The Travelers (Intrest and Recruitment Thread)

Why I choose to make this world.

Its was a murky night, but every night in that town was murky, pollution has gotten bad enough that people wear a gas mask outside, use magic or some fancy bionics to make it safe to breath. That's why we are here though, Giovanni runs this town, hes built an empire and this is his seat of power. Its also where a thousand factories work around the clock churning out weapons of death and destruction. Most of the world is too busy fighting to notice that soon there won't be a planet worth fighting over anymore.

We slipped inside our target easily the codes were given to us for free, normally it takes some work. This time though, the security officers daughter died, they said the pollution along with her asthma was at fault. She was four years old. Its just one more of thousands of bodies. We made our way through the building quickly and quietly this was by no means our first rodeo.

Then it all went wrong in a flash. The lights flashed on and the body of our security officer contract fell from a catwalk landing in front of our feet, a single bullet hole through his skull. We were surrounded by goons with rifles pointing at us. My brother bless him, did not hesitate. His fist glowing green from the ring he wears, punched the ground and a dome of stone surrounded us. He started tunneling and we followed, that dome wouldn't last long. We thought we may make a clean get away. Until the Onix started attacking us, tunneling through the earth and trying to ram us and turn us to a paste in our little tunnel. My team mate filled the tunnel with water, they quickly learned the error of there ways and wouldn't attack us. However that just bought time and a bit more distance, we had to pop back up.

When we did, they were waiting. Dozens of men, rifles, armor and a good number of pokemon between them. "Cover me" They didn't hesitate, we had been in far to many fights for that, from there rings and weapons came dozens of attacks, and shields and spell walls and wards all around us. We were better, but we were under siege we could only hold that defense up for a minute, that's all I needed. All of my team was more then just a ring bearer. We also had a special talent. This was time for mine. The red and white ball grew to its full size in my hand. I pressed my forehead to it.

"Come on old friend, Charizard I choose you!!" The ball pops open and my orange and blue dragon appears in a flash of light. A powerful old Charizard wearing black and red armor plates. my friend looks at me, I can see the worry in his eyes, intelligent and loyal. All around us the magical shields and Biotic walls explode in color under bombardment. I pulled out my necklace a matching token to his. He roars and fire poured down from his mouth covering him. I walk into the flame. That's why we are great partners fire can't burn me. "Mega Evolution Complete" Our matching necklaces glowed as his body changed new features growing out of him.

"let down the shields" They dropped in a flash and my team ran for cover. I took to the skies though on the back of angry burning armor covered dragon. "FIRE SPIN!" We soared and ripped through the skies, it all becomes a blur moving to fast to think. A plasma pistol in one hand and my ring burning in the other. "FLAME THROWER" I shouted and my ring unleashes fire mixing with his and exploding as the two powers merge. I'm firing my pistol constantly not so much aiming at people but aiming in there direction keeping there head down. "DRAGON CLAW" and down goes heavy machinery, crashing and throwing metal everywhere, they scatter to avoiding it all. We fought and roared and screamed crashing through a wall as my team fought our way out of this trap and I, I burned and caused destruction, our original goal, I left molten metal strewn around and made everyone keep there heads down because "WE ARE FIRE WATCH HOW WE BURN" I was the big burning distraction.

We ran through the hole in the wall me and Charizard had created. We had a plan B for if things went bad, we didn't need to communicate me and my team all knew this was things going bad.Charizard went back to a pokeball, I owed him a damn nice meal. We needed to dissipate and the dragon didn't help with that. We ran, fast and hard throwing out behind his all manners of spells, biotics and bullets just to stop the chase. Until we hit the street. We jumped into the very first sewer grate we saw. From there it was a button press where our surfboards grew from there miniature form and the water ring propelling us along at insane speeds

We made it out of the city and deep into the woods, where we had always hidden before. Lords did we have no idea. X-Com turning there satellites onto us just so Over watch could come to arrest us. I didn't think you wanted us that bad. So why didn't we fight? You still don't get it. We aren't the bad guys, were just not on the side of the law. We were saving the planet. You couldn't understand GAIA herself asked us to do what we could so that all life on earth didn't die. You couldn't stop them so we did what we could. The planet touched us directly and even let us summon her champion.

Yeah, your right, captain planet could of stopped Over watch. Not without death though. There good people, they have saved countless lives, I wasn't going to kill them just because they still followed the law and government that could be bought.

You think you won, you think capturing us got you the "Eco terrorist" Oh your so wrong. So so terribly wrong. Once we couldn't be her champions anymore, she simply chose new ones. We did what we could, and we didn't compromise our morals. So throw us in jail, give us the death sentence, it doesn't matter the fight goes on, just with five different soldiers.
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What I glossed over was the most important part.

Over Watch confronting the members of the captain planet team.

That is an EPIC confrontation.

Over watch still Sanctioned, funded and controlled by the UN is sent after the Planeteers

They know what there doing is right, if unlawful. These kids are targeting companies that EVERYONE knows are bad.
The courts can't prove it. So those kids with those rings just go in and get shit done.

Over watch Doesn't want that fight, but laws and being broken, and the body county is adding up.

Over watch REALLY doesn't want that fight if captain planet shows up. Hard to fight someone that can manipulate your mind , the air your breathing, the ground your standing on and shoot fucking fire.

But the planeteers doesn't want that fight either, because over watch has done a lot for the planet and the enviroment and done nothing but save lives and be big god damn heroes.

So I want to see that deep philosophical and complicated situation played out by players on both sides.

(Ultimately my hope being that Over watch after a few more morally grey missions like that, goes and decides to break them out of prison because those were good damn kids)