I think part of the issue is that we got a 15k word chapter where nothing at all changed or was decided for Taylor. That's a significant portion of a novel, in which nothing at all actually happened. She practiced with portals but didn't achieve anything, she discussed logos but didn't pick one, she continues to neither shit nor get off the pot regarding her divinity, she didn't even bother to practice in the yard when her father was worried that she'd burn the house down from practicing inside.

Meanwhile another magic power showed up in the form of a seven tailed kitsune, meaning someone who has been around for centuries and is practiced and cunning in her arts. So she's problematic in two ways- first, Lisa's little vignette accomplishes more movement story-wise than our main character, and second between this kitsune and the cyclops that forged the trident, we're starting to get a real pileup of magical characters and demigods despite the story starting with the notion that Taylor is going to be bringing the mystical back into the world except that apparently, the mystical never actually left.
...So uhh...

Just to throw a devil's advocate at you.

How do we know that the whole thing with eating the peach hasn't happened for other people.

It is a well known thing in the worm universe that Capes do not like to talk about what happened to them to get powers. And additionally no one seems to know anything about Trigger events, so it is entirely likely that every cape went to a strange other world and ate a peach.
I feel like, if, after a traumatic event people are transported to another realm where you eat a fruit and are told you are a god sent to save the earth from evil a lot of things about Worm would NOT be the same.

And, that that would be something SOMEONE would talk about, regardless of the said traumatic event. But, this is just a part of the update the the only part, besides Danny that I have an issue with. Everything else was great.
Taylor really needs to stop bouncing that Charm off the mirror and back into her face, or at least learn how to dodge skillshots so she can stop entrancing herself for hours on end.

Very disappointed. Was always there. Is fluffy. Shadows not moving naturally.
I see Negotiator has its priorities straight.
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I think part of the issue is that we got a 15k word chapter where nothing at all changed or was decided for Taylor. That's a significant portion of a novel, in which nothing at all actually happened. She practiced with portals but didn't achieve anything, she discussed logos but didn't pick one, she continues to neither shit nor get off the pot regarding her divinity, she didn't even bother to practice in the yard when her father was worried that she'd burn the house down from practicing inside.

Meanwhile another magic power showed up in the form of a seven tailed kitsune, meaning someone who has been around for centuries and is practiced and cunning in her arts. So she's problematic in two ways- first, Lisa's little vignette accomplishes more movement story-wise than our main character, and second between this kitsune and the cyclops that forged the trident, we're starting to get a real pileup of magical characters and demigods despite the story starting with the notion that Taylor is going to be bringing the mystical back into the world except that apparently, the mystical never actually left.
I think it was less brining the mystical back and more brining the gods back as in all the magical races still existed but they just didn't or couldn't do anything with out the gods being around
7 tails...sounds like a really powerful Nogitsune.
Eh, probably not, yako\nogitsune are traditionally mischievous at best and malicious at worst and thus would be unlikely to shelter Lisa, at least not without demanding something in return. The willingness to offer Lisa shelter without strings attached implies a zenko (good fox), 7 tails just means a kitsune of 700 - 799 years of age, which is old and powerful yes, but doesn't mean anything about whether it is a good fox or a field fox.

Generally speaking both types of kitsune are considered to possess the same powers, though field foxes are sometimes depicted as being inherently immaterial and\or invisible. Apart from that the only real difference between the two is their attitude; good foxes are mostly benevolent, field foxes are mostly malevolent, and both tend to be mischievous when bored.
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I jumped on Nogitsune because she killed Coil's merc's without hesitation but I guess you have a point.
Zenko does not mean nice.

Kidnapping a child is the quickest way to get a zenko skinning you alive, if they determine you're evil. And to a 7 tail, Lisa is a child.

May I ask, in honor 2020 being the Year of the Rat, that we get nezumi-hito mouse-floof to go with kitsune fox-floof?

Not that foxes are bad, it's just that variety is good.
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Zenko does not mean nice.

Kidnapping a child is the quickest way to get a zenko skinning you alive, if they determine you're evil. And to a 7 tail, Lisa is a child.
And Coil might as well change his villain name to Acceptable Target Man to make it more descriptive. He's not the sort of sympathetic villain who inspires thoughts of "Hey, maybe I should restrain myself" in people.
And Coil might as well change his villain name to Acceptable Target Man to make it more descriptive. He's not the sort of sympathetic villain who inspires thoughts of "Hey, maybe I should restrain myself" in people.
Preeeeeeeeeeeeetttttttttttttttttty much, yep. to a Zenko, the question is "To kill or not to kill Coil..." the question is: "How long does he suffer first before I be merciful and kill him?"
Zenko == Good. Zenko != Nice. The higher tail Zenkos were Inari's direct agents. While Inari wasn't *fond* of killing, that's becasue it in some cases was ... too quick.

