[X] Plan: magic boot camp
-[X] Death Magic Purification - April, unknowingly, is cursed with Death Mana. You could work on purifying it from her before she gains Infernal traits. However, it must be a slow and spread out process. (Ongoing, has 33% Curse Progress. Each turn stops progress and decreases it by 5%.)(Possible side effects and complications if you take this every turn. Current Progress per turn: 3%)(Taken 2 turns ago)
-[X] Luck of the Goddess - You cannot teach her the grand secrets, but you can ensure that she finds the right books, of course. (Increase April's luck for a turn. More likely to learn a power from observation, increase a skill, of course.)
-[X] Mana I - You've just ascended, and feel sluggish. You cannot remanifest or even communicate. Your spells fizzle from lack of mana and you feel you will need to unlock them all over again. You will need to increase your mana to do so. (2/?)
-[X]The Training Yards - Spell Practice: Spend time on the training halls to learn to experiment and understand your power. You'd need to balance it with your other obligations, but it's always good to practice and get a gauge what you can do. (Pick three non skill rolls to get double dice)
-[X][]Aspectless Channeling - April would probably want to, or need to, channel her energies either to powers that take mana she normally doesn't use, or to assist others, who are using different types of mana for effects (150pts)
[X] Plan: I can't think of a plan name.
-[X] Death Magic Purification - April, unknowingly, is cursed with Death Mana. You could work on purifying it from her before she gains Infernal traits. However, it must be a slow and spread out process. (Ongoing, has 33% Curse Progress. Each turn stops progress and decreases it by 5%.)(Possible side effects and complications if you take this every turn. Current Progress per turn: 3%)(Taken 2 turns ago)
-[X] Luck of the Goddess - You cannot teach her the grand secrets, but you can ensure that she finds the right books, of course. (Increase April's luck for a turn. More likely to learn a power from observation, increase a skill, of course.)
-[X] Mana I - You've just ascended, and feel sluggish. You cannot remanifest or even communicate. Your spells fizzle from lack of mana and you feel you will need to unlock them all over again. You will need to increase your mana to do so. (2/?)
-[X]The Training Yards - Spell Practice: Spend time on the training halls to learn to experiment and understand your power. You'd need to balance it with your other obligations, but it's always good to practice and get a gauge what you can do. (Pick three non skill rolls to get double dice)
-[X]Aspected Channeling - April is working on redoing powers she has learnt for her type of mana - a healing that is a purification of injury via flame mana. A way to make magic missle a flaming orb, or an orb of force. (170pts)
-[X]Attend a Class: Defense - The Abbot has recommended you attend this class as a bare minimum, as the power you were taught is flawed, and only good against low magic projectiles. Even your inventive way of weaponizing it would be insufficient against many opponents.
-[X]Attend a Class: Society and Religion - You may have to move in society. Being able to do so without gaining (more) enemies might go well. This also covers dealing with other religions.
-[X]Attend a Class: The Path of a Sage - You did pick a specialty. All of them have some classes, although some are tricker than others.
-[X] Investigate the Star Seeker Alley's history and buildings. (May build social connections, but will have a fortunate encounter. )
-[X]Learn Divine Magic - It might be helpful to learn to channel this when you aren't in risk of immediate death, but it will take time.
[X]Attend a Class: Defense - The Abbot has recommended you attend this class as a bare minimum, as the power you were taught is flawed, and only good against low magic projectiles. Even your inventive way of weaponizing it would be insufficient against many opponents.
--[X]training yards
-[X]Attend a Class: Utility - Any sorceress needs to have a good understanding of the utilitarian powers they can turn their magic to.
-[X]Attend a Class: Society and Religion - You may have to move in society. Being able to do so without gaining (more) enemies might go well. This also covers dealing with other religions.
-[X]Talk to your Master - Your assigned master has a standing office timeslot for you, you could go take advantage of it. (Random benefit.)
-[X]Learn Divine Magic - It might be helpful to learn to channel this when you aren't in risk of immediate death, but it will take time.