The War Chronicles of a Little Demon (Youjo Senki alt)

I get the feeling Tanya's Squads are going to get the reputation of being Tanya's personal harem, much to her frustration. I'd like to see the mortification on Tanya's face when someone tries to proposition her for a position in her squad.

Thank @Readhead for adding the extra bit to that line.

And quite so given Lucia thought she had some extra duties that came to her position, much to Tanya's horror. It doesn't help that VoiletBlood is... VioletBlood and will encourage such things.

Tauria: Why do people think I want to turn my squadron into my own harem?
GreyDawn: It is a mystery, Ma'am. I suppose you could ask your direct subordinates about it.
Images: Coat of Arms, Fleet Uniforms, in the Air, and meeting the Imperatrix
Today is a banner day (sorry for the pun) with a bunch of new art.

Ch22 is being revised and the middle scene is being written out.

First we have the unexpected piece from steamrick where he made a rather impressive bit of AI art of Tauria in a gown that can be seen here .


From Endymion with a bit of revision on my part we have Tauria's Coat of Arms as mentioned in chapter 21.

Next from FishTheTaco232 we have this wonderfully shaded and evocative piece.


Here we have from PlayerError404 another example of Tauria meeting someone important. This time BlackSky herself. The audiance was setup by her Daughter Felisia (from ch20), who also was happy to supply Tauria's gown.


And finally from ScittyKitty, we have Household Fleet Tribune ShadowWhisper (also last seen in ch20) giving Tauria some pointers for her thesis defense. This image is also a great example contrasting Fleet Whites and Legion Blacks.

Chapter 22: Simulations and Secondment
The War Chronicles of a Little Demon

Set in the Diyu Demons verse
A Saga of Tanya the Evil fic.
By Sunshine Temple

Naturally, I do not own Youjo Senki. So here's the disclaimer:

Saga of Tanya the Evil its characters and settings belong Carlo Zen, Shinobu Shinotsuki, and NUT Co., Ltd.

Previous chapters and other works can be found at my fanfiction website.
Interim Fanfiction and Fanart

C&C as always is wanted.

Chapter 22: Simulations and Secondment

A ways south of the city of Victrix and the major base nearby, a vast plot of scrubland claimed by the Fleet and Legions spread out across the uneven hills and plains. The parcel was a long-standing training grounds where generations of personnel had practiced landing operations as well as the use of ordnance across its various ranges. Several mock settlements and facilities had been built over the years, mostly from cast-off shipping containers, but over time the crude structures had been expanded upon and made increasingly permanent with the efforts of each training cohort and their attached budget.

Compared to the Adria Testing Range near the capital back on Diyu, the Juno Training Facility was several times larger and even more impressively fitted out. It was handy that land out here in the boonies of Mursam was far cheaper than in Shoreline Province. Plus, the lower population density meant that there were fewer people around to object to the sounds of late-night artillery fire.

Today, however, my unit was not making use of any of those facilities. Instead, the pilots of Quirinus's Demi-Wing were plugged into nearly fifty simulators, all crammed into a broad, low building that had clearly been a disused hanger until recently. Still, impromptu surrounding or not, as a training tool, the RP simulators were absolutely invaluable. Short of actual wing-time, they were perhaps the best way to prepare fliers for their upcoming maneuvers.

And of course, plenty of scenarios were all but impossible to fully model out in the training grounds. In such cases, the simulators were really the only viable option for preparing Ritual Plate Pilots for the tasks to come.

The current scenario had our Demi-Wing supporting a full-blown Corpus Incursio-sized operation. Specifically, "we" had been tasked to provide support for a secondary landing zone. Admittedly, this was a scenario that could be molded here in Juno, especially if our suits were in training mode with illusionary data put into our scrying screens. In this case, the use of the simulators came down to expense rather than necessity.

An hour in a simulator was far cheaper than an hour in the air. Time on wing was, in my opinion, the best form of training available, but such training carried many, many costs. Fuel for one, munitions for another, if it the exercise involved live-fire. Maintenance pre- and post-flight required separate billing, as did field support for any emergency repairs necessary mid-exercise and of course, transportation had to be factored in as well. Most exercises didn't require a carrier, but some did, which required an additional budged outlay. For an eight-hour exercise consisting of nearly fifty suits, the savings afforded by simulator training were considerable. Savings that could be folded into still more training, or perhaps more equipment.

The simulators did have a downside. Taken together, the optical illusion spells, artificial scrying speed, and harness system combined into a reasonable simulacrum of motion, but even still, the gap between simulation and reality remained. Adding in the illusion of inclement weather highlighted that gap, as generating sufficiently convincing rain was enough to noticeably task the simulator's capacity for graphic generation. Admittedly, snow was easier to generate, and I could decrease the efficiency of the simulated wards to mimic the impact of precipitation on the shields, but.... It just wasn't the same.

Summed up, the only way simulators could remain an easy and cheap training option was by sacrificing a degree of verisimilitude, widening the gap in experience between the simulation and the real deal. Such tools could help us keep our skills sharp, but there truly was no substitute for reality.

The secondary landing zone in our scenario was supposed to be a lower-intensity front, though the weather had played havoc on both LZs. Thus, only three Cohorts, temporarily organized into a Vexillatio, were sent down to secure several bridges to cut off Luxon's northern line of communication and reinforcements. Our Demi-Wing was sent in to provide overall air-support at the standard ratio of a bit under one Flight of RP per Century of Legionaries. For the purposes of this exercise, we were serving as their organic RP components; normally a Cohort would have a dedicated RP detachment, and a Demi-Wing like ours would be a supplemental force.

In the scenario, Luxon had anticipated such a landing and had dug in. Driving off their own Ritual Plate assets, mostly Anupets, was our first complication. The enemy were fielding two Flights of Sekhmet air superiority suits over the secondary landing site, and taking down that protective umbrella was our first task. Fortunately, the enemy seemed to have neither Thoth sensor platforms nor Neith scrying RP units in our area of operations, giving us an edge in information.

A more pointed complication was the realization that our Legionaries were facing three Janissary Mechanized Infantry Battalions down on the dirt, half of a full-blown Mechanized Brigade. They were already bunkered down and were making use of the poor weather to further complicate the hoof-sloggers' approach. Intelligence had suggested that there would be only a single reserve battalion here giving our Legionaries a comfortable advantage. Instead they had rough numerical parity, against a foe on the defensive that had superiority in heavy equipment, and ours were landing in a storm.

Air assets were our only decisive advantage, especially in the opening phase of the exercise after First and Third Squadrons drove off enemy RP. Even then, the air assault phase of the operation almost became a debacle as Luxon strike aircraft counterattacked during a particularly bad part of the ice-storm, and almost took out a squadron of Umbra VTOLs.

Once the Cohort's Forward Scouts got on the ground, they were able to searching out the Janissary's concealed positions and stared calling in targets. Throughout the exercise, Second and Fourth Squadrons kept busy with near-constant air-to-surface fire missions. As the bulk of our Cohorts touched down with "acceptable" losses, the Legion hoof-sloggers slowly began to establish their own anti-air network around the secured beachhead, finally giving our own armored elements the opportunity to touch down. Protecting the heavy transport VTOLs kept our Harmonia First Squadron thoroughly occupied.

My Squadron was in the swing overwatch role, using our higher number of Gorgon Rigs to supplement the two Sarpedona Squadrons' Scrying systems and providing that extra fire support when required. Also, whenever the Janissaries concentrated into an armored column to try to dislodge our Legionaries, I had my Third Flight drop Lance Strikes on their heads on my own recognizance to show them who had the biggest stick.

Even with a judicious, and minimal, heavy fire support, hitting armored vehicles with the capital ship grade weapons left an immediate and highly-visible impact. Much of the small city that the Janissaries had lodged themselves in was already in ruins, and most of the buildings still standing were engulfed in rapidly spreading flames that the heavy snow was only minimally slowing. After the second major armored formation shattered under our onslaught with the survivors picked off by Pilum fire from Julia's Second Squadron, the Janissaries learned to disperse their forces and bide their time among the broken city's bones. By my estimate, Lady Julia JadeTalon was still the weakest Prefect in the unit, but she had the sense to listen to her wingwoman, possessed a creative mind, and by becoming more decisive was growing into her position.

"Third Squadron, Third Squadron, enemy air assets detected on the following vector. Estimated strength is two Squadrons, tentative identification is Marzanna air-superiority suits," Flight Ops chimed in my ear before giving the coordinates. "Are you available for intercept?"

"This is Diamond Actual," I responded, briefly checking over the update on my map display. The view outside my eye lenses had a low ceiling due to oppressive cloud cover and was further hampered by a mix of sleet and hail. Engrossed as I was, it almost felt like I was in the air, despite the petulance of my Zephyr. "Confirm. We can intercept. Note, my Third Flight is configured in Strike mode."

"Understood," the woman playing the role of Flight Ops said with textbook, if a bit forced, unflappability.

"Epsilon Actual, this is Diamond Actual," I said, switching over to the command channel.

"Go Diamond," Quirinus replied. "We have been informed. It sounds like Luxon got some Elenese assistance."

The scenario was that we were supporting a landing operation in the western part of House Luxon. Given where I had trained and that Quirinus had been one of my early instructors, I found the location of today's scenario unsurprising. Snow was infrequent in that part of the world, but on the rare occasions that the storms brought icy fury with the rain, the resulting storms of slushy sleet tended to be nasty.

"HarrowFang, are you okay without the extra air cover?" I asked the commander of Fourth Squadron, switching off the general command band to her channel.

Asking the question, even though I was all but certain of the answer, was part of the by-the-book procedures good training emphasized. In this scenario, where our role was to support the Legionaries on the ground, the textbook maneuver would be to intercept the incoming Squadrons of Elenese fighters before they could arrive to make things hard for our Sarpedona Squadrons.

Which wasn't to say that HarrowFang's answer bore no weight. If she asked for us to stay, I would trust her judgment and remain in place, even if I felt she was being overly cautious. Fabia had spent the last five weeks honing her rookies, taking every bit of extra training to give them that much more time to learn. I had volunteered my Squadron to act as the opposing force to help, which Fabia took with toothy relish.

To whit, this was a training scenario, not an active combat zone. My role here was not to advance the BlackSky banner, but to help others learn how to carry that banner forwards as well.

"I'd rather you fight them further out than over our heads," Fabia stated firmly. "These Janissaries are being mighty coy with their Hathors and Tefnuts."

The Hathor was Luxon's main dual-purpose armored vehicle. While superior in anti-ground roles, mostly infantry and light vehicles, they were capable enough as anti-air platforms, if a bit low-charged and somewhat slow in tracking. Integrated and well-positioned formations of Hathors were more than capable of taking out incautious enemy Ritual Plate, especially if they were given telemetry by Luxon RP. That said, part of the reason they were being cautious could be that tracked vehicles required extra care on iced-up streets, which would make it difficult to position said tracked vehicles to gain maximum utility.

The Tefnut was a fairly compact VTOL that carried some missiles for anti-air work and some evocation projectors for ground targets. It was not as robust in the latter role as a dedicated fire-support platform like the Sobek, but the Tefnut could do some of the forward targeting roles for a Hathor. It was inexpensive enough that they could be attached to Janissary formations at the Battalion level, much like the Anker ground combat golems with their cottiers of smaller Baset infantry-support golems. With limited magazine capacity and wards due to size and power restrictions, the Tefnut was a fair defensive platform, unless it was overwhelmed and outmaneuvered, as we had done here.

That the enemy had an integrated air defense system of multiple air and ground platforms that needed taking-out delayed the timetable for landing operations. Our losses were been... acceptable. Our Sarpedona Squadrons had taken the brunt of it.

Better them than us. Even if it was all just training, casualties were never welcome.

Overall, in my consideration, our four Squadrons were working together well enough. The stiffness that had marked our first couple weeks together had eased and our coordination was more fluid. It helped that Quirinus's stern but quite capable instruction worked well with her willingness to use First Squadron as a training rival. I returned the favor and volunteered my Polyxo suits, in, mostly, air-superiority mode to give the greenhorns some aggressor training as well.

"Confirm," I agreed.

"Diamond..." Quirinus caught herself. "Never-mind. See you after the exercise."

"Understood, Ma'am," I said and switched back to my Squadron's channel before the other Squadron Commanders could start wondering aloud what was going on. Sometimes the Tribune could be sentimental, but she realized I would not take things personally.

"Good news girls," I said with bright cheer to my entire Squadron just as their displays updated with the new targeting information.

"Is... that the good news, Ma'am?" Lucia inquired primly.

My newest Primus Centurion had done more than just keep pace. Indeed, her ability to parry LoveBlood's retorts and keep her own Flight admirably squared-away enough to give Second Flight a real challenge had rapidly become quite useful as a tool to keep my noble pilots' egos in check. Still, I was keeping a close eye on watching her Flight's performance; snow was, after all, none too common up on Lantia.

"Flight Ops has found some Elenese reinforcements that we'll need to clean up and your Flight is equipped with Lance Batteries." I smiled, knowing they could hear it in my voice as I spoke, "You're going to be our big guns."

There was a tiny pause. "Do you think we'll need them against enemy RP?"

"It wouldn't be the first time Countess has done it," VioletBlood replied, smug even now as was her wont.

"That is correct," Lucia admitted, "but I hardly think that Elena would enter this combat with such paltry numbers and, even if they did, two Squadrons can't turn the numbers. No, this is part of a larger attack. My guess is that their Marzanna are here to escort and clear the air."

"Escort. Like a bomber run?" Visha asked.

"Something like that." I took in the map display. The ground situation was... chaotic. In many ways, the imperfect resolution of the simulator was more accurate than if it had perfect fidelity. Static and snow were close enough analogs for visual impairments. "Our ground assets are spread out, but there's still a few nodes large enough worth risking a Kupala or two for. In part, there is a non-negligible chance that, they could be loaded with missiles as part of trying to clear-out our Ritual Plate assets. Overwhelming force is preferable to allowing the Elenese to freely conduct air-to-surface fire missions."

"Understood," Lucia soberly said. For a Legionary Flier, ceding air superiority back to the enemy when you still had Legionaries on the ground was anathema. "Priority target then?" she asked. A Lance Strike on a bomber formation was still overkill, but quite justified in this case.

"Correct," I confirmed. "We don't have many Lances, but those bombers could do a lot of damage if they get through. Take them down."

Lucia handled, I turned to directing my Flights into an overlapping formation, with First and Second on either side separated and at slightly different altitudes with Third hanging a bit behind. I let each Primus Centurion organize their pilots. To my gratification, my subordinates had all opted for similar of staggered diamond formations. For an intercept track, the textbook diamond provided a good compromise between mutual support and expansive coverage.

Taking a moment to broaden the focus of my map display, I surveyed the progress of the greater operation. It was all too easy to grow overly focused and fall into tactical tunnel vision and target fixation, especially as miles of terrain raced below my wings on the way to seek out and destroy my enemy, whoever that may be. Even without the action-oriented influence of one's Zephyr, that hunter-killer urge was native to the aggressive pilot eager to prove her worth and her their wage; it was the job of officers and noncoms to direct those urges in a productive manner towards out objective.

The landing was a massive affair, even rendered on the tiny convines of my heads-up-display.

The operation plan had called for fifteen Ritual Plate Air Groups, a force totaling well over five thousand Fleet Pilots and Legion Fliers. There were also nearly four hundred Umbra Medium VTOLs, about fifty Pugio and Gladius Heavy VTOLs, a hundred Spatha Lights, fifty Hasta Torpedo bombers, and over three thousand Torpedoes joining us on the wing as we bit and held the burning coast. And that vast skyborne hammer was just the aerial component of our invasion force. Fully six legions with all their equipment were also being deployed, infiltrating the mud and ashes after we devastated the current tenants.

Unfortunately, little of that terrible strength could be spared for our secondary theatre.

Six Legions, a full Corpus Incursio, were landing on the headlands above a pointedly-fictitious Luxon base that, for the purposes of the exercise, represented a major linchpin defense of the whole Southern Front. The landing force was also experiencing nasty weather bad enough that landing operations were only barely feasible due to the intercession of the Fleet's Tempestarii.

Intercession aside, the landing was not going well. The first waves had battled their way down to the ground, but air control remained tenuous at best. Fleet support was disappointingly anemic; both the ground strikes from Torpedo Bombardment vessels and the number of Fleet Pilots deployed to supplement the two Legionary Air Groups already engaged didn't seem to be leading any great shifts in the battlefield's calculus. Admittedly, beyond contenting with high winds and poor weather, the Fleet Pilots had good reason to be distracted. The Landing Fleet was under attack.

Sipping some water, I resisted the temptation to study the far-off simulated battle in greater detail; doubtless the exercise proctors had added such a wealth of information specifically to act as an attention trap. Still, it seemed like a significant number of Elenese and Luxon Ritual Plate, fixed wing, and even airship assets had been committed to the struggle for the fortress. They had timed their arrival well, swooping in just after a probing attack along another vector and while the Landing Fleet was distracted with the launch of its second VTOL wave.

As mighty as the enemy Great Houses' air assets were, they faced a massive armada of carriers shepherded by dozens of escort craft, including a full cruiser squadron and multiple Torpedo bomber tenders. If they could batter their way past those defenses, then the enemy could land a crippling blow to the ability of the Fleet to support, supply, and expand the invasion beachhead. Such a crippling blow would also inflict strategic damage to House BlackSky's continued Legionary-lift capability.

The sterile weapons tracks, blinking icons, and cold notations told the story of a nigh-apocalyptic battle. One that my Squadron was just a sideshow to, or perhaps even a sideshow to a sideshow as the Legionaries fought their pitched battle below our hooves. However, my interest did not stem from some voyeuristic desire to witness destruction; rather, my inattention was to see if any enemy assets would be splitting from the main assault and winging their way across the storm-torn skies towards us.

"Flight Ops, Flight Ops. I'm seeing a breakaway," I said, rattling off the coordinates after switching to the proper channel. "Kupala squadron with supporting RP elements. Estimate on composition or numbers?"

There was a pause. "Diamond... we're not sure what their intent is."

I exhaled through my nose. "Flight Ops, I'm not asking for intent. Do we have any assets that can even give a tentative ID or numbers?" I asked, keeping most of the rebuke out of my voice. This was not just an exercise for Legionary Fliers; Flight Ops Dispatchers were also getting some simulation training. Given the attack on the Landing Fleets, it was entirely possible that the room the Flight Ops officers were in was full of klaxons and other distractions.

"Uh, yes Diamond," the dispatcher cleared her throat. "We are reading a heavy Kupala squadron with three to four squadrons of RP. A mix of Marzanna air-superiority and Perun strike models. If they change heading, their distance and speed does allow for them to enter your area of operations, possibly even support the Squadrons you're intercepting."

I resisted the impulse to snort with disdain, if Kupala unit changed their heading to the secondary landing zone, there was no "possibly" in their moving to support. Those first two Marzanna Squadrons would try to draw my own Squadron out of position, but there was a limit to how far we would chase and any sensible Elenese officer would know that. While leading us on a merry chase far from the operational area was out of the question, drawing us out and hitting us in a pincer was an entirely valid tactic for some enterprising dandy of a Squadron officer to try.

"Understood, Flight Ops. Pass this information to Epsilon Actual. Also, any support, such as a Torpedo strike would be appreciated." My tone was a bit brusque, as I stated my reply, old authority rising from instincts deeply ingrained as danger approached my command. Some Fleet heavy fire-support would be very handy, but the Fleet had their own problems right now, and that was likely both beyond the remit of this exercise and their currently limited capacity.

"That might be challenging. Good luck, Diamond," the dispatcher said; I could hear a squealing, tearing noise in the background. I wondered if they would have to do an evacuation drill, and who our fallback Flight Ops would be, or if this would be one of those exercises where we'd lose all dispatch support. Seeing how Legionaries and Fleet reacted to the loss of central command and control was an irritating but necessary part of these exercises.

I changed comms channels. "Tribune, did you get the new intercepts?"

"I did. They might be going after the northern flank of the primary LZ," Quirinus said, a contemplative note touching her voice for a moment before vanishing behind the bland tone of the detached commander.

"I agree," I replied, stating the obvious, "but we'll know in a minute based on which way they change heading. Will your forces be freed up if that does happen?"

"Not comfortable with five to one odds, Countess?" The slightest hint of gallows humor shone in Quirinus' question.

"We both know exactly what my odds are, Ma'am," I said, answering her query frankly without any attempt at false modesty. She had asked for my assistance in setting up the training scenarios. "but this is the exact type of relief force those Janissaries have been hoping for. Additional support will likely be necessary."

"I would think the Janissaries would be hoping for some air to ground missile and arcane fire from their RP and golems," she argued.

"I don't think the Janissaries are particularly picky about who kills us," I countered. "And even if my Squadron pushes them back, we will likely sustain sufficient losses to endanger our air superiority over the LZ."

An ideal option for the opposing force would be to have Sekhmet air-superiority suits direct missile fire from Tefnut drones to clear us out of the way so their Anupet ground-attack RP and Sobek VTOLs could engage the ground troops and clear the landing zones with their freshly purchased window of opportunity.

However, given Luxon's air power doctrine, the Sekhmet was a rarer model, unlikely to appear over a secondary front in significant numbers. The Sekhmets also relied on heavier protection to compensate for their somewhat lackluster maneuverability, lackluster at least compared to other air superiority Plates. More than the stronger wards, which required more power to operate, the Sekhmet made up for their clumsiness with good Scrying systems and some of the best in class combat directing and data sharing capability.

Though not quite on par with the Harmonia, the Sekhmet remained an adequate fighter. It was clearly superior to the Trosic Rochefort and unlike the Elenese Marzanna, there was no first generation failure to blemish its name. Luxon also had the manufacturing capacity to make enough Sekhmets to lower the per-suit cost, something Ziox was unable to do with their tricky-to-fly Tjardu.

In the hands of skilled pilots, especially ones who knew air combat was a team effort and not dueling, an experienced Sekhmet formation could challenge even a Harmonia Squadron. Indeed, the only casualties First Squadron's had taken during today's exercise so far had been inflicted by Sekhmets.

"Even without support," I sighed into the channel to my commander, "I'm sure our girls will be facing plenty of Marzanna and Sekhmet suits today."

Quirinus seemed to consider that for a moment.

"I'll be vectoring to provide support," Quirinus eventually said, her tone firm and committed as she sent the plan to my display. "We will approach along this vector, allowing us to support you while maintaining cover over the landing zones. I'll have Second and Fourth Squadrons pull back to help backfill."

"Understood, Ma'am. Thank you." I did not begrudge her for her choices today.

As the commanding officer, Quirinus was in a tough situation, contending against a rapidly increasing number of enemies with very finite resources; then again, all training exercises weren't necessarily supposed to be fair. I do not mean fair in the sense of fighting an equally skilled and equipped enemy. I mean fair in the sense that the situation presented is one that is winnable and the proctors will not artificially change the scenario and enemy capability to ensure an outcome should the trainee threaten to seize victory from the jaws of predestined defeat.

Still that sort of deliberately invincible scenario was rare, and it was possible for our Demi-Wing to win today's scenario. At the end of the day, the purpose of any training exercise was to simultaneously instruct the trainee while providing an accurate gauge of their skills and capacities; constantly moving the goalposts might teach a lesson but altering criteria on the fly only muddled test results.

Besides, enduring an unrelenting string of defeats in purposefully hopeless scenarios was corrosive to the morale of even the most elite units, nothing to say of a newly fledged formation that included green troops and units still getting used to working with one another. Simply brutalizing Quirinus's command would serve, as far as I could tell, little purpose.

At the end of the day, though, training was limited and approximate by nature. Our knowledge of the enemy's capabilities, doctrine, and decision-making would always be imperfect. Beyond that permanent flaw was the level of unpredictability in war, a factor notoriously hard to measure. As such, even the more creative scenarios could have value, if only to stave-off complacency.

Or to knock a sense of humility into pilots and officers whom Command had judged to be suffering from hubris. A duty that often fell upon me.

I switched back to my Squadron channel. "We have still more good news!" I said in the saccharine tone officers used only to indicate things were quite the opposite. "We are getting backup. The Tribune is coming to play support."

"Ah," GreyDawn said, her voice grim and toneless as she doubtlessly digested her freshly updated map of the local airspace. She knew exactly what the sudden arrival of reinforcements in the middle of a mess like this heralded.

"And we're ready to lend our fire!" Lucia said with the enthusiasm I expected from a Flight Leader. At least the news of our impending backup had lifted someone's spirits.

"Excellent," I stated in my pleased commander voice. "The plan will require some slight adjustments, but if we play this right, we'll get the first Elenese relief force before the second can catch up to it, and then we can envelop that one between our two Squadrons."

The quick briefing was almost rote. Practice helped a lot with that; practice also helped make sure it was not actually rote. That was where mistakes would come in, with things missed and assumptions made.

We were outnumbered roughly two-to-one and we were getting closer.

"Charity, IronTalon, Lances now!" Lucia ordered.

A pair of highly-energetic beams shot out, their passing searing the impression of brilliant blue lines cutting through the air, not that the simulation could fully-realize the intensity of such a weapon's backscatter, and obliterating the Elenese suits. Third Flight had a limited number of shots with their powerful Lances, but they were worth breaking up the enemy formation. One suit was tagged and blew apart while two more were damaged, which was a nice bonus, but the real goal was shattering their unit cohesion at the critical moment of our assault.

The two enemy Squadrons fractured into half a dozen Flights and tried to reorient around us. I tightened in my own Pilots and moved to slice off the two northernmost enemy Flights.

Twelve to eight, we had local numerical superiority. While the second generation Marzanna was a capable platform, these simulated pilots were middling at best, and may have been calibrated to be weaker fliers, overly dependent on their instruments in the middle of the fight. Perhaps the simulation had decide that they would be spooked, their morale disrupted, or maybe their Flight Leaders were not aggressive enough; either way, we sliced through them almost effortlessly, taking minimal hits by using superior coordination and maneuvering.

As we raced past, we left only broken suits flaming out vanishing down into the embrace of the snowy squall.

"Redline acceleration!" I ordered over the Squadron channel, feeling my suit strain and stir as I poured on every scrap of thrust I could muster. The quicker we got to the others, the less time they had to reorganize. As any cavalryman could tell you, the rout was where the real business of killing was done. Soon we were at the apogee of our climb.

The four remaining Flights, still trying to huddle together for safety, turned and opened fire as we swept down upon them like Cuirassiers on a disintegrating square, like raiders from the steppe descending on a piddling line of village militia. For all of the ordered opposition and fighting spirit the Elenese could muster, they might as well have been peasants rousted from their huts.

Less, even; at least in that case, their shoddy response could be blamed on their lack of training. The simulated Elenese pilots had no such excuse for their tactical plodding. This was the type of "glorious" slaughter that my noble brats in the capital had fantasized about.

"Smoke. Smoke. Smoke!" I ordered as a dozen Verutum launchers each shot out a quartet of enchanted obsidian pebbles. Black Fog was a somewhat new and niche munition; like most such the ordnance, they were a short-ranged affair but within their envelope of effect each arcane munition would explode into an obscuring, hot cloud of magical distortions.

Chaff, smoke, and other countermeasures very much held a niche role in RP combat, given their relatively short range and the ability of Wards and intercept systems to give active protection against incoming fire. Launched counters aside, the sheer speed of Ritual Plate encounters led many pilots to put a low premium on such tools. After all, the clouds could only provide a moment's protection, and measures like using the Verutum to launch the baffling ordnance ahead of your flight only slightly increased that window of effect. I, however, held that the pilot who dismissed such measures did so very much at her peril.

Obscured behind a layered, burning cloud, my Squadron quickly shifted thrust, changing headings as we maneuvered to avoid the blind-fire from the Elenese suits. I had to give the Marzanna pilots credit, while their choice of action may not have been optimal, it was decisive.

Firing their own chaff, the enemy dove through the resulting cloud, their lead elements pulsing their Scrying arrays and closely followed by the remaining Flights, who kept their sensors in a passive mode. It was an aggressive response straight out of the pages of their textbook counter-ambush doctrine.

The Elenese chaff system, codenamed Prompt Candle, worked by releasing spirals of metallic ribbons that were hypergolic with the atmosphere. When the small canisters burst, the tightly-wound strips would fly apart and ignite with a incandescent intensity. That heat was mostly released to distract targeting warheads, but secondarily was used in powering the enchantments inscribed upon the ribbons which generated localized and randomized Veils. Despite rather protected casings, the individual Prompt Candle munitions were... delicate to handle, but the result was a set of charges that made a thorough hash of our Scrying systems.

The problem for the enemy was that Third Squadron had been thoroughly trained to fight in as many operational envelopes as I could come up with, which meant they knew exactly how to handle this rarest of combat scenarios, close-range blind-fighting. A place where the margin of error was nonexistent and the sensor suite-was half trustworthy at best. It was one thing to fight ghosts when they were far off, it was another when they could practically grab you by the horns.

As a result both formations were fighting half-blind, but my side still had the edge. I did not order my girls to target the Elenese pathfinders lit up by their active systems. Oh no, here was where I wanted to show the advantage of a full squadron equipped with Gorgon Rigs. There was enough backscatter to target the two Flights right behind the leading one.

Yes, there were nearly thirty sets of Ritual Plate swirling around trying to kill each other in the middle of a burning, if rapidly dissipating, cloud in the heart of a raging blizzard. But if the conditions and chaff munitions had conspired to render my enemy blind, then my suits with their expensive sensor suits were only half-blind... And if those countermeasures would last for just another few short but crucial moments....

"Flight Three, get ready to clear the fog!" I ordered Lucia.

We split in a pincer, evading the lead Elenese elements to pinch down on the middle of their formation, dragging eight more Marzannas into the brawl. Neutralizing them was not entirely without cost; poor Pulivia became my Squadron's first and so far only casualty. Even as she "fell" through the generated sky, a cold part of me noted that the exchange was still magnificently unbalanced in our favor. Provided that the rest of us managed to survive this combat and full fill our objectives, of course. Leading in material counted little if the slaughter of the enemy distracted form the true goal..

The Marzanna Flight with active sensors detected what was going on behind them and flipped. And now, my Squadron had one Flight ahead of us and two mostly intact Flights to our rear.

There was no way they could all get away from us now.

"Clear!" I ordered.

Lucia obliged. She fired a single Lance directly at the leading Elenese Pathfinder. At that range, hitting an actively emitting target was a near certainty. And then everybody had the opportunity to learn what happened when a massive evocation blast of Lance energy detonated within a clout of burning Prompt Candle ribbons and Black Fog pebbles.

The sky burned like an acetylene torch as over a dozen wards flared as one. While the three Ritual Plate caught directly in the Lance's blast were destroyed, without even shrapnel to mark their passing, the focused intensity did not diffuse enough to meaningfully damage the rest.

The Marzanna Pilots, or whatever simulacrum was making their decisions, hesitated. This was not something they had trained, or been programmed, for. It would only take them a moment to recover.

I smiled. My girls had trained for this. "Take them," I ordered over the Squadron channel.

It was a slaughter. The nine or so remaining pilots, already wrong-footed, were shattered and overwhelmed. Where the previous hits were using positioning and concealment to separate the enemy and defeat in detail, this was the full force of Legion Fliers running down the enemy. Though one understrength Flight, consisting of heavily damaged, suits did manage to successfully break off. As they fled for the nebulous cover of a low-hanging fog bank, I opted not to have us pursue them in their rout, instead surveying our newly conquered aerial battlefield.

I exhaled and took a moment of satisfaction on a job well done.

We took a bit of time to adjust, hydrate, and reassemble our formation. The next phase of the battle would soon be upon us.

