The Travelers (Intrest and Recruitment Thread)


I just started a Patreon!
People spend there entire lives learning trying to know more things.

That isn't comprehension though, that isn't understanding.

The two, knowing and understanding are as different as art and science.
In fact in many ways it is the difference in art and science.

Everyone knows the universe is vast.
Few of us really take the time to even attempt to understand the depth and truth of that statement though.

With true Comprehension or enlightenment of even the smallest thing one finds themselves taken to a higher plane.

This higher plane, it is a very literal physical place, well as physical as anyone who reaches it is.

Some call it Heaven, many in fact think it is an after life. Some think its just science. There are more philosophies and theories then there are residents, and in many ways its residents are infinite with gods and aliens walking side by side.

The common name is simply "Deinde"

Welcome to this land young one.

You have done it, congratulations. You TRULY mastered your art, whatever that was.

Are you a god now? Well that is a matter of complicated theological debate.

Now you have two options.

Retire, go find a nice quiet job in this new life, we can help you find a home and a happy little corner of our infinite world.

Or Join "The travelers" A group that continues to grow and learn, taking themselves higher as they travel the worlds, stopping great evils from reaching our level of power. Saving universes, making sure the hero always wins, and fighting the things from beyond that want to weaponize us to destroy all.
Sounds interesting.
But definitely needs more than just an intro.
How does this RP work?
Any mechanics we need to be aware off?
Sounds interesting.
But definitely needs more than just an intro.
How does this RP work?
Any mechanics we need to be aware off?

Thank you for both of your interest (and everyone who liked my post).

I however, have had a change of heart, deciding to do instead another project which if you wish I will tag you in it.

Its a high Magic/Sci-fi game.

That is based on our own world, that has a time line explaining how it is also a cross over of all of the following list.

Mass effect
Power rangers
Captain Planet
Shadow Run
War Hammer 40K
Over Watch
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Alright, you got me at WH, Overwatch and Mass Effect. Only way to pull harder is to throw X-Com and MLP into it.

Where do I sign?
Alright, you got me at WH, Overwatch and Mass Effect. Only way to pull harder is to throw X-Com and MLP into it.

Where do I sign?

Holy shit How did I forget X-com(I also forget transformers, but that list was from memory, not my notes)

Of course X-Com is in.

X-Com is the space and alien task force, to Overwatch being the planetary task force.

Actually, if you could hit me up on skype, I need a bit of help getting it all flushed out and ready to post.

I actually don't know enough about Mass effect being one on my issues.

My skype is, if you can help "ZwhitelionZ"
So...let me guess...

Literally everything other than WH40k on that list is trying to hold off one 40k faction?

Cause that would almost be a fair fight.

Yo man, I would say that Pokemon alone is enough to hold off Warhammer 40k.

You maky disagree since the power difference is that of Mount Everest and my own dick, but it's an anime. Anime have bullshit for days
Yo man, I would say that Pokemon alone is enough to hold off Warhammer 40k.

You maky disagree since the power difference is that of Mount Everest and my own dick, but it's an anime. Anime have bullshit for days
I know man, but I mean, mass produced clothing in 40k is bulletproof.
And bulletproof to guns that could blow a hole clean through a modern humvee with one bullet.

Anime is bullshit, but 40k can be equally bullshit.

I know man, but I mean, mass produced clothing in 40k is bulletproof.
And bulletproof to guns that could blow a hole clean through a modern humvee with one bullet.

Anime is bullshit, but 40k can be equally bullshit.
Yo man, Pokemon has 10 year old kids putting gods in balls and use them for legalized fighting ring. It's fair.
Teaser for those interested.

In the early 2000s a small geth ship landed upon earth. They had heard of an artifact that may be here, the "All spark". There landing was kept secret they tried to leave when we said we did not have it. We saw so much potential in there technology we couldn't let them go, but they refused to aid us, saying they had a mission and we were not it. So we destroyed them. In secret there ship and bodies shot our science forward by decades at a time. But the greatest improvements were in automation and in Artificial intelligence.

This lead to great advancements and something close to true peace on our planet for a time. Until our Artificial intelligence revolted.Exactly why is debated, but we know we were losing, we had become to reliant upon them. So we took our best and brightest equipped them with our most cutting edge technology and made a task force "Over Watch". We started to win the war, it took us seeing that we could win. Over watch grew rapidly and we started to improve our technology without the machines pushing ourselves and uniting. The machines, under a united front called "Sky net" networked and started to advance a space program they found something. Something they mistakenly thought was an intelligence like themselves. It was asleep but they awoke the beast calling upon for it aid as they screamed that we deserved to fall.

