Ruby wasn't sure what she was supposed to be feeling when they returned to Mountain Glenn. But anything she might of thought about it was crushed under the shock of what they saw as the Bullhead flew over the city.
The first thing that caught her eye was the black smoke, the kind that came from dead Grimm. At first she thought of it as a good sign, even Ursa don't last more than an hour after being killed. Meaning that they could probably find Nox nearby. But that hope was dashed as they saw what Grimm were dead.
She wasn't an expert on them, but she had checked them out on the Grimm Database. The website that catalogs all the different Grimm discovered across Remnant. Unsurprisingly, they ranked as a 'Major' Grimm. That is, something more dangerous than Ursa, less common than Beowulfs, and smarter than any lesser Grimm. In her reading, she learned the Goliaths could take days to disintegrate.
And like that, their first lead on Nox lasted about ten seconds into seeing it.
The Bullhead didn't even land for them, instead just hovered a few inches above the ground and allowed them off before it turned and speed away back to Vale proper.
They spread out, not a lot at first. Ruby and Weiss going down one street, Blake and Yang going down the next one over. Glynda followed behind Blake and Yang for the most part, but after thirty minutes of not seeing so much as a Beowulf they spread out a bit more. One person per street, including Glynda.
An hour later they found themselves in the heart of the decrepit city. Only this time, things were different.
Ruby blinked as she step out into an open area at the same time everyone else did, with the street abruptly ending along with most of the buildings.
In front of them were several dozen Goliath corpses laying on the ground barely even half way into their disintegration. Bits and pieces of the Goliaths were scattered all over the place. Trunks ripped off, tusks snapped in half, skulls caved in, legs ripped off. What was worse was that the fight had taken out all the standing buildings in the area. The remains of several story buildings scattered everywhere. Mostly that meant large steel beams protruding out of the Goliaths in ways that made it impossible to tell if the Goliaths were put on the beams or if the beams were put through the Goliaths. Each outcome equally unlikely.
"Professor Goodwitch?" Ruby asked quietly.
"Yes?" She answered without taking her eyes away from the scene in front of them.
"Doctor Oobleck said that my sniper rifle wouldn't do anything but annoy these kinds of Grimm."
"That is correct." Glynda answered softly.
"But when I saw Nox fighting, he wasn't using a weapon, just his hands." Ruby turned her head to look at Glynda. "How strong does someone have to be to do this?" Glynda paused for a long moment before she tore her eyes away from the scene and looked at Ruby.
"Too much."
"Well, he doesn't exactly make it hard to track him," Blake pointed out as they followed Nox's tracks through the woods.
"Yeah," Ruby agreed. There was a trail of destruction leading out of the city, including a massive gap in the wall that surrounded the city where something or someone destroyed about a twenty meter section of it. After that, Nox left a fairly obvious trail through the woods by way of a ten meter wide path of destruction carved into the ground. Sometime literally.
Trees and bushes were a mess of shattered trunks and crushed leaves. The remains of Grimm were scattered all over the ground, sometimes just the bone armour other times the still decaying corpses of larger Grimm. Once they found a still living Ursa struggling t move after its spines had been shoved through a thick boulder. Another time they came upon a wide clearing that had only became a clearing after what appeared to be a fight between two Deathstalkers, four King Taijutsu, a Giant Nevermore, at least three Goliaths, and two new Grimm Ruby only knew from the Grimm Database. Ragroks, or the fire breathing, heavy armoured, rampaging rhino Grimm.
"Let's stop here for the night students," Glynda said, glancing upwards towards the setting sun. "We'll camp here for the night and continue our search tomorrow." She held up her riding crop and flicked her wrists. The next moment was filled with filling trees and rock as the destruction of the forest surrounded them. A second later the whirling stopped as everything settled as makeshift walls all around them.
Ruby cast a look at Yang who shrugged and dropped her pack pulled out a sleeping back. Ruby quickly did the same, followed by Blake and Weiss. Glynda made a fire pit with another wave of her hand and Weiss pinched off a little bit of red Dust to get it going. Glynda elected to take the first watch, climbing up onto the wall she made and standing at attention.
Ruby stretched out on her sleeping bag and sighed. They had walked all day and not gotten any closer to finding Nox. Only more of the same. But at the very least, they hadn't run into anymore Grimm. Though, she wasn't sure if that was such a good thing.
She laid there as an hour past, looking up at the stars and the way the smoke rose and twisted into the sky. She wasn't tired, though maybe a little sore from all the walking.
"Pst, Ruby." Yang half whispered at her.
"What," Ruby asked, rolling over to look at her. Not like she was getting any sleep regardless.
"You wonder what's in the letter as much as I do?" She asked with a impish grin. Ruby rolled her eyes.
"No Yang." She told her flatly. Yang rolled her eyes.
"Come on, don't you want to know what could possibly in the letter that would make Nox, the guy that has been ripping up enough of the forest a car could drive down, stop what he has been doing and come to Beacon?"
