The SV Pirates! {Always Open!}

The SV Pirates!

This Roleplay is based on Xalgeon's Roleplay Threads, such as 'One Heart At Sufficient Velocity' and 'Village Hidden in the Velocity'. This is a Roleplay in which multiple people are inserted into the world of One Piece the day Luffy meets Koby. Now, to place some ground rules...

  1. Follow Forum Policies, don't do any Godmodding, Respect each other, don't control another character without permission, you know, all that stuff.
  2. Those who are inserted inherit the skills and memories of whoever they inhabit. If you wanna remember something in character, let me know!
  3. This Roleplay will be run by GC's, or Game Captains, which are either Captains of pirate crews, a high ranking official, or a leader in an organization. This means that any NPC that's in their group, they can control. With PCs, if they have been inserted, they will gain either a positive or negative morale boost based on the Leader's relationship with the group before insertion.
  4. This game will be split into two parts: Daily Life, and Adventure. Daily Life is the time in between Arcs, where you can use the time to do projects, training, crafting, research, or work. During this time, if you're a Game Captain, you can set up Projects for your crew, or select your destination. Adventure is the Arcs. When an Arc begins, a Game Lord must be decided for that Arc, and once decided, is given control of the majority of NPCs. An Arc ends when either The Arc Antagonist is defeated, or the Group that started the arc leaves the designated area.
  5. This game, during Daily Life, Will be more free form, Spending that time to either interact with NPCs or do projects, and can be more comical, given the nature of the anime. During Adventure, it's driven by Narrative and the story, and people must stay in character during this time. Of course, if you act OOC more than three times during an Adventure section, you're out.
  6. Projects, research, training and crafting all have gauges, set by either Me or people that actually know what they're doing, With D100 results for every action taken in pursuit of the goal in question.
  7. Self Inserts must start with only 10 traits, having 6 PC traits, and 4 SI traits.
  8. If you notice any similarities to Xalgeon's rules, that's because I'm using his rules as a base to make mine.
  9. Although I haven't seen anything more than the Enies Lobby Arc, I have seen images and clips of episodes past that, including seeing the timeskip Horn Point and Brook.
  10. The canon plot is only a guideline, and it doesn't really matter which order you go through the story. That being said, don't try to actively derail the story, I like my brain in one piece
  11. NPCs are controlled by me, Or a Game Lord. The only exception is if they are a part of a party.
If you noticed, I'm not setting myself up to basically run everything. No, I wouldn't be able to deal with the anxiety. Rather, I set up a system where anyone could be able to control the NPCs, and set up Missions or Arcs for other Players to go through, along with setting the bar for projects.

If any of you are from the quest I made, you can join in on this one as well. Though, I suggest checking out Xalgeon's Roleplays first. I'm used to just being a role player, not the Game Master.

I'm going to be Chopper for this Roleplay.

(Roster Will be posted in a moment.)
Straw Hat Pirates

Monkey D. Luffy -

Alvida Pirates

Alvida - @MrEgret
Koby -

Buggy Pirates

Buggy -
Cabaji -
Mohji -

Black Cat Pirates

Klahadore/Kuro -
Jango -
Buchi -
Sham -


Zeff -
Patty -
Carne -
Sanji Vinsmoke -

Krieg Pirates

Don Krieg - @Hyvelic
Gin -
Pearl -

Arlong Pirates

Arlong -
Hatchan -
Chew -
Kuroobi -
Nami -

Baroque Works

Ms. Friday
Mr. 13
Ms. Wednesday/ Vivi Nefertari -
Mr. 9 -
Ms. Monday -
Mr. 8/ Igaram -
Mr. 5/Gem -
Ms. Valentine/Mikita -
Mr. 4/Babe -
Ms. Merry Christmas/Drophy -
Mr. 3/Galdino -
Ms. Goldenweek/Marianne -
Mr. 2/Bon Clay/Bentham -
Mr. 1/Daz Bonez -
Ms. Doublefinger/Zala -
Mr. 0/Crocodile -
Ms. All Sunday/Nico Robin -

