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Demons, Angels, Mages, all those things that I once believed fictional turned out to be real in this strange new world. But if for me it is a surprise, for space magicians it should be an even bigger surprise, even more so considering that these beings defy all the logic they know, oh well, whatever they do is not my problem, I'm busier avoiding those annoying exorcists and mages who seem to look for me for one reason or another, Oh, and those annoying girls who seem interested in me.
My main language is not English, so this story will contain many grammatical and gender mistakes, read it at your own risk.


Reincarnation is a rather curious thing. When a person thinks of reincarnation, it usually comes to his mind to return to life from birth, but with all his past memories erased. It is quite common to think that, I am sure that several religions have preached it that way or similar. But if that kind of reincarnation exists then unfortunately it was not my case, I had to go through the whole damn birth process, and when I say everything, it is everything. Do you have any idea how horrible it is to be born? Of course not, no person is aware when that happens, or remembers the horrible feelings of being inside a human body.

Anyway, enough to relive past traumas.

As I said, rebirth is curious, I never thought of being reborn in a fictional world, or that it seemed like a damn anime, I mean, for some reason all the people in this world look like anime characters, eyes a little too big, hair of different color, lacking any visible imperfection, with the only difference that they are in 3D instead of 2D, but even with that they look "normal". And all, without exception seem to be beautiful or lacking ugliness, well, maybe not all, I still remember that wanderer about 2 years ago, he is the most "normal" person I have encountered so far, I wonder what happened to he.

Even I am not safe from that, I have pointed black hair, reminiscent of those protagonists Shounen, with a small bangs falling on top of my right eye. Luckily my eyes are not at all flashy, a simple onyx color that does not stand out at all and although my face is not ugly, I would not call it attractive either, in fact thanks to my lonely and distant personality I am easily forgettable.

My life with my family is good, although I wish I did not travel so much, Mama is the personal assistant of the owner of a corporation responsible for manufacturing cars, so she is not usually at home and travels out of the country on some occasions. As I am currently living with her, I must also accompany her on her trips, is annoying, especially for someone as lazy as I am, and enrolling in other schools is even worse, since I never stay long enough to learn something. Papa works as an architect in New York, so I can't see him much because I am living with my mother right now, but within 2 months I will live with him, so I don't worry too much about that.

As I said, because of my mother's work, she and I usually travel from country to country, it is annoying, but I cannot deny that I have seen many interesting things thanks to them, the Egyptian pyramids, the Eiffel tower, the falls from niagara

Which brings me to my actual problem.

We are moving ... again.

This time to Japan.

I have nothing against Japan, I really like it, but considering that I am in an anime world and my special circumstances I am sure that something bad will happen to me.

Oh, My special circumstances? Well, it's simple.

I can use magic ... or something similar.

I'm not quite sure what it is yet, but I discovered it one day when I was bored and decided it would be fun to pretend to cut things with a knife without touching them... What? I can have the mind of an adult, but that does not mean that I am free to do childish things.

Well, imagine my surprise when in one of those attempts the damn trash can I was aiming for was split in half. I was shocked and tried to find a logical explanation for what happened, believing that maybe the trash can was already too old and it was normal for that to happen. Of course those explanations went to hell when I made the attempt for the fifth time and the bottom half of the trash can was cut.

Maybe some might think that it is not magic and is really a superpower, but when you decide to walk alone at night in the middle of a dark alley and you run into a pale girl with a macabre smile on her face and running on all fours behind you while she screams with a masculine, inhuman and horrifying voice, you begin to reconsider things, even more so when a man dressed in black speaking in Latin and throwing a beam of light from his hands stops the monster and saves your life.

The magic exists.

And I will never walk alone in an alley, especially at night.

There were other strange events after that event, sometimes I heard voices of people who seemed to mourn and suffer, shadows of people walking through a place when there was no one there, but what took the prize was that creepy child that was in that house abandoned that I decided to visit with some classmates and that none of them saw even when the damn child peeked around the corner of a door, in front of everyone.

