The Story of a Unique Imperial Guard Regiment (40k Guard regiment commander quest.)

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The galaxy is a very big place with alot of unique cultures and planets. Many a unique Guardsmen regiments has been drawn from such cultures to defend humanity and the Imperium across the stars. You SV get to play as the commander of such a Regiment.
Regiment Selection
The Imperium is a vast place covering a whole galaxy with an enormous array of planets and settlements under the control of its many feudal factions. Each with thier own cultures, Technology levels, and wildlife. Many would argue it is in the Imperial guard that this imperial trait of diversity is best shown off. In this mess there are doubtless many unique Guardsmen regiments. Perhaps they use a form of warmount from their homeworld with unique ability. Perhaps their world is home to an ancient factory endlessly pumping out otherwise unreplicable Acheotech. However they acquired their special characteristics, what matters is that they are unique and or special and you SV will get to play as a commander of one.

[] Rackdal Super Heavy Void Cavalry

Void Krakens have since the days long predating the Imperium been seen as nothing more than a nuisance to human shipping. They were massive though and had a number of physic ability that allowed the oldest and largest of them to occasionally take out imperial escort craft and even light cruisers when challenged. When a former Void Kraken Breeding world scoured and turned a minor shipbuilding world of the name Rackdal and its surrounding systems disappeared into a warp storm the wider Imperium barely took notice. Certain sections of the wider Imperium would take great notice when centuries later Rackdal and its subordinate systems re-emerged from the warp storm with a sizable population of domesticated Void Krakens. A grand conclave of inquisitors, Biologis Archmagi, Astartes, and other imperial institutions would be called that lasted over a century and would surprisingly clear the Void Krakens for Imperial use.

Thus a sizable struggle would begin between the Navy and the Guard over who would get ownership over the giant space Squids and their masters. The Navy made rational arguments that the things were basically warship grade naval assets capable of taking on proper escort ships even before the Rackdalians started strapping guns to them. Strategically naval command over them made sense no matter thier organic nature. The Guard on the other hand had the ironclad argument that the krakens were living battle mounts and all living battle mounts were the jurisdiction of the Guard. Regiments using living flying mounts for instance were not handed over to Aueronatica and instead were usually designated Aerial Cavalry Guard regiments. Thus was born the Rackdal Super Heavy Void Cavalry Regiments.

[] Olawa Omnissiah's Blessed Aquatic Heavy Artillery.

The world of Olawa is a world consisting primarily of water broken up by a scattering of small archipelagos. If it was only that it likely would have been designated an aquatic agri-world upon its rediscovery and been forgotten about by most but the world had a special resource. A number of ancient automated shipyards that had been producing advanced archeotech Aquatic warships and doing so endlessly since the Dark Age of Technology. Massive rows of thousands of mothballed advanced warships littered the archipelagos ports as the comparatively primitive natives of the cut off world continued to feed the shipyards resources endlessly for if the shipyards ever stopped producing too long they turned themselves off and the natives could not figure out how to turn them back on.

The Mechanicus upon the rediscovery and integration of Olawa into Imperium as an Arsenal World would (un)surprisingly be similarly unable to figure out how to turn them back on. One thing that would shock the Mechanicus though would be the ships onboard artificia-erm I mean the ships exceptionally strong machine spirits capable of full communication with the crews and manifesting themselves as cartoonified usually female avatars. Such particularly powerful, personable, and intelligent machine spirits were not unheard of on particularly ancient imperial space warships and even some of the oldest of Imperial Titans and the Mechanicus and residents of Olawa both assure that the things are nothing more than that. The Guardsmen Regiments of Olawa tasked with operating the massive oceanic warships are gifted the title of Omnissiahs Blessing a title given to those few guardsmen regiments blessed enough to be aloud to use significant amounts Archeotech and are graced upon with with sizable tech priest support and even attached skitarii battalions to protect the valuable irreplaceable assets they operate.

[] Meiji Ultra Heavy Siege Cavalry

The world of Meiji should have been an Imperial Knight some would say given the utterly massive wildlife that duels across the planet's vast surface. Others would disagree, arguing that most imperial knight models would get torn to shreds against the wildlife of the planet, for Meiji was a world of naturally occurring Bio-Titans. Titans were called God Machines for a reason and the people of Meiji could not even hope to hurt the gods that fought amongst them let alone slay them as they went about causing great destruction intentionally or not. A world cut off from imperial rule for much of the Imperiums history, the world could not rely on Orbital bombardment or proper Titans to slay or fend off the Bio Titans that plagued the world. Their only option was to fight monster with monster.

