassin or something.'

Chiyon let out an exasperated sigh however a moment later her ears perked up as the inane conversation behind her took a turn for the interesting.

"So did you two really encounter a vampire last night?"



"I'm just curious is all! But um, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"There isn't much to say. Sunbae was escorting me home when we saw this thug harassing some guy who turned out to be a vampire who uh…"

"The vampire attacked the thug and when we saw it we ran away."

'It can't be'

Chiyon turned around "would this place you witnessed that attack happen to be at XXXX Street?"

The students startled at her sudden interjection all turned to her with the brown haired girl speaking "um, excuse me?"

The handsome one chose to interject next as the only one who kept his wits about him "what does it matter to you miss…?" he trailed off as Chiyon took out her police badge.

"That's Officer Hwa Chiyon" she spoke and just about everyone but his eyes widened in shock "and I would like to ask you and your friend some questions regarding an incident that is part of an ongoing investigation."

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: For early chapters as well as general support check out my Patreon at:
'My luck cannot be this bad' Soyun mentally lamented as she and Neugdae sat across from the apparent police officer.

Unfortunately as So-Ra and Min-Son had nothing to do with the incident they were summarily dismissed leaving her and Neugdae with the ravenous officer.

"Oh, it's been so long since I've god meat dishes like this~" officer Chiyon moaned as she demolished the food, which looked like big enough to serve a group rather than a single person.

'Wow, look at her go.'

Chiyon wasn't a messy eater by any stretch, far from it she ate with a kind of dignified poise Soyun had only seen in movies depicting high society. On the other hand she is fast, knife and fork almost blurred as she cut and pick up with speed and precision like a machine on an assembly line. A glance at Neugdae saw that her Sunbae was also amazed at the way how she's putting away the food.

"Where does it all go?" she heard him mutter under his breath.

Then she saw his gaze dip down to her sizeable bust and not-so-subtly elbow him in the side.

"Ow!?" he hissed and in response she gives him an unimpressed look to which he glanced away.

If the woman caught his stare or the byplay she didn't comment on it, instead using a napkin to dab her lips.

"Sorry about that, I skipped breakfast this morning."

"It's okay, we don't mind" Soyun spoke with a nervous smile.

"You can have some if you want."

"We already ate thank you."

"Alright, since I'm sure you two have classes I'll make this brief" then her expression turned serious "two days ago the police were alerted to a body that was found at XXXX Street. The victim was a local thug who was attacked by a vampire. CCTV didn't pick up anything and originally we thought there were no witnesses because no one came forward."

At that she gave them pointed looks and Soyun felt cold sweat form on er brow under the older woman's scrutiny.

Then Neugdae spoke "with all due respect officer Hwa we were more focused on actually surviving the night."

Her gaze switched to the man who seemed unaffected by it "be that as it may there is a reason why civilians are urged to report vampire sightings to the police. If you did we could have gotten there sooner rather than hours later when the vampire's trail went cold."

To that Neugdae only shrugged "sorry."

Soyun's mouth parted at her Sunbae's gall and even Chiyon frowned at his cavalier response.

In the end Chiyon could only sigh "it's fine, I can understand encountering a vampire for the first time can be traumatic."

Soyun mentally sighed in relief 'okay this isn't so bad.'

"I will have you tell me exactly what you saw."

She ordered and the two relayed their story which basically boils down to they were walking down the streets late, saw a thug harassing a man before the man who turned out to be a vampire attacked the thug and at that point the two ran away without looking back.

"And you two saw nothing else? No one else was present on the street?"

"No ma'am" Soyun answered.

"We weren't exactly in the right mind to be mindful of our environment at that point Noona."

"Understandable" she replied with a frown "if that's all you have then this Noona apologizes for wasting your time."

"I'm sorry we couldn't be of any more help" Soyun apologized.

On the inside however 'phew, dodged another bullet there.'

Then Neugdae opened his mouth "actually there is something I was curious about."

'Why~' Soyun internally cried 'I just want to go to classes.'

"What is it?"

"What's the legality of vampirism in Korea?"

If Soyun was drinking something at that moment she would have done a spit take. As it stood she froze on the spot as she regarded her sunbae.


For her part Chiyon blinked at the question not expecting it "can you be more specific?"

"Is it illegal to be a vampire in Korea?"

Soyun could feel her breath hitch.

"That's an interesting question" she then hummed to herself "technically it is not illegal to be a vampire."


A moment later Soyun froze as it took her a moment to realize that she was the one who spoke.

"Vampires are not criminals by design but their nature will eventually set them down that route. They need to drink human blood for sustenance so they will eventually attack humans who die more often than not in the process."

"But what if you find a vampire who hasn't attacked anyone?"

Chiyon frowned but kept silent as she contemplated this.

Neugdae elaborated further "say someone becomes a vampire but they have supportive friends and relatives who supply them with blood. Or they just live off of animal blood they get from a butcher shop?"

"These are very specific circumstances" she interjected with a layer of suspicion in her tone as she regarded him.

"I lived in America for a little over a decade and the topic of vampires is a hot one. The west are lot less conservative with their information especially online so I've seen a lot of news, political debates, online commentary and forums dedicated to vampires. I've seen and read a lot of situations like the ones I just gave but I haven't seen the Korean government give a definitive answer to those kinds of situations."

Both women had to take some time to let his words sink in with Chiyon being the first to recover.

"Well as you've said the west is a fair bit more liberal with the information they are willing to share to the public. As it stands however vampires are still a grey area in legislature. For all that the fear mongering in the news as well as vampires being legitimately dangerous the fact that people seldom admit is that vampires were once humans too. The truth is there are situations like the ones you describe and not all vampires attack humans. Rare though they are I happen to have been privy to some cases of innocent vampires."

She paused for a bit.

"According to the law if a vampire can prove that they have not attacked a human then they are treated as a citizen with the medical condition called vampirism."

"What does that mean?" Neugdae asked.

"Along with being put in the record and further monitored by the government they will also be provided with special care in the form of blood bags from a blood bank as well as being required to do monthly check-ins."

As she continued to speak Soyun was floored by this information to the point where she couldn't help but breathe out "I didn't know about this" she looked the officer dead in the eye "why isn't that kind of information public knowledge?"

"My guess is that the government is deliberately suppressing that kind of information."

"What!?" Soyun recoiled looking from the serious Neugdae to the frowning Chiyon "that's not true…is it?"

At her look the officer sighed "right now public sentiment against vampires is at an all time high and for good reason given the recent jump in attacks. Any kind of information that gets released in support of vampires will be met with backlash and anyone in power supporting them will be crucified by the public."

"So they just keep quiet about it?"

"The information is out there" Chiyon clarified before adding "it's just not in a convenient place to find."

Soyun scoffed "that's…" she trailed with her hands curling into trembling fists.

It is only the weight of the crucifix tucked under her shirt that kept her from being exposed.

Finally she released a breath "thank you for your time Officer Hwa."

Chiyon gave the younger woman a contemplative look but nodded all the same "again I am sorry for keeping you from your classes."

Both students bid the officer farewell and left the restaurant with Soyun looking down in contemplation.

It is only after a minute of walking did she break the silence "why did you as her that question? Was it for my benefit?"

"And genuine curiosity" he added.

"…thank you Sun-Neugdae."

"Don't thank me yet, this isn't over."

That had Soyun look up for the first time "what do you mean?"

"That alibi isn't as airtight as you think and she's suspicious of us"

"You don't think she thinks I'm a…" she cut herself off to look around for a bit "you know…"

"No but my guess is that the minute she gets back to the station she's going to check the CCTV to corroborate our story" Neugdae looked to her "if she doesn't see two university students running for their lives then that's grounds for suspicion. I really hope you were careful getting home after that disappearing act."

"I kept my appearance hidden and made the camera on my street caught me going home" he raised an eyebrow at that to which she huffed "if I wasn't aware of that much then I'd have been caught by the police a long time ago."

"Well…good for you. At least now you know even if you do get caught you won't be sent to some private gulag."


"It's a soviet labor camp-don-don't pay attention to what I'm saying it's an American colloquialism."

Another moment of silence but this time was broken by Neugdae "Soyun there's something important I need to talk to you about."

His serious tone caught her a bit off guard "okay, what is-"

Before she could finish both their attentions are taken by a commotion happening right in front of them. A group of students all wearing similar blue coats and medical face masks stood blocking their way. One of them didn't wear a face mask revealing himself to be Joo-Won the third year student with the shaved head known for being the most zealous activist preaching about the dangers of vampires on campus and the inability of the faculty to do prevent such things.

Already Neugdae can tell this is the escalation point he dreaded where the vampire rumors would make people do something really stupid.

"If the university won't do anything about it we will take matters into our own hands!" Joo-Won shouted and as one the group raised their hands revealing that they are holding scalpels.

Then as one proceeded to cut themselves.

"Oh my God!" One student exclaimed.

Beside him Soyun could only look on perplexed "did they really just cut themselves?"

"Yes they did" replied an exasperated Neugdae with a palm over his face.

"I know this is a bit excessive but since vampires can heal from wounds very quickly this is the only way to prove you aren't a vampire!" Joo-Won spoke to the people whose attention he most certainly received after such a display "PROVE YOUR HUMANITY! Everyone should allow a small cut to prove they aren't a vampire."

There were a few cheers from Joo-Won's group but everyone else is more put off by the declaration than anything. Things started going pear shaped however when the group of scalpel wielding weirdos started swarming everyone else.

"Hey you get over here!"

"Ah, get away from me!"

"I don't wanna do that."

"How do we know you're not a vampire huh?"

"Proving you're not a vampire helps everyone" the leader shouted passionately "just think of it as helping everyone have a peaceful school life!"

"Are you crazy? I'm not letting you cut me!"

Neugdae and Soyun stood at the epicenter of the chaos the former with an annoyed expression while the latter had one of disbelief.

"Dammit" Neugdae huffed in annoyance "he's right about one thing, the university really is being too lax. How the hell did they allow something like this to happen?"

Soyun had the same thoughts which she voiced out in a long winded sigh of "fuuuuuck~ does God have it out for me this week or what?"

"It really does seem like it huh?" he said with the barest hint of a smirk.

"Not. Funny."

"Okay, okay let's get the hell outta here."

As the two carefully maneuvered their way out of the crowd they were intercepted by three students blocking their path. Two male, one female and all wearing face masks to hide their identity.

"Good evening Sunbae" the female student and leader of the trio greeted as she eyed him whilst hiding her apprehension "won't you do the test."

"No I don't think I will" Neugdae said bluntly something none of them expected.

"W-what?" the male student to his left exclaimed in disbelief.

"S-Sunbae, we won't cut deep or anything just enough to draw blood and we'll even administer treatment afterwards."

"The answer is still no. We're not doing your little test so get out of the way we're already late for our classes."

At the last sentence Neugdae straightened up and suddenly the height disparity between him and the three became very apparent as he loomed over them. Still they were nothing if not persistent and as the female student looked between him and Soyun who was practically hiding behind him she scowled indignantly.

"Why are you trying to avoid this? Just go through the test."

With her looking at Soyun as she said this the disguised vampire felt the need to reply "aren't you just suspecting people for no reason? Besides you shouldn't be forcing people to go through with this."

That was mistake as one of the male students practically exploded "how could you say that after the incident that happened!? The police found evidence of a vampire student!"

"That's just a rumor."

"It shouldn't matter!" the one to the left of the female student shouted as he surged forward with a scalpel "just do the damn test!"

"Oi" that single word caused everyone to freeze and the student before who had been filled with righteous indignation shivered under the gaze of Neugdae "I'll tell you right now that vampires will be the least of your worries if any of you come near us with those things."

As his gaze swept over the three they all shriveled under his gaze and the student took a few steps back. Neugdae may not have been causing trouble but everyone from the second year and above knew that he was not a pushover in the slightest. At this point everyone knew the incident that happened between him and Kwok Ji-Hun the university's fossil and infamous delinquent.

"What's going on here?"

All eyes turned to bald man before one of students answered "these two are resisting Joo-Won."

Joo-Won looked to Neugdae and greeted him with a respectful nod "Eun-Sunbae."


Author's Notes: Honestly still getting used to how I'm planning to publish these chapters but for now I'm doing the once a week bit for the time being. Right now I have written 8 chapters in advance six of which are posted on my Patreon at:
Pressing Matters
"We're not letting you guys cut us just to satisfy your paranoia."

Neither the trio of students nor Joo-Won took his words well with the latter scowling "why are you being difficult Sunbae? This won't cost you anything."

"I could argue the semantics like how your scalpels aren't sterilized and you most likely stole them from the clinic. How your entire setup isn't approved by the faculty and what you're doing is illegal so everyone who participates in this will be implicated as criminals if even one student reports you to the officers who are still on campus."

"What?" one of said student breathed and even Joo-Won flinched at his words.

"Didn't you know? Even if those scalpels weren't stolen from the clinic you need approval from school administration and the presence of a licensed physician to conduct medical exams otherwise you guys are just a bunch of delusional weirdos assaulting innocent civilians with a deadly weapon and that is a crime. Even if you don't end up serving jail time it will be a permanent mark on your social record" Neugdae spoke with a raised voice gaining more attention as the chaos around them grounded to a halt.

Neugdae didn't need to spell out what having a criminal record (even if the offense is light) can do to your future job prospects. When it comes to criminal offenses HR managers especially the ones that work for the more prestigious companies don't look too deeply into details when it comes to criminal records. If they see that there is one they usually dismiss the applicant straight out the gate. Everyone present seems to realize this fact and some looked to be rethinking their actions while a few of the smarter ones actually started distancing themselves and the sound of a few scalpels hitting the ground could be heard by keen ears.

"You sure have a lot of excuses Sunbae" Joo-Won growled before taking out a fresh scalpel "but since you have a problem with having people cut you, why don't you do it yourself?"

Neugdae folded his arms "and why would I do that?"

"To prove that you aren't a vampire!" Joo-Won shouted while holding out the scalpel.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath as they waited for Neugdae to reply and so he did.

"And what if I am?"

Shock spread throughout the crowd as everyone recoiled at his words even Joo-Won who quickly recovered "are you admitting to being a vampire?"

Neugdae was not at all fazed by the accusation and he stepped closer to the younger man "I'm not admitting anything. What I am saying is what exactly would you do if it turns out that I'm a vampire?"

"…" Joo-Won simmered with anger "then we'll hand you over to the police!"

Neugdae nodded plainly "hm, one problem with that Joo-Won well several but I'll spell out the main one. It's not actually illegal to be a vampire."

"What?" the news seemed to floor Joo-Won "what are you talking about! Vampires attack and prey on humans!"

"Right and how would you prove I attacked anyone?"

That caused a lot of chatter amongst the crowd but Neugdae continued.

"Far as I know there haven't been any incidents with vampires on campus and I'm just a student minding my own business. Let's say through this ridiculous farce you end up finding a vampire and handing them over to the police but then it turns out that vampire hasn't done anything and decides to press charges against the mob of students who ruined their life? What then?"

"Enough of this bullshit!" Joo-Won screamed before attempting to slash at him only for his wrist to get caught with laughable ease.

Neugdae glared into the struggling Joo-Won's eyes "like I told your friends before if any of you come at me with a scalpel vampires will be the least of your concerns."

At this point Joo-Won started to sweat and the crowd collectively held its breath in anticipation for the beat down that would no doubt be coming. Only instead of hitting him Neugdae turned his attention elsewhere.

"What do you think Officer Hwa?" he emphasized "does this count as assault with a deadly weapon?"

"Among other things" a voice spoke that sent a collective chill through the veins of the gathered perpetrators.

Like a phantom from their worst nightmare Hwa Chiyon appeared from the crowd of people with a bag of food in hand and an icy expression on her face.

"W-who are you?" Joo-Won questioned with rising anxiety and discomfort as his hand is still in Neugdae's grip.

Chiyon answered by holding up her badge for all to see "Officer Hwa Chiyon of the Gwangju Police Department and I would very much like to discuss the activities you and your friends have been up to in the middle of a university campus, in broad daylight and in front of dozens of witnesses."

She said all of this with a smile on her face, an edge in her faux happy voice and a sweep of her gaze lingering on the faces of every single blue coat wearing scalpel wielding student she could see. And it was at that moment Joo-Won realized he fucked up and he expressed it as much.


"You can let him go now" Chiyon ordered and Neugdae released Joo-Won's hand letting it fall limply.

"I won't be pressing charges against him so am I allowed to leave?"

"You may but be aware you may be called in to give a statement at a later date."

"Understood" he turned away and grabbed Soyun's hand while muttering "let's get the hell out of here."

Soyun could only mumble in confirmation as she allowed herself to be pulled away. Once they were far enough away from the confusion, chaos and probable arrest pending for multiple students Neugdae and Soyun walked in silence for a bit with the former enjoying the peace and the latter still coming to terms with what she just witnessed.

Finally Soyun seemed to snap out of her state of disbelief as she suddenly spoke "Sunbae?"


"THAT WAS AMAZING!" she suddenly exclaimed startling a few of the passersby.

"Can you shout louder? I don't think the other side of Gwangju heard you."

Neugdae's comments caused her to snap a hand over her mouth only to glare at him.

"Shut up!"

A punch to his shoulder almost made him comically tip over "ow."

Soyun chuckled at this and the two walked in silence for a bit before Neugdae spoke "I'm guessing classes are off the table now?"

"Yes" is Soyun's immediate answer.

'And things started out so well too.'

Upon her entering class she was greeted by Min-Son and So-Ra with both worry and relief. Just as the three of them hit it off at the restaurant they acted as if they have been long time friends since the first semester. Then So-Ra called Neugdae over (apparently getting his number at some point) and even then things remained genial.

'Then Officer Hwa showed up and ruined everything.'

And as if things couldn't get any worse that whole fiasco with those students happened and…right now staying in the university is the last thing she wanted to do right now.

"I'm not really feeling up for classes at the moment either which is convenient because I need to talk to you about something."

Soyun remembered he said this before they were interrupted "what do you want to talk about?"

"About you being a Pureblood."

His words caused Soyun to stiffen and at first she gave a chuckle "wh-what are you talking about?"

At that Neugdae looked her dead in the eye "Soyun, I know."

And she met his gaze the smile on her face melted into a very serious expression "how?"

"I am very familiar with supernatural Soyun, especially vampires."

Soyun's hand curled into fist as she regarded him warily "who are you?"

"Eun Neugdae."

"Don't patronize me!"

"Okay" he backpedaled lightly "I'm not your enemy."

"I'm not so sure about that."

"If I am your enemy why wouldn't I have pawned you off to the police?"

"I don't know, you could be working for the Noble Bloods for all I know."

"I'm not."

"Prove it!"

"Noble Bloods only work with vampires because they can control them. I am not a vampire and they can't control me but you already know that."

Soyun already knew that Neugdae isn't a vampire. The fact that he is able to eat normal food without needing to excuse himself to the bathroom a few minutes later (as she did) is a testament to that fact. That still does not mean as much as he seems to think though.

"Just because you're not a vampire doesn't mean you aren't working with them."

"Alright and let's say I am then why would I be warning you of their plans?"

"What plans?"

"If you give me a chance to explain I'll tell you."

Soyun held his gaze for a long before nodding "fine."

"Great, follow me."

"Where are we going?"

"Somewhere private where people won't bother us" he replied.

Soyun ended up following him to the university library where after greeting the librarian found a private corner where Neugdae retrieved a laptop.

As he booted it up he spoke "I'm going to be honest Soyun you are the weirdest Pureblood I've ever met."

"You know a lot of Purebloods?"

"I've encountered a few yeah but even then their reputation speaks for itself."

"What reputation?"

He paused to give her an odd look "that story about you being found by that priest. Were you telling the truth about not knowing your past?"

Soyun hesitated out of wariness but eventually nodded if only out of curiosity "yeah and what of it?"

He took a deep intake of air at that "oh boy."

"What? What is it?"

"You…really don't know anything about the Purebloods?"

"…not as much as I'd like" she begrudgingly admitted.

This time he pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned "this just got so much more complicated."

"Stop ignoring my questions!" Soyun hissed.

"Right, look" he gave her the laptop and Soyun's eyes were immediately taken by what she saw on the screen.

Slowly she began tapping away at the keyboard growing more and more distressed the longer she did so.

"What is this?"

"This laptop belongs to a member of a vampire criminal organization. Middle management to be exact and from my understanding they were hired by the Noble Bloods to spy on you."

That seemed about right because on the laptop were pictures of Soyun, her siblings and Father Joseph. The pictures came from multiple angles, at various locations and dated as far back as several months ago.


How did they do this?

How could she have not noticed?

Another picture of her siblings from what she realized was a week ago came up and Soyun almost crushed the laptop under her hands. Instead she reached up and gripped the crucifix under her clothes while taking calm breaths.

"Why do you have this?"

"I stole it."


"That's not importa-"

"Don't…patronize…me " she repeated feeling that familiar feel of her transformation creeping to the surface turning her eyes a burning red with a vertical slit as she glared at him.

Despite this Neugdae did not seem to be phased in the least, no elevated heart rate, no cold sweat or hitch in his breathing to signify wariness of any sort.

'Why is that?'

Soyun is not in the market of instilling fear but vampires have a knack of making people feel scared. Even Soyun knows she can be scary at times and she was definitely not

"Those rumors about the officers investigating a vampire student aren't false. The truth is last night there was a vampire student. He attacked professor Paek and would have killed him."

"You're lying" she almost snarled "if that was true I wouldn't have heard about it. I saw Professor Paek today and he seemed fine."

"That's because I intervened. Professor Paek doesn't have the trauma of a deadly encounter with a vampire and said vampire is probably dust in an evidence bag if he hasn't been carried off by the wind already."

"…you killed a vampire?"

"I did more than that. Turns out the student joined a vampire criminal gang. I tracked down said gang to their hideout and took a peak at their activities" he pointed at the laptop "imagine my surprise when your name and face popped up in their systems? Along with your entire family, address and everyone you've been in contact with."

Soyun took a moment to let that sink in turning from the laptop to the man "that still doesn't explain how you got this…or how you even managed to kill a vampire since…"

"Since I'm not a vampire myself?"

"I'm not so sure about that anymore."

Neugdae rolled his eyes "yes because vampires are the only supernatural creatures that exist in the world" he paused as he noticed her surprised expression "and judging by the look on your face you actually believe that."

"There are others?"

"More than you thought and less than you think" he hinted "but that's not important right now. Clearly you don't have the best relationship with the Noble Bloods. Is there a reason behind that?"

"I've never met them before in my life. I was only told that they need me" her hand went to her chest "they need my heart to become more powerful."

"You were 'told'? Was it the priest who told you that?"

"Yes" the hand over her heart tightened into a fist "but he didn't tell me everything. He never told me there are others out there besides vampires."

"The supernatural world is probably not as big as you seem to think it is."

"And you would know?"

"I do."

"And what are you?"


She frowned "that's not an answer."

"If you want answers then talk to the priest" Neugdae retorted

"Stop changing the subject."

"We all have our secrets Soyun and it just so happens I'm not the type of guy to freely share his."

Not like you did just now Soyun seemed to think with how pronounced her frown became. She had the right to think this since in the span of less than a week she's managed to spill a good deal of her secret and private life both willingly and unwillingly to the this man. Yet he won't do the same choosing to keep his secrets. It made sense intellectually but Soyun couldn't help but feel cheated when she thought about it.

Continuing his words Neugdae explained "besides I'm not the guy you want to hear answers from" he pointed at the laptop, specifically the picture of Father Joseph himself "I can't imagine he would know so much about vampires and not know about the supernatural world and if he is who I think he is then he might know just as much if not more than I do about the subject."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Talk to him" he said plainly "there could be a lot of reasons why he kept things from you and the only way to know is to ask. I could give you the information but that seems like a conversation you and the priest really need to have."

With his peace said Neugdae shut the laptop down and made to stand up.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to do my own investigations so I won't be joining you and your friends tonight."

Soyun watched him leave in silent contemplation as she mulled over the conversation in her thoughts. The idea that there were other supernatural creatures aside from vampires, that Neugdae might not be human despite her senses telling her the contrary and the fact that Father Joseph kept such information from her was reluctantly put at the back of her mind in favor of the more immediate threat of the Noble Bloods spying on her and her family.

Suddenly a loud chime interrupted her thoughts. It was the bell for the end of last period. She missed the final class but Soyun could not bring herself to care, instead she took out her phone and texted So-Ra.

- Sorry but I can't join you guys tonight. Something came up at home. -

She needed to get home.

For those interested there is up to eight advance chapters available on my Patreon at:
The Monarch Of Gwangju
The sun has finally set casting Korea into the darkness of the night. With the continued escalation of nocturnal attacks by the vampires this was the time where the average Korean's apprehension was at its highest. Despite this there are places and people who have all but remained ignorant to the woes of the world and continue on their day as if it were normal.

There is no place in Gwangju which exemplifies this state of mind than the entertainment district, a place that has always operated at night and continues to do so unabated despite the numerous incidents which crop up around and in it. There is a reason for why that is and it stems from the presence of a certain individual who runs the most popular nightclub in the entire city. Said nightclub is called The Monarch and right now it was about to gain a special visitor.

The night had only just begun so the club wasn't open yet. There was still time before the bulk of the patrons arrived. At the back of the club in a side alley a pair of security guards used the time before their shift started to get the new hire acquainted with his new lot in life.

"This is the easiest job in the world rookie" spoke one of the bouncers who was more like a gangster "we don't get any trouble since everyone knows not fuck around on the boss' turf."

The 'rookie' in question is a younger man in his mid twenties wearing a sharp suit which is supposed to be the standard attire for security.

"Yeah there's only one lesson you need to learn" spoke the other one who took a draft from the cigarette.

"And that is?"

Blowing out a circle smoke in the air he continued "Noble Bloods are to be obeyed no matter what."

"I understand!" the rookie said sharply before a more of uncertainty entered his expression "but can you explain what exactly a 'Noble Blood' is?"

"You're kidding right?"

"You mean they didn't even tell you something so basic?"


"Bah, better you learn it now than fuck up and get yourself killed later. Alright listen up Noble Bloods are the ones who command all us Common Bloods. There are six of them in total who control all the vamps in the country and they are all in a completely different league from the likes of us."

"They have overwhelming power that allows them to control lesser vampires and a single one can destroy the whole city if they wanted to" the other one added.

With how serious their tones turned when speaking of them which was in direct contrast to their earlier jovial tone the rookie took their words to heart.

"Whoa, destroy the city? Are you serious?"

"Dead serious."

"Take it from us rookie if you ever encounter a Noble Blood keep your head down, keep your mouth shut and fall in line."

"But how would I know if I ever meet a Noble Blood? I mean I've seen pictures of the boss before but…"

"Oh trust me rookie you'll know when you meet one."

"Okay, I'll take your word for it Sunbae."

"Ha that's what I like to hear" he slung an arm around the rookie's shoulder "just follow the rules and you'll be taken care of rookie."

The rookie couldn't help but grin along with his Sunbae. Even if they are gangsters the two of them are alright.

Then he noticed someone approach "who's that?"

His two Sunbaes noticed the man walking in their direction for a while but only now deigned to acknowledge him. The man in question is a bit on the tall side with a slim yet muscular build, short cut brown hair and is wearing a grey open trench coat over a black shirt, dark pants and dress shoes. He walked towards them at a sedated pace with his hands in his coat and would have walked past the three on a straight path to the backdoor had one of the older bouncers not stopped him.

