Vote tally - The Way Forward v2: Guiding your descendant to glory.

Scheduled vote count started by KNakamura on Sep 22, 2024 at 10:41 PM, finished with 7 posts and 2 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Way Forward v2: Guiding your descendant to glory.
Post #81
Post #87


  • [X]Plan quiet study time
    -[X] Spark of Inspiration – Give her an insight into an ongoing issue that will lead to a spell. (Random choice, but one that will matter in turn 3.)
    -[X] Luck of the Goddess - You cannot teach her the grand secrets, but you can ensure that she finds the right books, of course. (Increase April's luck for a turn. More likely to learn a power from observation, increase a skill, of course.)
    -[X] Mana I - You've just ascended, and feel sluggish. You cannot remanifest or even communicate. Your spells fizzle from lack of mana and you feel you will need to unlock them all over again. You will need to increase your mana to do so. (3/?)
    -[X] Attend a Class - Defense: The Abbot has recommended you attend this class as a bare minimum, as the power you were taught is flawed, and only good against low magic projectiles. (Taken once.)
    -[X] Attend a Class - Utility: Any sorceress needs to have a good understanding of the utilitiarian powers they can turn their magic to. (Taken once.)
    -[X] Attend a Seminar - The Path of a Sorceress: Learn basics about your class and being a good seeker of knowledge. Contains random skills, but includes, more effective study and training.
    -[X]Hang Out With Other Initiates and Acolytes - Learn a bit of social chatter, as the Alley sorcerers seem to be very well connected to the gossip of this continent. Maybe gain a friend or contact.
    -[X]Talk to your Master - Your assigned master has a standing office timeslot for you, you could go take advantage of it. (Random benefit.)