Bliking Pirates

Wapol -
Chess -
Kuromarimo -
Musshuru -

God's Army

Enel - @NSMS
Satori -
Ohm -
Shura -
Gedatsu -

Foxy Pirates

Foxy -
Hamburg -
Porche -

Galley La

Iceburg -
Kalifa -
Kaku -
Rob Lucci -
Paulie -

Franky Family

Franky/Cutty Flam -
Zambai -


Rob Lucci -
Kaku -
Kalifa -
Blueno -
Kumadori -

Rumbar Pirates

Brook -


Mr. 0/Crocodile -
Dracule Mihawk -


Monkey D. Garp -
Hina -
Smoker -
Tashigi -
Fullbody -

Bounty Hunters

Roronoa Zoro - @Atma Warrior
Johnny -
Yosaku -
Daddy Masterson -


Usopp -
Helmeppo -
Tony Tony Chopper - @JonXin

Main Characters

Monkey D. Luffy -
Roronoa Zoro - @Atma Warrior
Nami -
Usopp -
Sanji Vinsmoke -
Tony Tony Chopper - @JonXin
Ms. All Sunday/Nico Robin -
Franky/Cutty Flam -
Brook -
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Assuming it's okay to post, I'd like to throw my hat in for Don Krieg

Dibs on Enel!
Yeah, you could've posted at any time. And for don krieg? Go for it! I ain't stoppin' anybody.
If you are all willing to have me, dibs on Zoro

(Just please note due to recent blackout my internet connection is wonky at the moment.)

Don Krieg
Pirate Admiral of the Krieg Pirates
Wanted: Dead or Alive
Reward: 17,000,000 Berries

Don Krieg is the admiral of the Krieg Pirates and an infamous pirate of East Blue. Because of his underhanded methods and domination over a fleet of 50 pirate ships, he is infamously known as Foul-Play Krieg and Pirate Fleet Admiral.

Krieg is characterized by cruelty, dishonesty, and arrogance. He is confident in his own superiority, despite any failures he might experience, and believes wholeheartedly that his armada and arsenal of weapons can overcome any foe. Even in the face of his obvious inferiority, Krieg refused to accept or learn from his mistake, instead turning to underhanded methods to get by and believing that there was some sort of trick to overcoming such foes. Witnessing Dracule Mihawk's devastatingly powerful swordsmanship, Krieg accused him of simply having a Devil Fruit power.

Krieg lives up to his nickname, "Foul Play", as he believes in winning above all else, and will stoop to any level to achieve it. Examples include flying a white flag of surrender and posing as Marines to get the drop on them. Due to his philosophies, he considers concepts like pride and sympathy to be pathetic and will go to any lengths to win, resulting in his willingness of killing subordinates who fall in line with such emotions, disregarding their loyalty and strength. He has no attachments to either his crew or his ships, easily preparing to rebuild his fleet with the various pirate crews scattered in East Blue instead of mourning the loss of his previous one and plotting to sink his own flagship to get a new one due to the damage it has incurred. His lack of morale led him to ungratefully assault the Baratie when they gave food to him and his starving crew, intending to take over their ship and kill all the chefs who remained. Intolerant of failure and loss, Krieg lost all hold on his composure when Luffy defeated him and stood up demanding a rematch despite his critical injuries.

Krieg keeps his crew together principally using fear. Despite how mad and ridiculous some of his orders may seem, his crew will follow them out of fear of death, which is another factor that limits their strength. Overall, he rules his crew with draconian might and expects utter obedience for his overbearing demands. However, some members like Gin have genuine respect for Krieg, while Pearl shares the same beliefs of skullduggery is the key to victory and survival.


Underhanded - Krieg believed in winning above all else, even over Pride and other emotions. For Underhanded: + 20% to Underhanded tactics

Engineer - To arm himself and his Armada Krieg has outfit the entire fleet and his crew with weapons and other gadgets that would allow them to fight above their weight class. For Engineer: + 15% to Crafting and research

Feared - Krieg rules by fear, any man who defied him or failed to carry out his orders died. This reputation stayed with him all these years. For Feared: + 35% to intimidation against Characters from the East blue, + 45% against Non-Devil Fruit Members of your crew

Admiral - Krieg commands a fleet of ships, they follow his orders and with him at the head of the fleet, they allow Krieg to command them as an Admiral. For Admiral: + 20% To Leadership and creating projects

Captain - Krieg started out as a captain once, now while he may rule more than a single ship, his roots stay with him even after all this time. For Captain: + 15% to Combat

Reputation - Krieg is known for his devilish, downright dishonorable, disgusting code of conduct in everything. Everyone knows what lengths he will go to for a win. For Reputation: + 25% to creating threats and Underhanded tactics, Negated if a Shichibukai is present.