So ... yes, the fucking ghosts exist.

And fuck abandoned houses.

But there was something else, something I noticed on each trip to each country.

Not all ghosts were the same.

How to explain?

Let's say that the ghosts of America are your classic ghosts that scare you a little, move things and occasionally attack you. Now, the Mexican ghosts are not so different, the Canadians, the Europeans, they are all very similar. Now the Egyptian ghosts ... well, let's say that once my mother took me to visit a museum where relics of ancient Egypt were exhibited, I wish I had never gone.

From my short interactions with those types of ghosts I realized one thing; Ghosts tend to resemble the stories of their respective countries. A ghost of America will not show up easily, play a little with his victim, do a lot of poltergeist and in extreme cases he will possess his victim. An Egyptian ghost, or a spirit, still I does not know the difference, will curse those who dare to disrespect them or touch their belongings without their consent, which will lead the victims to a rather unpleasant death.

And that is the main reason why I don't want to go to Japan, its ghosts are the worst, from a girl cut in half that is faster than any human being, to a doll that will chase you to stab you and very possibly take your soul to the depths of hell. And Japanese horror movies don't help calm my nerves.

Even so, maybe I am worrying too much, as long as I avoid places that say they are haunted and I don't do any stupid ritual should be fine.

Even so, I can't take off this horrible feeling that something bad will happen.


"I am Atticus Bell, I just moved from the United States and will attend this school temporarily, I hope to get along with all of you." I finished my presentation bowing, I could hear some people commenting on my appearance or my nationality, but I didn't give them any importance.

"Thank you for introducing Atticus, please take a seat next to Miss Arisa."

I turned my gaze to the crowd of students and I could see a girl raising her hand, she had short blond hair and green eyes, just like all the girls I came across she lacks visible imperfections.

I walked to her side and without saying a word I dropped into my seat, Arisa, if I remember correctly, she gave me a strange look before shrugging her shoulders and paying attention to the teacher again.

That's good, it makes no sense to make friends if I'm moving soon anyway. The teacher continues to teach, but I don't even bother to listen to her, instead I decide to take out a black notebook and flip through its contents. Within this notebook I write down everything I have discovered about the supernatural and everything related to my "magic" or super powers.

Since I moved to Japan I struggled to complete the new section I made entitled "Ghosts of Japan and the shit I should avoid." Basically write down each myth, legend, ritual and rumor that I saw on the Internet and write it down in this notebook, I also included beings like Oni, Kappa, among others. I have never encountered a similar being, but prevention is better than regret.

But that is a section that I will read and complete later, at this moment I decided to go to the "Powers" section, more specifically my only power.

The ability or magic to make cuts on objects or people without the need to touch them.

Now this is a rather curious skill, since I necessarily need to use a knife or sharp object to cut what I want, I have tried to do it with bare hands and even with the mind, but nothing ever happens. Therefore it is logical to assume that the skill only works when I use a sharp object. I did many experiments to fully understand how this skill works, although without a basis on which to work I can only explore what the limits of this skill are.

The experiments I did consisted of the number of times I can use the skill, the range limit and finally the damage done.

At first I thought I could use this skill unlimitedly, since I didn't feel any type of fatigue, but after the four cuts I made on a wall of a stunted building, I realized that I could no longer use my skill, because 4 times is the limit that I can use it. It's not much, but it's better than nothing.

The range of the cuts made is a maximum of 3 meters, it is a pretty good distance.

And as for the damage done.

It is apparently unlimited.

The trash cans are split in half without any resistance, the trees collapse in two parts, the walls acquire cuts that go from one side to the other and that would make them collapse if it were not because the cut did not cover the entire wall. But a peculiarity that I notice of this is that the cut only affects what I am aiming at, when I cut the trash can the wall behind it suffered no damage despite the fact that it was within my range of reach, The same happens with bushes and trees and with abandoned objects behind the practice wall.

