The Walking Forge (The Walking Dead/Celestial Forge SI)

The Walking Forge (The Walking Dead/Celestial Forge SI)
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Waking up in an apocalyptic world full of zombies was not what the person known as Christian thought would happen to him after a drunken binge. Trapped in this new world, he could only accept his bad luck and seek to survive at any cost, luck for which he obtained a system that allowed him to learn and create technological wonders.
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Prologue: A soul adrift
Disclaimer: I do not own the material used in this fic.

If there was one thing that everyone could agree on about Existence, it was its most basic nature—a nature that, no matter how simple and banal it may sound, always governed it. This nature could be summed up in a small and seemingly insignificant word: chaotic, random, and unpredictable.

That was the very principle by which Existence was managed—a simple chaos that, in its randomness and unpredictability, gave shape and structure to everything known and yet to be discovered. Whether that was a good or bad thing depended purely on the observer's perspective.

Anything is possible, no matter how crazy, strange, or impossible it might seem. As long as the possibility existed, it could manifest itself into Existence without any problem. That is the logic of chaos, and it is under this same rule that everything worked—basically responsible for the following situation and scenario existing in the first place.

A realm of chaos was revealed to view—changing and mutable are the perfect words to describe it. Filled to the highest extremes with shapes and colors that combined and destroyed themselves in various forms without any order or prior warning. A dance of infinite creation and destruction would be one of the many ways to describe it.

If one were to describe it clearly, it would be like looking through a kaleidoscope.

Many might consider it an interesting place to live, but of course, one would have to ignore its chaos devoid of any known laws of physics, the downright alien beings that inhabit it, the strange energies that flow and cover the entire place, and countless other reasons. With each reason mentioned, one could realize what a bad idea it would be to live there.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the idea of a small, insignificant soul moving through this place was something no one would think about. Given the chaotic state of Existence, one might imagine no one was paying attention to the operation of this thing.

The soul moved calmly through this realm of chaos, seemingly unaware of its dangers, both indirect and direct, even as the latter, in the form of the energies of this place, radiated into the soul, imbuing it with these exotic energies.

Whether the soul was aware of this fact or not is something completely beyond the reach of a simple observer.

Slow and relaxed, the soul kept its path in this realm of chaos. Whether moving in a straight line, in circles, upside down, up, or down, the soul moved everywhere without any apparent direction or destination beyond simply moving forward.

It didn't take a genius to realize the disoriented state of the soul; its movements and actions only served to emphasize that simple fact. This gave a very clear message about the circumstances in which it found itself. Lost—that's the word to describe it—lost and alone in this realm of chaos, wandering from place to place without any kind of purpose beyond simply moving forward. A soul adrift, prey to the indifferent machinations of fate.

The situation remained like this for a long time. How long? is a silly question, given the chaotic and lawless state of the realm in which it operated. Maybe it was a minute, an hour, a century, a millennium... In the end, none of that mattered in the slightest to the drifting soul, only the fact of continuing to move forward.

Given its rhythm and random circumstances, such as the times when, due to the chaotic state of the place, it was teleported to random parts of the realm, which forced it to start its journey from scratch, it was actually a pretty horrible fate in general. Just moving from one place to another without any kind of purpose beyond constantly moving and observing the same scenery over and over again is something that would drive anyone crazy.

Such would have been its destiny for all eternity. However, and as ironic as it may sound, it was the same chaos that initially bothered it that ended up saving it.

A small gap formed in this realm of chaos. The appearance of this gap was similar to the stereotypical shape of lightning, pulsing with the same force and ferocity as a cheetah's heart after the longest run of its entire life.

The soul, for the first time in a long time, voluntarily stood still and with deadly calm approached the gap. Its gait was slow and paranoid, like that of a wild animal that has been placed in a habitat radically different from its origin, which, given the state and behavior of the soul, may well be.

Standing on the edge of the gap, it observed the strangeness and wonder of it. A strange, alien feeling ran through it because of the gap, which, given where it was, one would assume it would have gotten used to by now.

The soul's hesitation did not last—not because of quick thinking or resolution, but more because of the fact that the gap in front of it was beginning to close. Given this situation, two options were presented.

Firstly, it could simply ignore the event and continue its eternal and infinite cycle of going from one place to another without any clear destination. Or it could break through and let chaotic Existence reveal once again what it had in store, whether it was something good or bad.

In the end, it did not take long to make that decision—a decision full of impulsivity and the natural savagery of a disoriented soul, nothing new if someone who knew the soul saw it. With those thoughts in its being and with nothing else to do, it crossed the gap.

One might wonder what fate awaits the adrift soul. One thing is certain: whatever it is, it will be interesting to witness.
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Chapter 1: Arrive in a dead world
Disclaimer I do not own the material used in this fic.

Pain and disorientation, those are the names of the feeling and emotion that filled the being of the person known simply as Christian. A pain so strong that he could feel like his body was about to split in two, luckily for him the pain only lasted a second, so for that part he could say that he was fine, however, on the subject of disorientation, that still held.

Opening his eyes in annoyance, a vision of an alley poorly lit by night light, smelly, covered in garbage, rotting flesh and pools of blood revealed itself before him.

For some people, waking up in a place like this would be something that would worry and disturb many people, however, for him, it was just a reminder of his sporadic crazy moments after having a few beers, basically being drunk. Moments when all the logical restrictions of the mind are released and you become your real idiot self, where no matter how stupid or bizarre an idea seems, it will always seem like a great idea, maybe that's why waking up in A grimy alley, an abandoned building, or a church didn't seem all that surprising to him.

Slowly and lazily the Stray began to get up from the wall where he was lying, once he was completely standing, he let out a big yawn. The lack of any alcohol odor on his breath left him a little confused at first, however, he ignored it, arguing that the lack of odor was a product of his regular method of taking mints to hide his alcoholism... although in truth almost It will never work.

While his thoughts revolved around the fact of the lack of alcohol on his breath, which, he thought, would be quite useful when it came to hiding his drunkenness from his family. During this process, a new, larger and more powerful thought arose in him, one derived from the fact that he had consumed alcohol all day before.

What is said thought?

The fact that he couldn't feel his wallet on his person.

Quickly and quickly, he began to rummage through the pockets of his jacket and pants in search of his wallet. If one saw him from a distance, one would think that he had squirrels in his pants, well, or that he was drunk.

In the end, and after a crazier search carried out by him on his person and crouching on the ground in order to think that he had dropped it, he discovered that not only did he not have his wallet, but he also lacked his cell phone., headphones and house key, I had basically lost everything.


That was the only response that came out of her mouth to that, a response that came from the depths of her being, one of the sincerest things anyone would say in their entire life.

In situations like these, many would begin to panic at the fact that all of one's material objects are forcibly removed from one's person, normally one would begin to hyperventilate, be completely panicked and spin around like crazy, those would be some normal reactions that one would expect from the Stray, however, instead, all he did was sit in the same place when he woke up and start clutching his face, at the same time as a tired sigh left his lips.

"No, not again."

And that is the reason why he is not feeling any regular rush of emotions in the first place, because at the end of the day having his things stolen had almost become a normality for him...nothing new for someone of its type.

Releasing his face, he took a few breaths in order to calm down from his agitated state, and then once calm (half-way), he began to evaluate his options in his current situation, these options have practically been summarized for the moment in a gigantic, find out where he is and find a way to get back home.

With these thoughts in mind, Christian looked around in search of a way out of the alley. Thanks to the low ambient light he was able to see the two exits at the ends of the place. Two paths to travel, two to choose which one would go out.

Getting up from the ground, he made his way towards the left exit of the alley. During the time it takes for his body to reach said exit, Christian's mind became perfectly active and conscious again, which surprised him to the core given how he had been drinking himself to death the night before.

That was for him, the first sign that something was wrong, from what he remembered, his low tolerance for alcohol was such that a single beer would have been enough to put him to sleep and more than enough to give him a migraine the next day, a real burden. his friends called him light.

The other thing that served as an alert that something was wrong was the sound of cars, people walking, crazy people screaming, or specifically the almost complete absence of them.


No sound beyond the soft, cold wind of the night filled the atmosphere, the hairs on his body could stiffen before them, Christian had never been more alert and fearful in his life than now, and even though he had been born and raised in a country Latin American Third World.

The moonlight slightly illuminated the exit in front of him, it was slightly closed by a metal fence. Gently, Christian stretched out his left hand in order to open said fence, the sensation of the cold metal was a reminder of the reality of the situation, what happened after that made me doubt that fact.

Without warning, a kind of humanoid creature suddenly appeared in front of the fence in front of him, it lunged against the fence with its jaws open. The event, so fast and strange, caused him to not be able to react in time and that is why what happened next happened.

The strange being bit his fingers crossing the fence, an indescribable pain filling Christian's mind at that. Said pain only grew when said being tore off the fingers after a strong struggle, specifically the index (or second finger of the hand), middle (or third finger of the hand, or middle finger, or middle finger or middle finger), ring finger. (or fourth finger of the hand) and little finger (or fifth finger of the hand or auricular finger), leaving the ring finger as the surviving brother, curiously the fat one almost always dies.

He fell back at this, his butt colliding with the cold cement of the place, while he watched with horror as said being swallowed his fingers with apparent delight and enjoyment, said action lasted just a few seconds before the being began to advance in direction to him.

Guided by instinct and adrenaline, he quickly got up and without hesitation began to run in the direction of said being. Millions of thoughts quickly formed in his mind as he ran. From the simple What the fuck is going on? Until the What is that thing? All of them quite important questions given the strange situation, so to speak.

Turning his head back, he watched as the fence was beginning to be shaken by a group of what he thought were the same type of things that ripped his fingers off his hand. Quickly his gaze returned to the front and he increased his running speed, the distance to the exit became shorter and shorter and the feeling that things were going to turn out well appeared, ha.

Due to the lack of moonlight, he had not realized that it is in the same situation as its other side, basically invaded and besieged by an apparent horde of cannibalistic and zombified-looking beings.

A thousand-yard look formed on his face as he saw how his alternative exit had instantly disappeared. Panic began to bloom in him, however, before said panic could truly manifest itself, a memory of his walk down the alley presented itself to him, the memory of almost colliding with.


With his hopes once again renewed, he began to move again, this time with the goal of finding the stairs of the place.

The sound of metal fences falling to the ground echoed in the alley, Christian watched from the front thanks to the shadow generated by their bodies as those things were beginning to flood the alley, which given the fact that the sound had been That of two fences falling, meant that he was now surrounded. Time was running out.

Given the little light available, it took a while to find the said staircase, this thing was used by those strange beings to increasingly limit the distances between Christian and them, which only increased their already growing anxiety and panic.


Once he found the stairs, he quickly grabbed the steps and began to climb, the process was difficult given his weakened state due to the loss of the fingers of his left hand and the subsequent bleeding. At this point the only thing that drove him to continue and move was the powerful adrenaline rush in his body, a body that for some reason was weaker than he remembered.

Once he was at the top of the ladder, which connected to the roof of some sort of what he thought was an apartment complex, he dropped down onto the roof. He felt how his heart was beating like he had never done before, his breathing was becoming faster and more abrupt, not to mention how the adrenaline that had recently flooded his body, now he was beginning to fade. Which meant that the other sensations that he ignored until now, came back.


Blood was flowing from the stumps of his hand, given how much he was bleeding it wouldn't take long for him to pass out from the blood loss. Using his little strength and his basic knowledge of medicine, he quickly removed the girdle from his pants, the process was complicated due to only having one hand to use and he quickly wrapped it around his left arm, and then began to forcefully squeeze the itself, forming an improvised tourniquet.

After completing the process of saving his life, both in running away from those things and avoiding bleeding to death, there was only one series of actions available to his tired and weakened being, lying down on the roof of an unknown building and staring at the sky. sky like an idiot.

Looking at the night sky in front of him, Christian felt the cold night wind on his body. A fact that as strange as it seemed, he was happy about it, since it was a sign that his body was still alive and still responded to most of the senses or at least to touch.

