[x] Plan: merge
-[x] Xiaomei Level up
--[x] Spend Point On:
---[x] Vitality
-[x] Spend Points On:
--[x] + 3 Survival, +2 Melee, +1 Healing
-[x] Celestial Intrigue Actions (mixed) (+15 to rolls (+5 this world))
--[x] Investigate the Tree of the Heavens, is something going on there? [1 FP 1 AP]
--[x] Investigate the Labyrinth of Regret for signs of disrepair [1 FP 1 AP]
--[x] [Keria] Khaliah and Serian have asked you to get their petitions fast tracked. They promise to assist you in turn if you help. (3 AP, 20 RP)
-[x] RP Pool
--[x] Spend resources creating a school in Phoenix City. This will provide general aid to the city, and start a new tradition of education, as well as worship. This will also assist Xiaomei. Cost: 60 RP.
--[x] Bank RP for later-use. (Banked RP caps at the same cap as unspent.) (Cost: ??? RP)
---[x] Bank 10
--[x] Incarnation seems risky, but yet the enemy persisted? (3 FP per turn, some risk.)
-[x] FP Pool
--[x] Set One Good Roll to .. (30/1 FP, 50/2 FP, 70/3 FP) (Specify if it's one of Xiaomei's rolls, or yours. Default: yours)
---[x] 70
-[x] write in: use the 2 encounters from the bank