The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich(Amazon's Invincible) Nazi Omniman

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What If Omniman landed much earlier and not in USA but in Germany Under The Fuhrer

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The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich Chapter I Part I


Georgian(ქართველი)🇬🇪 not 🇺🇸
The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich

(Joshua Smith, Aka Immortal)

As I continued picking up apples, I couldn't help but look at Joan and Nancy.

I sighed as a tear dropped on the ground. I sometimes wondered if I was blessed Or cursed, unable to age or die.

Able to have all the time in the world to experience everything it had to offer at my own pace and not have fear of one day never waking up again.

At first I didn't understand it, and even today I can't, but the first time I realised something was different was when I didn't lose my strength as time passed, nor did my will abandon me.

But if only that was the end of it, for I have become far stronger than I could even imagine, for I could kill a mammoth with a single blow of my fist.

I could chase down the fastest creature with ease, and my body seemed to have become far more difficult to inflict any harm on.

I could hear a mouse from a great distance; it seemed that I was born without being able to see anything. A comparison I would make would be between what I could see now and how clearly

My nose could smell the entire forest, and I could understand the meaning of every scent.

But for me, the greatest thing was that I could now follow the great flocks and reach the stars. It was incredible, for now I was far closer to the stars that I reached out to as all but a child.

But at that point of my existence, learning of what I was able to accomplish meant a primal feeling of joy that now I could provide for my people and that they would not be harmed.

People think that today is hard, but I can't help but scoff at that kind of attitude. In my time in agriculture, life was hard.

Each day was full of uncertainty, whether from starvation or hunting. People think of the dwellers of the past as less intelligent than today, but the simple truth is that their

We hunted when the beasts of the land were abundant, we fished when possible for many fish from their schools, or even we ate the roots and picked up barriers.

We did everything possible to have enough to sustain ourselves and survive through the winter, but surviving the cold and lack of substance was far from guaranteed.

In some particular hard times, elders would leave at night to not strain whatever food reminded them, or in the most desperate and dire times, the elderly would leave and then

Some grown but not yet elders would return with the meat of beasts of the forest.
The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich Chapter I Part 2
The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich

(Joshua Smith, Aka Immortal)

But while life was certainly hard, it was not all that bad, or perhaps it was, and we simply didn't know better back then.

Some of my Memories have become distant and clouded, but I still remember the first day I saved my fellow

It was during sun rise that we set out for the hunt. Two groups were formed, one led by my friend Berlig while I was with the second group.

Before the mysterious fallen star, I was not the man I am today, tall and quite muscular. Before that, I was short and skinny. Some in the tribe didn't believe that I would survive my first winter, but I proved them wrong.

I had first met Berlig while I was attempting to fish, and to say the truth, I failed rather miserably. He took one look at me before coming closer and showing me how to fish.

Of course, I was rather amazed that someone like Berlig was polar opposite me, and for him to associate himself with me was a great honour.

While it might seem ridiculous, friendship and even just some contact were not easy for me.

But I stuck to Berlig, following him wherever he went and helping him with everything I could, but alas, some did not take me well associating myself with the chief's son.

So when I, along with my group, started hunting for the first time while having my abilities, it was an incredible feeling. I was able to see the stag that was near trees.

The elder and others could not see it, but I saw it crystal clear, so I started to run towards the stag, which noticed me immediately and bolted.

But I had already thrown the spear, and it embedded itself in the dear's throat for the first time. Perhaps due to the influence of the fallen star, I had wondered if the stag had its own tribe to provide for and had its own doe or children.

But before I could get any deeper in my thinking, I was congratulated by the elder and others for my success. The feeling of accomplishment was truly great, and it was highlighted by the fact that others were happy because of me.

We continued hunting for quite some time, and I managed to hunt much more stags than anyone thought was possible for the tribe.

As we came to our camp, I could see people. Before we came across them, I realised that you can understand and learn about people by watching their eyes.

And the tribesmen locked downcast at least before they saw us coming to the camp with our hunted stags. Everyone's face had changed.