He rolled his head to one side in the direction of the stairs where he had climbed, a trail of fresh blood was what he found, it didn't take a genius to know who said blood belonged to.

"Heh, like breadcrumbs."

He didn't know if he had made that comment as a result of the loss of blood or his attempt to ward off panic through comedy (for which he is really bad). All he knew was that it had at least partially worked, given the silly laugh that came out of him.

Releasing a tired sigh, Christian wondered what he would do next, given the situation presented. Basically, waking up in God knows where, surrounded by who knows what shit he does and losing his left hand (well all four of his fingers, but it might as well be the same given his uselessness). To say he was screwed was to understate his state.

"God, this thing couldn't be any weirder."

By the grace of Chaos and Randomness, you are congratulated for surviving such a dangerous situation, as a reward for your efforts, a gift has been given to you.
By the grace of Chaos and Randomness, you have been blessed with the tools, knowledge and skills to create fantastic and unimaginable things, even if they technically violate the laws of the universe in which you are.
Those words appeared in Christian's vision, a look of pure disbelief forming on his face at it.

"What the fuck?"

As a gesture given by the grace of Chaos and Randomness, a total of 8000 CP has been granted to you, for enjoyment and survival.
Confusion remained with him, unable to identify what was happening, which, given his chaotic situation, was quite understandable.

He kept his gaze on the text in front of him, trying to identify exactly what it all meant. Specifically, what he meant by gift given and what it implied, not to mention the CPs and their function.

He was in that state for a long time before a series of memories appeared in his mind, a cascade of memories from a type of fanfic that was quite amusing to him.

Celestial Forge

A type of fanfic where the protagonist receives a kind of power that consists of learning about a lot of technologies/magic or both, and other benefits that I didn't remember well now.

A smile formed on his face at the recognition of that fact, a smile that lasted a good number of minutes before it suddenly disappeared, the reason for this was also the fact itself and its potential meaning for him, the most obvious being that he possibly went isekai to another world, a world full of cannibal monsters or zombies if what happened a while ago was any indication.

In any case, temporarily putting his growing paranoia aside, he focused on the two new goals in his mind, survival and regaining the functionality of his left hand.

"Aaah… How do you access the store for this?" He said as he scratched his head with his remaining hand. "Uh… Store?"

Instantly a wide variety of text appeared before him, it seemed to be arranged in some kind of pdf format, apparently divided into a wide variety of categories. Whether it was from the most mundane to the most mystical. With each paragraph that he skimmed, curiosity spread in him as if it were syphilis, however, and thanks to his willpower, he continued skimming it in search of something that would solve his problem.

Solutions that he felt he had found after God knows how long after he started reading the text. Each of these solutions were chosen in a combination of immediate usefulness and the ever-present, because I like it.

--- Domain: Assistants---
-Wizards (Warhammer 40k - Adeptus Mechanicus) (0CP)
Choose: a dozen servoskulls, a team of five servos, or a trio of custom cherubs. They are all dull but reliable servants, and come equipped for a variety of tasks. The patterns of each are easy to readjust for more specialized jobs.
Choice: Servoskull-Types: Medi-skull (x2), Sensor-skull (x2)-
-Canoptek Spyder (Necron) (400CP)
Not all troops in the Necron arsenal were once Necrontyr. Canoptek builds have the distinction of being completely robotic in nature. One of the most important constructs is the Canoptek Spyder, intended to monitor the Necron tombs while their inhabitant's sleep. To aid in this purpose, Canoptek Spyders can craft swarms of Canoptek Scarabs and direct them at intruders, tearing them apart before they have a chance to scream. Additionally, they are capable of repairing Necrons that are damaged beyond Necrodermis's ability to repair.
--- Domain: Protection ---
-Loading Human.exe (Generic Fanfiction lll Worm) (400CP)
You can turn off your emotions at will. This makes it easier to make logical decisions, but you have trouble understanding others while they are away. You won't be stuck without them because turning them back on would be illogical or something. Oh, and you get along very well with robots and AI. You really understand them.
--- Domain: Time ---
-Seed of the Singularity (Generic Cyberpunk) (600CP)
They say the future begins with an idea, but that is not true. It starts when you make an idea a reality. You're not just someone who's content to manipulate technology that already exists, you're one of the minds that could destroy everything we thought we knew. Your ability to innovate and invent is impressive, doing years' work in just a few months. What you assemble in your lab to prove a concept would count as a production model to anyone else, and your actual final designs are nothing short of pure brilliance. This applies equally to actual discovery, which runs through fields of testing and examination at incredible speed. Your work alone could build the entire future if you had the resources and if you could survive the people who would kill for the things you can do.
--- Domain: Toolsets: Mundane ---
-Cranial Implants (Warhammer 40k: Adeptus Mechanicus) (100CP)
Every wizard's brain undergoes extensive modifications over time, but you have taken great care to prepare your mind for the mysteries of the Machine God. Beyond the genetic alterations and bionic subsystems that have increased your intelligence, regulated neurochemistry reduces the influence that hunger, pain, fear, and other carnal distractions can have on your thoughts. Your ability to enjoy these things is not hindered. It will be quicker and easier to adapt to additional neurological modifications with less concern about rejection.
-Prototool (Ben 10 0.1) (600CP)
Prototool Why carry individual weapons and devices with you all the time? Why not put them all in one package? It seems like someone thought about this question long enough to invent this nifty little all-encompassing tool. The Proto-Tool is a highly advanced device that can transform into almost any type of weapon or equipment. Do you need a scanner? It's a scanner now. Do you need an energy arc? It is an arc of energy. Rod? Flashlight? Empty? Energy blaster? You name it, the Proto-Tool can transform into it. It can be transformed into almost any person-sized device you can imagine. The downside is that it has a finite battery life and will need to be recharged after prolonged use, and generally won't make things like a person-sized doomsday weapon without some serious upgrades. You can also add individual weapons or tools to this if you wish, adding more arsenal to your... well, arsenal.

  • Energy requirements are trivialized by any of the numerous infinite energy elements over many jumps.
  • It acts like any tool up to a certain size and therefore, without authorization, essentially overrides most other tools.
  • It is not clear if it can be several tools at the same time.
--- Domain: Facilities: Mundane---
-Augmentation Suite (Generic Cyberpunk) (400CP)
Not everyone can build a better future, but the advancement of technology has made it more than possible to build a better man. These tools include those needed to maintain, repair, build, and even design or install almost any implant or cybernetic device imaginable. Of particular interest are high-level manufacturing capabilities that can allow you to assemble such devices in a matter of minutes or hours, allowing you to respond to your needs on the fly. A setup kit includes the medically sterile space needed to perform even the most complicated or delicate operation, and all the necessary tools. Whether you're setting up shop professionally or servicing the shadiest guys out of the back of an extended bus for dirty money, you've got everything you need or could want. You can choose to have all of this connected or merged with your warehouse. Everything is replenished and restored in a day if destroyed, and you have an unlimited supply of materials, barring anything truly extraordinary that requires you to provide it yourself.
--- Domain: Databases: Mundane ---
-Creation of antibodies (working cells) (400CP)
Preparation is the key to victory and now you can prepare a solution for any enemy you face. At least a solution in the chemical sense. Now you know how to synthesize a special liquid that can tune into a specific enemy, acting like an acid on it when exposed to it. You can modulate the powerful effect it has, from dissolving into them to simply giving them burns and even just targeting their clothing and equipment. This liquid takes some time to produce, usually between half an hour and an hour, but it can take much faster if you have access to some DNA or other similar chemical identifiers. With time and experimentation, you can figure out how to achieve other effects besides acid, such as knocking them out or sealing their abilities for a time.
Pre-made Solutions (with Lucky Defender) – You now have the ability to create special "blank" solutions, which are apparently not tuned to any given enemy. However, when you take these "blank" solutions with you and face a surprise enemy, you will find that they are especially tailored to that enemy. You will have to create more "blank" solutions later, since all the "blank" solutions created previously would have been specifically tuned to that surprise enemy.
-Computer Technologies (Generic Cyberpunk) (400CP)
An artificial intelligence is not limited by the need for food or water, but by the need for energy and processors. You have in your possession the designs and documentation of computer technologies that are the pinnacle of what a world like this can offer. Easily scalable to your needs or desires, produced for general or specialized uses, they are easily adapted to handle anything you need and will remain applicable and top of the line for decades to the envy of others who want technology like this. Why limit yourself to what the market can offer you when you can have the best?
--- Domain: Knowledge: Skills and Abilities ---
-Clear Eyes of the Bibliophile (Touhou Forbidden Hermit) (100CP)
You can read anything no matter what language it is written in. This doesn't come with the ability to write in that language, but you can read it if it is a language. Including dead and forgotten languages (an invaluable skill if you want to do serious historical research), but not coded texts.
-Technical experience (generic Cyberpunk) (100CP)
People use technology every day, but that doesn't mean they understand it or are skilled with it. You are not one of them. You are skilled at working and understanding technology and machines, and you learn everything you need to know to use and work with them easily. If you have more than just a passing familiarity, you'll be a genius with it, able to work magic when you get your hands on the inner workings of whatever you're dealing with. Whether it's taking apart computers and rebuilding the hardware to create a much better system, modifying software so it runs like a dream, or making magic in a garage with vehicles that have seen better days, no one can deny that you have the talent.
-Neuromancer (Generic Cyberpunk) (200CP)
You have mastered the arts of interconnecting machines and the human mind, being able to design and build things to perfectly interact with the human nervous system and the real consciousness it houses. Building an implant or accessory that allows people to access the network with just a thought wouldn't be difficult at all, nor would ensuring that a cybernetic connects so seamlessly with the user that it feels more natural than their original arm. You also master the use of such a simple, yet almost magical technology, not just its construction. Combined with some programming skills, fully immersive Virtual Reality would be easily within your reach. You have closed the gap between mind and machine; It's up to you to figure out where you go from here.
-Hand of the Matrix (Generic Cyberpunk) (400CP)
The videos are full of stories of brave hackers who are able to work magic with the seas of code in which society is drowning. However, you are not one of them, you are one of those who give megacorporation's reasons to be nervous. Their understanding and mastery of code is enough to design programs that would turn heads, crack systems that those in power spend mountains of money trying to keep secure, and quickly eliminate almost any opposition. If someone knows your skills, whether it's like a digital boogeyman or a name, people are willing to go to all kinds of lengths to be on your side. The software you could create and the tricks you could perform are almost incomparable. It would take an equal or a megacorporation to challenge you. Only something like an advanced AI could claim to be your best when it comes to code.
--- Domain: Knowledge: Future Technology ---
-Environmental Protection (Starbound) (0CP)
It's a dangerous universe out there and you will need protection. It knows how to make environmental protection packages (PPE), specialized devices designed to protect the user from dangers such as lack of oxygen or high levels of radiation. You can adjust them to block most forms of danger you encounter. Just keep in mind that the more hazards you block, the more energy and exotic materials your PPE will need.
-Wisdom of the Ancients (Warhammer 40k - Necron - SB Edition) (600CP)
Necron technology is beyond all contenders, comparable to the greatest sorceries of the organics. Changing the molecular composition of objects with specific sound waves, spreading madness through enemy ranks with swirling mists, and manipulating time itself are just a few examples. True heights reach incredible levels, things that violate all laws of nature and logic. It would take a truly brilliant mind to master all this technology, understand it and improve it. A mind like yours, for example. You have the skills and raw intelligence necessary to unravel the best and most advanced technologies of your kind. Not only can you perfectly build and repair Necron technology, but you can also adapt it to all kinds of purposes, create new technology at a similar level, and even improve it. This talent will also carry over to all forms of technology in future leaps.
--- Domain: Skills: Clothing ---
-Smart Clothing (Eclipse Phase) (400CP)
Composed of programmable fibers, Smart Clothing can alter its shape, cut, style and color to mimic almost any outfit, from Tron-like jumpsuits with animated glow panels to a formal tuxedo complete with train, lapel flower and lapel handkerchief. pocket, to becoming partially or completely transparent in case you wanted to show off your nanotats while working in outer space, it's just a matter of programming with a new style. However, smart clothing is still a single piece, no matter how many parts it appears to have, and making it look like armor or a radiation suit offers no more protection than its (moderately strong) fibers already offer.
Smart Clothing can be combined with an outfit you already own for free, such as your free Light Void Suit, upgrading it to a Smart Cloth Void Suit. Since you have chosen to upgrade, your suit has all the additional features. The clothing is very heavily armored against kinetic and energy attacks (easily shrugging off small caliber bullets or a laser gun), and has a large number of defensive modifications that make different attack modes (such as laser, flame and acid) are much less effective. The color-changing pattern can provide you with active camouflage and signature thermal cushioning at any time, and you can even electrocute anyone who comes into contact with you.
The smart fabric Vac suit is essentially a high-tech space suit.
--- Domain: Preparation: Biotechnology ---
-Man, and Machine (Generic Cyberpunk) (400CP)
The line between the two may be blurry in this world, but an engineer with your skills can make it disappear. You are a cybernetics genius of all kinds, capable of designing, building, repairing and even deploying them with expert skill. Beyond simply making the body accept these additions as if they were natural, if new parts of the whole, his experience allows him to work and design implants and devices capable of all kinds of things. From built-in cloaking systems, dermal armor capable of deflecting and ignoring fire from military-grade weapons, dash systems, defensive fields, weapons and much more. You could turn anyone from another person into a walking example of posthumanity if you had the resources. Your talent in this field ensures that you will be able to adapt any of your technologies into some form of useful cybernetics. Who knows where you'll end up in the field as time goes on.
--- Domain: Quality: Safety ---
-Black Boxing (Warhammer 40k - Squats) (200CP)
While it's annoying that certain red-clad rats from Mars always try to get their dirty mechadendrites into your stuff, playing with them is endlessly entertaining. You can easily modify your work to make it almost impossible for others to duplicate it. If you're feeling particularly spiteful, you can create some cross-connections so that anyone who tries will exploit you.
--- Domain: Quality: Size ---
-Charged (Generic Cyberpunk) (200CP)
It's not enough to have everything you need stored in the workshop, and even when you have time to prepare, you often have to pack light. You have a particular genius when it comes to building and working with tools, gadgets, weapons, armor, and other equipment on a personal scale. Whether it's turning a computer setup that would take up an entire workstation into something a hacker can strap to their arm to hack on the fly, or taking a regular gun and modifying it until it's more lethal and effective than most from military weapons, you're able to cram an astonishing amount of effectiveness into easily transportable packages. Your creativity, skills, and genius seem to skyrocket when it comes to things at sizes that would hinder anyone else. Bigger doesn't always mean better, sometimes it just means cumbersome.
-Miniaturization/Efficiency (Worm) (400CP)
You can miniaturize anything to levels that any sane man would consider impossible. A fusion reactor the size of a watch battery would be the absolute minimum of what you're capable of, and you'd be able to do much smaller than that. Your power also makes you a master of technological efficiency: anything you make barely needs any energy to run compared to what it should, and continues to do so for a long time. These specialties will also make you a master of nanotechnology and similar activities. Of course, it's not forbidden to build something as big as a giant robot, it's just that it will be incredibly efficient and packed with more weapons and subsystems than should be possible.
Christian looked seriously and carefully at the long shopping list in front of him, a list that he reread a few times, with the idea of seeing what to change about it, before nodding his head in confirmation of his choices.


