The Way of a Martial Artist (Ranma/Naruto Crossover Quest Thread)

Bob's Beard said:
Much more manageable, though still likely to be up tomorrow. I'm thinkin' of going for every-other day for at least this first week or so, to make things a bit easier on me while I get back into it. So there's still time to edit.

The last training ground you took Naruto to? Well, earlier this morning, it was Guy's preferred one. Before that, the (now repaired) Academy.
It's pretty consistent, so long as you don't try to map it's effects to known physics.

Essentially, it seems to amplify bodily actions, specifically in how they impact the world around you. To wit-I don't know that I think it actually makes you feel viscerally stronger, but rather by dint of exaggerating your physical efforts on the world around you such a strength boost is simulated. You don't have the muscle strength to now squeeze a grip tester harder-but when you squeeze it the grip tester is moved far harder than it should so it looks like you broke it with strength. It fits the way it casually causes destruction, as all instances of things getting wrecked follow the 'impact on reality of Soba'd persons actions greatly exceeds the input action'.

What's all the more interesting, is that it clearly has some sort of rules governing what can and can't be exaggerated, or has an innate exception list built in. Consider, that if it were a universal booster simply walking around would be splitting the earth with every step-an outcome that does not transpire. Could be because it's related to drawing on worldly energy, could be proof it's controlled by one's mindset and thus flexible, or a myriad of other things.

But the fact that it works on 'Naruto-setting-defying mechanical function of practical effect (there is nothing in setting that works like this unless I've missed a recent filler)' makes this something of a prize to be sought for those esoteric jutsu builders.

As proof of it's desirability-even now, we are being stalked by someone desperate to use our Soba skills!
I hate to do this, especially under the circumstances, but I was working on other things later than I'd intended, and then date night happened. So... y'all will get an update tomorrow.
Unfortunately, getting ready for this weekend used up much more of today than I budgeted for, and I can't stay up late tonight to finish. For all that I'm looking forward to it, I'll be glad when this weekend's gone by.
Bob's Beard said:
It's pretty consistent, so long as you don't try to map it's effects to known physics.

Essentially, it seems to amplify bodily actions, specifically in how they impact the world around you. To wit-I don't know that I think it actually makes you feel viscerally stronger, but rather by dint of exaggerating your physical efforts on the world around you such a strength boost is simulated. You don't have the muscle strength to now squeeze a grip tester harder-but when you squeeze it the grip tester is moved far harder than it should so it looks like you broke it with strength. It fits the way it casually causes destruction, as all instances of things getting wrecked follow the 'impact on reality of Soba'd persons actions greatly exceeds the input action'.

What's all the more interesting, is that it clearly has some sort of rules governing what can and can't be exaggerated, or has an innate exception list built in. Consider, that if it were a universal booster simply walking around would be splitting the earth with every step-an outcome that does not transpire. Could be because it's related to drawing on worldly energy, could be proof it's controlled by one's mindset and thus flexible, or a myriad of other things.

But the fact that it works on 'Naruto-setting-defying mechanical function of practical effect (there is nothing in setting that works like this unless I've missed a recent filler)' makes this something of a prize to be sought for those esoteric jutsu builders.

As proof of it's desirability-even now, we are being stalked by someone desperate to use our Soba skills!
Aaand it should be noted that there is at least one other Ranmaverse thing that has startlingly similar interactions with physical laws. Working out the similarities/differences could take Shanpu's strength to another level entirely, because I've worked out what the connections there are, and I'm sure y'all can, too.

EDIT: Yeah... I hate to do this again, but don't expect this until Sunday, at this point. Things've gotten busy as all get out, once again. Should settle down after this weekend, hopefully for a good long while.
Sorry for another night's delay. The update will be up tomorrow for sure, but I ought to sleep. The weekend was fun, but not terribly restive.

Also, for those that don't follow, there's a conversation over in the Discussion thread that you might want to take a look at. Surly noticed something interesting about Hidden Weapons.
With the day stretched out before you, you're sure you'll be able to manage some mischief.

The grumpy kid's not hurt hurt or anything, is hard to tease, and Naruto… well, for all your inclination to have some fun, he didn't succeed, but he also didn't fail as hard as you suspected he would. Time to hop off Sasuke's head and snag a piece of paper: you have notes to write.

Sasuke's apparent relief at you leaving your perch isn't mollified in the least by you tearing a few pages from his notebook. You haven't practiced writing as a cat much more, but you did well enough for Shibuki to read. Naruto should be just fine. Now, what to say…

'Worse than arm broken if Shanpu hadn't made tumble softer for duckbutthead: work harder to control self!' ought to make sure he understands just how severe the situation was… and a second page reading 'Meet Shanpu at Mighty Guy training place — taking runt to more control practice with strong people!' Between the two, that should take care of Naruto for now.

You roll the notes up and grip them firmly in your mouth. You nod at Sasuke, the kid's not too, too bad, but he doesn't return it. He just tilts his head to look back at the board. Striding elegantly over the tables to Naruto isn't any trouble at all. The annoying girls seem conflicted about whether or not to pet you, but make the wrong decision and try to ignore you. Dog Boy doesn't seem inclined to start another kerfuffle, though that might be Akamaru's influence — he's rather clearly the brains of the outfit, despite being such a young pup.

Naruto's head is down when you approach, he's staring at his notes without blinking much. He starts when you hop next to him and drop the notes — but you don't stick around to get a reply. You've got a classroom full of potential left to sound out. While you're giving half an ear to the last dregs of classroom instruction, you'll wander about the kiddy feet, and give them a chance to reveal to you who among them are wise enough to properly pamper a cat just for passing them by. Any who pass your fiendishly subtle test are obviously the most elite of the class. You'll remember their faces — cat lovers are always fun!

You slink not quite back to Sasuke's desk, but rather to that of his two most… dedicated fans. It's quite the shame that neither seems to have forgiven you for bothering him, while you can see the desire to stroke your luxurious fur in both their eyes, neither gives in to the temptation, though the girl with pink hair seems to regret it when you turn again to look. The real shame is that they're the two with the best hair in the classroom, if their taste is this bad, what can you expect of the others?

Dog boy keeps a close eye on you, but doesn't reach out. Not unexpected. The sunglasses kid next to him does, but then there's a bug in your fur that you have to kill and you keep your distance from him. The other two heirs to your friends' families, the Akimichi and Nara boys, both give a pat here and there, one lazily and the other heavily. Still, at least someone recognizes proper protocol. Most of the rest of the class tries to ignore you, a couple give you half-hearted nudges, but there are no other real pets to be had until you come to the last row.

