The SVerse Of Kickass Cats [All Outta Bubblegum, Recruiting]

Intro To The SVerse

Hoshino Yumemi

A Few Bulbs Short Of A Planetarium
I've decided to drop this one on SV and see what shakes out. I think I'm gonna have some fun getting back in this particular saddle. Been a while since I've done an AOB game, and I've got a twist that oughta make this fun...


In a world similar to, but legally distinct from our own...

Legend tells of a time not too long ago where cats were blessed with a strange gift: they had superpowers! Well, to be more specific, some had superpowers beforehand and others just randomly developed them from an inexplicable force (and one cat made a pact with Catthulhu that worked out really well, all things considered). They did awesome stuff, and then they kinda buzzed off, wandering into the sunset that way cats...don't. Shut up, I was going somewhere with that.

But this wasn't the end of the phenomenon. Now, a new generation of cats with superpowers suspiciously concurrent with that generation has arisen, gathering under one banner (and also a totally different cat cafe to the last guys) to save the world and do cat stuff...just like the last guys, really. But with crazier powers and higher stakes, do these hairball-hacking heroes have what it takes to fit shoes that big that...uh, cats don't wear? Only time will tell...


So, What Is This?

This is a game of All Outta Bubblegum. To be specific, it'll be a whole bunch of episodic games of this ridiculously fun one-page RPG since I've been sitting on episode briefs for a cat game I never got to do - at least, until now.

The twist of this one is an old one I haven't used in a while: what you'll be doing is making a cat that blends whatever fine feline you're going for...with qualities of your SV avatar. Whatever it is you're using right now, you can do whatever you like so long as it fits the profile of incorporating a look or a powerset or anything strongly tying your character to your avatar.

Because this is episodic and because cats have that tendency to just do their own thing anyway, you don't have to show up for episodes you don't feel like playing in, and it'll be easy for players to drop in and out as I think up more episodes. The general plot of this is, well, you're all new cats in a new cat cafe who slink out every once in a while to save the world from things that apparently cats can only defeat.

And What Do I Have To Do To Apply?

All I need for an application are the following:

Name: Your cat's name, any aliases; try to narrow it down to a few you expect to use a whole lot.
Description: A short blurb, maybe a picture, anything that paints a picture of what your cat looks like and how they act.
Bio: Gimme a little info on how your cat got this way, and why they associate with the other cats in the cat cafe of justice.
Powers: The big one. What cool avatar-related superpowers does your cat pack?

And How Do You Play All Outta Bubblegum?

All Outta Bubblegum works like this:

Every player has only one stat: Bubblegum. This starts at an 8 for every player over the course of a game, or I suppose in this case, an episode.

Whenever you do something with a sizable chance for failure, like in a lot more serious games with more rules, you roll dice, in this case, a 10-sided die.

If you're rolling to do something mundane or generally not ass-kicking-related, you roll a d10. If it's equal to or below your current Bubblegum score, congratulations! You did the thing you said you would. If it's over your current Bubblegum score, you fail, everyone gets a good laugh, and you lose a point of Bubblegum. You can also automatically succeed at a mundane roll by sacrificing a point of Bubblegum.

If you're rolling to do something ass-kicking-related or suitably kickass, you also roll a d10. If it's above your current Bubblegum score, hooray! You totally kick that ass you said you were gonna kick. If it's equal to or below your current Bubblegum score, you fail, we all watch you get rocked, and you lose a point of Bubblegum. If two players fight, they both roll for kicking ass this same way, and the guy who passes wins; or if both pass, the one who rolls higher wins. The loser has to lose a point of Bubblegum.

If your Bubblegum score runs down to 0, you are officially All Outta Bubblegum(tm). In this state, you auto-succeed at any and all ass-kicking attempts, but you also can't do anything mundane. At all. If you have to finagle a way to do something mundane, you'll have to do it in a ridiculously kickass manner, and it will absolutely make things crazy for everyone involved. It is also the only way to get taken out of the episode: when you are All Outta Bubblegum, if someone rolls a d10 to kick your ass and they roll a 10, you're out. No take-backsies, no ifs, ands or buts, you're out until the next episode.

And that's it! So, if anybody wants to put up a cat for some old school kickassitude, now's the time, and if you're not up to this one, there's always the next one.