Lord of Irrelevance: +20% to Intrigue

Unlikely Victor: +10% All Planning actions

A Hint of Madness: +10% to Intrigue and Stealth

Wait, didn't you know that?: +20% to Intrigue/Lies
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Tony Tony Chopper - JonXin

Alias: JonXin
Name: Tony Tony Chopper
Birthday: December 24
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 90 cm
Weight: 20 kg
Blood type: X
Birth Island: Drum Island
Occupation: Doctor
Devil Fruit: Human-Human Fruit

Tony Tony Chopper:

- Medical Expert: Chopper was taught by Dr. Kureha, one of the oldest and best doctors, so he's definitely going to be good at making medicine.
+ 40 % to Medical

- Zoolingual: Chopper was originally an animal that ate the Human-Human Fruit, so he can understand what other animals are saying.
Can Understand and Talk to Animals

- Natural Born Runner: As Chopper is a reindeer, he is quite quick on his feet.
+ 20% for speed-based actions, + 30% while in Walk Point

- Strong Will: Despite how he acts most times, Chopper is actually very strong willed, and can withstand a Yonko's Conquerer's Haki.
+ 20% to Haki Training

- Smart Aleck: From what I've seen in the anime, Chopper, while naive, is a very good tactician, given the battles in Alabasta and Skypeia.
+ 15% to Strategy

- Sensitive Sniffer: Given that Chopper is a Reindeer, it makes sense that his nose is quite sensitive to smells.
+ 20% to Tracking and Identification


- Choir Singer: + 25% to Singing and Disguising Voice

- Fast Learner: + 15% to Research

- Experienced Gamer: + 10% to Strategy

- Decent Mental Compass: + 20% to Navigation

None yet.

Paging Dr. Chopper: If I'm gonna be Chopper, I'm gonna be the best damn doctor there is!

The Six Powers: If I'm gonna face off against CP9, I gotta be at their level, if only because I don't know how to control monster point.

Mo' points, No problem: Chopper was the only Devil fruit user to have more than three different forms, but never tried making more points out of mixes of his other points other than Kung Fu Point post-timeskip. Let's rectify that.

Control the Monster: Chopper, during the time skip, had learned how to control his monster point. If he can do it, I can do it!
This is my sheet so far. It's mostly done, I just need to add traits... which is a point I'm unsure of. Not because I'm not sure what traits to add, but because I'm not sure how large of a bonus they should give.




Goro Goro no Mi (Rumble-Rumble Fruit)
Enel has eaten the Goro Goro no Mi, the lightning logia devil fruit. This allows him to create, control, and transform into electricity, and is considered an 'invincible' devil fruit power as it allows him to travel and attack at the speed of lightning, and because simple contact with his intangible lightning form is enough to severely damage most opponents. In addition to the obvious uses of this power, the Goro Goro no Mi also allows Enel to phase into metal structures and heat metal either to reshape it or as an attack. It also enhances his hearing and Observation Haki. Despite the immense power it grant Enel, however, Goro Goro no Mi is not without weaknesses; specifically, sufficiently strong insulators (the most obvious being the body of a rubber-man) are immune to the lightning attacks of the fruit, and bypass the intangibility it provides.

Mantra/ Haki, the Colour of Observation
Known as Mantra in the Sky Islands and the Colour of Observation everywhere else, this form of Haki allows Enel to read the emotions and intentions of those around them. This essentially grants him combat-grade precognition and the ability to listen in on conversations from a distance, and boosted by the Goro Goro no Mi the range of this Haki is great enough to cover the whole of Skypia. However, Enel must remain relatively calm and centred to use this form of Haki, and as it relies on intentions it cannot predict genuinely random attacks.

Superhuman Body
Though not typically a physical fighter, Enel is nonetheless surprisingly capable physically. He was capable of competing in hand-to-hand combat with a physically powerful pirate (Monkey D. Luffy), took a direct strike to the chest from a reject dial and showed no ill effects once he'd restarted his heart, and is also simply extremely tall (over 2.5 meters).

Wrathful God: Enel considers himself a god, and not without reason considering his near-omniscience of his surroundings and ability to project power. His dominion over Skypiea is absolute, and a state of affairs the he enforces personally through force and fear alike.
+30% to intimidation against all characters in Skypeia, +20% to other intimidation and attempts to rule through fear

Heaven's Technology: Enel constructed and was able to perform maintenance on the Ark Maxim all by himself, including backup safety systems and integrating both his devil fruit and dial technology into its systems.
+40% to crafting and research

Divine Revelations: Enel was able to deduce the weaknesses of Luffy's devil fruit after only a few short clashes, and when Nico Robin tried to deceive him as to the location of the Fire of Shandoria he was able to see through her lies.
+25% to identification, investigation, and reading people

Deific Body: Despite possessing a devil fruit that allows him to win most battles effortlessly, Enel is a physical powerhouse. Extraordinarily strong, resilient, and agile, Enel is more than capable of fighting blue sea pirates purely with his physical abilities. Compounding this is his size- Enel is 2.66 m tall, granting him a substantial advantage in reach and sheer mass and bulk over most fighters.
+35% to combat and personal health