The second formation had a larger group of Marzanna air-superiority suits at its core, supported by Perun strike models and a number of Kupala fixed-wing aircraft bristling with missiles. While the fixed-wings were primarily an air-to-ground model, such ordnance could be pressed into an anti-air role, albeit at a performance cost.

That inefficiency was what saved my Squadron. Acting as fire directors, the Elenese interceptor suits provided telemetry for both the missiles and the Perun's Lance strikes; unfortunately for those spotters and the formations coming up behind them, those weapons were designed to rain down on the heads of groundbound forces, not swat highly mobile airborne assets from the sky, especially not airborne units armed with countermeasures against those weapons. Still, the sheer accumulated mass of firepower resulted in a rather prickly target we could not simply charge headlong into, as we had the previous batch of Elenese suits.

We still retained the range advantage thanks to our air-superiority kit and while the enemy had greater numbers, they could easily be drawn into a Pyrrhic victory if they attempted to simply rush and overwhelm us. Defeating my Squadron was, after all, only the first probable objective of their mission; once we were gone, they would have had to take out Quirinus's as well, while retaining sufficient forces to combat our Sarpedona Squadrons before their survivors would likely press their advantage to attack our Cohorts left exposed in the landing zone.

"Flight Two, advance and feed data to Flight Three. Flight Three, take out their missile boats."

"Confirm," VioletBlood said with obvious relish.

Ahead, on the course I was directing my Squadron towards, the thick storm clouds loomed.. Visibility, even enhanced, would be cut down to almost nothing, leaving us all reliant on our scrying systems and other sensors. Despite this factor, I had faith in my pilots; they were fully capable of decisive action in spite of such a limitation.

"Flight Three, you can go for a full salvo. The enemy needs to keep this Kupala Squadron mostly intact if they want to relieve their allies. Flight One will take point and run interference," I ordered.

"Understood," Lucia acknowledged, her tone easy and professional.

The enemy had put a number of missiles in the air, but nothing like their full load-out, just barely enough to call it a volley. Obviously, they were holding back.

I eyed their positioning on my display; they had a tight and defensive formation that fit my expectations of an Elenese commander trying to conserve her forces; her goal was to get past my Squadron with her forces intact, after all, not to squander her people in a slugfest. That was fine with me. At this range, we still had the range advantage and could evade return fire with ease as well as deploy countermeasures practically unimpeded.

Then, the simulated Elenese surprised me.

Immediately after Flight Three destroyed a Kupala and crippled two more, the two Marzanna Squadrons shot forwards at max acceleration abandoning, their escorts. For a moment, I found myself shocked by the flagrant violation of Elenese doctrine. I half expected to hear some Pukovnik or Bojonik screaming a vendetta over the Open Channel because I just killed her little sister. But, aggressive though their charge was, their formation remained strong and cohesive.

I did not begrudge Quirinus's decision; she had her priorities for this exercise.

Her First Squadron went after the bombers and Strike RP. The Peruns and remaining Kupala missile bombers were the more dangerous target to the Cohorts we were assigned to protect. While their escorts were chasing after us, they were almost defenseless, especially in the face of a Harmonia Squadron.

As the Marzanna came in on their indulgent - and mission-destroying - attack, the doomed bombers released their entire payloads. My display was filled with the clutter of new missile tracks, practically whiting-out our sensors and dropping us into true near-zero visibility.

Third Fight opened up with their Lance Batteries. Their solid fire support winnowed down the enemy attack at range, the smoke clouds and chaff further confused the missile's attempts to achieve a target lock, just in time for our projectors to fire on the missiles. With all those factors combined, we somehow survived the desperate moment.

There was a place for the shock of blind aggression in combat: were I proctoring this exercise, I would not have chosen this moment as one of those places, but perhaps that why they had opted to throw that tactic against my unit. They knew I'd be surprised, and, to their presumed credit, they had been proven correct.

I suppose that was an upside to this training exercise I hadn't anticipated, along with the surprise opportunity to evaluate the simulated performance of the latest model of Black Fog countermeasures. First Squadron took a number of critical casualties in their strike, but they utterly destroyed the bombers and Peruns in exchange.

First Flight was in the lead, and I was front and center at the head of First Flight. Predictably, the enemy assault zeroed in on us, and I took advantage of their target fixation. Their supporting elements were using heavier Veils and relying on Scrying data forwarded by their lead Flights. Still, they were obvious enough and I gave targeting data to Lucia.

On my direction, Visha did not lead First Flight into an attack, declining to pit strength versus strength. While the Marzanna was very maneuverable, even their second generation suits had weaker protection relative to other Great House fighter-role Ritual Plate.

We had superior rate-of-climb and, as long as the missiles volume was thinned, our Ballista projectors had a slight advantage in offensive power. My wings ached as Visha sharply maneuvered her Flight as a dagger to split apart the enemy formation so that the rest of the Squadron could pick them apart.

"Smoke!" Visha ordered as First flight snap maneuvered and, perilously-close, hit the lead Marzanna. This time, we would deprive them of their targeting data. Two of their suits blew apart as they tried to recover and evade and another died as she flipped to retreat back, but managed to cover her wingwoman's escape in the process.

Despite their maddened aggression, the Elenese fought well. They had a choice; they could focus on First Flight and have their flanks picked apart by the rest of my pilots enfilading them, or they could fall back, regroup, and attempt another assault run.

This time, I expected them to make the irrational choice and to target me instead of my wingwoman. Aiming for leaders and officers, not to mention the leading unit in an attacking force, was rational, and to press the issue I accelerated to put myself between the enemy's strafing run close to literal knife-fighting range.

Well, that was a mild exaggeration. I had no sword this time. What I did have was the internal magazines of my Verutum Launcher. The small physical projectiles were notoriously short-ranged, a factor of little issue in this particular aerial brawl. Their arcane payloads, especially the ones that acted as conduits for my own magic, would drain me, but I would worry about that later.

I waited until I was extremely close to the tightly-packed formation of Elenese RP before I fired my Ballista and my Verutum, caring nothing for the ammunition drain as I rammed all my remaining power into my Wards. Beams of evocation energy and exploding arcane pebbles that would arc lighting, fire, and other elemental energies blasted though the enemy suits.

My Wards flashed as I rippled off the last of my Black Fog and obscured the Marzanna Squadron swarming me. The chaff would not last long, mere moments only, but that was all I needed, and all I had.

There was a frantic moment as the enemies flashed into brief visibility and were promptly hit, vanishing into the simulated sky as their suits tumbled down. These virtual pilots began to panic as I continued to evade, maneuvering at levels just outside what they must have been programmed to think a Polyxo could do. Warning tones chimed and lights flickered amber as power loads and suit stresses exceeded their limits.

My Wingwoman, the rest of the Flight, the rest of my Squadron, DarkStar's Blood, even Quirinus's Squadron took the opportunity and harrowed the distracted enemy. Numbers were starting to tell as the display started to clear of the enemy, but their myopic focus on me could not be dislodged.

There was a moment's indecision among the nearest Flight. The glossy Marzanna flickered as her Veils shorted before recovering. It was as if their imperative to attack, and attack me above all others, was conflicting with their tactical sense's yammering demand to pull out regroup.

But as long as they remained fixated on me, I knew where all their attack vectors would terminate. Wings burning silver, I shot forward into that momentary conflict and robbed the enemy of the decision.

I fired on the closest Marzanna, using a Verutum pebble to blast away her wingwoman. Designed to clear landing zones, the Blue Daisy was a balky yet small munition that was shorted-ranged even by Verutum standards, and thus extremely ill-suited to air-combat. Except in edge cases like this.

Fighting alone was about the worst thing one could do in combat. Fortunately, I was far from alone. The rest of my Squad was taking advantage of my reckless plunge forwards, and when a bomb capable of cutting through dozens of trees to make a hundred-foot clearing went off right in front of the second Marzanna, my girls pounced.

The luckless pilot nearest to the explosion was shredded. Her wingwoman staggered back, her wards down and along with much of her power systems, the rest of her Flight only slightly better off. Under most circumstances they would all have been fine. Normal doctrine was to keep formations spread out for reasons like this, and one did not close with the enemy beyond the required amount to get a hit via conventional weapons under a similar rationale.

But, I had forced their hand. By keeping the enemy single-mindedly focused on me, I had denied them the luxury of spreading out. Snapping into a dive, I clipped one of the surviving suits with a tackle.

It was then that I learned that some very bored, or perhaps very thorough, artificer had gone above and beyond the call when it came time to set the parameters for emulated melee combat. My claws flicked out as my tail sliced through the Pilot's tail and my hand went over the weaker neck armor.

As this was a simulation, I did not get any energy from the intimate kill. I suppose no one had added that to the program.

The enemy, however, was able to react to my attack. The last Pilot in the Flight was about to fire but a Ballista bolt blew her helmet, and head, off. Another formation of the Marzanna pilots managed to run that gauntlet of the rest of my Squadron and their diminished remainder opened fire upon me.

The dead pilot I clung to was a questionably effective shield, after her rendered corpse absorbed the first few shots I let her go, springing away and delighting at the sudden drop in drag as my aerial profile abruptly shrank. My Verutum launchers were soon empty and my Ballistas were flickering overheat warnings, though they would soon run dry along with the rest of my suit's systems.

And then a shot breached my wards.

Suit alarms went from insistent to frantic. As my wards rekindled, I got another kill, but at the cost of a second hit which dropped the protective bubble. Ward projectors burnt out, the system's indicator lights turned red.

I managed to damage another Marzanna, but now the exchange had become utterly unsustainable. The latest energy blast had disabled my propulsion and flight control systems, leaving me all but dead in the air.

I tried to get a handle on the situation beyond my suit. This particular Marzanna strike was blunted, shattered and being enfiladed by my Squadron with an assist from First Squadron. Concern and cheering came over my Squadron channel, which gave me an instant of regret. I had done another thing that would lamentably give a bunch of impressionable young pilots the utterly wrong idea.

Despite it all being an exercise, my wings strained with pain and felt aflame as I went into a flat spin, my suit's systems failing. All my indicator lights were flashing, most of them turning red. My altimeter spiraled down as I felt, my gimbals spun, my stomach tried to exit via my mouth, and my Zephyr treated this all as though things were finally getting interesting.

The vision outside my eye-lenses was a blur of grey sky and white ground that altered and gyrated until all the indicator lights blinked out, and my suit went dead. I still felt the spinning motion, but I saw that the purely mechanical altimeter and other backup instruments were not moving.

My heart pounded. I took a sip of water. It was dark and there was a moment of calm.

I blinked as the illusions faded and the lights came on, revealing I was suspended on an articulated arm within a white cylindrical chamber. The arm mounted to my back, just between my wings, pulled me up into a vertical position before locking into place. A rounded door opened and two of my Ritualista came in and started disconnecting cables that ran from the arm to the back of my suit.

When they were clear, I put my hands to my helmet and lifted my faceplate up.

Laurentia undid the catches on the articulated arm and the taller blue-skinned woman helped me down to my feet. I took a step, feeling the weight of the suit again. My Zephyr were giddy as if they found this to be an amusing overture but wanted to go into the air for the first act.

The grey-winged and horned and white-haired IvoryTail used a smoking censer to calm down the spirits and handed me a cup of coffee. I pointedly did not think about any parallels between the two actions. After I took a sip, my two Ritualista then assisted me out of the simulator chamber. I was still just a bit disoriented, and I was wearing an RP suit, something heavy and expensive.

Outside of the simulator, I took a few steps. With the incense making my Zephyr lethargic, much of the weight of the suit rested unsupported on my shoulders. At least my Polyxo was devoid of mission modules such as weapons or ward projectors, making the gear somewhat lighter.

That was an unfortunate end for the exercise. It could have been worse: most times when you get shot down you're not immediately given some coffee to enjoy. At least there was no evading enemy capture module to today's training. I rolled my shoulders and motioned to IvoryTail and she closed some of the censer's slots. Taking in the liquid stimulant, I nudged my air spirits out of their torpor, just enough to help make my RP easier to walk around in. We stood in a long hallway that had five rows of about a dozen simulators.

I could hear other Ritualista helping pilots out of their pods. That was expected. Fortunately, it did sound like our losses were less than I feared. Pulivia had exited hers and was talking with a pilot from Fourth Squadron. Glancing over, she gave me a nervous and apologetic look.

She needn't have worried. Some casualties were only to be expected, after all, although I suppose being the only casualty had to be somewhat embarrassing. Though now she was no longer the only casualty in Third Squadron.

Drinking out of a water-flask, Quirinus strode over to me. Her Harmonia was similarly stripped of armaments and other components that were best left off for simulation work. It all made her suit look even sleeker than mine. There were some similarities of course; both our suits were designed and manufactured by MuArc Amalgamated.

"Tribune," I said before bracing and giving a salute. Our respective entourages of Ritualista had dispersed and went to help the other technicians overseeing the simulators.

"Prefect." Her crimson features were stern as she returned the salute and motioned for me to follow. "That was an interesting bit of air combat at the end there," she said with mild disapproval.

"Ma'am, the scenario was that I was to be shot down during this phase of the exercise." I shrugged my shoulders in a motion of articulated, enchanted plates. "I decided to do it in a way that minimized suspicions and limited how incredulous the proctors would be in having the opposition target me over all mission-oriented priorities," I said with an absent tone as we walked towards the double doors that lead out of the simulator hall.

"Where I was taken out by a Lance attack from a Perun," Quirinus admitted as she undid her helmet, pulled it open and then slung it on her suit's waist.

"Unfortunately, my Squadron did not get close enough for that to be a reasonable option." I held up a placating hand. "That's not my choice. The proctors could have had some Perun Strike units in that attack on my Squadron, or have a max range Lance reach out and hit me. Those fluke one-in-a-million shots do happen in battle."

"I suppose that was the proctors' choice to go after you like that." Quirinus sighed as we crossed a hallway and knocked on a plain, grey-painted door.

An artificer opened the door for us and ushered us into the larger room on the other side. At first glance, it looked like we had stepped into Flight Operations. There were over a dozen Legionaries at various control stations, each sat in front of their own displays with a giant map projection dominating one whole wall. Many of the Legionary technicians were wearing headsets and were having quiet, deliberate conversations with unseen partners.

However, the simulated Flight Ops was headquartered in a different room, further down the hall. These technicians were the proctors running the exercise. Quite a few of whom paused in their work to look at up wide-eyed at us. I don't know why they looked that shocked to see me. One hastily clambered up from her seat, hustled over, saluted us, and handed Quirinus a clipboard. While she read that, I studied the wall map removing my helmet as I took in the details of the unfolding scenario.

"Are they holding together?" Quirinus asked me as she passed the clipboard and handheld display over.

"Primus Centurion Shadow has rallied Third Squadron with minimal losses."

"Yourself excluded," Quirinus's tone was light and her orange eyes twinkled the way they did when I tried to be respectfully formal on the topic of Visha.

"Myself excluded." I gestured to the main map. "Prefect Caenis used her Squadron and Third to take out the Elenese assault before pulling back to cover the landing zone. A bit cautious but understandable; it looks like the Janissaries had been pressuring the Legionaries quite severely."

As I spoke, I checked the Demi-Flight's current status. A significant aspect of this of this training scenario was seeing how our pilots responded to the loss of their leaders. It was not a full wipe, there were still three Prefect Centurions left, but the loss of a Tribune and a Prefect Centurion would still alter the Wing's dynamic considerably.

"They seem to be doing well enough in our absence," Quirinus nodded. "Could have a bit more coordination with Second and Fourth Squadrons; this is a good opportunity to push those Janissaries out of that bridge."

"Maybe they're waiting for another escort run," I glanced back up to see how the main landing operations were going. The combined Luxon and Elenese counter-attack on the BlackSkyvian Landing Fleet had been driven off, thought not without casualties.

"It's possible." Quirinus conceded as she stepped further into the room and examined one of the observer seats. Unsurprisingly, given the nature of this room, the chair was rated for Ritual Plate. Sitting down next to her, I passed over the clipboard.

"At least this gives us a head start on the exercise debrief," I offered as I put my mug down and took up one of the spare notepads and slipped a headset over my ears. Examining the blocky little brass and glass contraption it was plugged into, I moved the selector over to the command channel and started listening in on the Demi-Wing's transmissions.

"Always the optimist," Quirinus said with a slight smile.


Diffusion of responsibility is a curse that becomes increasingly insidious as an organization grows larger. While it is one that plagues military organizations on the broad scale, small groups down to the squad level can fall afoul of its siren call just as easily.

In this case, there was more than enough blame to spread it equally over all of my subordinates. It was GreyDawn's suggestion to have a celebration and morale building exercise. Reinhild contracted the caterers. It was Visha who pointed out that the event could be expanded to include our Ritualista. VioletBlood picked the venue.

And it was my newest Flight Leader, Lucia who, taking in all of the above, came to the natural conclusion and informed others of the sartorial themes for today's event. Standing on the boardwalk, I crossed my arms and gazed down at my subordinates. My wings twitched. It was no one's fault. It was everyone's fault.

I looked over the crowd below me, standing in the sand with the water at their backs. Ritualista and pilots gazed back up as a warm breeze came over the ocean. Full of ships, the water was a deep blue, with a lovely view of the city to our north, complete with hulking masses of the base's cyclopean hangars looming like artificial peaks in the distance. Behind us stretched the Nolas Hills, the few points of any real elevation in this portion of Mursam.

Ice chests, grills, and tables of food were laid out across the sand, the scents of cooking meats adding pleasantly to the bouquet. Reinhild's always capable efforts provided the atmosphere. An almost leafy scent lingered on the wind, mostly wafting from the torches and braziers she had placed around our reserved portion of the beach.

I could ignore how I was dressed. Really, if one looked past the frills, the swimsuit was not that bad. It was shockingly demure and sensible, considering it was one of VioletBlood's suggestions.

"Third Squadron, Epsilon Demi-Wing, 78th Infantry Legion!" I cried as I spread my wings. Over a hundred eyes were upon me as I dipped into the rhetoric training of several lifetimes. "In the months, I have become proud to see you've grown as a team and have earned the confidence our Imperatrix has given you. You have done well."

I gave a sharp smile. "Most of you are familiar with my teaching methods and know the precious coin such praise means. Lucia, your Flight in particular has caught up impressively. Well done."

I met the purple eyes of my newest Primus Centurion. Her black and gold bikini complimented her svelte form and made her legs appear even longer. Thankfully, seeing Visha and VioletBlood's outfits kept me from getting too jealous. Lucia's broad-rimmed and pillowy hat was a bit... indulgent, though I supposed it did an adequate job of keeping the sun out of her eyes. And it was no more absurd than the floppy sun-hats Tribune Quirinus enjoyed. Maybe there was something about horns that gave in some of us a taste for bizarre haberdashery....

I pushed the nonsense thought from my head and gave Lucia a tiny acknowledging nod.

"I'm happy that my Flight managed to catch up to the one full of cadets!" She shouted back, a smile on her sharply-regal face.

"Cadets trained by the countess herself!" VioletBlood shot back to the laughter of the assembled Legionaries.

I let them have their moment of levity before motioning for silence. "We are not the only Squadron being melded together. Our entire unit is training hard, and I would like to thank our Ritualista for keeping us operational; without them, we would not be here," I gave an expansive wave as I bowed to Centurion Suzette Gibbs. "You know what our Tribune expects from us. What you do not know is the mission."

Now, the silence was total; I had the full attention of dozens of demonic soldiers. I glanced at my kitsune who was standing by the food-prep station by the grills. Reinhild also had a cousin and a niece with her. Willing to moonlight for some extra pay, they were also Auxilia Scouts but on active status. I was loath to trust nepotism but as they both were Legion, and Quirinus had recommended them, my disquiet was minimized.

Bringing multiple foxes to a social event might get tongues wagging, though. In keeping with this event's theme, my maid had also dressed for swimming, but in contrast to her role she was wearing an apron, at least while she was working. Meeting my gaze, the fox nodded.

Good, we had privacy, not that I would be revealing anything particularly ground-breaking. I pulled my wings in and looked over my Legionaries. "To be clear, I cannot tell you quite what our mission will be. But, I can tell you that we have been assigned to a ship of the Household fleet, who in their role as Diyu's premier taxi service will graciously transport us on the HFV Tarantula Hawk, one of their Mellona Medium Carriers"

That triggered a bit of murmuring. The Mellona was a workhorse carrier that was a good compromise of capacity and expense. It would comfortably fit our Demi-Wing's four Squadrons with space for two more, likely a pair of Fleet Squadrons to protect the carrier, run escort, and handle similar tasks.

"We don't know what Legionary formation we will be supporting or what ship they'll be transported on. Once that is known we will focus on their capabilities and joint training missions." My tail flicked as I took a pondering pose, finger to my chin. "We won't be supporting a formation larger than a Vexillatio, but if I had to guess, I would say we'll likely be attached to a Cohort."

If my last comment had gotten their interest, this morsel of information had grabbed their attention. A Demi-Wing for a Cohort of troops was a fairly standard role for a heavy strike. That was roughly the mix the Hadian class Long Range Insertion airship was fitted out to transport and deploy. That we were not being assigned to one of that class could be due to several reasons. The most innocuous explanation was simply that ships of the larger class were simply not available for our mission. There were, after all, four times as many Mellonas in the Fleet's grand inventory as Hadians. Thus, the operational planners could just be making due with whatever Fourth or Fifth Fleet had available. That was certainly an explanation.

I smiled disarmingly at my assembled personnel. "We will cross that bridge. We are Legion. And we are the Tribune's force-multiplier. While the rest of her Fliers are skilled specialists, we are expected to excel in every role. And," I stated emphatically, "we will not disappoint."

The skilled part was not entirely out of politeness' sake. Fabia's greenhorns in Fourth Squadron weren't rookies fresh out of Flight School and they had grown impressively over these months.

"But, you're not here to get a lecture from me. Not today, at least. Please, enjoy yourselves." With that, I waved to the kitsune

At my signal, the trio opened the ice chests with a flourish, as if they were priestesses offering libations. The grills were also lit and crates heaped with cheese, bread, fruits were proffered, and there were still yet more boxes of provisions to be opened. I had even ordered a few exotic items including some gelatos and other cold sweets to supplement the beachside feast. However, the meat and fish seemed to send the greatest thrill among the crowd as my subordinates went about their refreshments and, using their towels, started staking claims on the beach.

Fluffing my wings, I jumped off the boardwalk and onto the sand, relishing the soft warmth between my toes as I padded my way down the beach. I would have scheduled this later in our training, but GreyDawn had pointed out that we were in the midst of fall and soon the water would become too cool for swimming, even at this latitude.

The fine, pale orange sand was hot below my feet. It felt hotter than the air around, which was entirely possible as it was a clear cloudless day and the sun had been beating down on the beach all morning.

I was tempted to use my Zephyr to try and hover over the beach, but my eager wind spirits would likely kick up a lot of sand. Additionally, I was unacceptably out of practice which such precise maneuvers; it had been years since my time in the ballet troupe, every move held up to professional rigor by the hard-eyed coaches. I made a mental note to try to add that to my ground-side training regimen. Besides, the biggest reason to hold off on prospective experiments was striding my way.

Centurion Suzette Gibbs was a dark-haired, straight-horned, cynical woman whose face seemed locked in a perpetual scowling. The chief Ritualista of my Squadron had years of experience and a deep skepticism of the wisdom and judgment of Ritual Plate Pilots and the damage they caused to her suits. Repairing said damage had presumably engraved the scowl into her face over the years, like the slow action of wind and rain upon some pale and particularly standoffish stone.

"Prefect," she said, her tone casual but her salute textbook.

I returned the salute. We were both out of uniform and the situation did not call for such a gesture; that she had led with such formality indicated, some mild displeasure on her part. "Anything awry, Gibbs?" I asked, glancing up at the taller woman. I noticed most of my personal Ritualista were nearby, having spread out a large beach blanket.

"Nothing much. The new Ritualista are meshing well."

"Really, only Flight Three is new," I observed.

Gibbs smiled thinly. "And Primus Hood runs a tight Flight."

The pale and vivacious IvoryTail looked up from the beach blanket she was straightening; her tail curled questioningly.

"Do we have an issue, Centurion?" I quietly asked. "We will be deploying offworld soon enough, and I would like to know if there are personality clashes before everyone is crammed onto an airship."

"Perhaps a word where we can speak freely?" Gibbs asked.

"By all means." I nodded to her and we started to walk. Instead of heading to a more secluded part of the beach, as I expected, she led me over to where Lucia and her pilots were lounging on their blankets.

Looking up, Lucia hopped up to her hooves as we approached. I waved her and the others off before they could salute. The gold and black bikini Lucia wore emphasized just how long-legged she was and I felt the prickly-old jealousy of my own diminutive height.

"Countess! This is quite the event you've set up." The head of Flight Three's smooth tones faltered when she saw Gibbs at my side.

"I heard we might have a problem?" I asked, pitching my voice so it didn't carry.

Lucia looked to Gibbs who gave a small nod.

"Yes, Ma'am. I mean that there's not a problem with my Ritualista. It's more..." Lucia's sharp aristocratic features stilled as she groped for a diplomatic wrapper for her complaint.

"Poaching," Charity BreezeFlower murmured.

"That's putting it kindly," Gibbs commented with all the blunt delicacy of a Torpedo volley.

I rubbed my forehead. Like many specializations, Ritualista were always in high demand. The magical aptitude and rigors required were not as rare as necessary for a Ritual Plate Pilot, but there were, altogether, over six times as many Ritualista in the Fleet and Legions as there were RP Pilots. And that count only included the Ritualista required to maintain Ritual Plate. Vehicles, VTOLs, airships, and other systems needed their own Ritualista.

"Are we at least dealing with Legion officers trying to tempt them?" I asked, my tail flicking irritably. I had heard that getting qualified maintainers was a bit harder on the offworld colonies than on Diyu, but surely Mursam wouldn't have that issue.

"A Tribune OpalWing from the 43rd Legion, one of the training legions, was struck with a brilliant idea and has been making the rounds to various maintainers with the pitch of no offworld deployments," Gibbs said.

Anger struck me, a deep rage roiling off of me in waves as all the thorny implications twisted trough my mind. "Without informing me?"

"I just found out about it; she went over my head too," Lucia snarled.

My tail went still, and it as all I could do to keep it from writhing in indignant fury. That was very poor form, to say the least. I had questions about this Tribune's sense of decorum. "Right. Are any of your girls tempted? Anyone who has the leverage to finagle a transfer?"

Officially, the Legions were meritocratic. By and large, they were, but they also bowed to the reality of existing in a monarchical and aristocratic environment. As an imperial heroine, a countess, and the daughter of a duchess, I was well aware of that, given both my own fast promotion track. On the other wing, I had earned all of those honors and titles via my own skill, even if my connections had smoothed any complications out of my path.

"So far, no," Lucia shook her head, "but some of the younger Ritualista are having a bit of a culture shock having gone from the Anchorage to the colonies."

"Right..." I frowned as the pieces began to come together.

In many ways, the Lantia Anchorage existed as a sort of fleet-in-being. Especially the Legionary aspects. that lead to some non-standard situations, this latest irritation very much included I turned my thoughts back to them, orders already on my lips as the semblance of a plan formed. "Gibbs, you put out feelers. See if we actually have anyone setting up the necessary deals to get a formal transfer. Anyone who's stopped thinking and started acting. Lucia, I'll have a word with Quirinus, both to see if any of the other Squadrons are being poached and to see if anyone can assign this logistics Tribune some nice and helpfully informal coaching."

Lucia nodded, her full lips pursed in a severe line.

Gibbs bowed her horns and instead of going back to her part of the beach went into one of the lines for cold drinks. The pilots of Flight Three watched her go.

"You don't need to stay on my account," I assured them.

Rising up, Charity bowed to me. While not as tall as Lucia, the woman was broader of shoulder, hip, and had a more statuesque form. Her long gold-blond hair was tied back in a tight ponytail.

The Flight's other blonde, Centurion Lady Adriana Melisande also stood. Her shoulder-length ash-blonde tresses were styled with a lot of body and showed almost as much care as VioletBlood put into her hair. Her horns were a sky-blue, like her tail, and curled back from her brow. Like her superior, she had a noble cast to her appearance, though not quite as sharp. Her periwinkle eyes glittered.

"Will you duel this Tribune, Countess?" she asked with affected idleness, adjusting her rather daring swimwear with a casualness so natural it had to be deliberate.

I was used to nudity. It was a part of life in the military. Diyu also had different cultural norms than my previous lives, and this was a beach. There were plenty of my subordinates who did not bother with swimsuits, including half of my personal Ritualista team.

Lady Adriana Melisande was not one of them; more's the pity, she was technically dressed. But the gossamer strips and chains adorning her admittedly lush curves were so scandalous that it would have been less blatant had she simply had forgone any suggestion of clothing. Especially with how she drew attention to her state of dress with sinuous movements more shamelessly licentious than I had seen in quite some time. Not since a particularly avant garde Luxon ballet that VioletBlood had dragged me off too shortly before we left the capital.

Blinking, I drew my attention towards Lucia. Which was a different kind of issue, but one I could manage better. "Pardon?" I asked.

Her wingwoman and mate, IronTalon Cardino was the last to stand. The shortest in the Flight, she still had a bit of the more lanky morphology of someone born on Lantia. Her steel-blue hair contrasted nicely with her cerulean skin and grey eyes. Her jade one-piece swimsuit was enviably less frilly than my own confection. I noted the fine silver thread of an old scar shimmering across her right cheek, either a deliberate keepsake from some tiresome duel or a sign that she'd had to make some past Apology and the offended party had been remarkably merciful in the punishment doled out upon her.

"Adriana, you don't say things like that to our Squadron commander!" Centurion Cardino stamped her foot and tried to force her guileless, open face tried into a mein of stern disapproval. While the expression did bring attention to her scar, which shone silver on her sea-blue cheek, I couldn't help but notice the expression of amused delight that darted across Centurion Melisande's face before she shuffled an unconvincing mask of remorseful regret into place.

"I am sorry, Countess," Centurion Melisande said, lowering her head in what I could only presume was an attempt to conceal the smile dancing in her eyes, reinforcing her gambit with a pointedly lavish presentation of her horns in a gesture of submission.

"I'm surprised you didn't ask her to be light with your punishment," Charity noted full of a maternal sternness that tole me not only that she hadn't noticed the other blonde's cheeky shamlessness but also she hadn't even a hint of private amusement. Adrianna, it seemed, was a good bit more subtle than her swimsuit might lead an observer to beleive.

"We have learnend that the Countess is not one to spare the rod when it comes to discipline," Adriana agreed with an unseemly eagerness that didn't so much as hint but scream its undertone for all but Charity to hear.

I rolled my shoulders and then smiled at the blonde temptress. "Lady Adriana, we are relaxing and while I appreciate your... " I looked to Lucia for help.

She shrugged, seemingly defeated but with a private smirk of her own. "Candor?" she offered.

"Yes," I conceded, "let us go with that. While I appreciate such frankness, I will note that we are both in committed relationships."

"Oh, that's not a problem for us? Right, Honey?" Melisande said as she pulled her wingwoman into an embrace.

"You did chip in to help pay to have my motorcycle shipped out here," IronTalon admitted before nuzzling the blonde.

Admittedly, the shipping to move a vehicle, even a small one, from Lantia to Mursam would have been quite a burden on the typical pilot's wallet. "Ah, well...." My horns tingled a warning and I smartly stepped to one side.

A shadow fell over us as VioletBlood leapt into the conversation with a wing-and Zephyr-assisted long-jump. Despite my attempt to strategically sidle aside, no sooner had her feet hit the sand then she wrapped her wings over me in an embrace so ostentatious that it put Adriana and Melisande to shame.