That's good because it limits collateral damage, but just thinking about what would happen if I use this skill in a person makes me shiver with fear.

But a thought came to my mind a few days ago.

Could I use this skill against ghosts?

If it's really magic and not just a superpower, could it harm a ghost?

This is a thought that has not left me alone, can ghosts even be damaged?

So I wrote, describing as much as I could my skill and my theories of damaging ghosts, I am excited, it is true that I hate ghosts, but having something that can protect me from them in case one attacks me, it would be beneficial, I would no longer have much to fear.

The only bad thing about my theory is that I needed to prove it, and I don't really want to attack a Japanese ghost, neither American, but as I said before, Japanese ghosts are worse.

So excited about the idea of being able to defend myself from a ghost I kept writing in my notebook ignoring the class and the curious look of the girl next to me.


So, I've always wanted to write an original story, but first I need a base, so that's what this fanfic is for. As for why Nanoha, well, I've always wanted to know what would happen if the mages of that universe found themselves with truly supernatural things and with a more esoteric explanation, such as demons, not the ones we're used to seeing in the anime, more like those in the bible, without a physical body and cannot be killed.
So there will be a lot of really supernatural shit in this story, oh man, I hope I don't screw it up and create good concepts.
Chrono Harlaown stared at the recording that was reproduced on the monitor, trying to decipher what happened, next to him, his partner and fiance Amy also looked, with a slightly disturbed expression on her face.

"She doesn't seem to be a mage." It was Amy's opinion. "Maybe a familiar? Although there is something about her that looks ... bad."

Chrono agreed with Amy's opinion, the woman who appeared on the recording was not a mage, or so it seemed, at no time did she use magic and the researchers did not find any type of residual mana from her in the place of the crime. It was completely strange, and the unnatural and impossible way she moved her body ... was disturbing, human limbs aren't supposed to bend in that way, it was almost as if that woman was completely elastic, but the sounds of bones being forced to bend in impossible directions ruled out that possibility.

"Is this the last recording found?"

"That's right, it's from yesterday night." Amy replied. "We have been monitoring the security cameras in the areas close to the last recording, but so far that woman has not seen each other again, it seems she prefers to act at night."

Chrono massaged the bridge of his nose, annoyed at the lack of progress in the investigation, he still did not understand how they could ignore that woman for so long, if his mother had not asked to take a look at the case, he would never have investigated it.

About 1 week ago, her mother asked him to investigate cases of unnatural deaths in Uminari, Chrono thought it was strange that his mother asked for such a thing, but when she expressed her concerns and suspected that a magician could be behind such deaths Chrono agreed immediately. The reasons behind his mother's suspicion was the cause of death and the number of victims recorded. There were at least 4 people dying of heart attacks every night, with the number increasing every day, there was no relationship between the victims, all seemed randomly chosen, including children among them.

Of course, local news media spread this information, but they had no idea what was happening, the authorities tried to obtain recordings of the security cameras that were installed where the victims' bodies were found, but when they tried to review the recordings these were absent, which gave more weight to the theory that a mage was responsible. This only solidified when 2 days ago they managed to get one of the recordings before they were deleted.

The content was ... a bit disturbing.

The recovered recordings showed an unnaturally pale woman chasing a middle-aged man, however the way she chased the man was so strange that the first time Chrono saw the recording it took him a few seconds to understand what was happening . The woman ran on her four limbs at a speed quite impressive, tearing concrete off the ground every time her hands and feet were stuck in the ground. Her torn and dirty clothes exposed part of her body, letting certain ... private areas be seen, but Chrono was busier watching the woman tear down the man and proceeded to "bite" his neck.

The result was confusing, at one point the man was on the ground, screaming in terror, but only a second after his neck was bitten the man shut up and stopped moving. The woman remained still on top of his body biting his neck for a few more seconds before finally separating and leaving the crime scene ... climbing the walls of buildings in an unnatural way and moving her limbs in impossible ways.