The girl shrinks away a bit when you first brush up against her, but reaches out tentatively to scratch behind your ears. After a few moments of that, she picks you up and sets you on her lap, and continues patting your head while paying attention, or trying to. Her eyes — and don't they look strange, almost like she was more blind than Musi — flicker over to Naruto regularly, and she blushes every time. Clearly, she's impressed by his sudden growth in strength, as is only proper. Between her appreciation, he excellently maintained long black hair, and the way she gets that spot right at the base of your left ear, you decide to allow her the benefit of your company, at least for the rest of class.

When class ends, it is time to go hunting! You need to find Fuu and Guy — and if you're lucky, Hiroko, Haruka, and even Takeo, too! You'll gather up all the fun people, pronto! After all, there's a lot to do. You're going to want Naruto, too, but that will take hot water. No sooner has the bell rung than you shoot out of the kid's lap at top speed and down the hall to the bathroom. One Hidden Weapons-and-water aided change later, you're back in human form and dressed for the occasion.

You arrive back in class to see your blond target still sitting over by the windows. Excellent. You vault Sasuke's desk with ease, snatch your student by the back of his jacket, throw open one of the windows — you've learned your lesson about destroying Academy property — and finally leap out amidst some degree of protest from Iruka. And Naruto, you suppose.

"What? Shanpu take shortcut, think Naruto not want wait for training. Shanpu wrong?"

"You could have warned me that-"

"So, Shanpu right. Naruto go to training ground and await Shanpu now, yes? Warm up so can begin when Shanpu arrive."

"But, my bag is still-"

"Naruto forget bag?" You sigh. "Shanpu fix." The window is still open, and your legs are more than powerful enough to get you up a measly storey or two. The class has emptied rather significantly, though a sizable fraction is plastered to the windows. Naruto's bag is easy enough to spot, you shove his supplies inside — honestly, he shouldn't be so inattentive — and are back out the window in a trice.

"Oof!" Naruto wasn't even paying enough attention to dodge the backpack. At least he managed to remain standing, but every so often you have to worry about his future. Still, that's him sorted, so with a friendly smile, you saunter off to find your friends.

It doesn't take you very long to notice that you're being followed. Oh, the kid's good, but it's not unexpected from his reactions earlier that Sasuke might try to spy on you. You are a little surprised that he didn't go after Naruto, maybe pride? Whatever his reason, you'll move just slow enough so that the brat tailing you doesn't fall behind… 'cuz you're curious what they're up to and wanna see!

Given the relationship between the three families, it seems sensible to ask after Hiroko first. Your tail stays well back when you go up to the door and knock. It's not Hiroko that opens it, but Chouza.

"Ah, clan head! Shanpu has finished techniques, wanted to show them to Hiroko as promised, can take for training?"

"Already done? From the way you were talking, it sounded like it'd be a while, yet."

"Shanpu too, too good, and Mighty Guy help." You can't help but smile at your own success.

"He's… talented, certainly. Hiroko isn't here at the moment, she and Haruka are on duty today. I'll tell her you asked after her, I know she's been excited to have the chance to learn more about those techniques of yours. Of course, I am, too, I suppose!" He laughs like a cannon, slapping his chest with a meaty palm.

"Aiya, Shanpu know, but promised friends first. Must ensure can be easily taught, yes?"

"Of course, of course. All the same, keep in mind our offer. I imagine they'll be more than happy to offer you some nice things to get expert advice, but if you'll train our clans, well… the things we can offer are far greater. Where will you be?"

You don't actually know the name of the training ground. That might make this difficult… but only so much. "Training with Mighty Guy and Fuu! Will be too, too easy to find. Now, Shanpu must go. Clan head be well!" He waves you off, and you barely remember not to Hot Foot your way back to Guy. Sasuke picks your trail back up fairly quickly, but you could lose him pretty easily if you rush. Children need to learn to be faster.

Once everyone's all rounded up, you're going to have oodles of similar training things to do! Practice against Guy alone, with Fuu, with Guy and Fuu against you — and you won't forget the blond runt! Unskilled or no he's plenty strong to handle it — and you bet he'll figure out how to manage his strength more easily against properly hardy foes! If he does make a mistake, well, you'd have a hard time thinking of three better people to deal with a too-strong screw-up.

When you arrive at the training ground, it's… it's not quite as you were expecting. Naruto is standing slackjawed and watching Guy and Fuu spar — you hope for his sake he's already done his warm up or he's going to be hurting later on. Watching him is the nice girl from class, presumably here to spy on the secrets of his strength? Oh, you could smack yourself, of course — she must be working with Sasuke to divine the changes in Naruto. Makes sense, and he is still tailing you, hiding somewhere in the trees back behind you.

You have to wonder if that's a good idea, seeing the state of the area around the spar. Both Guy and Fuu are flickering to and fro, exchanging flurries of punches and kicks, sweat dripping from their brows. Fuu dips beneath Guy's high-kick and lands a blow on his chest, knocking him into one of the few remaining trees standing by the clearing. He slams into it, wood cracking beneath him, and then vanishes almost from sight, flickering back into easy vision to deliver a punishing counterstrike that sends Fuu spinning. She turns and tumbles, and is clearly about to continue when she catches sight of you out of the corner of her eye.

"Shampoo!" With a roar, Fuu flings herself your way, a vivid aura coalescing around her body as she flies through the air toward you. You Hot Foot it out of her way, losing sight for a moment but avoiding the driving kick that turns the spot you were standing into yet another crater to dot the local landscape. Fuu is panting, her hair matted with sweat — Guy, from what you can see, is in a similar state. "Because of you, I have seen hell!" Really? It's not like you- "We have been doing this all day long."

"Shanpu sorry. Only meant to cheer Fuu up and get her some training with good teacher. But, Shanpu here for training, too, and Naruto. Can take over so Fuu can rest?"

"You owe me," the usually untiring Rider says, before she falls right on her back. "Run, Naruto. They're crazy people."

Your student looks far too tempted to take her advice, so you make sure to smile at him. "Naruto want learn control strength, yes? Then come spar Shanpu."

Hesitantly, he steps forward, shooting a nervous look in Guy's direction — who flashes a smile in return that doesn't seem to help much. You crack your knuckles, and sink into a defensive stance. "Naruto attack when ready. Go slow like with Guy in morning."

He does, and you resist the urge to take advantage of his opening by kicking him in the face. Instead, you proceed to go through the reverse of his earlier lesson with Guy, making sure he doesn't apply more force than he intends to even on the attack. You're pretty sure you're going to have some bruises, but he's showing some promise, to be sure!