A carnally-addled and traitorous corner of my mind was disappointed that I had been successful in my earlier attempt to convince VioletBlood to show a modicum of modesty by wearing a suit for our beach excursion. I shook off those thoughts, but not the surprisingly warm membranous wings that nearly cocooned me.

"How... affectionate," Lucia noted, a strangely cautious look in her eyes as she glanced form her paired pilots to me and back.

Entirely unmoved, VioletBlood gently but firmly perched her head on my shoulder, rubbing her horns against mine as she made pointed eye-contact with first Adriana and then Lucia. My tail straightened in shock as my head began to swim with a strangely pleasant tingling fuzziness.

"They are engaged," Charity said, perhaps to herself, as if she were trying to mollify herself at such a instead of scandalous public display, at least for an event such as this.

"Well, who needs some mere fashion statement? Wearing your partner as a wing-wrap is plenty daring already" Adriana said, her tone complimentary yet waspish as she pulled her own mate closer. I could almost hear VioletBlood preening.

"Something like a Paymonish yuka?" IronTalon noted, boldly striking out toward congeniality.

"Oh, I was thinking more of formal Elenese high fashion." Adriana's smile grew, needle-teeth as sharp as her tounge on full dipslay between plush lips.

The less formal and rigid House Paymon often made me nostalgic for my first life, especially on the many times I'd enjoyed its food. And while some House Elena's courtly dress was kimono-inspired, the garments, accessories and requisite tresses were exceptionally ornate and tedious to don correctly. Unsurprisingly, I had little desire to dress in such a manner.

At least musing over Elena's impractical garb offered some distraction from the way the way LoveBlood's attention was making me feel.

"I do not see how a wing-like dress would be anything like an Elenese Furisode," I replied, trying to ignore my betrothed's long-suffering pout in favor of the desultory conversation about.... fashion, I supposed.

I'd never realized LoveBlood's head was quite this heavy before… Or is she pushing herself down into my shoulder?

"I suppose you are correct, Countess," Adriana said in an exaggeratedly-magnanimous tone. "After all, you are missing the mask."

The other pilots nodded, Lucia still looking decidedly squirrelly, wings twitching, as if she were seconds away from propelling herself up and away from the conversation. I wondered if her discomfort was a result of the mention of Elena. They were notorious for their cultural fixation on masks, and many demons found the Elenese disquieting for this reason. Besides, we had just gone up against a simulated Elenese force; perhaps the newly transfer Flight Leader was still flinching with leftover stress..

"You know, that's a funny thing," Lucia said, her voice calm and thoughtful, as her body language wasn't, as if she were some academic expert on masks holding forth in her lecture hall while preparing to escape from a pack of undergrads pesting her about overdue grading. "Elenese Ritual Plate has blank-faced helms, where our House is the one that uses sculpted death-masks."

"That is indeed a fascinating cultural quirk," I dryly noted, trying to deal with the amorous VioletBlood. Most pilots, myself included, used a faceplate cast in her own likeness. There were a few who used masks of noteworthy ancestors, and among the more religiously-minded various saints were popular. It took a very pious, or presumptive, pilot to wear the likeness of DarkStar herself, however. Nobody but me, it seemed, and perhaps Lucia were focusing much on the conversation.

Handling VioletBlood was easier said than done. An invasive but not unpleasant intimacy flowed between us. The anxieties and angers of a lifetime nearly bereft of family, a lifetime isolated, a lifetime of working to prove herself, a lifetime of burbling, haughty bloodlust swept over me. VioletBlood's life may have been short, only a year and a half longer than my life as Tauria, but it was focused and glistened with a cold intensity like a precisely-cut diamond.

VioletBlood's embrace became less desperately limpet-like as... as if she was reading my innermost emotions. My tail went limp as the horrified realization sunk in. For all the talk about masks, VioletBlood was seeing me without mine.

"You worry too much," she whispered in my ear.

"I was thinking of getting some refreshments." Lucia dimpled a diplomatic, albeit strained, smile towards her pair of amorous Pilots... and towards VoiletBlood and I... "Does anyone require anything in particular?"

Summoning all the dignity my years as an officer could muster, doing my best to disregard both my perpetual lack of stature and the noblewoman draping herself over me, I nodded gravely. "That would be good, Primus."

"It looks like Primus Shadow is bringing refreshments to us already," Adriana observed as she shifted her balance to better cuddle.

My tail straightened as my interest rose. It was a bit surprisng that I hadn't noticed Visha's aproach, but I excused my oversight by dint of how... distracting LoveBlood was being.

IronTalon blinked, frowning. "Is that a male kitsune with her?"

All but pinned by VioletBlood, I could not see them approach, but by way of deduction I knew which fox they were talking about. "Yes, that is Reinhild's cousin, Uwe."

The blue-haired pilot blinked with mild surprise. "Huh."

"There's not many forests up on Lantia," Adriana said by way of apology.

Purple eyes calculating and glittering with a suddenly renewed certainty, Lucia's smile broadened and she bowed her head to VioletBlood in respect, like a duelist acknowledging a touch.

"What?" I tried to turn but the baroness' hold grew a ever so slightly tighter. Being wrapped in LoveBlood's arms and wings was not entirely unpleasant, but this was perhaps not quite the right time. Though, that silky little voice in me countered, if beachside R&R on wasn't the right time, when was?

When it's just the three of us!
Another fragment of my mind rejoined. The traitorous thoughts added fuel to both my mental turmoil and the infernal furnaces steadily heating my cheeks.

"Just a moment- do you really want to ruin the surprise?" VioletBlood whispered with a gentle, reassuring caress.

There was no pouting on my part, but I did stop squirming and let myself relax in her arms and wings.

"You trained us to work as a team," VioletBlood whispered, her tone teasing. With the benefit of experience, the noble was becoming quite the skilled temptress.

That was not entirely reassuring. Glancing about, I could see the rest of VioletBlood's Flight approaching. GreyDawn had crossed her arms and wore a small smirk while Octavia was watching with undisguised amusement. Even Gibbs and the rest of my crew had also drawn near while all of the other Ritualistas' attention was focused on us.

I could feel VioletBlood's ill-contained mirth as her tail swished to and fro; before I could brace myself she snapped into action, releasing me from her wings and spinning me around in a single leaping burst, leaving me facing back the way we had come. Only feet away stood, Visha who along with and the male fox was carrying a large multi-tiered cake. Even across the salt-sea smell of the beach, I could pick up the first hints of chocolate on the breeze. Behind them, SunShower and her niece approached, laden with plates, cups, and an ice chest of drinks.

"My birthday isn't for two weeks," I petulantly said, for lack of any other immediate reaction.

"Shall I call off the cake then?" VioletBlood murmured in my ear, before raising her voice to ask her question a second time to all in attendance. "Everyone, do you want to wait a fortnight for cake?"

There was a chorus of light-hearted protests.

Visha helped Uwe, a rather literal silver-fox, set up a table to present the cake. Then my wingwoman held up a knife and gave me an eager and expectant smile. Stepping over to me, she gave VioletBlood a warm smile. While not making quite as blatantly overt of a display as LoveBlood, Visha still pointedly took my arm in front of the assembled Squadron, her wings brushing against mine. Somehow, her feelings sounded... quieter, less "shouted" and more murmured. Despite the lower mental volume, they were if anything equally emphatic. The blade flashed in Visha's free hand, before the hilt was pressed firmly into my hand.

I tried to clear my mind and focus on something safe, on something simple: the cake-knife was well-balanced. It was good Voduri steel; I'd recognize that distinct patterning anywhere. I wondered where Visha purchased it...

Yet the pressure from my two Vs was overwhelming, like a warmly weighted cashmere blanket on a cold winter's night. I somehow managed to remain stoically dignified, taking it all with good grace expected of someone of my position. My right and left hand subordinates were very capable pilots and pleasing to be around and it was... gratifying that they valued me as well. It was all perfectly sensible, even the feelings in my chest that made it a bit hard to concentrate.

But I had fought on with far greater distractions, and I could not disappoint the rest of my people. "I suppose no one minds if we have dessert before the meat's grilled?"

All in all, it was not an unpleasant fifteenth birthday.


As an immense Legion and Fleet base, Colonia Mursam Castramagnus was a city unto itself, a complex of barracks, warehouses, training facilities, offices, dockyards and hangars of all sizes, strewn across acres of land. Getting around the base required lots of walking, even after using the base's somewhat sparse tram system to cute the travel time down considerably. There were other transit systems available, of course, but they were less frequent and mostly focused around the main airfields and administrative structures. Amusingly, for the stronghold of a winged race, flight was not really an option on-base, as the airspace had to be controlled for obvious reasons.

There were nine of us: Quirinus and her four Squadron Commanders and each of our seconds. Our subordinates were still digesting last week's simulator exercise. The beach interlude had helped with morale. Not that they needed much of a morale boost; combat losses aside, Epsilon Wing had won the exercise handily; By the end of the scenario, they were left with sufficient combat effectiveness to hold the landing zone until reinforcements could arrive.

All things considered, Hangar 143-A was not too far from the tramway stop. The walk was unfortunately short enough that I knew there was no hope of convincing Quirinus to sign out a couple carts from a motor pool. At least, not yet, the distance from our barracks and from the hangar our Ritual Plate was currently stored in to Hangar was a potential issue in the future.

Despite its cavernous volume, Hanger 143-A was barely more than a shack, lurking in the literal the shadow of the massive Class C Hangar next door.

The better part of a mile in length and over fifteen hundred feet wide, with an interior height of about fifty-five stories Hangar 4-C was a titanic structure of support towers and cable-stays that could fit a single Celestial class, the largest vessel in BlackSkyvian service. It was an enclosed and controlled environment complete with overhead cranes and other mechanisms to provide the servicing and refit for any airship in the Household Fleet. Not only was the interior protected from the elements, it was temperature controlled to boot, with each Hangar regularly visited by Tempestarii who used their weather magic to control the humidity and chase away the cloud formations from the upper gantries. The Empyrean Zenith was assigned to Colonial Domitianus Fourth Fleet and Hanger 2-C in specific, but the base had a number of Class C Hangers.

Giant doors more akin to hollowed-out track-mobile buildings than simple doors were partially open to allow for the slow, careful egress of a fleet carrier. Even the most jaded among us paused to watch the group of Ritual Plate on observation and wind-duty swooping about the airship like pilot fish around a vast whale, while a group of ground vehicles with guidelines helped nudge the airship free of its birth like tugs around one of the leviathan cargo vessels back in the City of Trees. Most of those vehicles, dwarfed into comparative insignificance, were heavy-duty train engines that ran along the dedicated surface rail-lines servicing the hangar. It was hard to keep a good grasp of scale when looking upon such a structure, , so utterly did it dominate the surrounding area and the pygmy side-buildings and structures bowing before its titanic presence.

A Class C could easily swallow up a pair of Avalon Heavy Carries and a pair of Nova Fleet Carriers or equivalently-sized airships like two Tonbokiri class battleships and two Kanabo class battlecruisers. Troopships like the massive Typhoon class and other heavy Legionary Lift assets could easily vanish inside. An entire Legion Landing Flotilla, including escorts, could be maintained within a handful of Class C Hangars all with a good amount of space to maintain and work on said airships. The entryway to the Hangar and much of the interior had several long trenches of various depths and widths that allowed for installation and maintenance of an airship's various ventral structures.

"They look so much more... delicate, when they're stuck down on the ground," Julia noted as we waited to go down a set of steps that would have us walk under the large taxiway avenue.

Beside us, another railway line ran under the taxiway. Each hangar was served by two sets of rail lines. The ones cut in trenches just below the surface avoided at-grade crossings and allowed for cargo and personnel transport, though less frequently than the trams. The surface rail lines allowed for the transportation of oversized components but those trains had to stop to avoid getting in the way of the taxiways that connected the hangars with the aprons and runways.

"More like a wallowing hog," Fabia countered.

Julia gave a slight smile to the more senior Sarpedona Squadron Commander.

"Careful, you don't want the Fleet girls to hear you badmouthing their precious hulls," Quirinus lightly said.

"Given the size of the vessel, that's actually a lot of control and precision," I noted as we went down the steps and into the echoing subterranean corridor.

"It wouldn't be a practical weapon if a slight breeze could prevent their deployment, or if a bit of rain could ground them at the slightest notice," Fabia shrugged.

I chuckled, a bit hollowly. Airships had tended to be highly niche transportation platforms in both of my previous lives, albeit for different reasons. My previous empire had tried deploying aerial mages from Zeppelins with some good results. However, Germania's limited colonial holdings had left the Empire with only little need for such of extreme-endurance aircraft, especially considering the infrastructure and maintenance costs they required.

In my first life, well… a botched landing in New Jersey, a windblown crash in France, and a crash off the coast of California had doomed the dirigible to the pages of history books, outside of limited novelty commercial engagements.

Visha clearly shared my amusement, judging by the way her tail swished as she walked ahead of me.

We climbed up to another part of the complex. There was one giant hangar, albeit still smaller than the colossal that was Hangar 4-C and clustering around it were a bunch of even smaller hangars. All were in the shadow of that massive Class C, which in addition to blocking out the daylight also provided a rather effective wind screen. The base layout tried to minimize wind-funnels and other such areas that would make the maneuvering of giant, rigid lighter-than-air ships even harder.

The big hanger on this side of the taxiway was merely a Class B. It still used buttresses and cable stays. At under two thousand feet in length, seven hundred in width, and with an interior height of a mere forty stories, it was still the size of several blocks of office buildings.

It was sized to fit a single Avalon Heavy Carrier or equivalently-sized hull such as a Bacchus class heavy cargo ship. For major bases, the Class B was a useful size for working many of the mid-range vessels in the Fleet. Four Maul class cruisers could comfortably fit inside with ample overhead space for refitting, removing, or installing major ship components. This made them a common workhorse hangar for the bulk of the Household Fleet. The standardization gave some efficiencies that offset the large investment in such structures.

Our journey took us briskly past the open doors of this Hangar and we had plenty of time to confirm that Hangar 43-B held a trio of Mellona Medium Carriers. The quarter of the hangar that was empty of airships was still crowded with structural frames, giant cabling spools, racks of equipment modules, and a few sealed up out-buildings secured with privacy screens.

None of those ships were our destination: our orders were to report to Hangar 143-A. Freestanding arched structures, Class A hangars could be taken down, transported, built in the field, and were a key infrastructural component of minor bases. Just over a thousand feet long, five hundred feet wide, and twenty stories tall, they were still large structures. It was only proximity to their larger cousins that rendered them... small.

Well, relatively small. The vast base was an exercise in extravagance, given the endless fields of buildings and industrial equipment and personnel required to keep Fourth and Fifth Fleets operational. It was a world of concrete, cables, rail-lines, tank-farms, warehouses, and hangars.

And that was just the heart of the base; the considerable civilian infrastructure required to support, supply, feed, water, and train everyone who worked here sprawled out around the base itself in a web of logistical veins supplying the garrison's every need. A large part of the populations of Mursa Victrix the city and Mursam the entire colony worked for this base, directly or indirectly. Entire family lines had dwelt in the outbuildings of the larger hangars for generations, their society a guild and apprentice system of skilled tradeswomen of crane operators, artificers, welders, seamstresses, machinists, enchanters and all the various tasks required to maintain and refit the Household Fleet.

Still, a single Mellona class could fit inside a Class A Hanger or a pair of Damocles Light Carriers, Mace class Destroyers, or other similarly-sized ships. Though the Class A was more commonly used for the Kolibri Patrol class or the Venture scout, of which it could fit four or seven within its walls respectively. Our assigned vessel being kept in a relatively small Hangar by itself was not unheard of, but it was a bit unusual.

"I wonder how cramped it'll be to work in there," Julia noted as we walked up to the main gate for Hanger 143-A.

"For us? Not cramped at all," Fabia shrugged. "We'd be nothing more than gnats inside even one of these. Now, the Ventus pilots and their VTOLs may find it a bit cramped, but they'll just wheel those in." She trailed off when we got a better eye at the gate guards.

All military bases had gate guards, but I'd seldom worked out of a hangar with its own guard post at the entrance, complete with a pair of sentries clearly checking names against a list. No wonder Quirinus had reminded us to keep our military identification handy, and a second, civilian form of identification, to boot. In the case of most of our pilots, that second ID was our library cards, but clearly Quirinus hadn't been joking in the slightest. Security was, to say the least, tight. People couldn't just walk into a hangar even if they had already been gladly waved onto base.

Honestly, the level of verification and security warmed my heart, even though my peers grumbled. This more than the mere assignment of a dedicated hangar, was the best way to emphasize to the Wing the importance of our maiden operation as a unit.

The guard shack and gatehouse were the tip of the complex of support buildings that encrusted both sides of the hangar like fungal colonies. The front and back had been kept clear, allowing the massive doors to petal open. Once we had satisfied the stonefaced guards that we were authorized personnel, out little party descended down a corridor lined with offices, lockers, and workshops for the various yard workers and maintenance crews. Many of these subsidiary rooms were secured areas, complete with a variety of ocular and occult scanners and combination pads. I was used to airship hangars having sensitive areas such as those for the Teleport Rune inscribers, the communications specialists, the power-drive gang, or locked-down rooms where dismounted scrying arrays were refurbished, but Hangar 134-A seemed endowed with an overabundance of windowless rooms, restricted corridors, and places that were locked-off to even senior Legionary Fliers.

My tail flicked a bit in nervousness.

We were being assigned to a Mellona class which was a good mix of small enough to be common with over a hundred in the Household Fleet, yet large enough to have good all-around capability with six RP Squadrons, half a dozen Torpedoes, and a small, but varied, compliment of VTOLs for cargo delivery, search and rescue, and other utility roles. While six Fujiwara Aerial Torpedoes was not very many, it did give the carrier some organic fleet-defense or fire-support capability, depending on load-out. The smaller RP carriers did not have that flexibility in VTOL complement and did not carry any Torpedoes. The larger ones were more capable, but were slower, more expensive and fewer in number.

My worry grew as we trotted past still more Fleet personnel and clannish dock technicians hard at work on unknowable tasks, until finally we passed through a set of double doors and entered the hangar proper. It was always an awe-inspiring sight to see such a vast cavity, even if, or perhaps especially if, it was filled by the resting form of a Mellona class.

From an almost directly bow-on angle, the vessel's class was obvious: the airship used the side-by-side lifting hulls of the Virtus modular design, a single forward Torpedo launcher was visible, and there were the four starboard Ritual Plate catapults near the bow as well as the matching landing ramps with presumably the same number on the port side, VR62 was painted on one of the aft vertical tail fins as a finishing touch, the pennant number prefix code for a Mellona medium carrier, V for Virtus and R for Ritual Plate.

There was every visual indicator that this was a standard backbone-of-the-Fleet carrier. One ideally sized to carry a Demi-Wing for legionary support with room for two Squadrons to protect the carrier and other Fleet tasks. Yes, the Nova Fleet Carrier held two Fleet-sided RP Wings for a total of nearly two-hundred Ritual Plate, plus about two dozen Torpedoes and a couple VTOL squadrons. Relative to the rather rare Avalon Heavy Carrier, the Household Fleet had nearly four dozen Fleet carriers, but that was still well under half of the total number of medium carriers.

Many in the Household Fleet had a joke: "Pray for a Nova, expect a Mellona." Which amusingly enough indicated that the culture of the senior BlackSkyvian military branch was not quite as cynical as the Imperial Legions. Our version of that joke would be "Pray for a Mellona and expect nothing."

Visha sensed my unease. "I think the Tarantula Hawk looks pretty."

Many of the Mellona class were named after eusocial stinging insects or similar creatures. Last year, my cadets had completed live-fire training while deploying from the HFV Hornet, which had infamously gone so badly awry that I had been left facing down an entire Elenese Vanguard Strike unit with just three other pilots.

Decidedly not an outcome envisioned by whoever had designed that particular training scenario's parameters.

The hull was the standard semi-matte Fleet-grey when the camouflage system wasn't powered. Many of the airship's propulsion modules were missing and based on the double row of replacement pods to one side, that whole system was being replaced. Like most of our hardware, upon activation, the hull would change to a pattern that matched the surrounding environment, which along with a few other tricks, made it so a giant airship was not blatantly obvious in the empty sky. However, truly Veiling over eight hundred feet of airship would be very costly. Such high stealth applications were limited to platforms like Ritual Plate, VTOLs, and for smaller, highly specialized airships.

The tiny Venture Scout and the various Kolibri Patrol craft were often modified into examples of the latter. The former was the smallest airship in the Fleet and little more than a platform for Scrying systems and a Mothership for six Ritual Plate. The latter being just large enough to be configured into the various troopship, reconnaissance, VTOL Mothership, cargo, Torpedo corvette, and Patrol Carrier roles the Fleet uses, albeit all on a small scale. However, if one wanted a very quiet, but very small, troop insertion, bombardment, or carrier strike, then a high-Veiled Venture and Kolibri or two would get the job done.

"I suppose," I admitted as the nine of us walked up towards the ship. Closer, I could see that parts of the envelope were being worked on; presumably elements were being replaced while the gasbags were being inspected and refurbished. Strangely, the areas where the envelope peeled back had all been tented up and covered in tarps over frameworks that prevented any sight of the airship's structural interior. One would think that being in a restricted hangar would be privacy enough, but there seemed to be an abundance of caution around the Tarantula Hawk.

What I could make out was that the team of artificers moving in to work on a particularly heavily draped section looked rather large in number, and, based on the equipment they were bringing, up doing some serious work. Indeed, so serious that a crane's assistance in hauling them a spool of very thick high-arcane energy cabling up to the work site. That was a bit odd; the Tarantula Hawk should be new enough that the teleport system's distribution network shouldn't need replacing. The thought of what other power-intensive systems might be up in an airship's envelope and greater structural frames left me full of disquiet.

Crossing the hangar's interior was a simple evolution only because there was a marked and railed path to the airship. Without the markings, the journey would have been considerably more difficult, as the pathway meandered parallel to the airship before joining a veritable temporary roadway, crossing over one of the service trenches on a modular bridge.

Right after the bridge squatted a portable gangway to a somewhat large entryway in the starboard amidships hull. To our right was one of the Tarantula Hawk's two VTOL launch ramps.

Yet more security waited for us at the top of the gangway. Interestingly, these seemed to be part of the ship's shipboard Legionary complement. The detachment were all Evocatus veterans on at least their second term with a rather high ratio of grenadiers represented. There was no tail-measuring, as even the most hard-bitten Hoof-Slogger appreciated Legionary Fliers. That is, unless after a mission they found their air-support to be too timid or too uncaring about friendly-fire, then the claws would come out.

After making it through the checkpoint, we were directed towards the left, into a corridor heading towards the ship's bow. "Wow, quite the refit! She even has that new-blimp smell," Julia remarked as we walked down the decking. She wasn't wrong. Everything was freshly painted and the hatches we passed did seem newly refurbished.

Fabia, however, gave her a dark expression as we walked. Her wingwoman was even more blatant as her tail started to turn limp.

Something was wrong.

"We didn't get turned around?" Visha asked.

"No," Fabia stated.

My wingwoman gave me a questioning look.

"Just a moment," I said, holding out some hope as we went forward by another frame. As expected the corridor opened up. However, where on any other Mellona Medium Carrier the aft starboard RP maintenance bay would be, instead this ship had a stripped-down compartment.

Like most compartments, there were plenty of tie down points in the decking and many of the storage options were left in place. But all of the Ritual Plate specific items, the arming-chairs, the spirit sanctums, the engraving and enchanting rigs, the other maintenance and machining equipment, the power cell vaults, and even the bins for parts and spares had been pulled out. The only trappings of the Ritual Plate bay left behind were some of the munitions lockers and a handful of benches and auxiliary seating.

We were not Fleet Pilots, but still being onboard an RP Carrier that had stripped out a major portion of its Ritual Plate compliment felt wrong.

"Maybe they've just pulled everything old out and they'll replace it with new stuff?" Visha's tone put on a hopeful front.

Fabia shook her head. "They might replace the vaults, if their material was found to be flawed or cracked. But they'd leave the floor open to slot the new ones in." The Sarpedona Squadron commander gestured to the entirely new, and contiguous decking in the room.

"They also wouldn't downgrade the sprinkler heads and other fire suppression systems," I said with resignation as I slowly ambled forward, studying the ceiling. Like most compartments it was a mass of pipes, conduits, and tubes all color-coded. Every compartment had some damage control capability, but RP maintenance bays, given the energy densities of our equipment, had some of the higher levels, second only to places like Torpedo magazines, the main power plant, and the Teleportation controllers.

"And no Fleet officer or crew would ever reduce that, unless the compartment was fully de-rated," Julia's grizzled wingwoman stated.

"Carol, do you think they did this to the port-side aft bay?" Julia asked her second.

The shaved-headed older Legionary Flier gave a slow nod. "That's my fear, Ma'am."

And there it was. Removing one maintenance bay, that is one Squadron's worth of Ritual Plate was bad enough, but two... A Mellona only carried six squadrons. Why would one remove a third of an RP Carrier's capability?

It would free up a fair bit of capacity. Not just the Ritual Plate and their pilots, but the maintenance and parts and that every single Ritual Plate suit required four to five Ritualista. VTOLs and armored vehicles also required Ritualista. The average Legion required over a thousand of the arcane maintenance staff.

Which was why people like Tribune OpalWing might be desperate enough to use... other means to fill the empty slots in her organization. Fortunately, Tribune Quirinus had managed to get ahold of the 43rd Legion's Legate's ear and had explained a few things. I might have played some small part in the explanation. Normally, I was loath to lean on my mother's reputation, but when Quirinus had put forth the argument that Legates were political creatures and that few would want to cross a Duchess, I had conceded. While the Duchy of Argenia was a provincial Duchy, it was a rather important border holding, one held by a reserve officer who had some influence over the training of Legionary Fliers and thus not a personage that a Legate, especially a Colonial Legate, would want to offend.

Counting Ritualista, for two squadrons that came to over a hundred people, over a sixth of the complement of a Mellona. All Household Fleet airships had some number of Ritual Plate, but the entire purpose of an RP Carrier was to launch, transport, support, rearm, and recover Ritual Plate Squadrons.

Visha slipped up to me. My examination of the fire suppression system had taken me towards the far end of the compartment. Her tail brushed past my leg as she turned around to face me. I looked up at her questioning face.

"I'm fine... just thinking."

"About the mission," Visha surmised. She had lost that puppyish worship from when we first met, but somehow she could still go through two worlds' worth of wars with a smile.

"Harp's World is a pit of factions," I lowered my voice. "And if we're being sent there on a ship like this..." I had no idea the capabilities of the Tarantula Hawk, but the space freed up by removing two Squadrons would be put to some use.

"Enough to send a message? A small strike on one of our rival's interests?" Visha whispered back. At least four Great Houses had enclaves on Harp's World: Alecto, Elena, Trosier and Ziox.

"Maybe, maybe as a catspaw for an ally..." My tail curled in thought.

Alecto wouldn't shed any tears if something happened to Trosic assets and if we could do something against them. Memory tickling, I recalled that there were some recent Elenese actions that Alecto could have chosen to take exception with.

There was a tug as Visha put her hand on my shoulder. For a moment I thought to resist, we were in a professional setting but she wasn't pulling me into a hug, just getting my attention, though her hand did linger.

"I'm okay. Just thinking."

Visha nodded and led us back towards the others.

"Yes, ladies, I am sure you can all count," Quirinus stated as she rejoined the group as well, "Don't worry, there's enough space for Epsilon Wing. We won't be cramped or split up. Come on."

At her urging, we continued forward. True to her word, the starboard side still possessed its two remaining maintenance bays. Interestingly, as could be seen from the outside, the Tarantula Hawk still had the normal count of Ritual Plate Catapults and landing ramps. Removing a proportional third of those would have been a potential weight savings, but someone had chosen to leave them in place. I suppose with a reduced RP count this decreased the deployment time, but my disquiet grew nonetheless.

Quirinus brought us into the main briefing room at last. At first glance, it looked identical to similar rooms in other carriers of its class. Then I noticed that only two-thirds of the chairs in the room were rated for Ritual Plate. The rest were the far lighter shipboard models that only had to worry about supporting a Diyu Demoness. Even here, things were pared down to match the reduced capacity. Except... the room could still seat over seventy people.

Our commander motioned for us to take seats in the front row. That we were not kept waiting long immediately raised my suspicions.

Someone had put a good deal of thought into the stage management of this little tour.

As if on cue in strode a tall, demoness, the contrast ivory skin and long black hair made all the more striking by the drab matte grey of the room. Her black feathered wings pulled in as she entered, jet-black hooves ringing on the deck. She wore a legionary uniform with a Centurion's rank badge and recon unit's badge, along with a handful of service ribbons. Notably, her uniform lacked a name badge or any specialization insignia.

My tail curled in recognition.

Quirinus stood. Her crimson skin and glossy emerald hair were a bright contrast with the other woman's more corpselike appearance. "Ladies, this is Centurion Invidia Nihilus. Myself and others who are familiar with Invidia can vouch for her, and for her associates in the Office of Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance."

"Thank you, Artemis. Wing Command suits you. Congratulations." Invidia's grey eyes sparked s they swept over the room. "Ah, and Prefect Countess DiamondDust and Prefect HarrowFang, lovely to see you as well." As if to punctuate her greeting, she placed a small valise on the lectern at the front of the room, smiling pointedly as she awaited her reply like a teacher coaching a pair of particularly slow pupils.

For politeness' sake, Fabia and I bowed our heads to her, and if my nod came a bit more grudgingly than Fabia's, nobody remarked on it.. Unease rippled through the other centurions. CSR had a reputation and being assigned to a carrier that was... not normal, failed to improve the collective mood.

Invidia smiled at that before she addressed all nine of us. "I'm sure you all have noted that the Tarantula Hawk is quite the... special ship. You do not know just how special she is. Indeed, you will not fully know that. However, as I am the operational liaison to the ship's RP complement it is my job to get you up to speed on your role here and what the HFV Tarantula Hawk can do."

Quirinus gave her a slight nod then turned to us and leveled a stern, but reassuring, look at us. For my part.... I wondered. The Legions used a larger Ritual Plate wing than the Fleet, which meant that many new Volantes Tribunes would take an executive officer position in an established Wing under an established Tribune. Despite her qualifications and record, Quirinus was still a new junior Tribune and had gotten her own command and a relative pick of Legionary Fliers; had she made a deal to get those things? Was this the price for it?

"Yes, this ship is part of a new subclass to the Mellona. However, take heart, it is an expansion of an existing concept and built on a solid foundation!" Invidia's bright smile was as artificial as the one chiseled on a saint's statue, with eyes just as cold as sculpted marble. "In terms of Assault Carriers this is more like the Fortuna subclass than the Arcadia refit."

There was some amused and confused murmuring, but Fabia and Quirinus nodded. I had not heard of the Fortuna but the HFV Arcadia was an Avalon class Heavy Carrier. An experiment with the Assault Carrier concept, the standard complement of four Fleet Ritual Plate Wings, had been reduced to three, and the freed up space and tonnage was used to increase the Legionary complement to a full Cohort, heavy equipment included.

The Arcadia concept had failed because it was a waste of limited hulls. The Fleet only had six active Avalons and having one put into a niche role was a major burden. An Avalon could put an entire Ritual Plate Air Group anywhere the House wanted and it was a waste to spend one to give air-support, even overwhelming, to just a Cohort. The Hadian class, which was half the size and numbered into the dozens, could do that. Toss in a fleet carrier for backup and the lucky unit got extra air-support to boot.