The Full Cat List

Shiromori/Failbird105: Be The Tree
Space Jawa/Jarvis: The Mechanical Madcat
AProcrastinator/Mugiwara/Lejion: We're All Mad Here
Heaven Canceler/Laffey: Solomon's Demon
Sablonus/Bram: Evil Is So Boned
SplicedHunter/Riven: WIsh In One Paw...
Tiara/I just write: The Only Way To Be Sure
munchkinomatic: Cat Unknown

This Episode's Cats

Shiromori/Failbird105: Be The Tree
Space Jawa/Jarvis: The Mechanical Madcat
AProcrastinator/Mugiwara/Lejion: We're All Mad Here
Heaven Canceler/Laffey: Solomon's Demon
Sablonus/Bram: Evil Is So Boned
SplicedHunter/Riven: WIsh In One Paw...

Next Episode's Waitlist
Tiara/I just write: The Only Way To Be Sure
munchkinomatic: Cat Unknown

The Episodes

Episode I: The Snack Run

Current Episode

Episode I: The Snack Run


Failbird105: 7
Space Jawa: 8
AProcrastinator: 8
Heaven Canceler: 7
Sablonus: 7
SplicedHunter: 8
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This seems hilarious and awesome and I have an agender featherhead chemistry student for an avatar.

This is great.
Name: Jarvis; AKA "The Mechanical Madcat"
Description: A dark black cat with lots of long, soft hair and two eyes that glow a mysterious yellow. Wears a nifty little brown cloak. Is easily distracted, and loves to show off and be the center of attention.
Bio: Was adopted by an auto mechanic as a kitten, and for reasons took an odd level of interest in his owners work beyond what anyone might expect of a cat. He mostly started wearing the cloak because he thought it would make him look cool, but then realized it can also help keep his fur clean(er). As far as anyone can tell, he mostly hangs around the cat cafe of JUSTICE so he can show off his work to others who have the ability to truly appreciate his work.
Electro-Hairballs - Jarvis is capable of charging his hairballs with electrical energy that causes them to explode or disperse in a large burst of energy on impact. He's also capable of projectile-vomiting his hairballs with impressive range and accuracy.
Mechanical Mastermind - Jarvis has an uncanny understanding of all things mechanical, electrical, or otherwise dealing with machines. He's pretty good at figuring them out and making them work. He's also rather adept at fixing broken machines or building new ones, even out of scrap or spare parts. Though it should be noted that while such machines may technically work, there's no guarantee of reliable quality. Sometimes they work wonders beyond expectations, other times they come with unexpected 'quirks' or can be prone to failure at the worst moments.
Soft and Squishy - Jarvis has a body that's practically built like a stuffed animal. He's all but immune to blunt force trauma in its many forms, and he's even more flexible and 'liquid' than your standard cat.
You know, I think my Avatar works pretty well as is.

So, does anyone want to rejoice and make a wish?
Name: Mugiwara, to his enemies. Leijon, to his friends.

Description: Grey fur. Somewhat scrawny looking. Stray, formerly owned, and de-clawed; uses stale candy corn as a prosthetic. Always wearing a straw hat with a red band. Never isn't smiling - or at least, is always showing his teeth.

...he's doggedly loyal, which is antithetical to cats on more than one level. And his grand ambitions tend to revolve around harmless fun, rather than, say, stealing the world's supply of catnip, or making war on every cat to cross his path. But do not mistake this as Mugiwara being a good kitty.

Bio: There's a legend, among feline kind. A kitten's fancy, perhaps. Certainly a popular bit of play-acting among the little ones, set on ruffling each other's whiskers. Certainly untrue, even in a world where superpowers and im-paw-sibilities abound. And yet ...

Mad people. That's been the only certainty in Leijon's life, ever since he was a kitten - artists, politicians, poets and priests, he's been handed off from one to the next for never more than a month at a time, absorbing with catlike cunning a thousand different ways of looking at the world, and finding none of it quite palatable enough to justify his continued solitude. All the wisdom in the world and not a speck of fun. A terrible thing to do to the noble cat.

He ran away from it all, at long last, when it looked like his last owners - a young couple who owned a bookstore - seemed dangerously close to keeping him for a second month. The streets brought freedom, but also danger, and it was from a gang of dogs protecting their territory that the cat cafe managed to rescue Leijon.

He was a powerless stray when rescued, and brought to the cat cafe. Yet, there, in the aftermath, and the sleep, the revelation that he would always, *always* be amongst mad people brought him to clarity. No, not insanity, and certainly not madness- clarity.

Set a tom amongst mad people for long enough, and you are sure to get a Cheshire Cat.