The instant those words were said, an inhuman headache formed in him. If he had to describe it would be like having his mind completely on fire, with the added bonus that it could very well explode at any moment.

He grabbed his head tightly with his remaining hand and closed his eyes waiting for the pain to pass. He thought it couldn't be worse than the pain of losing a hand.

It took a few seconds for it to disappear, only to be flooded again, not by pain but by a gigantic avalanche of knowledge and skills beyond his comprehension. Knowledge and skills that he hopes will help him survive anything to come.

Slowly opening his eyes, the presence of multiple shadows, one gigantic and ten smaller ones, made him happy, specifically he was happy that this had really happened and was not a hallucination resulting from blood loss.

Around him a dozen servoskulls and a gigantic Canoptek Spyder are floating above him.

If there was a word to describe them, it would be magnificent. Whether it was the simplicity and brutality of multiple floating skulls with multiple mechanical arms equipped with all kinds of tools and a giant floating black beetle (spider?) with green lights.

"Great…ah…shit" he grabbed his left arm tightly, facing the strong pain that arose from it, a reminder of his delicate situation "Well let's fix…ah…this, Medi-skull, eh…heal my damaged arm"

Christian's gaze focused on the Medi-skull in his repertoire, in truth he was confused as to whether they would respond to the order, given the difference in languages in which they normally operated and if any technological implant was needed for it and that that I still didn't do anything with the Canoptek Sypder.

Fortunately for him, they let out a simple beep that he took as confirmation, before beginning to move towards him, while extending a series of syringes from their bodies.

Recognizing what was coming, Christian watched with extreme curiosity as a red light came out of the Medi-skull's red eye and illuminated his entire body, probably for the purpose of scanning his state of health, and then directed the syringes in his bodies towards his injured arm to then poking him, the burning and painful sensation of his stumps closing, is somewhat annoying, but nothing he couldn't handle.

Once the process is finished, the Medi-skull withdraw from Christian to simply float around him, in complete silence, the truth looking from afar seemed like something out of a biological horror movie.

Performing a series of movements with his recently (half-healed) limb, he remained in his lying position for a few minutes, until with the strength obtained from his rest, he began to rise from the ground with a feeling of discomfort and disorientation, in I really wanted these sensations to end as soon as possible.

"Hey idiot, Cranial Implants"

Remembering that fact suddenly, he quickly activated them. The sensation was even stranger, if possible, not feeling hunger, pain, sleep and other things of that nature, really gave him the sensation of being dead, which he knew was not the case given, ironically, the remaining sensations available in the, how the feeling of the air on his skin.

The doubts in his mind quickly disappeared, probably thanks to a combination of his cranial implants and Loading Human.exe, or at least he imagines that.

Once he was completely up, he performed a series of movements, letting his body warm up from its rest, while in his mind he decided the next course to follow.

"Now, to get my hand back," he said in a mechanical and calm voice and then looked at the floating (specifically it is ten meters above the ceiling level) Canoptek Sypder next to him "Canoptek Sypder, I order you to protect this area until further notice"

As with the Servoskull, a concern that the machine would not understand the orders given as a result of the language barrier was quickly overcome by seeing the same "hiss" in confirmation of its order.

"Cool…okay, now to the workshop" he said happily "So yeah, the information in my head and the memories of fanfics don't fool me, I'm supposed to say something like, Door to Workshop?"

As he said those words, in front of him, a kind of rupture in space-time or a portal in simple words, appeared without further ado. No type of light or sound came from inside it, which he didn't know if it was a good or bad thing.

"Servoskull, follow me," he ordered as, without fear or hesitation, he stepped through the portal in front of him.

A beautiful sight was what he received on the other side of the portal, a laboratory fully equipped with equipment and devices intended for the creation and maintenance of cybernetic implants of all levels.

A small child's smile formed on his face at the sight, one that became more disturbing with every second it remained.

"Okay, it's time to start."
And the intro in English: "Waking up in an apocalyptic world filled with zombies was not what the person known as Christian thought would happen to him after a drunken binge. Trapped in this new world, he could only accept his bad luck and seek to survive at any cost, luck which gave him a system that allowed him to learn and create technological wonders."
And the intro in English: "Waking up in an apocalyptic world filled with zombies was not what the person known as Christian thought would happen to him after a drunken binge. Trapped in this new world, he could only accept his bad luck and seek to survive at any cost, luck which gave him a system that allowed him to learn and create technological wonders."
I have corrected it, thank you
Interesting start though I must say giving MC 8K points at the start IS a bad idea as it makes them a tad bit too powerful ESPECIALLY for this universe.
Chapter 2: Getting Altered in a Dead World
Disclaimer I do not own the material used in this fic.

Injecting nanomachines into the spinal cord in order to avoid infection from a virus/plague/parasite or zombie whatever was not something the person known as Christian thought he would be doing on a Saturday (although he really wasn't sure of the day given the time). time of waking up and knowing where the hell he is) in the night.

Six hours had passed since he had woken up in that dark alley, an alley where a kind of humanoid monster had torn off and eaten the fingers of his left hand, for which he once realized the type of situation he was in, escape through some stairs on one of the sides of the buildings that surrounded him.

Christian could easily say that he probably would have died on the roof of that building under other circumstances. Both for the fact that he was bleeding out and for the simple fact that he was a scrawny boy without an arm, surrounded by who the hell they know are those things that he wanted to eat him.

Luckily (or unfortunately for others, because that's always the case) such an event had not come true, at least for the moment.

Thanks to the appearance of a skill learning purchasing system that revolves mostly around technology, whether normal, mystical, or a combination of both, he was able to survive the event, at least temporarily.

You see when Christian had entered his Augmentation Room, a kind of dimensional laboratory equipped with all the materials and equipment necessary for the creation and implantation of mechanical implants, such as an arm, leg and even organs. He was in perfect health, well that's not counting the stumps on his left hand, but whatever.

The thing is that as the hours passed (specifically two), his body had begun to get sick, from flu, headache and finally a strong fever that made him feel as if he were in an oven. It was practically as if his own body began to self-destruct.

At first, he had been confused as to why the sudden change occurred, but quickly the memory of the attack by the zombified humanoid had come to him and he finally knew what it was about.


That's the answer he came to after thinking about the possible reasons for his discomfort, which is quite logical given that a few hours ago his body had been attacked by some strange shit and well, that, there really wasn't much to think about. to find out how he had reached that conclusion.

In any case and faced with the threat presented to him, Christian decided to stop working on a replacement for his lost fingers and start working on a cure for his ailment (if there was one).

Through a combination of Antibody Creation, Necron Technology, Environmental Protection and Miniaturization/Efficiency added to his Cranial Implants and Loading Human.exe in order to evade the severe pain in his body he was able to create a series of self-replicating nanomachines whose function is to strengthen your body when eliminating invading agents.

Now one would wonder why not simply use Antibody Creation for healing, the answer is simple. He had no idea what type of infection it was, in addition to the fact that he does not have an infected sample with which to carry out an experiment to search for a cure, so based on that and although it took longer, he decided on nanomachines.

These nanomachines function by destroying any agent external to the body at a molecular level and then once their task is finished, they enter a rest mode waiting for any future threat to be faced. For their operation, replication and maintenance they use both matter and matter as fuel. energy of the agents to be destroyed as Christian's own matter/energy.

Although such a thing might sound like something wonderful and super useful, it is not exempt from the probability of failure, such as for example that they would get out of control and begin to devour their entire body, and then once they would have nothing to eat from it, begin to eat the environment around him in a gigantic devouring storm that would end the world, in a very literal way.

Well as the saying goes: If you are afraid of dying then don't be born or something like that.

Taking out the syringe connected to the tube were said nanomachines are stored from his neck, the sensation of ants jumping around his neck was somewhat curious, but nothing he was not used to.

"Well…I hope this…is enough"

Gently leaning back on the operating chair in his laboratory, Christian felt a strange sense of calm, as if he were in some kind of lucid dream, almost like being drunk, but not really drunk, one would say it's like using marijuana, but generally It was even stranger.

Unfortunately, this sensation ended with the beginning of a series of spasms and nausea that arose from his body. Curiously, and thanks to his Cranial Implants and his Loading Human.exe, he was not feeling the pain of such things, beyond discomfort.

He tilted his head towards the floor and vomited, a black substance coming out of his mouth. He wiped the rest of his mouth with his right arm.

"I hope this ends quickly."


Unfortunately for Christian that was not the case.

Two hours.

That was the total duration of his spasms and urge to vomit. Two full hours of him, completely lying in his operating chair, while his body screams in pain and discomfort.

Letting out a tired sigh, he stood up from the chair with the intention of continuing the construction of his replacement fingers.

As soon as he stood up, he almost fell to the floor due to the exhaustion of his body.