Invidia took in our emotions. "We all can agree that the Arcadia's refit was an oddity, a curiosity, perhaps even a failure. Even the brass-horns agreed as she was converted back to a conventional Avalon after, what, ten years?"

"Eight." Quirinus mildly corrected.

"Eight," Invidia nodded. "And that stained the whole Assault Carrier concept." She raised a forestalling hand. "Yes, I know you'd point to the various sizes and types of Long Range Insertion craft, all a key part of Fleet and Legion doctrine. All well and good, if the goal is to have a major set-piece air-assault as part of taking and building up a beachhead," Invidia gave us her cold smileagain . "And I suppose for smaller more... intimate, operations a Rhodian or a Phoenician can put down a century or two."

My tail stilled. I did not like where this one-sided discussion was going. A Phoenician class was the same size as the airship we were on, but it only had two RP Squadrons. The rest of the space was dedicated to two centuries of Legionaries, their equipment, and four Umbra medium VTOLs to transport them to the ground. It was a good platform for a small-scale, but not tiny, air-assault. The airship we were on would have twice the Ritual Plate.

"And now we go from the second largest to the second smallest." Invidia spread her hands. She looked back as if the massive screen at the front of the room was projecting some schematic. "The not-so-humble Kolibri. Just imagine what one could do with a highly-Veiled platform carrying say... twenty crack legionaries, a pair of Spatha dropships, also variants with extra Veiling, all supported by an RP Squadron."

I kept in a small sigh. That was the exact variety of mission profile I had most wanted to avoid. A very small, very important mission where individual capability would be of maximal importance. In my past life, I had experience forming and leading such a unit, and I had long known my own skills in the Legions could easily send down much the same path. I had hoped being part of a Demi-Wing would produce a unit too large for such skullduggery, but it looked like Invidia and her associates had other ideas.

Fabia had an appreciably cynical look, which was reassuring. Even Julia, green as she was, seemed perturbed by Invidia's sales pitch. Quirinus gave her a very patient look while the rest of us digested it. All twelve of those in Ritual Plate would not be available to support the Legionaries; some would have to stay to watch their Mothership and escort the Spatha VTOLs. That still gave a Flight or two of air-support for a mere twenty Legionaries or whatever specialist infantry conducting that operation.

"The Fortuna subclass was an idea built on those very special Kolibri LRI craft." Invidia's smile seemed to turn genuine for a moment real amusement brushed that empty expression. "Same concept, but on a hull twice as large and based around a Light Carrier."

Invidia looked right at Fabia. The large room fell quiet for a moment.

"Where this ship is based around a Medium Carrier," Fabia stated. "You wanted more infantry, more air-power."

"Can you blame us?" Invidia shrugged. "I know you Fliers don't like to brag, but in terms of combat power you are a very useful platform. You just happen to be very expensive and in very high demand. Fortunately, my associates conduct relatively small operations. We're not talking about Cohorts, let alone Legions."

"And the expense?" Quirinus asked, her tone dry. I suspected she already knew Invidia's answer, and the question was purely pro forma.

"We all know that a Veiled airship, that is a truly Veiled airship, is far more expensive than a regular version. Compared to that, what is the cost of a Demi-Wing or two?" Invidia gave us all an appraising and hungry smile. "You would be amazed what forty 'Legionaries' and nearly thirty Ritual Plate can accomplish. Well, you won't be amazed for long. Regardless, the Fortuna has been quite the little success, unlike the poor Arcadia."

"It helps that there's over a hundred Damocles carriers; pulling a handful off to the side to refit into your little raiding platforms is a comparatively small ask," Quirinus pointed out not bothering to mention that an Avalon would be quite impossible to turn into a hole in the sky.

"Certainly," Invidia agreed, "and that's the rub. My associates have found that sometimes, it would have been... less troublesome to have a larger platform to work with. Scalability is also a wonderful thing."

I must have made a small noise as it fell into place. This project was more than having something that a group of smaller Assault Carriers could accomplish; the idea was to get a ship that had more all-around capability.

"Yes, Countess?" Invidia practically purred.

"The Mellona isn't any longer than the Damocles; it's basically two Damocles carriers side by side. Helpful in Veiling to the level you want. And it helps in other ways; both require only one RP squadron to defend the carrier. You also get a Ventral well deck for all sorts of oversize cargo, transport, and docking purposes. Finally, the Mellona has enough extra space to carry some Aerial Torpedoes."

"Which the Wasp Assault Carrier subclass still retains. I told you: we're not the trailblazers here. The Wasp herself showed this could be done." For just a bare instant Invidia's mask of aloof disdain and false gregariousness cracked and a genuine passion leaked out. This was a project she cared about, maybe for what the Wasp represented for her associates, maybe for what she could do with it. Perhaps in the shadowy intraoffice games of prestige and power that Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance played, this whole scheme represented and investment of her personal capital and she stood to personally gain from its success.

"What's the infantry contingent?" Fabia asked. "Omitting Two RP Squadrons frees up a lot of berths."

"Not entirely removed. You will be joined by a Flight of Fleet Harmonia Pilots. They'll supplement in for CAP and escort roles. That should make Prefect Caenis's job a bit easier. The refit also omits a couple Fujiwara Aerial Torpedoes from the reload magazine."

I raised an eyebrow. Four total Torpedoes was not much. A Kolibri corvette had twice as many. I suppose that did give this ship some long range fleet defense or heavy ground support capability.

Invidia gave me a simulacrum of a "don't worry about it" smile. "We have about the same overall complement as a normal Mellona so most of those freed-up berths are put to use. Specialists to control the enhanced Veiling systems make up a small part. Systems neither you nor I nor our Legionary ground team will be read-in on."

"How many Legionaries?" Julia asked. "Or equivalent. This thing could carry a Broadcast Recon Century for all I know."

"If only we were getting that many," Invidia sighed.

They were one of the few specializations in the Imperial Legions rarer and more demanding than Ritual Plate Pilots or Combat Evocation specialists. Broadcast Recon were tactical teleportation infantry, which made them extremely useful for covert insertions, raids, and other commando operations. While Imperial Legions had about fourteen thousand RP Pilots, we only had about three Cohorts, a tenth as many, Broadcast Recon.

"But yes, total ground troops amount to a bit over a hundred. Call it a Heavy Century's worth. We'll have a VTOL squadron of three Spatha Lights and two Umbra Mediums. That's a bit generous in terms of air mobility, but our infantry won't be bringing down much in the way of heavy equipment." Invidia's winning smile returned. "But with your help, the Tarantula Hawk will be most capable."

Nodding, I focused on the platform's capabilities, it helped push aside my personal concerns. It was all trade-offs and something had to go to make the Wasp subclass function. There was space for a Heavy Century of troops, but they would have no artillery, no Nymph light vehicles, and not very many Mule cargo striders. On the other wing... they would have two Sarpedona Squadrons, the better part of a Harmonia Squadron, and my Polyxo Squadron. That explained why this briefing room was still kept so large; it was intended to seat about half of the total Legionary and Ritual Plate complement.

Fabia was more succinct in her evaluation. "It's a fancy Cloak and Dagger toy for your associates?"

Invidia gave a thin smile. "Now, now Prefect, your reputation and those of your fellow Squadron commanders precedes you. For this mission, I would say less 'cloak' and far more 'dagger'."

Fabia crossed her arms.

I could not blame her or her skepticism. In theory, a Wasp could be used as a Mothership for a long duration intelligence-gathering mission. Two Recon Squadrons using their Occultia for signals intelligence, ground-mapping, and other forms of airborne spying could be carried leaving enough space for ground support and air defense. The ground team could even be pared back to make room for linguists, cartographers, tactical anthropologists, and other analysts. And instead of combat specialists, those going to the surface could be CSR assets capable of going undercover.

On the other hand, we would clearing not be supporting that kind of mission. Thank DarkStar for small favors. I shivered at the idea of having to support some long-duration covert observation and strike mission.

No, if I had my suspicions, we would be delivering a message to prevent a shifting of alliances among the Great Houses, or at least to send a message to a mutual rival. After all, war was politics by other means. That said I felt my fear of the consequences of such correspondence were entirely reasonable; such missives and their replies had a way of getting rapidly out of hand.

"Epsilon Wing is ready for this role," Quirinus stated in a clear voice, every inch the decorated, experienced, Volantes Tribune.

I kept my private reservations to myself. I would not undermine my superior, especially not one I respected and who I saw as a mentor figure. We hardly had three months to gel as a multi-Squadron formation. Fourth Squadron was still generously semi-green, as was the Second Flight of my Squadron. And now CSR wanted us to be the air component to one of their shiny new spook ships? Couldn't Invidia's associates find a more experienced RP unit for this assignment?

The longer I thought about it, the more my apprehension about being pulled into the world of shadows, spies, and lies grew. This whole setup felt wrong. Maybe this was some esoteric variety of shakedown cruise. If so, our Demi-Wing would not be the only new element present. It sounded like there were not many Fortunas out there let alone Wasps. There could not possibly be many Fleet personnel familiar with operating raiding Assault Carriers; they'd need time to familiarize, surely. Every part of the Tarantula Hawk's complement would have to train together to perform at a high performance for a high value mission; otherwise why bother with the massive expense?

Visha took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I returned the gesture. It was not that I thought we could not do this, but we both knew where this could lead. That was why I had made sure my pilots had the best equipment and training I could get them.

"What can you tell us about our mission? How long will we have to train?" Fabia asked.

"Alas, not as long as you would like; my associates have already found opportunity too perfect to pass up." Invidia tapped her valise. "Allow me to stress that the mission profile is nothing new, and that your part in this will be standard doctrine. Albeit, you will be providing air-support at far greater level."

"You could just about give every single eight-person Contubernium their own Flight of RP," Julia said.

"We considered that," Invidia admitted with every sign of seriousness. "It lacks efficiency. Instead, you will be slightly more concentrated: allowing Flights rotation to give persistent fire-support, layered air cover, escort, CAP and account for combat losses. It's still a massive investment."

"Does the mission need this much air-support?" Julia asked. As a Sarpedona Pilot, she thought in terms of neutralizing ground-based threats. Under normal circumstances, her Squadron would be pretty heavy support for a Cohort of six Centuries. Here, her Squadron was being asked to protect fifty Legionaries.

Invidia put on a sympathetic face that was slightly more realistic than the ones painted on theatrical masks. "While intelligence has indicated we have time to train up the Tarantula Hawk and her complement, I must confess that, we are very much a Plan B option. Higher profile, higher risk, but with greater potential rewards, if enough goes to plan. Hopefully, when we get to a certain world we will not be required. And we can be given more time to train and ready for a later mission."

"If we're the fallback... what's the primary plan?" Fabia asked, a nervous chord thrumming under her admittedly steely professionalism. I leaned forward slightly in my seat, curious despite myself how Invidia would answer.

"Oh, it's far more destructive, but if Plan A goes off, no one will have to set hooves on this contested colony world. I'll confess, I'm earnestly hoping we won't have to go through with Plan B, but we still must train for it, just in case my wish doesn't come true." Invidia's sincerity rang out so clear, so honest, and so truthful that, for a moment, I felt myself being taken in. Then I remembered all of my previous encounters with her, and felt an iron weight plunge in my stomach.

Invidia and her "associates" were not the type to merely hope for some development. Indeed, the fact that she had vocalized how sincere that hope was only told me that Plan A, whatever it was, was already dead in the water. One way or another, I was gloomily certain that the Tarantula Hawk would be winging its way towards Harp's World, and I and my two Vs would be aboard.

End Chapter 22

This chapter took a bit longer than expected; basically, I added a whole new scene to it.

Thanks to DCG , ellfangor8 , Green Sea, ScarletFox , afforess, WrandmWaffles, metaldragon868,Wyrme and Preier for checking and reading over this chapter.

And special thanks and to Readhead for the extra editing and polish, especially in getting Tauria's voice at just the right level. And metaldragon868 for helping with the combat and technical descriptions.
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2 squadrons of ground-attack, 1 of air-superiority, and 1 of advanced multi-role, seems like a lot of firepower for anything resembling "covert" or "deniable." That seems to be excessively noisy. You aren't even using deniable suits. A demi-wing in Alecton export models of RP could belong to anybody. 4 squadrons of BlackSkyvian front-line RP suits is basically an admission this is an officially sanctioned mission. Just how badly did Plan A go? What was Plan A in the first place? Just what are the objectives here?
2 squadrons of ground-attack, 1 of air-superiority, and 1 of advanced multi-role, seems like a lot of firepower for anything resembling "covert" or "deniable." That seems to be excessively noisy. You aren't even using deniable suits. A demi-wing in Alecton export models of RP could belong to anybody. 4 squadrons of BlackSkyvian front-line RP suits is basically an admission this is an officially sanctioned mission. Just how badly did Plan A go? What was Plan A in the first place? Just what are the objectives here?

Quite so. As noted this is far more on the Dagger than the Cloak side of things. And we know that House BlackSky maintains a group of pilots who are trained and equipped with the RP of other Houses. From that one can make a few conclusions as to the statement this operation is intended to make.

For more thoughts I'd recommend UberJJK' s analysis over on SB. As for confirmation as to what's going on, the next chapter will reveal more of what the operation is. It better as they'll be in the air as part of their shakedown of the Tarantula Hawk.

But yes, the Wasp will be a quiet platform to get to the target area, which buys time for when the VTOL dropships and RP launch. Then whilst they do the mission, and avoid counter attack having it be known that House BlackSky did this is part of the goals of Invidia and her associates.

If this were a truly deniable thing then everything from RP to VTOLs to small arms to equipment and body armor would have to be taken from obfuscated sources.
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Images: Beach fun, Elenese Fashion, Assault Carriers, a old "friend", and more Elense and Luxon RP
Okay we've got another crop of great and fun art for Little Demon.

Let's start with this great piece by PlayerError404 showing Tauria having some fun with her newest Flight Leader Lucia Hood. And if she looks a bit.. familiar, don't worry about it.

Next we have from Lexi Kimble a great demonstration of Elenese High Fashion. Though this does imply that Duchess SilverFlight and her youngest daughter are visiting their neighbor to the north for some diplomatic reason. Don't worry about it.

And now a bit of a small digression. Here we've got some schematics showing the evolution of the "Assault Carrier" concept. From using a small Kolibri Patrol ship to the Fortuna Sub-Class and finally the Wasp Sub-Class. One can see how the Assault Carrier is, in many ways, a blending of the Long Range Insertion (IE troopship with full complement of VTOLs) and a Ritual Plate Carrier. (And that the Kolibri is a bit too small to have a true Assault Carrier).

And now we go back to PlayerError404 with Tauria a novitate sister of the Sisterhood of Our Hallowed Lady meeting an.... old friend: Sister Maaria RedLash of the Sisterhood of Our Martyred Lady. And Tauria may not have taken Maaria's complaints with all due seriousness. One may note that the Andromachin branch of the Sisterhood of Our Martyred Lady dresses slightly... different.

And finally we close out with Lexi Kimble showing the "close" alliance between Houses Luxon and Elena. With a rather tall Luxon pilot in a Sekhmet Air-Superior suit and a rather slender Elenese pilot in her new Volos Stealthy Air-Superiority suit.
Oh wonderful.

A shakedown cruise with Intel Spook Nihlus Nihilus on a prototype stealth ship larger than any before, where the mission's already gone wrong before you arrive.

Yes, I'm sure this will go swimmingly.
Oh wonderful.

A shakedown cruise with Intel Spook Nihlus Nihilus on a prototype stealth ship larger than any before, where the mission's already gone wrong before you arrive.

Yes, I'm sure this will go swimmingly.
The prototype was presumably the Wasp, the name ship of the sub-class, which has reportedly already proven the concept at this scale. The mission having already gone wrong is still worrisome.
Oh wonderful.

A shakedown cruise with Intel Spook Nihlus Nihilus on a prototype stealth ship larger than any before, where the mission's already gone wrong before you arrive.

Yes, I'm sure this will go swimmingly.
The prototype was presumably the Wasp, the name ship of the sub-class, which has reportedly already proven the concept at this scale. The mission having already gone wrong is still worrisome.

Aye, it's not a new sub-class so there's that. But yeah.... it is ominous that they went "we've gotta go with plan B" and that they have the time to train up the "B Team"....

But hey, maybe Invidia is just lying about the Plan A failing. Wait.... that's not exactly better.

Thanks for commenting Fireball900! And hope you enjoyed reading it.
The prototype was presumably the Wasp, the name ship of the sub-class, which has reportedly already proven the concept at this scale.

Aye, it's not a new sub-class so there's that. But yeah.... it is ominous that they went "we've gotta go with plan B" and that they have the time to train up the "B Team"....

It's twice as wide, so it's still larger than any before, just like the Normandy was :p

(I refuse to believe there was no small stealth one-man craft in the ME verse beforehand).
It's twice as wide, so it's still larger than any before, just like the Normandy was :p

(I refuse to believe there was no small stealth one-man craft in the ME verse beforehand).
What are you talking about? The Wasp subclass is a subclass of the Mellona medium RP carrier. Apart from the hull numbers, both Wasp and Tarantula Hawk should look identical externally.
It's twice as wide, so it's still larger than any before, just like the Normandy was :p

(I refuse to believe there was no small stealth one-man craft in the ME verse beforehand).

What are you talking about? The Wasp subclass is a subclass of the Mellona medium RP carrier. Apart from the hull numbers, both Wasp and Tarantula Hawk should look identical externally.

Aye, the Tarantula Hawk is a follow-on. I would presume it's like the third Wasp subclass.
Images: Jungle Fox, Goths of DarkStar, Invidia & Lyrics: Never Leave Silas Alive
It's been a while, and I have news and some goodies.

First, chapter 23 is at 12,500 words, then penultimate scene is almost written and I hope that the final scene will be fairly short. Operation Epimetheus is a go. There's been some more work on the omake Peer Rivals Part 2 as well.

Next from ScittyKitty we have Centurion Invidia Nihilus who is looking her cheerful, open self.

Now for a slight change of pace. There's an unofficial soundtrack to Little Demon, with up to 17 entries!
But one song on the soundtrack in particular seemed relevant to the life of those living in a part of Midlands Territory, a obscure County by the name of Silas, that's part of Diyu's coal country. And with apologies to Darrell Scott and with the help of @Readhead

You'll Never Leave Silas Alive
(original lyrics)

In the deep dark hills of northern Midlands
That's the place where I trace my bloodline
And it's there I read on a hillside gravestone
"You'll never leave Silas alive"

Oh, my grandmother's dam crossed the Vyhraj Mountains
Where she took a pretty girl to be her bride
Said, "Won't you walk with me, out of the mouth of this holler
or we'll never leave Silas alive"

Where the sun comes up about ten in the mornin'
And the sun goes down about three in the day
And you fill your cup with whatever bitter brew you're drinkin'
And you spend your life just thinkin' of how to get away

No one ever knew there was coal in them mountains
Till a Lady from the northeast arrived
Wavin' hundred Aureus coins, said, "I'll pay you for your minerals"
But she never left Silas alive

Granny sold out cheap and they moved out west to Artrax
To a farm where Big Plutum River winds
And I bet they danced them a jig
And they laughed and sang a new song
"Who said we'd never leave Silas alive!"

But the times they got hard and poppy wasn't sellin'
And old grandmother knew what she'd do to survive
She went and dug for Silas Coal
And sent the money back to granny
But she never left Silas alive

Where the sun comes up about ten in the mornin'
And the sun goes down about three in the day
And you fill your cup with whatever bitter brew you're drinkin'
And you spend your life diggin' coal from the bottom of your grave
You'll never leave Silas alive.

Back to art, we have this from PlayerError404 where Tauria is spending some quality time with DarkStar (who is reliving her own goth phase). Tauria is just happy that it doesn't have to be so formal and stiff. Though the whole experience is surreal to her.

Finally, we have a bit of in universe propaganda made by ScittyKitty. We all know that Tauria likes to present herself as utterly loyal. Tauria also is seen as a loyalist, and a subject to propaganda. Add in her hated nickname "The Jungle Fox" and that part of her time in the capital was devoed to "sanding off her rough edges" one gets this piece. Yes, that is Imperatrix BlackSky doting over her.

So, Tauria looks to be about as tall as DarkStar, once you account for their heels. How old is DarkStar's current incarnation, compared to Tauria?

By this time DarkStar is about 18. She's about 150cm, or just under 5ft. So yeah, DarkStar is actually pretty short.

And Tauria while short herself, is not as extremely short as she was in her human life
(Though that was when we saw her as younger, and in some of the media it's implied Being X was stunting her growth in addition to the starvation).

Now the question is, how old is Tauria in this picture? I'd say about sixteen. Huh, I guess that reveals when those two will meet.
Chapter 23: Cat's Cradle
The War Chronicles of a Little Demon

Set in the Diyu Demons verse
A Saga of Tanya the Evil fic.
By Sunshine Temple

Naturally, I do not own Youjo Senki. So here's the disclaimer:

Saga of Tanya the Evil its characters and settings belong Carlo Zen, Shinobu Shinotsuki, and NUT Co., Ltd.

Previous chapters and other works can be found at my fanfiction website.

C&C as always is wanted.

Chapter 23: Cat's Cradle

It would be fair to say that I maintained significant reservations with the mission that had seconded my unit to the HFV Tarantula Hawk. The cloak-and-dagger work, the nebulous objectives… None of it sat well with me. However, I couldn't help but admit that the small, status-obsessed part of me that fretted endlessly about how my career looked to others drew satisfaction from being assigned to such a clearly important task.

The aft starboard Ritual Plate maintenance bay was Third Squadron's domain: My domain. The bay and its port-side twin were slightly smaller than the forward bays, which were First and Second Squadron's, but I saw no need to quibble about the assignment; we didn't need the spare room quite as much as the four Fleet Pilots assigned to the Tarantula Hawk, whose gear collectively was stowed in both forward bays.

Having another Harmonia Flight to assist First Squadron was good, but they were... frustratingly aloof, to put it kindly. Even considering my experience with the cream of the imperial capital's RP pilots, as well as wrangling the Flight of snooty nobles placed under my own command, I felt that these Fleet girls were exceptionally haughty. I could only hope that their skills justified their arrogance.

I was fully aware that I might be judging the Fleet fliers with unwarranted harshness. There was, after all, always some degree of rivalry between the Household Fleet and the Imperial Legions, but that degree tended to be minimized between Fleet Pilots and Legion Fliers. Ritual Plate doctrine, training, hardware, and organization was nearly identical between the two service branches. At the end of the day, though, they were still shippies to the core and my soul, dyed in army colors twice over, couldn't help but hold it against them.

Of course, the Fleet could hardly claim to monopolize arrogance, though with Fleet Pilot Crystal Candida and her Flight assigned to our little task force that claim was a bit… strained.

For all that, I could not entirely fault Primus Baroness Crystal Candida. Stiff-necked habits and choleric-humor aside, she was a skilled pilot, commander, and trained her Flight well. They were also First Squadron's problem. I was happy to let Prefect Mila Caenis deal with the green-haired witch.

So I'm sure it was pure coincidence that the gold-eyed, blue-haired Prefect Caenis had come to my maintenance bay.

That's unfair, I privately chided myself, and besides, everybody deserves a break once in a while.

The head of First Squadron and I had served together since Vualia and through the entirety of the tour of the Crocelli Jungles. There was no need for me to be unnecessarily uncharitable to her, especially given my prior experience with her.

And furthermore, after my time riding herd on the academy students, I felt a great deal of sympathy towards any officer tasked with managing brilliant yet infuriating martinets.

"Any issues getting all your equipment on board?" Caenis asked as she sipped her amber tea. We were standing off to one side of the bay, tucked away in an alcove set up as a miniature preparation and refreshment area. A pilot could get out of the way and have a drink, splash some water on her face, or even stretch her wings a bit without worrying of knocking over a box of spanners or whatever. It was also, conveniently enough, where I'd had Gibbs bolt down a fleet-issue coffee machine.

"The yard dogs have been cooperative," I admitted, and turned to watch my Ritualista and Pilots as they ran diagnostics, went over checklists, and checked over the inventory.

Caenis snorted. "Compared to the rest of the kit they have to get loaded onto the Tarantula Hawk? No wonder. Must be easy street."

"Fair," I admitted, then took a sip from my mug. A dozen Polyxo suits plus all their maintenance equipment, parts, munitions, and other components would add up, but it was still a mere sixty percent of the mass of even a light VTOL.

"Besides, that's not the real problem of getting our gear loaded." Caenis let the implication hang as she took a drink. "The speed's not really the choke-point here."

"Security is remarkably tight," I admitted, fully understanding Caenis's unvocalized frustration.

Everything coming aboard had to be taken apart and inspected. While I could understand the concerns, it was on some level farcical. After all, a Ritual Plate suit was a platform with advanced weapons and scrying systems. They were supposed to be filled with gear that could only be called highly suspicious. Though that was why Legion Counter-Intelligence, and the Fleet's equivalent office, focused more on the interpersonal dimension than the technical. That wasn't to say that the risk of arcane infiltration was neglected, but they were more interested in catching potential Person, and Personal, Intelligence weaknesses. That is, the greatest concern on missions like ours was that someone involved had been suborned, blackmailed, turned, or had secretly always been an enemy agent.

However, this was an Office of Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance operation. And the CSR lived and breathed PERSINT, which made their detailed examination of our gear all the more unexpected in its intrusiveness. Their heightened scrutiny was even more disquieting for how entirely transparent their motives, and means, were.

"Remarkably tight, she says." Caenis gave me a look that was not quite withering as her tail flicked. "I suppose knowing Invidia helps," she drawled.

"Tribune Quirinus has known Centurion Nihilus for longer than I," I said mildly. Left unstated was that Mila Caenis had also known Quirinus for just as long.

"That is true." The commander of First Squadron exhaled. "Have your Ritualista brought their tribute to the ship's Spirit Board?"

A scale model of the Tarantula Hawk's Embarkation Deck graced the Landing and Launch Ops with its presence. Four and a half feet long, the model was studded with tokens denoting the status, condition, and, when they were on the ship, location of the carrier's VTOLs, Ritual Plate, and other deployable assets.

The various wooden tokens that represented individual Ritual Plate and VTOLs used magnets to keep their spot on the board even if the carrier pitched and rolled. The winged demoness and plane-shaped tokens had slots to hold markers that denoted their status and condition as well as carrying one other thing.

That was what earned the Spirit Board its appellation. Each intricately-carved token contained a small piece from the air-asset it symbolized.

When receiving VTOLs and RP that were not assigned to their ship, Landing and Launch Ops kept extra tokens in a bucket. They lacked the thaumaturgical linkages but having visual representations of their status and the space they were taking up, was useful.

And it was the thaumaturgical link that was the main benefit. Due to the nature of the tokens used and the number of symbols on the board, the thaumaturgical link was low-bandwidth and its location data dropped precipitously with range, especially past the ship's own wards. However, the link did provide tracking and telemetry data, which was a nice backup to suits' datalink. The limitations suited Landing and Launch Ops just fine. They were less concerned about the greater tactical battlespace, which was Flight Ops' responsibility, and more concerned with making sure the various aircraft and RP coming and going didn't crash into each other or the carrier, and the spirit board gave them another way to prevent midair collisions.

"Optio Gibbs has made the regular collections," I said. "Why?"

Tail flicking, Caenis took another pensive sip of her tea. "It took a bit of doing to get it done for all the Flights under my command," she sighed, her drawl a bit thicker as she took advantage of our comparative privacy to let a touch of her exasperation slip through. "But in the end, we managed it."

"Ah." I noted her careful wording. "Problems with our Fleet allies?"

"It is something you have experience with," Caenis said cryptically, reigning in her accent. Her gaze went across the compartment to where Centurion Lavish RoseTalon was intently listening as her Ritualista team pointed out the repairs they had made to her suit. "Nothing you can't handle, though."

I enjoyed some of my coffee as I considered my reply. I had my issues with the Fleet brew, but it was plentiful, which allowed me to sock my own supplies away for later. "Do you want a training exercise as an object example? Or is this more leveraging my own reputation as the Ace Countess?"

She laughed. "I know you hate the infamy of that appellation almost as much as being called the Jungle Fox. That's why I'm willing to talk to you, but your status is useful." Left unsaid was that we were the same rank, despite me being many years younger than her. While we were both protegees of Tribune Quirinus with considerable honors, I was a countess and daughter of a duchess and Caenis was... not.

My tail swished. I could just take her at face value. I was more than capable of being the opposing-force anvil to her training hammer, but there was more to this. "Mila, we've fought together since Vualia. And while I share your frustration at our high-borne Fliers, it hasn't been a problem until now. Is this about Baroness Candida and her Flight of Fleet brats? Or is there something else awry?"

"Just wanted to catch up and see if you had any final issues as we get ready for lift off," Caenis demurred, shaking her head and sending her blue tresses flipping about, but her tail, flicking with agitation, told another story.

Normally, I would take her at her word. Mila was a professional, an officer, and an adult. As a Legionary Flier, she had more experience in dealing with the politics, friction, and hassle that came with membership in the Legions. Besides, if she really needed someone to talk to then, surely she would go to a friend or a peer to find a shoulder to cry on.

Buying time with a nice long sip of my coffee, I quickly tried to sort out the meat of the situation from the gristle. Mila, Caenis, had known me for quite some time, even if she didn't exactly like me. The other two squadron leaders, Fabia and Julia, were as new to her as they were to me; they could grow into confidants, but that would take time.

Perhaps when it comes to people her own rank, I'm actually the only one readily available? Perhaps… that's why she came to me? Not in spite of our previous relationship, but because of it?

"Standing around isn't very comfortable," I offered, pairing the olive branch with a reassuring smile. "I heard the smoking lounge just got some new chairs as part of its refurbishment."

Caenis blinked, gold eyes focused on me. "You want to go to the smoking lounge?" she asked with slow, deliberate enunciation.

"Regulations are clear that the smoking lamp is only lit with the captain's approval and only when the ship is in the air," I said, a touch smugly. "People looking to indulge their habits right now must resort to one of the hangar's smoking areas."

"And it's just been cleaned with most of the furniture replaced so it doesn't even smell," Caenis noted before laughing. "Fine, sounds like a plan. Lead on, Countess."

Collecting our mugs and stowing them with the other drinking vessels, I gave Lavish a little bow and informed the Ritualista where we were going. The two of us left the compartment, traversed a passageway, and climbed a ladder up to the second deck.

There, the direct route to the smoking lounge was blocked by a corridor closed for maintenance. A group of Fleet ratings had dismounted some decking and the cabling beneath to maneuver up some replacement power conduits, chanting as they levered up the deckplates to access the ratnest of cable boxes below.

A small smile on her face and tail twisting, Caenis paused briefly to listen to their work song. I did have to admit that the shanty's chorus was catchy, if a bit morbid with its reference to how the sisters of a ship's crew would soon be "sleeping in the cold below".

After the detour, it was just a short trip aft a few frames to our destination at the smoking lounge.

Fire was a major concern on any warship, and perhaps on airships most of all. Much like any naval warship, any given airship had plenty of fuels, lubricants, power systems, munitions, paints, and other alchemical compounds aboard that would burn quite happily. Unlike those seaborne vessels, our hull and structure were quite lightweight, which made sealing compartments in the event of a fire a challenge, and we also lacked a functionally unlimited supply of water with which to fight said fires.

At least we did not have to worry about our lifting cells being combustible air bombs unless things went very, very wrong.

That eye for safety made it so that open flames were restricted to certain parts of the ship, mostly kitchens, and specific mechanic's alcoves. It was a very important rule common to airships all across Diyu, given that everyone with demonic ancestry aboard the ship could make their own fire whenever they so pleased. As a result of this abundance of caution, in addition to the presence of more than an average amount of sprinkler systems, the smoking lounge enjoyed two sets of doors, in case one was blocked by fire, and was furnished entirely in non-flammable materials.