I'm a Rubber Cat!: The Cheshire Cat is said to have wondrous control over the form of its body, capable of puling off purr-fectly unbelievable feats - and Leijon is no exception. Able to change his body to and from something rubbery at a moment's notice, Leijon can make himself mostly immune to blunt force trauma and lightning, can stretch his limbs to impossible lengths and shapes, and even float by inflating himself like a balloon, should he so wish.

Puss-Psy-Cat: Tacticle telekinesis. Mugiwara is capable of moving objects with his mind, but only in short bursts, and only when making physical contact with them. In practice, this usually looks a lot more like super strength than it does anything like a mental power. However, it being telekinesis that is the source of his powers means there are a lot of nifty tricks he can pull off that super strength can't - moving something with a lack of leverage, for example.

Which Remained Some Time After the Rest of it had Gone: Leijon's fangs are completely indestructible.

I think maybe I took this too seriously...
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Name: Missy(pronounced as Mishy when she says it) Of Dunwich, Missy
Description: To humans, and other cats, she simply appears as a runty, pitch black silhouette, with a figure somewhere between typical house-cat and goat. The only things visible in any sort of color under any sort of light being her eyes and teeth, which glow orange. To other species though... well that belongs under powers, not here. She wears a novelty t-shirt, oversized for her body, for the good of those around her.
In terms of behavior, she's childish, and frequently seems lacking in terms of intelligence, that is until you hit the random topics falling into her Knowledge, where she suddenly seems brilliant, she also primarily derives amusement from others fear, and their own weirdness. Still, though she loves being around and interacting with others, she is deathly silent until addressed(directly or otherwise) or made directly involved in a conversation.
Bio: It wouldn't be accurate to say she got this way. This is how she was born after all, physically at least. In the mental department, well, living among a population almost solely consisting of massive eldritch goat-girls who are so many generations in-bred that they have no last names and are educated solely by the endless stream of consciousness of Yog-Sothoth can do that to you.

Why hang out with the others here though, well, it's not like what she is can be hidden, or like she has any interest in doing so. It's simply easier to hang about a group of other weirdos, rather than wander the streets where everyone and everything living is keen on staying far away from her. In some cases knowingly for their own good.

The Knowledge - Missy has a direct mental connection to her father, the Omniscient Yog-Sothoth, whos endless stream of consciousness she can tap into, by standing still, raising herself as high as she can, and then simply tuning out the world. This information may be completely irrelevant, capable of melting lesser minds, incredibly useful, or some combination of the three. Those who can listen into the minds of others may pick up whispers.

The Gate, The Key - Missy has an intimate understanding of interdimensional gateways, and could construct one given the proper components and manpower. Closing them is downright simple, though neither she nor any of her half-sisters possess the power to directly open them on their own.

Existential Horror - Missys body is downright mind-breaking to those who can properly comprehend it. Cats and humans are counted as lucky as their brains simply refuse too for their own good, causing her to appear as a silhouette. Creatures with lesser minds meanwhile, are simply terrified, their brains incapable of properly understanding the sight.

Unspeakable Sensation - The same incomprehensible horror of her appearance applies to the physical sensation of touching her body, and this time there is no filter over the experience. Thankfully, both the presence of "fur" on her body and the fact that she is less generations separated from Earthly physiology means the effect is quite dampened, it is still traumatic and capable of easily incapacitating others for a short time(aka, a day), either through unconsciousness, or the more typical "screaming coma". Having something else between you and her skin is more than capable of preventing the effect entirely however.
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OK, I do believe I can work with our three current applicants.

There's still definitely seats open; I'm willing to wait.

Oh yeah, and I've revealed the name of our first episode: The Snack Run. Trust me, this one's not gonna be as pedestrian as it sounds.
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Going to be honest, I saw this one but forgot about it. Thinking about an undead cat, Tim Burton style. Necromancer? Puss in Boots Expy, but for Knights instead of Zorro? Eh, I'll think of something.
Huh... this is a pretty amusing concept... so let's see... a bunny-cat with the powers of a WWII destroyer? I guess there could be weirder things out there...
That puts me in the frame of mind of imagining a Ryo-ohki that's an even more literal cabbit warship than the original. I'd be happy to have it.
Name: Laffey; also called Solomon's Demon

Description: A snow white cat with red eyes that seems to always look at least a bit sleepy. Laffey has two very fluffy and unusually long ears that make it almost look like she wears her hair twintail style.

On her head are a pair of black mechanical objects that resemble bunny ears strongly.

