Vote tally - The Water-bearer

Adhoc vote count started by R2Walker on Jan 13, 2022 at 10:07 PM, finished with 21 posts and 14 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
The Water-bearer
Post #2
Post #22


  • [X][Resolve] Retreat won't help you. What you need to do is...
    -[X][Resolve] ...find a way to control the demon within you.
    [X][Demon] Formless and shapeless... a glowing unknown mass of bubbles.
    [X] Yes we have been influenced physically
    -[X][Influence] One of your normally black eyes has turned dark blue. It will glow when you use magic. You currently have an eye-patch to hide it, but will need something better. (Gain +5 SA.)
    -[X][Influence] The tips of your black hair have turned blue. As you grow more connected with the Demon, your hair will change color entirely. But for now, you can just cut the tips off. (Gain +5 SA.)
    [X][Job] Sardis. You were travelling with the schematics of a machine meant for farming.
    [X][Job] Antioch. You were explicitly not told what you were carrying this time around.
    [X][Resolve] On the other hand, Christmas is in a few weeks... put the matter off until then.
    [x][Demon] A serpent that emerged from the hidden depths, bearing fangs
    [X][Influence] ...that you had only slight changes... (May choose multiple options. May not start with Spiritual Aptitude greater than 20.)
    -[X][Influence] You have a marking on your body, with traits matching that of the Demon. (Gain +5 SA. May write-in details describing the marking and where on the body it is.
    --[X] A fluid, scar-like pattern over your heart, it writhes when you use magic.
    -[X][Influence] The tips of your black hair have turned blue. As you grow more connected with the Demon, your hair will change color entirely. But for now, you can just cut the tips off. (Gain +5 SA.)
    [X][Demon] What must assuredly be some sort of water-dwelling dragon.
    [X][Influence] ...that you had only slight changes... (May choose multiple options. May not start with Spiritual Aptitude greater than 20.)
    -[X][Influence] You have a marking on your body, with traits matching that of the Demon. (Gain +5 SA. May write-in details describing the marking and where on the body it is.
    --[X] A fluid, scar-like pattern over your heart, it writhes when you use magic.
    [x][Job] Laodicea. You were travelling with large bundles of freshly shorn wool for trade
    [x][Resolve] You have to flee while you can. Make plans now to escape as soon as you can
    [X][Demon] An otherwise ordinary looking crab, if quite larger than a man.
    [X][Job] Smyrna. You had on hand a large shipment of incense and perfumes for trade.
    [X][Influence] ...that you had only slight changes... (May choose multiple options. May not start with Spiritual Aptitude greater than 20.)
    -[X][Influence] You have a marking on your body, with traits matching that of the Demon. (Gain +5 SA. May write-in details describing the marking and where on the body it is.
    -[X][Influence] The tips of your black hair have turned blue. As you grow more connected with the Demon, your hair will change color entirely. But for now, you can just cut the tips off. (Gain +5 SA.)
    [X][Influence] ...that you had only slight changes... (May choose multiple options. May not start with Spiritual Aptitude greater than 20.)
    -[X][Influence] You have a marking on your body, with traits matching that of the Demon. (Gain +5 SA. May write-in details describing the marking and where on the body it is.
    -[X][Influence] One of your normally black eyes has turned dark blue. It will glow when you use magic. You currently have an eye-patch to hide it, but will need something better. (Gain +5 SA.)
    -[X][Influence] The tips of your black hair have turned blue. As you grow more connected with the Demon, your hair will change color entirely. But for now, you can just cut the tips off. (Gain +5 SA.)
    [X][Resolve] Retreat won't help you. What you need to do is...
    -[X][Resolve] ...find a way to exorcise the demon from you.
    [X][Influence] ...that you had only slight changes... (May choose multiple options. May not start with Spiritual Aptitude greater than 20.)
    -[X][Influence] You have a marking on your body, with traits matching that of the Demon. (Gain +5 SA. May write-in details describing the marking and where on the body it is.
    -[X][Influence] One of your normally black eyes has turned dark blue. It will glow when you use magic. You currently have an eye-patch to hide it, but will need something better. (Gain +5 SA.)
    -[X][Influence] The tips of your black hair have turned blue. As you grow more connected with the Demon, your hair will change color entirely. But for now, you can just cut the tips off. (Gain +5 SA.)
    -[X] A fluid, scar-like pattern over your heart, it writhes when you use magic.
    [X][Job] Ephesus. You were delivering nothing; instead having been sent out to ply a trade.
    [X][Influence] ...that you looked the same, though you feel different... (Spiritual Aptititude remains at 0... for now.)