"Whoa there bub you're on the wrong side. Club entrance is over there" he pointed in the general direction "you can't miss it. There's probably already a line forming."

"I'm looking for the Noble Blood."

At the strangers words the tension rose up a notch. The first bouncer lost all traces of his friendly facade and the other flicked his cigarette stub away giving the stranger his undivided attention.

"Noble Blood" the first bouncer spoke "I don't know who the hell you think you are but you need to get outta here before I fuck you up!" and as he spoke his eyes bled red.

Unfortunately the stranger ignored his threat and simply shoved passed him causing his friend to laugh at him "he totally ignored you."

Despite being jovial the second bouncer made sure to block the stranger's path as his partner regained his composure.

Now boxing the man between them the slighted bouncer snarled "you're fucking dea-"


It happened in an instant, one moment the two bouncers were standing on either side of him and the next the stranger's hands moved and two hits were delivered to each men's chest and head. The rookie only saw the aftermath of the impact as his two Sunbaes keeled over before turning to dust. Now on high alert the rookie revealed his vampiric state and snarled at the stranger.

"Who are you!?" he demanded.

"I told you" The stranger simply looked at him his eyes now red "I'm here to see the Noble Blood."

Moments Later…

Inside the Monarch nightclub the members of staff are busy getting everything ready for the opening when one of the security personnel crashed through the doors and slammed into the bar situated in the middle of the dance floor. Among the general commotion of shock and confusion it caused the employees several of the on sight security pinpointed the source of their comrade to find a man wearing a grey trench coat dragging another security personnel by the throat.

"I heard there is a Noble Blood hiding here" he tossed the vampire in his hand away like trash "bring him out."

In return for his declaration he was attacked on all sides by half a dozen security personnel all bearing fangs and claws. Despite their overwhelming numbers however the man expertly defended himself delivering punches, kicks, throws and even grappling techniques dispatching each of them with quick and ruthless efficiency

"Who the hell is this guy?" a vampire bartender asked.

"Wait I think I've seen him before" the DJ spoke up.

As the stranger finished another security personnel with a well placed roundhouse to the temple it was clear his patience had its limits.

"Stop sending out these weak ass bitches to fight and show yourself Noble Blood!"

His declaration caused the vampire employees around him to mutter.

"Is he crazy?"

"Calling out the boss like that…"

"He has a death wish."

And on the comments went but none dared to approach the man after seeing how easily he dispatched the security, none save for one. A slow clap was heard over the din of muttering as another made himself known and at the sight of him all of the employees went quiet.

"My that was ex~cellent, ex~quisite even" the vampire applauded "you burned through my security like they were toddlers. I would expect nothing else from a former UFC champion~"

That's when the DJ figured it out and muttered "oh shit now I remember he's Sol Minsu!"

Despite his muttering there were some in earshot that picked up his words and the shock escalated into wild mutterings.

"Seriously that Sol Minsu?"

"You mean the UFC champion?"

"When did he become a vampire?"

Ignoring the whispers the now identified Sol Minsu looked the vampire over. He looked like someone important so he didn't bother attacking him…yet.

"Who are you?"

"Why, I'm the one you're looking for~" the man replied cheerily with a pleasant smile and his eyes closed "you are looking for a Noble Blood are you not?" The man gave a theatrical bow "Chong Ji-Hae at your service~"

"You're a Noble Blood?"

Minsu scrunched his nose up at the other vampire who didn't cut an imposing or impressive figure to him. He was a shorter, pale man with dyed purple hair, ear piercings, wearing a designer tuxedo suit with loafers and seemed to have gold fangs in his mouth. He looked less like the most powerful vampire in the city and more like the pompous rich bastard who manages a club like this.

"A scrawny little shit like you is a Noble Blood?"

"Now you're just hurting my feelings" Ji-Hae pouted "not all of us are built like a brick shithouse Mr. UFC champ~"

Minsu's eyes narrowed "whatever, hand over your position."

Ji-Hae gave a comical confused tilt of his head "my position? Oh don't tell me you want to become a Noble Blood. Gee I've never heard that before~" he began to slowly stalk around the stationary Minsu "what is it this time hm? Power, prestige, wealth or maybe~" he gave a dramatic pause "you realized that having a lifespan of five years sucks ass and you figured 'hey Noble Bloods live for however long they want so if I become one I won't have to worry about dying' am I right?"

After completing a full circle around him Ji-Hae tutted "tsk, tsk tsk you know there's easier and safer ways to extend your lifespan champ. But I'll forgive ya since you seem desperate and between you and me" he looked around before loudly whispering "I'm actually a huge fan~" then continuing normally he spread out his arms "so here's my deal, you work for me to supplement the guys you took out in your little rampage and I'll take care of you. Wealth, prestige, power and an extended lifespan will all be yours along with other benefits. You'll be a made man set for life. So what do you say?"

His entire spiel Minsu remained quiet and by the end of it he had only one thing to say "are you done?"

"I am-OOF!"

Ji-Hae is punched so hard the impact snapped his face to the side "I'm not fond of working under scrawny fuck bois like you."

Another hook snapped Ji-Hae's head back and Minsu grabbed him in a clinch before delivering a rib cracking knee to his chest and several more punches to his face the last of which sent Ji-Hae smashing into one of the speaker systems breaking it apart.

As Minsu stalked towards the downed Ji-Hae menacingly he spoke "last chance, if you hand over your position then I'll let you work for me."

Ji-Hae pulled himself up with not a scratch on him despite his now unkempt appearance much to Minsu's surprise.

The Noble Blood chuckled "you really don't know how this works do you?" he brushed the debris off himself "it's a shame I could have used a guy like you on my team."

Minsu clicked his tongue and blitzed him. He didn't choose to become a vampire the choice was made for him after a string of defeats. Some disgruntled fan who lost on him in a bet turned out to be a vampire and ambushed him after a match. He figured turning Minsu into a vampire would offset the losing streak and he'd be able to cash out on his next fight. His attempt to control Minsu after turning him failed miserable because you don't turn a UFC champion (even if its former) into a vampire against his will and expect to come out unscathed.

After killing the vampire that turned him Minsu did manage to use his newfound abilities to regain his former glory whilst keeping his vampirism a secret and in check using various means. Through overtures into the underground he was able to find out more about vampire culture and explore his own abilities. He eventually found out about the five year life expectancy and how Noble Bloods are purported to be the only truly immortal vampires. It took a while for him to find one of them and after some investigation hatched a plan to usurp the Noble Blood's position.

Admittedly he didn't know much of the details of how he would go about doing that but he figured he could just beat the information out of said Noble Blood. Minsu was always confident in his combat skills and since turning into a vampire he's become even more proficient. They say vampires become stronger with age but that alone won't be able to trump actual skill and as someone who has made a career out of fighting Minsu holds himself as one of the strongest vampires in the city.

'No, I am the strongest' he roared in his mind as he pummeled the so-called Noble Blood

"So this is what a Noble Blood amounts to huh?" he sneered as he continued to lay into a defenseless Ji-Hae who was raising his hands to ward off the storm of blows "how the fuck are you one of the strongest vampires?"

Minsu didn't have any lofty ambitions when he set out to take the Noble Blood position, he just wanted that 'lifetime guarantee' but the more he fought the more he saw that other vampires were nothing special. And with the Noble Blood currently at his mercy he felt vindicated in his decision now.

'To think I was willing to settle for an extended life. No I'll kill this annoying shit become a Noble Blood and live on top of the world.'

As he thought this the adrenaline, the power that came with dominating caused Minsu to give a fanged grin.

"Die!" he cocked back his fist ready to land the final blow and end this farce.

"Right back at ya~"

Before he could even finish the windup for a haymaker Ji-Hae opened his eyes for the first time since his appearance. They are the deepest shade of red Minsu has ever seen on a vampire. Ji-Hae wore a wide deranged smile as his tongue licked his golden fangs and moving at a speed that was almost instantaneous raised his hand to Minsu's forehead. The UFC champion could barely perceive the movement even as his body was still in mid motion.




A miniature sonic boom was created as Ji-Hae's flick to Minsu's head sent the vampire flying like a bullet into the far wall creating a crater several meters wide and several inches deep.

The ensuing silence that came from the display was broken by Ji-Hae "is he dead?"

A moment later and Minsu's body turned to dust much to Ji-Hae's disappointment.

"I thought he'd be an interesting guy since he's a professional MMA fighter but he turned out to be trash like all the others" the Noble Blood lamented.

Sitting by the bar he snapped his fingers at the nearby bartender "get me the usual and clean this place up."

One of the employees approached him "um sir, with the damages done to the building we won't be able to open the club tonight."

"Ah shit" Ji-Hae cursed "this was the first interesting thing to happen all month and I got carried away with the theatrics."

"Here you are sir."

He took the drink "how long until we can open?"

"By my estimate, two days sir."

Ji-Hae clicked his tongue draining the glass and demanding another "gonna be bored out of my fucking mind" he looked to his assistant "anything interesting happen today? I forgot to check."

At that the man whispered into his ears causing Ji-Hae to pause before his expression brightened considerably.


His assistant nodded "we believe that to be the case sir."

He knocked back the eerily red beverage uncaring that it spilled from his lips to his expensive suit. Then with sparkling crimson eyes and a fanged grin he made an announcement.

"I think it's time I pay a visit to the Pureblood."

Advance chapters available on my Patreon at:
No Longer Safe
"Blessed be the body of Christ" Father Joseph intoned whilst offering a small circular waifer.

"Amen" a young man spoke as he took the offered bread and returned to his seat revealing the next person in line.

Tonight Father Joseph is conducting Holy Communion. Over his priest garments he wears a white robe and in his hand is a golden chalice filled with unleavened bread cut in a circular shape. He remembers a time when his church hardly had any visitors since Catholicism is not a very popular religion in Korea. Nowadays however it seems as if a good chunk of the neighborhood is converted. He had the vampires to thank for that which he would never do.

And speaking of vampires his mind couldn't help but flash back to his errant ward. Joseph isn't foolish enough to think he would be able to keep Soyun confined under his protection indefinitely. Frankly it is a miracle he managed to get through her teenage years without much issue but now she is a woman grown. He taught her everything he could but Soyun is no longer that scared child he found on the side of the street. She is a resilient, intelligent and resourceful woman who can make her own decisions now.

It is only a matter of time before she herself realizes this fact.

The entire time he was in his thoughts Joseph's body went on autopilot having done this communion dozens of times before over the years. This did not mean he was distracted enough to not realize when a pair of newcomers started to gossip about him.

Internally the priest rolled his eyes 'you teach a couple punks some manners once and suddenly all sorts of unflattering rumors start popping up about you.'

When he first came here there was a gang who made the neighborhood their territory and they didn't take kindly to Joseph buying the then dilapidated building they used as their hangout. They made a whole ruckus about it and he ended up having to 'educate' the misguided youths on the error of their ways. A few people may have bore witness to his actions and things like that tend to make an impression.

As if reading his mind one of the gossipers whispered "is that why he has that scar?"

Joseph's brow's furrowed, not at her words but at something else. Nonetheless he addressed her "excuse me ladies but you are disturbing the ceremony."

The two stiffened at his words and sank under his gaze "w-we're sorry Father!"

"It is alright though I will ask you to keep your voices…low…"

Joseph trailed off as the next person in line stepped forward and immediately he stuck out to Joseph like a sore thumb. Not that a pretty boy with dyed blue hair wearing a designer suit and expensive jewelry didn't do that already but it is what Joseph sensed from him that set him one edge. Even if he didn't already know who this man is his mere presence radiated danger the likes of which he'd only ever experience several times before in the direst of situations.

"Hello~" greeted the man with a cheery unnerving smile and closed eyes.

Joseph steadied his heart and evened out his breathing before replying "you are not from this neighborhood."

"What gave it away?"

It wasn't that the man's presence hasn't gone unnoticed up to this point it was just that Joseph was too preoccupied with his thoughts to pay attention to the murmurs of the men and women of his congregation.

That and 'he concealed his presence until just now.'

"Wait who is that guy?"

"Is he an acquaintance of Father Joseph?"

Ignoring the people around him the man spoke "I happen to be looking for someone and I hope that you would be able to introduce us."

"Whoever it is you seek, I do not know them."

"Ah, but I never said who now did I?" he tutted as he pulled out his phone showing him a picture that had him gripping his chalice in a white knuckle grip "her name is Hwang Soyun and contrary to your words you seem to know her very well."

As he spoke his eyes opened a fraction revealing irises of deep red peeking from beneath the lids. It took a great deal of willpower for Joseph to remain as calm as he appeared.

'It's too dangerous for the church members. I need to send them out.'

Unfortunately before he could act on this thought one of said church members became fed up with the hold up of the line.

"Hey kid hurry up! You're holding up the line" a disgruntled middle aged man spoke as he tapped the man on his shoulder.

Said paused the jovial smile he had when speaking to Joseph melted into a frown "I'll only say this once, do not touch me again."

Joseph started breaking out into a cold sweat at the wave of intent the vampire let out in that moment. He also noted a few of the other members shivering with anxiety. Unfortunately the middle aged man either wasn't affected by the intent or most likely didn't recognize the danger to himself because he went and grabbed the man's shoulder to yell in his face.

"Now listen here you punk is that any way to speak to your seniors? Huh!?"

In the interim silence Joseph silently cursed as the vampire turned away to glare at the man with his deep crimson eyes fully open. It was at that moment the man realized he fucked up as his skin turned pale and cold sweat formed at his brow

"Vampire" the man breathed out in fear.

Said vampire grabbed the man's hand and that is all Joseph could take "ENOUGH!"

Joseph's voice echoed throughout the room startling everyone including the vampire whose eyes were now closed as he turned towards him.

"I apologize for that outburst. I'm afraid we will have to end the communion here. I ask that everyone return to their homes."

Despite the suddenness of the request and some mutterings none of them questioned the priest as they sensed the tension between him and the stranger. That wasn't even mentioning the man who was complaining practically dragging his wife away while ignoring her protest. Eventually only the two of them were left and the vampire smiled.

"This is interesting~" he tapped his chin "you already know who I am don't you priest?"

Joseph grunted "Noble Blood."

"Oh good" the man clapped "then we can get down to business" once again the vampire's eyes opened to regard him sharply "where is the Pureblood?"

"I don't know where she is."

For a brief moment the Noble Blood's expression turned deadly before it eventually melts into a closed eye realization "wait, is it a school night?" a moment later and the vampire bopped himself in the head "Ji-Hae you idiot, of course she's not here. She has evening classes today."

As the vampire started chuckling Joseph's fists clenched tightly putting dents in the golden chalice he held.

"Well this is embarrassing" he sighed then shrugged "I suppose I'll have to come at another time then" before he turned to walk away he paused "oh and if you ever get tired of playing the saint why not come on down and have some fun reverend? I'll give you a special discount."

As he left a card was tossed with careless precision where it slid to Joseph's feet but he never took his eyes off the vampire.

"We're doing some renovations right now so I'll come back to personally escort you both in two days" then Ji-Hae grinned showing off his gold fangs "send my regards to Soyun~"

The door shut and now left alone Joseph slumped on the pulpit taking deep breaths to calm his frayed nerves.

'They knew' the thought rang out 'all this time.'

Absently he picked up the dropped card for a nightclub known as Monarch and almost crushed it in his hands.

'How did they find us?'

It is a dangerous thought to have but it is clear that they've been spying on them for a while. The fact that they have pictures as well as know Soyun's class schedule says as much.

But perhaps the better question is 'why now?'

He already knew the answer to that. There are many ways a Pureblood can be important to a group of Noble Bloods. He should have been aware of anyone spying on them and while he has noticed a few shady outsiders sniffing around due to the renovation projects corporations have taken to hiring gangsters to scare the community into giving up their homes.

His teeth grit 'for all I know this entire project could have just been a way to get in close without us noticing.'

Was it meant to throw him or Soyun off?

It could have been either.

'He seemed surprised I knew his identity which means he thinks I'm just a normal priest.'

Perhaps not anymore but that Noble Blood didn't strike Joseph as to type to consider him a threat either way and as he contemplated his next move he silently thanked God Soyun had not been here. The last thing he needed is for her to cross paths with that vampire.


Soyun got off the bus her brows still furrowed in contemplation as she mulled over how she can bring up the information she was made aware of. Or at least bring it up in a way that didn't involve her having to reveal she ousted herself. Intellectually she knew that it was the least of their problems now but the idea of Father Joseph finding that out made her cringe with anxiety. It was the type of thing he would hold over her head.

'Maybe he will be too preoccupied with everything else to dwell on it.'

She doubted that and she did have several topics to distract from her blunder so maybe she could get away if she ended up revealing it and that is a hard maybe since Father Joseph is very observant especially when it came to her.

'No matter how I slice it this is going to…' Soyun's thoughts trailed off at the sight before her.

She is at the intersection of her home street when a train of black tinted SUVs turned the corner. They are the types she would see in movies when someone important is being escorted. It wasn't a sight one would normally see especially in this part of town so it is worth a second glance.


Suddenly her senses picked up a presence that made her look directly at one of the car's window as it passed. In that moment time seemed to slow as even with the heavy tints Soyun could clearly see a man with eyes the deepest red staring back at her. The man cracked a grin revealing a pair of golden fangs as he ran his tongue over his teeth and Soyun's eyes widened.

Immediately a single thought came to mind 'Father Joseph!'

Soyun almost broke her cover as she ran to her home. Only the sight of people walking the street kept her pace at around human athlete levels. Maybe? She wasn't moving faster than the human eye can see that was for sure. So it took her around a minute before she saw the church. With the adrenaline pumping through her body due to anxiety Soyun's awareness was hyper focused causing her to pick up on things she normally wouldn't have.

Things such as people she recognized as part of Father Joseph's congregation walking away from the church as well as said church being silent despite tonight being communion. She also picked up on a few shady individuals loitering near the home from places no humans would. That caused her to speed up ever so slightly and crash through the doors of the church shouting.


The man in question standing at the pulpit frowned at her entrance "why are you shouting?"

"I-" she began walking inside.

"Close the door behind you" he interrupted.

She hesitated for a moment before quickly complying.

"I expected you home later. You said you were meeting with some friends after school."

"Are you okay?"

The question caught him off guard a bit and he blinked "of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

Soyun's mouth opened and closed for a moment before she took in a deep breath through her nose. Immediately an unfortunately familiar scent caught her attention.


Rather than saying that she instead voiced her other observation "I saw some of the church members walking away outside. You ended Communion early?"

"Something came up" he answered easily enough turning his back to go about his business.

Soyun's frown became more pronounced "would it have anything to do with those black tinted SUVs I saw driving out on my way here?"

That got a reaction but it is only because Soyun was fishing for one did she notice the way he stiffened.

Looking over his shoulder Joseph spoke "the companies are becoming more adamant about us giving up this property" turning back he continued

"Did they send more thugs?"

'Just tell me.'

He sighed "Worse, they sent lawyers."


"Needless to say I've decided to take them up on their offer. We'll have to find somewhere else to live."

In any other situation Soyun would have been ecstatic because another campaign she's been running has been convincing Joseph to move to a better neighborhood after that one time she got a look at his savings account (by accident). Living in the poor district is something they do by choice rather than necessity and she accepted it because of the church. And while Father Joseph has done much to improve the neighborhood it is far from the ideal place to raise Su-Yung and Yu-Jin.

She couldn't be happy about this news now though because it highlights something she never expected from the man whom she considers a father figure.

'He lied.'

It might seem naïve in retrospect but Soyun never thought that Joseph would lie to her like this. Sure they keep secrets from each other but at this stage there was just too much at stake for him to be keeping secrets especially in a situation where he was apparently visited by a group of vampires who are now keeping an eye on them.

'What's even the point?'

The young vampire grew a smile of incredulity on her face as she asked "are you being serious?"

If he was looking at her he would have seen the expression however he turned away from in that moment to go about a task.

"Yes we'll move somewhere else."

"…alright" Soyun spoke lowly with a blank expression that went unseen by the priest "I'll go tell Yu-Jin and Su-Yong the news."

As she left the church Soyun could not get over the conversation that just occurred. She went over it many times in her head before coming to a conclusion.

'He doesn't trust me' even after everything 'he still doesn't trust me.'

That's the only explanation she can come up with for his baffling decision.

He doesn't trust her enough to tell her the truth and that…that is

'It's fine'

And just like that her Soyun's emotions which had almost triggered her transformation is tempered by a calm.

'He wants to keep his secrets fine. Two can play that game.'

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Advance chapters available on my Patreon at:
Not So Secret Anymore
Neugdae was having a problem concentrating today and the reason for this being that he spent the entire night prior going through the laptop he nabbed from the Blood Syndicate. It is very clear the contents of the laptop didn't paint the full picture of the total operations of the Blood Syndicate. As he figured the leader(s) running the Blood Syndicate ran it like an actual organization with various operations running across different cities. It is also compartmentalized into branches that specialize in various things. For instance the branch Neugdae destroyed was basically its 'spying division.'

Other divisions would sometimes pop up in their records which kept the receipts of their operations. This is the part that made Neugdae slaughter every vampire in the building. It turns out the Blood Syndicate is involved in some really heinous criminal activities and from the looks of it the branch he took out might be one of if not the tamest of them all. You have divisions for such things as such as cyber crimes, assassinations, money laundering, racketeering and kidnapping that filter into human trafficking.

By the end of it Neugdae was ready to crack some skulls which is very inconvenient for him right now.

'I thought I left this crap behind in the states!'

Let the record show that Neugdae did not return to Korea with any ulterior motives besides getting his degree. It helped that when he first arrived the vampire situation was not even a fifth as bad as it currently is. Or maybe he just didn't want to acknowledge the growing problem lest it distracts him from what really matters. And yes he considers finishing university to be more important than playing vigilante.

Just then his attention is taken by one of his acquaintances approaching "hey Neugdae."


"Looks like you got another admirer looking to have a private talk with you."

Then he thumbed over his shoulder and who else would it be but Hwang Soyun? And as if her presence alone isn't concerning the determined yet serious expression she sported is groan-inducing.

'Something tells me I won't like this conversation.'

Packing his bags he walked out the room towards Soyun who opened her mouth to speak however he held up a hand "not here, follow me."

Neugdae kept walking whilst ignoring the gaze of his peers. This isn't the first time a female student approached him for a private conversation. It didn't happen too often but he has had women drum up the courage (or arrogance in one case) to ask him out. Considering he is currently single should say how their attempts turn out.

"You know there are easier ways to arrange for a meet up."

"I needed to speak with you."

"You could have sent a text."

"I don't have your number."

"So-Ra does."

"I didn't know."


"This works out better, if I asked So-Ra she would get the wrong idea and ask questions."

"As opposed to my classmates thinking you're a Hubae asking out her Sunbae?"

"I-it doesn't have to be that."

"This isn't the first time a girl has asked me for a private conversation as pretext for asking me out."

"Oh" Soyun winced before shaking her head "that doesn't matter right now. You were investigating the Noble Bloods before right?"

"What are you getting at Soyun?" he said with a serious expression.

"Whatever plans you have to fight against the Noble Bloods, I want in."

Neugdae did not even take a moment before he gave his reply "no."

"Wha-why not? I may not look it but I am really strong."

"I don't doubt that but you're making it sound like I'm some kind of vigilante taking the fight to the Noble Bloods."

"Aren't you?"

He looked her dead in the eye as he answered "no."

She didn't believe him "then why did you take out a vampire criminal organization?"

"I didn't, at best I took out a branch. In any case I didn't do what I did out of any desire to start a war with the Noble Bloods. The Blood Syndicate was a target of opportunity."

"So you're not going to fight them?"

"Look, I get why you expected me to be like that without context but let me be clear, I actually want to finish university. If you want to talk to someone about fighting the Noble Blood then talk to the priest."

"What about him Father Joseph?"

"Here's a better question, what happened to that talk the two of you were supposed to have?"

"…there was none."


"Last night the Noble Blood's men came to the church, to my home. One of them was…something else."

"How do you mean?"

"I only caught a glimpse of him but it was the first vampire that actually seemed dangerous to me."

"What did he look like?"

"He has blue hair and gold fangs."

"…damn that's the city's Noble Blood alright."

"Wait, he's the Noble Blood?"

"His name is Chong Ji-Hae and yes he's the Noble Blood of Gwangju."

"Seriously? But he looks like…"

"A deranged K-Pop idol?"

"…yes, he's not how I imagine a Noble Blood to look."

"Says the Pureblood masquerading as a plain twenty year old university student."

"…plain?" she muttered offended.

"We're getting off topic" he smoothly deflected "what happened with the priest?"

"Nothing" Soyun half growled "he didn't tell me anything. Even thought the Noble Blood came to our home he kept it a secret."

Neugdae almost pinched the bridge of his nose 'I think I see where this is going.'

"You really need to talk to the priest" he advised instead.

"Why? He's made his stance on my involvement pretty clear."

"I'm sure he has his reasons and I while I can make an educated guess you won't really know until you actually talk to the man. Take it as advice from your Sunbae."

Soyun still seemed unsure "he doesn't trust me."

'Okay time to take a different approach.'

"You know what you remind me of?"


"Me when I was a teenager."

"What are you trying to say?" she snapped.

"I've been in a similar situation before with my father. He's an overprotective parent who made several decisions that at the time made it seem like he didn't trust me. I was right in a way because to prove to him that I can take care of myself and be my own man I went behind his back and did things that ultimately blew up in my face."

Neugdae shook his head as the memories of teenage angst and ignorance resurfaced 'I swear looking back it's like my life was a terrible CW teen drama series.'

"Long story short I made things worse and looking back on it while my father shared some of the blame I realized that a lot of unnecessary pain could have been avoided if I'd simply talked to him. You don't want to look back on this moment in the future with regrets Soyun, trust me. There is too much at stake for you."

Soyun honestly didn't know what to think of Neugdae's words. On the one hand it sounds like reasonable advice that in hindsight should have been obvious but on the other hand

"He's very stubborn and I-"

"Soyun" he interrupted "I get that he's like your father figure and you've probably been following his lead for all your life but you are not a child. You are a twenty year old young adult capable of making your own decisions and he needs to recognize that. If he doesn't then that's something he needs to reconcile and if he can't do that well…then we can make plots behind his back."

Soyun blinked "I thought you didn't want to get involved?"

"I don't but you seem determined to protect your family and I am unfortunately not a heartless bastard who would ignore someone in desperate need of help. Plus we're friends and helping each other out is what friends do."

"Oh, wow um…" sputtered Soyun at a loss for words.

"Well don't look too surprised."

"I'm sorry it's just this conversation did not turn out the way I expected."

"Yeah I'd say we're past the point of derailment. So are you going to take my advice?"

"I'll talk to him tonight and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's Saturday."

"Yeah that's the point."

"I have homework."

She gave him a deadpan "really?"

"Priorities woman and I actually care about my school performance. How are your grades looking?"

She put a hand to her hip and leveled him with a raised eyebrow "I'm top of my class."

"…my point still stands" he defended "look I'll call you tomorrow if-uh when I have time" he corrected at the look she gave him.

She gave him a suspicious look but nodded "let's exchange numbers at least."

