The SV Pirates!

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One day, certain SV members were going about their daily life in quarantine. Some may have been doing work, others may have been sleeping. A few people may have been watching one piece, before feeling... something strange, before blacking out.

With the dawn of their new lives, they find themselves in a strange place. Some may find it familiar, others not so much.

Either way, this is the beginning of what may be their greatest adventure yet, or hell on earth.

One Piece
You awaken on a ship, hearing the sounds of the waves crash into your ship. Why do feel a sense of foreboding about going to the grand line, and why are you wearing so much armor?

Woken up from your slumber by your cabin boy, you grab your mace and walk out of your room to see your crew getting ready for a raid. Though, you feel like there's something familiar about this scene...

Sitting on your throne, high above upper yard, you feel a strange, but temporary, disconnect to your Mantra. But that simply couldn't have happened, could it? You are a god, after all.

as I sleep peacefully, I hear a knock on my door, before realizing I feel... a lot smaller than I did before. Not to mention feeling... horns coming out of my head?
Woken up from your slumber by your cabin boy, you grab your mace and walk out of your room to see your crew getting ready for a raid. Though, you feel like there's something familiar about this scene...

Oh god dammit.

It was supposed to be a routine day. Get up, eat breakfast, get ready, go to work. Nothing out of the ordinary.

At no point in the itinerary was I scheduled to wake up as quite possibly the ugliest woman in One Piece this side of Kokoro the mermaid.

Thankfully, my current self had a reputation for not suffering back talk lightly, so as long as I didn't do anything blatantly out of character, I should be able to get some time to myself soon enough so I could figure out what was happening.

After I get my ass beat by Straw Hat, anyway. God almighty; of all the people I have to wake up as, it just had to be the jobber pirate captain...

After lumbering out of my cabin, I took note of the crew, as they were getting their weapons out. Okay, if we're doing a raid, and Coby's still here, that means that we're probably going for the Lady Mary, which makes this the anime timeline.

...and I only read the manga. Fun.

At least the crew was smart enough to remember to clean the ship before I came on deck. Time to play my part.

"Alright you dogs!" I yelled, getting everyone's attention. "Pay attention, because I'm only going to say this once! Our target may be a civilian vessel, but that does not mean that we can afford to play with them! Get in, take their valuables and supplies, and get out! The longer we stick around, the more time the Marines have to get here, so if anyone holds us up for a second longer than we need to, I will deal with them personally!"

I glared at the crew, many of whom were shaking in their boots. My anger wasn't entirely fake, and from the looks of it, they had bad memories of the last time that Alvida was in a rotten mood. "And may God have mercy on your souls if you try to hide any loot from me," I growled, "because I sure as hell won't. Now, just to make sure we're on the same page: who's the most beautiful woman on the high seas?!"

"YOU ARE, LADY ALVIDA!" the crew roared. I sneered, while mentally apologizing to Boa Hancock and Princess Shirahoshi for making these poor fools pretend that I was in their league.

"You're goddamn right. Now, load those cannons, and once our quarry's in range, open fire!"
Meanwhile, on the Mary Ann...

A barrel is hoisted up by two rookie marines, the both of them thinking it's filled with booze. However, inside this barrel is Monkey D. Luffy, Our favorite gullible Rubberman, sleeping peacefully.

On the lookout post, Looking through his telescope, another marine sees the Alvida Pirates' Miss Love Duck approaching, and shouts out "PIRATES ARE COMING! ENEMY RAID, ENEMY RAID!!"

(Note: Miss Love Duck is the name of the Alvida Pirates' ship.)

You awaken on a ship, hearing the sounds of the waves crash into your ship. Why do feel a sense of foreboding about going to the grand line, and why are you wearing so much armor?

I-I... what...? what is going on?!

This was not something I was expecting, how could it be? I... what was going on? Think, come on what was going on? What was exactly was the plan for the future? What was the plan right now... try to remember.