He truly could not feel pain, fatigue, fear and other emotions/sensations that clouded his goals, but that did not mean that they did not exist and that his body was not feeling the consequences of it.

"Damn body of flesh"

Recovering from his depressed state, Christian advanced towards his laboratory area where, lying on one of the tables, a 3D plan of the creation of his prosthetic fingers was displayed on a computer.

Christian's laboratory is 50 meters wide on each side and 3 meters high. Given Christian's size and relative solitude, such size was more than enough for his current projects.

The entire laboratory is equipped with the highest technologies, intended for the creation, maintenance and implantation of cybernetic implants in the human body. Of course this was not the only thing available in the laboratory, but it is the main thing given its function.

Sitting in the chair in front of said table, Christian watched as the servoskull and canopteck scarab (which had been produced by the sypder, after having decomposed several of the humanoid beings as material for its construction) were in a kind of mode. of rest while awaiting new orders.

Looking carefully at the map in front of him, new ideas began to form in Christian's head, while he looked thoughtfully at his damaged member.

"It doesn't make much difference between this and that."

With those words spoken, he began to alter the design of said prostheses or more specifically unite and expand them into something completely different from what was originally proposed.


Removing his blue shirt from his body (which he is sure was not his outfit from the day he got drunk, plus the much smaller size), and then sitting on the operating chair, Christian watched as the servoskulls floated around him in the air. waiting to begin the operation.

The look of seriousness and contemplation on Christian's face marked the train of thought as to whether the following actions were the correct option to follow.

¨ Are there other options? ¨

"Yes, but you know, this is easier."

"Good point…I think."

With his thoughts clear about what will happen next, he temporarily closes his eyes as he lets out a sigh of acceptance and his eyes open this time with more confidence and strength than a while ago.

"Okay, it's time to start" He licked his lips dryly, he needs to eat and drink something "Servoskull start the implantation procedure"

They moved at the given order and quickly began the implantation procedure.

With a bit morbid and bizarre curiosity, Christian watched as the Monotask-skull type servokulls, using the tools installed in his cybernetic arms, cut off his entire left arm from the area where the arm connects to the torso, blood came out of the freshly cut tip.

The arm was quickly picked up by another of the servoskull and placed on one of the tables. It is pale white in color, he thought it was due to the weakness of his body, he also found it curious how even with his lack of glasses he could see completely normally.

Quickly in the area, the protesteis intended to serve as a replacement was placed, Christian did not feel any weight added to his mass, this is due to the density modifying properties of it. It is a midnight black arm made entirely of Living Metal. It has all the capabilities of a normal arm, plus of course being damn tough compared to the original and having a variety of hacking defenses and EMP protection.

No modifications or additions had been made to it, this due to its immediate purpose of functioning as an immediate replacement for Christian's left arm and that in case of failure it could be repaired more easily.

The sensation of a sting filled Christian's senses, the reason for them being due to the nanomachines in the prosthetic arm, which quickly connected to his body. Curiously, and given this capacity, they can come off in case of damage or future modifications.

Grateful for having the ability to feel no pain, which is helpful given the fact that the operation had been performed without any anesthesia. Christian began to move his prosthetic arm in search of evaluating its functioning, it apparently worked as he expected, it basically works like a normal arm and hand.

"Well now it's time to try it"


Standing on the roof of the night of his awakening and after putting his shirt back on, Christian calmly watched as the sun of the new day rose over the horizon.

Thanks to said sunlight, Christian was finally able to see where he was. It apparently is a city, given the large number of buildings in the surrounding area, each of different and varied sizes, Christian thought it was the center of the city.

In the distance he could see how the city had even more things, but due to the lack of more light and its own natural limit, he could not identify the buildings.

"I survived my first day." He looked at his robotic arm. "Sorry, but at least I'm still alive. What do you think, friend?"

The canoptek spyder and the scarab floating on his shoulders did not respond to it, only remaining completely silent. Nothing new given that he himself is a robot without consciousness (at least he thinks that).

Walking to the edge of the roof overlooking the alley where he had woken up, she carefully peeked out to observe his state after the previous night.

He himself has a total of 20 of those zombified shits, which do nothing beyond moving like well...zombies, from one side to the other.

Given his calm and collected state, Christian theorized that they had not detected his presence, which was a good thing given the tremendous stupidity he is about to do.

"Okay, experiment 2, functionality check of the new arm."

The very professional and serious tone of his tone, despite what it sounds like, was driven entirely by his more childish tastes in experimentation and his own idiocy.

"This is stupid…ahhh" He moved away from the edge and then placed himself in a fighting position, while releasing a sigh of acceptance "Scarabs, I order you to bring one of the beings from down there to here and hold it until further orders"

They obeyed and quickly got off Christian's shoulders and quickly disappeared at the edge, only to reappear almost a minute later with one of those zombies, held by the scarabs' legs.

They themselves are grunting and writhing from one side to the other, their appearance, which recently was completely diffuse given the state of darkness of the night along the route, is something that surprised Christian.

He is a man with black hair, opaque eyes and extremely pale skin. His clothing consists of a plaid shirt, beige pants, and brown shoes. She herself appears to be destroyed, whether due to the multiple bites on the body or the simple fact of being covered in blood. Christian imagined that he would smell bad, but due to his own problems with being able to smell bad things, he did not feel anything from his body. Which was both good and bad.

"Well at least this confirms that they were humans" he whispered with his gaze fixed on the zombie "Sacarbs let him go"

At his command, the Sacrabs released the zombie, causing it to fall suddenly against the roof of the building. The sound of something breaking made Christian make an unconscious gesture of pain. Empathy is curious even when one feels it as a rotting cannibal.

He himself began to get up from the ground, and then once standing he began to walk at a slow and broken pace towards Christian, who only prepared himself by getting into position with his left hand raised in order to test the zombie's resistance.

This test began immediately, when said being lunged at Christian with its jaws completely open in a sign of biting, the only response to this was to grab him by the neck.

"You know, if my emotions weren't turned off, I would be completely terrified of having you in front of me" The zombie did not respond, he just continued growling "First field test with the infected, survival test without a head"

The head was torn off from the zombie body with a simple gesture, Christian was completely sure that previously, even using both arms, such a thing would be impossible for him. New ideas arose in his mind as a result.

Holding the head with his left hand, Christian watched as the zombie's body collapsed as if it were a puppet whose strings had been cut. It reminded him a little of the strange scene from that horror movie whose name he no longer remembers.

Curiously, despite this, the zombie's head was still completely functional, and of course it continued trying to bite it, despite its senselessness.

"You're a tough son of a bitch, you know that" The head was crushed by his hand with all the strength available in it "First field test with the infected, survival test without a head, result death due to lack of head"

A look of disgust formed on Christian's face, as he observed the remains of infected material that now covered his entire left hand.

"Great, now I have to clean this shit up."


Sitting in a chair in his lab, Christian watched in wonder as the new solution he had created, named Kennedy, after Leon S Kennedy, his favorite zombie game character, was decomposing/destroying every bit of the infected biological material he had obtained. of the zombie's body.

A triumphant smile appeared on his face at the result of the solution which had been created thanks to his antibody creation skills.

"Now let's try this on a human being," he said while grabbing a bit of the content with a pipette. "Oh, me."

A little of its contents were released into Christian's right arm, which, seeing that nothing else had happened within ten minutes after contact, took it as a sign that it was safe for any form of life. not infected. Of course, I also tried it on his cybernetic arm, which did not react in any way to it.

After that, he proceeded to create a new solution whose purpose was to clean your clothes of any dirt, bacteria or viruses.

Once that was done, he undressed and submerged all his clothes (which he is sure are not the same ones he got drunk in) in a container (created by the scarab) full of newly created solution, said clothes consisting of a blue shirt, black pants and white tennis shoes, also and by using both liquids, I clean the place where I vomit. They differed in that Kennedy is yellow and cleaning is blue.

"Okay, let's get on with the good stuff."


Lying down in the operating chair again, although this time naked, Christian watched as a small crowd of scarabs and servoskulls gathered around him, who were about to operate on him.

Well, actually the ones who would do the operation are the servoskull, the scarabs are only there to hold the implants that would soon be implanted in Christian.

These implants consist of both external replacements in the form of the right arm, legs and eyes and internal replacements, such as the heart and lungs. Another thing to mention is that replacements for your most important bones such as the spine, ribs and pelvis are also included.

It should also be mentioned that he planned to install a power generator and a miniature matter/energy converter that, in combination with several nanomachines with the ability to harden in response to physical damage, would use sunlight absorbed from his skin as a source of energy. and thus, make it so that he did not need to eat to live.

To clarify all of these implants are made of Living Metal, protected from both hacking (he, he hopes so) and EMP.

One might wonder why he made such a decision, putting all his trust in experimental technology, whose risks of going wrong were so high that he might as well play Russian roulette, but with just one try.

The reason for this is due to a simple and banal reason.

Christian is weak.

It is the only reason why such a decision was made. The decision to replace much of his humanity with cybernetic implants.

Since he was young, Christian's body had only given him problems, not the kind of problems that would keep him permanently bedridden and hospitalized, but the kind that consumed much of his time and effort.

Whether it was the fact of constantly taking insomnia pills, his terminal kidney failure, his poor eyesight that forced him to always wear glasses, his weak back that made him slouch and shrink with each passing day.

Perhaps for many that is mild and they would say that he is complaining too much compared to others in more difficult situations. Christian could say bluntly that they were not wrong in that assessment.

Throughout his life he never had to fight for these problems beyond those generated by himself, he grew up surrounded by a loving family, which provided him with everything necessary to give him a comfortable and happy life. In addition to all this, as if that were not enough, he never lacked friends or colleagues who would always be willing to give him a hand.

So, the fact that he made the decision to use said technology to fix his broken body and improve it beyond the potential of his genome was not surprising, just a logical conclusion for someone of his type, a lazy person who makes hasty decisions that probably kill him, a waste given what was invested in him. This at least is Christian's opinion of the person he is.

Staring at the implants that would soon be connected to him, both external and internal. A thoughtful look graced his face before he simply let out a tired sigh and nodded in acceptance.

"Okay, Servoskull, install the right arm."

They moved and just like his left arm, it was quickly cut off and replaced with the old one. The installation was as expected, a stinging sensation was felt and said arm was finally able to act like a normal arm.

He made a few movements with his new hand, movements as common as sticking out his middle finger, doing an okay, and a classic high five.

"Okay, now the legs."

The process was almost similar to that of the arms, only in this case, the sensation made him feel like urinating, probably due to the connection of the nanomachines connecting to his body and causing certain stimuli in his body.

He slowly got up from the chair, and then began to perform a series of movements in sync with his other limbs, one of these activities curiously consists of dancing, the result is ridiculous and funny to say the least.

After that, he sat back down in the operating chair, with an increasing desire for future operations to be performed now.

"Well, that was the easy part, now the difficult part"


Christian's eyes were torn out, his birth eyes that, although weak, always accompanied him on his always confusing path, he replaced them in the search for improvement.

His spine was separated from him, his always reliable support of his life, his protection from the system that allows control of his body. Changed for better protection, weight and speed.

Your ribs, guardians of your ribcage, protectors of the vital organs of your torso. Removed due to the placement of a better defense.

His organs and especially his heart was next, one of the first to emerge in the womb, torn from its place, but not without being humiliated by the placement of two devices in its vicinity, to allow Christian's survival during the operation, extirpated and their positions usurped.

All of these things and more, Christian did with his body, all in order to survive and thrive against anything this world had to offer.

Once the process was finished, he got up from the chair, the feeling that his altered body gave him is simply great, it was as if he had the power to destroy a tank with blows.

"Good," his voice sounded a little hoarse, probably due to the dryness of his body. "Now, let's see how it turns out."


Standing in front of a mirror created by the Scarabs, Christian was able to observe the result of these modifications and their consequences on his appearance.

Strange is the word he used to describe his appearance, a combination of biology and machine.

His dark limbs made a great contrast with his white skin, the areas where these limbs were connected to his body, some types of black veins stood out, this is due to the connections made by the nanomachines.