Later That Day…

Soyun had to cut her time with her friends short today under the pretext of a family emergency. Given that she used the same excuse the day before she expected Min-Son and So-Ra to be at the very least suspicious. Turns out she didn't give the two enough credit as they understood her situation skewed as it is. Still as she walked down the familiar streets she took note of the vampires still loitering about in the corners and rooftops. For some reason they are being a lot less subtle than before.

'Or maybe Sunbae killed the ones who usually spy on her.'

It still baffled her how she never once noticed she was being watched and it has made her borderline paranoid. Not for herself but for her family specifically Yu-Jin and Su-Yong. The vampires seem to only be watching for the time being. Soyun didn't know for what reason and she didn't want to provoke them into attacking without a plan. The only reason why she even allowed Yu-Jin and Su-Yong to go to school today is because for all his secrecy Father Joseph is also aware of them being watched and is still trying to continue on as usual.

It would have worked too if she already didn't know and the vampires weren't doing a poor job of concealing themselves either. Soyun is just hyper sensitive of any eyes on her today especially if it belonged to a vampire. Still to preserve the peace she continued on as if ignorant and entered her home.

"I'm home" she called out only to pause at the sight before her.

The living room is stripped of personal effects; a few boxes were on the ground and bags on the table.

"You're just in time" Father Joseph answered no longer wearing his usual priest attire but something more casual or dare she say tactical?

"What's going on?"

Her question was answered by and excited Su-Yong "father said he found us another place to live so we're packing tonight!"

That took Soyun off guard but she should have expected as much "really? So soon?"

He raised an eyebrow at that "weren't you the one who was always badgering me about moving out to somewhere more stable?"

"Well yeah but this is all so sudden."

"Not really. Ever since those thugs started harassing us on behalf of that company I've been looking into places to move. I was going tell you eventually but recent events moved up the timetable so you and the little ones will have to make do with this surprise."


"Father isn't telling us where we're moving" spoke Yu-Jin as he came out with his own bags.

"Are we moving tonight?"

"Of course not" Father Joseph answered.

"Who moves out of their house in the middle of the night?" questioned Yu-Jin with a quizzical expression.

"Probably people who are trying to be all sneaky like~" Su-Yong said with a sly grin.

"But why would Soyun think we're being sneaky?"

"That's a good question brother."

Then the two looked to their older sibling as one.

Now under the scrutiny of a pair of twelve year olds Soyun could admit to herself 'those two are too mature for their own good.'

Luckily Father Joseph is there to bail her out "that's enough you two, don't bully your sister."

'Why did he have to say it like that~' she whined with comical tears.

Hwang Soyun, twenty year old Pureblood vampire bullied by a pair of twelve year old children.

Sighing at the thought Soyun turned her attention to Father Joseph who was just finishing up dismissing the two hellions on some menial errands much to their despair.

He caught her staring and the question "something on your mind?"

Soyun wanted to say something however a subtle glance at where the twins disappeared off to had her reconsider.

"Did you already move the furniture from the rooftop balcony?"

"No we'll have the movers handle it tomorrow" he paused to go about another task with his back turned "besides I already locked the door."


"But I still have some stuff to get in my study and you're welcome to help out."

Under that pretext the two went to his private study which looked stripped bare. Soyun remembered there being personal effects as well as newspaper clippings and a small TV. None of that was currently present leaving the two of them in what was essentially an empty room save for the furniture.

"So what did you want to talk about?"

'Moment of truth'

Soyun stamped down on any hesitation or nervousness before speaking in a calm yet serious tone.

"I know about the Noble Blood."

Her words caused him to stiffen "what?"

"I know the Noble Blood visited you last night, I saw him on my way home."

"You…" he cut himself off as Soyun continued.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to trouble you with such a small thing."

"Small?" her fist curled "father there are vampires hiding outside our house watching us."

"You noticed? What am I saying? Of course you did."

"The better question is why you thought I wouldn't notice something so obviously suspicious. Like you suddenly deciding to give in to the demands of those thugs and move out."

Joseph walked to a corner of the room to his desk where he pulled out a bottle of scotch whiskey and a small glass.

"Since you found out there's no use keeping up the charade" he poured himself a glass "the situation's a lot more dire than I anticipated" he drained the entire glass in one go "the Noble Bloods have been spying on us for a while now. How long I have no idea but long enough to know our names, address and your school schedule."

He went to pour himself another when a slender hand stopped his hand mid motion to pour. Joseph turned to Soyun who has a grim expression on her face.

"I know" she said and the two words through the man for a loop mostly because of the expression.

"You know?" he repeated.

"I do."


"I found out yesterday from a…friend" she paused and gave him a pointed look "I found out a lot of things actually, like vampires not being the only creatures of myth that exist in the world" she said meaningfully.

Joseph took a moment to let her words sink in before he reared the bottle of scotch back and took a swig directly from the bottle. He got about a single gulp in before Soyun swiped the bottle away in the blink of an eye.

"It's bad enough you still smoke but I'd rather you not get back in the habit of drinking" she admonished capping the bottle.

"Who told you about the supernatural world?"

"That's not important."

"Soyun you don't-"

"What matters now is getting Su-Yong and Yu-Jin away from here" she interrupted looking the older man directly in the eye "after that we'll talk about our secrets."

Joseph held her gaze for a long time before he nodded "very well then."

Suddenly his gaze sharpened as he regarded the door. Soyun noticed it as well and her eyes narrowed. With a nod to Joseph she quickly yet silently appeared by the door and quickly opened it.


As soon as the door is open two rambunctious children tumbled into the room. As they got their bearings they soon realized the severity of the situation when the two adults loomed over them.

"Didn't I send you two to do some errands?" Joseph spoke with a raised eyebrow.

Immediately the two children stood at attention "we completed the task boss!" shouted Yu-Jin only to receive a dope slap from his sister "er, I mean father!"

Soyun and Joseph shared a look of exasperation though hers is more pronounced.

"So what were you two talking about?" Su-Yong spoke with an innocent expression but nether adult fell for it.

"Nothing" Soyun answered with a deadpan.

"It didn't sound like nothing" the child countered with a sharp look "and if it has something to do with moving then we have a right to know."

"Yeah!" Yu-Jin shouted in agreement.

"You two should learn to-"

"Does it have to do with you being a vampire?"

And just like that the entire room ground to a halt. Joseph and Soyun gave Yu-Jin wide eyed looks while Su-Yong did a face palm.

"W-what did you just say?" Soyun whispered in shock.

In response Yu-Jin slapped a hand over his mouth with an audible *smack* and a moment later another *smack* sounded as Su-Yong used her free hand to slap him upside the head.

"Yu-Jin you idiot that's supposed to be a secret!"

"Uh, oops."

Su-Yong gave a huff before looking at the two baffled adults.

"You knew?" Joseph asked breaking the interim of silence.

In response the young girl planted both hands on her hips and puffed out her chest "well duh of course we did."

"I mean it's pretty obvious" Yu-Jin scratched the back of his head.

Su-Yong began "you don't really eat…".

"You always go to the bathroom and throw up when you do…"

"We found bags of clotted animal blood in that secret compartment in the fridge you think we don't know about…"

As the twins listed the various evidences they have against her Soyun found herself mechanically opening the bottle of scotch she kept in hand.

"Also we saw your vampire form a couple times already…"

And that is the point where she knocked back the bottle.

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Up to 7 advance chapters available on my Patreon at:
It didn't take long for Soyun to regret her decision to take a swig of the bottle of scotch.

"Ack! Puah! Ugh!"

Sputtering and coughing Soyun held the bottle at arm's length as she wiped her mouth on the sleeve of her jacket

"God that tastes horrible!"

"Shame on you for drinking in front of us children Soyun" Su-Yong called out with her finger pointed at the older woman.

Yu-Jin nodding empathically with folded arms "father I think you should have a long and serious discussion with Soyun."

"Ah~" Joseph sighed in exasperation "unfortunately your sister seems to be entering that phase of her life at the moment. As a parent I have failed."






"…fair enough."

A moment later Soyun stood looming over the three who sported comical goose egg bumps on their head while also sitting on their knees looking for all the world like chastised children. Even Joseph found himself in this position though he looked less chastised and more amused with the situation.

"Are you done messing around?" she questioned testily.

"Can I have my scotch back?" the priest countered.

"Denied" she shot down.

"Does it even do anything for you?"

"I'm not going to drink it!" Soyun snapped and made a face at the thought of willingly consuming the thing a second time "there's no way I'm going to let you have it and if you try I'll pour it down the drain."

That had the priest's eyes widen "now that's just cruel and a waste of perfectly good scotch."

Ignoring the priest for now Soyun turned to the hellions "and as for you two"

"Eep!" went the twins as they sat ramrod straight looking up at their big sister whose eyes seemed to be eerily glowing red.

Then the sinister atmosphere abruptly ended as Soyun dropped to her knees and enveloped both of them in a hug.

"If you knew all along why didn't you say anything?" she spoke lowly.

The two children glanced at each other over Soyun's shoulder before returning the hug.

"It's not that we didn't want to say anything…" Yu-Jin began.

"We just figured you and father have reasons for keeping it a secret…" Su-Yong continued

"And you would tell us when you feel comfortable."

"B-but I'm a vampire."


"Aren't you bothered by that?"

Su-Yong answered that question with another "why would we?"

"Yeah you're our sister"

"Plus it's hard to be scared of you after the tampon incident."

That little add-on by Su-Yong caused Soyun to have memory flashes of an incident that is by far the most embarrassing thing to have happened to her in her entire life. It caused her to loosen a bit of the iron clad control on her strength and hug the two children a bit too tightly.

"Agh t-too tight!"

"Why did you have to go and remind her about that?" Yu-Jin complained as he too struggled to escape Soyun's grip.


That single sound caused the two children to pause in their struggling. It also helped that Soyun's grip loosened enough to give them room to breathe again.

"Sometimes I wish you two would act a bit more immature."

It started as a small thing at first however it soon escalated from chuckles and giggles to a full blown laughter.

"Thi-this is too much" she giggled between breaths.

As Soyun continued her laughter with tears of relief streaking down her face she failed to take into account that the emotional turmoil would prove to be enough to trigger her transformation. Su-Yong and Yu-Jin boggled as their older sister transformed right before their eyes. Once she finished Soyun released them to wipe the tears out of her glistening red eyes and as she looked upon them she smiled giving them a good view of her long and sharp fangs.

The two most pronounced symbols of a vampire that would usually strike a primal kind of fear within humans are reduced to nothing more than interesting features on Soyun as she radiated relief and warmth.

And her next words are spoken with the utmost gratitude "thank you"

At this point Joseph used the distraction to separate himself from the trio. He kept his silence so far wanting to see how things played out and the result left him with mixed feelings. The revelation that the twins knew all along is just as much a surprise to him as it is to Soyun. Of course he is happy and relieved they accept Soyun even when knowing the truth. On the other hand seeing Soyun's reaction, the pure relief in her voice and expression, honestly broke his heart and he felt a bit of self loathing after witnessing it.

Throughout their entire time together Father Joseph made it a point to express upon Soyun the importance of keeping her true nature a secret. To the point where he even said things that in hindsight were uncalled for. He never meant to take it so far however his own fear and paranoia took over in those moments, not necessarily of the authorities or even the Noble Bloods but of another faction that has thankfully stayed out of the current affairs.

Shaking his head he frown 'there's no use thinking about such things, especially them.'


"As much as I hate to break up this moment we have work to do."

"What's going on?" Yu-Jin questioned.

"There are some dangerous people after your sister."

"Is it the police?" Su-Yong chimed.

'If only.'

"No, they're vampires" Soyun answered.

That brought a look of confusion to Yu-Jin's face "huh? Why are vampires after you?"

"It's complicated."

"That doesn't matter" Father Joseph interrupted "right now there are vampires watching us. They are keeping their distance because their leader wants to personally come for Soyun tomorrow."

"That sounds bad" Yu-Jin stated with a nervous tinge.

Soyun finally stood up having dried her tears and put her emotions under control "I can take care of the ones outside."

"No-" he shut down and before she could protest he added "not yet."

Soyun's previous complaint died on her tongue as she realized "you have a plan."

"I do" he spoke before looking at the twins "and now that you two know what's going on I don't have to be discreet about it."

Then he went to the cabinet bookshelf and proceeded to move it aside to reveal something that had the other three open their mouth in astonishment.



Soyun on the other hand has a different reaction which is one of incredulity.

"What. The. Hell!?"

The Next Day…


'Why did I have to get stuck with this shit?'
thought one Il-Seong from the shadowed corner of a random street adjacent to the target's house.

"Oi, you better not be dozing off over there Il-Seong" spoke a female voice from his earpiece.

"Still awake" he muttered into the small mic near the collar of his suit.

'And bored out of my fucking mind.'

Two nights ago his boss gathered a few of them to go and meet the Pureblood. Now Il-Seong has been working under Ji-Hae for about four years now. He started from the bottom as one of the numerous goons and eventually got promoted to be one of the boss' elite guards. Not that the Noble Blood needed any guards considering he is one of the most powerful vampires in the country. Really the guards are only needed to deal with any idiots wanting to challenge Ji-Hae's authority which there have been a surprising number of. Because of this Il-Seong and the rest of his personal guards weren't pushovers in the slightest.

It is for this reason why the Noble Blood hardly ever needed to personally deal with problems showing up at his doorstep let alone move out to handle business outside of meetings so when Il-Seong was suddenly called to escort the boss to confront another vampire he was surprised. That surprise turned into anticipation as he was told who their apparent target was, the Pureblood.

Of course Il-Seong knew what a Pureblood is, unlike Common Bloods and Noble Bloods who were once human Purebloods are vampires who are actually born as such and did not have a limited lifespan. They are considered true immortals and the most powerful type of vampire likely because they have their entire immortal lives to grow into their powers.

But this particular Pureblood on the other hand is young, merely a twenty year old university student so perhaps that's why the boss seemed so confident. Il-Seong has witnessed his boss' power firsthand on several sparse occasions and he could not fathom any other vampire being a match for him. So Il-Seong was very much looking forward to the confrontation between his boss and the Pureblood except they never did meet the Pureblood because she wasn't home and the boss ended up leaving soon after confirming this but not before leaving them with orders to watch the place.

The boss specifically told them to monitor but not engage the Pureblood and whoever else lived in the house. Not because he particularly cared about them but because he had something in mind for the Pureblood herself and didn't want to make a bad impression. He also didn't think they would be able to beat her, an insult that Il-Seong took in stride. Then he saw the alleged Pureblood for the first time and for the first time questioned his boss' logic.

Hwang Soyun did not give the impression of a vampire who is on the same level as Ji-Hae. As a matter of fact she hardly seemed like a vampire at all. For all intents the woman looks like your typical twenty something year old Korean woman. The fact that she's slumming it in the ghetto with a priest and two orphans only seems to reinforce this notion.

The only reason he pegged her as a vampire is that while on watch that first night she returned home running at an above average speed and he is certain that some point she glanced in his direction, actually locking eyes with him. So she knew she was being watched but he was hardly impressed by this. Il-Seong isn't one for stealth, the freelancers hired for monitoring her got themselves killed presumably by the woman herself and apparently some data was stolen.

That was the whole reason why the boss moved to meet with her in the first place.

Frankly Il-Seong was tired of watching and waiting. He'd rather just go down there and take the Pureblood by force, deliver her gift wrapped to the boss and receive a big reward. Such thoughts pervaded his mind all throughout his shift up until midday when his earpiece came to life.

"We've got movement! It looks like the priest is making a run for it."

"Is the Pureblood with him?"

"No, haven't seen her all day."

"Shit, block off the Priest."

Orders were relayed and in less than a minute Il-Seong flanked by two others stood before the fleeing priest at a side street devoid of people.

"Where do you think you're going dressed up like that?" Il-Seong questioned.

Despite the question spoken in a rhetorical fashion the vampire is actually mildly curious about the state of the human's dress. The foreign priest is no longer dressed as such instead now wearing black combat boots, cargo pants, gloves, a trench coat and black beanie on top of his head. He is also carrying a rather large and seemingly heavyset duffel bag under his arm which Il-Seong gathered has his belongings inside.

This made him bare his fangs threateningly "you running away?"

At this the man stiffened in alarm and Il-Seong found it amusing he thought he would be able to get away, a sentiment shared by the rest of his peers.

"Where's the Pureblood?" asked Jung-Ahn to his left.

"…" the priest kept quiet as he regarded them however Il-Seong saw his eyes dart to the side in the direction of the house.

That's when Il-Seong realized "he's stalling!" and moved right then towards the house, hopping the walls and using the rooftops to cut corners and reach faster.

Behind he heard the priest yell out "no, please spare them!"

"We're not supposed to engage them!"

Il-Seong ignored him 'fuck that!'

The boss is a man who cared more about results than following orders 'he'd be more pissed if we end up losing the Pureblood!'

Luckily he wasn't the only one to figure this out and as he made it to the street another vampire joined him from the rooftops.

"I'll check the church" the vampire yelled out and the two broke off.

Il-Seong gave a fanged grin of anticipation as he kicked down the door and yelled out "sorry for the intrusion!"

He quickly ran through the living room before breaking the door to the bedroom off its hinges and seeing three occupied futons.

'Looks like he wasn't stalling after all' Il-Seong shrugged 'oh well.'

Might as well take the Pureblood now and-


The distant sound of an explosion shook him out of his thoughts and rocked the building causing him to whirl around.

"What the hell was that!?"


Suddenly the sounds of rhythmic beeping reached his ears from the futons and il-Seong quickly rushed over ripped the sheets off the very still bodies revealing not a body but a giant gas tank with a device strapped to it. The beeping he heard came from said device which has a digital timer on a numbered countdown.


Cursing Il-Seong dashed out of the room at top speed.




Meanwhile outside several vampires arrived as the second explosion went off. The force and heat caused them to momentarily cover their faces and stagger back. A moment later Il-Seong's flaming body tumbled out of the inferno with the vampire screaming.

The horrific scene caused one of the vampires to reluctantly ask "what is this!?"

Il-Seong knew he was about to die, his healing is what is keeping him alive but he could feel that life slipping away so with his dying breath he gasped out.



Before he could reply Il-Seong crumbled into salt and ash.


"What the hell is going on over there!" shouted Kyu-Bok who is the leader of this team.


"Il-Seong and Ujin are dead!"

As the message was screamed into their earpiece one of the relatively new additions to their group snarled and ran at the priest "you fucker!"

"No wait, boss said not to kill him!" Kyu-Bok shouted but it was too late.

The vampire launched his fist at the priest who held up the duffle bag. A moment later there was a loud scream and blood flew but not from the priest.

"Argh!" the vampire stumbled back clutching the bloody stump where his hand used to be.

Kyu-Bok's eyes widened in shock as he glanced at the priest now holding a blood stained short sword in one hand and in the other he held a silver Desert Eagle handgun which he pressed directly at the side of the vampire's head.

"W-wai-" the vampire whimpered before.


Kyu-Bok winced at sound that assaulted his enhanced hearing 'that's a gun?'

In all honesty it sounded more like a canon went off and in the brief instant he saw his comrades head explode into gore before it and the rest of his body turned to dust.


Kyu-Bok whirled around at the sound of screaming to see another of his subordinates clutching his arm. A chunk of his shoulder was missing and his arm was barely hanging on by a bit of flesh and fabric. The bullet had gone through the first vampire's head and struck the second one in the shoulder. Luckily thanks to his healing factor the vampire in question wouldn't lose his arm and in fact it even began to heal a bit…

"Hmph, still a bit rusty."


This time another shot rang out and the vampire's chest just a bit off from his shoulder exploded and so did the vampire as he turned into dust. Kyu-Bok turned back to the priest, wary and on guard to find the man rolling his shoulder. The priest reached up to his beanie and pulled it down revealing it to be a black ski mask covering everything but the eyes which regard Kyu-Bok with cold detachment that sent a chill down the vampire's spine.

'For a human to cause such a reaction to me a vampire…'

Before he could think any more on this the priest held up something in his hand and a faint click was heard. A moment later several more distant explosions were heard and Jung-Ahn put a hand to her earpiece before turning to him.

"Our cars just exploded!"

That tears it "you…who are you?" Kyu-Bok demanded with barred fangs.

The priest did not answer his question.

He did not say a word.

He only raised his weapon and fired.


~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Up to 8 advance chapters with more being written available on my Patreon at:
Joseph’s Stand
Before he became the priest known as Father Joseph he was simply known as Stefan Joseph. Stefan was born in Poland and grew up in a relatively normal household up until his 17th year. While travelling through the countryside with his family they were attacked by a group of vampires. He witnessed the death of his mother and father at the hands of the creatures but he himself survived. This was not due to a miracle but rather they wanted to save him as a food source for later. He was knocked out and stuffed in the trunk of his family's car before being driven out to a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere.

Once there they locked him up in a cage in the basement along with several others they had kidnapped. Stefan spent days in that basement under poor conditions, being given the bare minimum to survive and ever so often being taunted by the vampires. During that time the number of prisoners dwindled until only he was left. Before they could get to him however the vampires were attacked by a group of cloaked and masked figures.

Stefan could not recount the details of that night since at that point he was out of his mind with delirium and malnutrition. What was apparent however was that whoever dealt with the vampires facilitated his rescue for when next he woke he found himself in a hospital. He was informed by the hospital that he was the victim of a human trafficking ring. Of course telling them that his family was killed by a group of vampires who kidnapped him and several others to feed on over the course of several days only got him sedated and handcuffed to the bed while he recovered.

Stefan was not in a good place but thankfully his ravings were brushed off as symptoms of psychological trauma he certainly had. When he eventually regained his wits the fear and anxiety gave way to anger and frustration. He didn't believe for one second that what he experienced was anything caused by delirium. He wanted answers which he eventually did receive in the form of a visiting priest by the name of Father Edward Malac.

At first it seemed to Stefan that Edward only came to him to explain to him his status as an orphan. However as they continued to speak Stefan found himself confiding in the man about his misgivings about the situation. Eventually he flat out denied that there was ever a human trafficking ring and explained as best he could about what he knew to have really happened. When he spoke of the vampires he spoke of them not with fear and apprehension but with anger and vitriol. Things took a turn after that but not in the way Stefan expected. More questions came but they were pointed, personal and even philosophical at some points.

Then the priest asked a strange question "what would you do if those monsters turned out to be real?"

And to that question he gave his honest answer "I'd make sure no one ever has to go through what I did."

After that Father Malac revealed that Stefan's claims were indeed true and as evidence he showed the young man a symbol he recognized well even if his memories were hazy. It was the same symbol he saw one of his rescuers clothes. Father Malac turned out to be a representative of the organization the group belonged to, specifically he is a recruiter sent to assess Stefan himself. The young man managed to impress Father Malac enough that the old priest extended an invitation which Stefan gladly accepted.

And so began Stefan Joseph's training as an agent of the Holy Order of Templar Knights under the Catholic Church.

The first thing he learned was that vampires were not the only creatures of myth to exist and Stefan was thoroughly educated on the hidden supernatural world. He also learned the true role of the major religions and how their agents have been combating the supernatural creatures that prey on humans for thousands of years. His adventures took him across Europe and to various other places across the globe culminating in over thirty years of service.

Eventually through a multitude of incidents and experience combined with his growing age Stefan grew disillusioned with the Templar Knights and sought retirement. His final mission was to investigate a potential vampire uprising in Korea and to quell it if possible. He failed in the latter as the existence of vampires was eventually revealed creating a domino effect as vampires (and only vampires) went public. Things became very chaotic immediately afterwards and Stefan used the chaos to his advantage choosing to remain in Korea as his retirement destination and slip into relative obscurity.

He found life in the country to be idyllic despite being a foreigner. With the reveal of vampires and the rampant attacks his church became something of a refuge for the people. One day he made an incredible discovery when he encountered a little girl lying on the side of the road injured and covered in blood. At first he thought her to be another victim of the rampant vampire attacks at the time but as it turned out the little girl was actually a vampire herself and not just any Common Blood or even a Noble Blood but an honest-to-God Pureblood.

Despite his thirty years dealing with the supernatural Stefan has never encountered a Pureblood directly. He has read about them, seen the aftermath of a battle involving one and even saw one at a distance which was harrowing at the time. The church considers them among the most dangerous creatures in the world and a genuine threat to humanity. Upon confirming her status as Pureblood everything in his training and experience told him to end the girl's life or at the very least inform the church of her existence. He would have done it too however a single look into her eyes swayed his decision. In that moment he just could not see her as anything more than a scared and confused child who had clearly been through a traumatic event.

In the end Stefan chose to adopt and raise her as his daughter whilst keeping he rtrue identity a secret. He made an oath to himself to protect her from harm and ensure her safety. An oath he found more and more difficult to fulfill as she grew older. Her teenage years were particularly trying but he managed to get through it without too much of an incident though there was much awkwardness when she hit him with certain questions he had no choice but to pawn off to some women in his congregation. Beyond that he passed onto her certain skills and knowledge from his days as a templar knight as he was not deluded enough to think she would have a normal life indefinitely.

In the background he used his personal skills and accumulated wealth to establish connections and create his own network that has kept him abreast of the supernatural situation both in and out of Korea. Stefan thought he had all his bases covered and that just by laying low he, Soyun and the twins would be safe, he was wrong. Now confronted with the reality of the Noble Bloods not only knowing about her but spying on all of them there was only one thing can do…

Present Day…


The vampire whom he presumed to be the leader of the group avoided the shot however Stefan wasn't aiming at him and another vampire got hit in the stomach.


"Shit, you bastard!" a female vampire yelled as she charged at him claws first.

Stefan shot at her causing her to slow her pace to dodge the shots. Even then she moved faster than a normal human eye could perceive. Stefan is not a regular human and this is not the first time he's fought vampires. Compared to some of the dire situations he's been through in past decades this did not even crack his top five. At the last minute before her claws could reach him he ducked under the swipe and slashed his sword across her exposed stomach.

His blade cut deep enough to draw blood and it elicited a scream from the vampire who abruptly fell to her knees clutching her stomach.

"Jung-Ahn!" the leader shouted.

Stefan after cutting her stomach spun in one smooth motion and leveled the weapon at her back before pulling the tripper.


The kick back rattled his arm some however the result was the vampire's back blowing open before turning to dust as her heart exploded in her chest.


Stefan dived out the way in time to avoid the charge of several vampires. As he rolled into a crouch he reached into one of the many pockets lining the inside of his trench coat and tossed out a cylindrical object into the group of vampires.


Stefan turned away just before the flash bang went off using his cloak as a shield as well as pulling two grenades from one of the coat pockets. After tossing them into the group of disoriented vampires he made a run for it into a narrow alleyway. Stefan sheathed his short sword before adjusting the duffle bag on his shoulder as he ran. He could hear shouting a distance away and even the sound of rapid steps behind him. Unfortunately for the vamps the entire neighborhood was built like a maze and Stefan had almost a decade to familiarize himself with them.

He noticed shadows pass overhead before a vampire dropped down looking pissed. The vampire attacked with a telegraphed punch which Stefan redirected stabbing the blade of his sword into the vampire's arm pinning it to the wall.

"Aargh!" screamed the vampire with an expression of pain and shock.

Before the vampire could react further Stefan put the muzzle of the desert eagle to his chest and blew it apart leaving only dust and a partly shredded suit jacket in his wake. He turned and gave a few more shots to approaching vampires while backing up before turning a corner. As he ran he sheathed his sword to reload his gun quickly switching out the magazine and storing the empty one in a separate pocket.