Bio: Laffey did not gain her powers through an accident, did not get bitten by an radioactive mouse or get empowered by a divine being. Rather Laffey's abilities have followed her from her last life, one in which she fought as the destroyer USS Laffey until her sinking in the Battle of the Solomons. Her memories were unclear upon her rebirth, dreams slowly letting her remember the days of when she was made of steel, cutting through the sea and carrying her crew into battle.

Laffey was a lazy kitten, the sort who sleeps whenever she isn't eating and loves to cuddle up to her owner, a smart little girl named Annie.

But as the years went by her body was changing and she started to gain the abilities of her former life. More than that, she was starting to feel stir crazy somehow. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy her lazy life, but it felt like she was lacking with being unable to use her capabilities. Somehow she couldn't stand the idea of not using her abilities as a warship for something constructive.

Fortunately a certain Cat Cafe was around and willing to let free all these urges that were building within her.


Demon of Solomon: Laffey is a cat, but she is also a warship. When calling upon her former self, she possesses the same durability and weight of the Benson class destroyer she once was. In addition, she can summon her armament, which includes downsized magic guns that have the full omph of her cannons back when she was a destroyer.

It also includes torpedo launchers, boots that allow her to race on the water like a ship, and last but not least, a kickass cape.

The fake bunny ears on her head meanwhile give her access to sonar and radio waves. They are also not real, don't stare so much!
Looks like the cast I got so far is the one we'll start with.

I'll do my OP tomorrow, and anyone who still wants to jump in, I'll hear out your profiles and give you a relevant Gum score to start with. See you when it's open!
Looks like the cast I got so far is the one we'll start with.

I'll do my OP tomorrow, and anyone who still wants to jump in, I'll hear out your profiles and give you a relevant Gum score to start with. See you when it's open!
Oh fuck, I forgot about this.

..I'll have a sheet up by tonight. Rather have a skeleton kit, knight kit, or necromancer kit?
IC Thread, Where To Roll, and How
Decided to put the IC thread up a little bit early, because I have some info to share.

There are gonna be some ground rules, too. Not many, just some for housekeeping.

You're gonna roll all your d10s on the IC thread, not the OOC thread. However, I'm gonna keep a running scoreboard here on the OOC thread so anyone can hop back here and check their Gum scores at a glance.

When you roll for something, remember to roll one d10 and tell me very clearly in parentheses or in the dice rolling caption if you're rolling for doing a kickass or non-kickass thing. This is so we can avoid any confusion or delays.

Finally, because I mentioned her in the OP of the IC thread...

Name: The Boss

Description: A slender, sleek cat with long fur that looks like some kind of super-advanced robot rendition of a housecat a thousand years hence or some sort of alien. If it weren't for the unnatural blue fur, the holograms or the long color-changing ribbons grafted to her body, one would think The Boss was a regular housecat. Okay, that's a lot of if's but it's what The Boss has to deal with. The Boss also has a snazzy hat and wears her main ribbons around her neck in a huge bow that trails behind her like a cape.

Bio: Nobody knows exactly how or why The Boss blew in one day, but she did. She believes a storm's coming, that's all she says on the topic, and no matter what, why or how, she's devoted her life to averting it for all of catkind, mankind, and everyone else in between. Whether The Boss is an alien or a time traveler or a time-traveling alien, she's resolute in her mission. For now, she enjoys her life as one of the fixtures of the Golden Honey Cafe chain.


Totally Boss Pipes: The Boss is the boss, and even if she isn't, she can sure sound like it. Built-in speakers and directionalized carrier wave systems let her deliver devastating sonic attacks or carry her voice even through heavy ambient noise or long distances.

Totally Boss Technology: The Boss is obviously some kind of robot. She can project holograms and hack into technology, including wirelessly communicating with and manipulating machinery. Her capabilities are limited to how good her connection can be made, with the fastest being a physical connection. Hardware-wise, she's shockingly lightweight, extremely fast and incredibly tough. Those holograms, if she pumps enough power into them, become hard light constructs that can work as anything from the best set of claws ever to fantastic weapons or gadgets for any situation.

Totally Boss Moves: The Boss is also an adept fighter. By saving mind-bogglingly complex fighting moves and saving them as choreographed animations for her body, The Boss can learn and play back fighting moves by searching for them or observing them.

GM Character Rules: As a character by the GM, The Boss does not hold onto or spend Gum like other players. Instead, she has the Gum score of whoever's got the lowest score at any given time. This is so the players and not the GM command the pacing of the game.