In general, there would be nothing strange beyond these facts, just a young man with his cybernetic limbs appreciating the results of his new skills, nothing strange on that side, however and like every situation, this one had something curious.

What thing?

Well, the fact that Christian's face, well, it's not his face, at least not the one he was born with.

Where before there had been extremely short black hair, brown eyes full of dark circles, a simple face and tanned white skin, now there are brown eyes (these are cybernetic, he really doesn't know which ones are original), blonde hair, medium length by back, soft face and slightly pale white skin.

"Well at least that explains why his arm was pale and why he could see without glasses" his hands gently touched his face "No shit, I'm beautiful"

That was the only answer Christian came up with for all this and the truth is he wasn't wrong, compared to his previous face, his new face is quite pleasant to look at. The only thing he could be said to retain from his previous body is his physique and even then, he would say that the previous one is stronger.

Now one might wonder why his apparent calmness in the face of this revelation, contrary to what many would think, is that it is a product of his cranial implants and loading human.exe. The truth of the matter is that he just doesn't care.

For people of his type, life is simpler if you don't take most things seriously, even when they can kill you. An example of this was when he broke his arm and his only response to it was to get drunk while waiting for the ambulance. Which did not arrive and he had to be taken to the hospital, Latin America would not understand it.

In any case and free of any type of existential doubt for the moment, he limited himself to simply continuing to look at himself in the mirror in search of minor details that could be hidden in the body, after which after two minutes of finding nothing, he directed his He glances at the container where his clothes are stored, his right hand to his chin, to begin rubbing it in a thoughtful tone.

"Well, since my face isn't the same anymore, I think a change of outfit would be in order." An amused smile formed on her face, one that was quickly erased by the memory of the time she tried to make clothes. "I just hope not screw up the design"


Hello how are you?

I hope well, as those who read this will see, the chapter has been modified in order to improve its coherence.

Give me your opinion on the new version.

I thank anyone who is interested in this and encourage you to give support.

Thank you for reading.
Chapter 3: Creating Teams and Tools in a Dead World
Before starting this chapter, I recommend reading the previous one, which has been modified in order to improve the coherence and rhythm of the story.

Without further ado let's get started.


Disclaimer I do not own the material used in this fic.

Trying on clothes is not something that Christian personally liked, the reasons for this are due to both his natural laziness and the simple fact of not being able to find clothes that he likes in his size.

Once and as a result of this, he had tried to make clothes for himself with an old sewing machine from his house, a good idea if it weren't for the fact that the origin of said idea was a 12-year-old boy who has zero knowledge of both. the sewing machine and designing clothes.

Under that premise it was easy to know what would happen, him failing his wish, setting fire to both the fabric to be used and the machine and being beaten until he cried on the floor, good memories in general.

Funnily enough for him, that had been the best, the design of the clothes he had tried to make was fucking horrible. A complete crime against aesthetics and beauty, almost like today's celebrity clothing.

It is for that fact that he could not be happier to have chosen Smart Clothing as one of his purchases, the ability to create outfits capable of altering its shape, appearance, size, texture and that it could also be as resistant as a tank or more thanks to the use of Living Metal as a construction material, something that would really come in handy to achieve its survival, given the type of unknown threats in this world.

Looking at the laboratory table in front of him, Christian observed with extreme joy the disk full of nanomachines that would soon become his clothes.

These nanomachines have the ability to not only self-replicate, but also to create any available clothing that is programmed for them/whatever its owner imagines. This creation is not only capable of copying the texture, properties and weight of the original, but is also harder and more resistant than any modern material thanks to the Living Metal of its composition, another thing to mention is that thanks to its capacity for alteration, it has the ability to create any equipment that the user wants, such as a radio, radar, heating, shield generator, etc., on the fly as long as I had the energy/matter for it.

For their operation, they use the energy supplied by Christian's own body, in addition to the always reliable sunlight and absorption of both biological and inorganic matter.

From Christian's point of view this was his greatest creation to date, even above the healing nanomachines that prevented him from dying/transforming from the zombies in the first place. They had required not only a large amount of material obtained from devouring the zombies in the area, but also all of his effort, focus and time in order to polish the finer details of it.

Three days had passed since the implantation operation performed on him, an operation where much of his humanity had been removed from him, in order to improve his survival capabilities.

A decision that he personally was glad about, both for the fact of becoming stronger and for the simple fact that in his own words he looks great, a genius that he hoped to increase with his next action.

Grasping the disk gently and delicately, Christian placed it on his neural interface located at the base of his skull.

The neural interface is the last of the modifications made by him towards his person, it consists of a device, which, through a direct connection with the spinal cord and the brain, allows connecting to any specialized machinery and converting it. in part of the body. For example, a specialized armor would cause once connected, the wearer and the armor to become one and the same.

Useful, but not as devoid of defects as anything, such as someone hitting you from behind, although for that case to arise you would have to be hit with a missile.

The instant the disc was placed, a design choice screen was presented to Christian, the idea that the choice of clothing appearance in this way was somewhat based on Elden Ring's equipment selection. Most of the designs in the catalog are based on all the clothes he has seen in his life or at least what he remembers.

The appearance of the screen was thanks to his new eyes. These eyes allow you not only to see in different spectrums of light, but also to see in real time a kind of 3D model of the state of your body and any problems with it, to give an idea of what it is like, one must think about the typical video game screens.

Looking at the catalog of clothing designs in front of him, it took him a total of 30 minutes to choose the appearance of the new clothes he would wear from now on in this world.

Once that was done, he felt like mud, as the nanomachines slid from the disk at the base of his skull and the clothing of his choice began to build over his naked body, in case you were wondering. clothes are stored in the same container filled with the solutions of their creation, this is also the fate of their organs and amputated parts.

It took a few seconds before it finished the construction process, which was a good thing since one would never know when one would need a change of clothing/equipment to something more specialized for the task.

Christian moved towards the mirror in his laboratory, one of the scarabs' many creations. Then once done, look ahead, allowing yourself to see the result of his work.

This work consists of a short jacket with several black pockets with red lines in the center on a black hooded sweater with a red line in the center on a black shirt, black gloves with red details, black pants with several pockets and a belt red on the hip and protections on the knees and heavy black boots with red lines running along the sides and in the center. All this is complemented by a black helmet with a red visor with red lines above, on the sides and below on his head. The entire suit is completely sealed, functioning as a kind of biohazard suit.

"Wow, I look like something out of a modern avant-garde anime…I like it" He took a few last glances in the mirror, never in his life had he been more than happy about clothes, well except for that time he bought a rabbit costume "Now the important thing the endurance test

Finishing making a fool of himself for this time, he quickly moved to one of the laboratory tables, on which were a series of weapons and devices, which consisted of two stainless steel knives, an M9 pistol and a blowtorch. All created with the help of the scarabs (those little shits sure do come in handy) and their own knowledge, all created for the purpose of testing the suit's resistance and shielding.

Gripping the knife tightly with both hands, I point it in the direction of his stomach, the area where if something went wrong, he would not receive as much damage. The reason for doing this as already mentioned is to test the suit's resistance to different types of damage, one might wonder why not do this before putting on the clothes, well the answer to that is simple as the fact that they are programmed to only take shape when connected to the neural interface, because they don't. He did it any other way, well, because he's an idiot.

It is necessary to mention the fact that it reactivates the ability to feel pain, in order to know the success of the tests.

The knife was pushed in a quick and accurate movement, which once hit the shield, broke into multiple pieces. A kind of green light glowed for a few seconds before fading.

He examined the knife and its deplorable condition, completely unusable unless someone took the effort to repair it. The test with the shield had worked, now the only thing missing was not using the shield.

Discarding the broken knife and its parts on the table, I grab the double of it and perform the same procedure as before, only this time, the shield on his suit is deactivated.

That fact did not change much other than making it break into larger portions than the previous one.

Once the test was completed, he let both knives and their remains be devoured by the scarabs, in order to reuse the material.

The blowtorch was the next part of the test to be performed, turning it on, he began to pass it through his entire stomach, which given the lack of pain or even heat concluded the test successfully. This happened both in the test with and without a shield.

The end of said blowtorch is the same as that of knives, being devoured by scarabs.

Finally, this left M9 as the last test to complete. The most important given the fact that in zombie apocalypses, the probability of dying at the hands of other human beings from a distance as a result of a firearm is always high.

The gun was pointed in the direction of the stomach and then without hesitation, he emptied half the magazine into it. The bullets were completely pulverized upon impact with the shield of the suit, Christian is not sure why this is, it is probably due to the materials the bullets are made of, since when he performed the experiment again without the shield with the rest of the bullets, they only broke into small pieces.

Considering these are the things typically used to damage Living Metal and Necron shields, this isn't all that surprising overall.

Once the experiments were finished, he placed the gun on the table of origin and ordered the scarabs to eat it along with the remains of the bullets.

"Experiments finished, success proven" He throned his body calmly "Now, let's move on to the next thing."

Heading over to the computer in his lab, he sat in the chair in front of it and began working on his next project.

"Now, what types of weapons should I make for myself?"


There is nothing more natural than the fact of killing something using your own body to kill it, whether it was for food or defense, after all it is the purest way to kill, using the forces that nature itself gives you.

Under that argument, one wonders if modifying one's own body in order to make it stronger and more lethal, such as donning a pair of arms filled to the brim with weapons, would count as cheating.

Which is quite in line with the human being, the dominant species on planet earth, using not only the body's natural strength to win but also its intelligence and ability to create any chance of surviving and thriving.

Looking closely at the new prosthetic arms and legs in front of him, an amused smile began to form on Christian's face.

These new arm and leg prostheses are improved and altered models of those used by Christian, said improvements and alterations consist of the implementation of a multitude of weapons and tools of various types in order to both allow his own defense and attack and to carry out actions of a more complex nature, such as climbing a building from the outside.

Its construction was relatively simple, at least in the mold part, since he had simply copied the design of Christian's own current arms and made a few modifications to them in order to include all the weapons and tools that they currently possess.

It's all thanks to a combination of their Charged abilities, Miniaturization/Efficiency, Necron Technology and the most important piece if you doubt them, the Proto-Tool.

Nodding in congratulations to himself for his work, Christian ordered the servoskull under his command to grab the new prosthetics, and then went to the operating chair, at the same time he ordered his suit to retract until the limbs were left to be removed. discovered.

The process was similar in part to their first operation, the only difference was that when they removed their cybernetic limbs, there was a complete lack of blood from it.

The reason for this is due to the nanomachines that connect his body with his cybernetic limbs that quickly sealed the entire area where the limb was removed.

Once those were done, he gave the order for the servoskull to install the new limbs. To which once the installation process was completed, new data and functions filled her line of sight, while the connection with them finished forming.

Once the process was finished, his suit quickly remodeled to cover the new limbs. After which, he got up from the chair and began to move towards the faithful computer in his laboratory, without even taking a minute to rest or to appreciate his new limbs and began to work again on the next weapons that he would carry.

One would think that their new arms and legs alone would be enough given the large amounts of equipment they carry, however, for Christian this was not the case.

Although his new arms and legs had more than enough equipment and weapons to defend or attack, the truth is that at the end of the day, they are still his limbs, limbs that, if they fail during or due to a fight, will would render him completely useless and he would probably die.

It is for this reason that a weapon external to your body is the best option at the moment, a weapon that would serve both as a way to check the type of enemies that this world has to offer and that, if damaged, it will not affect in nothing to his person.

Basically, a plan A in the form of an external weapon to combat directly and a plan B in its extremities, either to attack or flee. Simple and easy to understand.

Sitting in the chair in front of his computer, Christian's mind searched the deep recesses of his imagination in order to find a type and design of weapon that he liked.

It took almost an hour for said weapon and design to form in his head, although more in terms of the design than the weapon itself.

Transmitting the data of their new creations to their scarabs, they quickly began to build them.

The creation process used by the scarabs is always something that fascinated him, the use of matter-energy conversion allowed them to create anything as long as they had the energy/matter for it.

One can be grateful that the Necron of 40k are divided and broken, because if they were not there, they would have taken everyone, since their awakening.