As for "nothing happened!" vis a vis Taylor in this chapter... You all missed the key event.

"What type of hero I want to be."

I'd say that's important, wouldn't you?
As for "nothing happened!" vis a vis Taylor in this chapter... You all missed the key event.

"What type of hero I want to be."

I'd say that's important, wouldn't you?
Sure it's important. The problem in discussing it, as is the case for the strangely offputting cliffhanger, is lack of sufficient information.

I mean, people can (and have to an extent - House of El, really?) spitball but there's not enough meat to the foreshadowing to support lengthy discussion.

"Taylor is considering stepping out of her costume comfort zone and drew a lot" is pretty much all we have.
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Okay, so, I love this fic. But I am really getting legitimately angry about the way Taylor's dealing with the goddess thing. Like she's dealt with enough Parahuman's to know that no one gets powers like that and going off on Inari wins her no points either.

Danny is starting to grate as well.
You do know that as a rule, capes almost never talk about their triggers?
I note that while Glenn isn't wrong, he is merely focusing on the least part of it. The PRT in Canon has never done anything productive to the status quo, only actively made it worse, or just left it as well, the status quo.

Hard to trust an organization that actively ineffective, even if the task they are appointed is massive.

yeah. i think you need to have some positive achievements to build a decent foundation for what glenn wants to build. both are difficult to achieve with cauldron's plans for bb.

7 tails...sounds like a really powerful Nogitsune.

i think in an early chapter inari mused to herself, wondering what the reaction of other kitsune would be when they learn of inari's or taylor's divine existence...?

so taylor has only had 1 real friend in her life. ever. not even friendly acquaintances, or classmates, or cousins (if any), or club/team members or anything. so while taylor may not be a full on isolationist introvert, i thinks she's pretty deep into the introvert side of the intro/extrovert bell curve. i kinda want to see taylor hard reject glenn's idea or putting her in the spotlight 24/7, and constantly being surrounded or in the minds of random people and strangers. being only slightly to that side i know i would detest that kind of thing being forced on me.

i would love to see taylor make a decision thats best for her, and not for the unknown masses or because some adult is trying to pigenhole her into it. she joined the wards because it was the best for father. the protectorate are already getting a crazy powerful and versatile cape, that keeps getting better. thats a lot already. she doesnt have any obligation to make herself miserable and an even bigger target (as well as her father) on an ill conceived plan. and it was, glenn pulled that plan out of his ass just from seeing taylor's photo. sure he has been refining it as he finds out more of her abilities, but hasnt really taken her personality into it.
Actually, per canon, Taylor *pre* High School/Annette's death was a *chatterbox*.

if you want an example of what those are, see "A Little Help". They're *outgoing*. Not uncommon to only have a *few* friends, but have a lot of people they talk to, and generally little fear of talking to others. They're extroverts. Doesn't mean they have a lot of people they are friends with, just means they're friendly.
So far I'm interested and curious, especially as to who that 7 tailed character is as well as how they would interact with Taylor.

Though as some guy earlier said I do admit it is starting to get a bit... it feels like Lisa's scene alone managed to push the narrative a hundred times further than the rest of the scenes. You can ignore this since I'm not exactly a professional writer or the best at criticism (plus I don't wanna be harsh or discouraging as well), but here's what I personally think after some analyzing which I believe might be why some of the others are dissatisfied.

Maybe it's because of how Taylor doesn't really make much progress that feels substantial (sure she gets more powerful and explores her powers, but what about how she uses them and for what purpose, as well as the eventual effects or consequences that come with them?) despite there already being 15k words, I get making the progression of a character go slower but that seems a little unreasonable.

So far it appears to have been focused so far on Taylor, her powers, their effects, and how others react to that almost exclusively so far. There hasn't really been any independent action from Taylor aside from going to the Wards to sign up for the protection, she's just being passive and dragged along by the other characters including even Inari or the PRT testers regarding her own powers.