"Cut him off!"

The shout is preceded by two vampires dropping in front of him. Stefan just about lined his sights when the vampire did something unexpected and tossed a garbage can at him. The thing flew with the force of a bullet forcing Stefan to raise his hand up in defense but the impact still sent sprawling on the ground. Still he recovered enough that he immediately aimed his gun with both hands to steady his aim and managed to get a shot off at the approaching vampires.


He managed to get a shot off kneecapping one causing him to fall. He then aimed at the other only for a boot to kick the gun out of his hand and a moment later Stefan was grabbed by the back of his collar and tossed out the alley and into the middle of the street landing on his back. He was getting his bearings when the leader vampire appeared before him.

"Enough of this!" snarled the vampire and slammed his fist into Stefan's chest.

Stefan's body was launched further down and his body slammed into the wall driving the wind out of him. Such a blow should have broken bones and pulped organs if not outright kill him however under his clothes Stefan wore a specially made plated high impact armor vest. Also the duffel bag on his back absorbed a good deal of the impact though he still gained multiple contusions.

"Koff!" Stefan coughed as he stumbled to his feet.

Looking around he saw that he was now surrounded by the vampires and his hand reached into his coat pocket. Before he could pull out his latest weapon however the vampire leader clamped a hand down with near bone crushing force while his other hand hoisted the priest by the throat.

"The boss said not to kill you if we can help it" the vampire leader snarled with his red eyes burning in annoyance.

As he spoke he forcefully pulled Stefan's hand from the coat to reveal him holding another canister in a shaky grip.

The vampire snorted and continued "but he didn't say anything about injuries."

And with those words there was an audible *Crunch* of bones being broken as the vampire slowly crushed the man's wrist. To his credit Stefan only let out a muffled grunt of pain as he dropped the thing in his hand. It turned out to be gas canister and the moment it hit the ground it began rapidly spewing a cloud of what looked like smoke which the vampire didn't think much of until it reached his nose.

"Eurgh!" the vampire immediately let go of the human as he clutched his throat choking on the very air itself.

The vampires closest to him found themselves in the same boat as they began hacking, coughing and choking.

This caused the rest to back away with on shouting "don't go near the smoke!"

Stefan ended up popping two more canisters and as the smoke spread with seemingly no sign of stopping the vampires leapt back, stumbled away or in the case of the leader was dragged away. Eventually the smoke enveloped Stefan covering him from view but even then the vampires heard sounds within the smokescreen. Moments later Stefan stepped out of the smoke carrying an odd looking weapon. It bore some resemblance to an assault rifle however instead of magazine at its bottom it had a small tank attached at the top.

Stefan only said one thing as he aimed the weapon at the gathered group of vampires.


A moment later a large stream of napalm fire enveloped the nearest vampires burning them alive. He targeted the vampires who were still recovering from the gas first. He specifically ensured that the leader was enveloped in flames. A few of the vampires attempted to hit him from various angles thinking he had a blindspot.


Their attempts are as transparent as the fact that they've never had to fight someone like him. It is very clear that these vampires in their entire existence only had to contend with weak humans and other vampires. They rely more on their vampire abilities and physical might than their wits which is the weakness of most Common Blood.

'I should be able to finish the rest of them with the fuel I have' Stefan was very careful in his use of the flamethrower.


"…!" the familiar distant sound of a gunshot rang a tenth of a second before a bullet whizzed by his head and put a hole in the wall behind him.

With a mental curse Stefan took evasive action, strafing away from the direction where the shots came from. Once he got to cover he aimed the flamethrower and shot a stream of fire in the direction of the shots only for a bullet to clip the edge of the fuel tank


With a curse Stefan immediately threw the damaged flamethrower in the direction of the shots and hid behind cover just as an explosion occurred. It wasn't a big thing but he hoped whoever shot at him got hit.

"Whew~ that certainly has a kick to it!" came a familiar voice that had Stefan once again inwardly curse.

As he peeked around the corner he sees two silhouettes each with seeming glowing red eyes. They turned out to be a pair of big, burly and suited vampires who look they can and will fold a grown man like a twig. Yet despite how intimidating they seemed to Joseph they are almost an afterthought to the third figure emerging from the flames whilst giving slow claps.

"Su~perb, Ama~zing" he sang with a pleased closed eye smile "you managed to take them out all by yourself. Not even the army gave us so much trouble."

Then Ji-Hae's eyes peeked open and they began to glow with a sinister red glow.

"I should expect no less from a Templar Knight even if you are technically retired, Stefan Joseph."

~To Be Continued~

Up to 7 advance chapters available on my Patreon at:
The Die Has Been Cast
Stefan isn't at all fazed that the Noble Blood knew about him. He didn't even find it odd that he chose to reveal that fact as if he only just found out.

'Either that or he's being theatrical.'

He's met more than a few supernaturals who adopt a theatrical flair to their persona. In his experience such beings usually do this out of boredom and the knowledge that they are powerful enough to not take their opponent seriously as a threat and as much as he hates to admit it Stefan is at a disadvantage in this situation.

Looking at his duffel bag he frowned 'I don't have much left.'

He has his sword and at least a dozen explosive rounds but those were made for the modified Desert Eagle he lost earlier. He also has that but he is saving it as a last resort and would prefer to do a proper set up before revealing. Other than those he only had his Beretta M9 and enough magazines to take on a small army.

'I might as well be taking on an army at this point.'

After flicking off the safety Stefan peeked out of cover with his weapon raised. He saw that in the Noble Blood's hand is his previously lost weapon and Stefan's next move became clear.


The bullet aimed at disarming the Noble Blood was halted by a rather large hand catching the bullet.

"Tch" Stefan clicked his tongue as he regarded the two vampire bodyguards.

"Oh you don't like me playing with your toys?" Ji-Hae began to examine the gun "gotta say this looks really nice." He aimed the weapon at the father and pulled the trigger.


Stefan didn't so much as flinch at that though he did shoot at the Noble Blood once again and just as before that same bodyguard intercepted the bullet with his hand. Stefan expected this and used the moment to empty the rest of his clip into both vampires' chests. Normally such bullets only did minor damage to most vampires even when it's a headshot and their healing factor took care of said damage in literal moments. So the two vampires didn't even bother to defend themselves when he shot them.

This would be their last mistake as the vampires did not take into account where Stefan had shot them. He dumped six rounds each directly into a singular spot where their hearts are located. While the myth of vampires having weakness to sunlight was exaggerated in various media there is truth to this. Blood is the currency of life for vampires and as the organ which pumps that currency throughout the body the heart is the most important organ to a vampire.

There is a reason why 'staking the heart' is one of if not the most prevalent means of killing vampires. What really happens is that damages received to a vampire's heart depending on the severity will have major effects on the vampire's abilities. If enough damage is done to the heart then they might temporarily lose their abilities specifically their healing factor as their body prioritizes fixing the heart.

Even then the bullets wouldn't have been that much of a game breaker if not for one thing. The reason why Stefan chose to make a ruckus at high noon is due to the position of the sun. Vampires are nocturnal creatures and while they can operate in the sun their vampiric abilities are significantly weaker when exposed to it. This naturally includes their healing factor and when combined with the damage done by even normal bullets the results are…pretty clear cut.

Neither vampire even realized what happened to them before they crumbled to dust leaving a rather bewildered Ji-Hae looking at what remained of his two bodyguards.


The fact that not even a Noble Blood knew what just happened is very telling to the kind of vampires he is dealing with.


"Ah!" Ji-Hae flinched as the Desert Eagle flew from his hand.

In the same breath Stefan switched magazines, pulled back the slide and re-aimed his weapon at the vampire.

Ji-Hae for his part looked rather impressed as he gave a fanged grin "now that right there is some action movie shit" he chuckled "you know I thought you just got the jump on my guys and used some tricks because they underestimated you but now that I see it, you're actually a real badass huh?"

Stefan waited until the Noble Blood put both hands in his pocket before he emptied all 15 rounds into the vampire. Even then Ji-Hae simply took a hand out and while moving it in a blur caught every single bullet in his hand.

"Now that's just rude" he spoke with his fist raised before opening it letting the bullets fall to the ground "I'll give you an A for effort though since every single one of those would have hit my heart. I'd show you how it wouldn't have mattered if they hit anyway but I quite like this suit."

Once again Stefan waited for an opening and got it when the Noble Blood casually popped his collar. As quick as he can Stefan threw something directly at his face which the vampire casually caught with a raised eyebrow.

"The hell is-"


A bullet hit the canister causing it to explode spewing the same concoction that hit the other vampires before, a mixture of tear gas and concentrated garlic extract which hit him right in his face.

"Ah!" Ji-Hae flinched immediately tossing the canister away and started coughing "koff koff what the hell is this!?" he coughed.

Stefan used this as his cue to unleash fifteen rounds into the Noble Blood's chest cavity causing him to stagger to one knee. Despite this Ji-Hae seemed to pay the attack little mind as he worked to clear his lungs and eyes of the irritant that got into them. When he finally did acknowledge the results of the attack it became clear that his priorities were skewed.

"Ah fuck you put a hole in my suit! Shit it's covered in blood too. Do you have any idea how expensive this shit is?"

Stefan ignored his words to rifle through the duffel bag and pull out his last resort.

Meanwhile Ji-Hae finally got to his feet "I hope you're ready to compensate me for…this…"

Ji-Hae trailed off as his yes locked onto the priest and the newest weapon he brandished out of seemingly nowhere, a bazooka. The priest had already lined up his sights and Ji-hae became aware that even his prodigious healing had not completely dealt with the bleeding wound over his heart.

With a nervous lilt in his tone Ji-Hae held up a hand "hey now wait a minute-"

Stefan fired a rocket directly at Ji-Hae's chest cavity and in the same breath dived into the alley just as the rocket exploded covering the immediate area in fire and shrapnel.

"Ugh, ow" he groaned cradling his wrist. Only his training and discipline enabled him to not make an outward big deal about it but all this strenuous activity isn't doing his broken wrist any favors, it hurts like a bitch.

'At least I got him' he pushed himself to his knees 'just need to double tap for good measure.'

Stefan stood up and turned around to find Ji-Hae standing just five feet away from him.

No longer wearing a smile Ji-Hae coldly remarked "that fucking hurt."

The top half of his suit is completely gone and he has soot marks on his chest but otherwise looked none the worse for wear.

Stefan brought the bazooka up again but before his finger could even twitch on the trigger the weapon is wrenched from his hand. Faster than Stefan could react Ji-Hae ripped the bazooka out of the priest's hand in a single swipe. The priest leapt back taking out his berretta and unloading it into the vampire.

"Where the hell did you even get this stuff?" spoke the vampire who did not even make the effort of dodging the bullets.

Stefan decided right then to cut his losses for the time being and tossed his last flashbang as cover before running away. As the sound went off behind him he turned several corners in the winding maze of houses to enter a familiar street. Familiar in that it is the street where he lived and just a few meters away is the sight of his burning home. Despite knowing that it would come to this sooner or later it still pained him to see his home up in flames.


His thoughts halted as the mangled remains of the bazooka landed at his feet. Immediately he swung his gun in the direction it was thrown only for his hand to halt halfway. Ji-Hae now stood before him with his hand closed around the gun crushing it in his grip. Then quick as a flash Stefan was struck by a palm strike that sent his body tumbling down the road. He ended up landing heavily almost next to the inferno that was his home. The distant sounds of sirens could be heard.

'Just a little more' he thought whilst staggering to his feet only to coughed up a few flecks of blood and winced 'I think he cracked a few ribs with that.'

Ji-Hae hummed "guns, grenades, flamethrower and a bazooka" he chuckled "seems like you're prepared for war. Got anything else up your sleeve?"

In response Stefan brandished…

"A sword?" Ji-Hae guffawed in incredulity not believing his eyes "I'm not even surprised."

"Aaah!" with a war cry Stefan charged at the vampire prepared to stab him through the heart.

Ji-Hae easily caught the blade of the weapon between his fingers before snapping it and sent the blade stabbing through his left thigh with a casual flick.

"AARGH!" Stefan went down clutching his bleeding leg.

Meanwhile Ji-Hae looked at the blood on his hand from where the blade bit into his skin and licked it off "gotta say you did more damage to me than most vampires" he commented "you're definitely a cut above the rest of your species but in the end you're still only human."

"Better than being a leech" Stefan spoke for the first time since their battle began.

"Heh, I like you priest, how about working for me? I'll turn you into a vampire and we can forget all about this unpleasantness" he held his hand out with a smile "so what do you say?"

Stefan looked between his face and his hand before spitting on it "eat shit and die."

Ji-Hae's smile dropped as he looked at his hand "so business is it then" he chuckled before stepping on the blade stuck in Stefan's thigh and twisting it painfully eliciting groans on pain from the man "I'm just about done playing around so I'm going to ask you this only once" his eyes flashed red while a terrifying aura exuded from him causing the priest to shiver as a feeling of dread washed over him "where is the Pureblood?"

"Right here asshole!" came a voice from behind causing Ji-Hae to whip his head around in shock only to come face to face with a fist.


First came the crunch of bone as fist met face and flattened Ji-Hae's nose.


Then a shockwave as the Noble Blood is sent careening into the flaming building causing it collapse further from the force of impact.

Soyun has arrived sporting a nondescript disguise similar to Stefan in that it was in all black and consisted of combat boots, cargo pants, gloves and a face mask. Instead of a trench coat and ski mask however Soyun instead wore a black hoodie, mouth mask and sunglasses to cover her most distinct features.


With her ambush a success Soyun is immediately at Stefan's side with a worried expression however Stefan remained focus as he reached into his coat pocket and handed her a belt of grenades.

"You remember how to use these?"

"Pull the pin, count to three and throw" she rattled off.

"Do it before he recovers!" he ordered.

Soyun followed grabbing the belt of grenade and practically teleporting to the front of the house where she saw the Noble Blood already getting to his feet. His face was bloody however his nose was already healed.

"You" he snarled about to make his way out the flames attempting to bur his skin to now avail.

Soyun said nothing having already pulled the pin she simply threw it directly at the vampire's face faster than a bullet. Still she could see the vampire's eyes widen as he tilted his head to dodge however Soyun anticipated this and the moment it soared next to his face…



The unexpected force of explosion was such that the unprepared Soyun is pushed off her feet momentarily but managed to land back on her feet. The heat, force and shrapnel bit into her clothes and skin however her prodigious healing made short work of the minor injuries.

"Sheesh" for a moment she stared at the now crumbled burning remains of her home before a groan caught her ears.

Moving as fast as only she can Soyun arrived at his side in a blink. He too was affected by the explosion but thankfully (and bafflingly) he used the trench coat as protection which seemed to actually work.

'Thank God' she thought but scowled.

"Why didn't you tell me the explosion would be that big!?" she complained.

"I told you throw it at him not stand in front of the burning house like an action hero! What do you think this is? A movie!?" he shot back with gritted teeth.

Just then a nondescript van came down the street and stopped in front of them before the door opened to reveal a man wearing a cap and mouth mask

"Get in!"

Soyun was quick to comply and with the man's assistance carried Father Joseph into the van before driving off.

As they drove the driver yelled out to them "taking on a group of vampires by yourself!? You're damn insane Joseph!"

"It worked didn't it" the priest grunted from his place on the van floor.

"We need to get you to a hospital" Soyun spoke.

"Don't worry about it" he whispered faintly.

"You're bleeding out" she said with even more worry.

The stench of his blood is intoxicating however her worry over his life distracted her from the sudden thirst in her throat.

"We're taking him to a friend who runs a clinic" spoke the man as he administered first aid "they should be able to fix him up."

"I want…keep…my leg…"

"Keep him talking" the man spoke to Soyun as he frantically worked to keep him alive.

It seemed that the interior of the van itself was made into a makeshift ambulance of sorts. There were a few medical supplies lying around and even a futon on the floor where Stefan currently lay.

"After what you just did I doubt losing a leg would even make a difference with you."

Suddenly a blood bag is shoved into Soyun's hand with the man giving her instructions while he hooked up the attached tube into Joseph's arm.

Meanwhile a slightly delirious priest continued on "crutches…wheelchair…annoying…"

Soyun kept him talking more as they drove to the friend's clinic. While the immediate worry for the man lying before her stayed at the forefront of her mind, she could not help but worry about the future. With this act they have essentially declared war on the Noble Bloods.

'This was always going to happen, sooner or later' she reminded herself.

They just made the first move and now as the saying goes the die has been cast.

~To Be Continued~

Six Advance Chapters available on my Patreon at:
The Best Laid Plans
Following their escape Soyun and Father Joseph arrived at the 'clinic' which turned out to be an actual clinic that is closed for the day. They drove into a back alley where a man and woman waited for them the former being a doctor and the latter being his assistant nurse. They are both friends of Father Joseph but unlike the previous two men they weren't part of his congregation. As for the other two Soyun knows the driver as Han Yeong-Su who ironically enough drove trucks for a shipping company, a job Father Joseph helped him gain through his connections. She recognized the face of the man who helped him as Hong Ha-Sun who after being discharged from the army fell on hard times. He once mentioned that he worked as a field medic and Father Joseph helped him through his depression.

She was informed on the way that the doctor Jae-Hui and his nurse wife Unjin are people Father Joseph worked with on community service. Primarily he assisted them with providing healthcare to the poor who could not afford hospital treatment. Joseph also helped them out with debts accrued when they were once terrorized by a local gang who extorted them. As for the gang they have not been seen operating in the area since Joseph started working with there. Soyun has a pretty good idea of what happened and she also got a good picture of the current circumstances.

There is admittedly a lot she did not know about her adoptive father figure but she never truly put any stock in such thoughts all things considering. Her curiosity is not such an overwhelming thing that she held it against him for keeping secrets of his past from her. At the same time there is a difference between not mentioning a clearly checkered past and withholding the fact that you created some kind of underground network to bail them out of trouble if things went sideways.

Soyun felt jilted, especially considering just a few days ago she had been freaking out about the possibility of having a standoff with the police because she ended up revealing her secret to someone by accident.

'If I knew he had contingencies like this…' she shook her head 'no use thinking about it now, in the end that issue solved itself.'

Still it's the principle of the matter.

"I'm sure he'll be okay" the voice of Yeong-Su pulled her from her thoughts "this isn't the first time those two had to deal with a bleeder."

Soyun couldn't help but cringe at the term and gave an awkward "yeah…"

They were the only ones currently in the waiting room and Soyun still had her disguise on cognizant of the fact that she is still in her vampire form.

Then Yeong-Su looked to her, the man is taller and heavyset with severe eyes as he scrutinized her "you're a vampire."

Soyun whipped her head in his direction thankful that her disguise obscured her face so calming her racing heart she spoke "wh-what are you talking about?"

He gave her smirk "I saw what you did to that other vampire. To be honest I was tempted to run the bastard over with my truck but seeing you punch his lights out was a lot more cathartic" he saw her stiffen and held up his hands "it's okay, Joseph trusts you and to be honest I don't think the girl I've known all these years is capable of being a monster like all the rest."

Soyun didn't know what to say besides "thanks."

He gave her a smile and pat on the shoulder "no problem, I'm going out front to keep watch. Plus I think I need a smoke" before he turned the corner however he left with another message "oh and you should tell Na-Rae that Joseph made it. No need to keep them worrying."

"Right…" she said with a touch of uncertainty still reeling from the conversation.

Soyun made her way to the bathroom she passed and after removing her gloves, mask, glasses and hoodie gripped the crucifix and prayed. A minute later and Soyun the 'human' stared back at her in the bathroom mirror. She washed her hands then splashed some water on her face before looking herself in the mirror once again. It feels like this past week has done its best to shatter the preconceptions and worldviews she's built in the past decade.

Suddenly all the painstaking training she did to keep her true form under wraps has been rendered moot as it appears everyone knew her secret. There is a hidden supernatural world that consisted of more than just vampires which she still has yet to fully process to this day. Not they just declared war on the Noble Bloods and their vampire army. Father Joseph turned out be some kind of ex-military super spy action hero with a network of civilian operatives to match.

Yet despite all that has happened that conversation she just had with Yeong-Su is arguably the most shocking thing to happen to her.

It is one thing for her younger siblings and even Neugdae to not really care about her being a vampire considering the former are her family and the latter apparently has dealings with vampires (and much more) but Yeong-Su is a regular person. Sure he greatly respects Father Joseph enough to be their getaway driver but Soyun saw no trace of fear and apprehension in his voice, expression, body language or internal function. He really didn't care about her being a vampire and seemed entirely genuine when he spoke to her.

After thinking about it for a while Soyun dried her hands, took out a burner phone and sent a coded message to another of his associates who is currently housing the twins.

"I can't believe this actually happening."

Last Night…

As Father Joseph pushed the cabinet aside the trio watched in astonishment as the wall slid aside and with the flick of a switch the lights turned on to reveal a tunnel.

"We'll use this to escape without being seen. We'll be leaving at dawn when the vampires are at their weakest, no need to give them an advantage" as he said this he fixed the wall back in place and closed the closet door "for now make sure you finish packing all the essentials."

The twins understood this and left the room but Soyun stayed behind to have a different conversation with him.

"I thought we were in this together" she said with a frown.

"We are."

"Then why keep this a secret? Why keep any of this a secret?"

"Didn't see the need to since I thought everything was going so well" he grunted getting a duffel bag to pack the weapons into.

"Were you ever even going to tell me about this?"

"You shouldn't have to worry about these things Soyun."

"Yeah well it's not like I'm thrilled to be on the Noble Bloods' hit list" her expression turned melancholy "father we both knew this peace wasn't going to last forever."

In response the priest took a slow breath "I know…"

There is an interim of silence before Soyun decided to change the subject "so where does this tunnel lead to exactly?"

"It will take us to a network of abandoned service tunnels. After that it's a twenty minute walk to the exit where I'll have a driver waiting to take us out of the city."

"Oh…" her brows furrowed.

"Something wrong?"

"With the plan? No" she shook her head "it's just…what then?"

"Then we move to a place where the vampires don't have much of a foothold. There is only an increase of vampire activities in the cities so hunkering down in the rural country would be our best bet. Ideally in situations like this all we would need to do is lay low until things blow over but…"

"They won't ever stop hunting me."

"…no" the man had a troubled expression.

"Is there no other way?"

"We could flee the country but…"

Surprisingly Soyun already had the answer to that "if it were so easy you would have done that already."

With his skills, connections and wealth Soyun did not believe for a second that he could not have arranged for a transport out of Korea.

Father Joseph frowned "right now your presence outside of Korea will cause more issues than if we were to leave."


"It is complicated and explaining it would require time and privacy neither of which we have right now."

Soyun clicked her tongue while shoving her hand in the pocket of her hoodie and looking to the side.

"You seem dissatisfied."

Soyun closed her eyes as she mulled over her thoughts for a moment before speaking "I don't want to run away father."

He did not react to her words beyond keeping his silence though the look he gave told her to elaborate and so she did.

"It's one thing to have to hide who I am from regular people but now I'm being hunted by vampires" she shook her head "you said the vampires are making a grab for power right."

"They likely already have" he nodded.

"Then it's only a matter of time before they have the power of the government and military on their side. When that happens I-we will become public enemy number one in the country."

"Before you say anything else you should take some time to think about-"

"I've been thinking father" she interrupted "for a long time."

Neugdae thought that her asking him to be let in on any plans to fight against the Noble Blood was just an impulsive decision brought on by frustration at Father Joseph. He was only partly right about that but her frustration had less to do with Father Joseph than it did with the Noble Bloods themselves.

"And what have you decided?"

"…I don't want to run away. I've been hiding all this time because I wasn't ready to face them but now…"

"You believe you're ready now?"

"Yes and even if I wasn't, running away won't solve the issue."

"You'll be declaring war on every vampire in the country."

In response Soyun's fist clenched "I know."

Father Joseph held her gaze for a long moment searching for any weakness however Soyun's expression is unwavering in its determination.

Finally he sighed scratching the back of his head "are you sure about this? Because there is really no going back if you choose to go through with this."

"Father" she "this is what you've been preparing me for."

"I wanted you to survive" he explained before shaking his head "we'll have to find somewhere to drop the twins off first."

Soyun nodded, the last thing she wanted is to involve Yu-Jin and Su-Yong. She'd rather them not even know anything but just because keeping them oblivious is off the table didn't mean they should involve them in the fight.

Father Joseph made his way to the closet "and since we're declaring war we should make a statement."

"How do we do that?"

In response the priest pushed aside the clothes to reveal a veritable arsenal of assorted weaponry. She saw bullet proof vests, handguns, rifles and various grenade types as well as a closed military type box crate with a 'Danger' warning on the cover.

'What the hell!?' she thought in incredulity.

"When…where…how…?" she sputtered.

Joseph turned to her with a raised eyebrow "do you really want to know where I got all this from?"

As he spoke he took out a rather large handgun and while staring at the thing she nodded absently "yes?"

Then he took out of nowhere he took out a bazooka and Soyun's brain kind of short circuited with an Error 404.

Father Joseph then continued "you don't want to know where I got all this from."

Soyun shook her head silently before her eyes caught something even more unbelievable than a bazooka.

"Is that a sword!?"


Yes it was a sword and there was also a military grade flamethrower as well as bombs. Somehow he managed to convince her to let him handle the vampires…oh who is she kidding? He straight up ordered her to sit back and watch him handle business. She shouldn't have listened to him but having been raised by the man under strict discipline it was hard for her to deny his order while standing in front of him.

At least he gave her something to do besides watching from a distance and that was culling their numbers. She did this by attaching bombs to the vampires' cars and taking out any stragglers so that he wouldn't be overwhelmed by their numbers. She'd like to think that she made a difference in that department yet Soyun wasn't so sure. She didn't even have to take out the CCTV since the vampires did that for her to cover their tracks.

'And after pulling off crap like that he has the gall to call me an action her!?' she silently fumed.

Still as someone who has been trained by the man Soyun knew that Father Joseph is strong but she never suspected him to be 'taking on a small army of vampires' strong. The whole point of the lesson was to show her that just because she's a vampire didn't make her invincible. It was basically a practical demonstration on how particularly trained humans could get the better of her if she let her guard down. She understood this and also the reason why he would risk himself so unnecessarily to prove this point.

And it really was unnecessary because despite her ingrained cautiousness Soyun is very aware of the fact that she is powerful. Father Joseph straight up told her that she is among the strongest vampires in the country based solely on her position as a Pureblood. Then he proceeded to wipe the floor with her in their spar at the time. Soyun herself has proven this fact a few years back when she caught wind of a group of vampires terrorizing a neighborhood. Despite being inexperienced in a fight Soyun's raw physical capabilities outclassed them to such a degree that skill never even factored into her victory.

She felt somewhat the same with the Noble Blood believe it or not. Despite catching him off guard her words gave him enough room to react (which is a blunder on her part but she couldn't resist). Even before her fist launched she could see him attempt to avoid her punch but to her perception he moved slow. Then at the least moment she did something she shouldn't have and held back yet still managed to do so much damage to him even if said damage was healed in moments.

Now that told her there are three probabilities here: either she was stronger than she thought, the Noble Blood was weaker than she thought or catching him unawares made the difference.

She didn't think it the latter.

'I could have finished him off.'