But what truly made my heart happy was that children ran to their parents, happy to have a good meal.

At that moment, I had my first spark of realisation that I felt good when I made other people feel good.

The man of the tribe asked how we had hunted so well, and the elder pointed his finger at me. Everyone thought that the elder was not saying the truth, at least until everyone else in my hunting group agreed with the elder.
The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich Chapter I Part III
The Ten Thousand-Year Invincible Reich

Philip Karlson (Aka Director of Agency of Defense)

Being Director of ADA at even the best of times was stressful. so many things to deal with—things that made no sense, things that he often did not have the resources or manpower to deal with directly.

Every time something went bump in the night (or day), the swamp simply ignored it or even tried to disappear.

Every penny had to be fought for so that the department could have some kind of foundation so that it could deal with problems.

Since the creation of the American Defence Agency by President Lincoln in 1863, the agency has never been given the same respect as the army, not even the navy.

I know that I and the Agency were mocked from behind. for believing in some fairytales

as if those in the capital would know anything about the fairy folk. or even recognised them before they would be caught in their glamour and be at their mercy.

But I have spent half my life making sure that it doesn't happen, even to the fools who inhabit the swamp.

But it is my job. I don't expect gratitude for doing my job, and I would have been completely fine with no gratitude.

but simply no. Fools fight me tooth and nail to even have enough budget to properly do my job.

From Ten Thousand strong to barely over three thousand, barely enough to defend the eastern seaboard, let alone the entire country, every day a good American man dies.

because I lacked and still lack any resources to go one offence instead of being forced to be reactive and keep much of the agency's strength in reserve.

Nowhere did the fact that most other federal agencies saw the American Defence Agency as taking their deserved money

More than one tragedy could have been avoided if there were more resources or if we had been notified about it. But no, the "real agencies," the police or army, thought that they knew better and could do it better. Of course they could not.

It was maddening. Knowing just how many things you could prevent or stop

Every failure felt like it was on my shoulders.

What would Lincoln say? I wondered many times; after all, he created the agency and was a great supporter of it.

I could not help but think that he would be incredibly disappointed at what had become of the agency that he founded and invested so much of his time in.

or perhaps even as Lincoln about what he should be doing, but unfortunately he was long dead for last. 73 years

but there was a little bit of happiness. Lincoln was not alive to see it. just how much it had decayed.

I was feeling my age. I was already older than my predecessor, Nikopheros. The agents liked to call him Nike. The Furious or the Fury

but I couldn't yet anyway, and Steven was still not ready to be the director. He was capable enough, but he wasn't ready for the darkness of Being the director, at least not yet.

And as I opened the door to my office, Steven was already inside.

Steven R. Armstrong was a tall and athletic man. He stood with his shoulders straight and had a disciplined look in his eyes. His time in the army had certainly left its mark on him. He wore a dark blue suit with a red tie.

Solutions: I said to Steven, Greetings, and he replied,

What is the situation that needs my urgent attention? Is it code? Alpha Crimson

I deeply desired that it was not the case in the entire history of the agency; there were only 13 times that code Alpha Crimson had ever been put into effect, but each time it ended in some kind of tragedy or catastrophe.

Steven's reply was short, and for my ears, it felt like sweat. Quite similar to high-quality Candy

No, he stated bluntly that the simple sentence lifted a great weight from my shoulders.

So what is the situation? I asked once more.

What Stevens did next almost shocked me. He smiled and said, We have had our budget increased by 70 percent and our size increased to five thousand strong.

and with a note that stated that anything we needed we would be happy to receive.

I almost lost my footing. Is it some kind of joke, Armstrong?

His reply was short but full of energy. Of course, not Philip. You know that I would never joke about it.

I almost jumped from happiness before reality came back.

Is it The bats? Have they spread from Spanish America?

Have the courts gone to war? I received a shake of his hand.

Don't tell me, has the Wulf infection survived and spread from terminuses?

So what is it, man? I asked Steven. He simply retrieved an envelope on which it was written Overman.