I... I was at home first- or was I here on the seas? I don't remember. How could I right now? Walking slowly towards the deck of the ship I think on what is going on. My head is hurting and it isn't getting better the longer it goes on. I... I think I know what is going on, but it's hard to say. Two sets of conflicting memories maybe? or something else that could explain it better... There isn't much I can do besides move on... Scowling I make my way forward I see that several crew members quickly move out of my way.

Quickly coming to the topside I look over everything, trying to figure out why I feel so unsure and unsafe. We were on the way to the Grand Line right now, but something about that fills me with a foreboding feeling, something was going to happen, and I think I knew what, but it's hard to find out what as I don't exactly remember. At least, I don't remember what could be filling me with such dread right now. If I could buy time, perhaps I could... yes. I could be able to either remember what was going to happen, and prepare for it, or sidestep it with preparation.

What would be a good excuse for stopping, so close to our destination? Perhaps we can find a nearby island to touchdown at? Mayhaps I can... improve the chances of... whatever comes next... With that, several flashes in my vision appear, the vision looks, for all intents and purposes, to be a flashback of some sort. It's still extremely blurry and out of focus, but I manage to pick up that we meet someone after we pass into the Grand Line, there is little to nothing I can pick up besides that... Letting out a snarl I command the ships to continue, nobody would stop Admiral Don Krieg from completing his quest for the One Piece. "Look forward. Prepare Men of the Krieg Armada! We make our way to the Grand Line, and Nobody can stop us! We are the Don Krieg Pirates, the most fearsome Pirates in the Blues, will we let anyone stand in our way?!"

Surprise blankets the faces of many a pirate, at least before they collect their wits and reply, "NO ADMIRAL DON KRIEG!" With that, the fleet continues going forward, making their way towards the entrance to the Grand Line.
Sitting on your throne, high above upper yard, you feel a strange, but temporary, disconnect to your Mantra. But that simply couldn't have happened, could it? You are a god, after all.

I blinked. Once. Twice. Looked down at my hands. Prodded myself in the chest. Reached around behind myself and felt the... thing... somehow lodged into back.

My right eye twitched.

This... this was not normal. Not even slightly. Not even close to it. Reaching to the side, I grabbed the arm of the throne-sofa-thing I was lounging on and squeezed it in an attempt to calm myself, only for it to practically explode into pieces under my grasp. Blinking once in shock, I stared at the ruins of what had been a perfectly comfortable- or so my memories that weren't actually mine informed me- armrest, and felt my right eye twitch again.

'What. The actual. Fuck.' This was impossible. This couldn't happen. And yet somehow, somewhy, it clearly was. I recognised the body I was wearing, the place I'd found myself, and as much as I wanted to pretend this was some sort of dream I couldn't. Dreams didn't feel this real, and didn't dump an entire lifetime's worth of memories into your head with no warning.

No, the truth was inescapable. I was no longer just my boring old self- I was Enel, ruler of Skypiea and true god of this world-!

'Nope. No thinking like that. Nope.' I slapped myself on the side of the head, a frown finding its way onto my face. Clearly, however I'd ended up in this body- and wasn't that going to be a question for the ages- I'd received more than just Enel's memories as part of the process, if I was having thoughts like that. Enel was no god, just an overpowered logia-

'-aaaand there it is.' I thought as anger flared, a part of me trying to object to the very idea of possessing less than absolute power and authority. And really, could I blame it? Enel was practically untouchable, wielding one of the most powerful devil fruits out there alongside ridiculously powerful Observation Haki. Thinking of myself as a god wasn't exactly unreasonable in light of that, was it-?

-I slapped myself across the face again, driving out the bad thought before it could start to take root. Clearly, this was something I was going to have to keep on top of if I didn't want to end up a megalomaniacal tyrant like Enel. But that was okay, that was fine, I could deal with that. Surely, something as simple and straightforward as just keeping my ego in check would be child's play for my divine personage!

"...well. Fuck." I muttered, as I realised what exactly it was I'd just thought.
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Meanwhile, on the Mary Ann...