The radical plan to steal eggs and young Bio titans and raise them to fight the others and protect the Human settlements of Meiji would prove fairly effective. Some of the beasts proved more tameable than others but by the time of Imperial contact several whole titan legions worth of Bio titans had been tamed or bred by the various Settlements of Meiji consisting of over half a dozen different varieties of massive beast. On the same ironclad logic as the Void Krakens the Bio titans of Meiji would be inducted into the Imperial Guard as Ultra Heavy Siege Calvary Regiments much to the Mechanicus annoyance.
Regimental Order of Battle Selection 1
Depending on who you ask and where you ask it is somewhere between the year 126.M40 and 200.M40. Meiji has been apart of the Imperium for over 5 century's and in addition to over a dozen infantry regiments tithed to the guard a total of 5 of your world's signiture Ultra Heavy Siege Calvary have been fighting across the Imperium and playing critical and important roles in almost every one of them by thier very nature. Now your worlds number of tamed beasts of extraordinary size has grown large enough for the creation of two whole new Guard Regiments.

Over the last few centuries much experience has been gained and much had been learned about the ideal combat roles of Meijis various mega Beasts. You have been granted the privilege of access to this combat data and the ability to more or less build your regiment how you wish to. Within budget and reason if course. A truly rare privilege granted only due to the still highly experimental and unorthodox nature of the regiments as a whole.

You Have 12 pts to spend.

Cost:8.5pts Crew:1,800

The Dominatasaurus is one of the largest of Meiji's titanic wildlife. An utterly massive sauropod standing at over 200 meters tall at the shoulder and over half a kilometer in length the beast out weighs, outsizes and nearly outguns even a Emperor Class Titan. The few tamed Dominatasaurus that have been pushed into imperial service were turned into some of the most effective siege platforms known to mankind. Mounted on a gargantuan platform on its back is a powerful void shield generator and a Volcano Mortar (the Mortar equivalent to a Volcano Canon but even more powerful). Also mounted to its back was a battery of Death Strike Missiles and over a dozen other smaller caliber guns and missiles of a variety of types and sizes to be used to deal with a vast array of potential threats. Only in terms of shielding, Mobility, and most especially Armour is the Dominatasaurus found lacking. A trade off most Bio Titans have to make. A properly supported Dominatasaurus and its support elements could effectively shell a medium sized Hive City into submission and/or rubble on their own. A Dominatasaurus unsupported can be caught out be destroyed by enemy Titans, aircrafts, or even enemy infantry costing Humanity a great and extremely expensive asset.

Ultrasaur Cost:3pts Crew:120 (divided between 3 Ultrasaurs)

Standing at 22 meters tall on almost any other world the Ultrasaur would be the largest land predator. On Meiji however, it was merely on the upper middle end of the predator scale size wise. What makes it unique is its high intelligence and the fact that it is one of the few giant beasts on Meiji to hunt in packs. Indeed Ultrasaurs were alwaye deployed to combat in packs of no less than 3. Bigger than a warhound and far more mobile but lacking in terms of defense Ultrasaurs are typically used either as scout's, scout hunters, or raiders. Armed with a variety of Scout Titan Class weapons Ultrasaurs will use thier superior mobility and cooperative nature to ambush enemy scout titans or raid enemy supply lines in addition to being more than adequate scouts themselves. Lacking in shields or armor Ultrasaurs make poor assault or defensive weapon platforms and must rely on their high speed and maneuverability for their size to avoid enemy fire rather than simply tank it.

Waiting Death Cost:4.5pts Crew:400

The Waiting Death is a arthropod native to the desert regions of Meiji so named due to its habit of burying in the sand and waiting for days or even weeks before ambushing prey. Standing at over 40 meters in height and several times that in length this scorpion was the fuel of nightmares for many inhabitants of Meiji and always had a disquieting effect on e even allied non-Meiji Guardsmen when deployed in combat. The Waiting Death was primarily equipped to hunt other titan sized combatants and was thus Mounted with a battery of Voidbreaker missiles to shatter enemy shields and a light Volcano Canon to decimate the enemy's it loves to ambush. Its most unique feature in addition to its impressive burrowing ability was its ability to easily move about most terrains and even climb near vertical surfaces allowing it to set up unexpected Ambushes.

