Original The Urban Journey: An “Ex Novo” City-building Quest

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City Name: Cradle's Rest

Ex Novo is a game for between 1-4 players that revolves around constructing a community. This could range from a new fresh settlement to an ancient bastion of civilization, a farming village to a great metropolis. This is done by creating the starting conditions of the settlement and then going through a series of major events in community's history. By going through these key events of the city's past, we slowly build up the shape, size, major landmarks, resources, and influential factions into a dynamic, more realistic community.

Outcomes are normally randomized with the use of six-sided dice and tables listing the different options conditions and events. The descriptions on the tables influence things that are added or removed from a map of the community or a list of involved factions and their relative power in the city. They also include prompts in the form of questions that can help with story creation.

Early roles are mostly 2d6, but history roles are based on a "d666" system, where the player roles a d6 for each of the digits of a three-digit number. For example: on a 3d6, the player gets a 4, a 2, and a 5. The player then looks up event #425 on the Development table.

The game goes through four basic phases as described by the creators:
  • Discussion – Setting the Assumptions and Expectations
  • Founding – Creating the setting and original purpose of the community
  • Development – History shapes the community
  • Topping Out – Wrapping up loose ends
If you would like to check it out, it is on itch.io at Sharkbombs

Your Role as Questers:
Hopefully providing feedback and suggestions, which I fully welcome! I will also ask for rolls to decide the random elements of the game and votes on options I will provide based on those rolls and story outcomes. Collective decisions will be done based on majority vote unless I specify otherwise. I also encourage you to try out writing or drawing omake based on game events!

My Role as QM:
Since we sadly cannot be in the same room together, I will be the map-master. I will be providing an up-to-date map and table of factions and current resources here on the opening post. I will also create and build upon the results in the form of a chronicle or potentially zoomed in vignettes about events. It partly depends on what kinds of events happen!

Further information on things and organizations in the world can be found here!
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