Lord of Thunder: Enel does not simply possess the powers of the Goro Goro no Mi, he has mastered them and taken them to ends that go beyond simply using lightning. In particular, he has shown a talent for flash-reforging metal by heating it and manipulating it using electromagnetism.
+45% to devil fruit ability

Supernal Awareness: Enel possesses incredibly potent Mantra, or Observation Haki, that he has trained and makes use of constantly. This would be formidable enough in its own right, but Enel is able to augment it further with the power of his devil fruit to exponentially expand its range and enable him to listen in on every individual within Skypiea at once.
+30% to observation haki, tracking, investigation, and prediction (negated if under stress)

Mind for Industry: My career is heavily involved with the production of chemicals on an industrial scale, and I have the necessary chemical, physics, mechanical, and engineering background to support that.
+25% to crafting and health & safety

One Piece Does Exist!: I am up to date with the One Piece manga (which by and large blows the anime out of the water), and am familiar with what happens in it and the background surrounding the events of the series.
+30% to Meta knowledge, +10-15% to prediction (Depending how much of canon is being followed)

Stubborn, yet Directionless: Once I've decided to do something it is incredibly hard to shift my mind, and I can out-stubborn basically everybody I know. The issue is getting me to commit in that way; I much prefer a laissez-fair approach to life and people, and unless something is genuinely important I'm unlikely to dig in my heels.
+35% to Goal Projects, +10% to all other Projects, +20% to Haki training

All or Nothing: I basically only do things in one of two ways; either I plan something out to the last detail or I just shrug and dive in without giving it a second thought, with nothing in between.
+30% to Planning and Instinct
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Really? Well then, PM me on discord, let's see what we can think of for bonuses of the traits.
Right, sorry about that. I haven't really... used discord often, so I'm still learning stuff about discord. How exactly do I send you a link to my discord?
Probably a good idea to use SV PM rn, unless people manage to find you on the discord server your on, I think you need to do a bunch of stuff fir finding a discord that's not mutual or something

EPITHET: "Iron Mace"
BOUNTY: 5,000,000 Berries (Above average, but within expected parameters for East Blue pirate captains)
  • GENDER: Female
  • AGE: 25
  • HEIGHT: 198 cm (6'6") (Within expected human parameters, assuming no Giant ancestry)
  • WEIGHT: Undetermined
  • BIRTH ISLAND: Unknown (East Blue)
  • Devil Fruit, Paramecia-Type (Sube Sube no Mi): The Subject has consumed the Sube Sube no Mi, or "Slip-Slip Fruit", and become a Slippery Human. The Subject's body is slippery to an anomalous extent, to the point where most physical attacks are completely ineffective. Any such attack, unless somehow enhanced with anti-Devil Fruit measures (i.e. Seastone weapons, or Busoshoku Haki-infused blows), will instead "slip off" of the Subject's body, leaving her unharmed. Certain types of non-physical attacks (such as certain Devil Fruit abilities and similar phenomena) can still affect the subject as normal.
    • The Subject can also use this slipperiness as a form of high-speed travel, by reducing the friction between herself and the ground to slide around at high speeds after building up momentum. The Subject is theorized to have some degree of selective control over how slippery her body becomes, as she is shown being able to handle objects and wear clothes without them slipping out of her grip or off of her body. The slipperiness effect also extends to anything worn or carried on her body. The possible exception to this effect are the Subject's shoes, as she has been seen removing them when attempting to "skate" on her feet.
    • Another property of the Sube Sube no Mi is that the subject's excess fat also "slips off" both upon consumption and in the future, permanently assuring that the Subject will maintain an optimal body weight for a woman of her age and level of physical fitness, regardless of diet or exercise. When combined with a general "smoothing out" of the Subject's skin (removal of freckles, warts, moles, etc.) the overall effect is a semi-anomalous upgrade to the Subject's physical attractiveness, to the point where she has been referred to as the most beautiful woman in the world by her admirers (though whether she actually is or not is undetermined, due to the presence of other Subjects of anomalous levels of beauty (see Case Files GLP(S)(AL)-00062 ("Boa Hancock") and GLC(R)(RYK)-00167 ("Princess Shirahoshi")). Interestingly, this appears to be a permanent mutation, as the Subject did not revert to her pre-Devil Fruit appearance even when her powers were nullified by Seastone. The slimming effect does not have any effect on the Subject's overall physical capabilities, as she is seen using her trademark iron mace with no extra difficulty after consuming the Devil Fruit.
  • Enhanced Strength: The Subject has demonstrated a superhuman level of strength relative to baseline humanity in this universe. She has been shown easily swinging around a large iron mace heavy enough to kill a baseline human pirate in one hit, and can throw said iron mace with enough force to (at short distances) destroy a wooden shack in one hit. It is believed that, like most humans with superhuman levels of strength in this universe, the Subject developed her strength through vigorous exercise. This suggests that, with the correct training regimen, her strength could increase much further in the future.