I do like how Taylor actually gets to think about what kind of hero she wants to be here though considering that seems to be one of the rarer and less touched upon topics, while the portal scene made me think "finally Taylor is stopping trying to deny her own powers instead of focusing on what she can do with said powers".

The way she reacts to the goddess thing is understandable but I think she focused a bit too much on that? It feels like a slight portion of multiple chapters combined are made up of that (not sure about this, tell me if I'm wrong) which considering... that's a lot of words dedicated to her denying the entire goddess thing. I imagine it would be more bearable for the guy who complained about that if it wasn't so frequent and overtly present that it became one of the staples of the quite a few scenes.

There's also the fact that the scenes flow normally- too normally in fact. For a city that's normally portrayed as infested with gang members and violence everything so far has been way too peaceful outside of Lisa's interlude and you'd expect at least one scene where Taylor ends up using her powers for more than just boring power testing. It feels a little odd. I mean I get that they're in a secure location but not even one mention of like deploying PRT Troopers or Armsmaster to deal with something that just recently came up rather than awhile ago?

oh well shrug, I dunno man, I'm not really a pro writer so feel free to correct me but these are just my thoughts since I like this story and also want to see it improve and become more enjoyable

I do wonder if Taylor will eventually manage to master all the domains she has and if so, I look forward to how the likes of Alexandria and the Endbringers would react including knowing how outclassed they would become (if that's a thing that'll happen in this story). I imagine being possibly associated with storms and sea might have some possible weird side effects with Leviathan- hmm... that reminds me of the fact that Divinity also usually don't die, well, normally right? So what happens with Taylor if someone manages to score a lucky shot?
So far I'm interested and curious, especially as to who that 7 tailed character is as well as how they would interact with Taylor.

Though as some guy earlier said I do admit it is starting to get a bit... it feels like Lisa's scene alone managed to push the narrative a hundred times further than the rest of the scenes. You can ignore this since I'm not exactly a professional writer or the best at criticism (plus I don't wanna be harsh or discouraging as well), but here's what I personally think after some analyzing which I believe might be why some of the others are dissatisfied.

I do wonder if Taylor will eventually manage to master all the domains she has and if so, I look forward to how the likes of Alexandria and the Endbringers would react including knowing how outclassed they would become (if that's a thing that'll happen in this story). I imagine being possibly associated with storms and sea might have some possible weird side effects with Leviathan- hmm... that reminds me of the fact that Divinity also usually don't die, well, normally right? So what happens with Taylor if someone manages to score a lucky shot?
Taylor looked out over the ocean. Leviathan was coming. Armsmaster's prediction program gave us more time to get ready than ever before, but you could see it in the faces of those gathered who had fought before... People knew that death was here for them. Not Taylor though. It was hard to place the expression on her face as she looked out and up, up to the clouds that blanked the sky in darkness.

Taylor didn't look afraid. She looked... confused. Her confusion faded as the moment dragged on, replaced by a mask of determination. Her tails lept to life, first twisting around one another and then in a sudden motion that saw Taylor lift into the rain filled air they spread out like the hands of a Buddha.

"Leviathan made a mistake." She whispered to herself before her voice vanished into the sound of rain hitting concrete.

Lightning flashed in the sky, highlighting Taylor's silhouette as she flew steady in winds that buffeted all but the strongest fliers. She raised up her arms to the heavens... and the storm stopped.

It didn't stop raining. The storm simply stopped. Raindrops floated in the air like glistening gemstones. The clouds shifted and spears of sunlight stabbed downwards into the city. The night of the storm turned suddenly into a dazzling day.

"This is my home." Taylor's voice boomed through the city.

"This is my city." The ocean twisted and suddenly Leviathan was revealed in the now empty bay. His inhuman form looked up at her from the twisted wrecks of once sunken ships.

"This is MY storm." The stillness ended. A thousand bolts of lightning struck at Taylor from all side. A corona of plasma formed a halo around her twenty feet across. The winds swirled and the raindrops danced around her, for she stood resolute, the eye of her own personal hurricane.

"And YOU... are my ENEMY." the judgement passed like the falling of a guillotine, like the crashing of a tsunami, like the ending of an age. In Taylor's hands suddenly blazed her trident. Around it danced foxes made of foxfire.


Then the thunder was unleashed. Then the winds and rains, the oceans, and the city itself, turned on Leviathan. And lo, he was gone.
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Taylor looked out over the ocean. Leviathan was coming. Armsmaster's prediction program gave us more time to get ready than ever before, but you could see it in the faces of those gathered who had fought before... People knew that death was here for them. Not Taylor though. It was hard to place the expression on her face as she looked out and up, up to the clouds that blanked the sky in darkness.

Taylor didn't look afraid. She looked... confused. Her confusion faded as the moment dragged on, replaced by a mask of determination. Her tails lept to life, first twisting around one another and then in a sudden motion that saw Taylor lift into the rain filled air they spread out like the hands of a Buddha.

"Leviathan made a mistake." She whispered to herself before her voice vanished into the sound of rain hitting concrete.

Lightning flashed in the sky, highlighting Taylor's silhouette as she flew steady in winds that buffeted all but the strongest fliers. She raised up her arms to the heavens... and the storm stopped.

It didn't stop raining. The storm simply stopped. Raindrops floated in the air like glistening gemstones. The clouds shifted and spears of sunlight stabbed downwards into the city. The night of the storm turned suddenly into a dazzling day.

"This is my home." Taylor's voice boomed through the city.

"This is my city." The ocean twisted and suddenly Leviathan was revealed in the now empty bay. His inhuman form looked up at her from the twisted wrecks of once sunken ships.

"This is MY storm." The stillness ended. A thousand bolts of lightning struck at Taylor from all side. A corona of plasma formed a halo around her twenty feet across. The winds swirled and the raindrops danced around her, for she stood resolute, the eye of her own personal hurricane.

"And YOU... are my ENEMY." the judgement passed like the falling of a guillotine, like the crashing of a tsunami, like the ending of an age. In Taylor's hands suddenly blazed her trident. Around it danced foxes made of foxfire and saint Elmo's fire.


Then the thunder was unleashed. Then the winds and rains, the oceans, and the city itself, turned on Leviathan. And lo, he was gone.
....holy SHITballs, thats epic! And one hell of a way to make an enterence.
Lisa was just Kitsunapped. Well, let's hope she was a Kitsune, anyway.

Danny is starting to annoy me. [/deadpan]
"So, on the matter of the house?" Danny prodded again.
She can rebuild it. Shut up.
"I'd still prefer that you did this somewhere other than my living room," He said pointedly after swallowing. "Our insurance rates won't be able to handle it if you dump a sea monster into the living room."
How bout we dump you in the bay instead?

"Lovely. I'll talk to Carol in the morning," He held up a hand to forestall her complaint. "I want to know if we're at risk for not disclosing this. If we are, you are going to have to tell the PRT about it. Clear?"
Seriously. This man does not know how to be discrete with the authorities??? He's kept the DWU gang free for how long?

I am not fond of this type of parenting. Why? Mainly because he fucked off for two years while his daughter was being tortured by her former best friend. He's coming in at the end of this, and trying to throw his weight around, with the effectiveness of a wet blanket and the consistency of a wet noodle.

If I was his father, I'd have already taken my granddaughter's custody from him.

Woo... I'm in a mood this morning. Sorry.

[EDIT] I've realized my error.
A Trump Twitter before Caffeine makes for Disgruntled Canine
I've now had my morning caffeine system consumption. Mea Culpas all around.
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I mean, people can (and have to an extent - House of El, really?) spitball but there's not enough meat to the foreshadowing to support lengthy discussion.
:oops: it was the first thing that came to mind, and I was half hoping it'd inspire other people to comment too.

She can rebuild it. Shut up.
This is their family home where Taylor grew up and where she lived with her mom. Is it too hard to understand some sentimental attachment to the place?

Seriously. This man does not know how to be discrete with the authorities??? He's kept the DWU gang free for how long?
He's not running straight to the PRT, he's checking with his lawyer to make sure they don't get fucked over by not revealing something. For all he knows there might be international interdimensional laws in place she might be violating by jumping to the Celestial realm and 9/10ths of the time ignorance of the law is not a valid defense.
You know, I'm still half awake. Just killed a rant I almost posted.

Taylor is trying to verify if she's crazy or not, and Danny's being an ass about it.
Except, that entire opening scene with her eating the peach has not happened for literally anyone except for Taylor
How can Taylor know that specifically? The only one in the bay area that can confirm that what she experienced isnt a normal trigger vision is Miss Militia, and since she is the only one with almost every Cape forgetting that vision it could be attributed to just having a halucination. Also, I dont THINK that taylor specifically talked about the peach garden to anyone, but I'm not sure on that.