The construction process once completed allowed us to finally see the designs and appearances of their new weapons.

They consist of a pair of medium-sized pistols (compared to its 1.60M body) of dark black color with red details along the body and handle, which have a kind of secondary barrel under their barrel. from which a small blade protrudes.

Although at first glance its design was somewhat simple, the reality of the matter is that they are a version made entirely of nanomachines of the Ben 10 Proto-tool, only, instead of having a wide variety of various areas, these versions only have weapons and equipment intended to kill and destroy.

Kill and destroy.

As he thought of those words, a wave of doubt began to form in Christian's mind, something he had not felt in all his time in this place.

The reason for this is due to the simple fact of having created something with the sole purpose of killing, of taking the life from another living being.

Now, one may wonder why you feel this way at this point, well the issue with that is that, up to this point, most if not all of your actions and creations had not caused any harm to anyone.

Yes, he had killed several zombies around him as a matter of practice and to obtain materials, when he could have looked for a way to cure them and modified his body with technology that could destroy the world if it got out of control, but in essence none of those things had been done with the purpose of harming others (at least not sentient beings), beyond their defense.

Now, many could say that there was no difference between this and that, since they were being created with the purpose of having another means of defense against the future threats of this world, only in this case they are much more lethal.

A lethality that he shares with all his creations, but which, however, was not something sought.

That is the fundamental difference with his other creations, although all of them have the ability to be used as weapons, that is not the main function of their construction, not even their arms and legs filled to the brim with things. That is the difference, one is tools with the capacity to kill and the others are weapons intended to kill.

These thoughts remained in his head for a long time, something good both for their meaning and for the fact that perhaps this would be one of the few moments where said questions could be asked with complete calm in his being.

¨ Does it matter in the end? ¨ His conscience asked him "This is for living, for surviving, and it's not very different from what you've already done"

¨Yes, good point, it's just that¨ A soft laugh of sadness came out of his mouth ¨You just know I'll probably have to kill another human being¨

That is the central point of the doubt that he currently has in his heart, the fact that as in any apocalypse of this type, he will probably be forced to kill other human beings.

Well, that would be in the typical apocalypse, as far as Christian knows, he finds himself in the magical world of the zombie apocalypse where the infected are only men and there is a whole horde of women eager to keep him company.

He just snorted at this idea, a silly idea, but at least it was useful to get his mind away from his previous thoughts, better than letting his mind and emotions turn off completely through his cranial implants and carrying human .exe as a substitute for alcohol, as a temporary coping measure.

"I'll think about that when the time comes" the voice in his head told him to stop avoiding problems, he ignored it "Now, let's check how these puppies work."

The instant his hands took the handles of his weapons, his vision was filled with its details and functions. This feature was something added to the weapons, they have a series of nodes that connect to the computer located in your brain through a wireless connection.

This would theoretically allow a person with no experience in weapons like Christian (at least not this type) to be able to handle them fluently, in addition of course being able to activate the various functions of the weapons.

Gripping the pistols with inhuman strength, Christian examined them using his scanning and analysis skills on his suit for any sign of imperfection, something necessary given the type of damage they could cause if they failed.

After a while of examination and finding nothing wrong with them, he ordered his suit to be modified in order to include a pair of holsters in his pants, where when finished, he kept his weapons.

He began to walk to the laboratory mirror, which could very well be his home since he practically lives there, and then once in front of it, admire the fruits of his work.

"Well, I think... I'm ready... for what this world has to give" he said with a slightly doubtful voice, before tilting his head and putting a positive smile on his face "Now to mark the teammates."


Modifying a canoptek spyder under the summer sun is an activity that Christian never thought he would be doing in his life, although well that could apply to everything that has happened in the last few days.

Being back on that roof of his awakening, he is currently making a series of modifications and installations to his trusty spyder, his main source of material and construction.

Said modifications and installations consist of things like a second power generator to reinforce the production and maintenance of the spyder, useful given the fact that I also install a shield and a few weapons to improve both its defense and attack, last but not least , also and like the rest of his "thinking" creations, had placed a chip in it, which allows him to connect remotely with them, allowing him not only to know their physical state, but also to order them to come where he is and Other things.

Finishing installing all the equipment, Christian carefully observed how the tools in his arms, used to carry out the procedure, returned to the inside of his arms, and then were once again covered by his suit, which had been retracted in order to use these tools without damaging it.

A new variety of data was presented in his view, data that was mostly about his various "Thinking" constructs, their status, location, capacity, etc.

Once the connection process was finished, he performed a system diagnosis to ensure its operation, and then once he made sure that everything was fine, he went to the edge of the building connected to the alley where he had woken up a few days ago.

This alley is completely empty, the reason for this is both the use of any zombie in the area as construction material by converting their bodies into energy thanks to the scarabs and the spyder under his command (he did not want to use it in the buildings in order not to attract attention) and the fact that the surroundings of the roof where it is, are devoid of anything striking that could keep them here.

One would think that the presence of the gigantic canoptek spyder would be enough to keep them in place, but the thing is that beyond looking bright and flashy, it did not have something that would make the zombies want to stay in place, perhaps the reason This was due to its lack of noise, its lack of smell, the fact that it was a robot, etc.

In general, and beyond the sound of the air and the rats in the area, there was nothing that caught the attention of the place, even Christian who has scanners capable of detecting life in twenty meters, did not find anything striking.

"Okay, time to explore" he turned to look at the silent spyder "Take care, I'll call you if I need anything."

One could say that it is very reckless of Christian to leave the spyder in this place in sight of any random person walking by the place, which is not entirely correct, because to see him one would need to climb a building, but for that matter, simply leaving it here alone could be considered stupid and reckless.

He knows that clearly, but I consider that, given that the spyder had not suffered any damage or attack during the entire time that he was locked in his laboratory, ignoring, of course, the periods used to order the collection of materials from the scarabs, He concluded that that would be the same in this case, furthermore, and if that situation arises, the spyder is fully equipped to handle any type of threat both thanks to his natural abilities and the recently implanted ones.

An extremely arrogant thought of course, but appropriate for someone of his type.

Taking one last look at the spyder, he returned his gaze to the alley, then hesitantly dropped to his feet from the edge.

His landing was smooth and silent, this was thanks to the antigravity technology in both his legs and suit, which allowed him not only to greatly reduce his weight, but also to fly, but slowly and a little unstable due to the lack of practice. A computer and modifications will do a lot for you, but if your body and mind are not used to the activity then no matter what you have, you are going to fail.

Recovering from his fall, he began walking to the left exit of the alley. The building (its roof more specifically) where he is located is in an apparent business area, a place that he would call the center of the city due to its large number of buildings. The building itself is in one of the many rows of buildings in the area.

During the journey to the exit of the place, the idea of returning and returning to his laboratory and locking himself up again to never come out and face his situation appeared in his head, an idea that he quickly discarded for the simple fact of not being a coward. shit and the simple fact of wanting to explore, silly for many, but that's how he is.

Without any further hesitation or doubt in his mind, he gave a small prayer hoping that everything would turn out well…he really hoped that everything would turn out well.


Hello how are you?

I hope it's ok.

Third chapter of the fanfic, in this we can see how Christian creates his equipment and tools that he will use to explore the new world where he is, in addition to of course some doubts about himself.

As always, I remind you that English is not my first language and I am open to criticism.

Thank you for reading.
Chapter 4: Exploring and Investigating a City in a Dead World
I'm back, after two full months I'm back to continue this crazy story, first of all I apologize for not giving any signs of life, many things happened, both personal and not knowing what to write in the fanfic, this is the sixth version of the chapter.

I hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer I do not own the material used in this fic.

Stepping out of the alley from his awakening, Christian took a look at his surroundings. Although he has in his suit, a radar and sensors capable of detecting the presence of any being within 20 meters of his position, it never hurts to make sure of the environment around him with more mundane means.

Without seeing or detecting anything dangerous in his vicinity, he took out his weapons from their holsters and began to explore the place, although before that, he first concentrated on recognizing the surroundings of the place where he was, something that even without his cybernetic enhancements and being completely lost, it's something simple to do.

The environment around him can be described as the typical setting of a recent modern post-apocalypse fiction. Buildings of various purposes and sizes lined up along the street, abandoned cars and trucks of various models, types and sizes scattered around, damp and dark alleys spread along the junction of the buildings and last but not least , dried and rotten blood splashing every inch of the sidewalk and street there. All the places and things mentioned share the broken and abandoned state of an abandoned place, especially how many are cared or with a destroyed or crashed engine.

In short, a movie scene, only in this case it is real life...the punches he gave himself every time he finished an update on his body confirm the reality of all this and he does not have any woman (Black) to rescue , fall in love and have a happy ending…yet…he really hopes that.

Curiously, moving around this unknown and chaotic environment is relatively easy to do given the ability to create a real-time 3D map of your surroundings, 20 meters to be exact, limited in this way for both safety and concentration reasons. in things close to him and not having himself saturated with data.

Data on what?

Well, everything.

Thanks to the combination of its radar, sonar and sensors, its map not only shows every building and alley in the place, but also its small details, things like stairs, gutters and even the sewers of various sizes that run through the bowels of the earth, which connect each building in the place, to all this is added the ability to "see" the interior of said places to make their mapping more complete, however all this pales in comparison to the fact of being able to know the exact location of any living being around you.

They appear on the map as small dots, distinguished by different colors intended to differentiate those detected. Red for unknown humans, yellow for infected, blue for animals, orange for vehicles, and green for allies.

Something to highlight in the case of the yellow ones is that they are greatly absent in the places where Christian is exploring. He is unsure of the reasons for this, beyond theorizing that it is due to ordering his scarabs to devour any zombies in the vicinity (which also posed another problem since he never established what close means, which is bad because every time his laboratory left he left them alone) and that there was nothing that kept them here in the first place (Noise, animals, his mere presence, etc.)

In a way it was a good thing since it made his exploration much easier and calmer, something he liked to a certain extent, you never know when you would enjoy things like that again.

Anyway, even if the place was filled to the brim with that shit, thanks to this and his enhanced senses, the fear of being ambushed had been greatly reduced, not enough for his paranoia to disappear, which It is good since trusting himself would only end up killing him out of arrogance, but enough so that he no longer has to turn off said emotions with his cranial implants, something good due to the fact that he does not want to be completely dependent on them, which in case of Failure would leave him incapable of acting in moments of extreme tension, as well as always wanting to function as a normal human being, both with downs and ups. Which is why he didn't keep himself in a state of constant indifference or extreme joy/happiness, such things would drive him crazy in the long run… if he isn't already, given the things done these days.

Ignoring that and returning to the current topic, one must keep in mind that his exploration did not consist only of him moving from one side to the other in search of something striking (people, objects, zombies), while creating a map of relatively large size. and long composed of the places where it passes (mostly streets and alleys), which has the disadvantage that those places outside its detection range are not in real time, but also analyzing the environment around it through of the scans in your eyes.

These scanners are one of the most important features of Christian's cybernetic eyes, along with the different types of vision available to him (infrared, x-ray, night, etc.), which allow him to know practically everything about his environment, from the simplest things like the components of the hard and heavy earth, to the most detailed things like the composition of the buildings around it, their approximate age, their structural condition and so on.

No secret was left undiscovered thanks to this, whether it is useful or not in the current time, nor forget given that all the information obtained is stored in the computer in your head, located in your brain, which through a series of nanomachines was connected each part of his brain, improving it greatly, which is why he could use the different types of vision without his brain short-circuiting as it was not capable of receiving this type of data.

Curiously, and thanks to these abilities, he was able to detect his presence in the soft, cold and relaxing air around him. The presence of the pathogen responsible for the existence of the undead known zombie beings, the one responsible for the place where he is, being this way, called by himself as the Romero Pathogen (Christian has little originality for names).

Since its arrival and for obvious reasons, it had become one of Christian's main subjects of study, mostly with the aim of destroying it without leaving any traces, the investigation for that purpose had been divided into two different study periods, each separated by a relatively long amount of time.

