The SVerse Of Kickass Cats [All Outta Bubblegum, Recruiting]

Whoops, sorry, I sorta forgot this game existed for a bit there what with all the real life stuff happening(holidays, birthday, dentist appointment).
That and I also kinda wish I'd changed my avatar before joining in on this. If I'd joined in as the specific avatar I had in mind to change to then I'd be more than willing to laugh at my characters inevitable failures, especially the more outrageous ones. As is though I feel like I'm just gonna keep feeling ever so slightly frustrated and quite a bit lost for how to respond to such a thing In Character.
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I'm afraid I have to ask if I can change my character, even if I'd have to drop out of this episode to do it. I want to play this game, I love the idea of it, but I feel just like I can't enjoy doing it if it's as this current character.
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If you think it's necessary, go ahead and change characters. I wouldn't want anybody to feel left out or inadequate for the episode, and I trust everyone to not go nuts with this.

@Heaven Canceler

Let's...make that a kickass action.

@Space Jawa

Noted, I'll allow it for this. A tow isn't particularly kickass in this context, anyway. More embarrassing for the tow-ee and...possibly the tow-er.
Name: Shiromori
Description: Shiromori, straight off the bat, is an obviously abnormal looking cat. Her fur is blue, with the exception of a large amount that poofs out around her head and runs down her back, and is also quite large, her size more akin to that of a Lynx than the average housecat. This is all neglecting, however, how obvious structural differences. Her hind legs do not have paws, but rather end in perfectly flat stumps. Her tail ends in a large(like, relative to humans) inhuman hand. Oh and there's a Bonsai Tree growing out of her head. Her face as well, is unusual, while may look like an ordinary feline face at first glance, a more involved look would show that it isn't quite right, more akin to a cartoonishly stylized cat, and her mouth able to stretch from ear to ear in a jagged grin and make a variety of human expressions.

As a person she is not necessarily hostile, but cruel. More than willing to hurt and torment others for her own gain, but not one to jump to those options if she can think of one that is faster or easier. At least, until blood becomes involved. She presents herself as being better than others, an idea she actually believes, and the way she walks, when around others at least, can be considered almost alluring by cat standards. Then comes the touchy subject; dogs, and canines in general. It is no secret that many cats have little love or respect for dogs, yet many still are indifferent or others even actively friendly with them on principle. Few feel quite so negatively as Shiromori. At best a canine is trash to be brushed aside and ignored, at worst well... that mutt cannot run forever.
Bio: The white forest. Once a strange sort of landmark in Japan in feudal times, now gone. A place as frightening as it was beautiful, few who went in came back out. There are many things seemingly no-one knows, but the ones that stand out most are, 'how did it get there?' for they say it simply appeared one night and began to grow further, and 'where did it go?', for it vanished just as quickly.

For how it got there, well there's a legend told that an ancient kitsune, his motivations unknown, grew the forest from but a single flower, by watering it with his own blood. Over time, many warriors went into the forest to slay the trickster. None of them survived their journey... except one. A young girl, with flowing blue hair, came to the Forest to defeat the creature that killed her father. The two made a bet, or bargain of some kind, and eventually, the girl returned from the forest. Scarred and damaged from obvious battle, but followed by a mysterious dog. The forest, no longer being fed the blood of its mystical master, began to wither and recede. Then one night, feeling thirsty for it's masters blood, and betrayed by the one person it trusted, all that was left vanished in moments, without a trace.

As for where it went... well why do you need to ask, she's right here. The spirit of the forest, left behind by her former master, took the form most antithetical to his own, a cat. From there, hanging around where strange felines where expected to be simply seemed natural. That situations from which blood can be attained seem to occur somewhat regularly was a welcome bonus.
Shears- Not technically a power so much as a weapon, but the seemingly living pair of hedge clippers Shiromori carries everywhere she goes are deadly sharp, even having a cutting edge on the outside of the blades, and can expand into a large, two handed pair of jagged clippers, perfect for severing heads.
It Reminded Me of You- Shiromori can grow flowers from her palm based on the spiritual essence of others. Touching objects someone held closely to themselves, or felt a strong connection to would allow far more of a strong connection to form, while if the left over essence is too faint the flower may simply wilt. These flowers are naturally drawn to those whose essence they grew from, as if something is pulling them towards the source, therefor by scattering the petals through the air they can be used to track others with ease.
All the Power of A Tree- Shiromori is strong enough to send a web of cracks through solid stone with a single blow, and tough enough to take a speeding van to the face and keep swinging.
Ya Dig It?- Shiromori can burrow through the ground with ease. Digging through even stone and asphalt with enough speed to outpace a car.
Head Bobbing- Shiromori seems to be constantly moving along to an unheard beat that occasionally changes. The world nearby falls in line with this as well. This makes actions slightly more predictable, but the subconscious nature of the effect makes it otherwise entirely aesthetic, doing nothing more than looking cool.
Life Grows From Ashes- Shiromori can regrow lost parts rapidly, including her head, she can basically sprout from the ground if she has to. Unfortunately, she's also incredibly flammable.
So if Shiromori were standing right next to Tiara when she vented all 25 gigawatts of steel-melting waste heat from her reactor...