A barrel is hoisted up by two rookie marines, the both of them thinking it's filled with booze. However, inside this barrel is Monkey D. Luffy, Our favorite gullible Rubberman, sleeping peacefully.

On the lookout post, Looking through his telescope, another marine sees the Alvida Pirates' Miss Love Duck approaching, and shouts out "PIRATES ARE COMING! ENEMY RAID, ENEMY RAID!!"

(Note: Miss Love Duck is the name of the Alvida Pirates' ship.)

A s cannon fire rained down all around the Lady Mary, the shockwave of a stray shot knocked the barrel out of the rookies' hands, sending it rolling off into the ship. I grinned even wider. All according to plan.

"Bring us alongside, then get ready to board! It's time to show these dogs who rules the seas around here!"

The crew roared in approval, waving their weapons around. In the back, I could see Coby trying to sneak away, only for one of the crew members to grab him and pull him back.

"Coby!" I snapped. "Who's the most beautiful woman on these seas?"

The pink-haired boy laughed nervously. "T-the ship's captain, Alvida!"

On the outside, I sneered and laughed, the very picture of satisfied vanity. "Very good!"

On the inside, it was I could do to keep myself from vomiting from sheer shame. I wasn't sure if would be able to look this poor kid in the eye ever again, but I needed to press on.

Coby, I hope you'll forgive me someday, when we cross paths again on the Grand Line. I understand if you would want me dead after we part ways, but unless I play my part here, you and Luffy won't meet, and you won't be able to realize your dream.

I haven't been here for more than an hour or two, and I already hate being the bad guy.

The Miss Love Duck (I seriously named the ship that? What the hell was I smoking when that happened?) pulled up alongside the soon-to-be-doomed civilian vessel, and then grappling hooks shot across, connecting the two ships. I flourished my mace and bellowed,"Go forth! Show them the terror of Iron Mace Alvida, the lady pirate!"

The crew roared in agreement as they started pouring on the ship. I jumped across, the deck shaking under my weight as I landed on the Lady Mary. Satisfied that the crew were hunting the terrified passengers down, I started making my way to the captain's quarters.

After all, he might have a map or two that I could use as a refresher.
Down in Upper Yard Shores...

Onboard the Fuzzy Dreamer, a Goat Mink by the name of Toriel is making some lunch for the trio of children looking on at the island in front of them.

Frisk, one of the two humans onboard, the youngest of the three, looks to be quite excited to explore the island, while Chara, the oldest, is thinking about how powerful these priests are, and hoping for a good fight.

Asriel, on the other hand... is uneasy. Being the only crew member of the Dreamer Pirates (and the family) able to use Observation Haki, he knows that they're in a lot of danger if they set foot on Upper Yard. The locals had warned them, but his Father, the captain of the Dreamer Pirates, Asgore, wanted to free the people of Skypeia of this Tyrant, and took the helm to sail towards Upper Yard.

"Asriel, do you think these priests those berets talked about are strong?" Chara asks the middle child, and Asriel looks to the eldest, and nods.

"It's not just that, but I think that this Enel guy has the same thing I have."

"You mean your Observation Haki?"

Asriel nods, and begins to speak before hearing her mother call out to the trio.

"Lunch is ready, my children!"

...Maybe A bite to eat will help Asriel calm down for a while. It has been a long day, what with going up the knock up stream and being labeled as criminals the moment the Fuzzy Dreamer reaches the White White Sea.

Destination Decision

One of your Navigators nervously walks up towards you, looking a bit intimidated by your appearance. You find that your memories as Don Krieg knows this person only because he recently recruited him last week during a pillaging.

"U-um... Admiral Don Krieg? Are you s-sure we should go to the grand line right now? It's a half day away of sailing, but... it's called the Pirate's graveyard for a reason. M-maybe we could sail somewhere else to prepare?"

If you accept to listen: "O-okay. Where should we go?"

If you deny: "Alright, s-sorry for bothering you..."