Despite the thought Soyun felt no regret in not taking out the Noble Blood (and she is sure he survived) since the alternative would have been to leave Father Joseph to bleed out on the road.

"Nothing left to do now but wait until he's recovered enough and pay a visit to Sunbae."

And speaking of she ended up completely blowing him off today and if he happens to catch the local news then their next visit will be very…interesting.

~To Be Continued~

Seven advance chapters available on my Patreon at:
Altered Trajectory
'When I woke up this morning I was not expecting this.'

He had not heard a peep from Soyun all of yesterday and given her precarious circumstances he didn't attempt to call her. She was the one who wanted a meeting after all so she can set the terms of said meeting. Plus he had an assignment to do which in itself is a distraction from that damn Blood Syndicate laptop he never really stopped thinking about. In any case imagine his surprise when he put on the local news as background noise while he made dinner only to see something unbelievable.

That unbelievable thing being the news reporter standing in Soyun's neighborhood at the burnt remains of her home reporting on several explosions and fires caused by what they say is result of a vampire gang war. Apparently aside from vampires being casualties four people were killed in one of the alleged bombings. It was an entire family including a foreign priest who is well known to the community and his three adopted children.

Neugdae attempted to call Soyun in that moment only for it to go directly to an automated message informing him that the number is no longer available.

'Did she actually get killed?'

As he thought this he turned to look outside where the sun was still waning.

Eventually he shook his head "no, worst case scenario she got captured."

Which wasn't good but it would make more sense considering she needs to be alive for them to get what they want from her. Also starting a fight in broad daylight does not sound like something a Noble Blood would do. Rather it sounded like something a vampire hunter would do to capitalize on their minor weakness to sunlight. The four bodies found in the building presented a conundrum but only if he counted the altercation as something Soyun planned.

He couldn't picture Soyun coming up with a plan like this and he doubted the Noble Bloods, specifically Ji-Hae would go through the trouble of doing such a thing. The priest is a whole other story however.

'I can imagine a Templar Knight doing this' it was a smart play Neugdae could admit 'should I go and do my investigation?'

He would be lying if he said he wasn't curious about the whole situation but after thinking about he decided "nah, I'll just wait and see how this played out."

Soyun seemed serious about taking the fight to Noble Bloods and if she wanted his help she would just have to contact him. Besides he has a whole different headache to deal with anyway with the Blood Syndicate. At the moment he is still on the fence about getting directly involved not just because he is reluctant about becoming a vigilante but while busting heads would get rid of the syndicate the same couldn't be said for their employer.

As he once again found himself stewing on the topic his gaze found a familiar face on the TV as the reporter interviewed one of the officers on sight.

"…maybe involving the police wouldn't be that bad."


"What a mess."

Multiple explosions, half a dozen fires, gunshots, vampires fighting each other in broad daylight and don't even get her started on the fact that they found several illegal military grade weapons scattered across the neighborhood where the battles took place.

'How did it come to this?'

This entire week has been one big lesson in patience for Chiyon who felt like she was solving a puzzle without all the pieces. Then ever so often someone would shake up the board dashing her progress and adding more pieces that only serve to make her work even harder than it already was.

Case in point at the beginning of this she started off investigating what appeared to be a civilian murder that turned into a fight between two vampires. Then it was investigating the scene of a massacre of vampires brought on by what they deduce to be the results of one vampire faction eliminating another. That same night another vampire is killed, this time a delinquent student at the local university.

'And now this'

Yet another battle between vampires or so it would appear however from what she picked up at the scene it seemed to be a much more complicated affair than that. For instance the presence of scattered ammunition and destroyed weapons combined with the fact that this took place in broad daylight did not lend credence to this being a typical battle between vampires.

While it wasn't unheard of for vampires to use weapons they default to melee weapons as rather than firearms for the simple fact that most conventional firearms would not be able to meaningfully harm them much less kill them. Also their natural strength, speed, durability and healing factor can trounce such weapons and armor?

This led her to a rather radical thought that rather than the battle being between vampires it could be that humans were involved. The fact that this took place at noon when the sun is at its highest and most visible lends credence to this theory however it starts to lose teeth upon further scrutiny of the crime scene.

For instance there was no evidence of human involvement, as in no corpses, blood or any DNA evidence to suggest a human was even there. On the other hand the sheer number of dead vampires made it more plausible to believe that it was another group of vampires responsible for the deaths. Just because vampires don't usually use conventional weapons didn't mean they couldn't and the weapons themselves painted an interesting picture on what kinds of individuals these perpetrators are.

At the crime scene they recovered the remains of several grenade types, a desert eagle, rocket launcher and military grade flamethrower. All of the weapons are either naturally capable of causing damage to vampires or modified to pull of that end result and in either case needless to say they are gears no normal person can obtain and operate.

'When everything is put into perspective we're looking at a small group with specialized training and connections' Chiyon grimaced 'definitely not local.'

It is a hunch on her part since the numbers of the dead vampires (or rather their discarded clothing) combined with a few IDs present in the clothes paint them as part of an organized group. Not unlike the Blood Syndicate but immediately more dangerous. Chiyon knew that the vampires in the city answer to someone, a de facto leader and through her own private investigation traced the headquarters of this leader to a certain night club which in itself is a hotspot for vampire activities.

The same night club that a number of the deceased vampires seem to be affiliated with which should have given them grounds to be granted a warrant to investigate the place. Unfortunately they couldn't or rather the higher ups wouldn't even with this amount of evidence. It is frustrating and Chiyon would have been seething had this been the first time it happened but it wasn't.

If Chiyon had her way then she would have called down a task force to raid the place. Unfortunately the owner of the Monarch night club, Chong Ji-Hae happens to be the son of Chong Ujin a wealthy business magnate and one of the richest men in the city. Ji-Hae himself is a nasty piece of work with more than a dozen or so complaints filed against him. None of them ever made it to court and no charges were brought to the then young man. The records themselves were mostly expunged and now only exist as 'unsubstantiated rumors' amongst the police precincts.

It should be noted that these events took place years ago back when Ji-Hae was only the son of a wealthy millionaire vying for control of his father's company by working as upper management at one of his firms. Then he got into an accident involving a vampire and everything changed. A year after this incident Ji-Hae left his father's company to start a night club which became the most popular night club in the city, Monarch. Chiyon is pretty sure at this point that Ji-Hae is the leader of the city's vampire, the so-called Noble Blood.

Unfortunately even with this knowledge there was nothing she could do about it as the man is too well connected for the police to apprehend on any legal basis. Even going after him outside of the legal channels is ill advised due to his position as the leader of the Gwangju vampires and him most likely being a powerful vampire in his own right. The fact of the matter is Chiyon needs the support of the government to take on someone like that. With that said it appears that someone else was taking the fight to Ji-Hae.

'And from the looks of it they've been doing it for quite some time now.'

Following a hunch Chiyon looked into all the major incidents that occurred that week and found a startling connection between all of them. The first to seemingly kick off this mess was Hee-Chul, a technician who was fired from his job after he was found laundering money possibly to fund his gambling addiction. After that he spent a few months unemployed until he got a job working for Suntronics which was a front company for the Blood Syndicate organization.

The next incident in the timeline was the death of the university student Kwok Ji-Hun who before his demise was absent from classes for nearly two weeks which Chiyon believed to be the timeframe for when he got turned. Upon going through his phone they found multiple connections to the Suntronics front company and how Ji-Hun was being hired as security. They also may have found a connection between Ji-Hun and a recent vampire attack on a highway that saw half a dozen people killed.

Then the third incident involved Suntronics itself being attacked with the death of all the vampire employees present in the building. At this point Chiyon is convinced that the Blood Syndicate was the one being targeted but unfortunately there wasn't anything gleamed about who would do such a thing and this latest incident didn't make finding the answer any easier.

This brings us to the latest incident where contrary to the rest of the incidents the Blood Syndicate wasn't directly involved. Not even the way how the vampires were dispatched matched the other incidents. Despite the disconnect however Chiyon couldn't help but think that the incidents were all related, she just didn't know what the common thread was.

This thought pervaded her mind throughout the entire night adding to the frustration of her superiors' refusal to pursue an obvious lead displaying the blatant corruption in the police force. Needless to say Chiyon left the precinct and arrived home in a particularly disgruntled mood though not to the point where she didn't notice something amiss after arriving in her apartment. Although in her defense it is rather hard to overlook the stranger sitting at her dining room table.

Chiyon's response is immediate as she dropped her handbag to pull out her standard issue weapon, a Smith & Wesson Model 60.

"Hands where I can see them!" she hissed, pulse rising as she regarded the stranger warily.

The man dressed in all black including a hoodie, ski mask, snow goggles and leather gloves complied with her demand by slowly raising his hands.

"Detective" he spoke in a deep distorted voice clearly the result of a voice changer.

"Who are you?" she questioned feeling her anxiety rise.

"I mean you no harm."

"Forgive me if I don't take your word for it" surreptitiously she glanced around making sure there wasn't an ambush waiting for her.

"I'm alone" he suddenly spoke.

"You still haven't answered my question."

"You don't know me but you know my work."


"I'm the one responsible for the attack on Suntronics or rather the vampire organization using Suntronics as a front for their illicit dealings."

Chiyon's grip on her pistol tightened "the Blood Syndicate, you're the one attacking them?"

"Yes and I am" he admitted yet again.

Chiyon regarded the stranger for a moment she had many questions but she started with the most obvious.

"What are you doing here?"

"Things are about to get…hectic in the next couple of days possibly weeks and before that happens I need your help to mitigate the damage that's about to happen."

"And why should I bother listening? Why don't I just arrest you for the string of crimes you've been doing all week?"

"I only ever attacked the vampires at Suntronics."

"What about Hee-Chul and Kwok Ji-hun?"

"I don't know who Hee-Chul is but Kwok Ji-Hun is the one responsible for the recent highway pileup that killed half a dozen civilians" the stranger spoke tersely laying his hands on the table and curling them.

'Well that confirms our suspicion' Chiyon thought with a pronounced frown.

"Did you attack him because he was part of the Blood Syndicate?"

She received an electronic sigh in response "if you're going to ask me questions could you at least put down the gun. It's not like it would do you any good anyway."

Chiyon did not like to be reminded of the fact that her weapon is useless here but did not budge "I like to keep it for my peace of mind."

'Besides even if I can't kill you with it I can at least buy myself time with a well placed headshot.'

"Even without these?"

Then he uncurled his hands to letting five bullets drop on the table.


At the same time Chiyon felt her weapon becoming the tiniest bit lighter causing her to reflexively squeeze the trigger.



She squeezed several more times only to get the same result before looking at her gun seeing the cylinder now empty before her gaze cast to the pile of bullets on the table then to the stranger.



Chiyon spun around as the familiar sound of her door locks clicking into place reached her ears in the near dead silence of the room. Her hand reached to her handbag only to touch air as the weight from her shoulder disappeared. Chiyon spun back around to find her handbag resting on the table before the stranger.

"Take a seat Officer Hwa."

The chair opposite him pulled out of its own accord startling the woman.

"We have much to discuss."

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Up to Six Advance Chapters Available on my Patreon at:
Clandestine Meetings
The door is locked, her weapon has been rendered useless and her only means of calling for help is out of reach. After taking stock of her situation Chiyon found that she really didn't have much in the way of options. Actually she only had two: resist in futility or comply and play along. Considering the stranger came to her in apparent peace she opted to go with the latter option.

As she sat Chiyon asked for the third time "who are you?"

"You can call me Wolf."

"Well 'Wolf' how did you do all that?"


Chiyon is not amused by his answer "that's not funny."

"The real answer is a lot more complicated, requires a long time to explain and is rather personal so to make a very long, complicated and personal story short…magic."

Chiyon scowled but pressed no further instead asking a pertinent question "are you a vampire?"

"You've never seen a vampire do the things I can."

"We live in strange times" she shrugged.

"Fair enough but you'll just have to take my word for it."

Chiyon wanted to say that wasn't good enough but opted not to press the issue. He seems amicable now but who knew what could happen if she needlessly provokes him. Besides it would be a lesson in futility as due to his mask and voice changer she couldn't even scrutinize him properly to get a feel for his emotional state.

"What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

"Are you aware of the hierarchy of vampires in the city, specifically the one who controls them?"

As a matter of fact she did "you're talking about the Noble Bloods."

"Yes and someone decided to make a move against them in the most blatant way possible."

"Would that happen to be the incident earlier today?"

"You're quick on the uptake."

"It's my job and besides that it was an obvious conclusion given the evidence."

"Yes well, needless to say the Noble Bloods won't take this challenge lying down which unfortunately means…"

"War" Chiyon grimaced.

"Right" the stranger nodded "and as much as I would like to not get involved in this I feel at least partially responsible for what's about to happen."

"Your attack on the Blood Syndicate" Chiyon deduced "was today in retaliation to that?"

He made a so-so gesture "not directly but I would be lying if I said it had nothing to do with it."

"Does the Blood Syndicate have dealings with the Noble Blood?"

"They do" and with that he pulled up a laptop seemingly from his lap "I took this from the one managing operations at the Suntronics front company. It has records on all the operations the Blood Syndicate did in the city. Unfortunately they are good at compartmentalization and this branch mostly deals in cybercrimes which is the tamest thing the Blood Syndicate is involved in."

Chiyon grimaced she figured that was the case but they weren't able to pull anything useful from the office servers. Even their dark net website was shut down within hours of the attacks.

'I suppose with how compartmentalized their organization is that any important information would only be kept with the administrator.'

"Here, I figure you can use the information on this as cause for some arrests."

Chiyon almost scoffed "doubtful unless the information contains evidence that Chong Ji-Hae is a vampire and that the Monarch night club is a front for illegal vampire operations."

"You already know about that huh? You really are good at your job. Unfortunately Ji-Hae was smart enough to use proxies so his name is kept out of the information. It wouldn't take much to find a connection to Monarch through a bit of investigation though, probably."


"Is there a problem?"

"Unless Ji-Hae or Monarch is directly mentioned here I won't be able to do anything. At least not before this thing gets 'misplaced' in evidence lockup or is transferred to someone else."

"You have spies in the police force?"

"I have my suspicions" she scowled "also my supervisors are reluctant to move against Mr. Chong."

As in Chong Ujin the multi-millionaire industrialist with a lot of clout amongst the elite and government who will go to great lengths to ensure that nothing besmirches his public reputation and character. This includes covering for his psychopathic son and all the crimes he's committed over the course of the decade.

"Hmm, there's not much I can do about that kind of corruption unless they're vampires I can eliminate. The same goes for those spies."

"Eliminate? Just like that? You make it sound simple."

The man shrugged "you've already seen vampires aren't necessarily a problem for me. Give me a target and I'll make sure they aren't a bother."

Chiyon's brows furrowed "I don't need a hitman and if we're going to be tackling corruption in the precinct it has to be done right."

"Well I'm open for suggestions though I don't want to get involved in the politics. I just want to get rid of the Noble Blood."


"Why do I want to get rid of the Noble Blood?"

"Yes and why come to me when it seems you have everything under control already?"

From what she saw and what he admitted not to mention the abilities he displayed clearly this man is strong enough to take on the vampires. Whether he is strong enough to kill a Noble Blood is up in the air however he is at least in a position where he has the element of surprise on his side. Regardless the man did not seem to necessarily need her help in that regard.

'Assuming he's going at this alone with no resources to back him up.'

Chiyon can make assumptions about what the man's support structure is looking like behind the scenes and his own expertise outside of being strong but at the very least he doesn't strike her as being incompetent or having a lack of technical skill.

"If my goal was to just kill the Noble Bloods then I wouldn't need your help. Unfortunately they and vampires in general have gotten too big and organized for a shotgun approach to work. If I want to be rid of them then that means taking out their influence over the very infrastructure of the city itself."

Now Chiyon understood why he approached "and you figure partnering with someone working within law enforcement will help to cover your bases."


"Flattering as I am by your confidence in me I'm only a lowly detective."

"You're highly competent, specially trained in dealing with vampires, acknowledged by your superiors and respected by your peers" he began listing off "you can't be bought, bribed, blackmailed and won't let bureaucracy get in the way of doing what's right."

"…you've done your homework."

He bridged his fingers together and leaned forward "Officer Hwa the reason why I approached you tonight is because you are the only officer in the best position both officially and morally to help me right now" he extended a hand "so what do you say?"

Chiyon looked between his face and his hand for a long moment before reaching out.


Chong Ji-Hae walked the halls of the buildings looking none the worse for wear despite being caught up in multiple explosions just several short hours prior. All things said and done he didn't really mind that, it would take more than a few explosions to even get him worried for his life. If anything he was more pissed that the incident destroyed his good suit! His mind however kept going to her, Hwang Soyun the Pureblood.

Just the thought of her is enough to rile him up, a bubbling rage peaking from under his placid façade causing his fangs to ache resulting in his pink tongue running over the decorative golden grillz. To say that she made an impression on him would be an understatement. What he gathered from the freelancers sent to spy on her painted her as a normal young woman. Ji-Hae scoffed, they said the same thing about the priest though they did note he seemed to have some training.

'If those idiots weren't already dead I would kill them myself.'

Ji-Hae went into that battle with half baked information and was thus unprepared for the apparent ambush just like his men. Looking back in hindsight it was clear to him that they were prepared for this kind of eventuality. Otherwise how else could they set such a trap with the priest having a freaking vampire killing arsenal and getaway driver?

'Shit they even somehow managed to fake their own deaths.'

Ji-Hae almost had a conniption when the 'four bodies' were identified. Just like that Hwang Soyun, the priest and the two brats are dead to the world removing damn near all other means of coercion outside of physical confrontation.

'But first we have to actually find them.'

If they were this prepared to confront them then Ji-Hae knew for certain that they would have some kind of safehouse or bunker to hunker down.

'Shit for all I know they could be booking a flight out of the country!'

Ji-Hae had to take a moment to calm himself which is not the easiest thing to do but he focused on another aspect of the incident that occurred which was Soyun herself. He now knew better than to underestimate her again. Even if she gave him a sucker punch the fact that she managed to blindside him brought things into perspective for him.

His hand went up to his jaw 'that actually hurt.'

Even though his regeneration has long since taken care of the injury he could still feel the phantom pain where he was struck by her. Really it was the indignity that bothered him rather than the actual hit. In a normal situation he would have been much angrier however there was something about her that made him temper his rage. It was her presence something he'd only ever experienced by one other individual in his lifetime.

'Depending on how this meeting goes I might just experience it twice in a single day.'

He internally grimaced at that but kept his amiable façade going as he came upon a set of ornate double doors guarded by a pair of suit wearing vampires. At first glance they didn't look too dissimilar to the ones he employed however in actuality these guys are in a completely different league. Regardless they opened the door for him with silent nods of deference sending a spark of delight through his being.

'I do so love interacting with people who knew their place. A shame I'll have to spend time with these guys instead.'

Beyond the open doors is a conference room kept purposefully dark with the only source of light being a large monitor at the far center. Before the monitor is a long wooden table where five others are seated all with wine glasses in front of them. Each individual present is a direct peer of Ji-Hae, his fellow Noble Bloods whom controls all the Common Blood vampires of Korea.

The moment he stepped in one of the seated individuals, spoke up.

"Look who finally decided to show himself" said an intelligent looking bespectacled vampire with shoulder length brown hair sipping from his glass.

"Hmph, you've made a mess of things" spoke an older looking man (eldest of them all) who sported a full head of hair tied into a loose top knot and a full beard.

Ji-Hae managed to suppress the sneer off his face as he took his seat at the far end of the left side of the long table next to the only person he could tolerate who coincidentally happened to be the only female amongst them Ji-Hae defended himself.

"In my defense I only told my men to keep an eye on her and report back. It's not my fault that Templar decided to come out from retirement after a decade."

The only woman amongst them quirked an eyebrow as she regarded him "the Templar are involved?"

Ji-Hae went to answer only to be interrupted by the man sitting on the other side on the opposite far end from him. This man is unique from the others given that he is a clear foreigner with chocolate brown skin, his hair shaved into a buzzcut with fades at the sides and a diamond stud in his ear.

"As far we know Stefan Joseph hasn't been in contact with anyone in that organization for close to a decade now."

"Makes sense if he's been taking care of the Pureblood all this time" the man directly across from Ji-Hae chimed in with a bored expression, he sported multiple visible tattoos and piercings and has short spiky hair with frosted tips "he's gone rogue."

Ji-Hae ignored him and instead asked "what I want to know is how he managed to put down two dozen of my men."

"Just because he's retired doesn't mean he forgot his skills." the dark skinned vampire then shrugged "in any case I told you not to underestimate him."

Ji-Hae's eyes opened a fraction to pin the man with a glare even as the man returned it with an almost imperceptible smirk of amusement.

'This fucker…'

The way how the priest was described to him it made it seem like he was just some low level grunt past his prime. Considering how long he's been inactive with no suspicious movements for almost a decade he should have at least been out of practice. But the man handled himself even better than the military Special Forces.

"Regardless" his thoughts were interrupted by the bespectacled Noble Blood who adjusted his glasses "to have lost to a human is very embarrassing Ji-Hae" he shook his head in mock disappointment "you bring shame to His name."

This time Ji-Hae's eyes fully opened as he scowled "now listen here you quack I wasn't beaten by the priest, in fact I was about to take him for interrogation when the Pureblood blindsided me!"

At the woman clapped her hands the sound echoing over the room rather loudly halting any further words as she exclaimed "oh! So you've met the Pureblood? What is she like?"

For a moment Ji-Hae's fist clenched and his tongue ran over his teeth "she…is nothing special" he spoke "but with that priest she'll become a problem for us if we leave them alone."

"Will she though?" the woman tilted her head in thought "if she did all this just to run away and hide then it stands to reason she'll lay low for the foreseeable future."

Ji-Hae shook his head "this wasn't some elaborate plan to run away and hide" well it was but "at least that wasn't the point of this."

Ji-Hae then went on to give them an abbreviated version of events and by the end he had most of them interested.

The female Noble Blood hummed to himself "to go through such lengths…"

The elder vampire grunted "it seems we underestimated them."

"And now they've gone to ground" the foreign Noble Blood frowned "it will take time for us to track them."

"There is no need for that."

All present Noble Bloods flinched before turning their gaze to the monitor which up until that point only displayed a bright blue light. Now it showed a silhouetted individual in a red background.

"Lord Hananim" the Noble Bloods greeted with respect.

'Lord Hananim' continued in a deep voice "it is just as Ji-Hae says, this was not a move brought on by desperation, this was a statement…a declaration of war."

"Oh~" went the bespectacled Noble Blood "war is it? Then will they be coming after us?"

The elder vampire grunted "makes sense they can't keep hiding and leaving the country might be even more dangerous for them."

"What will you have us do in the meantime Lord Hananim?" spoke the tattooed Noble Blood.

"Carry on as you were" he intoned "there is no reason to disrupt your own operations for this. Should she or the priest show themselves in your territory it will be up to you deal with them. Do as you will with the priest but I want the Pureblood alive."

"Yes Lord Hananim" the six intoned.

"And Ji-Hae?"

The Noble Blood flinched as he felt a pressure set deep within his chest. It was as if his very blood was curdling from within.

Still he managed to answer "y-yes Lord Hananim?"

"Your stunt today has put unnecessary attention on you. Don't do anything unnecessary for the time being understand?"

"A-As you wish Lord Hananim" Ji-Hae grunted with sweat trailing down his brow.

And with that the TV lights flickered back to the blue screen static and the pressure is let off. Ji-Hae only took a single breath in an attempt to maintain some decorum though it obviously failed. The senses and observational skills of the other Noble Bloods were too advanced not to notice how Lord Hananim's scolding affected him.

With the desertion of their leader the meeting has officially come to an end and the Noble Bloods filed out of different sections of the room, a deliberate design choice so they would not have to suffer the presence of the others. Allied as they all are the Noble bloods did not exactly have a good working relationship. If not for the presence of 'Lord Hananim' and his vision their large egos and caustic personalities would have ended up with them fighting each other constantly.

As he walked out the room Ji-Hae did not bother to hide his scowl "what do you want?"

Behind him the female Noble Blood tilted her wide brim hat forward hiding her face from view "what are you planning?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Knowing you I doubt you will be taking what was done to you lying down."

He turned and regarded her with a closed eye smile "give me some credit here. I won't mess up our operations for something like petty revenge" he turned away "besides Lord Hananim's orders are absolute."

Ji-Hae walked away with eyes partially opened revealing malicious blood red orbs and his lips parted revealing his golden fangs.

'Oh yes I will follow Lord Hananim's orders to the letter.'

~To Be Continued~

Up To Six Chapters available on my Patreon at:
No More Lazy Days
Sundays are designated Neugdae's 'lazy days' as in he uses them as free days to laze about and do whatever he wanted. Most students make the mistake of using Saturdays to hang out with friends, go to parties or just goof off. Neugdae didn't fall into that trap and for almost the entirety of the day before he used it to finish up his assignments, doing laundry and packing his bags. Now he could use the day before the start of yet another hectic week at university to decompress and arrive fresh to restart the weekly grind. Such is the perks of not having much of a social life.

…God his life can be sad sometimes.

Today is a little different though as the previous day he did something different besides assignments and laundry. Meeting with Officer Hwa was a lot more stressful than he envisioned. Mostly due to the fact that he more or less confirmed the existence of spies within the police force and of course…the politics, ugh. Needless to say Neugdae opted to turn off his alarm and sleep in that day forgoing his morning jog. Because of this he ended up waking up at ten in the morning after which he did a little calisthenics before taking a hot shower and began preparing a late breakfast.

He was actually looking forward to spending the day doing absolutely nothing.

*Ding Dong*

'And of course the doorbell has to ring at that precise moment.'

It really felt like God was playing a joke on him.

He knew exactly who is at the door and he couldn't help but sigh in resignation. It's not as if he didn't expect it but it was so early he expected her to show up in the evening. Opening the door Neugdae is greeted with the sight of Hwang Soyun wearing the inspired disguise of a pair of cheep sunglasses, baseball cap and green hoodie. She also wore blue ripped jeans and boots.

Upon seeing him she gave a little wave "morning Sunbae, did you happen to catch the news last night?"

He raised an eyebrow "I did" he made way for her and jerked his head "get in."

She did so and after ensuring no one else was around he closed the door and turned to see Soyun with her glasses off admiring his apartment with awe.

"This place is huge~" he breathed.

Neugdae for his part grunted returning to the kitchen "tea?"

"Thank you."

As he prepared the good tea for his guest Neugdae made small conversation with her "I'm guessing you weren't the one to come up with that plan to fake your death."

"How would you know?"

"You don't strike me as the type" he said pouring the cup of tea.

"You don't know that."

"No offense but if you had that kind of plan in the pipeline you wouldn't have reacted the way you did that night after you revealed yourself" after carrying the tea inside and placing it on the table before the disguised vampire he looked her in the eye "you panicked and ran away."

"Ugh" she cringed.

"When you didn't show up the next day I honestly thought you left town since it made sense but instead I found you exactly where you said you lived and you looked surprised to see me."

Soyun gave a harsh sigh as rested her elbows on the table and leaned her forehead against her interlaced hands "I could have handled that better."

"You could have" he agreed going into the kitchen for his breakfast before taking his seat opposite her.

Soyun took a sip of tea and raised both brows "this is pretty good."