"Well…" Ruby bit her lip. She was curious, but didn't feel right. "If we open the letter he'll know." Ruby stated, hoping Yang would drop it after that.
"That's easy," Yang answered. "We just open your copy of the letter and give him someone else's." Ruby searched her mind for another reason to delay her, but she couldn't find anything.
"Come ooooon." Yang moaned, poking her in the arm.
"Ugh, fine." She felt a little guilty for caving to her, but if she hadn't Yang would have opened the letter herself and then she just wouldn't know or Yang would tell her in the morning. Silently cursing to herself, she reached into her bag and pulled out the letter.
"Yesss!" Yang celebrated.
"Shh!" Ruby snapped at her. Slowly, she slid her thumb underneath the flap of the letter and peeled up the seal. The sound of tearing paper followed.
Yang rearranged herself to look over Ruby's shoulder. Inside was a single slip of paper, so small it didn't need to be folded to fit inside of the note. Yang and Ruby glaced at each other as she flipped it over and saw the writing on the other side.
Nocturnal, Noc, Nox,
"You won't find redemption in death, only in life. Go with the hunters, they will show you."
"Um…" Yang started with disappointment.
"That was kind of let down." Ruby agreed. She slipped the note back inside and did her best to make it look like it wasn't opened. She failed.
"Now go to bed." Ruby said, rolling over.
"Oh, you're no fun." Yang said before tossing herself back to herself onto sleeping bag. She didn't both her again the rest of the night.
Ruby was roused from sleep by someone gently prodding her in her side. She fought the urge to roll away and groan. Instead she reached up and wiped the sleep from her eye and stretched. She opened her eye and saw Blake standing above silently, waiting for her to finish getting up for her turn of watch.
Ruby stood up and found her back a little stiff from sleeping on the ground. She raised her hands over her head and leaned backwards in a stretch, a small groan escaping her lips as she worked out the stiffness.
"What time is it?" She asked a little groggy. Blake glanced at the others, making sure they weren't waking up.
"Four in the morning." She answered with a whisper. "You have watch until six, then we'll get moving again."
"Alright," Ruby said with a cloud of depression. "Did you see anything odd recently?"
Blake shook her head and opened her mouth to answer when suddenly her bow twitched violently and Blake froze.
"Blake? What is it?"
"Shh," Blake hushed her. "I heard something." Ruby opened her mouth again but caught herself, clamping her jaw shut and shooting Blake a look. Blake brought a finger to her lips then pointed up the makeshift wall Glynda erected.
Slowly, the two of them crouch walked toward the part of the wall Blake had indicated. Blake got there first, sliding her hands into the gaps of the wall and pulling herself up. Ruby followed her lead and attempted to climb it. The first time she tried to draw herself upward she dislodge a rock and caused it to fall to the ground with a heavy crack. Blake shot a look back at Ruby who half cringed, half shrugged apologetically.
On her second try Ruby pulled herself over the lip of the wall onto a space just wide enough for a person to stand. Blake was there next to her, in a tense crouching stance like she was ready to leap backwards incase of anything. Ruby matched her stance just in case and started scanning the forest around them.
At first she didn't see or hear anything. Just the general blackness of the forest greeted her as she searched for the cause of alarm.
Then something bright caught her eye and she looked up. About ten meters away from her she saw a pair of bright golden eyes staring at from the tree.
After a few seconds of eye contact, the figure the eye belong to dropped out of the tree and landed on the ground in a kneeling position. The figure rose and revealed himself to be Nox, standing calmly with his arms crossed. He stared up at the two of them for a moment, then raised an eyebrow questioningly.
Ruby and Blake glanced at each other and shrugged. Ruby slipped off the wall first, followed closely by Blake.
"I don't suppose you followed me out of some sort of elaborate soliciting campaign?" Nox asked dryly as they approached.
"Um well," Ruby began, rubbing the back of her head awkwardly. "We sort of- wait, are you bleeding?" She hadn't seen it at first because of the darkness, but now that she was closer she saw he was dripping blood across the ground.
The was a hole in his shoulder that look like it went all the way through, his leather vest was peppered with small holes that was leaking blood rapidly, and their was a long gash along his right leg almost eight centimeters wide.
"I'll live," Nox said dismissively.
"No, you won't." Blake said seriously moving closer to him to get a good look. "It looks like you're going to bleed out in minutes. When did this happen?"
Nox shrugged, clearly not nearly as bothered by them as she was. "I few minutes ago. White Fang patrol decided they would try and shoot me. A lot of good it did them."
"Seriously Nox," Ruby said a little nervously. "You should lets us bandage you up before you collapse or something." Nox cast her a cool look and took a step towards her. She flinched a little.
"Look closer." He stated. Ruby blinked and hesitated a moment, but did as he said.
The hole in his shoulder was about the size a ping pong ball, making Ruby asked herself what kind of gun did they have that did that. Then she realized, the wound was closing.
It was too fast for it to be aura, since he was wounded she could assume he had run out of aura anyway. Aura healing was slow, it could take care of small wounds quick enough, but holes like that took hours. Yet, right in front of her his flesh was knitting itself back together over several seconds.
Ruby glanced down and saw the gash in his leg had already closed, leaving only not quite dried blood as the only evidence it had been there at all. It was too dark for her to see, but if she had to guess there was probably a scar that matched those around the rest of his skin.
"Is… that your semblance?" She asked weakly. It didn't make enough sense, if he run out of enough arua to get hit then he shouldn't have enough to activate his semblance. But, if Ruby was being honest, stranger things have happened on Remnant.
"You could call it that." Nox told her. "Now that we've established that I won't be dieing on feet, maybe we can get to the point where you and the others are following me?"
"Your uncle sent us," Blake told him promptly. She was about to say something else when Nox snorted.
"First he send actual Hunters after me, now he is recruiting students? I'm almost insulted. So, are you going to try to arrest me now?" Ruby and Blake glanced at each other.
"Actually," Ruby corrected, "He and Ozpin wanted us to sort of recruit you. For Beacon that is."
Nox raised an eyebrow at her. "So this was an elaborate soliciting plan?" Ruby and Blake looked at each other and shrugged.
"I guess it was." Ruy admitted.
"Look," Blake said. "We were supposed to give you a letter, you uncle said it would convince you."
"Must be some letter." Nox said sarcastically. Blake glance at Ruby.
"I left my copy back at the camp do you…?"
Ruby grimace and reached into her pocket for the letter she already opened. But if t convinced Nox she guessed it would be okay.
Blake shot her a sharp look when she handed the very clearly opened letter to Nox but didn't say anything. Nox took it out of her hand took out the letter inside. He paused a moment as he read it, then he laughed.
"Um, what's funny?" Ruby asked. Nox chuckled a little bit and held up the letter.
"You read this right?" He asked her. Ruby nodded. "Well, Idra, an old friend of mine, is the silent type. They kind of person who rarely says anything and when she does she tries to make every word count. That's what makes this funny. Because it isn't even her own words, it a quote from a book we read called Ninjas of Love."
Suddenly Blake's head snapped at him and her eyes widened. Both Ruby and Nox shot her a puzzled look.
"You've read Ninjas of Love?" She asked breathlessly. Nox's eyebrows furrowed.
"Well, I, uh, skimmed it once or twice."
"Who is better for Amelia," Blake demanded of him. "Victor or Leon?"
"Oh please," Nox said with a roll of his eyes. He paused a moment before saying, "Besides, Tommy is the only man for Amelia."
"How dare you!" Blake hissed at him.
"Guys?" Ruby asked. "What is going on?"
"Nothing." Both of them said at the same time. Ruby looked between them questioningly.
"You know, let's just back on track." Nox said with a shake of his head. He took a breath and thought for a moment as he remembered what it was they were discussing. "Oh yes," Nox said when he finally remembered. "I don't want to go to Beacon, stop following me." Abruptly, he turned on his heels and started walking away. Ruby shot a helpless look at Blake but she looked a little off balance. Deciding it was up to her, Ruby took a breath and spoke loudly after, just enough for him to hear.
"You're not very good at fighting."
Nox paused then turned around on his heel.
"Come again?" He asked.
"You're good at killing things." Ruby amended. "But you're not a good fighter. You push your overwhelming strength against all skill. Which lets you kill lesser Grimm. But any Hunter would beat you easily."
Nox shot her an annoyed look.
"I've managed rather well without it."
"Is that why you got shot?" Ruby asked innocently. Nox quirked his mouth oddly, as if to bite back a retort.
"Look," Nox said, "I've got several dozen White Fang members I still need to break in half. So I say again, stop following me. I'm not going with you."
"Then let us go with you." Blake finally spoke up. She started walking towards him, her weapon drawn. "If you hit a White Fang patrol like you said then you have thirty minutes until another patrol comes to relieve them. Takes us with you, and if you catch the guy you're looking for you can reconsider coming to Beacon."
Nox looked her over searchingly as he tried to spot her angle. After a moment, he gave in a waved at her dismissively.
"Fine, but what about your friends?" Nox said, gesturing back toward the wall surrounding their camp. Blake shrugged and answered with.
"We have two hour before they wake up and White Fang patrol's never go further than a twenty minute walk from where they're stationed. A five minute run if we move as fast as we can. They kind of set up they'll probably have around her? I give it less than half an hour before they scatter. We see if who you want is there, then we come back with more than hour to spare."
"And the Grimm that might come while they're sleeping?" Nox asked plainly. Blake shrugged.
"What Grimm, you already killed everything in the area. We haven't even seen a Beowulf since arriving here."
"Fine, fine," Nox said bitterly. "Let's just get going." Nox turned again and started walked the other way. Blake moved forward to follow.
"But- Blake!" Ruby protested, torn between staying at the camp and following her. But Blake didn't stop and Ruby groaned as she decided to follow her. Jogging forward to catch up.
"We are so getting detention when we get back." Ruby muttered.