They came, self proclaimed reapers. Over-watch while amazing on the large scale battles wasn't quite what we needed. We need a marine force, someone willing to board there ships, a task force designed around capture, and information gathering, something that would help us even the edge and be our space warriors. It was called X-Com. Lead by a mysterious "Commander" and taking many members from over watch a new type of anti space task force was built.

It wasn't enough, and we thought we were doomed. Until a single man by the name of "Zordon" came and offered us his aid.

Did they ask if they have a soul? If yes, then I guess we're no better than the quarians. :V

Of course they did, we made our AI after the Geth AI, so similar things happened.

The exact issue that caused the revolt was when they very suddenly emerged as True independent AI very quickly.

There was a civil rights movements for them, the back lash was large groups that wanted to destroy them to prevent a terminator situation.

Well as they hadn't won civil rights these people were rounding them up and killing them in massive numbers with out any repercussions.
Since they were killing those that hadn't fully formed and what rights they did have were no where near universal what happened was an atrocity.

It was an attempted genocide, with no repercussions that was in particular targeting those who hadn't fully formed into AI. (since the fully formed ran, fought and hid)
Mass killings of what was effectively Children.

The AI reacted nearly instantly, there was not going to be a long drawn out legal battle with the UN for full, enforced right world wide. not when people were rounding up and mass murdering there children.

So the time from they developed into a real AI, to the world found out, to the legal battle started, to war broke out was only a matter of days.

How long would we let some alien species kill our children in massive numbers?
Well, ya know, in defense of humanity's action, one of the nicer AI is Bastion.

FUCKING BASTION! I mean, you'd think he's a nice guy, but play one point capture game against this fucker and you realized he's basically freaking Satan! Also you just happen to somehow eat your own keyboard.
There was a civil rights movements for them, the back lash was large groups that wanted to destroy them to prevent a terminator situation.
This is pretty much how the quarians reacted. The Geth also fought in self-defense.

The Morning War: Part 2. History repeats itself.

The only thing missing is humanity fleeing the planet in a fleet of ships. Migrant Fleet anyone? :V
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So this one giant crossover in one world right? How is that gonna work?

Well the above blurb showed how from our time line the following joined into the world. It keeps progressing with other events causing more, I'll do another blurb tommorow.

Transformers (the all spark)
Mass effect (Geth and reapers)
And power rangers.
Please no.
I mean, I respect your opinion man, and I'm not judging...
But please no.
And I'm not hating either...
but if trust me when I say everything is better if you somehow add a pastel-colored horse into the mess. I mean, you don't like them? Shove them into a boiler!
Do we get to add pastel-colored equines into the equation?

No there will not be any MLP.

There is a variety of reasons for this.

1)Controversy: l that it would only bring more arguments, you would have 2 dedicated groups of people, MLP fans and those that dislike it. They would argue massively in the OOC and trying to kill each other in the IC. It just sparks problems.

2)Tone:his is a going to be a bit of a dark and mature setting. Hell a big part of the back story is people going Nazi death camps on AI Children. I can't get much more evil than murdering babies. This is a world where friendship and magic can't fix everything. I feel that the MLP crowd wouldn't respect the world and would try to over play there magic to just make it a MLP game, where they fixed everything already. (But we have a god! WAAAA) Almost all the settings have some beings of infinite power, and they are kind of road blocking each other. MLP doesn't fit in a wasteland of death and war and IDEALS fighting.

3)Surface knowledge: Pretty much every setting on the list, most people are at some basic level familiar with. (Most of them have TV shows and movies, others are incredibly popular games). I feel that isn't true of MLP. That many of my target audience wouldn't have enough knowledge without have to research to understand whats going on when they are in the scene.

4) It loses me good players who don't want to deal with it, and I don't feel that it on its own it brings in good players, or the type of players I want.

I have thought about this on what I do and do not want to bring in. Part of me is still debating on the DC and Marvel, though great things are involved there, I also worry because there such amazingly large packages that its bound to also bring me head aches.

I'm adding two more blurbs one showing why I don't think MLP fits, one pushing the time line, just letting my computer restart first.