"I only use the best for guests. Speaking of you came just in time for breakfast, was that on purpose?"

"No but you didn't seem surprised to see me."

"I'm more surprised that the priest didn't come with you."

Soyun frowned "Father Joseph is recovering from yesterday."

"Is it serious?"

"He'll live" she answered simply taking another sip of tea.

Neugdae hummed as he ate some of his food "does he know about me?"

"He knows I know someone but I didn't give him your name. I figure you wouldn't have appreciated that."

Soyun's standing rose in Neugdae's eyes and he nodded "thank you."

"Are you going to tell me what your issue is with him?"

"I don't exactly have an issue with the man just the company he keeps…or used to in any case" he edged taking another few bites of his food.

"I always knew he wasn't a normal priest. I just thought he was ex-military…until yesterday…" she trailed off.

"Never thought a human could kill a single vampire let alone an army right?"

"How do you know that?"

"The police found a lot of clothes with no bodies and a few weapons scattered about. Plus a few witnesses reported hearing gunshots. I put the pieces together."

Her frown became more pronounced "I'm starting to become very concerned with the amount of secrets the people around me are keeping."

There was a pause of silence as Neugdae used his eating a portion of his breakfast as an excuse not to speak.

Swallowing he nodded "fair enough and I suppose if we're going to be working together you deserve the benefit of the doubt. What do want to know?"

"What exactly are you?"

"I'm an Esper."

"…" Soyun stared at him unblinkingly.

"…" Neugdae continued his meal.

The silence went on for a few more seconds before the vampire broke it "and?"


"Can you prove it?"

Neugdae took another drink of his tea before holding out his cup. A moment later the kettle pot floated over and refilled both his and her cup before floating back to the table.

"How's that?"

Soyun's bewilderment lasted for a few seconds before she collected herself and nodded "okay, yeah. That works."

"Next question."

"Are there others like you…like us out there?" she asked with genuine curiosity "you said something about a hidden supernatural world…"

"You don't have to worry about that" he dismissed "it's really not as prevalent as you think especially in Korea. For reasons there isn't much of a supernatural presence in this country."

"Why is that?"

"From what I understand the local supernatural population went extinct a century or so ago. Vampires aren't exactly new but they've never had this much of a presence until that sudden outbreak a decade ago."

"Do you know anything about that?"

"About the incident itself, no" Neugdae shook his head "I know as much as what the public knows. The first outbreak occurred in a rural town and it spread like a virus. What I do know is that the public reveal of vampires was as much a surprise to the supernatural community as the mundane."

"So this wasn't something planned" Soyun hummed as she drank some more tea.

"There's an unspoken rule of secrecy" Neugdae began "if there is one thing that is agreed upon by the supernatural community at large is that everyone is better off if humans don't know about them."

"What did they about it? The other supernaturals I mean."

"Isn't that simple, for every supernatural race there is a community and each community has its leadership. Without getting too much into the history of their politics it's generally agreed that each community doesn't meddle in the affairs of the others. Vampires getting ousted is a matter for the vampire community and leadership to deal with."

"And how did deal with it?"

"By going public" he said with a serious gaze.

"They were already public."

"No that was a freak outbreak that couldn't be contained. Public perception of vampires at that point was that they were a new invasive species spreading like a virus and needed to be exterminated. They couldn't have the world actively go against them so the leaders of the vampire community decided to come out in a somewhat official capacity. You might remember this as the time when vampires started to suddenly pop up across the world specifically the ones in positions of power."

"I know what you mean."

Being an amnesiac Pureblood Soyun was very much interested in the public history of vampires. Just as Neugdae says following the reveal of vampires in Korea and the subsequent chaos that ensured that vampires suddenly started popping up in the public space all over the world. It wasn't just random individuals either but popular influencers, celebrities, businessmen and even a few politicians came out revealing themselves as vampires themselves or affiliated with them.

"Essentially the vampires that came out blamed the whole incident in Korea on 'renegades' and publically disavowed any who break the laws by attacking humans. Ever since then they've been maintaining friendly discourse with various governments and the public through several organizations, agents and celebrities. It's the reason why despite everything vampires aren't public enemy number one globally."

Ever since Neugdae brought up the legality involved in dealing with vampires Soyun has used the time to do further investigation into the matter and found that despite how bad things are in Korea they were actually in the minority when it came to terrible relations with the vampire community. In Europe and America especially vampires are more accepted by the general public. It actually brought into question why Father Joseph thought they would be worse off leaving Korea.

The thought pervaded into a single comment "it's amazing they've been able to achieve this much."

"Not really" Neugdae spoke causing her to perk up.

"What do you mean?"

"Well vampires have been manipulating the public perception of them for hundreds of years now. There's a reason why so much of the information about them, especially their weaknesses are wrong."

Soyun can understand that at least but all this talk has Soyun thinking about the global vampire community and their leaders.

Specifically she wanted to know "if there is some kind of a shadow government for the vampires and the outbreak here ended up exposing them why haven't they done anything about it?"

"Who says they haven't? I find it odd how that vampire epidemic suddenly tapered off after years of straight up mayhem."

Soyun did that find that odd because the way how it was reported back then it seems as if Korea would have been turned into a warzone. A state of emergency had been declared, the entire country was on lockdown, no one was allowed in or out of the country and the military had been deployed. But before it could escalate further it just suddenly stopped. No more attacks, little to no new sightings and there were even reported infighting amongst the vampires as opposed to them going after humans.

Of course the government and military took the credit for it in the end as they really did crack down hard on vampires at the time. She remembered the time of the events as when Father Joseph began to really drill the notion of keeping up her disguise. She had to learn how to master her disguise quickly and to that end he gave her the crucifix she still uses to this day.

"Then again I'm only speculating" Neugdae added after taking a few moments to finish his meal "I'm not very particular with how the Pureblood Council operates but I wouldn't put it past them to do something behind the scenes."

"Pureblood Council?" Soyun emphasized with widened eyes.

"That's what the leaders of vampire society call themselves. As I'm aware every vampire in existence is descended from them and as far as I know all Purebloods are related to each other."

Soyun felt her pulse "r=related? Then that means..." she trailed off suddenly unsure.

"Yeah I'm betting they're your family but ask me the specifics they keep their identities a secret" he then sighed "this brings us to your situation."

"What about it?"

He interlaced his fingers and pinned her with stern gaze "I'll be honest with you Soyun your existence as it is has me very concerned."


"The Pureblood Council keeps a lot of their inner workings a secret but the way how vampire communities operate out in the world isn't hard to figure out. Every country with a vampire presence has a Pureblood that acts as the leader. Underneath him are the Noble Bloods who control the various territories. Common Bloods work under Noble Bloods who in turn work under Purebloods and as far as I know that's how it's always worked."

Soyun understand where he was getting at essentially "the Noble Bloods serve the Purebloods but the ones in Korea don't do that, they're coming after instead."

"Exactly and that is not supposed to happen."

"Father Joseph told me that they need me for a reason."

"I can only imagine why since Noble Bloods need the blood of a Pureblood to survive but they'd never be able to beat you…at least not on their own."

That's when it dawned on her "you think there's another Pureblood?"

"I am certain there is another Pureblood" Neugdae scowled "which is a problem because multiple Purebloods typically don't pop up in the same country unless it's for a reason. The fact that this one is keeping tabs on you through the Noble Bloods instead of approaching you and that you're being taken care of by a human priest means that something shady is going on."

Given everything that he's said about the Pureblood Council and vampire society he had to ask "i-is it possible that the Pureblood Council doesn't know about me?"

"…it's possible" he eventually answered after pondering it "although given everything I know you might be at the center of a conspiracy. You said the priest found you homeless on the street."

"Yes" she said almost breathlessly as the memories surfaced.

"And you don't remember anything about your childhood?"

Soyun reflexively tried however it was to no avail "no matter how much I try I just get…blank."

Neugdae pursed his lips "let me try"


"Your amnesia, I think I can help you with it."

"You can? How?"

He raised his hand and he plates before him gently levitated into the sink "let's just say I'm adept at going into people's minds."

"That…is not as reassuring as you think it sounds" her eyes narrowed in suspicion "wait does that mean you can read minds?"

"Yes it does."

'Can he hear my thoughts?'

Neugdae sighed "yes I can hear your thoughts."

Soyun recoiled then scowled "I don't know how I feel about that. Definitely nothing good though."

"Relax, I don't traipse through people's minds…anymore" he added in a mutter.

"I heard that."

"Of course you did, freaking bat."

Ignoring that Soyun continued "I just find it unnerving that you can have access to people's personal thoughts without them ever knowing."

"It's funny, I used to think telepathy would be a cool power to have but honestly people are the worst. You'd think people would be more interesting in their own head but honestly most thoughts are weird, creepy, sexual or an unholy combination of the three… but mostly sexual. I've since learned to stay out of people's heads if only for my own sanity"

"Have you…read my thoughts before?"

"More like I catch stray thoughts when you think out loud" he clarifies "I don't look deeper than surface thoughts unless it's for something really important or can't be helped. The experience is…not very comfortable or even subtle for that matter. It's the reason why I chose to approach you instead of poking through your head when I figured out you were a vampire."

Soyun stared at him for a long moment before eventually nodding to herself "okay. So you can help me regain my memories?"

"I can certainly try. The mind is a very complex thing and I don't know if your amnesia was caused by someone else putting in mental blocks or if you did because of trauma."

Soyun took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. She couldn't remember her past but she could get impressions and could at least remember having nightmares from these impressions.

"It's definitely trauma" she answered with a scowl.

"Well…I definitely have my work cut out for me. That is, if you agree."

A chance to finally unlock that once thought hidden chapter of her life, figure out who she is and come to terms with her own identity?

"Do it."

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Up To Six Advanced Chapters Available On My Patreon At:
Mending Trauma
"Do it."

"I can see that this means a lot to you so before we get started I should explain a few things."

As he spoke he went to the kitchen to wash up his plates.

"I can't snap my fingers like a genie and bring forth your memories."

"How difficult is it?"

"The difficulty isn't in actually doing it" Neugdae clarifies "but making sure that you survive the experience…mentally."

For Neugdae delving into someone's mind is a simple thing even when he was a novice. For the most part he found people's minds to be so delicate at times that he felt like a particularly large bull in a China shop. He has to be very careful where and how he treads as it is easy to break things and you really don't want to 'break' something in someone's mind.

Despite the severity of his warnings and the implications Soyun couldn't help but quip "so…very difficult to do then?"

Neugdae paused 'just roll with it.'

"Yeah basically" finishing up the dishes he turned towards her "there is probably no-definitely a good reason why you blocked those memories in the first place and uncovering them will cause some kind of mental backlash. Depending on the severity it could put a permanent mental scar on you."

Soyun pursed her lips, weighing her options before giving her answer "I still want to do it. I…I didn't think too much about this stuff before but" she licked her lips "if this whole thing with the Noble Bloods and the Pureblood controlling them might have something to do with my past I can't just sit on information like this when it could give me some answers."

Neugdae met her unwavering gaze for a moment before nodding "alright, let's get started then."

A few minutes later found Soyun in his bedroom lying on his bed and looking awkward about it.

"Um, is this necessary?"

"Which part?"

"Laying here" she answered with faint red dusting on her pale cheeks.

Neugdae stared at her "are you feeling embarrassed?"


Neugdae couldn't help but smirk down at her "is this your first time?"


"Don't worry I'll be gentle."

Soyun sputtered for a bit her cheeks getting redder until she saw his clear amusement and scowled "that's not funny!"

"It is pretty funny actually" he insisted "we're about to unearth some of your past mental trauma and you're somehow hung up on being in a boy's room for the first time" he shook his head "you have weird priorities."

"Shut up! And it's easy for you to say. I bet this isn't your first time getting a girl in your bedroom" she muttered with a pouty look.

"Believe it or not it is."

"I don't believe you."

"Just because I'm tall, dark and handsome and women find me very attractive doesn't mean I'm some playboy womanizer. I find guys like those to be unreliable, shallow, indecisive, cowardly and useless individuals and frankly I'm offended you even compared them to me."

Soyun gaped for a moment before stuttering out an apology "s-sorry."

He waved her off "its fine, now close your eyes and steady your breathing."

She did as she is told drawing on Father Joseph's training about maintaining calm in hectic situations.

"You might feel a slight pressure, just ignore it."

The moment he said this she felt it but only just and before she could even properly react Soyun was no longer there.


Her eyes snapped open with a gasp immediately noticing that not only is she no longer in Neugdae's room but she isn't even lying down anymore. She also noted that she is in her vampire form. Her attention however is immediately taken by the sights surrounding her. Imagine a bright cloudless sky except the 'sky' was taken up by a literal web of vivid images simultaneously playing in silence.

"Where am I?"

"We're inside your mind palace."

The voice caused Soyun to jump and whirl around to glare at her Sunbae "don't do that!"

"Sorry" he apologized.

Soyun found it disconcerting that he is able to sneak up on her in the first place but calmed herself.

"So what is a Mind Palace?"

"Basically the visual representation of your mind" he answered and looked around "you do a lot of cloud watching?"

Her brows furrowed "no."

"What about stargazing?"

"Not really but sometimes I stare at the moon."

"I see what you mean…literally"

It took Soyun a moment to realize what he meant as while she was talking the scenery changed becoming darker. The web of images suddenly coalesced into one showcasing what she knew to be a memory of the last time she found herself staring at the full moon from the rooftop balcony of her former home. Her eyes widened in shock as she once again found herself staring at the familiar visual and getting just as drawn into it as before.

Before she could lose herself however a hand touched her shoulder taking her out of it. Blinking several times Soyun looked over her shoulder at Neugdae who shook his head.

"It's easy to get drawn into these memories and it's hard to come out until its run its course so best not to look too deeply into them."

"Right, so what do we do now?"

Neugdae looked around and Soyun swore she could almost feel something happening right then.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find where we're supposed to go."

"I can feel that."

"You mean you couldn't before?" he said in mild confusion before grunting "that's alarming, for you anyway."

"What do you mean?"

"It means…" he dragged out his eyes narrowed in a particular spot "your memories might not be the only thing being blocked in here."


"Found it" he interrupted before the world around them suddenly blurred.

It is only because Soyun is used to moving at high speeds that she isn't caught completely off guard by the acceleration. It did feel discomforting however as her feet were planted while the world passed her by. When they stopped Soyun could not help but gape at the sight before her. They stood on a cliff overlooking where the veritable collage of memories in the sky ended and is replaced with what looked to be images that were cracked in one or more places and some are even shattered beyond recognition.

"What is this?"

"These are your repressed memories…or a visual representation of them in any case" Neugdae scratched his head.

Soyun stared at the sight in both horror and wonder. It wasn't just that the images were like a collage of broken mirrors but that even the ones that weren't too badly damaged she could not make out. It's like staring at a mosaic censorship.

'Maybe I can' her eyes squinted as she attempted to peer at the image.

Suddenly the visual is obscured by Neugdae's hand "hey!"

Her protest is cut off however at the scowl Neugdae gave her "what did I just say? Don't look too deep into the memories. Doing it this deep into your mind is going to make it a vivid dream for you. That's for regular memories" he pointed at the collection of broken mosaic collage "trying that with these and best case scenario you get the mother of all migraines. Worst case scenario you become as broken as those things."

Soyun flinched a bit but nodded "right, sorry."

The man huffed a little before frowning at the broken memories "this is going to be harder than I thought."

"How so?"

"Assembling this stuff is going to be like piecing together a complex 3D puzzle except I have to fish around the void for the missing pieces" he groaned.

"If it's too much you don't have to do it. I've survived this long without those memories so I'll be fine without them."

Even though she would always be asking questions and wondering about it.

Neugdae shook his head "that's not an option anymore. Things have gotten complicated and you need those memories back if you want to survive."

That got her attention and she looked at him in confusion "why?"

"From what I figure this trauma you have has done more than repress your memories. You know how in fiction and folklore vampires have these blatantly supernatural powers like hypnotism, shapeshifting, flight, teleportation, shadow manipulation and such."

"Yeah, but vampires can't do that…right?"

"No, they can" Neugdae confirmed.


"Those powers are exclusive mainly to Purebloods. A few Noble Bloods might be able to access them but it's mainly Purebloods that show these abilities" he added.

"I can't do any of that."

Soyun has a pretty good handle on her abilities and aside from being much stronger, faster and more durable than any vampire she's come across she didn't have any blatantly supernatural powers. Unless you count perfect night vision and the ability to sense vampires which she didn't.

"Right and that's the problem" he frowned "the trauma damaged your psyche to the point where it's deprived you of the full scope of your Pureblood abilities."

"How does that even work?"

"Those special powers are psychic abilities."

"Like yours?"

"On the surface but trust me, what I do and what vampires do are wildly different in practice."

She didn't know what that meant and she opted not to ask, it sounded complicated enough as it is.

Instead she focused on the matter at hand "so I don't have these powers because of my repressed memories and trauma. Since the abilities are mental in nature the trauma ended up locking them off from me?"

"Yeah the trauma is like your limiter. I wouldn't be surprised if, abilities aside, you're not as strong as you should be."

"I've never felt as if I'm weaker than I could be."

"How would you know if you never remembered what you were like before you got amnesia?"

Soyun opened her mouth, closed it and conceded "good point."

Neugdae shrugged "it's just a theory. In any case this is going to take more than a single session to fix and not just because it's going to be difficult either. You'll be relieving those memories once I fix them and well they are repressed for a reason."

Soyun winced "yeah take as much time as you need, I'm not exactly looking forward to reliving my childhood trauma."

"I doubt your entire childhood is traumatic, more like something really bad happened."

"And what, my brain decided to erase a decade of my life?"

"Like I said the mind is a weird place" he then cricked his knuckles with a sigh "alright let's get started."

He stretched out his hand and all Soyun knew was white.


A little girl sat on one of the swings in a playground. She had pale skin, brown hair and brown eyes. As it was late in the evening approaching sunset the playground was devoid of any other children or people in general. Not that it would have made a difference as her particular situation did not lend itself to being generous for her social life.

First she was relatively new to the community with her family only having moved in not so long ago. Second she was homeschooled by her parents who didn't allow her to attend public school for…very valid if frustrating reasons. Since this was a relatively small community where everyone knew each other all the other kids her age went to the same school leaving her as the odd one out.

It also didn't help that she had no social skills to speak of (hard to when you don't spend time with people her own age). Because of this she was deemed an outsider to be ignored, avoided, scorned or gossiped about but never to be approached or engaged with. It made for a rather sad existence at the moment as the precious freedom with which she had been afforded by her parents was instead being used to mope at a deserted playground.

She tried to use the various playground instruments to derive some kind of satisfaction however it just wasn't the same without others to enjoy it with. Whatever excitement could be had was already dried up and the experience became rather hollow.

Another sigh escaped her lips 'why did I come here?'

It wasn't as if this was her first time coming to the playground. She had been here hours prior when there were other kids there but after her last approach ended in disaster she opted not to make the same mistake twice. Instead she watched them from afar, observing them, committing names and faces to memory for when she would build up the confidence to make another approach. The nuances of such a rather tactical method was completely lost on her however as it was completely incidental.

She was just too shy to try again after having her feelings hurt before. It made her frustrated and as the frustration at her situation mounted she picked up the sound of footsteps approaching. The area was so quiet that she would have heard the footsteps even if her hearing wasn't enhanced. She ignored it or tried to however there was a brief pause in the footsteps before they resumed coming closer to her instead.

Then a voice spoke up "hey."

Despite being aware of their presence the entire time Soyun still flinched at the sound and ever so slowly looked over her shoulder at the speaker. A boy in his mid teens just a few years older than her stood, wearing a school uniform and carrying a messenger bag slung over his shoulder.

"H-hello…" she stuttered.

"I've seen you sitting alone in the playground for a few days now, is everything alright?"

Her parents gave her extensive warnings about strangers and what she shouldn't do when faced with one however she couldn't help but be disarmed by his tone and appearance. No matter how she sliced it this person did not feel like a threat to her by any stretch. Normally that wouldn't have been enough for her to drop her guard however the rejection from the other kids and the ensuing loneliness did well to soften her up so to speak. Still she knew better than to spill everything and instead only relayed her grievances with the other kids at the playground.

"That sounds horrible" he spoke sympathetically from next to her having taken a seat on the unoccupied swing.

Soyun nodded at his words.

"But why stay out here by yourself then?"

Soyun pursed her lips which would have looked contemplative on an adult however on a ten year old it looked like an adorable pout.

"Don't wanna go home yet" she eventually answered.

"Why not?"

Soyun didn't really know how to articulate her answer with the complex mess of emotions plaguing her so she instead shook her head with that same pout taking on an edge of stubbornness.

It made the man laugh "well if that's how you're going to be then I guess I can keep you company."

His words startled her for some reason. Perhaps it was because she didn't see a reason why a total stranger would do that. Or maybe she was just surprised anyone would at this point considering all the mean things those kids said to her before. While she had been speaking he went into his bag and took out a book whose cover immediately got her attention.

"What's that?"

"Since it looks like we're going to be here for a while I thought I'd get some reading done" he paused as he regarded her "would you like me to read it for you?"

Soyun would be lying if she said she wasn't at least a bit curious about the content given the colorful cover.

Soyun nodded and he smiled before it dawned on him "you know we still haven't introduced ourselves."

Soyun felt her cheeks burn. Her parents always instilled common courtesy within her so to forgo such a simple thing felt embarrassing.

"I-I'm Soyun!" she ended up blurting out in a stutter which only caused her cheeks to enflame even more.

She scowled when he started chuckling at her mishap and upon seeing her glare he abruptly cut himself off.

"My name is…"

Right then and there the world seemed to slow. She hadn't noticed it before but ever since she started talking the background became more blurred until it started disappearing completely. The process was slow going at first but at this stage the two were surrounded by a white void. Even the swing seemed to be attached to nothing yet somehow holding their weight.

The only patch of reality being a bubble encompassing the two of them and as he gave her his name she realized something. Up until that point she hadn't actually been able to make out the details of his appearance aside from general things. Now the details became clearer, his lanky frame, somewhat pale skin, dark eyes, a short bowl cut hair and a kind smile directed at her.

He spoke his name the moment she realized who he is.

"Ryom Yong-Su."

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: It's been a minute since the last upload, sorry about that I've been out of commission for a bit. It's over now and I'm focusing on this story again. To make up for the lack of updates I'm going to be posting a second chapter this week before going back to the regular weekly updates. If you can't wait that long or want to read ahead there is Seven advanced chapters ready on my Patreon with an Eight to be released later today at:
Small World

Soyun jerked upwards with a scream only to realize she was no longer at the playground, no longer a child and Neugdae was sitting a few feet away.

"I prefer Sunbae actually."

Soyun ignored his words to look at her hands and saw that her nails were now claw-like and black signifying that she'd turned into her vampiric form. Not even that fact mattered as the new memory flowed into her. It was more than she experienced in that vivid dream, there was newfound information there.

"I remember" she breathed then turned to Neugdae "I have parents!"

"What do you remember about them?"

"I…" and she trailed off unable to give an answer.

"That's okay we're taking this one step at a time."

"I remember Yong-Su Oppa but not my parents? How does that make sense?" she said with frustration.

"ThinK of your trauma as a maelstrom and I'm fixing it by starting at the outer edges working my way to the center. That memory is just an event that happened your childhood that relates to but is at the farthest edges of your trauma. You not remembering your parents mean that they are closer to the center of your trauma."

"I don't like it."

"Well the good news is that this first step might help you remember things even without my direct interference…eventually…maybe…"

"How reassuring" she said dryly before palming her face with a sigh.

'No I should be happy enough as is' she thought with some frustration at herself 'I remember Yong-Su Oppa now.'

Already she can begin to recall even more of their interactions beyond that first meeting. Just as importantly she could recall the feelings that accompanied their shared time together and couldn't help but smile. As far as she knows he is her first best friend and she will always cherish the memories they have together.

'I wonder what happened to him?'

Now there's a thought, maybe she could track him down and see if he has any answers as to what happened to her but on the other hand…

'What if he's…'

Soyun's thought trailed off as she remembered the state she was in when father Joseph found her. Tired, injured, covered in blood and feeling so hollow inside that she couldn't even muster the energy to be frightened at her situation. Soyun swallowed at the memory suddenly not very keen to find out what happened to her first best friend.

He's probably dead.

The thought entered her mind before she could banish it and Soyun squeezed her eyes shut as images of flames and the sounds of screams flashed in her mind's eye.



Her red eyes snapped open coming face to face Neugdae as he gave her a troubled look. He held her wrists in a surprisingly strong grip that rendered her unable to move her arms.


"We just had a breakthrough here Soyun, let's not ruin it."

"…okay" she said breathlessly only just noticing that she was panting.

"Alright" he released her "now there is something else I wanted to talk to you about but I'm not so sure you're in the right state of mind for that kind of discussion right now."

"I'm fine" she answered immediately.

Neugdae seemed unimpressed "yeah, word of advice, don't brush off the concerns someone has for your mental health" his eyes narrowed "especially when that someone is a telepath who can sense the turmoil of your thoughts."

Soyun scowled "wow Sunbae do you usually peek into the thoughts of young women without their permission?"

"Funny" he replied blandly "but I'm serious Soyun. Take some time to get your thoughts in order."

"Haah~ fine" she breathed out with begrudging acceptance.

"Besides I think what we plan next needs to be something for the priest to hear as well."


"I got into contact with someone from the precinct."

"You went to the police?"

"I went to a detective" he clarified "coincidentally she's the one we talked to a few days ago when those maniacs tried to shank us with a scalpel."

Soyun cringed at the memory "you mean Officer Hwa?"

"Same one."

"Why her?"

"She's competent, well respected, highly trained and not on the Noble Blood's payroll."

Soyun stiffened "and the other officers are?"

"Yes and no" at her questioning look he continued "don't get me wrong there is corruption in the police force. In fact Officer Hwa is sure there are actual spies hidden in the precinct itself. Even if we're wrong Ji-Hae's father alone has enough money and political connections to hamstring any legitimate legal attempts against him."

Soyun scowled at that she did do a little research on the Noble Blood Chong Ji-Hae and while she obviously couldn't find anything incriminating about him just the fact that his father is a multi-millionaire and own a large company spells all kinds of trouble.

"At this rate the authorities will never be able to actually tackle the vampire problem."

"Yep, turns out in the end bureaucracy and politics will be the death of humanity."

"Ugh" Soyun groaned.

"Oh so you understand."

She gave him a sour look "I'm not ignorant Neugdae it's just politics are…"

"Messy and you don't want to deal with it?"

"Right" she affirmed.

"I'm of the same mind but unfortunately we'll need to take such things into consideration moving forward. It's one thing to get rid of the Noble Bloods but what would be the point of doing that if their operations don't die with them. Remember in the end Noble Bloods are just servants and until that Pureblood is gone…"

"Nothing changes" she finished before sighing "okay, when do you want to meet again?"

"I'd rather all of us come together to get acquainted and hash out an actual plan as soon as possible but you said the priest is injured."

"Knowing Father Joseph he won't let that stop him" she sighed "so long as he can stand he'll be there and even if he couldn't he'd still want to at least meet the two of you if I'm going to be working with you guys especially you Sunbae."

"Overprotective father figure, got it" he went to the desktop in the corner of the room and opened the drawer "I'd rather not use my actual phone from here on out so here."