Still, the small compartment had a cozy atmosphere despite itself, the couple of couches, the tables, and a bar complete with stools producing a generally welcoming ambiance. Even the furniture was surprisingly comfortable; the chairs had springs and thin coverings that despite their appearance did not feel like plastic. I pushed aside my ponderings on the materials science of the cushions and savored a deep breath. The walls were freshly cleaned, with the smell of paint completely replacing that of smoke. It wouldn't last, but for now the room smelled perfectly clean.

We had the room to ourselves. Caenis sat down after me.

"So," I began, "what's the problem with your baroness?"

"She's not my baroness," Caenis snorted, her drawl coming out in irritation. She exhaled and stood back up. "Drink?" she asked, scanning the mostly bare bar. "Um, water?"

I nodded as she scrounged around and found a couple more cups. I regretted leaving our mugs back in the maintenance bay.

Caenis came over with a pair of metal cups filled with what I thought was lukewarm water. Mine was full of water, but an astringent plum-smelling scent wafted off her cup. Both had been stamped with the crest, name, and hull number of the Tarantula Hawk. I was briefly amused at the idea of Invidia considering such decorations an affront to operational security.

Cup in hand, I gave my fellow Squadron Commander a questioning look.

"I was going off of duty before talking to you anyway," Caenis said, sipping the Fleet-issue rotgut and wincing at the taste. "Ugh! You'd think the prissy Fleet girls would have something worthy of their fancy titles."

"You don't seem to mind other baronesses," I noted, unwilling to be distracted so easily.

Caenis gave me a baleful look. "You keep your LoveBlood on a tight leash."

"Not literally!" I protested, the objection coming to my lips reflexively

That only earned me a smirk from the woman. "Oh?"

I opened my mouth but stopped before I could dig myself down any deeper. I took a sullen sip from my cup, letting the taste of tepid water wash away my thoughts.

After a moment of luxuriating in her own little victory, Caenis's smile eventually fell and she sighed. "It's not her. It's not even really a problem."
"You don't mind other noble pilots."

"Noble Legionary Fliers," Prefect Mila Caenis stressed.

"Ah." I took another sip of tepid water. In many ways, the Fleet was more... political than the Legions. Patronage and social rank were even more important with who you knew and who your mother knew. This wasn't a matter where I was particularly well-placed to throw stones though, given how much my own connections had accelerated my advancement through the ranks. But it did seem that the Legions were a bit more aggressive in finding ways to puncture the pride of spoiled noble brats early on. "Is Primus Baroness Crystal Candida that bad?

"Please!" Caenis snorted, "Spare me. I know you find her to be uptight, cryptic, and needlessly aloof."

I bowed my horns. It was not the most flattering interpretation of my private thoughts on the Primus, but Mila was upset and there was little point in needling her. "Outside of her suit, Primus Candida can be… difficult to work with at times," I admitted, in the spirit of meeting Mila halfway.

"And that qualifier is why I'm gripping to you instead of going through official channels with our Tribune," Caenis replied flatly, tossing back another mouthful of her horrible liquor.

I considered that for a moment. Caenis was close to Quirinus. The Tribune was her mentor as well, which meant that such concerns had already been informally raised. "Do you need someone with a higher social rank?" I quietly asked. I would not be happy with it, but it was something I could do.

"I'm not sure that would make it better. I don't really know these noble games." She looked at the glass. "Really, I just wanted to talk to someone who could understand."

"I mean. I have had to deal with noble nonsense," I admitted.

Taking a sip, Caenis snorted. "Between your baroness and your elevation, yeah."

"Is this about my childhood?"

Caenis shrugged.

I frowned. I did not know much about Mila's life before the Legions. "Is this her first deployment?"

"She's not a greenhorn. She and her Flight have been in a few colonial bushfire postings and before that in Voduri."

"Ah, but have they had a shipboard posting? And not just to a battlewagon that spends most of its time in a hangar or circling around our coast." My tail flicked in thought. "Spending a few months in a flying box tends to smooth off one's edges … Well, that or sharpen them. One or the other."

Mila chuckled. "That is why most of us pilots start with a rotation in the Scouting Branch, crammed asses to elbows on the smallest of airships."


"Well... now mention it, I don't recall Baroness Crystal having any such deployments." She shook her head and stared into the metal cup full of the strong-smelling Fleet-issue liquor. "But that raises questions on why her Flight was even tapped for this in the first place."

"It's supposed to be a fairly short endurance mission," I stated, vocalizing the same response I'd come up with in answer to my own, similar concerns.

"Which goes back to why us? Over fifty BlackSkyvian Ritual Plate isn't very subtle. Why not a Demi-Wing in Alecton export suits? Why not one of our Dissimilar Instructor Wings?"

I nodded. Those units were equipped with Ritual Plate sourced, by various means, from other Houses. Their main role was to provide realistic training for Fleet and Legion Pilots, which meant that not only were they equipped with the RP of other Great Houses, but also that they had studied their tactics and methods.

It was also patently obvious that BlackSkyvians who could pass as foreign Ritual Plate Pilots would be very useful to Invidia and her ilk.

I exhaled. "Clearly, they want our target, whoever they are, to know it was our House who were behind this raid, whatever it will be."

"And why our Demi-Wing?" Mila groused. "We've got a fair number of greenhorns of our own. Your Third Flight and much of Fourth Squadron for starters. I know veteran units are in high demand, but if anyone had enough pull to grab them, you'd think it would be Invidia and her associates."

"It could be they simply drew from what was available." My counterpoint was fairly lackluster. "Alternatively, they want us specifically… But that only raises further questions."

Mila sighed. "Fabia's rookies have been drafting letters."

"Ah." My tail went limp. "Have they at least written wills?"

My fellow Prefect Centurion laughed. "Always so prudent."

"If one is to die in combat then the last letter is a way to tell them your feelings. It is for their benefit, as is making sure that the disbursement of your assets will be properly done."

"My.... Your honor name really should have been Prudentia," Caenis's tail swished as she teased me, before sighing. "If only Fabia's girls took your advice."

I bowed my horns to her. "Let me guess, more poetics and less estate planning?" I asked. I did not want to admit that the most prudent option would be to draft one's last letter back on Mursam just in case the Tarantula Hawk was destroyed, but that would be a bit too grim to state openly.

"Epic poetry, to hear Fabia's quiet complaints. And tedious at that, though, if that helps concentrate a pilot's mind..." Caenis shrugged.

"I'll admit to some... dramatics in the last letters of my more noble Legion Fliers," I shrugged. "I suppose it helps that VioletBlood's view on such things is rather… restrained. She went through her subordinate's letters personally with a red pen and a gleeful expression some might call unbecoming of an officer of the Legions."

"Really? I would have thought she'd well... enjoy an epic poem of glory and tragedy," Caenis leaned back on her chair; her tail flicked in thought. "Ah. Personal experience?"

I nodded. "LoveBlood is a firm believer in the concept that the beneficiaries of a last letter should be those who are still alive, not the maudlin pilot fretting about her mortality."

Caenis gave a morbid little laugh, a half-snorted chuckle. "Fitting. And she is well-placed to deal with your noble greenhorns."

I nodded. "Our Demi-Wing is coalescing nicely, but we could still have used a bit more time."

"And that crunch's truthfully a bigger problem than haughty Fleet nobles," Caenis sighed. "Worse is why CSR wants everyone to know we were behind this raid. Taken together…"

As Caenis drifted off into brooding silence, I wondered if she was less looking for a solution and more for a sympathetic ear. That was an unusual role for me, but I have patiently listened to, and talked down, VioletBlood's various complaints of wounded pride, vainglorious grudges, and spurned attention. If I could endure my fiancee's frankly incredibly petty rants, I could lend a hand to my colleague.

"I won't do anything rash," Caenis assured. I tried not to frown as I surreptitiously glanced down to see if my tail was betraying my emotions.

Before I could see anything, the doors slid open. As I tilted my head to see who had entered, I was met with two surprises: one large, one small.

The small surprise was still rather large. Over twenty pounds of rectangular, leonine cat sauntered into the smoking lounge, swaggering with imperial majesty. One of the ships' cats, the robust feline, rejoiced in a fluffy coat of thick silver fur. Her pale green eyes met mine. Long shaggy tail held high, the cat sauntered straight towards me and then sat down expectantly.

Behind the cat, the larger surprise negotiated his way through the doorway, angling his shoulders and lowering his head to avoid the low-for-him lintel. Thankfully, the Forest Person managed to enter the smoking lounge without so much as a minor head injury and closed the door behind him.

More than occasionally, I'd begrudged my short stature. While I was rather petite, I was still within the normal height distribution for my age, if decidedly towards the lower end of that spectrum. Nonetheless, my lack of stature was an advantage when it came to going down the more claustrophobic passages on Fleet airships. It also helped the bare handful of times I traveled the smaller Legionary ground vehicles. The Nyx scout in particular was notoriously cramped.

And the Fleet did try to make their vessels, at least their sky-borne ones, accommodating to most above-average height Diyu demons. House BlackSky's submarine fleet however was small by many definitions.

Either way, our newest guest, four feet taller than me, had to exert great caution when traversing the Tarantula Hawk's corridors.

"Lares!" I warmly greeted, bowing my horns and trying to ignore the silver-cat's imperious gaze.

"Countess." He nodded to me. "Centurion Gibbs told me where to find you."

Caenis nodded to him. "You were stationed at FOB EmeraldInferno with us two years ago, weren't you?"

The large Forest Person nodded as he looked around for a seat that could handle his bulk. "Aye, it was good to see the end of the Crocelli jungles."

My tail flicked. "Your team is attached to this mission?"

Lares gingerly sat down on one of the couches and we all paused for a moment, waiting for the ominous creak of overstressed furniture. When no such creak was in evidence, I hoped for a moment that the cat would use the opportunity to pester him, instead the feline only stood up, stepped closer to me, and sat back down again, resuming her attempt to stare me down.

"Aye, they are." Lares leaned forward to accept a cup from Caenis, the meager thing looking positively dainty in his giant hand. Noticing my disquiet, his chest rumbled like an earthquake. "I noticed the coincidence too, Countess."

"Does Invidia have anything on you?" Caenis asked bluntly.

He gave a tectonic shrug. "You know how it goes for us Auxilia, especially those with my people's... talents."

"That is what has me concerned," I murmured.

There were relatively few Forest People in the Legion's Auxiliary service, but those few were absolutely invaluable. More than their raw size and strength, their skill with tracking, their naturally high magical aptitude, and of course their ability to turn functionally invisible in woodlands were perennially in high demand. The number of soldiers who could serve as arcane specialists and heavy infantry while also completing infiltration and deep-penetration scouting missions was small, to say the least.

The cat trilled insistently at me, lowered her head, and butted against my leg with a surprising degree of force.

I pulled my leg back and managed not to hiss at the smug little predator. Both Lares and Caenis laughed. Even that cursed cat gave me a smugly aloof look.

"Oh, just pet the poor thing," Caenis sighed.

"She started it! And Lares let her in."

"There are few places denied to the ship's cats," Lares said sagely, "and it's said that being a poor host is bad luck."

I huffed. There were a lot of superstitions around these cats, and for being in a military branch where offerings to spirits were an everyday mundanity that was saying a lot. Ship's cats still retained their vermin killing role, but given their efficacy, that responsibility was practically vestigial. Still, they offered a key companionship role and were a critical part of establishing that a ship was more than just a vessel, it was part of what made it a home. And that allowed for a threshold to form, which was a critical standing magical resonance that acted as a foundation allowing many other arcane constructs to be anchored to the ship.

Looking into the cat's arrogant jade eyes, I fully believed that she was aware of her own importance. Tiring of waiting for an invitation that would never come, she took the opportunity to leap onto my lap, her surprising weight forcing a gasp from my chest at the impact, and then took her sweet time stretching herself out. Having been forced to deal with my fair share of smug nobles, I could honestly say none managed such an effortless air of aloof dominance and superiority as this silver feline did, luxuriating herself on my lap like it was her personal throne.

Then, of all things, she had the gall to look up at me and meow expectantly.

"The baroness will be very cross that I did not take a picture of you and Miss Chippy," Caenis sighed as she reached over to scratch the cat's chin.

The arrogant little monster allowed the offering with lordly disdain but kept her green eyes upon me the whole time.

"Cameras aren't allowed on the Tarantula Hawk," Lares noted.

"I have my ways," Caenis smirked as she continued to pet the cat until Miss Chippy's patience waned. She then studied the Forest Person. "That's an Eastern Province accent?"

"Aye, County Larium to be precise."

"Really?" Caenis gave me a sharp grin. "Isn't that a small world, Countess?" she asked her own Midlands accent thickening.

"She is a fair and proper landlady, Prefect Centurion," Lares assured. "We have discussed business arrangements for our lives after the Legions."

Smiling, Caenis tried to resume petting Miss Chippy. The cat would have none of that, however. "Do tell."

"Just a trifle," I waved off. "How is the family? Last I heard you were on leave and spending some time back home."

Lares nodded. "It was good to catch up and stretch my legs. See some familiar places. I heard you were stationed in the capital."

I shrugged. "I was. It had its positives, but it was very busy."

Lares laughed. "You going to play the provincial country noble?"

"Why not? I am from Eastern Province," I retorted.

Even the cat looked up, as if she were taking the opportunity to register her doubts.

Caenis seemed to study us. "If it's no trouble me asking; what business have you two considered?"

"No trouble at all, Ma'am," Lares bowed his head. "Some timber assay, it'd be foolish for the countess to not reach out to the Forest People in her county for a lumber concession, but mostly mushroom farming."

Blinking, Caenis turned to me.

"It's an underutilized resource and there are plenty of varieties available in County Larium. Not just culinary too, but plenty of medicinal varieties as well." I crossed my arms, not at all haughtily.

"Well... it's not as bad as the underground resources in the county I hail from."

"Northeast Midlands?" Lares ventured.

"Silas County." Caenis looked down into her cup then made her way back to the bar for a refill. Her bangs and wings rustled a bit; it seemed her Zephyr were a bit upset.

Lares nodded in recognition.

As that locale was unfamiliar to me, I attempted to indulge Miss Chippy with a belly rub. The gesture placated the beast, momentarily, then the claws came out because of course nothing would ever truly satisfy the damnable girl.

"I take it you've never had the pleasure?" Caenis asked me, as I nursed a finger. "I'm surprised your friend knows of it."

"There's some good timber in that area, hard to get to," Lares' deep voice grumbled. "It's more kitsu territory though. My folk tend to be more in the southern half of the Midlands."

His tone was offhand but I could tell he was a bit affronted. That made some sense; the Kitsune and the Forest People had cherished a rivalry for centuries, and though most of its heat had long since dwindled, the shades lingered. Both preferred similar woodland terrain and both served in the Legions as Auxilia Scouts. To tell the truth, I had been a bit relieved when Reinhild peacefully agreed to stay here on Mursam. Forest People and Kitsune conflict aside, I was not going to be the kind of snooty officer who insisted on a spare bunk so she could bring a servant. I was already pushing my luck far enough with my billeting situation; I didn't need to make matters worse by indulging in true excess. I wondered if Lares could smell Reinhild's lingering scent. The Forest People did have excellent noses, even by Diyu standards.

Caenis, however, merely shrugged and offered to refill his cup.

Lares nodded before continuing. "Course, timber's only a small part of what the northern hill counties are known for. That's coal country ain't it?"

I turned to Caenis. She gave me an even look. "I was young and well... Momma got laid off from the mines and it was either the Legions or...." She took a sip of her liquor. "There ain't much work out in Silas County. I suppose the Church helps, but they don't go out into the hollers. The hill-folk still hew to the old ways. And while the current Countess of Silas is in the pocket of the mining guilds, she knows how things go out in the Midlands."

"I'm sorry?" I said, trying to keep the uncertainty out of my voice as I hoped she was looking for a sympathetic statement.

Caenis snorted. "Don't be. I told you, I know you're not a spoiled brat. Besides, once the recruiters tested me and found I could pilot well... that made things a peck easier."

The way her spirits riled about the room, however, put her words into doubt.

"Did they?" Lares asked. Even he noticed the brief gust of wind in the compartment.

"Well, I got the fancy Volantes flashes on my uniform." Caenis's smile was rueful. "I suppose this way I'm a more direct part of the BlackSkyvian war machine."

"Mostly bituminous coal?" Lares asked after a moment's thought.

I raised a brow, about to get myself involved in the topic now that it was sliding into something I could sink my teeth into, when the cat pressed her head into my hand again, insistent upon my attention.

"Aye humble, soft steam coal, powering industry." Caenis saluted with her cup. "Silas county had a small anthracite vein to the west. And a couple... other... things. But that wasn't the trouble, not that trouble, no the real trouble was over twenty years ago after the miners went on strike after some breaker girls got flogged..."

The officer was quiet for a moment. "The old countess called in mercenaries from Ixia Province. And then the rail line they were traveling was blown a hundred miles down from the pass through the Vyhraj mountains."

Lares gave a sad nod.

"I'm guessing by people who had a grievance and access to explosives?" I ventured while evading a clawed paw batting at me.

Caenis gave a bitter smile. "The Legions had to be called in before the mine was set aflame."

That caused the tension in the room, already dense as coastal fog, to crystallize fully. House BlackSky was ruled by an Imperatrix; we were the Imperial Legions. As a territory, the Midlands was technically Imperial lands as opposed to the Household lands of proper provinces.

All of that was true. What was also true was that, when it came to domestic issues, Imperatrix BlackSky preferred a light touch. Light, at least, by Diyu standards. Sending in the Legions on the other hand, was anything but.

Mila laughed at our expressions. "Oh, come now. What do you think happened? That they lined the railbeds with impaled strikers?"

"That's what Luxon does," I stated plainly, drawing on my lessons on the internal politics of the other Great Houses.

Caenis nodded, as if bowing to my expertise. I did hail from the border with House Luxon, after all.

"That's… fair enough, I suppose." Caenis began to draw herself up, only to deflate into a weary sigh. "I understand where you're coming from, but no, Countess." She carefully stated, her Midlands accent once again passing from her voice like the sun behind clouds. "No one was nailed up on the crossbars. It was all quite bloodless. In fact, even the old Countess Silas was found strangled, and the position fell to her estranged niece."

"The mining guild lackey?" Lares inquired.

"The same," Caenis confirmed. "But Midlands Mines and Refineries are greedy, not stupid. This is their one chance, and if they screw up again..."

"The Imperatrix seizes the mines?" I asked, giving my fellow officer a critical look. I wondered if her mentioning an ambitious noble murdered under questionable circumstances was, in part, a lesson to me.

"It wouldn't be the first time. And now the Guilds and the new countess are in the same spot as the rest of us, caught between the Imperatrix and what's out in the hills."

I nodded. Even BlackSky herself left much of the empty places of her House be, for they were never truly empty, and one did not become a millennia old demonic empress without gaining the wisdom to let the silent hills lie.

Caenis gave a shrug and then picked at her uniform. "Still, I don't exactly flaunt my dress blacks when I go back home for a visit, if you get my meaning. My family might be happy enough to use the Legion and Fleet Bank branch that was opened when the new countess came into office, but, well… it's just not good taste to push any further."

"I could see why," I nodded. "And as for the banks, that's a sensible choice as well; their loans have quite reasonable terms."

The L&F Bank started out as a pension system for Legionaries and Fleet sailors. It grew in scope into a member cooperative with a nonprofit charter that became one of the House's more pervasive, if quite conservative, banking and investment organizations.

"Well, it ain't much of a secret where that reduced usury comes from," Caenis shrugged, her drawl rising up again.

By limiting those who could make use of their financial services, it was said the L&F Bank could offer more favorable loans. The truth was a bit more complex and dealt with the fact that they were the default bank that handled the Imperial Legion and Household Fleet's payroll in addition to their pensions, which was a considerable amount of guaranteed business.

"The Guild and the nobles weren't the only ones being given a warning," Lares grumbled.

Caenis gave a little nod. "The Imperatrix was very gracious. There were many pardons."

"With the understanding that next time they may not be so forthcoming?" I sighed and resumed petting the irritable fluffy monster that had claimed my personal space. "At least there was minimal waste."

Lares eyed me.

"I'm talking about people's lives!" I huffed.

Caenis huffed a breath that was half a laugh, half stress release. "Though not wasting a mine full of top-grade coal is also nice."

Receiving a small measure of gratitude from the cat, I petted Miss Chippy anew. I wondered if a full survey had been done of that part of Midlands Territory. Coal deposits rarely happen in a vacuum, there could be other things deep underground: possibly more fuels or precious minerals, or rare metals. However, Silas County was not my responsibility, and I had enough on my plate.

I also did not pity the new Countess of Silas, given the figurative sword that hung over her head. Juggling the interests of local townies, country gangs, hill-folk, guilds, and her own greed and desire for power would be precarious. All made worse by the fact that the Imperatrix had made it known that she, or more accurately, her agents, were watching things.

Thankfully, my mother had given me a calm and easy county to administer. I gave Lares a grateful nod.

The Forest Person coughed and sipped from his stamped metal cup.

"If you do need help with Primus Baroness Candida you need only ask," I assured Caenis.

Flicking her tail, she gave me a thin smile.

Glancing between us, Lares then pointedly looked down at his cup.

"Oh, don't worry," I assured. "It is just some inter-service rivalry."

"Speaking as someone who is neither Fleet nor Legion, I thank you for the heads up," Lares said as he pulled at the dark green of his uniform tunic. "I have enough to deal with training up my team."

"Congratulations on the promotion, by the way." I bowed my head to him. Then I paused and mulled it over. "That is, if you wanted it, anyway."

It was a rare mission that would have just one Forest Person. The Tarantula Hawk only had about a hundred slots for the ground mission.

"They're good lads, and are used to the training, as odd as it is."

Caenis and I gave him a level look. Though the sobriety of my expression was marred when that infernal cat decided to nip at my hand.

Lares leaned back, trying to get as comfortable as his size could allow in the, to him, cramped compartment. "The four of us have been training on a lot of varied terrain and climates. Fortunately, they're all compatible with our strengths."

"Ah, so we're going to a place that has trees. That narrows it down... technically," Caenis gave an amused huff.

Lares shrugged apologetically. "I can't speculate much. It is a nice change of pace from sweltering jungles, but that you are here is... reassuring but also..."

"Ominous?" I said while trying to get the cat off my lap. Miss Chippy felt like a fuzzy sack of leaden flour on my legs. "The reaction was similar on our part."

"Bunks could be worse," he admitted.

"Really?" Caenis asked.

"Yeah, had to get some longer beds and we're in a compartment that normally sleeps eight, but I've had worse billets."

"We all have." I snorted, giving up trying to dislodge the cat.

The cat, sensing victory, looked up at me with wide green eyes, and let out a long, loud, demanding meow. I tried to ignore her.

"Quite so, Countess," Caenis gave me a coy look.

"What? It's great that they can get some bunks that aren't too small for them." I frowned as the needy silver cat meowed again, arching her back and demanding her scratches.

"I suppose, and you don't seem too surprised that one can get large bunks on this ship."

My tail flicked. "I... suppose not."

Lares tilted his head.

"As senior staff for the Ritual Plate Demi-Wing, we get officer billets. Two to a compartment," Caenis explained, daring me to correct her.

The Forest Person seemed only vaguely interested. "Privilege comes with rank. Did you get large bedding, Countess?"

I shook my head. "No, that would make it more cramped..." I winced.

Caenis chortled.

"You share a bunk with Quirinus!" I cried.

"Yes, but, I prefer having the compartment closer to the baths."

I had to give her that. A ship the size of the Tarantula Hawk may not have the relatively palatial bathing faculties of a fleet carrier or larger, but they were comfortable enough.

"And I'm not engaged to the Tribune," Caenis added airily.

I did not flush. "There are five of us; being the odd officer out, it was rational for me to take in other pilots. That we are engaged is immaterial; we're all Legion, so sharing bunks isn't anything new."

"Oh, I wouldn't dare presume anything untoward was going on with you sharing a compartment with your lovely Vs." Caenis's warm laugh turned bittersweet. "Leaving a mate, or two, home when you go to war isn't great, but neither is bringing them with you. But you can make that choice. In a way... I'm a bit jealous." She emptied the cup. "And it's not like you have any broodlings, yet."

"Mila, is this really appropriate? I haven't even! That is...." My eyes darted around the compartment to look for assistance. Lares's craggy face was set with mild confusion as if the tribulations of Diyu demons were incomprehensible to him, and Miss Chippy had rolled over and looked up at me with the absolute smugness that only felines were capable of.

Giving a light chuckle, Caenis shook her head. "Oh, if you insist. I'm not teasing you. You're hardly the first officer to be in your position."

Lares gave another vague shrug. I did not blame him. Doubtless, he was glad to be a step removed from us "crazy demons".

Caenis held up her hand, her gold eyes sober. "I am not mocking you. Yes, you are a teenager, but you're still a bit young. If you're showing restraint with your betrothed, that is your choice and is none of my business. We all know you're quite the ascetic, so this type of self-denial is an admirable gesture of piety."

I stared at her. "That's not why..." I put a hand to my forehead and then shrugged. I was well into my teens. In less than a year I would be at the normal age for enlistment in the Legions. "I'm not that devout."

My comrade gave me a level look. "Countess, I'm a bit worried at the type of zealot you would consider to be religious."

I sighed, reaching for some way to get her to understand. "I was raised in a Church orphanage and one of my mothers is a nun."

Caenis looked skeptical. Miss Chippy gave me a far more judgmental expression, but that was because, apparently, I was petting the wrong part of her back.

"Is it really a big deal?" I asked. "Communal bedding is the norm isn't it?" It was not my experience, but I was orphaned at a young age and I was only adopted on my twelfth birthday. And while VioletBlood was also an orphan, Visha did come from a large family.

"It's not strange at all," Caenis assured. "And we've all spent time in the barracks."

Lares tried to look supportive but was clearly out of his depth.

Giving me a bored look, Miss Chippy rolled over before jumping off my lap and back down onto the floor. Walking over, she went to the door and gave it a scratch. Tail high, Miss Chippy turned to look at me and gave an imperious meow.

Sighing, I stood up and moved to let the ship's cat out.

When I did, I realized I had silver fur all over my uniform.


Rolling a bit, I got into a more comfortable position in the middle of our bunk. The Tarantula Hawk was underway and the gentle rolling of its cruising through calm skies was hypnotic, almost as much as VioletBlood's snores. Sprawled out, the taller noble took up most of the bedding in our small compartment. I was actually laying on one of her splayed wings and had to keep nudging her legs and tail aside with my foot.

After a couple more minutes I put down the latest edition of the Journal on Air Combat. Visha had already abandoned her own maintenance logs and was giving drowsy murmurs. I steeled myself. While VioletBlood would often give a credible impression of a poorly-lubricated band-saw crossed with an amorous octopus, Visha tended to roll, talk, and even get punchy in her sleep. Her wings were the worst offenders. Most nights they would pop out, and at full extension, they could fill the entire room. VioletBlood's, at least, were easy to control, Visha's were just as chaotic as the rest of her sleeping form.

The arrangement was far from the luxurious bacchanalia that Caenis implied.

I would not deny that I found their company... comforting. One snorer and one flailer each was certainly a mighty improvement from the old days. I had been nothing but honest in agreeing that we'd shared far worse billets before. Compared to the Rhine front or the Crocelli jungles, sharing a bunk with people who merely slept loudly whilst flailing their limbs was a treat and downright relaxing. Fatigue and stress were going to erode our effectiveness during this mission if we were not careful, though.

Many of my subordinates had already begun displaying textbook signs of stress these last few days. The 78th Infantry Legion's Epsilon Demi-Wing had boarded the Tarantula Hawk without knowing our mission or destination. Thankfully, I had so far managed to distract my pilots and Ritualista from their justifiable worries with training and exercises. I was hardly the only one feeling the strain, however; the last few days had seen a continuation of the assault carrier's earlier shakedown cruises, only now with the ship fully crewed.

Meanwhile, Invidia would only answer questions about our mission profile with hollow platitudes about how we would be fully informed just as soon as was practical. That we had teleported from Mursam to Vikram, one of our smaller colonies, earlier today would have been a good opportunity for the CSR spook and her associates to illuminate us. Instead, we'd had another "impromptu" exercise to contend with. Though this was a step up, with the Tarantula Hawk's Ritual Plate, VTOL, and Infantry assets all being deployed from the carrier for the first time, all to an islet seemingly picked at random.

The whole tempo of this operation filled me with a disquiet I dared not openly express. Even in this compartment, I was loath to upset my Vs. Tomorrow's schedule seemed relatively free of training exercises, which had less stress, but might result in more idleness among my subordinates.

Tossing the journal over to the small vanity, desk, and table, with a sink hidden under the hinged surface, I stared at the ceiling and shifted my wings. Visha had taken the blanket while LoveBlood had pulled the sheets. At least both were warm and comfortable enough to serve as proxy bedding, especially supplemented by my own wings. Though that had its own cost as my Vs, unsatisfied with taking the blankets and sheets, would then make use of my feathered wings as a defacto comforter. It did, however, seem to help them calm down and stop being so fidgety when they slept, plus the action provided me with additional warmth. The ergonomics involved made it a bit uncomfortable but our situation was overall quite efficient and gave me an entirely rational sense of satisfaction.

Visha's murmurings quieted down to a purring rumble and a quiet snore, and while VioletBlood was still snoring, her saw-like grating had also shifted into a lower register. At least they were easier to keep happy than Miss Chippy or any of the other arrogant ship's cats prowling aboard the assault carrier.

Above my head, various pipes and conduits snaked, all with color coded paint. There were also sprinkler heads, the speaker for the ship's Primary Circuit, and hooks for straps and tie-downs. I could only imagine the quantity and variety of head wounds Lares would sustain, should he attempt to walk unbowed through the cabin.

Concentrating, I could hear the tick of my pocket watch over two snores and three sets of purrs. I felt my eyes get heavy and slipped into a perfect moment of comfort and warmth.

A moment that, sadly, was not to last.

My clock began to jingle as a tiny bell within started to ring. Giving a little snarl, I stretched my tail and used the fins to flick the watch off the vanity. It flew towards the bunk and would have hit VioletBlood in the neck if not for my wing intercepting it and tumbling the ringing timepiece into my waiting hand.

With a twist of the knob, the alarm ceased and I began the process of untangling myself from my betrothed. There were some murmured protests and some grasping at me, but, with reluctance, I slipped out of the suspended bed and stood up.

I went to one of the lockers and pulled out some clothes before securing the vanity's counter and lifting it up to access the sink. While I did have time for a quick shower, the three of us made use of the starboard baths before having some downtime.

Fortunately, I was well acquainted with cleaning up using nothing more than a bit of water and a towel. Some cleaning gel did help. A brush got my hair to an... acceptable state. Satisfied, I pulled on my uniform. Once dressed, I inspected my pants, tunic, and sash. Everything was a bit ill-fitting, slightly wrinkled, and out of place. I concentrated at my reflection and things started to shift a bit as creases sharpened and the drape of my uniform corrected itself. Tying my Preserver Order award around my neck I inspected myself in the polished metal mirror.

I suppose there are some advantages to being part of a species and culture that had access to sartorial and cosmetic magics.

Soon enough, Visha woke up and murmured a greeting.

"Don't forget you and VioletBlood have a Flight Leader meeting in an hour," I said as I checked her watch to make sure the alarm was set.

"I won't forget," she languidly said, rolling over to watch me as I finished touching up my appearance.

"Good. Make sure LoveBlood and Lucia behave," I nodded to her with a smile as we both seemed amused at the still-snoring VioletBlood. All in all, I actually felt reasonably refreshed, in addition to well-rested when I left the compartment.

Signifier GreyDawn was waiting for me in the corridor. The senior non-commanding pilot in my Squadron saluted, fingers to exposed neck.

I returned the salute and eyed her. She was also in full Legion blacks. Typically, when about ship-board or equivalent duties, pilots would wear an unbuttoned jacket or tunic over an inner flight suit. Technically unofficial, longstanding tradition allowed for it as it allowed a pilot to be suited up that much faster.

The tall grey-skinned woman gave me a respectful nod, but there was a hint of amusement in her eyes.

"You seem quite chipper this morning," I remarked by way of greeting. The Tarantula Hawk was running on a universal Diyu time synchronized to the capital. But I could see why the Fleets, and Legions, based on Mursam would synchronize to that day cycle.

There were still some old-salts in Fourth Fleet who bemoaned this change; a couple decades back the Colonial Fourth Fleet and the Fifth Landing Fleet used Mursam time. I maintained it was far better now that all eight fleets had the same timekeeping, even if it made it so Fleet officers had to use two clocks on Mursam. That was inevitable with off-world operations, as we were currently on Vikram, a colony with its own length of day and seasons.

"Long experience has shattered my normal sleep-cycle and sense of time," GreyDawn stated with such a casual deadpan that it was only due to our long acquaintanceship that I could tell my subordinate was joking.

This portion of the ship was mostly accommodations for my Squadron's pilots with Ritualista nearby. As we went aft down the corridor, I noticed a higher than normal number of people lingering about. The tiny recreation area, really an alcove bench seating built into the walls and a couple of tables right by the baths, was crammed with a surprising number of my people, particularly surprising considering the early 'morning' hour.

They all seemed a bit amused, but very respectful and... happy for me?

I gave GreyDawn a quizzical look.

"It's not the first time we've all billeted in close quarters," she stated.

That much was true. Senior pilots slept two to a room, myself excepted. Typical line pilots slept four in a room that was a bit larger. And Ritualista, not including Gibbs and her seniors, were in the more general eight to a compartment.

The lack of privacy for most of the ship's complement was why the ship had a number of "recreation" rooms that could be signed out to allow for some private time among crew and others on the ship. In abstract, given our culture, I could see the importance of morale and as an officer, I did have a number of passes that I could distribute to my subordinates.

I told myself it was no different than giving out weekend passes when stationed base-side. I was not naive; I knew the kinds of entertainments Legionaries would get up to.

"Speaking of, now that we're underway, are there any issues?" I asked after we went down a ladder to the Embarkation Deck.

"There's no excessive use of the Squadron liquor stock," GreyDawn said.

"And the gambling?"

GreyDawn looked down at me and blinked as we stepped to the side to let a team of Fleet pipe-fitters pass. "Visha didn't tell you?"

"She mentioned that Adriana and Cardino were cut down a couple notches at yesterday's card game."

"Nothing too bad," GreyDawn assured. She paused seeing my cross expression and crooked tail. "But when they and the rest of Flight Three get done with their Combat Air Patrol, those two may want a rematch."

Lucia's Flight and the Fleet Flight were currently out on patrol. Virkam was friendly territory, which was why we had only two Flights airborne. Two more flights from First Squadron were suited up near the Catapults in Standby. Where in theory they could launch to provide backup and by more time for the rest of the RP Pilots to suit-up.

I shook my head as we resumed walking aft. "Do be careful."

"Of course, Ma'am. I won't do anything reckless."

"She didn't clean them out?" I asked, a bit surprised that the two would even have anything to do a rematch with.

"I wouldn't say that," GreyDawn's tone was carefully neutral.

I rubbed my forehead. "I'll have a word with Visha,"

"As you say, Ma'am."

"If they're looking to get even and get their pride back.... Well, Adriana is more than willing to use her charms," I cautioned.

GreyDawn gave me a dry look. "Of course, Ma'am."

I laughed to myself. "I presume you're more than experienced in dealing with young hot-shot pilots."

"Somewhat," she allowed. My senior pilot seemed still amused at the concept of Adriana trying to seduce her, or at least use favors in exchange for leniency at the card table.

"Anything else? How's the rumor mill?" I asked as we went past one of the Legionary staging compartments. I noted a handful of Broadcast Recon were chatting with a couple of Lares's Forest Scouts. The tactical teleportation specialists had an almost ethereal air as they moved which, despite the large size of the Forest People, was something they had in common.

"There's plenty of wild chatter, but no firm scuttlebutt. Some of the pilots think it's ill-omened that we're traveling alone."

I made a vague grunt of acknowledgment. It was a bit odd that the Tarantula Hawk was traveling without escort, scouts, or cargo support.

"I think some Fleet superstitions are rubbing off," GreyDawn admitted.

"Just grumbling?" I asked. As the senior non-commanding pilot in my Squadron, GreyDawn was a mentor figure for many.

"Not even that, more like vague muttering. I've been pointing out that we're bound to rendezvous with other elements and it's likely that scouts are already in play."

"Well, we'll know soon enough," I concluded with a shrug. "What about the Ventus Centurions?"

"VTOL Pilots are easy to keep happy."

"As long as we give them good escort they'll be happy with us. But they might have heard more about this mission."

We entered into a staging compartment. This one took up most of the width of this part of the starboard side of the airship and had a set of massive doors on the aft wall. There were rows of crates and other bits of cargo tied down to the deck. This compartment and its mirror on the port side were used for staging vehicles.

"It's interesting that we're carrying the VTOLs we are," GreyDawn noted.

"Oh?" The Tarantula Hawk carried two Umbra Medium VTOLs.

"Yeah, if they skipped out on the bigger VTOLs we have... nine, maybe ten Spathas total. They'd be easier to hide and we'd have more airframes."

"You think it's because the mission will need something that big?"

GreyDawn shrugged. "The Umbra can do a lot that a Spatha can't, like delivering an Arachne artillery system, a Nymph Light utility vehicle, a Nyx stealth scout, or even one of the rumored Eris project vehicles."

"The Eris is real," I assured her.

"Not like we're bringing one of those to this mission. I suppose it's a good thing CSR didn't think we needed an infantry support gun," GreyDawn nodded.

Based on the Nymph and Nyx hull, the purported Eris was a tracked vehicle armed with the same caliber gun as the Vestal scout tank or the Triarii IFV. However, unlike those vehicles, the Eris Project, in order to fit in an Umbra, was very small and lightly-armored.

"I have my misgivings about the concept, but I can see the appeal," I admitted.

"Right, right. It's an eggshell with a hammer but it'll be able to fit on a ubiquitous workhorse of a VTOL instead of the unwieldy Gladius and Pugio heavy VTOLs the rest of our armored vehicles require to be transported." GreyDawn frowned. "You're thinking about commanding combined arms, Ma'am? Should we be fitting you for a Legate's scepter?"

I glared at my subordinate.

"Of course, Ma'am." She bowed her horns. "Your point stands. Instead of a couple armored vehicles, CSR has decided a couple Squadrons of Sarpedona RP is good enough."

I shrugged. "This mission seems to have a light ground footprint. The only ground vehicles we've got are some Marius Mules."

The remote-operated Golem strider was a Legion mainstay.

A group of maintenance crew and Ritualista were going from Mule to Mule with a set of tools and diagnostic equipment. Most of the models were the basic half-ton cargo hauler, which could also double as a stretcher carrier. Though a good number had eight-shot Vel Missile launchers. A fact I couldn't help but find interesting.

GreyDawn gave me a look.

"Was this one of the rumors?"

"Just something I noticed," Prefect Fabia HarrowFang said as we approached. Slipping a small pulp-novel away in a pocket of her flight suit, the Sarpedona Pilot eyed the collection of anti-air assets. "Yes, there's about an equal number in the other staging bay."

"Call it eight launchers? Sixty missiles?" I said, pondering. "That's not a bad impromptu air defense network."

Especially not when the speed and ease of deployment was taken into consideration. The advantage of a Mule was that it could basically be kicked out of a landing VTOL and sent to scurry off and it would connect and set up a network then and there. Even so, that was a lot of Mules to bring down. On the other wing, these were cheap enough that they could be scuttled in place.

"And if they bring reloads?" GreyDawn asked. A Mule could carry two sets of reloads, but the reload packs, and indeed the missiles that would go in the launchers, were stored in a different magazine. One that was more secure, fire resistant, and sporting a collapsible floor that could easily jettison the munitions in an emergency.

Fabia nodded. "Then add that there's at the very least our four Squadrons. That's quite an abundance of scrying data to feed into the missiles."

"They expect the ground team's mission to be at risk of an aerial counterattack," I nodded. "That implies a longer mission or... that our target is close to a base or ship with reinforcements."

"Or maybe they'll be using the Vels as ground-to-ground missiles," GreyDawn suggested. The Vel was not particularly well-suited against heavily-armored vehicles, but it could serve in that role if it had to. If nothing else, the sheer volume of fire would make up for its deficiencies.

As an air-to-ground close air support specialist, Fabia looked affronted for a moment. However, she took a moment to ponder and her eyes widened. "So... instead of a mass air counter-attack, you think we risk a counter of enough ground forces that two Sarpedona Squadrons will need to call upon a hundred missiles as fire support?"

GreyDawn shrugged. "Maybe either option is likely, Ma'am. Hence using a flexible, if sub-optimal, platform."

"True enough. Anyway, I was out here waiting for our meeting," Fabia said, absently patting the pocket where she stashed her book. "But there's one other thing." She led us over and pointed to one of the missile launcher Mules and one of the cargo variants. Both had extra prongs attached to the articulated footpads at the end of their spindly legs.

"Ice treads. And cold weather gear," GreyDawn noted and gestured to some extra insulation built onto the joints and anti-icing features on the scrying systems All were features that took up extra weight and complexity and were thus omitted unless... unless they were needed.

Harp's World did have polar regions and their northern hemisphere was having winter right now. That did narrow down our possible targets somewhat…

Unless, of course, Invidia was playing some CSR game within a game, and the ice gear was just another nested bluff… But that way lay insanity.

"That fits with the last few training sessions," I added, pulling myself back on track. Our exercises had run a gambit of environmental conditions, but there had been a pronounced tendency towards storms, heavy winds, and cold across the last few. Part of that was admittedly bias, as clear days with unlimited ceiling and no precipitation did not make the training harder and were thus less memorable, but still...

Fabia nodded. "Right, which is why I'm curious what scenarios the VTOL Pilots have been running."

"Speaking of... tomorrow is pretty much clear of training missions for us," I noted.

"Perhaps Quirinus has an all-hands debrief planned? I heard from a Fleet Steward that the big briefing room was reserved for most of yesterday. She and her team are going to have to square everything away early in the morning," Fabia offered.

"Maybe," I allowed. Our Demi-Wing did have enough pilots that it would require a good-sized room to accommodate everyone. However, it was not Quirinus's style to have that be a surprise. Is the Tribune here yet?"

Fabia shook her head. "I think she's talking with the ship's captain. Julia will warn us when she gets down here."

I looked to the aft doors.

Tail flicking, Fabia seemed to weigh my unstated question: How much did the VTOL pilots know about this mission?

An experienced centurion, GreyDawn took a discreet step back and faded into the background, content to let the officers hash it out.

"Quirinus wouldn't object if we just talk with our fellow pilots, and besides she might get delayed; you know how the brass-horns are."

I pointedly did not say that as a Tribune, Quirinus counted as a brass-horn herself.

Fabia frowned.

"We could go to the aft ventral observation station," GreyDawn offered. "That's up in VTOL country, but wouldn't have us directly intruding on our Tribune's meeting. And we would be ideally placed where a runner could find us if she is regrettably detained, and we must start the meeting without her."

"Well put, Signifier." Fabia bowed her horns to GreyDawn. "I see the countess has an eye for talent."

"I have been with her since she made Flight Leader," GreyDawn respectfully stated.

"No, you can't poach her," I said with a smile as we went to the aft of the compartment. The giant vehicle-sized doors had smaller ones inset in their frame and we passed through them.

The Tarantula Hawk's aft hangar was the largest compartment in the ship. Running the full width of the lower deck and tall enough to fit an Umbra VTOL, the space was roughly a square two hundred feet to a side. The aft-most corners were chamfered and there were a few other areas where the compartment was trimmed, as the space was within an airship. As large as this space was, it was utterly dwarfed by the equivalent compartments in Nova Fleet Carriers and other vessels in that displacement range or larger.

At the very aft of the space on the ship's centerline were the doors and landing track for the ship's VTOLs. And to our side, and mirrored on the port of the ship was one of the angled launch doors. The immense room was full of activity as dozens of crew and maintainers worked around the five VTOLs carried aboard.

Even tied down to the deck they looked sleek and aggressive. The standard model Spatha and Umbra VTOLs were the Legion and Fleet's doughty utility transports. They were armed and could provide ground support, their primary role was moving troops, vehicles, and materiel.

These were different. While most of the vehicles in BlackSkyvian inventory had various semi-active camouflage systems it was far from invisibility. Those were generally more of a type of bulk color-matching with contrasting segments that helped blend a vehicle and break-up its silhouette and shape.

Veiling systems provided a broader range of stealth, and at their higher levels could render functional invisibility. Instead of the normal rust-red and splotchy grey paintjob of a standard VTOL, this Squadron was coated in a sullen almost-matte dark-violet that, despite seeming to absorb the overhead lights, still gave off an iridescent sheen that formed rainbows arcing over the hulls.

I suspected the strange effect was due to some arcane property of the surface materials manifesting even in their unpowered state. When their Veil projectors were powered up these aircraft could vanish like a heat-shimmer. While I had plenty of scrying data on how their Veiling systems performed, as to their exact mechanisms I had little but speculation and suspicions.

"I'm almost jealous," Fabia said as we walked on the edge of the hangar, careful to stay clear of any tool trucks, maintainers, fuel bowsers, parts carts, and other hazards.

"I do wonder how much more expensive all of these accessories make them compared to the standard model," I said as we made our way to the observation post.

"I'm just noting that between the Tarantula Hawk herself, the VTOLs, and the ground crew... we're the only assets who don't have extra secret spook stealth on-board," GreyDawn's tone was dry.

"We've already got Veiling systems on our suits. Maybe that's sufficient?" Fabia shrugged with an admirable degree of seeming indifference.

Indifferent or otherwise, she was correct, at least by the standards of "the book". BlackSkyvian doctrine mandated a baseline Veiling capability on all suits and to upgrade with each iterative advancement. I supposed MuArc Amalgamated or maybe Imperial Blimp and Freight's Tactical Aviation Division was using those scans my Flight got from the Elenese Volos stealth suits last year as part of that work.

GreyDawn appraised me with a thoughtful look as we reached the aft ventral observation post. I was not sure why she was focused on me. I was just one of about fifty.

"Or…" Fabia mused as we went down the half-deck to the actual lowest part of the ship, "maybe the quieter suits are already there?"

"I would be shocked if a Venture with a few Occultia wasn't already lurking somewhere near the target," I said.

The Occultia was a rather quiet suit, primarily to make a hard-to-detect passive scrying platform. While the Occultia was armed and could work in a stealth combat role, it was not the best use of a rare platform that required specialized pilots.

"No one would send a squadron of Occultia in a ground support or escort role, let alone two. That's a malicious waste of resources," Fabia snorted, echoing my thoughts.

"But an Occultia with the advanced scrying systems stripped out might be useful..."

I shrugged as we entered the observation post. There were rumors about a so-called "Occultia Light" as a sort of very quiet, very expensive, and somewhat anemic stealth raider. "Even without the scrying it would still be a rather expensive platform, and as Elena found out with the Volos you have to pick between high level Veiling and combat maneuver power or active weapons. Everything is a trade-off, there are no magic bullets."

GreyDawn turned from looking out the windows to blink at me. At least her concern was subdued enough to not undermine my authority in front of another officer.

Fabia also gave a slight laugh. "Countess, all of the Legion's bullets are magic. Or at least have an alchemical core." She held up a hand as if to forestall my correction. "Yes, training rounds are inert. It would be a waste otherwise."

"Well yes, but that's not what the phrase means..."

"I know," Fabia replied, waving off my protestations. "I'm just having fun." She went back to the sight below us.

Like most Fleet airships, the Tarantula Hawk had a handful of ventral observation posts. Some were built near the caissons for the ship's landing gears, others, like this one, were placed with an unobstructed view.

Landing and Launch Ops kept an observer here to monitor the approach vectors of various incoming, and outgoing craft: Ritual Plate, of course, VTOLs using the aft landing gate, and any heavier craft docking via the ventral well deck in the middle of the airship just forward of this position.

The position was staffed. A Fleet Airship, especially a carrier, nearly always had some assets in the air. During lulls between heavier operational tempos, the observation post was generally kept half-staffed, and the empty seating provided off-duty crew with something like a de facto lounge.

As long as no one distracted the observers, and the post did not get crowded, we would be allowed to make use of the space. Oh, there was some excuse that tried to justify pilots having an interest in the area. We were, after all, the ones who would interface with Landing and Launch Ops and clearly just wanted to make sure the observers and their tools were working properly.

But everyone knew the real reason we had come here to linger. A little unspoken agreement that, as long as everyone played their part, left everyone walking away satisfied.

And as such, these posts ended up being a place for pilots to hang out. I preferred the bow observation post, and that was not just because Ritual Plate country was at the front of the ship. Though I would not deny that there was something satisfying about seeing RP Pilots being launched out of the ship's Catapults.

Similarly, the aft observation posts were more the domain of the VTOL Pilots.

There were two Imperial Legion Ventus Centurions who had taken one of the spare seats and were looking down at the rolling deserts below us.

Vikram was generally considered a relatively wet world with grasslands that rolled down into considerable marshlands and fens before reaching coastal bayous. But that was only a part of the world. Yes, that was the area that had the most settlements, but Vikram had a gambit of biomes. Biomes such as the desert we now found ourselves over.

"We're not staying by the coast?" GreyDawn quietly asked. "We had a pretty good jump to the beacon of Castra Tilly out by Pearl Landing."

"That's busy airspace," one of the VTOL pilots drawled, green eyes sparkling. She had short dark purple hair and long golden horns. Given her uniform had the rank of Prefect Ventus Centurion, she had to be Beatrix Pollux, commander of the VTOL Squadron.

Prefect Pollux had two Primus Centurions, one each in charge of the Umbra and Spatha contingents. There were a total of nine Ventus pilots, including copilots and spares. Over twenty Ritualista and Load Mistresses who helped maintain and run the VTOLs were also under her command.

Compared to Ritual Plate, VTOLs were far more forgiving in swapping out pilots for a given airframe. Having extra meant that a VTOL's aircrew could be swapped out which increased operational tempo.

Meanwhile, Volantes Pilots took the opposite approach. Instead of having spare pilots, we retained spare Ritual Plate suits. That is, among the collected parts and major components stockpiles, a Squadron's Ritualista could generally find enough material to assemble a spare suit or two in a pinch. Given such a suit would have to be fitted to a given pilot it was thought best and easiest to just keep the parts as spares. Especially as those components would often be far more useful for keeping multiple Flights patched up than splurged on building a new suit out of whole cloth.

"And so we're flying over to the Vokan Wastes," Fabia stated.

Despite us being only a few hundred miles from Vikram's major base, the desolate land below drove home just how far from our homeland we had come. I was left with the fanciful vision of us crashing onto one of those dunes and the ship's desiccated, crumbled carcass being buried by the sands until centuries later a shifting of winds or happenstance revealed the Tarantula Hawk's bones to a civilization that knew nothing of Diyu Demons or the great concerns of the Great Houses.

While her companion looked up and nodded to us, Prefect Pollux gave a sharp smile. "You're here early. You getting in before your Tribune?" the VTOL officer asked with that slight lilt.

After listening to Mila Caenis, I could tell that Pollux was simply imitating a Midlands accent. Affectations like that were hardly uncommon among Ventus Centurions, though I was surprised to find that hearing Pollux's faux twang caused my tail to flick.

"Just wanted to spend some time at the observation post before our meeting," Fabia assured.

"The Tribune is with the ship's captain right now, but should be here shortly," I added.

"Ah," Pollux's tone was noncommittal but I could sense a bit of relief that she did not have to deal with such "political" issues, as well as just a hint of jealousy that she was not the lead pilot for this mission.

There was a slight rivalry between the Volantes and Ventus specialties. Some Ritual Plate Pilots looked down on VTOL Pilots as glorified truck drivers delivering troops and supplies whereas some VTOL Pilots saw RP Pilots as lay about glory-hounds in too-expensive, too fragile kit. Neither was correct as the Legions depended on both. Mitigating the rivalry was that we were all Legionary Fliers here, united against the Fleet Pilot clique as the rougher, more underdog BlackSkyvian military branch. The caustic Prefect Crystal Candida 's Flight of four Fleet Pilots excepted.

I could see CSR's logic in assembling the parts of this operation. The bulk of the airborne aspects were people with an institutional focus on supporting ground-based missions. Yes, the Tarantula Hawk and her crew were all Fleet, but there was no avoiding that. I suppose it was a bit reassuring that the Office of Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance was not such a power unto itself that they could independently operate their own warships.

Gesturing for us to take a couple of the open observer seats, Pollux crossed her legs. "I think the exercise went well today. It seems like the ground teams will have adequate support, judging by the dry runs, and I feel you'll be able to provide good escort, especially with such Imperial Heroines protecting us," she said, coyly looking between Fabia and me.

"But?" Fabia asked, ignoring the slight jab.

Pollux and her subordinate shared a smile. "But two things. First: how up to date are you with inclement weather precision fire support?"

GreyDawn gave Fabia a cautioning look, but the Volantes Prefect smiled. "Why, our Countess here helped write the book on air-to-ground strikes," she said, exaggerating my meager updates to the training guides based on my experiences in the Crocelli jungles.

I managed to not fluff my wings in irritation. Though it was harder when Pollux gave me a predatory smirk.

"DarkStar's Blood, Caenis helped just as much as I did," I grumbled.

Somehow, the entirely logical argument did not help my case.

"And the second?" I asked, apprehension growing.

"Neither my pilots nor the ground teams have any exercises for tomorrow," Pollux smugly stated. "And we don't have all that many days before we get to Harp's World."

Fabia gave me a knowing smirk.

"Do tell? Our schedule is also cleared, and the big briefing room has been reserved," I said, with more confidence than I felt.

"That's it then," Pollux laughed. "The brass horns are finally going to brief us?"

"After we make transit to Forlorn Prospect and are charging our teleport runes, if I had to guess," Fabia offered.

I shook my head. "Not a full briefing, but they'll tell us more. Like maybe where we'll be attacking. You and Prefect Pollux have to know where the ground teams will be sent; can't rightly do your jobs without that."

Laughing, Pollux nodded. "We'll get plenty of bad news tomorrow, but they'll keep plenty in reserve."

"Invidia and her associates are generous like that," I said with mock levity.

End Chapter 23

Thanks to DCG , ellfangor8 , Green Sea, ScarletFox , afforess, metaldragon868,Wyrme and Lark for checking and reading over this chapter.

And special thanks Readhead for polish, especially in Tauria's voice. And metaldragon868 for the chapter title.

Chapter 24 is written and is being edited now, and Peer Rivals Part 2 is nearly done as well.
Last edited:
Images: More Ritual Plate, nobility, and cosplay.
Status update:
Little Demon ch24 is being edited and is making good progress in the cleanup and revision process. Chapter 25 is being outlined and well... is the culmination of a bunch of things. The draft of Peer Rivals part 2 is also nearly done.

Also some of you may have noticed a stealth edit. Chapters 1 to 20 are now grouped into Book 1: "What Comes After"
With the next being Book 2 : "More than a Shadow"

And a music update.

Also the Little Demon Sountrack has had a few additions to it many thanks to @Readhead and @Metaldragon868 (Appologies for anyone I have missed)
And yes, there is over 80 minutes worth of music there. I'll also stress that every piece in there is reader suggested. So if you enjoy any of the selections thank the other readers. As I thank all of you for your suggestions.

Now there are a couple pieces that doesn't have its full version, and that is Jon Charles Dwyer's - Panthers on the Mountainside and Landon Blood's As Above So Below. Both part of Old Gods of Appalachia which has some themes with how Diyu is in the hills, hollers, and woods. And if you want to pay for these or any other musical works, I'll have no objection

And now.... the art

First from PlayerError404 we have House BlackSky's two rarest Ritual Plate models.


Left is the Svalinna a defensive suit that projects far ranging wards, useful for giving an extra layer of protection to fleets or major ground operations.
Right is a variant on the Occultia a low observable suit that also has massive theater-grade scrying systems. Both suits are quite expensive and require speicalist pilot skills.​

From Lexikimble we've got a bit of cosplay


VioletBlood seemed to be a natural for playing hte part of the hot-blooded, haughty redheaded pilot. Gee seems to be a lot of those.
As for Tauria playing the amoral scientist, don't worry about it.

Also from LexiKimble we have another in Luxon and Elenese Ritual Plate models series.
(The next one will be a Trosic and a Zioxan suit)


Variant Without Helmet

Left is a Luxon Neith, a scrying heavy suit. Their version of a Occultia or Mokos
Right is an Elenese Marzanna (Gen 2), an air superiority suit. Their version of the Harmonia or Tjardu

From Deepay we've got another mother-daughter bonding of Volantes Tribune (Rorarii) Duchess SilverFlight and her youngest Prefect Volantes Centurion Countess Tauria Magnus DiamondDust.


And finally from Beige Paladin we have another take on the Svalinna. (You might have seen an earlier version of this posted elsewhere)


Also don't worry about the apperance of art of the rarest, most in demand, and epxensive RP models in BlacSkyvian service or that of a major peer air-superiority suit.
Chapter 24: Adversary Anticipation
The War Chronicles of a Little Demon

Set in the Diyu Demons verse
A Saga of Tanya the Evil fic.
By Sunshine Temple

Naturally, I do not own Youjo Senki. So here's the disclaimer:

Saga of Tanya the Evil its characters and settings belong Carlo Zen, Shinobu Shinotsuki, and NUT Co., Ltd.

Previous chapters and other works can be found at my fanfiction website.

C&C as always is wanted.

Chapter 24: Adversary Anticipation

I was starting to dread the Tarantula Hawk's briefing rooms. I was no eager young officer, brimming with youthful vigor and national zeal, disdainful of long meetings when I could be winning glory on the battlefield. I understood the importance of patience, organization, and careful coordination over brash action.

However, even my maturely rational self found Invidia's parsimonious habits when it came to the sharing of information frustrating. I could understand, it and even see a certain level of logic in it for the intelligence operative, but something about the way she seemed so gleeful in the withholding seemed almost sadistic to me. It felt almost as if she were some detached observer, poking and teasing us with just enough detail to tempt our minds before dropping the oh so ruthless hammer of "classified, I'm afraid."

We were no longer on Vikram nor any place so pleasant. Instead, we had temporarily weighed anchor, or however the shippies put it, on the cold and desolate Alecton colony world of Forlorn Prospect to allow our teleport runes time to cool-off before the next charge-and-jump cycle that would take us to House Alecto's main colony world of New Batavia. It was the end of the second day in our journey crawling down the Dimensional Spine; we were about halfway to our destination of Harp's World.

Perhaps our advanced location had shaken some urgency loose in Invidia's mind, because in a pleasant break from routine we had not been kept waiting long, although it had been awkward standing around the conference room while Invidia set up the display screen. The crowd in attendance mostly consisted of troops in their Legion Blacks, but a sizable contingent in Fleet Whites were also present, along with a smattering of Auxilia Greens. Quite soon after the projector winked to life, a stark woman I didn't recognize strode into our conference room, closely followed by another CSR Centurion cut in the same smarmy mold as Invidia, whom I recognized by sight as the liaison officer to the ground teams. The door locked behind the new arrivals as the red light over the header lit up.

Most of the new woman's hair was white and put up into a severe, prim bun, the exceptions being a few black-tipped bangs on her right side that seemed shockingly insouciant. She wore a thigh-length starched black skirt with silver thread with a matching bodice and jacket, all of which were cut more reminiscent of a stern governess than an imperial officer.

Notably, nothing she wore bore any insignia or rank badges, no hint of anything even slightly military or official.

The woman had pale grey skin with stern, faintly aristocratic features that took on that mature set that accompanied "women of a certain age". Maybe old enough to be my duchess' mother, she had grand curled black horns and pale membranous wings that trailed behind her almost like a cape. From the effortlessness in her stride and the unconscious deference Invidia gave her, if she was not an elder demoness, then she was very close. Her bright blue eyes went over each of us with a deliberateness for a moment, as if she were updating some sort of mental catalog.

Invidia gave a bow to her before turning to us. "This is Legate Lady Angela Prudentia JadeJavelin."

"Thank you, Invidia," Angela stated in a smooth voice that had just a hint of an Alecton accent. "Today, I will be briefing you on Operation Epimetheus. As you have guessed, this operation will have considerable compartmentalization. I do apologize for the inconvenience.

"It is, however, entirely necessary. Regrettably, informing you why this is so would also be detrimental to operational security." Her precise diction left no room for sincere concern.

I repressed a sigh. I knew it was going to be one of those operations.

The Lady Legate studied the collection of specialists with her penetrating gaze. Ancient eyes seemed to cut right through us and measure every fiber of our being, like our very souls were laid bare before her. "First, yes this operation will take place on Harp's World. Obviously."

Invidia dutifully put a slide into place and a map appeared on the room's forward screen. It was a map of the southern hemisphere of Harp's World, centered on the continent of Leng.

Tail still, Legate JadeJavelin turned as if to contemplate the map. "East of the Free City of Keli is our target: the Onyx Institute," she explained, taking a pointing stick Invidia offered her.

"Nominally an independent arcane research facility, the Institute is an Elenese proxy. It is a sprawling facility, lined with testing grounds and sporting a wide range of artificers' workshops and barracks. Between allied intelligence and our own scouting efforts, we have pieced together a fair idea of the happenings within the Institute. And yes post solstice, Leng is rather balmy this time of year, but don't expect a balmy night," she added with something that might have been a half-hearted attempt at levity on a less severe woman. With the Lady Legate, however, it merely sent alarm bells ringing through my head.

The interest in the room grew. I noted that most of the ground components of our mission group didn't seem very surprised, despite Lares's excellent attempt at a poker face. No matter how good he might be at studied blankness, feigned surprise sat poorly on his craggy features.

Invidia switched slides, and now the screen displayed a layout of the vast Onyx Institute compound. It seemed rather nice, with ample green space and recreational facilities. In addition to the residence buildings, research space, and various ancillary buildings, it also appeared to house several relatively isolated testing cells. Further out from the main compound were various notations denoting the presence of defensive installations, including missile launchers and symbols indicating light naval assets beyond the coastline.

"You're all bright ladies; I am sure you can see where this is going. A technically-not-Great-House research facility coincidentally located off of Diyu, a rather bluntly equipped CSR operation, complete with a ground component…" The elder demoness gave us a joyless smile. "We are on the same page, I believe."

I wasn't sure about that, but I had begun pulling some of the pieces together; honestly, if anything the new insights only raised more questions. If the CSR simply wanted to destroy whatever it was Elena was working on, there would be no need to have hoofs on the ground for starters. At most, only a small recon element would be necessary to achieve that objective. And yet, here we were with a reinforced Century worth of troops.

Invidia's mask slipped, revealing just the slightest edge of concern. When we first met on this ship, back when it was still in dock, Invidia had been insistent that the ground component was a backup plan. Perhaps she had been telling the truth back then. If so, then clearly plans had changed. Perhaps despite her best efforts, perhaps not.

I suppose this is what you get when you work with spooks on black operations. I grumbled to myself. Shifting mission plans, secretive objectives, a twisting snake pit of plots within plots. I really shouldn't be surprised.

"Simply put," Legate JadeJavelin continued, "this is a recovery mission. House Elena has been toying with some decidedly sensitive stolen property, and we in the Office of Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance merely wish to put it back in more…deserving hands. Return the stolen goods to their rightful owners, if you will."

The elder demoness gave us a smile as bright and warm as a dead star. "And if House Elena elects to obstruct us, we will simply have to educate them on the depths of their error."

I buried a cold shiver at the implications.

"The target object in question is codenamed SilverHold," JadeJavelin continued, moving briskly onward with her briefing. "Beyond that, we get into compartmentalized information. Suffice to say, the relevant members of the ground element will be briefed on SilverHold's features at a later point: how to find it, how to render it quiescent, and how to transport it. Time permitting, they may even recover other assets."

Well…that explains those Vel Missile launchers. Based on the map, there were ample assets in close proximity, readily placed to respond to an attack on the Onyx Institute. Having an impromptu air-defense network setup on hand would help with the "recovery mission".

From her spot next to me, I felt Visha's increased concern, and I couldn't help but agree. Everything about this recovery mission stank to me. Whatever this artifact was that House Elena was performing arcane research on, it had to be something of terrifying importance. Something critical enough that the task force deployed to capture it couldn't even be told what it was or who the "goods" had been stolen from. The fact that we were bothering with a recovery mission at all instead of simply blowing up the entire Institute spoke volumes. Perhaps worst of all, as far as warning signs went, was that even House Elena had seen the wisdom in doing this research on an obscure colony world under someone else's flag, rather than on Diyu itself with their best facilities.

Everything about this was expendable, dangerous, and spoke of a potential fallout that soaked my bones in dread.

And that was before the Great House politics came into play. "Allied intelligence" had to be a reference to House Alecto. That wasn't exactly difficult to figure out; they were our only real ally on Harp's World, not to mention that they had objected strenuously to recent Elenese actions, including making overtures to Alecto's main rival. An Elenese-Trosic alliance would leave Alecto in a precarious situation. Convincing their ally, BlackSky, to hit a major yet deniable research facility would be an attractive method for House Alecto to make their displeasure known while maintaining discretion and nominally clean hands. Conversely, it seemed CSR wanted to make it blatant that House BlackSky was behind this operation.

"All mission elements have received preliminary training on countering SilverHold and derived assets. As we transit to the operational area, we will expand on this training, with the assistance of the arcane support elements."

The Legate nodded to herself before her eyes fell on our arcane specialists and Tempestarii before looking to the VTOL and RP pilot contingent, seemingly satisfied by what she saw. I felt a bit of prickly anxiety hovering over Prefect Pollux and her girls. They had steeled themselves, but in this moment their concern was open for all to sense.

"There is another factor that you all need to know," Legate JadeJavelin added. "The SilverHold is being studied by Elenese tactical meteorologists. Weather conditions for the operation could become... complicated. Especially after they realize that they are no longer alone on Leng."

I tried not to glance at Quirinus. Despite the news, I felt nothing radiating from her but resolve; even by her unflappable standards, the woman was focused and calm. Like the VTOL Pilots, none of the briefings revelations seemed to have come as a surprise to her. I suspected she had already been read-in, giving her plenty of time to process Operation Epimetheus.

Rank, apparently, still had its privileges. No wonder some were surprised I elected to not bring my personal maid on this operation. Beyond the honor name that entitled Lady Tribune Quirinus, my commanding officer did not have much ambition for noble titles. Which wasn't to say that she lacked ambition, however, as her quiet desire to one day bear a Legate's scepter indicated.

Thinking back, I had noted that many of the training missions Invidia and Quirinus had put us through were staged during inclement weather. While the SilverHold's full nature was still occluded behind the walls of compartmentalized intelligence, it seemed obvious that it, in some way, augmented the ability of a Tempestarii to influence the weather. Which was enough reason for Elena to want to study it in a remote area, and ample reason for us to deny it to them.

Quirinus coughed as she stood. "You are all bright girls. While the exact nature of the SilverHold is not ours to know, it is obvious that Elena would not be putting this much effort to study it if not for the potential to give their Tempestarii a considerable advantage. The implications onto aerial operations Fleet and Legion should be obvious."

The Lady Legate's expression was carefully controlled but she made no comment, which was ample commentary in and of itself.

"Further," Quirinus continued, "the restrictions around knowing who the true owner of the SilverHold implies a being of considerable power and one whose patience in this matter may wear thin."

The disquiet in the room grew. We were collectively absorbing the heavy implication, but the Tribune had just spelled it out and made it explicit. House BlackSky would not be going through all this effort to acquire this artifact and then simply give it up.

Not unless the act would benefit our House, that is. And not unless the "rightful owners" of the mysterious item in question were fearsome indeed.

"In full disclosure, Operation Epimetheus does have two options," JadeJavelin's tone might have had a ghost of wry humor. "Which we take will depend on what the observational elements in the vanguard find. Option Kai will consist of purely aerial components. Option Gerda will involve both the aerial and ground mission groups."

The refined woman didn't so much as glance at Invidia, but I could feel her presence weigh on her all the same. Like a gentle hand on her shoulder, an oh so simple gesture just to remind Invidia that she was there, that she was in charge. Even Invidia clamped up under the pressure.

JadeJavelin's smile was a cold and mirthless thing. "Note that Option Kai is very much our fallback position, one that will act as a pure asset denial. Denying SilverHold to Elena is only barely tolerable as a partial solution. If it is at all reasonably possible we will execute Option Gerda."

I bit back a furious scowl. Technically, this matched Invidia's creative interpretation of the truth she'd revealed back when we had first boarded this ship. The only fly in that ointment was the oh so important fact that the supposed high risk "Plan B" was actually the primary plan. The one that my feathered hide was getting dragged into in order to support the most brazen black op I'd ever heard of.

Option Kai, the plan that Invidia seemed more inclined towards and the one she had tried to sell my unit on, sounded almost tailor made for my team. Given that my Squadron was the only RP asset on the Tarantula Hawk capable of launching Lance Strikes, much of the heavy lifting involved would undoubtedly fall to us. Unfortunately, that option was also quite clearly the backup plan disfavored by the elder Demoness. It was little wonder, then, that she had Invidia on such a tight leash.

In mere moments, the faint hope of this mission being anything short of a complete clusterfuck was snuffed out.

Unfortunately, my realization hadn't slowed JadeJavelin down in the slightest. Her briefing continued as she began pointing at various elements on the map while she spoke. "Allow me to stress that the operational plan is high level. My associates and I will be having detailed briefings with each section; we brought you for your expertise and it would be foolish for us to not cite you. However, flexibility will be key as our forward assets are still collecting data."

The display changed at an unobtrusive twitch of Invidia's fingers. Now the maps of the institute and outlying areas were covered in multiple tracks and notations for observed naval, air, and ground assets. "As many of you have suspected, we already have a ship on station, but alas, the HFV Tamora is a Venture Scout. Yes, a very specialized Venture, but she still has a very limited capacity."

From her position a few seats to my left, Fabia gave me an approving nod. I had suspected as much yesterday. It was a reasonable supposition. As the smallest airship in the Fleet capable of teleportation, the Venture was the easiest to convert to a low-profile configuration and could be made into a simulacrum of an empty patch of sky with far greater ease. Furthermore, with Occultia on hand and a mission profile dedicated to stealth reconnaissance, the Venture Scout's minimal Ritual Plate capacity wasn't an issue.

The brief flash of pride at being proven correct withered as I took a second look at the formidable list of assets marked across the map. While I had seen more well-defended targets, I had yet to suffer the privilege of attacking them, at least in this life.

The Lady Legate took in the sobering emotional signatures filling the room and nodded gravely in response. "Indeed. The Catalan Company, a Minor House Umic allied force, has recently had their security contract expanded. Officially, they have been hired to protect the Free City of Keli's seaport, fisheries, and surrounding environs. In reality, their flotilla of Alecton surplus fast attack craft are securing the Institute's seaborne approach."

She paused to study the display. "Comparable to our Mulberry, the Blauvelt is a fast, well-armed ship. An older design, the hull is not the most robust and lacks endurance even by the standards of coastal defense ships. It also has middling air defenses, but they are better than nothing and can support Ritual Plate and scrying systems."

I frowned. There were enough ships noted that a patrol would be active at all times, sometimes two patrols, with a considerable reserve of sister vessels ready to go at the first sign of trouble. The ships themselves were small and relatively cheap, but according to the diagrams could be equipped with a downsized model of Alecton export multi-purpose cruise missiles still large enough to be a threat even to the Tarantula Hawk. Though that was the anti-shipping warhead, their payload could also be used in an air-to-ground or anti-Ritual Plate capacity.

"Our dear allies in House Alecto are willing to sell these as surplus to anyone with the money. But for us," JadeJavelin gave a smile utterly without warmth, "they are willing to provide a package of information on the Blauvelt's scrying systems and structural weakness. They have also confirmed that the Catalan Company exclusively uses Archer and Yeoman RP suits."

There were flickers of amusement and a few muttered comments about "Perfidious Alecto", which the Legate studiously ignored. Harp's World was a snake-pit of backstabbing factions, which was made worse when cutthroat Great House politics were thrown into things.

"While I am no expert in such things, I suspect that Third Squadron will encounter little difficulty conducting strike missions against these second-hand coastal assets," the Elder demoness said with a dry geniality as her blue eyes locked with mine.

I gave a confident, if curt, nod. Her message, complete with its tone of assurance that she would be proven correct in her assessment, was not lost on me. Besides, the Blauvelt, while on the small side, was precisely the type of target the Lance system was intended to strike. The additional targeting information would only simplify a theoretically easy mission, provided we had surprise. If their entire flotilla was on active patrol with air cover then they would be a tougher nut.

Still, that cold auditing gaze assayed me, searching for signs of weakness or flaws in my armored confidence. For an instant, my chest tightened and I felt cold sweat bloom across my spine. Then, the Legate's expression thawed ever so slightly.

"You won't be alone in your dance with the coastal hirelings, Countess," Lady Legate assured. "We will be rendezvousing with the corvettes HFV Desert Strix and HFV Nightjar. They will be providing supplementary fire support and some fleet defense for your planned strikes and the primary mission. In the event that we are forced to fall back to Option Kai, well, their role in our secondary plan should be obvious."

There was a bit of murmuring, not in surprise but more in acceptance.

The two corvettes and the scout ship added a combined twenty-four more Ritual Plate suits to the mission assets, but more importantly their inclusion meant that our little flotilla would have a total of twenty Fujiwara Torpedoes. For a purported short-ranged and speedy raid on a research institution, albeit one with a considerably stronger campus security force than was standard, that was an almost absurd concentration of firepower. Admittedly, those magazines would almost certainly be split up and parceled out to account for several different objectives and to fill several roles, and in prolonged combat munition budgets had a tendency to be rapidly expended anyway. Broadly speaking, the stock of Torpedoes wasn't all that large; a single Mace Destroyer had about the same capacity as the entirety of our formation and a Maul cruiser stocked more than double the number of Torpedoes.

Furthermore, Tarantula Hawk was by far the largest asset of this planned formation. It was over four times the displacement of a Kolibri Corvette and nearly fifteen times that of the tiny Venture. Two-thirds of the four ship formation's mass would belong to this assault carrier alone.

At least this explained where the scouts and escorts I had expected were hiding. Even with their inclusion, our formation was still a bit light on scouting; normally a Medium Carrier Singularium would have two or three Ventures. There had still been no mention of any Fleet cargo ships attached to this mission to provide extra fuel, munitions, and supplies, an exclusion that betrayed an... optimistic view of the expected duration of this operation.

Or perhaps a worryingly conservative one.

"I will note that the HFV Desert Strix and HFV Nightjar have been equipped with some of the new Hrodwulf light interceptor Torpedoes carrying the Vel Sprint Missile, as well as a couple other things from the Konoe program," the Lady Legate said, as if she were revealing some great, unlooked for advantage.

I suppose she had some level of justification to think as much. Carrying five low-endurance Vel Sprint Missiles, the Hrodwulf was smaller and had shorter range than the Skofnung, but an airship could carry eight of the Lighter Torpedoes in the same standard container used for a single Skofnung with its twenty standard Vels. The Hrodwulf was intended for use against Fleet Escorts where the shorter range was an acceptable trade for roughly twice the capacity in interceptor missiles.

Diverting some of the early production munitions from the Konoe Light Torpedo project for this mission made sense. Invidia and her associates had clearly grabbed for every firepower advantage they could hunt down and had scraped their results together into a pile and shoved it at this mission. The new revelation about the extent of their scraping did, however, give me cause to wonder exactly what Torpedoes were stored in the Tarantula Hawk's relatively modest magazine. The Fujiwara family of Heavy Torpedoes contained quite a few… esoteric models.

"The extra RP Squadrons will be put under Tribune Quirinus's command," the elder demoness nodded to my commander. "The corvettes will be contributing a heavy Squadron Harmonia air-superiority suits, and one Flight of Svalinna warding suits."

That got everyone's attention. The ship-grade, but miniaturized and thus extremely expensive, ward projectors infamously required considerable magical talent to operate. That stiff requirement made the Svalinna the second rarest BlackSkyvian Ritual Plate fielded, second only to the Occultia, which also had a Flight dedicated to this mission. The Office of Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance was more than willing to tap deep into House BlackSky's capabilities for this mission.

"My current plan is to align the extra RP as per conventional doctrine," Quirinus said with a noncommittal shrug. "Tamora's Occultia would provide theater-level scrying. The Harmonia would provide fleet defense, and act as a reserve, though they do have numbers to perhaps conduct a mission of their own if we risk it. The Svalinna Flight will be used to help blunt the inevitable counterattack both to the ground operation and if the enemy finds our ships. This frees my Demi-Wing for Option Gerda."

Those contributions increased our Ritual Plate complement by fifty percent, opening new options for us by giving us a total of seventy-four Pilots: two Squadrons of ground-attack, a bit over two Squadrons of air-superiority, a multi-role Squadron, and one Flight each of the House's more specialist suits. New options opened up for us.

"Sensible," JadeJavelin agreed. She glanced over at Invidia, who was pointedly studying a wall clock. "Ah, well, we are running early, but perhaps we can take a short refreshment break? I think the forward mess bakery has something sweet on their cooling racks presently."

The mood in the tiered auditorium was immediately buoyed by the promise of pastries, even pastries of Fleet provenance. Invidia, for her part, busied herself with policing up the slides, locking them away, and shutting down the projector as the assembly rose as one to their feet. The red lamps over the doors were extinguished.

"Be back in fifteen minutes," JadeJavelin ordered with a bit of a smile. "And note, no discussion of the contents of the briefing is permitted outside of a secure ship compartment. Go, enjoy yourselves


Checking my watch, I was already feeling better by the time I stepped back out into the corridor. Thankfully, the line to the heads had moved fast, freeing me from at least one distraction. I went forward and soon was accosted by fresh distractions in the form of my wingwoman.

"Prefect!" Visha cheerfully greeted me, passing over a cup of coffee and a wax-paper cone filled with fried and sugared strips of twisted dough. The scent of her and the food combined to soothe away my hunger and anxiety.

"Thank you," I took the offered snacks. "Did you get a chance to use the bathrooms?"

"I went down a deck and skipped the line," Visha shrugged as we made our way to a quiet alcove off the corridor where we could eat in peace and without getting in the way.

I laughed. "You'd think a ship like this would have bathrooms attached to the briefing rooms. Without the need to pass into and out of a secure room, perhaps briefing attendees would have an easier time focusing on the information presented? At the very least, less traffic in and out surely would improve security… Wouldn't you agree that that would be more fitting for a ship built to spook specifications?"

"This is a retrofit," Visha pointed out with an eloquent shrug, "but... I suppose the Lady Legate could have catered. Even light refreshments, even just water, would have been a nice gesture… A little goes a long way, sometimes..."

"I'm not sure creature comforts are high on Lady JadeJavelin's priority list," I murmured, my tail flicking sullenly as I ate. The fritters, if that was what they were, were good but I had little time to savor them. I just wanted my stomach to stop complaining.

"We've had worse missions," Visha said quietly, her tone clearly alluding to far more than the tour among the jungles.

"That's not exactly reassuring," I replied with a frown while glancing down the corridor. The line at the head had vanished and most of the officers attending the meeting still seemed preoccupied with getting a quick bite and something to drink, all our firm time budget allowed. "But at least the CSR don't seem to want us going in entirely blind."

"That's not what you're really worried about, is it?" Visha asked as she took a bite out of her pastry. Despite the contents of the meeting so far, she seemed serene and accepting of the fact that soon we would have to go back to hear more threats, lies, and mad schemes.

I nodded, admitting that Visha was, as usual, correct. "My real fear is.... with us in the meeting, that means LoveBlood holds unfettered, unchecked command over the Squadron completely unsupervised."

"Oh, she won't be that bad."

I gave her a flat look. "Perhaps not, but she'll still be Baroness VioletBlood. Such things are evaluated on a curve."

Visha laughed but her expression sobered. "She has to learn sometime, you know."

Silence grew between us. "I might not make Tribune before I get out," I stated. "It's far from assured, even with my duchess's backing."

"I know you." Her gaze was supportive in its knowing disbelief. "Besides, even without the rank tabs, you're clearly following in Quirinus's footsteps. A few more missions like this as a squadron commander? Plus your connections? Oh, it may take a few years, but the House needs officers like you." She stepped closer, and put an arm around my shoulder.

My tail straightened, especially after she wrapped one wing over my back. "Assuming we all survive," I sighed, finding myself unable to avoid appending that major and cheerful caveat.

"Assuming that," allowed Visha with a soft smile.

"Our only way out is through," I continued briskly, annoyed by the way my heart leaped in my chest. "I just wish that the CSR wasn't trying so hard to be cute with their plans. This is all so unnecessarily complicated."

I felt the remaining fritters crunch in their cone, but ignored them. I might not be able to finish my snack, but it was more important to spend the last few minutes before we had to go back to the briefing room to be with someone I could trust. I knew which seemed to settle my stomach more. It was a bit of a challenge to juggle the pastry cone and my mug into one hand, but that did free an arm which made it easier for me to support myself by putting it around my wingwoman's torso.

"Why yes, Countess." Visha's grin grew. "But we both know you relish a challenge, and you will do your best to make sure we get through this mission."


Several minutes before the scheduled end of the break, every officer was back into their briefing room seats. Quiet anxiety filled the room as officers of two species and three services waited to hear the wyrd CSR had ordained for us; for some reason, nobody had been in the mood to enjoy their break to the fullest. At the front of the room, Invidia was counting heads judging by the movement of her fingers as her mistress serenely sipped from a mug. Satisfied with her findings, Invidia pushed a button, activating the magnetic locks in the conference room's doors with a dull clang. As the flat sound ripped through the silent room, the red light over the door smoothly lit back up without any flicker.

"Is everyone comfortable? We had left off at the enemy air station Dola Gorod, yes?" JadeJavelin asked, rising from her chair as she twitched a meaningful finger at Invidia, who immediately hopped back onto projector duty , loading its hopper and uncoiling the remote's cable.

Holding my own mug full of the salted boiler compound the shippies passed off as coffee, I adjusted my shoulders as the familiar concerns returned as the brass-trimmed projector hummed back to life. The little we had been told about the target of our raid and the enemy's seaborne assets was bad enough. And now, we were going to learn about all the other things the enemy was using to defend the Institute.

At the Lady Legate's prompting, Invidia powered up the projector to reveal a slide showing the aerial photos and analysis of the assets at Dola Gorod. The base itself was rather well defended. The only upside was that it was far enough from the Onyx Institute that we would have some warning. If anything, JadeJavelin was underselling their capabilities. I could spot eight combat aircraft visible in just that one photograph alone, with possibly dozens more in the base's many cavernous hangars. If the SilverHold was as valuable as JadeJavelin was making it out to be, House Elena would surely throw all of them up to stop us.

About half of the planes I could see were the Kupala light bomber which would be unpleasant enough to any exposed ground troops or air assets. Worse, a Flight of Zoyra heavy fighters was sitting there all stark aerodynamic curves looking eager to take off into the air.

Based on a Luxon design, the Zorya was an updated, but still effective, conventional fighter platform. While limited to bases with runways, the Zorya was bristling with assets including ones that allowed for short and rough takeoffs. Most notably it could carry missiles and fire Lances and with the expected capabilities of a heavy fighter. Those systems, and the required caster for a pilot, made it also rather expensive. All told it carried fewer missiles than a Kupala but was more capable as an air-to-air platform.

The small part of me that still had optimism before a mission hoped that the Desert Strix and the Nightjar had some anti-air Torpedoes loaded. A few Skofnungs, or dozens of those newfangled Hrodwulfs, would do wonders at trimming down those Elenese assets.

"While the Catalan Company has a couple RP Squadrons, the main airborne threat will be coming from the Elenese Air Station Dola Gorod. Which hosts a Vanguard Strike Unit that we believe is composed of two squadrons of Marzanna air-superiority suits, a squadron of Kupala bombers, and a squadron of Zorya strike-fighters. A Flight of Yarla recon birds was also observed but has since missing."

My stomach sank. Not that those numbers were unexpected, given the size of the base and the airframes I could see, but having it confirmed was still quite unpleasant. We still outnumbered them seventy to fifty in terms of air assets, but as the attackers, only slightly outnumbering the enemy was far from ideal.

"More than their relative distance from the Institute," JadeJavelin continued, "Air Station Dola Gorod has some additional limitations. They are restricted to just two runways, only one of which is of a reasonable length for launching fixed-wings, impacting half of their Vanguard Strike Unit. The limited runways also restrict any expansion of the garrisoned force as well as the dispatch of reinforcements to the base. Morseo, allied intelligence has supplemented the work of the HFV Tamora's Occultia to ascertain the defenses and patrol patterns of the base."

I nodded. It would wear on equipment and pilots to keep those Squadrons ready to defend the Institute, even more, when they were doing defensive patrols. Not to mention any other obligations Dola Gorod had. Garrison forces spread overly thin was a perennial problem out in the colonies for all the Houses.

The Lady Legate gave that stiff not-quite-a-smile. "But, we cannot neglect the ground threat. That is after all what most of us will be facing."

This time it was Invidia's fellow CSR centurion who put up this slide in the projector. The focus went back to the Institute's grounds with several notations on observations.

I saw Fabia and Julia tense as they studied the estimates. This was what their Squadrons were for, why CSR wanted two dozen Sarpedona ground-attack RP on this mission. And there were several images of various assets that had been caught coming and going from the large hangars and storage sheds that made up the complex.

"The Onyx Institute has an almost respectable level of internal security," JadeJavelin dryly stated, the understatement as scorching as desert sand as she gestured at the screen. "From the imagery, you can see they never have more than two Baalshem combat golems out at once. However, we have spotted multiple configurations on their weapon pods."

Julia kept her outward composure but I could feel her resolve harden from across the briefing room as well as a blood-thirsty urge spread from her. I could not blame the novice officer for her war-mania; the Baalshem was the result of generations of development and refinement by Elenese war-planners, kabbalists, golem directors, and Ritualista, all working in concert to perfect her natural enemy.

Or perhaps, the perfect implement to deliver glory to her on a silver platter. The glory of victory, the anguish of defeat… all a trick of perception. Until the first shots were fired, at least.

As I pondered the implications of that new threat, Invidia fetched a glass of water for her superior. It was somewhat amusing to watch the CSR officer scurry like a browbeaten adjunct, even though the display only further underlined JadeJavelin's dread power.

The head of Fourth Squadron shifted her gaze to meet the Lady Legate's eye as she sipped and raised her hand. JadeJavelin nodded to Fabia. "Ma'am, just how many of the cobble-heads do you estimate there to be?"

"Cobble-Head" was a mocking nickname for the twenty-ton bipedal war machine, whose already formidable frame could be bulked up with several additional tons of armor, various arcane directors, and extra projectile weapons mounts as necessary for their mission profile. The Baalshem also boasted good mobility on broken terrain, though at the cost of a high profile and considerable expense in both manufacture and maintenance. Much like the Luxon Anker quadruped golem, the Baalshem was intended to be an infantry support platform.

It was designed to help Elenese troops tear through enemy infantry and light vehicles. While it could carry anti-air launchers, or lug a heavy mortar for indirect fire, the Baalshem's deceptively-squat and broad-shouldered eighteen-foot frame was more commonly mounted with rotary cannons similar to our Mertis, but in a slightly larger caliber. In addition to this selection of heavy armament, the Baalshem would typically carry at least one heavy arcane projector as well.

Another shared development with Luxon, the projector's crystalline-cored, steel sleeved barrels were constrained by a somewhat limited life, made all the shorter when hooked up to the golem's power systems to provide an anti-armor capability. The golem presented a large target, heavily armored and warded with an eye to resisting BlackSkyvian anti-tank weaponry, but it was also fast, deceptively so. Like an enraged cave bear, the platform's strength and durability were so self-evident that it was frightfully easy to forget how quickly the things could move when the situation called for it. The Elenese treasured it as a break-through vehicle for infantry assaults.

The Lady Legate put down her glass. "Analysis of the structure of their cranial armor and foreheads has us believe there are no less than six of these golems. A study of the track patterns was inconclusive, though."

I nodded. Six units was the standard Elenese ground armor formation size, but there was still an abundance of room for things to get worse. For starters, there were certainly other golems stationed at the Institute.

"And anti-air golems?" Fabia asked.

"We have only seen a few Loew class anti-air platforms but we suspect there will be at least a full battery. If present, they will almost certainly be tied into the fixed scrying and launcher network for improved targeting and coordination," JadeJavelin admitted.

Based on the intensity of her glare I was almost worried Fabia's gaze would burn a hole through the projection screen. Judging by her fire, she had experience with the Elenese missile platform under her belt and was more than eager to avenge past injuries. Rather like an overgrown Trosic Villeneuve anti-air golem, the Loew moved on six sturdy legs and carried a dozen missiles that were comparable to our Vel.

She was far from alone in her grudge against the platform among the pilots present. House Elena saw House BlackSky as their main rival and, given our extensive investment into aerial combat doctrine, it was only natural that the Loew would be attached to many Elenese heavy ground units to add to their air-defense capabilities. As a result, practically every BlackSyvian Ritual Plate pilot who had fought against puppet forces backed by Elena had tangled with them at least once.

"Ma'am, I'm not seeing any images of Vilna golems or their more modern replacements. Do you estimate there will be any presence of heavy armored vehicles?"

"You are correct that we have not detected such a platform." Legate JadeJavelin's stony face furrowed into a small frown. "You are also correct to be concerned."

Weighing over twice a Baalshem, the Vilna hovered awkwardly in the space between a light tank and a heavy tank, too heavy for the former and far too light for the latter. With a low-slung hull on articulated treads, the Vilna was built to be a Vestal light tank and Triarii IFV killer. Its main gun was ideal for dispatching anything smaller than a full tank and its efficiently-armored hull had enough room to carry adequate ammunition and great enough elevation for it to act independently in a fire-support role. Capable of operating without a crew, it was also quite expendable, ideal for placement in ambushes or riskier assaults.

The expendability was further accentuated by the Vilna's age. After years of service, the venerable old frame was slowly being phased out of active service. The initial run had proven somewhat thinly armored, with more armor and warding projectors added in the years since to provide an acceptable level of anti-air protection.

However, rumor was that the armor-add-on kits complicated maintenance access, which made Elenese Ritualista less willing to do preventative maintenance, and then the extra weight further wore down on the parts. Unlike the Baalshem, a more conventional, if slightly larger, armored vehicle could and did replace the Vilna, leaving the existing units to be put into secondary and colonial roles until they wore out.

"I agree that it would be odd to find a colonial posting of this value without a Vilna or two," the Legate said. "It's possible our sisters to the north have finally emptied the warehouses, but I would not be optimistic in that regard."

"The Elenese do like tucking them off into low-tempo posting as an extra punch," the Centurion in charge of the Forward Recon scouts noted. The most mundane of the ground team, and the most numerous, Forward Recon were, to a woman, Evocatus veterans with experience in stealth assault and infiltration. They also had a higher proportion of grenadiers in their formations.

The Lady Legate nodded. "And there is certainly enough infantry stationed at the Institute to keep a number running." The older CSR officer nodded to Invida and there was now an image of several of the barracks buildings with notations.

"We estimate that since the SilverHold arrived at the Institute, billets adequate for about two Centuries of troops have been constructed on the grounds. This is in addition to the existing facility guard force. We have some idea as to their specializations, but much like their vehicles, we are left with questions."

"Ma'am, is there any intel on the composition of these Elenese troops?" a lithe Broadcast Recon Centurion with short grey hair asked.

"Some." The tip of JadeJavelin's tail curled. "We can say that at least half are operators and support staff for the various golem assets, bolstering the operators already present as part of the Institute's research staff. Reports have indicated that testing on SilverHold has increased in recent weeks."

Perhaps that is why this mission seems so rushed? I frowned, turning the thought over in my mind. It would certainly answer a few of the questions this briefing had raised, most prominently the compressed schedule. It was abundantly clear that everyone involved in this mission would have preferred that the constituent elements have more time to train together and to get used to operating as a team, let alone practicing for the operation itself.

"Ultimately, that only leaves around sixty personnel available for infantry roles," the Lady Legate concluded.

"Given the size and importance of the facility, sixty troops is... rather understrength." Lares mused out loud. "They're going for quality over quantity, then?"

"The Onyx Institute's advantage is its relatively remote location. But, that remote location is also an advantage for us. Elenese equipment has to be flown in from Air Station Dola Gorod or transported through the seaport between the Institute and the Free City of Keli," JadeJavelin explained. "While they can take in more troops, that would draw more attention to what they are doing."

"In that case, are they using something like a group of Sixth River Detachment commandos?" the Forest Person asked.

The Sixth were amphibious troops originally trained for shoreline raids, but their remit had expanded to a general specialist infantry role. Despite this change, the Sixth River remained notable in their tenacity. In some ways, they were like an Elenese version of the Luxon Janissaries' Reborn Regiment, at least in esprit de corps if nothing else. These were not troops who would take garrison duty as an opportunity to slacken-off.

"That is not an unreasonable estimate," the Lady Legate stated with a ghost of a smile. "However, we are fairly confident that only one Vod is stationed at the Institute, and a light one at that."

Lares glanced at the Forward Recon Centurion, who returned his perturbed look with a nod. Doubtless they were concerned about meeting troops of their own caliber during this operation and were less than reassured by the Legate's platitudes.

A Vod was an Elenese unit similar to a Century but was sized to about fifty troops. Their doctrine put more emphasis on smaller, more specialized units to compose their basic tactical unit. Where a BlackSkyvian Cohort had six Centuries, an Elenese Bataljon had eight Vods.

"Not Sightless Specters?" the Broadcast Recon centurion asked, prompting a grunt from Lares.

JadeJavelin gave a dry but demure cough. "At least one fireteam of Specters was spotted at Dola Gorod recently. Their current whereabouts are unknown but, given their nature, that is only to be expected."

Named for their smoothed masks, reminiscent of Elenese RP helmets, the Sightless were their answer to Broadcast Recon. Instead of teleportation, however, they emphasized the tactical uses of intangibility or invisibility. Now the presence of a team of Forest People made sense. As capable as the Sightless Specters could be, they were still Diyu Demons and Lares and his boys were far larger and stronger, not to mention that the grounds of the Onyx Institute were thickly forested.

"It could be worse. We have not detected any signs of Fire Talkers or so much as a single Stone Coat," the Lady Legate said in a pro-forma tone of false reassurance.

Even Invidia glanced away as her tail flicked at that pronouncement.

Little was known about those esoteric arcane sisterhoods, but a group of the Fire Talkers could act as their own anti-air offense or defense. Stone Coats, on the other hand, were an order of extraordinarily talented golem puppeteers, able to manipulate platforms such as the Baalshem with lethal levels of fidelity as well as enhancing their stony surrogates to greater levels of power as well.

JadeJavelin flashed her fangs. "I hope that this intelligence shines some light on your previously assigned training. Broadly speaking, while it is clear that Elena has assigned a number of elite troops to the defense of the Institute, it is equally clear that they are few and swamped by numerous commitments, weaknesses that you will take full advantage of."

"What about enemy airborne fleet assets, Ma'am?" Mila Caenis asked.

Elena had an airship fleet that, while smaller than the BlackSkyvian Household Fleet, remained a capable enough branch of their navy and a factor only a fool would dismiss entirely. Our fleets at full strength might be the best in the skies, but that didn't mean another House couldn't make us bleed for our arrogance. And the Fleet girls would hardly be bringing full strength for this operation.

"Absent. No Elenese airships have been observed at Air Station Dola Gorod, the Onyx Institute, or the Free City of Keli," JadeJavelin stated. "However, the potential risk is why we will be supported by two corvettes"

"And why the two Fleet RP Squadrons should be in reserve," Quirinus stated.

The Lady Legate bowed her horns to her a barely noticeable fraction of an inch. "I suppose that covers it: a flotilla of fast attack ships with anti-air capability and their own aerial assets, a Vanguard Strike Unit of four Squadrons plus recon elements, and about sixty commandos with support by an anti-air battery, a number of medium tanks, and a troop of combat golems. The enemy has many assets, but we can mitigate them."

As her mistress spoke, Invidia discreetly projected a summary chart that diagramming the enemy's troop concentrations and the estimated number and composition of all of the units mentioned in the briefing. There were a daunting number of question marks and "UNK" annotations scattered across the diagram, bracketed by a decidedly menacing mixed force. As I studied the display, Visha pulsed reassuringly at me, clearly aware of my dismay. And dismayed I was; one could make an argument that we have rough parity with the defenses in terms of assets. In some areas we had more than the enemy, in others, they had the edge. However, I felt that going into battle with an on par enemy was something to be fervently avoided, even with the marginal advantage of surprise on our side.

JadeJavelin, meanwhile, seemed entirely unconcerned as she paused to sip from her glass. "I understand your trepidation. None of you are cowards, I'm sure each and every one of you would proudly give their life for the Imperatrix," the last part was almost sardonic, the slight Alecton accent giving a veneer of class to the common soldier's complaint.

Perhaps the CSR Brass horns were more aware of the motivations and sensibilities of Legionaries than rumored. Frankly, they would have had to have been, considering how uncharitable some of the mess chat could be.

"The Imperatrix has invested much time and considerable resources into developing your talents. And yes, your lives are being weighed against the value of the SilverHold. And Elena, clever Elena, will not leave her plunder unguarded."

Quirinus turned slightly in her position down the row to give me a cold smile, her fiery-orange eyes shining with fierce pride. My tail straightened involuntarily as my eyes widened at the brief contact. My mentor, the officer who took me under her wing, who I had always considered abundantly sensible, was thoroughly committed to this mad scheme. I had my own suspicions as to why this would be. While eminently qualified, my commander's promotion to Tribune with a Demi-Wing of her own had arrived with remarkable speed. Quirinus was no mere grudging soldier dragged along, she was diving feet first into hell, and pulling me down with her; a payment for services rendered, perhaps, or a favor repaid.

JadeJavelin nodded to her. The Volantes Tribune stood.

"It is a matter of how we organize our forces," Quirinus asserted, voice ringing with a cool confidence that plunged daggers of dread into my heart with every word. "We have a hundred troops making landfall. Yes, I would prefer that our Legionaries had more than a two to one advantage when it came to hoof-sloggers, but we have our Auxilia, Broadcast Recon, and combat casters to augment their strength."

"And the Elenese tanks and Baalshem?" Prefect Fabia asked, playing her part in an exchange that could have been pre-rehearsed for all of the spontaneity and surprise in each officer's voice. Fabia too was no stranger to the games of favor and patronage in the Legions.

"That is where you and Prefect JadeTalon's girls come in. Two squadrons of Sarpedona will make short work of such a force, no?" Quirinus asked as her eyes tracked over the room until they fell upon me.

So, it was my turn. I was, I realized, doomed to the inevitable, all hope of escape or sanity lost. Given my own superior officer and what CSR desired, I had only one option, I had to pretend to be onboard with this scheme and willing to do my best to make it succeed. That was not much of an acting stretch, as despite my misgivings I knew operational success was key to my own survivability..

I stood, feeling the cold winds of fate blowing against the nape of my neck, exactly where the rite for common executions called for the headsman's sword to fall. At least I was not feeling phantom pain in my palms or wrists. "Elena hopes their pickets will give them early warning of our assault, or if bypassed, be able to vector in as reinforcing elements. It is a trap, Onyx Institute is the bait, and Air Station Dola Gorod and the Catalan Company are the jaws. We can defeat any of the three groups but at the cost of alerting the other two."

My words were not a gesture of defiance, nor a plea for sanity. Delivered in the crisp voice of cool professionalism, they slid perfectly into place within the facade Quirinus and JadeJavelin had built around my newest prison. To all it must have looked like I too attended that theoretical rehearsal as well, I realized, as Quirinus nodded, entirely unsurprised by my observations.

"Quite, Countess. And how does one defeat a trap?" the Lady Legate inquired with an almost believable hint of curiosity that perfectly complemented her hint of an accent..

"Do you want the Fleet way, the Legion way, or the CSR way?" I asked in return, speaking words that barely felt my own as I swept my arms in a broad arc encompassing the lecture hall-like room. Perhaps I was wrong, perhaps after multiple lives of dutifully serving too-clever commanders these words were mine. "But why pick just one? There's more than enough of our Imperatrix's troops here to refine the operational plan."

And like that, for better or ill, the die was cast above Harp's World. Iacta alea est.


I controlled my breathing as my Ritualista finished bolting my Polyxo around me, taking in the scents of incense, oil, astringent alchemical products, and sweat that all swirled together in the bustling maintenance bay's heavy air. The deliberate act of breathing helped force me to focus on all of the preparations we had completed in advance of the landing on Harp's World, rather than all of the things that remained wildly outside of my control.

The last two days of travel, departing from Forlorn Prospect and journeying across a further three jumps to Harp's World, had been spent refining our mission plans. Thankfully, though the Lady Legate expected results, she had proven herself not a micromanager. Indeed, she was refreshingly perceptive at times, fully willing to accept when some element of the plan was too optimistic, too inflexible, or too ambitious. Not that this light hand had done much to put my mind at ease about the mission overall.

We had arrived at Harp's World using the beacon of Port Java, a secondary Alecton base, as our touchstone relay, homing in on our notional ally's signal across the stacked dimensions to the surface of the colonial world. The good news was that luck was with us and the beacon's navigational aid deposited us within a hundred miles of our destination, instead of, say, on the other side of the planet or somewhere... else. Traveling the Dimensional Spine could be dangerous. The bad news was that it put us about three thousand miles from the Onyx Institute.

Coming into Port Java, we looked like just like a venerable normal Mellona Medium Carrier, indistinguishable from any other military surplus vessel enjoying a second life as a Minor House's flagship or perhaps under an especially ambitious free company's banner, here for exercises with the small Alecton Navy task force and their auxiliaries. So unremarkable were we that none of those auxiliaries seemed to notice our presence as we first attached ourselves to the flotilla as it weighed anchor, nor when we ditched them late one night, out at sea and far from prying eyes.

Through that maneuver and by following an indirect heading around the coast of Leng, we minimized our exposure to civilian maritime and airborne traffic following the usual trade lanes and all but the smallest and most dispersed fishing vessels. In all, our winding course added nearly two more days of travel-time to our journey, every hour of which we used to refine our plans and make a thousand infinitesimal adjustments.

As we endlessly polished the mission details, the Tarantula Hawk's crew busied themselves with double-checking the ship's systems, carefully bringing the sophisticated Veil online with practiced ease to prevent any mysterious holes appearing in any adversarial Scrying net. It was clearly a well-drilled evolution, and I found myself wondering what other operations this particular strain of shippies had found themselves party to across any number of other obscure theaters. White they were new to this particular hull, they were clearly experienced being CSR's taxi service.

Being the Squadron with the greatest concentration of Gorgon Rigs, my pilots and I played a minor role in this massive evolution, periodically skimming out across the waves, only feet above the crests, or going to our max operating altitude to try and scry out the massive vessel, reporting back on how the Veil wrapped the hull in nothingness as the process advanced. There was no cloaking fog, there was simply an absence, and that was eventually smoothed out into just more sky.

It was... unnerving to witness how skillfully something so large could hide itself. The Tarantula Hawk almost seemed to take on a phantasmic character as it slipped in and out of thin air without so much as a whisper or errant breeze left in its wake. It made landings especially harrowing as we were utterly dependent on our instruments and the data being fed to us by Landing Ops's spirit board.

A ghost ship on a damned mission, my traitor imagination supplied unbidden.

At a half-heard order from my maintenance crew, I flexed my left hand and rotated my wrist, feeling the motion of the cool, articulated plating through my suit liner as the Ritualista checked the connections.

The true test of our quiet talents came with the scheduled rendezvous with the HVF Nightjar, as the two airships and their accompanying RP formations tried to find each other without screaming out our presence to all those with ears to hear, eyes to see, and horns to feel. Thankfully, the barren patch of ocean we were scheduled to meet over was far from any normal patrol route run by the Catalan Company or any other Elenese-affiliated naval force, making the risk of detection minimal. Still, paranoia remained our newly combined force's constant companion as we sailed on.

Thankfully, before we got underway again we had time enough to use one of our special Umbra transports to transfer over some relatively fresh food to the tiny corvette, some mission-critical supplies, and a handful of Ritualista from my Squadron to help bolster their own support staff for the mission ahead.

It was not that the HVF Nightjar did not have their own Ritualista, but given the ship's nine Ritual Plate consisted of two Flights of Harmonia and two of the Operation's four Svalinna suits, they lacked some of the munitions and mission-modules required for the primary plan. They were also more trained in keeping Harmonia operational and swapping out the specialized ward projectors their Svalinna used.

An errant clang pulled my attention back to the present. I could feel the nervous tension mounting all around me, invisible pressure rising until all present seemed to almost thrum in place, hovering at the cusp of snapping. The air thronged with flights of excited spirits and even with the fog of calming incense there was an air of acute anxiety permeating the Ritual Plate bay. This mission would mark the first time my Squadron went into combat as a unit, and for three of my pilots, it would be their first time seeing combat in earnest.

I found myself somewhat regretting my choice to lump all of my greenhorn Legion Fliers into VioletBlood's Flight. Talented as she might be, she was as new to command as they were to fighting for their lives. I had given her Flight special attention these last couple days, but there was only so much my training and lessons could do for them in the face of live combat. Still, this was what they had signed up for.

Who was I, after all, to deny the flower of BlackSkyian nobility the chance to earn their own red badges of courage?

The clamps retracted, the ritual continued, and as tradition Centurion Gibbs offered a helping hand and hauled me to my metal-shod feet. I was the first up; everyone else in Third Squadron was still being suited-up. Due to the transfer to that corvette, some of the other Ritualista teams were a bit short handed, but thankfully not to the extent that performance was significantly affected. Perhaps if we were to be doing round the clock sorties the reduced maintainers would tell, but if that happened then the mission would have far greater problems than short-staffed Ritualista.

The pre-flight checklist was extensive. The squawk-list of maintenance items for every Polyxo was winnowed down during the time spent since we learned about the Tarantula Hawk weeks ago. Despite that, suit systems had to be checked, survival kits surveyed and confirmed, Ballista cells were charged, environmental settings such as gravity and sea level pressure were confirmed to be set to Harp's World, water flask topped off and broth cubes restocked, magazines of pebbles for the Verutum Launcher filled, fresh power cells slotted in, until finally the bracing and fiddly part... bolting the conformal Lance Batteries firmly into place.

For a moment I had the luxury of an immobile, captive audience, still in the process of being suited up in full strike-mode package. A hush fell over the maintenance compartment as I strode to the front, steel boots ringing against the deck in the sudden silence.

"Ladies! A moment of your time," I ordered, my stern voice letting it carry without yelling. Nobody respected a screamer.

Eleven pairs of eyes, some already behind the lenses and death masks of their helmets, turned to face me. The Ritualista, characteristically, ignored me;they had more important things to pay attention to than any pep talk I could deliver. I cast a critical eye over my pilots; none looked or felt overly terrified, meriting an approving nod for their pluck.

Oh, I could see their nerves and even the traces of poorly concealed fear crowding the corners of their faces, and feel their anxious emotions swirling amongst the compartment, but those were acceptable; sensible even, given the munitions strapped to them and the mission with which we had been tasked. Oh yes, fear was quite reasonable indeed...

I lifted my faceplate, opened my gauntleted hands in apology, and gave them all a broad smile that challenged that lurking, all-too-reasonable dread. "I know you're disappointed," I called out, "I was quite upset myself, hearing that we won't be the first to launch, that an honor that should be ours has been given to the Occultia Flight! I was incensed to learn that we will not even be the second! That would be our Fleet cousins on the HFV Desert Strix and HFV Nightjar, who no doubt are rejoicing in the honor of bringing our Imperatrix's express displeasure down upon that wretched excuse of an Elenese Air Station!

"Instead, we will be settling for the third blood, I am afraid. Fitting perhaps for Third Squadron, eh?"

There was polite laughter. It was a poor joke but it broke some tension. Combined with my theatrical display of mock irritation about not flying first into the teeth of our target, the stress of the moment began to subside and strained faces started to relax. From adjoining maintenance bays came the rattle and shouted orations of the other four Squadrons and Prefect Crystal Candida's Flight making their own preparations. And truth be told, the Nightjar would be doing more for us for this phase of the operation than the Fleet Pilots.

That we could even hear the pilots in the starboard bays shows the magnitude of their gusto. I knew that the VTOL pilots and the entire ground mission contingent would likewise be making their own final rituals and listening to the exhortations of their own officers. The Tarantula Hawk almost vibrated with the frantic movements of all of the personnel readying themselves for the launch.

"Despite our poorly drawn lot, let's take a moment and get the administrative work out of the way," I said before buttoning up my helmet and activating a communication channel. "Flight Ops, this is Third Squadron Actual, requesting a comms and data check."

The procedure was painlessly and professionally completed as Flight Ops confirmed that each Polyxo had linked up successfully. I also verified that my Squadron-level channel and the Flight-level channels of the three Primus Centurions under me were all valid, clear, and received by Ops, and that all requisite data-sharing and recording protocols had been enacted.

Satisfied with the results and not wanting to take up more of Flight Ops' time, I popped my faceplate back open and addressed my Squadron again.

"The Onyx Institute is well-defended with layered assets of complementary types. A suspicious amount of substandard military material has been dedicated to protecting a provincial research station, but thankfully our friends in the Cultural and Strategic Reconnaissance have been quite forthcoming in their intel briefs." I smiled joylessly. "One could even say that they have done their homework quite thoroughly, and now it is up to us to hand it in to whatever fools the Elenese dignify as professors!"

There was another smattering of laughter at my strained joke, more than it honestly deserved. I could hear the layers in that laughter; part pity-laugh, part the humor of demons who would laugh at anything now that they were placed in the most absurd of all situations, when all the lies about the value of life, the nobility of honor, and the richness and joy of the individual experience were stripped away. Through it all ran a knowing amusement, even from the rookies; that I was not being sarcastic about the forthrightness of the CSR was a source of grim humor. Every Legionary hoof-slogger knew that the only thing worse than the spooks keeping you in the dark was when the spooks actually answered your questions.

"Ladies," I continued, "we have a busy night ahead of ourselves. All of us have busy nights. But for us, first and foremost, the Catalan Company awaits." I lowered my arms and took in the rows of suits, each costing millions of Aurei and piloted by a Legionary possessing dedication, skill, and rare talent. Even Lavish RoseTalon deserved to be here, as much as any of us deserved what was soon to come; I would have kicked her out otherwise.

Perhaps she would have thanked me for it eventually, remote though the possibility may be. Other noble brats I had cut from the cadet program had done just that, but most of them had more sense than her.

"A flotilla of about eight Blauvelt fast attack ships await us. Kindly keep in mind when you greet them that you are not backwater mercenaries nor manic broodlings; you are Imperial Legionaries." I was stone; my voice permafrost. "There will be no bounties or competitions to see who sinks the most. There will be no celebrations nor individual flights of fancy, showboating, or exhibitions of prowess. This is not training, it is not dueling, and neither is it entertainment. Nor is this the time for complacency. Even knowing we will be facing maybe a Squadron of Archers and a Squadron of Yeomen, even knowing the weaknesses of their ships, we will be nothing but consummate professionals, all of us."

Thanks to the Alectons, we knew the presumed weaknesses in the Blauvelt's scrying system. The vectors, altitudes, and Veiling profiles that would allow us to enter undetected, hopefully, into Lance-range as well as information detailing what points on the tiny hulls had the least warding protection were all known to us, a practical embarrassment of tactical detail. I had some personal doubts about the practical utility of our information, as surely the Catalan Company also knew at least some of these limitations and would have taken steps to address such weaknesses. Surely that would inform the deployment of their RP Squadrons in the defense of their flotilla.

My Squadron knew the mission and had been briefed as fully as was necessary, but this was my last chance to fully impress its gravity upon them and to get a final read on my troops.

"The Company's tiny fleet doubles as the Institute's southern warning system and the cruise missiles those ships carry represent both a threat to our airships and to any landing ground elements. An unimpeded barrage will ruin this mission and leave the lot of us stranded far from home, especially if some Elenese pilot feeds them targeting data. The flotilla must be sunk."

The mission planners, including the other Prefects and I, were loath to split our forces but the early phase of the operation had all but demanded a multi-pronged approach. All three sites needed to come under simultaneous attack. The marginal advantages we enjoyed were so thin that we needed to maximize the benefit of surprise before the Elenese could properly rally and counter attack.

In that necessity rested my concern. While the Catalan Company and Onyx Institute were at least somewhat deniable Elenese assets, Air Station Dola Gorod was a House Elena base under the Elenese banner. Given we expected to fight Elenese troops and golems at the Institute, it was a rather technical point, but from such technicalities sprang the causi belli that sired wars. The CSR appeared blithely confident that there would be no escalatory retribution for our actions tonight.

I did not share their optimism.

"The SilverHold is not our concern," I directed. "Making sure the people who are putting their hooves on the ground are able to survive long enough to grab it, fight their way back out, and return safely to this ship with the package, however, is." I studied the three Flights under me. "That means that it is our job to clear a path for our friends by cutting down every obstacle in our area of operation and to hold that path open for as long as it remains necessary."

I met GreyDawn's gaze: she was also evaluating her fellow Legionary Fliers and our eyes met over their armored shoulders. My senior pilot nodded. Beside her, Visha gave me a confident smile, sapphire eyes burning with a fiery trust I wasn't sure I deserved. I knew, in my heart, that if I asked her to help me storm the gates of Hell or Heaven, she would be there right behind me, rucksack over a shoulder, weapon in hand, and a merry grin on her lips.

Though given how well that worked out last time I tried it, I suppose I couldn't blame the girl for her enthusiasm.

Standing with her Flight, VioletBlood gave me a cocky grin as her tail flicked. Her green eyes smoldered with defiance as she closed her faceplate and motioned for her crew chief to pull her up to her feet. Part of me still felt worried as I watched her, an irrational fragment of my heart that twisted when it thought of all the ways things could go wrong for the young demoness. It was doubly irrational as, ignoring past lives, she was older than me and had been fighting by my side since we were both cadets. I pushed the fear aside, placing my faith… my trust in her skill and composure I had seen with my own eyes, rather than what might happen.

Besides, if VioletBlood is true to form, her post-mission celebration will be far more demanding than any enemy action, I reminded myself.

And that left the head of Flight Three. Lucia Hood remained a bit of a mystery to me, but her purple eyes were all serious. To her three pilots, she was a stabilizing anchor, but I still found myself wondering if she trusted me enough to allow me to anchor her as a commander should.

For a brief moment, our eyes met. The Lantian woman gave a tiny smile. It was a ghost of LoveBlood's mad grin, but still, it was there.

I made a show of looking at the clock bolted to the bulkhead. Given how most of the Great Houses had eventually adopted our timekeeping, a Diyu day had twenty-four hours. That House Alecto used said clock for their international shipping was a major factor in its general adoption. Thus, the clock on the bulkhead had a double marking system, the hour hand making a full rotation every twelve hours, but each hour had two marks.

There was something comforting about seeing simple mechanical clocks with a double-marking system. Time-pieces like this had been in use across all three of my lives. Though I had little personal experience the first time around, it remained a unifying factor.

In this case, the clock was running on Diyu time, specially Silvan, but that was fine; that just meant that local dawn was at some nonsensical hour.

VioletBlood was the first to join me. My betrothed sized me up for a moment before bowing her horns and stepping to one side to let Visha approach.

"We're ready, Countess," VioletBlood promised.

"This is not quite what I expected our first mission as a Squadron to be like," I lied smoothly. Something of this nature had been among my list of fears when I had accepted the promotion.

Also on that list were a Corpus Incursio-sized landing, supporting a long-term occupation, and a variety of other types of skullduggery. Compared to the types of things CSR got their talons into, a raid to steal some high-value artifact seemed almost straightforward. Of course, given how secretive the Lady Legate had been about the artifact in question and the general trajectory of all my lives, I sincerely doubted it would stay that way.

"But we will rise up and complete the mission," Visha assured.

"The Islander Girl is right," VioletBlood said, seemingly with a degree of fondness for her fellow Flight Leader.

More pilots stood with Ritualista assistance as their checks finished and Lucia approached me after her Flight found their feet again. Her eyes were hidden behind the saintly death mask that made up her helmet's faceplate. The features were a bit customized, but at least they were not modeled after DarkStar's features.

I might have had to say something if they were. While there was no rule against wearing the mask in her likeness, it was seen as quite presumptive and could reflect badly on the entire unit in the wrong eyes. Even I, with my undeserved reputation, could not get away with such a thing. While the Church had given me not so subtle hints that they would not mind if I had taken upon a more overtly religious death mask, one in DarkStar's likeness was, thankfully, still beyond me.

My deflection was that the face-plate was part of the gift my duchess had given me for my twelfth birthday and I wanted to honor the martial traditions of my adoptive family. Though in the interests of mollifying ecclesiastical interests, I had over the years added more iconography to my suit. Indeed, I had only actually approved of some of those additions after the fact; upon my inquiries, Gibbs had mildly indicated that she was merely echoing my sartorial choices and that such symbols were far more prevalent on my off-duty wear.

An unlikely story, but I'd had the sense not to push any further.

As if in response to my appraisal of her faceplate, Lucia in turn lowered her head to take in the gold four-pointed stars adorning my greaves and breastplate. Ostentatious ornamentation aside, they were hardly unique. I was far from the only person in my Squadron to bear such marks, and they fit within the regulation requirements. When taking Veiling into consideration, such coloration hardly mattered.

Besides, my wings would be far more noteworthy.

"Flight Three is ready," Lucia stated with every confidence as she walked up; her hooves ringing on the deck.

Her confidence was commendable, though I supposed it was easier to project surety when speaking from behind the cover of a mask. Even if her eyes could not be seen, at least she had visible eye-lenses; it made her visage more... relatable, as opposed to the featureless style of helm the Elenese heathens preferred. With her faceplate down, her voice was a bit distorted given it had to go through the external speakers, something that gave her a bit more gravitas.

I nodded to her. "I have no doubts." I pointedly did not look at VioletBlood and her Flight of greenhorns.

GreyDawn had also risen to her feet and now was lurking off to the side and watching as the rest of the Squadron got up. A dozen Legionary Fliers in gleaming white, gold, and black Ritual Plate with enough munitions to take out a battleship formation was satisfyingly intimidating.

It was a short walk forward from the maintenance bay to the port Catapult gallery. Fitted between First Squadron's bay and Third Squadron's, the gallery housed a battery of four Catapults. Outboard of the gallery were the RP landing tunnels, with the takeoff, landing, and touch-and-go angles all carefully laid out to prevent any interference, a feature left thankfully untouched in the ship's conversion.

By the time we arrived, the gallery was already bustling with technicians tending carefully to the advanced machinery and consoles. Only a handful of First Squadron, including the Fleet Flight, had arrived yet, though they had taken the opportunity to monopolize the area directly around the launch cradles. Sleek in grey and black Harmonia armor adorned with gold trim, the shippies and Caenis's girls managed to look irritatingly fast even while standing around waiting.

Primus Baroness Crystal Candida had her faceplate up and was glancing about the gallery in a way that barely concealed her disdain for just about everyone in the compartment. I supposed she would have preferred this to have been a purely Fleet operation as I nodded in recognition towards her, a perfunctory smile stretching unseen below my mask.

There were a number of Fleet personnel checking the launchers and coordinating with Landing and Launch Ops. I had a bit of amusement at the mental image of the sober operations personnel moving a dozen mankin-like tokens on their big display board. Given all the forces about to deploy, they would be very busy right now.

There was a bit of relief from the shippy techies when they saw my Squadron approach, fully suited and early enough to count as "on time".

The Primary Circuit chimed and the overhead speaker activated. "This is Praefectus Commodore SharpTail," the Fleet officer said in a gruff but precise voice.

Normally a Mellona would be captained by a Trierarch, but given the value of the Tarantula Hawk, it made some sense that her commander would be a grade higher.

"Launch operations are about to commence," SharpTail continued. "The importance of this mission cannot be overstressed, and for this mission to succeed, the landing parties require an intact ship to return to. I expect everyone aboard this ship to do their duty. Ladies, you may launch when ready."

The speaker cut off.

Relieved by the brevity, I turned to look at my pilots. "You heard the Praefectus," I stated, pitching my voice to carry through the compartment. "We've got our task laid out for us. If you'll line up and be patient, we'll be in the air before you know it."

The tension crept back for a moment before the Flight leaders took their Pilots in hand, busying themselves with chivvying the Ritual Plate-clad demons into a queue.

The launcher technicians finished securing the Catapult tunnels and a woman wearing Optio's badges motioned for us to advance by Flight, as a quartet of Catapults would launch us four at a time.

Which was how Lavish RoseTalon ended up standing behind me, queued up behind the Number Two catapult. With her faceplate down, the Senator's daughter seemed composed enough.

"Prefect, I would like to thank you for giving me a chance," she nodded to me, her voice a little bit tinny, an artifact of when the external speakers were dialed down. Her tail was kept rigidly straight.

"You did earn it," I acknowledged, my own voice having the same effect.

"Yes, but you could have..." She coughed into her hand. The affectation rendered a farcical pantomime given her gauntlets and her mask's non-functional mouth. "Encouraged me to take another path."

"You earned it," I repeated. "Centurion, we've known each other for a year. These are just nerves. Listen to VioletBlood, remember your training, you will be fine." The platitudes slipped past my lips with the ease of practice.

Nodding, her stance almost furtive, she began to speak. "I've made arrange-"

I cut her off with a raised hand. "There's no need to tell me about your last letter. I know you did everything right. You need not worry. Focus on your duty now."

She straightened up, a bit of her heroine worship still shining through, despite the months of intense training and my best attempts to beat such idealism out of my trainee's heads. "Yes, Prefect Countess!" she saluted sharply.

With my speakers off, I returned the salute. At least it was easy to keep in my sigh and frustrated groan. I had to get used to the closed-in environment of breathing recycled suit air anyway. I gave her a nod and turned on my heel. Sometimes the ridiculous footwear had some advantages.

I stood in the hangar, awaiting my time in the launch queue. I knew intellectually that the wait was short, but it still felt like a subjective eternity. My heart thrummed in my chest with every second, respirators whirred in my ear, and artificially chilled air blew on my nose and mouth. All these background nuances brought front and center, consuming every scrap of attention and patience I had while I watched the clock tick down, second by second.

Finally, one of the Fleet ratings motioned for me to step forward.

My heels locked into the Catapult's shuttle, already vibrating from the power in the charged accelerators.

I started spinning up my Zephyr, the air spirits were excited and eager to leap to my call. I could practically feel them whirl across the surface of my suit, churning with barely contained energy. I started to kindle my Veils.

Guided by the business-like contact from the launch crew, I leaned forward and took the proper stance as the team went down their checklist. Air blew around my suit as the Zephyr started to push my locked legs against the shuttle, their exhaust deflected into ducting.

Licking my lips I went down the indicator lights at the corner of my vision, checking and rechecking to make sure every last piece was in order. After confirming that they were all green, and with blood pounding in my ears, I finally gave verbal and physical confirmation. The launch rating nodded and with one arm raised up unlocked a control lever.

Yet still, more waiting; the launch boss who controlled the gallery wanted all four Catapults to be ready. The delay was short, but with my air spirits pushing both my body and my will and my eyes focused on the spot of darkness at the end of the yawning tunnel before me, the handful of seconds seemed to draw out.

Then the lights around the launch tunnel flashed.

Suddenly, it felt like I was hit in the chest with a battering ram. The crew and the launch gallery vanished from sight. My stomach lurched. My breathing stopped. My Zephyr pushed against my straining wings. I shot down the tunnel, vision narrowing to a point and turning gray.

Then I hurtled out into the open night sky, wings aloft, spirits humming, and breath catching. As the last bits of stress fell into the well worn grooves of routine in my body and mind, my suit's display updated.

For Third Squadron, Operation Epimetheus had begun.

End Chapter 24

And here we go. Just a simple smash and grab.

Thanks to DCG , ellfangor8 , Green Sea, Readhead, ScarletFox , afforess, metaldragon868 ,Wyrme and Larc for checking and reading over this chapter.

And special thanks to metaldragon868 for helping expand the final scene. And to Readhead for elevating a lot of Tauria's dialog and for most of the Latin and literary references.

Also Peer Rivals Parts 2 and 3 have drafts that are being edited now
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I forsee nothing going wrong with this mission. Tanya is even in the third attack, so obviously the enemy will be properly confused and easily routed by then, right?
I forsee nothing going wrong with this mission. Tanya is even in the third attack, so obviously the enemy will be properly confused and easily routed by then, right?
Even if it wasn't Tanya fic, that lind of talk would end in disaster. With it being Tanya fic, i expect another Great Deed by Tanya that causes her headaches in the future, when she becomes go-to military unit for black operations.
I forsee nothing going wrong with this mission. Tanya is even in the third attack, so obviously the enemy will be properly confused and easily routed by then, right?
Well.... third to launch. And this won't be the only sortie she and her people will be running. But don't worry, they planned this out!

Even if it wasn't Tanya fic, that lind of talk would end in disaster. With it being Tanya fic, i expect another Great Deed by Tanya that causes her headaches in the future, when she becomes go-to military unit for black operations.

Hah. I mean.... she's already being pulled in pretty deep. Though the plans for what happens to her in the next chapter will be "fun".
I have this weird theory that the McGuffin is DarkStar's reincarnation herself. What with the classic trope of spies referring to a rescue or kidnapping as object retrieval, CSR being willing to start World War I Forget What Number They're On over this, the ominous fucking operation name ("afterthought"? Afterthought to what?), the hints slipped in that Tanya knows what Darkstar's face looks like, and the fact that there's been art of them hanging out together posted.