GAC Cost: 3.5pts Crew:250

Standing 26 meters the terrifying crustaceans stalked the coastal plains and some of the deserts of Meiji using its formidable claws to wrestle and tear apart its prey. When said claws are enhanced with a power blade it can prove just as effective at hunting prey of a more titanic nature. Although a melee focused Bio Titan it does still possess a small array of ranged weapons mounted on its back in addition to a void shield like most other Meiji Bio Titans. Unlike most however its carapace is among the tougher known organic materials and nearly a match for the artificial Armour of other Titans of its size. Something that's a necessity given its melee focus. The wild version is referred to as the GEC. For millennia before contact with the imperium the traditional belief amongst the people of Meiji was that the Crustaceans proper name was to only be spoken in the presence of one and only ever yelled for if you saw one it saw you. Exploration of long destroyed early settlement ruins post contact would reveal that it was actually an acronym created by the original settlers of Meiji standing for Giant Enemy Crustacean. Upon learning this Meiji Guard and PDF forces would immediately demand tamed GECs be renamed GACs.

Tusked Behemoth Cost:5pts Crew: 750

At 80 meters tall Tusked Behemoth is one of the largest Mammals on all of Meiji. Greatly resembling Elephants of old Terra they strike an imposing image with their massive Tusks and back bristling with Imperial Ordnance. Rarely found throughout the vast coastal and temperate interior plains and found more commonly in the colder polar plains in the north and south the Tusked Behemoth is one of the more common giant beasts of its size and one of the easiest bred and tamed. It makes up the core of most of the Meiji Bio Titan wielding PDF regiments although they were less common in Meiji's handful of Imperial Guard Regiments. Wielding dual Quake Cannons on their backs and a cacophony of lighter armaments they defend the settlements of the plains, cull down the numbers of the more dangerous beasts and deal Death to the enemy's of the Imperium.

Eruption Snakes Cost:2.5pts Crew:200 (two "snakes" with 100 each)

Despite their name Eruption Snakes are actually amphibians not reptiles but the first part of their name is extremely accurate. They cause great destruction and loss of life across Meiji by burrowing through underground infrastructure. Only a little over a dozen meters thick but over half a kilometer long the serpentine Amphibians were not the largest of Meijis predators but still terrifyingly large considering how quickly they were capable of burrowing through the ground. The "snakes'' have an extremely impressive ability to regenerate. Most of thier body was borderline superficial material and significant portions of the "snakes'' body can be lost without killing it or even inhibiting its ability to move or burrow. The newborn young of the massive Amphibians will spend the first several months of their life burrowed into one of their parents' flesh living off of it. The Guard of Meiji put two and two together and began carving sizable cargo and troop holding compartments into the living body's of the Erupting Snakes and used them as assault platforms capable of breaching directly under enemy defenses while carrying a full battalion of troops. They are however one of the least we'll armed of Meijis Bio Titans. Heavy armament would only get in the way of their borrowing ability. Thus only infantry scale and anti vehicle weapons can be deployed from the holding compartments to support the assaults.

Meiji Infantry Battalion Cost:1pts Crew:10,000

While you could trust supporting and screening of you're Beasts to other allied Guardsmen Regiments previous experience of Meiji Regiments suggests this to not be a good idea and that it's a good idea to include at least 1 or 2 infantry battalions in your Regiments Order of Battle. This option is the sweet and simple battalion of standard Meiji PDF line infantry brought up to Guard standard. Armed with trusty Lasguns, Flak Armour and a dream. These boys and girls of Meiji should do a fine enough job preventing enemy infantry from swarming and overwhelming you're Regiments true assets.

Meiji Mechanized Infantry Battalion Cost:1.5pts Crew:7,000

These boys and girls of Meiji have tanks. A full company of Leman Rus in fact. That's in addition to the assortment of well armed APCs and IFVs that serve to support these well trained lads in their job of supporting the beasts.

Meiji Assault Infantry Battalion: Cost:1.5pts Crew:5,000

Donned in full Carapace Armour these men and women were trained rigorously in the art of assaulting enemy fortifications and armed with a small fleet of vehicles and heavy weapons designed to aid in that process.

Meiji Combat Vet Battalion Cost 0.5pts Crew:2,000

The care of such massive wildlife is not something that the Adeptus Soritas or really any other traditional wing of Imperial battlefield healthcare is truly experienced in. This was a problem recognized early on during the first foreign deployments when several otherwise savable beasts died of treatable injuries. Since then Combat Veterinarian Battalions have become a common sight in Meiji Regiments both PDF and Guard. While primarily to treat the injuries of the valuable living assets they are still given full infantry training and armaments and can function well enough as infantry in a pinch.

AN: I want these votes in Plan form please and thank you.