The Sun Never Sets ... Again

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Alice woke in strange world with no idea how she got there. A world that is like a nightmare, and filled with unspeakable horrors. Fortunately, she was not alone as she was saved from a terrible fate by a girl named Chiyo. Bound by some kind of destiny, the two of them must work together to survive in this sick, and ailing land.
Chapter 1 - In the Dead of the Night
The Sun Never Sets - Chapter 1

Alice woke in strange world with no idea how she got there. A world that is like a nightmare, and filled with unspeakable horrors. Fortunately, she was not alone as she was saved from a terrible fate by a girl named Chiyo. Bound by some kind of destiny, the two of them must work together to survive in this sick, and ailing land.

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So, let's try this again.

So, some people may remember that last year I started a story called The Sun Never Sets, well this is that story again. The reason I'm starting over is because I made the move from blogger to wordpress last summer, and when it came time to move this story over I realised that I was unsatisfied with my progress, so I elected to rework everything I have thus far, along with my plans for future chapters. As such, whilst the first couple of chapters will only see minimal changes from the original, the story will diverged a lot after that, so even if you read the original, I urge you to check out this version too. :)

The Sun Never Sets is my take on an isekai story, but sort of in reverse; so instead of having a Japanese person make their way to a medieval Europe analogue, we have a European person being sent back to an expy of Sengoku-era Japan. However, to add a further twist to this tale, the European person is a Victorian lady, rather than a modern day teenager. On top of all this the story also draws some inspiration from the Dark Souls videogames, in terms of tone and and themes. Although I haven't been completely beholden to that either, and have endeavoured to work my own sense of style into things.

If anyone does read this I would very much like to hear your thoughts and opinions, they can only help me to grow as a writer.

In particular I would be interested in hearing people's thoughts on the culture clash as presented in the story. I made the deliberate decision to have segments of the story told from Chiyo's point of view not just for the sake of the narrative, but in an attempt to avoid othering the "Japanese" characters, and present them as actual people first.