Soyun easily caught the object which turns out to be a burner phone.

Holding up an identical but different colored one he spoke "it has a number programmed in it, we'll keep each other up to date but don't expect a reply until after school."

"I understand" she said pocketing the phone before standing up "keep in touch and…thanks for helping me."

"I'd say it was no problem but uh…"

She rolled her eyes "it wasn't that bad."

"For you maybe, all you had to do was sit back and let it happen meanwhile I'm busting my ass behind the scenes making sure I don't do irreparable mental and emotional damage."

"You're the one who offered in the first place and I even gave you the opportunity to back off. Don't go blaming me for something you literally volunteered for."

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes "Jesus Soyun I was just messing with you."

The vampire ended up scoffing at him "I'm leaving now."

"Looking like that?"

Soyun saw the strands of white before she said anything and so grasped her rosary. With a bit of concentration and a silent prayer she immediately changed back to human form.

"Do you need that thing to assume a human guise?" Neugdae asked curiously."

Technically no but "it helps me calm down."

"If you say so."

Soyun frowned at the response however a glance at the clock had her priorities shifting "I'll see you later."

"If you're going to tell the priest about me use the name Wolf?"


"It's a codename and what I told officer Hwa to call me. You should probably get one too and a proper disguise. Or just stay in your vampire form, either works."

"I'll take that into consideration" she said before making to leave the apartment.


'I've gotten rusty' is the thought that pervaded Stefan's mind as he glared at his injured body.

Following his stint in the clinic he was escorted to a safehouse which is actually a small apartment in a low income area. It is the kind of place that can be rented without needing an ID and the landlord doesn't ask questions so long as no one causes enough trouble to bring the police on them.

At the moment Soyun has left to, in her own words, meet with her contact. Joseph couldn't help but snort at the term yet he felt an undercurrent of pride at her initiative. Don't get him wrong he was still worried and despite trusting Soyun's ability to judge someone's character he still wanted personally vet this 'contact' of hers.

That would be for later however as currently he was laid up on an inflatable bed with a lot of bruises, a few abrasions, two cracked ribs, a nasty thigh wound that almost nicked his femoral artery and he was slightly concussed. All in all not a bad outcome for someone who is almost a decade out of practice going up against a small army of moderately trained vampires and a Noble Blood.

"Tch" he scoffed with a scowl.

Joseph didn't think his practical skill played as much a part of his success however so much as it was his pre-planning, the vampires' incompetence and Soyun working behind the scenes to undermine them that made the plan succeed and prevent his death. Going over the battle in his head Stefan handled himself about as well as he could for the most part but knew the moment where he messed up was with the Noble Blood. Specifically he sighted the point when Ji-Hae destroyed his bazooka and he threw that smoke grenade to escape.

At that point he should have given Soyun the signal to engage but he chose not to.

Personally Stefan would like to say the reason he didn't was due to parental worry for her safety. He considered Soyun to be his daughter in all but blood and while she is a powerful vampire in her own right what parent would willingly send their child into a dangerous situation? His more militant mindset would give the excuse that the reason why he took such risks was to teach her a lesson by demonstrating the practical application of military tactics and urban warfare against vampires.

In truth however Stefan attributed a lot of his decisions during that battle to pride. Yes he cared very much about the potential danger to Soyun and wanted to prove a point to her but mostly he wanted to prove something to himself. In hindsight he realized how foolish it was of him to do this and now due to his hubris he is confined to the sidelines for at least a few weeks until he recovers from his injuries.

With Soyun gone, the twins safe at friend's home outside the city and his thoughts offering nothing but admonishment and self depreciation Stefan picked up a burner phone and turned it on. After turning on the phone the first things he saw were a multitude of missed calls which got a raised eyebrow from him. After checking the time he dialed the number and waited.

"I was starting to think you actually died in that fire" came the voice from the other line.

He smirked "scared you did I?"

"Well I'd say you did, especially since some of your precious equipment was recovered at the crime scene."

The smirk was replaced with a frown "there a chance I can get some of those back?"

"Not unless you're willing to raid the precinct yourself. Those things are locked up tight in evidence. The police chief is understandably cautious after finding modified illegal military grade weapons that were involved in over a dozen murders in broad daylight."

"They were vampires."

"All the same and vigilantism is still illegal."

Stefan scoffed.

"And speaking of vigilantism there's been a new development in that case concerning the Blood Syndicate."

And wasn't that an annoying thing to discover. Given how relatively new vampire culture has been in Korea Stefan figured that everything involving them was centralized to the Noble Bloods with only a few unaffiliated gangs most of whom are attempting to get into the ranks of their groups anyway. He did not expect to be dealing with a massive organized vampire criminal organization unaffiliated with the Noble Bloods. Or at least so it seems considering they need a Noble Blood to survive he figured the 'unaffiliated' aspect will be contended at some point sooner or later.

All the same it appears he need not worry about them since said organization is apparently already being targeted with several members as well as their offices being hit throughout the week.

"Did you manage to find who did it, or a lead?"

"More like they found me."

Stefan sat up straighter "what?"

"Came home last night and found someone waiting for me in my living room. He was in a full disguise and had voice modulator too I couldn't get a read on him."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, except maybe for my pride and sanity" she added the last in a grumble "there wasn't much I could do in that situation even if they were just a vampire."

"What do you mean?"

"He claimed not to be a vampire and could do magic."

Stefan stiffened at that and did his very best not to let his sudden anxiety show in his voice "magic?"

"I know how it sounds but let's just say he made a very convincing argument when he teleported the bullets out of my gun so you tell me, is he crazy or am I?"

By this point Stefan's grip on the phone was almost white knuckled before he released a breath and calmed down "point taken. What did they want?"

'An alliance against the Noble Bloods."

"Really?" Stefan said hiding the shock in his voice.

"Apparently he wants the vampires in control of the country as much as we do."

"That's…" he trailed off to think.

"Do you know something about this?"

"I don't but it's suspicious."

"I know which is why I wanted to run this by you. He's going to contact me later this week to set up a meeting."

"You want me to be there?"

"Yes, just in case it's a set up. Though why he would choose to go through all that trouble I don't know."

'Unless they knew we were in contact and wanted to get to Soyun and I through you'
he thought grimly.

It's the only reason why they would want to get involved especially against a Pureblood.

'Then again they could be lying and this person was an agent of the Pureblood.'

Stefan sighed "this is getting more complicated."

Chiyon scoffed on the other line "you're telling me. As if dealing with a possible vampire gang war wasn't bad enough now I have to deal with vigilante wizards. What else is next?"

'If only you knew.'

"Contact me when you have a date for the meeting and I'll be there to provide backup."

"Got it."

"By the way does the mystery magic user have a name?"

"He calls himself Wolf."

After hanging up Stefan immediately took the SIM card out and snapped it in two. After contemplating this newfound information Stefan could find no reason for them to get involved. And even if they were to get involved they wouldn't go against an established Pureblood.

'This whole thing reeks of a setup…which means that Chiyon is compromised.'

He grimaced at that but schooled his expression when he heard the door opening and immediately he reached for his pistol.

"Father Joseph?"

Aborting his previous action Stefan called out "I'm here."

Soyun stuck her head in the room and sighed "thought you ran off for a minute there."

Stefan rolled his eyes "how did your meeting go?"

"Well enough" stepping into the room proper Soyun pulled out a burner phone "he gave me this."

Stefan scrutinized the phone "is it clean?"

"It is, I checked. I'm supposed to call him when we're ready to set up a meeting."

"He's letting you choose the time?"

"I wasn't sure when you'd be up to travel."

"You told him about me?"

"He already knows."

"And yet you won't tell me his name."

"I don't think he wants anyone to know he's involved."

"You do"

"It couldn't be helped."

Stefan scowled at that, Soyun did tell him a bit of how she came into contact with this person. Apparently they managed to figure out her secret through unknown means but instead of reporting her or even blackmailing her they approached her with an olive branch. Of course Stefan thought it to be some kind of trick and to her credit Soyun is not nearly as naïve as she may seem at first brush. She herself has a healthy amount of paranoia yet this person managed to impress her enough to gain her trust all the same.

Seeing his expression Soyun added "Wolf."

Stefan froze "what?"

"That's his codename or well the name he wants to go by."


"Yeah" she nodded before noticing his expression "why, what's wrong with it?"

"Nothing" he smoothly lied "what else happened during this meeting of yours?"

"He managed to convince a police officer to help us."

"Did he now?"

"What's with that look?"

Stefan looked her in the eye for a long moment as he weighed his thoughts before answering

"I recently spoke to one of my contacts and they informed me that they were confronted by an unknown individual who broke into their home and admitted to being the one involved in a string of murders that occurred throughout the week. Said individual also goes by the name Wolf."

The more he spoke the more prevalent the shock on Soyun's face became to the point where he could actually see a bit cold sweat form on her brow.

After a few moments Soyun seemed to collect herself and reply "in his defense those 'murders' were all vampires."

Stefan raised a brow "all the same and vigilantism is still illegal."

Soyun scoffed and Stefan couldn't help but feel a swell of pride.

'Like father like daughter.'

~To Be Continued~

Going back to a weekly schedule for the foreseeable future but if you can't wait there are 7 Advance Chapters available on my Patreon at:
Quid Pro Quo
The tension had risen dramatically following Stefan's comments and neither said anything for a long moment until the priest himself spoke.

"I think we need to have a discussion about your friend Soyun."

"He's not setting us up" Soyun immediately defended.

"How can you be sure?"

"Trust me when I say he wants the vampires in charge as much as we do."

'Déjà vu.'

"What exactly do you know about him?"

"Enough" she said vaguely "what about you? Your contact is obviously Officer Hwa" she folded her hands "when did that happen?"

"I've known Chiyon for years, she's a friend and don't try to deflect young lady."

Soyun clicked her tongue in response looking away with a frown.

The reaction caused him to sigh "Soyun weren't you the one who told me 'no more secrets' the other day? Because we can't be expected to properly work together if we're keeping important information from one another."

"It's not my secret to tell."

"I understand that you don't want to give up your friend's identity but if we're going to be working together I need to know who I'm working with."

"You can ask him yourself when we meet."

"I feel like there's more to this relationship of yours that you're not telling me."

"He did me a huge favor."

"What kind of favor?"

Soyun bit her lips "it's complicated."

Stefan looked at her for a moment before speaking "Chiyon told me your friend proclaimed himself to be a wizard."

Soyun looked at him incredulously "w-what?"

"Apparently he did enough to convince her of this."


"Chiyon is one of the sharpest people I know and is not one to be fooled easily so you tell me, is she being deceived?"

Soyun opened her mouth, closed it before face palming "dammit."

"Well?" Stefan said patiently.

"He's not-ugh he's not a wizard" she rolled her eyes before adding with a tinge of uncertainty "I think…"

"So he's not using magic?"

"Magic is a thing?" her eyebrows rose before she shook her head "of course it is there's a whole hidden supernatural world out there" she cast a glare at him "speaking of…"

"You're deflecting again."

Ignoring his words she continued "we never did finish talking about how you didn't tell me there was a whole society of supernatural creatures other than vampires."

"I still maintain that it was unnecessary" he spoke first before scowling "let's stay on track here Soyun-"

She ignored him again to continue "and you being part of some secret vampire hunting organization?"



"I was waiting for the right time to tell you."

"I'm not a little girl anymore" she emphasized with a scowl.

"That doesn't mean you don't have much to learn" he massaged his brow "like how to subtly steer a conversation as opposed to ignoring what you don't like and throwing other topics at the front to get your way."

"It worked didn't it?" she shrugged.

'That it did' he thought but refused to admit out loud.

"Alright fine, you're obviously too stubborn to impart vital information that may very well serve to determine whether this clearly suspicious person can be trusted to work with us on life or death missions."

"And you're obviously using my perceived naiveté and inexperience in this situation to attempt putting off explaining information that may well expand my world view."

"Or shatter it" he mumbled but shook his head "fine I've been putting this off for too long anyway so how about this, we take turns laying it all out on the table. No keeping anything secret unless it's not yours to tell."

"Quid pro quo?" she asked.

He confirmed with a nod "quid pro quo."

"Who's going first? NOT IT!"

He raised a brow at her childishness "I am invoking my authority as your guardian" he announced "you go first."

Soyun's jaw dropped "wh-wha-I'm a legal adult!"

"And yet you still live under my roof."

"This is an apartment."

"And who rented it?"

Soyun's mouth worked with a look of disbelief "I can't believe you're doing this."

"You use all the tools at your disposal to get the best results Soyun."

She rolled her eyes before reluctantly beginning her tale at where she believed things to be the most relevant. Her first major reveal was that she exposed her secret in front of an upperclassman that was walking her home from a drinking party. Already he had questions: why was she out drinking so late? Who was the boy escorting her? What was her relationship with him? How did she expose her secret to him?

That last one was answered when she revealed they encountered a vampire on their way. After killing a man who turned out to be one of the local thugs who had been harassing them and their neighbors the vampire set his sights on them ultimately forcing her hand. Stefan would realize this incident was the case that sparked Chiyon's investigation into the Blood Syndicate and Stefan couldn't help but silently wonder if Soyun was involved further or if it was just a coincidence.

Chiyon didn't give much details of that case only mentioning there were two university students involved that managed to escape. She presumed that the mysterious vigilante intercepted the vampire before he could give chase to them. In any case he kept his suspicions to himself but ultimately asked the question that had been burning him since she first started talking.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

At his question Soyun looked away guiltily before collecting herself to look him in the eye "because if I did you'd overreact, pull me and the twins out of school and move out of the city" then she made a face "or worse you'd interrogate Sunbae to see if he was some kind of spy or something."

"I wouldn't overreact I would have only taken the necessary precautions to ensure your safety."

Soyun scowled "you blew up about my picture being in a small section on the corner of a small news story in the papers!" she exclaimed adding "it wasn't even a good picture, I was completely unrecognizable but you acted like I was on the front page!"

Stefan internally winced 'in hindsight I may have overreacted.'

"I just wanted to make you understand-"

"I get it" she interrupted "but I'm not a little girl anymore! You've been training me my entire life to survive with enemies on all sides so I'd like to think that you would have more trust in me."

Stefan winced both at the declaration and the frustration on her face realizing just a little how heavy handed he has been with her. He's always been like this but with her age and maturity there should have been a change. He should trust her to have more agency and not constantly looking over her shoulder.

In light of this he conceded "you're right I should trust you to make these decisions" he closed his eyes "and I'm sorry you felt the need to keep this from me out of fear."

"It's alright" she grumbled.

"How did you handle the boy?"

It turns out that problem solved itself as the boy showed up to her house the very next day because Soyun told him where she lived. Stefan chose not to voice his displeasure at that as his expression must have spoken volumes. Understandably she couldn't look him in the eye for most of that retelling of events. Luckily it turned out the boy was not bothered by her being a vampire and the two ended up becoming friends. He apparently even managed to get her out of trouble when some students attempted to find out if a vampire was among the school population by cutting random students with a scalpel to see if they healed.

He has Stefan's gratitude for that.

It was actually in the same day that she was apparently intercepted by Wolf who tracked her down using information he stole from his raid on the Blood Syndicate front company. Turns out the Noble Blood used the Blood Syndicate to spy on them which meant he already knew about her status as a Pureblood. After some back and forth Soyun managed to form an alliance with him based on the fact that he wanted to fight back against the Noble Bloods.

"And here I thought you were over that vigilante phase."

Soyun stiffened "y-you knew? How!?"

"You're not as subtle as you think."

"That doesn't answer my question."

In response Stefan merely smiled causing Soyun to swallow.

"W-whatever, anyway after that I went home and saw the Noble Blood with a whole procession of cars rounding he corner of our street."

"Hm, and what about today?"

This is where the story took a turn into the weird because as it turns out Wolf isn't a wizard but referred to himself as an esper. From the sounds of it a rather powerful one if he can take on groups of vampires by himself. The most disturbing and worrisome aspect of his abilities however is his apparent telepathy. The supernatural world has no shortage of entities with abilities based on mental manipulation and they are considered amongst the most dangerous in the world. So to have Soyun confirm that Wolf is a true telepath is disturbing to Stefan but that wasn't even the worst part.

"You let him infiltrate your mind!?" the man yelled "how could you? Why would you do that?"

Soyun for her part is eerily calm about the whole affair "he offered to restore my memories."

"That…" Stefan trailed off seeing the stern expression on her face before taking a breath "I will trust your judgment" he said tersely.

Her reply is a sarcastic "thanks."

"Did it at least work?"

"It did…sort of" at his look she went on "I remember bits of my past, my first best friend and my parents."

This time Stefan perked up "you remember your parents?"

"I remember I have parents" she paused and her shoulders slumped "or had parents."


The young vampire took a breath before continuing "he said he couldn't restore my memories all at once because the backlash of reliving my trauma might cause brain damage. So I'll have to have multiple sessions with him"

Stefan knew what the effects of trauma had on the mind and he has seen men be broken by them mentally but all the same he couldn't help but be suspicious.

"So he claims."

"He's not lying" Soyun interrupted "I've actually seen what it looks like in here" she tapped the side of her head "and it's a mess."

"What do you mean you've seen it?"

"When he went inside my mind he sort of made it so that I was there with him and the place turned into a representation of my mind. Think of a grassy plain underneath the sky except the skies are multiple screens playing different memories and my trauma is a maelstrom of fractured mirror pieces" she paused upon seeing his expression "I'm sorry is this making any sense to you?"

" is a lot to wrap my head around."

"It's hard to explain. It's one of those things where you have to be there to get it."

"I'll take your word for it" he grumbled "was there anything else?"

"He mentioned that my trauma might be blocking some of my Pureblood abilities. Could that be true?"

"I…I'm not sure. I've never encountered a Pureblood before though I have read that they possess supernatural abilities. I thought you were simply too young to exhibit them…"

"Can my trauma really affect my powers?"

"I won't deny it's a possibility but I truly don't know enough to give you an answer."

Soyun nodded "well that's all I have to say, your turn."

"Where do I even begin?"

"How about the beginning?"

"Now that's a hard question to answer since no one really knows how this all came to be in the first place."

There are a lot of theories but one of the most prevalent dictates that at some point thousands of years ago the world was much like your typical high fantasy novel filled with magic, other races and even Gods. That all changed when a cataclysm struck resulting in the disappearance of the Gods, the extinction/disappearance of most of the supernatural races and the depletion of magic in the world.

"Of course that's all just theory since there are no written records of this lost age to be found."

"I want to know more about the vampires."

"Out of all the factions vampires are the oldest, most numerous and are the most established. They've all but conquered Europe with ties to the major governments, corporations and wealthy legacy families. Their society is governed by a council of Purebloods with each having their own territory in the form of a country whose vampire community they govern."

"Do Purebloods usually fight each other for territory?"

"No" Stefan answered "the thing about vampires is that their society has strict rules that are enforced with extreme prejudice by the council. They don't tolerate infighting especially amongst Pureblood."

"Then how do you explain my situation? Because I'm pretty sure there's another Pureblood ordering the Noble Bloods and they might have…my parents…" Soyun trailed off with a choking sound.

She saw incomprehensible flashes in her mind's eye and she clutched her head in pain.


"I'm fine" she grunted recovering.

"No you're not."

He gestured towards her and Soyun cursed as she realized she is now in her vampire form.

"Dammit" she cursed reaching for the crucifix around her neck only to be stopped by Stefan's hand "what?"

"You're aggravated."

"I'm fine" she scowled only to wince when his eyes narrowed at her "m-maybe not."

"You recently got back some of your memories right? I can't imagine that didn't put some form of strain on your brain."

Soyun sighed "that's what Wolf said."

"All the more reason for you to rest, we'll talk more later."

She wanted to protest more however the stern look Stefan gave her sufficiently cowed her enough.

"Fine" she said begrudgingly.

"Take the bed" and before she could protest he silenced her "I have to get some things ready and I doubt you'll appreciate the noise."

As he said this Stefan picked up a duffel bag and left the bedroom heading towards the bathroom before closing it. Once inside Stefan placed the bag on the closed toilet seat before bracing himself by the sink. Looking at his reflection in the mirror Stefan took a slow exhale and made a face. There was a lot to unpack in that conversation he just had with Soyun. So many questions but none his adoptive daughter can answer, he would have to speak with 'Wolf' himself to gain answer.

He sighed "in the meantime…"

He took out his burner phone and sent a coded message to Chiyon before turning to the duffel bag and opening it to view the content inside.

"It's time to make our move."

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Seven Advanced Chapters available on my Patreon at:
Monday Woes
All things considered Neugdae was having a pretty normal day. He might even go so far as to say that he was having a good day which is why he fully expected it to be ruined at some point. Like a self fulfilling prophecy his day did end up being interrupted and to add that extra sting it happened literally as he was on his way to have a nice relaxing lunch.

"Eun Sunbae!"

'I hate Mondays' he thought with an internal groan turning around only to be hit by the flying woman shaped missile that is Kyung So-Ra.

"I think Soyun's dead!" So-Ra wept as she buried her face in his shirt.

"Ah…?" Neugdae awkwardly let out looking to her companion to do something.

Min-Son for his part cringed at the display and made to pull the woman off of him for propriety's sake yet Neugdae could see that his expression is visibly troubled as he did.

"I'm sorry about her Sunbae."

"It's…fine?" well no it wasn't because her little display attracted a few stares but he could only sigh internally at that "let's find somewhere private to talk."

They both nodded and the trio ended up going to the same restaurant chain located on campus that they went to before they were accosted by Officer Hwa. After ordering some food and taking a seat Neugdae got down to business.

"Now what's this about Soyun being dead?"

So-Ra went on to explain how she caught the morning news where they were covering the incident on Saturday. Speaking of which, said incident has become a highly popular topic over the weekend. It already was considering it was a shootout in broad daylight but then information was leaked that all of the casualties, over a dozen, were all vampires. Now strictly speaking it wasn't unheard of to hear vampires dying. A popular example of this being the case is the vampire gang wars that happened a few years back.

Everyone assumed this to be the case at first however in the two days since the incident multiple witnesses have come forward with claims that they heard gunfire and explosions. The former is something of a game changer because it is a generally accepted fact that vampires do not use firearms. So with that information rumors began to circulate that the ones responsible for the vampires' death were in fact humans.

Now the rumors alternate between which factions were responsible (i.e. police officers, military personnel or civilians) but the idea of humans being the one to kill the vampires have taken root in social consciousness and people were running with it. To make a long story short the incident has caught the attention of the entire city, possibly the country, and the media is running with it. Everyone wanted to know everything about what really happened, how it happened, why it happened and who was involved.

Fast forward to this morning and the identities of the previously unknown family that were the only casualties were released and the news reported it. The neighborhood's local foreign priest and 'pillar of the community' Stefan Joseph, along with his young adopted daughter and university student Hwang Soyun and the young twins are now officially dead. Understandably finding out your friend died over the weekend and through the morning news of all places is shocking and a certain amount of grieving is to be expected but…

'This seems like a bit much.'

So-Ra isn't taking the news well at all which sounds appropriate to the situation but form her reaction you'd think the one who died was a close family member or a treasured friend she knew for years. So-Ra has only known Soyun for a week and, no offense to Soyun, but Neugdae just couldn't fathom someone leaving so much of an impression on another in such a short amount of time that they will grieve this much at their passing.

It made So-Ra seem very suspicious.

'God I hope this isn't a ploy to get close to me.'

Eun Neugdae is not an ignorant man. Of course he noticed So-Ra's interest in him, frankly it's harder to find a woman who isn't interested which sounds narcissistic but that's just the reality of the situation. Most normal people will take all sorts of umbrage with this hot take but in Neugdae's opinion being handsome and desirable really sucks for those unwilling or otherwise unable to play into the 'role' such benefits will naturally afford them.

With that thought in mind he decided to bite the bullet and probe her mind for a bit. He did the surface thoughts just as he always did with most and hoped that his suspicions were unfounded. Thankfully the universe decided to throw him a bone as he found So-Ra to be genuine in her grief. Strange as that is but apparently her and Soyun have really bonded over the course of the week in a way that only women can apparently.

'Or maybe So-Ra has attachment issues.'

He wasn't diving any further into her mind to confirm that.

"You know everyone's so busy talking about the vampires and whoever killed them but nobody's talking about the victims that died even though one of them was our classmate" So-Ra mentioned with clear frustration and sorrow.

"Yeah…" he did notice that.

The incident had major news coverage, was at the top of trending on social media and forums were being filled with theories and analysis yet there was hardly any mention of Soyun and her family. Not to say there weren't any but they seem to be a footnote in the story and Neugdae can't decide whether that's a good thing or not. On the one hand not being mentioned in the news constantly is ultimately good for the very much alive Soyun and her incognito status but on the other hand people are so desensitized to people dying that a whole family being killed is hardly worth continuous news coverage anymore.

"Sunbae do you want to go for drinks later?" surprisingly it wasn't So-Ra who asked the question it was Min-Son "I know we don't really know each other much but you and Soyun seemed close and as far I know we were her only friends."

'Ah...' Neugdae internally winced, to be honest he'd rather not but there really isn't an excuse for him not to. At least a reason that wouldn't see him as a terrible person even if said reason was a legitimate one. Needless to say his usual excuses wouldn't get him out of this.

"You're right" he agreed "I'll be there this evening. Same place where we met Soyun?"

Min-Son scoffed "as if there are any better places to be."


The sun had gone down about an hour ago and Chiyon went to the rooftop of the precinct for a smoke break. Frankly after the day she had she needed desperately needed one. Just as she expected the weekend shootout had turned into a media storm after information was leaked. It wasn't just about the possibility of a vampire gang war but that there may be a vigilante, a human vigilante. It didn't help that the vampires killed looked to be part of some kind of organized gang (given that they were wearing matching suits of quality) which was its own headache.

So the prevailing highlights of the incidents/worries of the public are: possible vampire gang war, dangerous vigilante on the loose and the existence of organized vampire gangs.

A vampire gang war meant that there was going to be armed and dangerous vampires prowling the streets looking for trouble. That would put Gwangju in an even worse position than having at least one person being murdered every week for months on end. Fights between vampires are naturally destructive and cause much in terms of property and collateral. That's not even mentioning any innocents or officers caught in the crossfire since as records show it never ends well for anyone.

The vigilante aspect has twofold problems because they don't know if said vigilante was a group or individual or if they were human, vampire or possibly an alliance of the two. If it were Just a vampire(s) then you'd have a vampire running around using illegally acquired and modified military weapons which is a very scary thought. If this were a human vigilante group than it opens up to a different kind of fear because in the past there used to be vigilantes or rather people who would actively attempt to fight against vampires who were more akin to.

Key word being attempt.

Part of the reason why the casualties were so high back then was because some people were actively hunting vampires. There were a few reasons but it mostly boiled down to either revenge for a friend or loved one lost, fear of a emerging new species that were predatory towards humans or a sense of obligation fueled by patriotism, religious belief or Xenophobia.

The newest theory to hit the mainstream that's seeing traction is the theory that this vigilante group was some kind of alliance between vampires and humans then it brought to question what kind of threat would be big enough to make a vampire and human cooperate. And this leads into another leak to hit the media which has brought down more awareness on another rather controversial topic, organized vampire gangs.