Before the Anomalous Event affected the timeline, the Subject's personality has shown two phases, corresponding to the time periods before and after consuming the Sube Sube no Mi.
  • Before, the Subject has been observed as being convinced to a delusional extent that she was the most beautiful woman on the high seas, and reacted to anyone calling her ugly with murderous intent. The Subject has shown herself to categorically deny that she is obese, despite all evidence to the contrary, to the point where she refused to keep a mirror onboard the ship. In general, she had also been noted as a perfectionist and a harsh taskmaster on her ship, with a noted aversion to filth and laziness.
  • After, the Subject has been noted to have mellowed out to a significant extent. While she is still convinced that the Devil Fruit did not affect her weight, she no longer holds her petty streak or her hot temper, making her one of the more reasonable non-Peace Main pirates out there. The Subject is just as confident in her beauty as before her transformation; the only difference is that the reality of the situation now conforms to her self-perception.
After the Anomalous Event, as in many of the cases presented, the Subject's personality has been altered significantly, though her actions indicate that she still retains her previous memories and skills. More observation is needed to determine the full extent of the changes.

  • "Who's the most beautiful woman on the high seas?!": While Alvida may not officiallybe the world's most beautiful woman, she is most definitely in the running nowadays, as her male (and even female!) admirers can attest.
    • +30% bonus to all actions where her physical attractiveness is a factor (-40% penalty before eating the Devil Fruit)
  • Carry A Big Stick: They don't call her "Iron Mace" Alvida for nothing!
    • +20% bonus to all actions involving fighting with blunt weapons.
  • A Cooled Temper: Alvida is one of the few people out there who can keep a reasonably calm head. Well, after her body-image issues are resolved.
    • +25% bonus to all Strategy and Insight actions (-30% penalty before eating the Devil Fruit)
  • One Slippery Customer: Even before she got her Devil Fruit, Alvida never actually got imprisoned by the Marines. Afterwards, she somehow managed to fly under the radar of pretty much all of the major players of the world, even while her erstwhile ally Buggy had the attention of the entire world on him.
    • +15% bonus to all Stealth and Intrigue actions (increased to +40% bonus after eating the Devil Fruit)
  • World's Greatest Weight Loss Plan!: Alvida took to her Devil Fruit like a duck to water, and her physique is all the better for it.
    • +15% bonus to all physical training (increased to +30% percent after eating the Devil Fruit)
  • "I guess my freckles are gone...": Whether or not she acknowledges the actual extent of the Devil Fruit's effects on her body, Alvida is certainly confident in herself!
    • +25% bonus to Haki training.
  • Lurker: +20% bonus to Stealth actions.
  • TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life: +15% bonus to Research actions.
  • Stubborn: +15% bonus to Haki training.
  • RP Fan: +20% bonus to Acting actions.
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Well, I was originally planning on her to start out with what she was before she ate the Devil Fruit, Instead having it in her possession. But, I'll allow it. After all, you'll need that power. Just make sure not to fall overboard trying to get used to your incredibly smooth body. After all, a lack of friction means it's easier to slip around. It also means it's gonna be harder to grab things.

I'll PM you tomorrow to talk about Trait Bonuses, if you want.
Well, I was originally planning on her to start out with what she was before she ate the Devil Fruit, Instead having it in her possession. But, I'll allow it. After all, you'll need that power. Just make sure not to fall overboard trying to get used to your incredibly smooth body. After all, a lack of friction means it's easier to slip around. It also means it's gonna be harder to grab things.

I'll PM you tomorrow to talk about Trait Bonuses, if you want.
Nah, it's cool. I actually accounted for her not having her Devil Fruit at first in the traits. The idea was that she starts out with either weaker bonuses or outright penalties until she gets punched to the island where she gets the Devil Fruit, to reflect how she was a complete jobber starting out, but became competent enough to survive on the Grand Line after she slimmed down.

I'll keep an eye out for the PM though.
Hmm... everyone who chose a character is all ready. Well, all except for one person.

@Atma Warrior , do you need some help with Zoro? If so, I'll PM you later to help with traits.