Destination Decision

One of your Navigators nervously walks up towards you, looking a bit intimidated by your appearance. You find that your memories as Don Krieg knows this person only because he recently recruited him last week during a pillaging.

"U-um... Admiral Don Krieg? Are you s-sure we should go to the grand line right now? It's a half day away of sailing, but... it's called the Pirate's graveyard for a reason. M-maybe we could sail somewhere else to prepare?"

If you accept to listen: "O-okay. Where should we go?"

If you deny: "Alright, s-sorry for bothering you..."


Looking at the crewman I glare slightly, forcing them to tremble. I need to instill as much fear as possible before I move forward, so I do. "Your suggestion..." with a pause Don Krieg feels the air around him tense up. "Is acceptable. I do not wish to be called out in front of the crew again, but you make sense. I have an idea I must work on while we are beached as well, new weapons for the ships to ensure that they have something that can be used in an emergency." With his piece said he orders the navigators to begin moving towards a nearby island, but which one would it be?
Meanwhile, in the Captain's Quarters

A Lone marine is pacing around with a small, fancy chest in his hands, tightly grasping the little chest. He was entrusted by the captain of the Lady Mary to guard the chest with his life.

The marine only had one thought when he heard loud, booming footsteps approach the door.

'Why did it have to be me?'

Although Hercule is a Chief Petty Officer, he's more someone who relies on his toolset and environment rather than fighting head-on. Despite that, he's got some mean punches and kicks!



Meanwhile, in the Captain's Quarters

A Lone marine is pacing around with a small, fancy chest in his hands, tightly grasping the little chest. He was entrusted by the captain of the Lady Mary to guard the chest with his life.

The marine only had one thought when he heard loud, booming footsteps approach the door.

'Why did it have to be me?'

Although Hercule is a Chief Petty Officer, he's more someone who relies on his toolset and environment rather than fighting head-on. Despite that, he's got some mean punches and kicks!



Once I reached the door to the captain's quarters, I stopped, and sized it up. Now, I was pretty sure that if there was anyone behind this door, they would be expecting me to demand entrance, on pain of horrible death.

But why give away the advantage of surprise any more than I already have?

Instead, I carefully and quietly settled into a batting stance, then suddenly swung my mace into the door, aiming at the hinges. Of course, considering how strong I was, it probably didn't matter where I hit it.

With a CRASH, the door was reduced into splinters, and I rushed in with a battle cry on my lips. With any luck, anyone on the other side would at least be shocked enough to not immediately react to my entrance.

(Total Bonus: +20% (Carry a Big Stick))

(Roll Result = 92 * 1.2 = 110.4 (round down to 110))

(DC Remaining = 250 - 110 = 140)
MrEgret threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Defeat Hercule Mark! Total: 92
92 92
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Hercule POV

Once I reached the door to the captain's quarters, I stopped, and sized it up.
Oh thank god, the footsteps stopped. Okay, how the hell am I supposed to get out of this situation? C'mon, I can't just leave my post a-
Wait a minute, I could just wail on myself and make it look like I fought like a hero, but failed miserably! I'll just ditch this stupid box an-
With a CRASH, the door was reduced into splinters, and I rushed in with a battle cry on my lips.
I wound up throwing the box in the air and lose my balance for a hot sec, just terrified at the sight of what I think is a whale!
[Hercule has been inflicted with Shock! Cannot dodge attacks for 1 turn. Attack power DC reduced by 20% For 2 turns.]
Trying to shake off my shock, I'm retaliating with my signature move. Just please let this work...


[Hercule is using 'Dynamite Kick'! Unmodified Block DC: 40
Unmodified Dodge DC: 80
Unmodified Counter DC: 50

Block: 32
Dodge: 64
Counter: 40

[Quick Rundown: Block reduces damage taken, Dodge avoids damage, Counter negates receiving damage and doubles damage you deal.]
[Gamemaster Note: didn't exactly expect you to barge in, but, as a wise man said, "LEEEEEROOOOOYY JEEEEENNNKIIINNNSS!"
P.S. Sorry about making you guys wait.]