Vampire gangs becoming organized should be a eventuality if one really thought about it. In fact it is no secret to Chiyon or officers who deal with vampires that they have gone into organized crime. The public however is a bit different due to government suppression, propaganda and just blatant misinformation the perception of vampires is a bit skewed.

'So skewed that a group of misguided university students thought they could subdue one with only a dozen people, some concealed weapons and absolutely no kind of training or experience in wielding said weapons' she thought her mind turning to that incident at the university a few days ago.

Those kids had no idea the kind of trouble they were inviting pulling that kind of stunt. If there was a vampire in that crowd of students then she had prevented a possible massacre. Or rather that young man did by stalling the proceedings long enough for her to notice and call for backup. Something like that couldn't be allowed to happen again so an example needed to be made. Unfortunate as it is more than a few students were brought in and while no serious charges were levied the incident would mar their record.

She had no sympathy. As the saying goes play stupid games win stupid prizes.

'And speaking of stupid…'

The reason for why she's on the roof lighting a cigarette came to mind. When the first leak happened the police chief made a statement. By the time the third leak occurred the public was whipped into a frenzy and the media being the sharks that they were ended up lobbying to pressure the police to answer said questions. The result ended up being a press conference and seeing as she was both a leading detective on the case as well as an expert in vampires Chiyon had to be there to help the chief field questions.

Chiyon has been on long fruitless stakeouts before and just the other day she spent hours looking through crime scene photos in order to write down a timeline of events but by God was that press conference the most infuriatingly tedious endeavor she'd had to do in the last couple of years.

So that as the highlight of her day which is why she savored the hit of nicotine as she inhaled the smoke. This combined with the view of the area from her vantage point and the relative silence made the whole experience a rather peaceful affair.

That peace is then broken by a voice "I thought you gave that up"

Chiyon wasn't so much as startled at the interruption keeping her eyes forward and enjoying the view as she replied "I said I would consider it."

A figure walked from her blind spot into her peripheral "and?"

"My next case was a vampire attacking an orphanage" Chiyon shrugged giving the figure a side eyed glance "new look?"

"Well I can't go around looking like a dead man now can I?" answered Stefan.

Far from his usual look Stefan now wears a black long coat, grey shirt and sunglasses. The thing that really separated him however was the fact that he is now clean shaven and his hair is dyed black.

"Point" she conceded "I wasn't expecting another contact so soon."

"The situation has changed"

"How so?"

"Before that" he interrupted "you can come out."

And in the next instant someone was standing next to him. This time Chiyon was startled though she kept it hidden enough.

"Who…?" she trailed off a bit as the woman pulled down her hoodie and mask to reveal a familiar face "Soyun."

Soyun gave a small nod "officer Hwa."

Chiyon knew who she was of course but she was under the impression that Stefan didn't involve her in this side of the business.

'I guess secrecy went out the window when he decided to fake their deaths.'

"Are you sure about involving her in this?"

"She can handle herself and besides she's not as innocent a bystander as she appears."

"How do you mean?"

At this Soyun gave Stefan a glance to which he nodded and she sighed then right before her eyes the young woman changed. Her skin turned a shade bit paler, her brown hair lost its color but gained luster turning a pure white that gleamed in the moonlight, her eyes became the deepest shade of red with a vertical slit, her lips became noticeably more red, her ears pointed and her nails became black and sharpened into claws.

"You're a vampire" she paused swallowing "you're a Pureblood."

"Yeah" the now revealed vampire observed her "you're taking this remarkably well."

Chiyon was admittedly surprised especially the implications brought on by her Pureblood status.

Still "in my line of work you get used to seeing weird things, just the other I was telling your dad how a supposed wizard broke into my house."

At that Soyun winced "ehh~"


She looked to Stefan who sighed "about that."

And in that moment Chiyon found it fortuitous that she already had a lit cigarette in hand and several more in a pack in her pocket.

'I hate Mondays.'

~To Be Continued~

Author's Notes: Another week, another failed quota and just when I promised a weekly schedule too. Nothing to say much I genuinely just forgot to update. Expect another chapter to supplement this failure in a day or two. Or if you can't wait check out my Patreon for more because I am definitely updating that later today or tomorrow:
Get Smashed Then Grabbed
Chiyon listened to the young woman she met not too long ago (who turned out to be a Pureblood vampire) give an abridged version of her encounter with the mysterious vigilante who calls himself Wolf. Turns out he isn't a wizard but rather a psychic or esper as it were which doesn't actually lessen his dangerousness. In fact thanks to Soyun's explanation Chiyon felt even wearier about the man. Not only can he move objects with his mind, teleport himself and other things, is powerful enough to easily take out groups of Common Blood vampires but he can also read and likely influence a person's thoughts.

'No wonder he said it's better to think of his abilities as magic' she thought feeling the echoes of a migraine 'because it might as well be.'

The worst part is Chiyon felt like there is more he could do.

In any case by the end of the vampire's long explanation Chiyon asked the most pertinent question "so what you're saying is…Wolf can be trusted?"


Father and daughter regarded the other with a disgruntled look cluing Chiyon onto the fact that it is a topic of contention between them.

"We've been over this" grunted the young vampire.

"I said I would give him the benefit of the doubt" Stefan defended "but I won't trust an unknown."

Before the potential argument is realized Chiyon dropped what was left of her cigarette and stepped on it for good measure before getting their attention.

"I don't care who or what Wolf is so long as his intentions align with ours. Is that the case?"

She posed the question to both and only Soyun answered "yes."

"Then that's good enough for me" Chiyon said in finality whilst keeping her gaze with the disguised Stefan.

The combat priest's expression is inscrutable however the dissatisfaction is clear to anyone who knew him well.

"Do you have a contact for Wolf?"

"I do"

"Then we should set up a meeting, preferably later tonight."

"Not tonight" Stefan shot down.

"Something wrong?"

"You're going to be busy tonight."

That caused Chiyon's back to stiffen. Her weariness only grew when she saw Soyun draping the hoodie over her head and a face mask over her mouth.

"Dare I ask why?"

Instead of answering he instead posed a question "are my weapons still in evidence lockup?"

Now she understood what he meant and giving him a look of incredulity she sighed with a shake of her head "last I checked it was still there. Do you need my help?"

"No, just stay out of the precinct."

"It would be too suspicious if I leave just before the precinct is robbed."

"Then you can stay outside and gawk at the fire with the rest of them" he said reaching into his coat.

"Wait what?" Chiyon asked before he pulled out a cheap burner phone "what are you panning?"

"I'm going to create a distraction."

"One that involves fires?" she questioned with mild confusion

"Don't worry about it."

She can't remember a single person who has ever said those words not do something incredibly worrying.

"How are you even going to…" she trailed off as she noticed something, Soyun was gone.

'When did she…?'

She didn't bother dwell on that considering who she was thinking about.

"I think you've spent enough time up here for a mere smoke break."

Chiyon stared at Stefan for a long moment before turning away with an aggravated sigh of frustration "fine, do what you have to so long as no one gets hurt."

And with that Chiyon left the rooftop and headed back down to her office cubicle. She all but dropped herself into the seat and went back to work as if nothing happened. A few minutes later there was an explosion just outside the precinct startling everyone in the room. Naturally Chiyon went outside, pistol drawn (along with everyone else) to see what had happened and proceeded to gawk at the flaming destroyed car in the parking lot.

'So that's what he meant by fire'

A moment later and the power cut out drowning the entire building in darkness. Belatedly Chiyon realized she hadn't manually saved her work on the computer which meant that hours of her time would potentially be wasted if the auto save feature hadn't kicked in.

"God dammit."


It is not for the first time Neugdae thought his telepathic ability to be a sort of monkey's paw. Sure the ability has greatly aided him in his life which took an interesting turn by his mid teenage years but it has also caused near irreparable damage to his social sensibilities. Part of the reason why he is reticent despite his seeming popularity is because it is very hard to make friends when you can perceive their thoughts and peer into their minds. There was once a time when Neugdae was very sociable but then he moved to another country where there was a language barrier and culture shock.

Combine that with newfound psychic abilities one of which had him catching stray thoughts from foreigners and he feared he may never have been able to make real friends again. Well make friends outside of certain circles in any case because he still made friends in America. Making normal friends however the jury is still out on even to this day. It's been almost two years since he moved back to Korea and he's met and hung out with quite a few people. He wouldn't necessarily call them friends rather they are peers or acquaintances.

He didn't think he would make any friends at all before he met Soyun and yes he did consider her a friend. His first friend since coming back home which is admittedly a bit weird to think about but considering the things they've done together even he couldn't deny they were more than just acquaintances who happen to but be under extraordinary yet relatable circumstances. After all you don't just allow anyone to delve into your mind and Neugdae certainly wasn't someone to just put that sort of thing out there as an option to a mere acquaintance.

So yeah he considers Soyun a friend and this can be considered doing her a huge favor because Min-Son and So-Ra are not Neugdae's friends they are Soyun's friends, her only other friends. At least that is the impression he got from their interactions which actually blows his mind a bit. He knew that his Hubae got a bit of a bad reputation after making a fool of herself during the first semester…actually she did a whole bunch of things that got her labeled a weirdo and socially toxic.

He found that whole situation to be weird but he still understood it. The fact of the matter is that Soyun wanted friends almost desperately and her stunt last week finally managed to net her two who happened to share her class. It was a given then that she would treasure them but he wasn't really sure they reciprocated the feeling. Of course they enjoyed each other's company and it's not like Soyun has social anxiety which is a surprise all things considered.

Still it only made sense that while they had gotten close as classmates and even friends they've only Soyun for less than a week.

'So why then' Neugdae felt his eyebrow metaphorically twitch 'is she reacting this way.'

'She' being So-Ra and 'reacting this way' being the fact that she's now at least half drunk and sobbing. When Neugdae agreed to go out drinking with them he figured they would have a few drinks, share some stories and so on all in memory of Soyun. However this somber yet respectful gathering was soon shattered as things devolved into what he considered lunacy.

It all stems from So-Ra who seemed to be on a mission to get black out drunk as fast as possible. Neugdae found out that So-Ra is an emotional drunk because at some point the small talk that they'd been engaging in had devolved into her sobbing and rambling drunkenly. As if that wasn't awkward and weird enough, most of her reaction seems to stem from grief over Soyun. The way how she spoke/rambled about her you'd think So-Ra and Soyun were close siblings or inseparable childhood friends who have known each other all their lives.

But the weirdest part of it all is that Neugdae is certain now that So-Ra wasn't putting on an act or had any kind of nefarious purpose. She is legitimately heartbroken and beside herself at Soyun's loss and this is part of the grieving process, a grieving process that involved Neugdae giving her a literal shoulder to cry on. To say that he is uncomfortable would be an understatement and compounding his discomfort with an added layer of embarrassment is the fact that the bar is filled with people from both their years and naturally they gained attention.

After all there is a drunken girl crying and making a commotion. Eventually the story is explained and the grieving mood is spread especially amongst her classmates. Frankly with how she's going he's surprised they didn't know about it sooner but that might just be the result of liquid courage coursing through her veins and upping her blood alcohol content. There turned out to be one upside to the attention they garnered though and it was the fact that once people realized who Soyun was and her involvement in a certain incident that happened over the weekend that has become massively popular they started to engage more with them.

Now with so many people distracting her So-Ra had eased up on using his shoulder to cry on to engage with everyone else. That created an opportunity for Neugdae to slip away with the most universal excuse known to any man.

"I have to use the bathroom."

"Oh, okay" So-Ra mumbled absentmindedly as she chatted with four people about Soyun.

Neugdae got out of there as fast as he could while being inconspicuous about it. Arriving inside the bathroom he could not help but release a breath of relief. Taking out his phone he checked the time to find out it has been…

'THREE HOURS!? When? How!?'

That's when he realized that due to the special circumstances he was under (being distracted and pressed by So-Ra and the others who eventually joined them) he forgot to check the time as he normally did during these outings. And you know the old saying time flies when you're drinking at a bar with acquaintances.

'I think I've filled my quota for being a supportive Sunbae today.'

Meaning it is time for him to leave.

'Right after this.'

Going to the bathroom wasn't just an excuse he actually had to pee and set himself up at the farthest urinal to get his business done. Not a moment after he started that the door opened and Min-Son entered taking the second urinal stall to his right leaving an empty one between them.

"Sunbae" Min-Son greeted briefly and Neugdae acknowledged him with a curt nod.

The two did their business in silence and Neugdae finished first before going to wash his hands. Min-Son finished just as he was lathering his hands with soap and as he began to do the same the silence is finally broken.

"Sunbae I would like to apologize for the trouble So-Ra has caused you."

"It's alright" not necessarily but he wasn't really too bothered with it more confused by her behavior than anything else.

He wanted to ask "is she normally like this?" but he recognizes a faux pas for what it is.

Thankfully he needn't ask that tactless question as the younger man seems keen on explaining his friend.

"So-Ra doesn't have a lot of friends" he began "she can be a bit…clingy at times" he hesitates then grimaced at the wording "especially with those she is close with and she doesn't deal with grief well."

So his previous hypothesis was correct then 'she has attachment issues.'

"I've noticed" Neugdae commented having finished washing his hands.

Min-Son shook his head "she should have known better than to just drag you into her melodrama-"

Now it was Neugdae's turn to grimace. Having felt the thought process behind her actions all night (three! Hours apparently) he wouldn't go so far as to call her reaction melodrama.

With that thought he interrupted turning off the faucet and grabbing a nearby paper towel "hey like I said before, it's alright. I'm not angry or feel inconvenienced of anything."

'At least not by too much anyway.'

"I was a little put off by her reaction though but you've already explained that."

He wouldn't cast judgment on someone's grieving process.

"Thank you for understanding" he gave a respectful bow as he said this.

Neugdae waved him off and added "I don't think I can stay for much longer though."

"I understand" he said with a knowing look.

'That obvious huh?'

At least Min-Son understood and implies that he will become the shield that will protect Neugdae from his drunken best friend. Still with how clingy she's been all this time both men expected a lot of protest and possibly ending with Min-Son bodily carrying her away or something along those lines. So imagine their surprise when they actually found the woman in question waiting for them outside the bathroom on unsteady feet.

"Took you guys long enough" she slurred "let's get outta here!"

Both men shared a look and while Neugdae wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth Min-Son is just too curious. Neugdae is curious too since they left her in the company of her classmates and even a few Sunbae from his class.

"So-Ra, what happened?"

"The jerks started talking about vampires and vigilantes" she mumbled with a red faced scowl that was not completely caused by the alcohol.

Neugdae looked over to the group and found that they are indeed gossiping about the incident, vampires and vigilante. It appears that Soyun was no longer a topic in the conversation which Neugdae is not all surprised by.

"That's just distasteful" he shook his head.

Min-Son agreed and after bidding farewell to his Sunbae began the arduous task of carefully escorting So-Ra to her apartment. Along the way they got a few looks because at some point So-Ra got fussy and refused to take another step leading Min-Son to give her a piggyback ride.

"This is nice~" So-Ra sighed as she laid her head against the crook of his neck.

"Glad one of us is enjoying this" Min-Son grunted.

"What are you complaining about? You get carry a pretty girl like me."

"You mean a heavy girl like you."

In response she tightened her arms around his neck "don't think I'm too drunk to choke you out."

"Stop that or I you get to walk the rest of the way" he replied in challenge.

The threat is significant enough for her to abate with a huff "ugh."

"Are you about to throw up?"

"…you think I came onto strong with Sunbae?"

"Yes" he answered immediately.

"So blunt!"

"I don't even know why you bother."

He didn't think much of Eun Sunbae at first since he didn't know him apart from the gossip that went around. He is an older student who spent some years in the west before transferring to their school the year prior. All that combined with his handsomeness and aloofness made him appealing to damn near every woman in the school and subject to all sorts of rumors and gossips. So-Ra was not an exception and prior to meeting him Min-Son would say that he hated the guy.

Now that he has met and actually had a conversation with him on multiple occasions Min-Son could say a few of the rumors had the guy all wrong.

"Hmph, you're just jealous!"

'Not anymore' Min-Son thought to himself.

His thoughts are then interrupted by a van pulling up next to him.

'What the…'

Before he think further on this the side doors opened and two men rushed out faster than should be possible. They crossed the threshold to him and So-Ra so quick even if he wasn't giving So-Ra a piggyback he could have hardly reacted. All the same So-Ra elicited a scream or rather tried to but she was silenced before it ever got above a brief shriek. As for Min-Son his yell is abruptly silenced by a hand clamping over the lower half of his face. At the same time So-Ra was pulled off him, her muffled screams audible to him.

With his hands free he should have been able to do something however it hardly mattered as the strength started to drain from him even before he became unencumbered. Belatedly he realized the hand over his face had a rag in it that is being stuffed over his mouth and nose. Before he knew it the strength in his legs failed him however he is caught before he could hit the ground.

Min-Son felt himself being dragged into the van and he imagined the same happening to So-Ra, the last thought he had before finally succumbing to unconsciousness.

~To Be Continued~

Advance Chapters available on my Patreon for those interested at:
No More Running
After leaving the establishment Neugdae said his farewells to the two Hubaes and went on his way. On his way back home he browsed the several news sites. Usually he would wait until he arrived home to do this but with how hectic things have become as of late he wanted to be appraised of and/or act on any new information that might crop up. He hoped that nothing of note happened in the few hours he was preoccupied but no such luck on that front.

The local police precinct got attacked and considering it's the same precinct his recent ally worked in he looked more into it. Through a combination of mainstream media reports and leaked information on certain forums he managed to find out a few things about the attack such as there being an explosion, a possible break-in and theft. None of his sources reported any casualties and there are a lot of speculations as to the identity of the terrorist and their motives.

Neugdae had his own speculations as well but unfortunately he was missing quite a chunk of context for him to decide which way his theory would swing. Though honestly it's a guarantee at this point either Soyun or the Noble Bloods are involved.

'I'll have to ask when I get home.'

Thankfully he didn't run into any issues on his way home. Ever since the incident on Saturday a stricter curfew was issued for the surrounding area. It's one of the other reasons why he couldn't stay out much longer at the bar. He actually saw a police car driving out of the neighborhood on a patrol route that covered more than a block. As he arrived on the street it became apparent that he was the only one who didn't take the curfew seriously given that he is the only person walking the street at this time.

As he came up to his apartment Neugdae couldn't help but frown as he crossed a wide alley. The moment he stepped across the roar of an engine broke the silence as headlights flashed on. Neugdae looked over his shoulder at the sudden noise in time to see a nondescript white van pull out of the alley. The side doors opened to reveal two vampires who lunged at him. In a split second one clamped a rag over his nose and mouth and he was pulled into the van. The whole thing only took two seconds and the van drove off only to come at a sudden stop in the middle of the road after a dozen or so feet.

A moment later the van drove off at a more sedate pace as if nothing happened.


"I can't believe I let you talk me into this" Soyun grumbled as she watched the TV.

Currently the news was covering the recent terrorist attack on the Gwangju Police Department. An attack that she took part in because her adopted father and mentor managed to convince her it was for a worthy cause.

From the other side of the room Stefan Joseph grunted "it was the only way I could get back my weapons…or salvage what's left" he added with a scowl.

He was using the dinner table as a makeshift workbench and on the table are the weapons he had Soyun retrieve from the precinct behind evidence lock up.

"Don't you think the car bomb was a bit excessive" Soyun questioned seeing the burnt out remains of police car she herself planted the bomb on.

On another note Soyun has become quite adept at planting bombs and she's not sure how to feel about that.

"We had to get their attention somehow."

"Did it have to be a bomb though? I mean we even cut the power so no cameras. Plus I'm fast enough to get in and out of there before anyone even noticed."

"Didn't you say there were at least two vampires in the building?"

"Well yeah-"

"And you think cutting the lights out alone would have made a difference with them."

Soyun scowled "if they interfered it would have been their funeral and two less spies for the Noble Bloods in the police force."

"Getting rid of them like that would only cause more problems."


"Chiyon already knows about the spies in the precinct and she wants them to be taken care of 'in house' so to speak."

"Seriously? And you still didn't answer my question. How is me getting rid of them a problem?"


"Ugh" Choyun released a groan.

Seeing her frustration he decided to go for a different angle "say you get rid of the vampires at the precinct. Sure you got rid of two spies for the Noble Blood but that wouldn't really change anything."

"How do you mean?"

"Even if we're just counting Ji-Hae's father as a benefactor he's one of the richest men in the city. His influence amongst the city's elites alone would have the police force in his pockets by proxy and since I'm sure a Noble Blood wouldn't leave such and asset untapped…"

"Then he's in the pockets of the Noble Bloods and so would everything he has influence over" finished Soyun.

"Then there is the fallout when the public finds out vampires infiltrated the police. They'd be even more stifled than they already are as they deal with public scrutiny. And that's not even mentioning regular corrupt police officer."

"Okay, okay I get it!" Soyun yelled "getting rid of the vampires won't help. So how are we going to fix this?"

"We won't" he answered.

"You can't be serious."

"It's like Chiyon says, this one is an in-house problem for the police and I don't think that institution as whole is too far gone at this point. They can solve their own bureaucratic mess. All we can do is eliminate the Noble Bloods and hope that helps."

"Do you think it will?"

"I think it will definitely change things. Whether that be for better or worse remains to be seen."

Soyun didn't like that answer but before she could continue a phone started ringing an upbeat 8 bit audio. The sudden noise took both occupants of the apartment off guard as they both turned towards the source.

Said source happened to be Soyun who was fumbling with her jacket "should have put it on vibrate" the vampire grumbled causing Stefan to raise an eyebrow

"Put him on speaker" spoke the former priest as he put away some damaged weapon's part and strode over to stand beside her.

Soyun accepted the call and spoke "you're on speaker" before pulling the phone away.

There was a brief pause on the other line before the person spoke up with a voice modulator "we have a problem or rather you might."

That immediately got her attention "what happened?"

"Ji-Hae sent men to kidnap your friends from school."

Soyun immediately got up with a heated "what!?"

"I managed to intercept the group going after your Sunbae but the second group caught the other two."

"Soyun…" Stefan began only to be interrupted.

"Where are they?"

"They're headed for the Monarch Nightclub."

"I'm on my way-"

"Now hold on" Stefan interrupted placing a hand on her shoulder.


"No" he said sharply "you should know better than to rush into an unknown situation without a plan."

"Are you the 'Father Joseph' I've heard so much about?"

Stefan narrowed his eyes at the phone "I am, and you are 'Wolf' the Esper my daughter spoke of."

"I am."

"Do you have any kind of information on what he's up to?"

"I don't."

"You didn't bother reading the vampires' minds?"

"I did and they're just grunts who do as they're told. Ji-Hae told them to kidnap some random students and they obliged. Common Bloods who questions a Noble Blood's orders don't tend to last long."

"This sounds like a trap."

"…a trap by the Noble Blood or me?"


"Oh my God!" Soyun yelled as her human guise all but shredded by her rage to reveal her vampiric form "will you just let it go! He is not our enemy!"

"She's right you know. I could care less about her being a Pureblood and you being an ex-Templar so long as you don't cross me."

"Where are they taking Min-Son and So-Ra?" Soyun cut in with a growl.

"They're taking them to the Monarch Nightclub. I'm already on my way there. Do you need a pickup?"

"No, give me five minutes" she gave Stefan a side eye "I'll meet you outside."

"I'll be on the building with the green neon, you won't miss it."

And with that he hung up and Soyun went to retrieve her face mask but not before looking at her adoptive father "you aren't going to stop me?"

"You're not a little girl anymore and this isn't training" he took a deep breath before looking her in the eye "I'll trust you to make your own decisions for good or for ill."

Soyun scowled and incidentally barred her fangs as she exclaimed "they're my friends! Innocent people! What would you have me do!?"

Not at all cowed by her display "I'm not saying the cause isn't a worthy one. But you need to temper yourself."

That brought the vampire up short and she realized she was panting. Looking down at her clawed hands she realized her fists were clenched so hard that her claws drew blood from her palms. Taking a calming breath she loosened them and the wound healed before they were even open fully. Taking another breath Soyun opened her scarlet eyes, still in her vampire form, and nodded to Stefan.

"I won't let you down."

"I know."

In the next instant she was gone, the only trace of her departure being a very faint burst of displaced air and the suddenly open window. Stefan didn't realize he was clenching his fist until he went to retrieve his burner phone. After taking a calming breath himself he dialed the number to their now mutual acquaintance.


Getting jumped by a trio of vampires was not on Neugdae's list of things he expected to happen when in his civilian guise because it meant he had been sloppy enough that someone figured out his identity. Luckily it's nothing like that as it turns out though he still did not know the exact reasoning behind this kidnapping attempt. As he told Soyun over the phone the vampires sent after him were little more than grunts. They didn't even get the order from Ji-Hae, rather it came from someone else who took orders directly from Ji-Hae.

'Troublesome' the last thing Neugdae wanted was to involve his civilian identity in this mess 'I should have known this might happen. Of course they would use friends and family as leverage against her.'

In hindsight he should have expected this if only because it was so obvious but he held out hope that they wouldn't assume they were close considering they've only been friends for less than a week.

'Nothing to be done about it now' he thought with a sigh.


Her appearance is heralded by a shift in the air. Neugdae turned from his perch overseeing the Monarch nightclub to find Soyun standing behind him, dressed in all black and in her full vampire form.

"What happened?" she immediately asked, red eyes shining even with the district lights below them.

Neugdae gave her an abbreviated version of his would be kidnapping as well as what information he gathered as he waited for her.

"Couldn't you have just went in there and taken him out with your telepathy?"

"Noble Bloods have natural mental defenses that are a pain to get through unless they allow me to" he added while gesturing to her "unless he's really distracted by the moment I try to get into his head he'll know and he'll fight back. Worse he might even be able to find me. Plus my telepathy has distance limit and with him I'd have to get in really close if I want to affect him in any meaningful way."

Soyun gave a grunt at his words but chose to move on "Min-Son and So-Ra are already in there?"

"Yeah and from what I can tell everyone in there is a vampire except the two of them."

Soyun sucked in a sharp breath through her nose before releasing it in a steady sigh "what else?"

"He's probably waiting on me to show up so he hasn't done anything to them. They're unconscious by the way."

"Good" she nodded before walking to the edge of the roof to view the monarch from their vantage point. Pursing her lips she asked "do you have a plan?"

"The way I see it we have three options here. I kept the vampires alive just in case" Neugdae began "could have them deliver me to their master as a Trojan horse. When I get close to Min-Son and So-Ra, you cause a commotion and I could teleport them away in the chaos."

"You can teleport?" she asked bewildered "why not just do that right now and save us the trouble?"

"Because he's keeping them real close and I don't want to risk my Hubaes' lives on whether or not a Noble Blood is fast enough to tag us in the second or two it would take for me to get in, grab them and get out."

Soyun scowled but conceded the point "what's the other option?"

"You go in first, draw his attention and I'll come in and teleport them away."

"In both scenarios I'll have to fight him" she observed.

"For a bit at least" Neugdae supplied "I can get you out-"

"No" Soyun interrupted "I'm not running."

Neugdae gave her a side glance "are you sure?"

"They think I'm helpless because I've been hiding for most of my life. Even with what happened this weekend I basically hid behind father, no more."

Her hands slowly clenched into a fist.

"I think it's time they find out what exactly they are dealing with."

~To Be Continued~

Advance Chapters available on my Patreon at: