The SVerse Of Kickass Cats [All Outta Bubblegum, Recruiting]

Happy New Year everyone, and I'd like to explain how the last weeks of December went for me.

So I got really busy the two weeks before Christmas, which meant I got a little too drained to post a reply. Then, the week of Christmas, I got sick, so I recovered for a week, and then finally got back around to posting on SV this week after everything had blown over.

So! Who's ready to get back to cat shenanigans?
Happy New Year everyone, and I'd like to explain how the last weeks of December went for me.

So I got really busy the two weeks before Christmas, which meant I got a little too drained to post a reply. Then, the week of Christmas, I got sick, so I recovered for a week, and then finally got back around to posting on SV this week after everything had blown over.

So! Who's ready to get back to cat shenanigans?
Happy New Year everyone, and I'd like to explain how the last weeks of December went for me.

So I got really busy the two weeks before Christmas, which meant I got a little too drained to post a reply. Then, the week of Christmas, I got sick, so I recovered for a week, and then finally got back around to posting on SV this week after everything had blown over.

So! Who's ready to get back to cat shenanigans?
Going to be honest, I didnt get an alert, for OOC or IC. Might want to tag everyone here again?
Huh... I kinda totally forgot about this... well I will see about putting up a post tomorrow I guess.
I'll admit a big part of it was kinda just wondering 'what should I say...' and then forgetting about the whole thing until now. Another part is that I just had a dentist appointment today and am not really ready to post now either.