Good luck, everybody! And, uh, do try to take a moment for now, y'know? I'm waiting on at least one profile to be completed.
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I really regret not making a sheet for this sooner. Love the concept. Still feel like the powers need work though, thoughts?

Name: Lord Alastor Abraham Irvington Bramblewood, Dread Nek(r)o Knight of Maple Street, Herald of the Eternal Nap. 'Bram'

Description: For all his power, and for all the weight his titles give him in certain circles.. Bram really isn't that cool most of the time, and he knows it. That doesn't stop him from belting one liners and bursting through windows, though. He jokes a lot, but most of it is black gallows humor and dry wit. Being the butt of the joke keeps him in the spotlight he relishes, though he has no inclination towards glory if it were to get in the way of his duty.

Bram is a surprisingly small cat, comrpised of only bones and what little metal plate he calls armor. The bones themselves are black as the night, thick with ash and charred cinder, baked into the very marrow of his body. A light, however dim, glows from his eye sockets, growing in intensity by whatever actions take place. Able to take the form of a normal cat, but only to eyes, as he would still feel like bones and steel.

Bio: In a very very tragic story, Bram saved his chuunibyou shut-in owner from a fire at the cost of all nine of his lives. Amazingly, the cat rose once more from the sheer belief and love from his owner! (And a few other vairables) Unfortunately, his owner didn't know this, and moved out of state back to his mother's basement, leaving Bram's remains behind in the process. Feeling that he needed an eternal goal to anchor himself to the world of the living after his initial rise, Bram came across the CAT CAFE OF JUSTICE, and after making a suitably dynamic entry, felt that only they could handle his sheer awesome powers of chivalrous ham and nec(r)omancy.

Oh, and he's the afterlife's chosen champion for righting the wrongs of those beyond the grave, for only he can defeat his arch nemesis, the Jackal, and bring peace to lost cat souls everywhere, or whatever.


The Lorax, But For the Dead Instead of, Y'know, Trees: The souls and spirits of the recently passed, or those who are lost on the mortal plane can be seen by his half living, half dead eyes. He can also speak to them, or become posessed by one if he allowed it. Unfortunately this just looks like Bram is talking to himself, and makes him look like a loony. Until, y'know, his eyes start glowing from the exorcism he dunks on the more malignant ones.
(Spirit Perception/Interaction)

King of Dog Bait: Super duper ultra osteokinesis! Must be deadd, so only things like bones in the ground or inside food can be controlled, besides his own bones. Able to lift them telekinetically, but not his own, because that'd be like trying to lif tthe scruff of your own neck. Though now, his own bones are near indastructible, and come together like a discount Iron Giant if they're seperated. If he were to aquire every bone of a past being's body, he'd even be able to call them back from the dead with all their abilities for a limited amount of time.
(Osteokinesis, Heightened Bone Strength, Regeneration/Comes-Back-Together)

Hammy Actor, Bones and All: His voice is surprisingly smooth and baritone, considering he has no larynx to speak of. His growls sound more like a Tiger's than a cat when he wants it to, and illusions of smoke and fire weave through his sable frame as though natural. He may be a goofball hero nine times out of ten, but that one percent of action, he reminds people why he was chosen as the Herald of the Last Napping.
(Minor Illusions, Minor Smoke/Ash/Cinder Control, Master Actor/No Bluffing/Lying Tells)
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I see this adding nicely to the group spread we have here. You definitely created what I asked for; there's plenty of possibility for physical humor with Bram. What's important is that the power spread has a lot of kickass, mundane, and mundane-in-a-kickass-way applications.
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I see this adding nicely to the group spread we have here. You definitely created what I asked for; there's plenty of possibility for physical humor with Bram.
"No! No! Somebody get my leg! Stupid dogs!" Indeed. There was a lot I wanted to add, but I also wanted to get this sheet out quick. Might add small things as time goes on. Had the idea for a healing ability, since he doesn't need his nine eight lives, he'd be able to give others some of them. Some of those three abilities also have a bit of overlap, and do you think it's alright that two of the cats are both supernatural bigshots?
It's probably alright. The stories I had in mind keep to the Kickass Cats' original brief when I tried to (and never followed through on) making the cat roleplay into a series:

Think Courage The Cowardly Dog by way of Michael Bay. Or John Woo. Or pick an action production bigshot.
Yeah, sure, establish yourself in your opening posts. Get used to rolling for stuff, so long as you roll yourself in with style. Not necessary, but it's helpful.