An hour later sees you still with two "hidden" watchers. You're not entirely certain how you want to deal with them, but for simple sparring you've been happy to let them observe. You rather hoped that they'd come out and reveal themselves, but both seem content to hang back and just observe. Too, too boring! When things get a bit dark, though, you start to wonder. Hiroko, Haruka, and Stupid Takeo will be by soon, and if you teach them secret Amazon techniques — even if they're just the ones you came up with — well, the watchers will see. And at that point, you should probably at least know both their names.

Then again, they're kids, and dealing with them might be something of a hassle, you know Naruto dislikes Sasuke at the very least, and you can't imagine he likes the kid's little girlfriend much better — though he should, she's nice to cats.

The sound of footsteps in the distance and a laugh you're pretty sure belongs to Hiroko clenches it. You've got to do something, and you'll:
You're not about to reveal secret techniques to more outsiders. Both of them need to get on home.
—[2]- The rivalry thing is cute and all, but that just makes it more important that you handle Sasuke, now.
—[3]- You don't know anything about the girl, and nice as she is that means you can't trust her to stay and watch.
—[X]- Write in!
Rivals only help the learning process, so you'll call out to Sasuke and get him involved. Two children, one stone, and all that.
—[2]- Anyone that likes cats is welcome with you. You don't know her name, but you'll invite her to join in for the rest of the lesson.
—[3]- To seek strength is noble, you're not going to turn aside anyone that shares that vision. You'll bring both brats into the evening lesson, and show them what it really means to train!
—[X]- Write in!
Haruka wants to get better at Hot Foot, and you've definitely got a lot of advice for her on how. Movement is vital to fighting well, so you'll share that first!
—[2]- Hiroko saw part of the Chestnut Fist training, and it's by far the easiest to learn — it's the foundation of your own techniques, after all. Starting there seems only sensible.
—[3]- If you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.
—[4]- Okay, sure, they're probably interested in the Chestnut techniques, but the Breaking Point is just so much more useful. Also, it lets you hit Takeo people with boulders.
—[X]- Write in!
[ X ]- WRITE IN!
Write in!

A/N: At long last, from what many thought long forgotten, an update! AHAhahahahahahaHA! This isn't dead, and won't be until it's done. It's going to be slower to update than Old Soul for many reasons, but it'll still be updating all the same. Speaking of which, I've gone back at long last and touched up the fight with Hidan (updates 8 and 9 -- though not in any major way, just... one of the points of this is obviously action fun and the learning to do such for me, and having the first fight be SO WEAK, even in comparison to what comes after... isn't a good sales pitch). I have also added the long-awaited Cologne interlude to update 38 (because with regards to in-quest chronology it makes more sense there). The Hidan fight didn't change so much as to really require a re-read I wouldn't say, but you might want to check out what happened with the matriarch there, in no small part because it's like 10~ pages of bonus content.

Next time Naruto's about to hit you, Hot Foot over to your watchers! The boy that tried so hard to resist catly allure first: appear right in front of him, deflect away whatever kneejerk response he has, keep a grip on him and smile!
---[X]-"Perhaps if boy had been polite and up front about being interested he could stay!" Spin boy around, "But since no such thing happened, will have to try and answer his questions another day!"
---[X]-Give him a light push away. "Now best leave before other lessons start, or there might be cause for offense... and chastisement!" Give as close to a dead on look at the girl, and see if she gets the hint. She was smart enough to properly like cats, clearly she won't do something stupid with your kind hints!
---[X]-There, that's those onlookers dealt with! Now if you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.

As to the watchers, I think this is the best way to handle each of them. Sasuke is given a clear, non-demeaning, respect-oriented reminder of, effectively, 'hey you're not acting like a proper martial kid reared by the same and I bet you see that now that i pointed that out', a reminder that 'yeah there are reasons to stay how your family taught you in regards to politeness on technique interest and shit, as it SOUNDS like that's... all I have to do here' and some 'okay you clearly did muck up your attempt to get what you want today but they practically said try again tomorrow... that... I can do that'. It's not just appropriate for Sasuke in specific, but generally in character in delivery and based on the classly observations of Sasuke.

Hinata, naturally, gets made aware that she was noticed, that the person wanted her to know she was noticed... and flat out handed her, on a silver platter, 'how could I try to walk into this situation and be accepted for doing so'. If she has the gumption to act on it fantastic, it's a nice confidence boosting step and a chance to get in on the ripples Shanpu's spreading. And if she doesn't, nothing happened that'd necessitate a report to her father by anyone inclined to do so, she wasn't embarassed in front of everyone, and she got a chance to simply withdraw.

As to why to go full bore on offering stuff... We still have Breaking Point, Hidden Weapons and a bunch more tucked away, so 'showing our hand' like Chouza wants involves revealing far less than he might think. It's beneficial, as if they do indeed consider that a massive admission rather than a moderate one as implied, we could get some real preferential returns on the repayment.

How's that seem, any thoughts for tweaks?
Last edited:
—[X]- Anyone that likes cats is welcome with you. You don't know her name, but you'll invite her to join in for the rest of the lesson.
Next time Naruto's about to hit you, Hot Foot over to your watchers! The boy that tried so hard to resist catly allure first: appear right in front of him, deflect away whatever kneejerk response he has, keep a grip on him and smile!
---[X]-"Perhaps if boy had been polite and up front about being interested he could stay!" Spin boy around, "But since no such thing happened, will have to try and answer his questions another day!"
---[X]-Give him a light push away. "Now best leave before other lessons start, or there might be cause for offense... and chastisement!" Give as close to a dead on look at the girl, and see if she gets the hint. She was smart enough to properly like cats, clearly she won't do something stupid with your kind hints!
---[X]-There, that's those onlookers dealt with! Now if you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.
Apologies for the incoming wall-of-text, but it's all behind Quotes so hopefully not too, too terrible. I went through the old Discussion Thread that didn't get ported and is... kind of unnecessary here, and tried to grab some of the relevant posts. A bunch of them are out of date (especially the Chestnut one, really), but I tried to grab as many of the "big idea/info dump" posts as I could find when skimming, and then just a few thoughts from y'all from the last page. If I missed anything (I only took a couple of minutes, I've got an Old Soul update to work on), let me know, or quote it yourself. Quotes don't link because cross-forum and doing individual post quotes for all of these would be... tricky.

Anyway, off to write Old Soul. Here're the reminders. Also, going to leave voting open until the 9th, or until there are at least 9 votes, whichever. Just so folks have a chance to catch up/remember what's goin' on. It's been a while, I know.

Bob's Beard said:
Thanks for hunting that down NMS.

So, Chestnut:
  • Primary concern should be putting 'soul' into our usage of the technique, such that we become the attack. Be that simply more ki to the point more of our ki is in the attacking limb than the rest of our body, the use of a deeper and more vital-to-life Ki (ex Ki from the heart over ki from kidneys, to use a probably terrible example), a specially flavored Ki that has an emotional state synchronized with Chestnut technique doesn't matter-thisis why Ranma's Chestnut's way better.
    • Chestnut's an attack, Hot Foot's not-one's partial body, the other's whole. Depending on how the soul thing works for chestnut, we might be able to adapt it over to Hot Foot. Something to watch for.
  • That said it could well go higher. If 'ki provides a vacuum path in terms of resistance for the strike' is part and parcel of the above, fine-but if it's not, this could be a means to exceed Ranma's speed after catching up.
  • In the above, the air being shunted aside could... actually be used pretty easily depending on how it's shunted/nullified. If the air's compressed fast enough-and at 'hundreds a second' we're just about there-it could make sonic booms trending towards an air-based cavitation bubble. If you know anything about shrimp, you know those are mean shock attacks. If we can manage to 'push' the pillar of air before our fist so it compresses between fist and strike-zone, then this could very easily be weaponized for something rather like Brick Wave Fist-it's even founded on an aquatic principle.
  • The rapid displacement and pressurization of air can also heat it-so provided we've reached the point we produce the above shockwaves when striking, we'd be pushing scorching hot air into people hard enough the air might push into their flesh-and therein their blood.
  • Working on the timing of the reversal of motion portion (have hit and are now pulling back, arm fully couched and now going forward) could improve the sharpness of the above shock while further improving speed.
  • Once we get Chakra/have access to someone that can see Ki/Chakra like a Hyuuga, we should see how Chestnut works when attempted with differently configured energy states. For all we know, the optimal energy state for Chestnut fist could be 80% Ki, more than half of which is condensed in the striking limb, and 20% chakra kept 'padding out' the now ki-depleted rest of our body. We're in a multi-energy-state setting with the ability to acquire more than our base energy-state: we'd be fools to not at least check.
I'll edit in any and all new thoughts we have on chestnut hereafter-

Great Greedy Guts said:
So, redid the stat sheet up some. Rather than comparison to different levels of ninja, using the E-S ranking system. Same results, less worrying about rank stuff - so there might be Jonin with huuuge strengths in one area, and weaknesses in another, but overall, they hit Jonin.

Please note that these stats are only the ones Shanpu can really quantify. She doesn't know chakra (or even ki projection) suuuper well yet. This is important because... I did up some for Jiraiya and Ranma, so you can see how Shanpu stacks up. She's gotten better since she began, for sure, and will get better still. So right now this leaves most techniques out, along with experience, fighting styles, etc.

[REDACTED OUTDATED SHANPU STATS, but leaving Jiraiya and Ranma for comparison still]

Jiraiya - Overall Classification: Tolerable
Strike Speed: B-
Strike Force: B
Strike Acccuracy: B+
Throwing Accuracy: B-
Lift Strength: B
Carry Strength: B+
Impact Resistance: A
Movement Speed: A
Maneuvering Speed: B-
General Vigor: S-
Battle Endurance: S
Stamina Recovery: C+

Ranma! (Last that Shanpu saw) - Overall Classification: Beloved Husband!~
Strike Speed: C+ (A+ with Chestnut Fist)
Strike Force: A
Strike Acccuracy: A-
Throwing Accuracy: ???
Lift Strength: B+
Carry Strength: A-
Impact Resistance: B-
Movement Speed: D
Maneuvering Speed: C+
General Vigor: C+
Battle Endurance: B
Stamina Recovery: B

Update is comin' but it might be a bit later 'n I'd like.

Bob's Beard said:
It's actually more momentous than might initially appear.

In the modern Narutoverse, the common citizen, as well as fresh and uninformed ninja (I have to assume non-'competent' ninja are the majority) have seriously inaccurate views about Bijuu-and for the most part, this appears to be genuine lack of knowledge. And those views suck for the Jinchuuriki.

But what if we give the Jinchuuriki a different thing to get people to focus on? Flashy scarves, hot blooded speeches of heroism-each and every Jinchuuriki has the regen and physical might required to ape at being a Rider. Sure, initially there'd be a 'the fuck's a Rider', but people pay attention to the in-your-face: if Jinchuuriki start hamming it up along that vein of the iconic series (that doesn't exist here) they can not only tap the market that is 'cribbing off popular stuff no one else knows of yet to look cooler', 'strange but in a fun and entertaining way' and 'everyone loves to see what they view as a hero'. And guess what, Riders were built such that they had insanely pervasive popularity in their heyday.

Now, I'm not saying it'll be easy, quick, or without wrinkles. I am however, saying that we have in front of us one of the cheery trio of Jinchuuriki (Fu Bee Naruto), and she's the most innately Kamen Rider-ish of them all, what with the bug stuff. If we get her into it-real and proper committed-that'll keep rippling out even if we leave it be. If we make it happen, Jiraiya will see-and talk to Hiruzen about it-and can you see Hiruzen passing on a chance to see Naruto smile more often by jockying up his self view a bit? I mean, if we swing it right being a 'Rider', as we explain it in the Narutoverse, could even explain Jinchuuriki's behavior-they are 'riding' the great chakra steed that is their Bijuu, a beast that can be a calamity but with a rider can be turned into the 'strongest shield of the helpless' or something equally cheesy, Showa-era Rider.

The question is, what parts of being a Rider should we cobble together, and with what half-assed explanation should we present them such that we can make it stick?

So far there's, mechanically speaking:
  • Acquire a big old red scarf-possibly not a red scarf, actually-Lime to match her hair? Orange to match her eyes? Either color'd be a great way of keeping her original coloration in place when she helmets up. Whatever the hue may be, acquire and provide with Iron Cloth lessons.
  • Chestnut Fist/Foot might work with chakra, and if so you can bet a willing Bijuu'd be a superior fuel source to one's own Ki, especially with how Jinchuuriki are so intertwined with their beasts.
  • Jinchuuriki are durable, yes-but compare them to Sages, the closest analogue to Ki users in the Narutoverse in terms of combat performance, and they're not all that durable. Buuuut, they do have more ki than Herb or anyone else Shanpu's seen-so what'd happen if we got that Ki to behave defensively-like say, with some Breaking Point boulder training sans Breaking Point learning?
  • With a scarf that can be as hard as steel on demand (Ryouga from Ranma and Diamante from One Piece both show how effective that can be as a weapon or shield), a body that's learned to use it's massive reserves as a hardening agent and martial strikes that are just plain too fast for just about anyone, they'd have a functional fighting style that doesn't at all rely on classical overt use of their Bijuu-important for getting away from existing stigma.
  • So to recap: Iron Cloth, Chestnut Fist, and once they have ki just the body hardening portion of Breaking Point training. Exceptionally resilient, regenerating heroes of the people.
And there's, socially speaking:
  • Taking the title Rider as literal-they 'ride' the chakra mass that is their bijuu in a manner that emphasizes that they and bijuu are separate, and that they and bijuu together are not generally dangerous while just a bijuu is.
  • Emphasizing the heroism approach of Riders, possibly push for 'Riders' to be primarily used as gung-ho internal guardians, wandering the whole of their land not just in search of infiltrating nin, but bandits preying on civilians and stuff. Make sure people's first impression of Riders, is of someone that protects others with their power-that can clean up the dirtiest looking power, PR like that.
  • Using primarily physical and 'human' appearing attacks, 'costume' or no. Rider Kick, Punch, etc-nothing demonic about that, is there?
  • There's already the wonkiness, to us, of 'ninja? Why are they running around shouting things at one another and making big flashy things appear around themselves if they're ninja?', and some inkling of that should exist in the populace. Remember, so far as the limited data we've seen has suggested, pre-village ninja behaved much more like ninja, albeit more well equipped, than the modern Naruto-versers. And if the stigma against Jinchuuriki is a ninja thing... then why would Jinchuuriki project themselves in that category, when they could choose to act as if part of another, more positively viewed one?
  • This could be a political boon for any and all compliant nations, depending on how Samurai work in this quest. Ninja are dicks by Samurai standards-but what would a Samurai think of 'someone who rides a great and terrible tiger and turns it's power to protecting the citizens of their liege lord and insuring their homeland is as safe as they can manage'? Sounds exactly like a Samurai to me-and that's exploitable.
I'd love to get other people's ideas on this, and I'll edit in Rider-based things to this post, jus as I'll edit in Chestnut First things to the other.

Guile said:
Man, Ranma ½ from Shanpu's perspective must suck. She loses to everybody but the other fiancés, her husband is wishy-washy and freaks out around her alternate form, and grandma never unlocks the technique scroll cabinet for her, just random strangers off the street. And let's not forget she's gotten kidnapped at least three times, though Shanpu would rather we did.

Okay, the 'Nerima blurbs' from the main quest thread finally got me to go back over the old Ranma manga.

Here's some highlight reels from the first batch.

Book 4: Shanpu arrives, beats up Akane and wipes her memories of Ranma (may not mention the part where he insulted Akane – in rhyme – hard enough that she remembered from sheer aggravation). Obstacles is for killing, but Shanpu can be merciful when she feels like it.
Book 5: Mousse arrives. From Shanpu's perspective, it's basically boys fighting over her. Not a bad gig. Also Grandma does the cat's tongue pressure point here, to lead up to the Chestnut Fist training, and Shanpu establishes a long-running habit of getting into the bath with Ranma.
Book 6: Shanpu participates in the Martial Arts Melon-splitting Race. Ranma beats Cologne's Shark Fist with the Neko-ken.
Book 7: Martial Arts Takeout Race, with a date with Ranma on the line. Shanpu beats everybody except Ranma and Akane. Shanpu uses her Suffocating Noodle technique. Akane gets disqualified, Ranma protects Shanpu from her (doesn't want her turning into a cat). Shanpu and Ranma end up in the bath again together.
Book 8: Ranma goes out on a date with Shanpu in exchange for some Instant Nannichuan. He tries to steal it, she tricks him with the old cat-in-the-bag trick. (She offers it to him for one kiss, he refuses. Poor girl).
Book 9: Ukyou arrives. Better fighter than Akane, with a arsenal of dirty tricks. Shanpu strikes up a rivalry.
Book 10: Happi has an old Amazon artifact bracelet that contains pills that make people fall in love. Shanpu seduces the old coot and steals it.
Book 11: Shanpu mixes up a magic mushroom pork bun for Ranma that will make him follow her commands. Accidentally sneezes while telling him to hug her, so now everyone that sneezes gets a hug from Ranma. Shanpu manages to feed Akane one too, and has her hug all the boys whenever she hears a gong. Because... I guess it was funny at the time?
Book 12: Shanpu beats Akane at one of those Sumo arm-wrestling machines. This kicks off the Super Soba episode: Super Akane and Super Shampoo go head-to-head. Shampoo orders water-proof soap: it ends up in Ryouga's hands, so Ranma and Shanpu dress up in cupid outfits as part of an elaborate plan to get the soap from him. Ends with Shanpu using 'remote control acupressure' on Akane, getting her to hug Ryouga which causes him to drop the soap, which Ranma accidentally swallows.
Book 13: Ranma gets hit with Happi's moxibustion technique, learns Hiryu Shoten Ha from Grandma. For some reason, I don't think Shanpu was involved in that training, but Akane and Ukyou were.

Guile said:
Part 2 of 3, manga walkthrough:

Book 14: Mao Mo Lin the ghost cat decides Shanpu should be his bride. Possesses Genma to fight Ranma. Tries to possess Shanpu, and fails. Ends up hitting on girl-Ranma. This is followed by the Mark of the Gods arc with Ryouga.
Book 15: Kuno pulls the Wishbringer sword from the stone. Ukyo fights off the Gambling King. The fight with the niku-men for Ranma's Dragon's Whisker. Shanpu still isn't around for any of it, though.
Book 16: Shanpu and Ranma team up for the Hot Springs Race (Shanpu steals the ticket from Mousse). Shanpu and Ukyo get into a cat-fight, and all the teams switch teammates multiple times. Shanpu runs into the guys in an open air bath, instantly KOing Ryouga and flustering Mousse so much he activates this crazy drain that the hot springs had installed for some reason. Shanpu and Akane give Ranma an ultimatum to pick one of them (their paths, but it's obvious what they really mean). He picks Akane, then follows Shanpu to apologize when this hurts her. They end up drunk from falling into a warm sake bath, and Ryouga and Ukyo win the race.
Book 17: Nabiki becomes Ranma's fiancé. Shanpu and Kodachi are not too proud to bid for him when Nabiki puts him up at auction.
Book 18: Shanpu and Mousse team up with Ranma and Ryouga to fight a giant flying minotaur monster by the name of Pantyhose Tarou. Some are there to rescue Akane, some are there to secretly get rid of Akane (guess which one Shanpu is?). Mousse is there to get rid of Ranma.
Book 19: Kuno gains the ability to literally throw tornadoes at people – but only when surrounded by watermelons. Naturally, this plot point will never be mentioned again.
Book 20: Ki blasts are introduced, but only Ranma and Ryouga are super special awesome enough to learn them. Shanpu is kidnapped by the Ghost Cat and forcibly transformed into a cat. Only by kissing Ranma can she break the curse.
Book 21: Genma and Ranma have a match, which Genma technically wins (beware the Cradle of Hell technique). There's also a long arc against a Martial Arts Cheerleader. Shanpu is never around for the school episodes.
Book 22: Nodoka is introduced. Cologne finally lets Shanpu rummage around in her collection of magic artifacts. Shanpu picks out a brooch, the Reversal Jewel, which makes her love for Ranma turn into hate. He, for reasons unclear, decides he needs her to fall in love with him again. She continues to be cold to him, and this somehow makes him want her more. She beats him, he comes back for more. More fuel for my 'Ranma is a masochist' theory.
Book 23: Pantyhose Tarou 2: This Time It's Tentacular. Ryouga's misadventures with the Koi Rod of Love. Gosunkugi purchases a super mecha suit by mail-order.
Book 24: Shanpu is briefly kidnapped by the Musk. Kidnapped by a henchman, how low she has fallen. It will not be the last time. Ryouga dies, meets his grandparents in heaven, then when he realizes he died without confessing to Akane wills himself back to life. Ranma defeats Herb, Dragon Prince of the Musk Dynasty, by combining his Hiryu Shoten Ha with Herb's own technique.
Book 25: Hinako the delinquent-busting teacher defeats Shanpu (along with Ukyo and Kodachi). Shanpu and Kodachi don't even go to their school. Whatever. Shanpu gives Hinako the Kiss of Death, only to get beaten again the following day (once again, along with Ukyo and Kodachi).
Book 26: Ranma, Ryouga and Akane have adventures in Giant Animal Forest. And they battle the eight-headed Orochi, beast of legend. Shanpu is not around.

Guile said:
And 3 of 3. This was actually pretty fun. The anime's all I ever watched before, and it's kinda different. Things are added and taken out in quite a few spots between manga and anime, even in episodes/chapters I was familiar with. Herb and Saffron, of course, are manga-only.

Book 27: Hinako falls in love with Soun. Mousse acquires the Lens of Invincibility that forces anyone who faces him in battle to cry and apologize, and repeatedly uses it on Ranma. Then he apologizes to Shanpu for using such a cheap trick. Shanpu is impressed enough to give him a date; he takes her to this creepy wax museum he likes. Ryouga and Ukyo come up with the Cave of Lost Love idea.
Book 28: Ryu Kumon pretends to be Ranma (he actually looks like Ryouga in camo) in order to learn the other half of Genma Saotome's forbidden techniques. Ranma's 'Umisen-ken' defeats Ryu's 'Yamasen-ken'. Also, Happi has a potion of youth but needs the tears of someone both male and female to complete it.
Book 29: Kuno gains the immortal power of the Phoenix. Actually, a phoenix just roosts on his head. The twin Martial Arts Horticulturalists Pink and Link attack Ranma in revenge for Shanpu beating them up 10 years ago. Shampoo defeats the two, then is 'defeated and kidnapped' and taken back to their giant beanstalk tower thing. It's later revealed that she just beat up Pink and Link and forced them to play along so that Ranma would come rescue her. The twins get one over on her eventually, and Akane and Shanpu fall into an eternal sleep. Shanpu still beats them up in her sleep and Ranma forces them to make an antidote.
Book 30: Hinako wins a pair of 'fighting fish' from the local fair that have infinite battle aura. Akari the pig loving girl arrives.
Book 31: The latest batch of noodles the Cat Café acquired taste foul, so Cologne hatches a plan. One bowl of noodles among the batch will be the On Earth As It Is In Heaven noodle, which gives it's eater the strength of a hundred men. Cue eating contest. Ranma eventually gets it, giving him the digestive power of 100 men. Also, Akane gets possessed by an evil doll.
Book 32: Pantyhose Tarou is back, and he and 3-headed, 6-armed Jusenkyou victim Rouge are destroying shit all over town during their throwdowns. Also, the Battle Dogi arc.
Book 33: Shanpu doesn't like Mousse's scarf, so in despair he gives it to a Jizoh statue. Cue it coming to life and going on dates with him. Mousse looks wasted and ill. Shanpu eventually had to give him the scarf she was knitting for Ranma to get the blind fool back on his game. There's a fight between Mousse and Ranma in there somewhere. Also, Ranma and Ryoga eat magic age-changing mushrooms.
Book 34: The Amazonian technique the Three Year Smile of Death is revealed, as is the secret counter-pressure point that releases the target's anger (a squeeze on the ass).
Book 35: The Tale of the Mirror Clones. In an amazing fit of narcissism, Ranma's male and female mirror clones elope together. Also, Konatsu the male kunoichi arrives.
Book 36: More fun with Ranma's mom. Yawn.
Book 37: Bird-people invade Nerima. Shanpu gets taken captive by henchpeople again, then gets brainwashed via giant egg. Brainwashed Shanpu beats up Genma, Ryouga and Mousse, then almost gets a kiss off Ranma before Akane interferes. Shanpu and bird people retreat to Ho'o Peak in China, everyone follows after. After fighting Saffron for the first time in some random hotspring, they realize they must follow him to Jusenkyo.
Keima is able to fly back to Japan, kidnap Akane, fly back, drop her in a Jusenkyo spring, follow in after, and catch up to the group and use her new Akane form to trick Ranma. All before the Nerima group gets to Jusenkyo. … Yeah. Anyway, Shanpu gets another fight with Ranma and his running crew, before she egg-brainwashes Genma. Together, Shanpu and Genma somehow beat up Ranma, duck-Mousse and P-chan. Girl's been eating her Wheaties I guess.
Book 38: The one where Akane dies (she gets better). Mousse and Ranma save Shanpu from mental domination through strategic use of nudity, making out, and a convenient mirror. Shanpu is hit with another imprinting egg; Mousse uses the mirror to make her imprint on herself. Thereby becoming her own slave? Whatever. Ranma fights a living god, Lord Saffron the Phoenix. Shanpu fights his second in command, Keima. … Offscreen!
The Nerima crew wins. There's a wedding here in Nerima, everybody will be there~ … That Shanpu and the rest of the gang crash. The end.

Also, the films:
The Battle of Nekonron, China: After a pretty great running skit that involves literally everyone in the entire cast, Shanpu gets to do battle on the flying wooden airship of the Seven Lucky Gods. Eventually defeats Monlon the mistress of strings, the Lucky Gods' Token Girl. Then Shanpu gets one-shot by the big boss Kirin, along with everyone not named Ranma.
Battle at Togenkyo: Shanpu gets kidnapped along with the other fiancés by Prince Toma's cronies. Her kidnapper is an intimidating man in mask, turban and feathery cloak. A strong swordsman and dart specialist, he exudes palpable sexuality and menace very different from Ukyo's monkeyman or Toma himself - until his mask gets knocked off and it turns out he has a big funny bird head. Shanpu has to get rescued by Mousse. Not her finest day, even if she did look amazing in a bikini.

And apparently Shanpu, Nabiki, Kasumi, Akane and Female Ranma all have pretty good singing voices. Look up DoCo if you don't believe me.

Bob's Beard said:

Wonder how much Konoha'd pay for ownership of the only rosetta-stone style Japanese-to-Chinese translation tome in all of the Elemental Nations, with which to code their messages?

I mean, having your messages be in a totally different language NONE of your foes know is... kinda useful for intelligence operatives, and JIRAIYA didn't even know other languages were a THING. That... that's a moneymaking opportunity, right there, and no Cologne-spawn'd miss it.

And hey, with Jiraiya the Sealmeister as spymaster, it's entirely possible he could make a pair of seal coded with the language info, so no one needs to be taught Chinese to use it. People just make their reports, apply the seal, and now barring an impossible bilingual or the effort it takes to suss out a language from people that have never done that before, it's perfectly secure until re-translated in-village. So long as they keep the reference tome safe, my understanding of Sealwork suggests that the seals themselves could be made so that even peeling them apart, they wouldn't teach you the Chinese you'd need to uncode messages.

Hah, we could even fake out Jiraiya by making him think we're mocking his writing by doing our own writing only when he does. Then way later, we're like 'So, while you were writing smut, I took the time to revolutionize how your entire country approaches coded messages... you lazy-ass pervert. Now praise Shanpu!'

So I think the best question is: in lieu of money which has no real relevance to a sticky fingered Neriman, what relics/items/favors could we maybe trade such a logbook for?

Great Greedy Guts said:
This brings to mind something else y'all might want to consider. Right now, Shanpu's fighting style is distinctly non-ninja - no handseals, none of it. That's really useful for being unpredictable/dangerous - but standing out like that has good points as well as bad. Using the Breaking Point with punches/kicks instead of pokes might make it look like a strength technique a la Tsunade's - while faking handseals will make people think it's a ninjutsu trick. As it is, it's a glaring sign that Shanpu isn't a ninja - not a bad thing inherently, but worth consideration, I feel like.

To start up with brief explorations of the above queries (not done in story format because still achey and wanting to save the writing energy for tonight's update):

Ryouga would have started in the same spot, being by himself. Encounters with other Nerimans would've been less likely until he finds his way back - which obviously couldn't happen too soon. Tsunade's student was definitely an option, as was getting him involved in pretty much any major conflict, since he's so inclined to open his heart to others. Wave would've been a more likely place to visit than Waterfall, and learning would be a bit faster, but theorizing all but nonexistent.

If you'd joined Hidan in taking down Jiraiya, there would certainly have been an option to take the zealot with you instead - and quite possibly leave Jiraiya dead, with Hidan's BS trick. Would likely have eventually led to being courted by Red Cloud yourself, if you stuck with him, though I had a couple of other thoughts in mind depending on just what the two of you got up to. Redeeming Hidan was certainly an option, even if not a probable one - Shanpu being more inured to killing was the likelier outcome there, just as a basic result of constant interaction.

Going to either Tea or Lightning countries as Shanpu would've led to bad places when she didn't know where she was - the situation's different now, but they'd have definitely made some moves to take Shanpu prisoner. More recently, if you'd attempted to ditch Jiraiya immediately after the Hidan fight resolution, he'd have knocked you out and taken you to Hidden Leaf by force - he had no reason to believe you didn't have one/both of the Sharingan or Byakugan. That would've led to a much less pleasant Konoha stay than is presently on offer. Trying to learn Breaking Point or Dragon Ascension Wave by yourself at the beginning would've led to a fun situation, and not the mastery of either technique.

There are so many potential Shanpu-mentors I don't know where to start listing them. You could've made it on your own for quite some time without any ties like that, though, which would've been interesting in its own way, I think - Shanpu struggling to train herself up in a generally indifferent/hostile world, without any real allies. Of course, would be a very different quest if that was the case... though I suppose it's still not impossible, depending on what y'all decide to do with yourselves.

Great Greedy Guts said:
I haven't gotten around to doing up Fuu or Ranma's Female Form, but here's the new Stat Calc for Shanpu. Still just using the old stuff, though I'm likely going to add some ki/chakra related things at some point, figured should let y'all see since that might not be for a while.

The changes aren't massive, but they're still significant, and liable to change still more depending on how the next few updates go.

Shanpu as Human - Overall Classification: Perfect Amazon!
Strike Speed: C (A with Chestnut Fist)
Strike Force: B
Strike Accuracy: A-
Throwing Accuracy: C+
Lift Strength: C+
Carry Strength: C-
Impact Resistance: B (was D at start of quest)
Movement Speed: D (C- with Hot Foot)
Maneuvering Speed: C
General Vigor: D+
Battle Endurance: C+
Stamina Recovery: C- (C+ if out of combat and able to relax/recover ki)

Shanpu as Cat - Overall Classification: Doom Kitty!
Strike Speed: D (C- with Chestnut Paw [S+ Class Cute!~])
Strike Force: E
Strike Acccuracy: B
Throwing Accuracy: N/A - SHE'S A CAT AND HAS NO THUMBS! :(
Lift Strength: D-
Carry Strength: E+
Impact Resistance: D-
Movement Speed: B (A with Hot Paw [A+ Class Adorable!~])
Maneuvering Speed: A-
General Vigor: E
Battle Endurance: E+
Stamina Recovery: D- (C- if out of combat and able to relax/recover ki)

Surly Critic said:
Thinking about it, Shanpu's 'mistake' with Hidden Weapons, where she merged a rock into her arm?