Hopefully it doesn't come to that.
Well looks like we are getting quite the varied bunch for episode two,.

Still trying to guess what the title of the episode means.. perhaps we will go to a Magical Candyland and fight the Evil Snack Queen?

Yeah, you're in. I apologize for how long that took - my weekend got busy and I couldn't quite compensate.

@I just write

I'm gonna need to think of the right adventure to send you on. Consider yourself on a waitlist until a real epic kicks off, but if I can trust you to keep an episode going for long enough with such a power set and you can really convince me of that, you're up for the next ep.


Hmmm...well, I think no matter what, you should have Bram reform and join up since I'll be starting the adventure proper now. I mean, as long as I tell you guys what's up first I can do that anywhere.
@I just write

I'm gonna need to think of the right adventure to send you on. Consider yourself on a waitlist until a real epic kicks off, but if I can trust you to keep an episode going for long enough with such a power set and you can really convince me of that, you're up for the next ep.
Fact of the matter is that there's a lot of situations where the sheer destruction Tiara Unleashed can release is simply counterproductive due to collateral damage concerns. Thus, in a lot of cases, she needs to hold back in order to not completely screw over her teammates. As an example, dumping that steel-melting waste heat next to allies who can't take it is an extremely bad idea, and those UV lasers at full power are liable to outright blind those who don't know not to look at the beams.

Besides, unless Tiara is really, really pissed, she prefers to avoid starting a conflict in the first place (basically will not initiate combat if above 4 Bubblegum).
Okay, that's fair enough for me. As you might have seen, you're on the list now.


On that note, it's official for you, too - you're on the short list, your cat and profile pending.
Sorry about taking so long for my first post. I'll try to post early tomorrow. Definitely sometime tomorrow at the latest.
Hi, I can still join right? I kinda already wrote a profile so... I'll just post it here... I hope it's okay.

Name: Shea: The Daydream Caster; Of the Sunset; The Illusion of a Loved One
A secretive Abyssian kitten who covets affection, most don't normally see what's under his soft cinnamon fur and golden eyes. Shea is an adaptable kitten with a love of heights who likes to observe more than interact unless something personally interests him. By that point he shows the energy his breed is known for as he experiments with what (or who) catches his interest. This has gotten him a few enemies, yet a lot of friends among his owner's circle.

If one looks close enough at Shea's friendly eyes, the occasional sunset colors will replace the gold like a horizon sky, similar to a mood ring in some respect, though limited in color. It's the same with his fur at times, with the short, fine hairs becoming mist-like. His tail is said to be like an orange-tinged fog during these episodes.

Shea never leaves his home without his bag, slung across his back or tucked into small areas at the highest places he can reach. It holds a few things, not including the letters he delivers for his owner to those that the Abyssian knows or cares for.

He enjoys watching people and loves to fish on the waterfront, provided that the water is actually clean and clear. Even if his owner hated it

Shea's origin is a little foggy, even to him. The first thing he remembered was seeing his owner (then an eight year old girl) crying and alone. His first action, even without memories of his beloved owner? To comfort the girl.

As the years passed by, his memory never returned. That was alright. The part that worried him more was that he kept fading into mist at random times. It was something he kept from his owner, although he had a feeling that the teen (who was 15 and male now) knew about it. Shea could tell from the sobs his owner made in his sleep.

As his owner got older, due to his ambitions, he (the owner) started to look for a place that was safe and enjoyable for Shea to stay while he was busy. When his owner found the cat cafe, he immediately entered negotiations with the owner and walked out satisfied.

It seemed like that Shea would be happy around the other cats at the cafe while his beloved owner was studying and working, while staying with the college student when he wasn't so busy.

A Sunset Daydream: He can cast illusions on the distracted, or even the most focused of people. His ability only works on a single person (dead, alive, human, non-human, cat), and it is easy to bring them out of the daydream he placed someone in with a single, small action.
Those Calming Waves: An interesting skill of Shea is his ability to just... comfort the downtrodden and calm some of the most fiery passions. It takes time and effort, but in the end, he can succeed in just being there for a person.
To See The Impossible: A manifestation of his own magic, he can see most, if not all, supernatural beings. Even Cthulu or other Eldritch Beings. He can keep himself down to earth remarkably well though.
A Dream Far Gone: A semi-locked abiltiy. This ability is his true body, the imaginary friend of a Dreamer who never unlocked their power. Shea doesn't truly exist, but the belief of his existence brings him to life. His body is a mist, and may never be truly returned due to his owner's belief.
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