This event was repeated several more times, each ending with the death of the victims attacked by the mysterious woman.

After watching the videos, Chrono and the other members of the Asura immediately started working, investigating everything possible about this mysterious woman, and trying to locate her to stop her murders. Whatever magic she is using to kill people so quickly and effectively must be stopped, however Chrono received a huge surprise upon learning that the woman was apparently native to planet Earth and had lived there all her life.

That almost ruled out the possibility that she is a mage who traveled to Earth to escape authority, but also brought up many questions, especially when subsequent investigations revealed that the woman was reported missing for about 1 month. There is a possibility that a criminal magician has escaped to Earth and kidnapped that woman to experiment, which would explain why the police could not find the recordings, since from what it seemed, the woman was not in the necessary mental state to erase the recordings.

"I want constant vigilance in the security cameras near the last incident, during the night we will deploy mages to patrol the areas where this woman's victims were found and the areas surrounding her last appearance, most likely she will continue to kill people tonight, so I want everyone to be prepared for a direct confrontation. "

"Understood." Amy greeted. "Do you want me to inform Nanoha and the others?"

Chrono took a moment to think about it, his mother personally asked him to investigate the case and solve it if he could, as far as he knows Nanoha and the others still don't know anything about this beyond what the local news reports, he supposed that Lindy has not mentioned them to them since they are too busy with their jobs at the TSAB and attending high school classes.

Even so, Chrono could not leave this mysterious woman free, and he preferred not to take risks and take them to support his men in case something goes wrong. It is true that the mysterious woman has not demonstrated the ability to use magic visibly, but if her strength was an indication, it is not necessary to use magic against normal humans, her pure physical strength was enough to subdue them, even so there was the possibility of that she is able to use magic or the person in charge of her current state is close.

"Yes, call them after they finish school, we will organize a meeting to discuss what is happening and what actions we will take tonight to catch the woman."

With a final greeting, Amy left the office to call Nanoha and her friends and organize the meeting with the other members of the Asura. Chrono could already feel a headache forming, whenever something problematic happened on Earth it was synonymous with problems, the case of the Jewel Seed and the Book of Darkness were an example.

Hopefully, this will be nothing too serious and the Earth will not have to be saved again.
Oh hell, somewhere theres a cabin in the woods waiting. Fuck if i saw that i'd nope the fuck off and put at least 10 random dimensions between me and it.
Oh hell, somewhere theres a cabin in the woods waiting. Fuck if i saw that i'd nope the fuck off and put at least 10 random dimensions between me and it.

...Sadako vs. Nanoha 'White Devil' Takamachi, Fate Testarrosa and the Wolkenritter?

The only question in such a match up is how many injuries will everyone get before Sadako is successfully tied up for sending to a mental facility.

The kiler ghost of The Ring.
Oh, that explains why I don't know her, I never saw The Ring, I get too scared when I was a child. And taking a look at the wiki ... fuck, what problem does Japan have with her ghosts? It's hard to say which one is more scary.

And why did you think it was Sadako? It can easily be the woman of split mouth whose name I don't remember ... although her modus operandi is different.
Oh, that explains why I don't know her, I never saw The Ring, I get too scared when I was a child. And taking a look at the wiki ... fuck, what problem does Japan have with her ghosts? It's hard to say which one is more scary.

And why did you think it was Sadako? It can easily be the woman of split mouth whose name I don't remember ... although her modus operandi is different.

There's also a cabin in the woods in The Ring.
...Sadako vs. Nanoha 'White Devil' Takamachi, Fate Testarrosa and the Wolkenritter?

The only question in such a match up is how many injuries will everyone get before Sadako is successfully tied up for sending to a mental facility.
Horror movie villan vs girls who beat up scarier things when they were preteens, sounds fun. Was that not the premise of Buffy seeing the horror movie script be flipped.