That's more impressive than 'real' Hidden Weapons by a huge margin if you think about it.

Don't believe me? Okay then-go back to that scene, reread it-and change two details.
1:---Render Shanpu injured to the point she's MISSING parts-fingers, a hand an arm a foot a leg-whatever.
2:---Replace the rock she merged with, with (thanks to seal temporal rule fuckery/gruesome mid-battle-theft) fresh replacement parts.

And just like that, Hidden Weapons can become a cadaver-and-gore-fuelled regen method.

Obviously there'd be wrinkles to iron out, practice to do and methods to refine-but FUNDAMENTALLY Hidden Weapons innately contains the core of a potent recovery tech, as revealed by Shanpu's mistake.

As a bonus, we abruptly become 'the most physically like Kakuzu' by dint of being the only other corpse scavenger-and frankly I'm pretty sure he already likes us insofar as Kakuzu can like something he considers killable.

Bob's Beard said:
Oh Surly, you just think up the nicest things!

This is even more impressive than first glance might suggest, if you factor for in-(naruto)verse propensities and norms. You've got the production of super-easily-transplanted material (Zetsu flesh) which can be produced from any given normal flesh per the recent chapters. Sure that's all super duper secret endgame stuff that Shanpu/Shanpu accessible peeps wouldn't be easily assumed to know-but that's just the perfection of research that's still being done. The Sound Four's Sakon and Ukon could fuse flesh in a way disturbingly similar to Shanpu's proposed tech, and this ability was clearly implantable in some form, given Kabuto incorperated it into himself. There's Earth Grudge Fear which renders 'damage to one's body' into 'the seperation of the parts that make you (that can implicitly be reassembled)', barring it's obligatory weakpoint rules around the heart stuff. There's Orochimaru's skin shedding thing, which in some way involves two bodies being in the same place to the benefit of the owner of both bodies. Bijuu grant regen to their hosts, Movie-based bullshit: there's no shortage of techs that, if you squint, are ultimately trying to 'reinvent the wheel', given the wheel being, well, the Zetsu soldier body.

Sure it's squicky on some levels, but I don't recall seeing anything about Shanpu being averse to bodyparts and death and such-quite the opposite, in her source material. Conversely, the naruto setting as observed above has oodles of people/means that are similar to this, so it's not a red flag to research it.

Lastly, let's be realistic: A combat specced Spacebattles PC that doesn't produce body parts as a result of their fighting? That's an exception, not the norm.

This really looks like it could fit us well, and getting a flexible form of regen like that'd really expand how big of risks we can choose to take with Shanpu-and it being concretely 'you want a new arm? Fine, better HAVE ONE to use for it' is a solid law governing it's limits and haxness. I'm all for investigating this-which then raises a critical question.

How do we make it in-character and narratively logical for Shanpu to pursue such a technique's development given her current status? She's not missing any parts, hasn't yet really cared about the danger level of the setting, and certainly doesn't have a pile of bodyparts around-which isn't even getting into how odd 'Oh I should keep playing with that one thing that nearly maimed my arm' is as an internal viewpoint, fundamentally.


Krain said:
...Take inspiration from Fu's cousin (when are we going to get him that Narutoverse Battle Smasher thing that was talked about before, anyway)?
If he could fight using one of his arms as a weapon - awesome as it was of him - surely she needs to do better!

Given Shanpu has basically undergone Narutoverse Friendship with Fu (through the uniting effects of Kamen Rider), it might also help focus her thoughts towards people related to Fu.
Next time Naruto's about to hit you, Hot Foot over to your watchers! The boy that tried so hard to resist catly allure first: appear right in front of him, deflect away whatever kneejerk response he has, keep a grip on him and smile!
---[X]-"Perhaps if boy had been polite and up front about being interested he could stay!" Spin boy around, "But since no such thing happened, will have to try and answer his questions another day!"
---[X]-Give him a light push away. "Now best leave before other lessons start, or there might be cause for offense... and chastisement!" Give as close to a dead on look at the girl, and see if she gets the hint. She was smart enough to properly like cats, clearly she won't do something stupid with your kind hints!
---[X]-There, that's those onlookers dealt with! Now if you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.
I've gotten to thinking that Naruto really doesn't respond well to people who react with aggravation and such towards him. It might surprise him if we didn't continue to treat him like the stupid brat he is.
Next time Naruto's about to hit you, Hot Foot over to your watchers! The boy that tried so hard to resist catly allure first: appear right in front of him, deflect away whatever kneejerk response he has, keep a grip on him and smile!
---[X]-"Perhaps if boy had been polite and up front about being interested he could stay!" Spin boy around, "But since no such thing happened, will have to try and answer his questions another day!"
---[X]-Give him a light push away. "Now best leave before other lessons start, or there might be cause for offense... and chastisement!" Give as close to a dead on look at the girl, and see if she gets the hint. She was smart enough to properly like cats, clearly she won't do something stupid with your kind hints!
---[X]-There, that's those onlookers dealt with! Now if you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.
Next time Naruto's about to hit you, Hot Foot over to your watchers! The boy that tried so hard to resist catly allure first: appear right in front of him, deflect away whatever kneejerk response he has, keep a grip on him and smile!
---[X]-"Perhaps if boy had been polite and up front about being interested he could stay!" Spin boy around, "But since no such thing happened, will have to try and answer his questions another day!"
---[X]-Give him a light push away. "Now best leave before other lessons start, or there might be cause for offense... and chastisement!" Give as close to a dead on look at the girl, and see if she gets the hint. She was smart enough to properly like cats, clearly she won't do something stupid with your kind hints!
---[X]-There, that's those onlookers dealt with! Now if you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.

p.s. This quest revival was a pleasant surprise indeed...
Next time Naruto's about to hit you, Hot Foot over to your watchers! The boy that tried so hard to resist catly allure first: appear right in front of him, deflect away whatever kneejerk response he has, keep a grip on him and smile!
---[X]-"Perhaps if boy had been polite and up front about being interested he could stay!" Spin boy around, "But since no such thing happened, will have to try and answer his questions another day!"
---[X]-Give him a light push away. "Now best leave before other lessons start, or there might be cause for offense... and chastisement!" Give as close to a dead on look at the girl, and see if she gets the hint. She was smart enough to properly like cats, clearly she won't do something stupid with your kind hints!
---[X]-There, that's those onlookers dealt with! Now if you're going to make a good impression on Chouza, you might as well lay it all out. They each saw a little bit of something, now it's time to reveal the rest of each.