In both cases, a clear benefit had presented itself at the end of them, whether it was the creation of the healing nanomachines that currently course through his body (although that was more a matter of programming them to attack anything that was not natural to a human body with the exception of his other creations) and the creation of the Kennedy substance, which destroys both the pathogen and any infected being at a molecular level.

Due to these facts, Christian's knowledge consists almost entirely of methods to destroy it without leaving a trace of its existence, plus a few pieces of information about its functioning as a virus, but not much beyond that.

A pretty big failure, given that you never know if he could mutate/evolve, making his nanomachines useless and turning him into a stinking bag of dead meat (not to mention the possibility of the existence of special Resident Evil-type zombies), a quite a big failure, generated by his own incompetence and desire to explore his knowledge in cybernetics and recover his lost arm, leaving said research somewhat forgotten.

He made a metal note, to return to said research later in the hope of improving his understanding of it, something that with new data obtained about one of its forms of transmission (which he did not know because he had never done this before, another failure ) and with a little more concentration, resources, more specialized equipment, time and spending a few points on something related to the broader biology beyond combining humans and machines into a single being, I would be ready to unravel the mysteries of the pathogen, perhaps even finding a way to reverse the transformation.

Thinking about her knowledge is a constant reminder of the cost of it and the waste she had made, especially when the amount she had been given was more than enough to give her general knowledge on various topics instead of over-specialization. that he currently has.

This fact is a direct consequence of his hasty decision-making, decisions that many could argue that the making of those decisions was due to a moment of extreme physical and mental weakness, which, given his dazed and disoriented state as a result of his rare Waking up made things somewhat understandable, but that didn't mean it didn't affect him in some way, especially when if it weren't for the luck of the ladder in the alley and obtaining the Celestial Forge, he would most likely have He would be dead (from bleeding) or turned into a zombie (lost fingers and infected).

In any case, what's done is done and the only thing left was to accept those decisions. Of course one should not misinterpret his words, he really does not regret his purchases and the knowledge he has acquired (he really loves his nanomachines), instead it was more a matter of feeling that in other, much calmer circumstances , these purchases could have been something much more varied instead of the small redundancies that it currently has, such as Cranial Implants and Loading Human.exe, which for practical purposes could well be the same.

"You know you can always ask Celestial Forge about getting points, right? ¨

"Ah…that's right, thank you conscience." He thanked his conscience for reminding him of that fact. "Celestial Forge, what is the method for obtaining purchase points?"

By the grace of Chaos and Randomness, you are informed that the knowledge of obtaining more shopping points is something you have to figure out yourself.
Thanks for your attention and happy survival.
A look of absolute disbelief formed on Christian's face as he finished reading those words, not so much because of the fact that he had been denied the information he wanted but more because of the formal and simple tone of the words, as if it were an answer. answering machine.

"Well…I didn't expect that" The first disappointment given by himself, some good in a way to remind him about trust and faith about a kind of store of knowledge of unknown origin "Insulting in a way, but given the fact informing about the possibility of obtaining points, not entirely useless"

A good thing given his goal of gaining more knowledge of other areas in order to improve his overall survival abilities, as well as being able to create a good shelter for himself and anyone who would like to join him.

The last thing was something he had been thinking about practically since the second day he was here. Given the presence of the buildings, cars, zombies and their obvious human origin, he concluded that there must be humans in this world.

In general you weren't sure what to do when meeting someone beyond trying to make contact and see if he or they are hostile towards you, which, given the frequency of such behaviors in this kind of situation, was already happening. getting to the idea that he would probably have to incapacitate or kill them. Preferably incapacitate them in order to extract information from them and carry out one or another experiment.

Carrying out these actions did not bother Christian in the least, less because of the cranial implants and more because of internalizing the fact that in other circumstances, being killed would be the gentlest thing that could be done to him, also and far from this point. There was another reason why you are worried about coming into contact with people.

People's rejection of him.

Given his technology and cybernetic capabilities, in addition to the modifications made to his person, Christian did not doubt that people, even if they were not completely hostile towards him, would still be reluctant to trust him (if they were not already. ), more so when he presents/demonstrates his full range of technological abilities/creations, which are far above anything this world has ever seen (as far as he knows), so much so that if one were to look at them with the naked eye, one would think such things as magical or simply impossible.

He is aware of this, that distrust will be the first thing people will have in their hearts when they see him for the first time, not surprising given that he would be the same in their situations or even more paranoid.

To solve this, he devised a series of plans to get people to trust him, things like creating a place full of all modern conveniences and beyond, curing diseases and illnesses forever, including the zombie pathogen, limb replacement. lost with completely superior versions of their biological counterparts and even possessing more time, equipment, knowledge and equipment, a possible way to reverse the transformation of the zombies and return them to being human.

Of course he knows perfectly well that saying these things to any random person out there would only end up with him getting into trouble that he doesn't know if he could get out of alive given the number of unknown threats in this world. Threats which could be so dangerous that the use of Hax weaponry such as a Starbreaker Xeelee could be on the table and even then there would still be significant room for loss. Things like the Netora Ranger, existences beyond space and time, whose nature could be described as an immutable concept on the same caliber as gravity.

This is one of the reasons why he is so resentful of creating and sending drones to explore his surroundings, creating some type of long radius or seeing if there was any signal in his vicinity and one of the reasons he limits the range of his sonar/radar, in addition to the fact that he doesn't want to have too many things on the screen/mind and get distracted, all because he is not sure if there is something or someone with the ability to detect and track him. Which may have the ability to kill him.

Because of this and his need for information about the terrain he is in (as well as his own desire to go outside) he is now doing what he is doing, that is, walking from one side to the other without any fixed direction in search of something. striking.

Basically what 100% of open world video game players do as soon as they start, although in his case and given that he has the Celestial Forge, it is the modded version of said scenario.

In any case, and ignoring whether or not life is a game, Christian dedicated himself to simply continuing to move forward and explore the site in search of something striking, something like…


"Something like this"

Hidden in an alley, Christian carefully observed the curious scene that was taking place about 25 meters from him.

A zombie horde is the clear description of what it is, a horde composed of undead beings devouring flesh, a wave of death in simple words. Said horde is currently stumbling from one side to the other without apparently moving from its position, all while wild and guttural growls are released by the components of the horde.

Christian theorized that such behavior is due to a lack of anything to make him react, whether it be a loud noise, flashy things, or food, which in the context of the undead and the complete lack of any living being larger than a rat in the street, it's all a living thing.

"Well at least that explains where all the outside zombies went or at least a good amount."

His eyes continued analyzing the horde, however, he quickly encountered the problem of how little visible everything is, mostly due to the large concentration of zombies and the fact that even activating the other functions of his eyes (x-rays/ infrared vision), the problem was still maintained or even aggravated as in the case of infrared vision given the fact that when they are dead they lack temperature and appear as a shapeless blue mass.

"I need high ground."

Christian took a few glances at his surroundings and at his radar in search of threats (not there), and then looked up at the sky or more specifically at the edge of one of the buildings that form the alley where said alley currently shares the same boring, abandoned and simple tone as the rest, in addition to only having one exit and no stairs to climb to the roofs, such a fact would have made many retreat and look for some other place to climb, however and thanks to its weapons this is not the case for him.

This is due to the fact that these weapons are based on the iconic proto-tool used by the charismatic character Rook Blonko from Ben 10. Which can be described as a high-tech multifunctional weapon, this description is revealing of one of its greatest characteristics. , its multifunction. Whether it functions as a simple laser weapon or a missile launcher, it is made and designed to be used in a wide variety of scenarios, both civil and military.

It is under this fact that one can get the idea of the capabilities of Christian's weapons, which were magnified thanks to the fact that it was composed entirely of self-replicating nanomachines that allow it to repair itself in case of being damaged and to absorb energy both the generated by the wearer's own body as well as the environmental one, which eliminates one of the weaknesses of the original design and its lethality, especially when the weaponry used by them is greater than that used by the original proto-tool or at least it is greater in the sense of killing

With these facts in mind it wasn't a surprise what happened next or well in a way it was given how cool it looks.

"Hook Mode"

Given the order given, the weapons quickly began the process of switching to said mode. The main barrel of the weapon was split in two (nothing is seen except a kind of black wall), giving complete freedom to the second barrel, which begins to expand forward, covering a little more the blade of the barrel to which small Beak-like protuberances emerge from the flat edges. The process took a full second to complete, slow by survival standards, but useful nonetheless.

Watching the edge of the roof carefully, he pointed his two weapons at the edge with a firm and powerful grip. Calculations about speed, weight, pressure and gravity were given in his head, said calculations only took a full second to make and complete, and then he ordered his weapons

"To fly"

Squeezing the trigger of his weapons, the blades of his weapons shot out at high speed, both connected by a thick thread made of nanomachines to the main body, he did not feel any recoil from them, this due to the modifications in his body. A soft cracking and breaking sound rang out, confirming the penetration of said blades into the building.

Giving a few nods to the weapons to confirm their penetration strength and resistance, he gave a small nod before pulling the triggers of the weapons again.

His body was raised at high speed as a result of the retracting of the blades, a hissing sound was produced by this action.

Seeing something like this, one would think of a typical action movie/game scene where a character would use a hook gun to access distant or high places, basically one of the most characteristic things about Ada Wong's character from Resident Evil, well and the acrobatics, worthy of one of the spy-type characters in fiction.

Unfortunately Christian is not Ada and unlike her, his knowledge and practices in acrobatics are reduced to simply being able to lift his lazy butt out of bed. Given this one could imagine what ended up happening.

Christian crashed against the edge of the building, which due to the force and speed of climbing caused a loud crash noise and the formation of a silhouette on the wall, only his legs make up said silhouette, this due to the way in which he He crashed, with his torso hitting the edge and the top on top of the roof.

Thanks to the fact that he didn't feel pain, it didn't take him long to push the rest of his body up onto the roof and then get back up, during this entire process he never let go of his weapons.

"Note to self, I need to practice more with this thing" I whisper in an annoyed tone.

Pressing the triggers of his weapons again, the blades converted into hooks were retracted again, although this time and given Christian's position, they did not propel him backwards, but this time they moved to return to their origin.

A soft sound of the alien metal thread retracting sounded in the air, it took less than a second to finish the process and behind them he moved so he could look at the horde in his vicinity.

Squatting on the edge of the building, he observed the large number of zombies that make up the horde, at first glance one could tell that there were more than 100, which thanks to his scanners he knew to be partly true.

The reality of the matter is that the horde is made up of twice that amount, 200 undead beings devouring the living, which as if it were a lake of death and decay, remained still in place. The comparison with a lake comes from the fact that due to the various cars of various types within the horde and how the zombies surround and avoid them, they give the illusion of being stones in a lake.

Looking carefully at the horde, Christian thought about the most efficient way to eliminate it. Thanks to the distance cut with the horde and the altitude, he was able to better appreciate the horde and its functioning, the reason why he knew the number of members.

This is due to the fact that the distance between him and the horde had been reduced to 10 meters (which measures the ceiling horizontally), which causes the map and radar/sonar to have a completely yellow side.

A curious fact about the horde is that despite the fact that some are literally with missing body parts or in a decomposed state, none of them produce a bad smell. Christian didn't know the reason for this, especially with a sun as hot as the current one.

Finally deciding on how to eliminate the horde, Christian stood up from his crouched position and did a few quick stretches. He didn't really need it, but the sensation of doing them gave him a certain enjoyment that he couldn't explain, perhaps due to the fact of what comes next.

The beginning of his extermination plan. A plan that could only be described as stupid, childish, weird and silly, all things that marked his being.

"Alright, here we go."

Christian dropped from the edge of the building, however, unlike when he did so in the building where he kept his sypder, this time he did not use his antigravity and density manipulation to reduce the speed of his fall.

He landed on his feet on the hot, hard street, a crashing sound filling the air, accompanied by the sounds of Christian's suit moving at a slow, gentle pace towards the horde.

Said horde reacted instantly to the sound of the ground beneath them breaking, their heads collectively immediately heading towards the source of the sound, allowing them to see Christian heading in their direction.

The wild, guttural growls only increased at this, the horde quickly began to move in their direction, their gait slow, but steady. In a way that only made it more terrifying, a march of death, which does not stop under any circumstances, except for two simple cases, its destruction or reaching its prey.

Faced with this whole situation, the only thing he could do was put the craziest smile possible on his face. Calculations were made in his head, all targets highlighted in yellow with their heads marked by a white cross.

"Submachine Gun Mode"

Their weapons were altered. The main barrel rejoins into one as it expands to almost twice its original length, the blade loses its protuberances, and the barrel covering it retracts back to its original position. The handle also changes slightly by creating a type of reinforcement on its back, as if it were a stock.

Without hesitation and hesitation, Christian aimed his newly changed weapons at the horde in front of him. A soft sigh left his lips and then she pressed the triggers on his weapons.

A tide of green lights came out shooting from them, each one having the shape of a 9mm bullet, a small and simple size for many, but given the fact of what the shots are made of and their fast rate of fire, such Things didn't matter much. His arms swing from side to side, delivering the shots left and right.

The sight of green lights flying at full speed, along with the sound they produce (a kind of whistle) is something wonderful to see and hear (it reminds you in a great way of New Year's...and when it caught fire), but it is even more the result it has against the zombies.

Destroyed is the only word to describe their states after being shot, their heads and much of their torso practically disappear upon mere contact with them, not only those who are shot receive damage, but also those close enough to those shot. , although in this case the majority lose limbs or large chunks of their faces.

The zombies in the front fall dead without any resistance or complaint, while those behind them maintain their advance without caring about anything beyond the desire to tear their flesh (it is not much) even as they walk over the dead bodies of their peers, the product of This fact, mounds of dead zombies begin to form, mounds that little by little begin to increase until they occupy a large part of the street.

The massacre (because there is no other way to describe it) lasted a total of 5 minutes, 5 full minutes of him shooting left and right like crazy at the zombie horde and everything around it, the last thing is mentioned due to the fact of the gigantic holes where the shots from their weapons impact as a result of passing through the zombies and continuing to fly.

When he finished, Christian just looked at the result of his work with a critical and thoughtful look, this is his first time using his weapons (they need a name) on a living being (not dead) and seeing the result of them, basically his power and capacity for destruction.


Moving along the path of death and destruction caused, he saw zombie corpses and mounds everywhere. Thanks to his scanners and his radar/sonar (in addition to the grunts they let out) he learned that under the mounds there are some living zombies (pun intended), they probably fell for whatever reason and began to be crushed under the mass of the falling corpses.

"Well, I think I can consider this a success as far as weapons testing is concerned," he said in a cheerful and happy tone. "Now let's clean this place."

The nanomachines that make up his pants quickly moved until they revealed his calves, and a kind of compartment opened. As if it were a marijuana room, a yellow gas quickly shot out from inside. This gas is the Kennedy substance, its substance kills zombies.

Upon coming into contact with the infected meat, it quickly began to destroy them at a molecular level, until nothing was left. To inexperienced eyes they appear as if they were decomposing at high speed until they did not even leave any dust.

Although the gas spread well across the open terrain, it still required movement around the place for it to work properly and not leave a single zombie, both dead and alive.

When he finished everything, he closed the compartments of his legs, so that they would then be covered again by the nanomachines.

A cloud of yellow gas was the only thing left to bear witness to what happened. Christian thought that in a way this counts as another experiment, specifically knowing how long the gas would last in an open place like this.

"Shit, I need a break."

Physically he doesn't really need it given the modifications to his body, however, on the mental side, he is absolutely exhausted, less from the massacre and more from the long and boring walks he had taken to get here (he had practically walked two full kilometers of pure boredom).

Deciding to take a moment of rest, Christian thought about where he should take said break (sitting outside in the streets, it's just an invitation to trouble, he didn't already have it because of all the noise he made), finally the answer to said The question arose when observing a convenience store on the left side of the street. He knew it was that kind of store from the large, dull 24/7 sign out front.

Approaching the store, he observed the state of it. This state is no different from the others in terms of being deteriorated and abandoned, however, it differs in the fact that the walls are made of (dirty) glass, a pair of double doors mark the entrance to the place. One thing to mention about the glass is that it is bulletproof, he wondered about the level of crime in the pre-apocalypse area.

Pushing the door in order to know if it is open or not, a soft rattling sound sounded to confirm its closed status.

Holstering his left weapon, the nanomachines covering his left hand slid off, revealing the cybernetic hand in the air. A small mouth opened from the middle of his finger, a series of small cables came out from inside, the finger and the cables were pressed against the lock of the place, the cables entered inside. Cracking sounds sounded and in an instant the door opened.

Happy with his work, he put the cables away, then closed the nozzle and let it be covered again. He unholstered his holstered gun and opened the door as he points inside it.

Of course and given his skills he knew that beyond the yellow dot at the back of the store, there are not really any enemies inside, this is just because of his childish taste. A bell rang as he entered.

The store itself is in relatively good condition, which given the fact that it had not apparently been looted or invaded by zombies, explains why. The only bad thing, to say the least, is the fact that there is no electricity, which means that anything that requires it must already be rotten, things like meat and so on.

"What a waste"

Ignoring that fact, the shelves of the store are full and overflowing with food of various types, mostly junk food, seeing this made him wonder how a place like this had not been looted/destroyed.

"Probably because of the glass and the horde"

Christian began to move towards the back of the store, although not before closing the door, not locking it or anything like that, the reason for this is due to the lack of threats on his map.

Going through the entire store, he came to a hallway with a door that, according to his map, leads to the next store, which his scanner revealed to be soundproof (I repeat who owned the store), which is why you can't hear the zombie. inside. Grabbing the door knob, I turn it to confirm its status, which unlike the main door is open, however, before opening the door I look at the map, to confirm the location of the zombie inside, said position. It is literally in front of the door.

"A quick execution then."

The door was opened without hesitation or fear and a zombie lunged at him. Christian responded by hitting him with his left weapon, the head and the weapon crashed into the wall, the head broke, scattering the remains of him on the floor and the wall and a hole in the shape of the base of a handle formed in the wall. .

As a result of this action, his weapon and hand were slightly stained with the remains of the zombie, this was not a problem given the cleaning function of his suit and weapon with the nanomachines that make them up.

Going through the door, he entered the back room. It is within what is expected in these places, a lot of boxes and piles of products (food, low-grade medicines, household things, etc.) spread throughout the room, which has no other shape. to access it beyond the door.

The place is fucking dark due to the lack of light, which given the power generator on one side of the room is funny. In any case, this lack of light did not affect Christian given the functions of his eyes, which changed to night vision.

He moved around the room, avoiding the various boxes on the floor until he reached spawn. It is about those lever generators that run on gasoline, its color is dull red and it is fucking dirty.

Holstering his left weapon, he repeated the process he did when he opened the front door of the store, only in this case no wires came out from inside his middle finger. Said finger directed him to the entrance where the fuel is deposited, he knew this thanks to his scanner that gave him a complete plan of it, which allowed him to know how little fuel he currently has, which is why he is doing what what you are currently doing.

Inserting my finger inside, I suck out a small amount of the flammable liquid. Data about its composition appeared in his vision, nodding at it, he quickly began the process of converting some of his energy into more of said compound.

Something that many forget about matter is that it can take/be in various states, so, under this logic, there would be no problem in which a matter-energy converter could generate liquids, even if they are relatively complex.

Once I finish creating a good amount of fuel, I deposit everything produced inside and remove my finger from the inside. The hand was covered again and he directed said hand towards the generator lever. A couple of pulls were necessary before it turned on, for the light to return to the spot.

Happy with his work, he let out a sigh and put a cheerful smile on his face at it.

"Okay, let's rest."


Drinking hot beer is, as strange as it may sound, something Christian does a lot. The reason for this is due to the memory of him drinking beer secretly from his family when he was about 8 years old. Happy moments indeed, both because of how euphoric the beer made him and the simple excitement of doing something "forbidden" so to speak.

Sitting on the floor behind the counter, he took his fifth can of beer of the day from his lips. The taste, although ugly and sour, is simply divine in her current situation where she had not taken any liquid since her arrival. Not even eaten, but it was also solved in the form of a bag of chips next to him. Both the beer and the fries are from unknown brands, but edible nonetheless and that's what matters.

Thinking about food and drinks also brought up the topic that he would have to find some method by which he could transport all the loot he obtained today. Given this, the idea of building a mobile base arose in his head, something that would allow him to move from one place to another and be able to rest whenever he wanted in a safe place.

Given this idea, a lot of other ideas formed in Christian's mind, all of these ideas focused exclusively on how he should build said mobile base. Whether it was a simple truck or even a spaceship, multiple designs and shapes were displayed before him, each one more imaginative and crazy than the last and he liked that.

His thoughts about spaceships and crazy constructions were quickly cut off by the sound of a motorcycle approaching. On his map a red spot entered his range, said spot is approaching his direction at high speed.

Immediately after that, Christian unholstered his two weapons and took cover against the counter, so quick was his action and thought that he forgot to put his helmet back on. Moron.

The red dot stops in front of the store, the sound of the door opening serving as a reminder that this is happening, his first human contact in this world.

The human began to move around the store, the sound of a backpack opening and beginning to fill with the things from the store, he sensed that it was food given the sounds of cardboard packaging colliding with each other.

This fact bothered Christian greatly, the reasons why are clear. This is his loot and he was the one who had fought against the horde for the right to take over the site (although at first he didn't do it for that reason), a look of annoyance formed on his face.

He gently leaned out to look at the human, a tall man dressed in a blue trench coat with dark green checks over a sweater with a white hoodie, which is currently placed over his head, black pants, black and white tennis shoes and goggles, his mouth, beard and black hair were visible to the world. Memories of knowing those clothes and person come to Christian's head, but he does not know how to identify them.

Said man, as he had sensed, is currently looting everything possible from the site, eating mainly in a military green backpack. Given this fact the man is currently distracted from his surroundings, completely vulnerable to any attack/murder.

"First information, then see what to do with it"

With a grimace of annoyance on his face and making as little noise as possible, Christian comes out of his hiding place and sits on the counter with his weapons pointed at the man. It was during this process and upon feeling the air on his face that he realized that He doesn't have his helmet on, he cursed the serious carelessness, but still decided to continue with his plans.

"You know, friend, when you enter a place, it is polite to greet its occupants," he said in a funny tone.

The man jumped in fright at Christian's voice, he quickly turned around looking for the origin of the voice. As you make and meet his gaze with yours, the man stares at you intently. No words came out of his mouth, a look of confusion/disbelief forming on the man's face.

"Miller?" the man asked confused.

I raise my eyebrow at the name given by the man, because of his tone and way of saying it, as well as the fact that there are only the two of them, I sense that the man must be confusing him with another person...or actually the owner of this body.

Such a thing was a possibility that had been lingering in Christian's mind since he first learned that this was not his original body, the possibility that he had stolen someone else's body rather than a completely scratch one being given to him. I would have given.

"I know you?" He said false curiosity, since he had no memory of this body's life, it was best for him to fake amnesia/dementia to throw off anyone who might know the original owner.

A look of surprise appeared on the man's face, one that quickly changed to one that was a little more amused, but still nervous and serious.

"Miller, it's me. You, good old physical education teacher" The man lowered his hood and took off his glasses, revealing the face before him, a face he knows very well "See, it's me… Negan Smith"


Hello how are you?

I hope you are good.

Fourth chapter of the fanfic, in this we can see how Christian explores his environment a little, kills some zombies, we see the operation of his equipment and finally meet an old acquaintance of both the soul that inhabits the body or the body that he possesses. For many, this chapter may seem like filler and it is in part, but it serves well for what comes next.

As always, I remind you that English is not my first language and I am open to criticism.

Thank you for reading.
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This is new! OP you have a unique writing style. Sometimes its harder to read, but other times I think it adds a unique and desirable touch to your description of the scene, which is cool.

I like reading about what is happening, and I am interested in what comes next.

Walking dead is one of those sorta boring irl based settings with no uberpowerful superheroes existing, just boring ole people. So having the CF is very interesting.
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