The Stars and the Moon
Once, a long time ago, he had been Great.
He was feared and...
Once, a long time ago, he had been Great.
He was feared and...
User | Total |
Death and Faxes | 11 |
AttributesArticle: Wind -0, Earth -0, Fire ???, Water ???, Lightning ???
SkillsArticle: Strength 10
Agility 10
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Perception 10
Chakra Capacity 10
TechniquesArticle: Taijutsu 12
Ninjutsu 12
Genjutsu 12
Throwing Weapons 12
Chakra Control 12
Stealth 12
TraitsArticle: None yet
Article: None yet
You are a ninja of Hoshigakure, a small ninja village sandwiched between Iwa in the Land of Earth to the north, and Suna in the Land of Wind to the south. Your father is both head of his clan as well as sitting Third Hoshikage, and has been for as long as you have been alive. While the Hoshikage is not technically recognized as a true Kage, the position is nonetheless one of great honor in the village. As his only daughter and heir, this is a fact whose significance you understand better every day.Article: [] Mitsui Kana
[] write-in
and, secondarily:Article: [] strength (+3 strength)
[] speed (+3 agility)
In the last few years, you've also made incredibly quick progress in most of the foundational skills required to be a skilled ninja. You'd say that you're probably becoming a(n):Article: (top 2 get +2)
[] strength
[] agility
[] intelligence
[] constitution
[] perception
[] chakra capacity
Your clan is known for its distinctive kekkei genkai, the seiton (Star Release), and it was no surprise that you, too, manifested this ability at a young age. You've managed to master its more basic exercises, although you've only just started on the more advanced stuff.Article: [] taijutsu specialist (+4 taijutsu skill, +1 to everything else)
[] ninjutsu specialist (+4 ninjutsu skill, +1 to everything else)
[] genjutsu specialist (+4 genjutsu skill, +1 to everything else)
[] adaptable generalist (+3 to all)
Article: Jutsu will have an indicated range (self, short, mid, long), as well as a rank. Most jutsu may be used at all ranges equal to or shorter than that indicated.
Remember: voting is approval, so you may select any number of choices. The options with the most votes will be selected, tie-broken by QM preference.
Four of these:
[] Seiton: Chains (mid; C-rank) - The user shapes chakra into a thin coil, which can then be used to trap and entangle an opponent. These chains immediately dissipate if focus is lost. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
[] Seiton: Impact (self; C-rank) - By controlling the composition and density of their chakra cloak, the user can emit localized explosions upon physical contact, including from any weapons they might be holding. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
[] Fuuton: Great Breakthrough (mid; C-rank) - A simple technique that creates a powerful gust of wind. It has the power to blow over trees, and can be combined with projectile weapons for an even deadlier assault.
[] Fuuton: Wind Explosion (short; C-rank) - With correct application of chakra, you can cause an explosion of air at your position. This can be used to disperse incoming projectiles, as well as disorient or even injure nearby opponents.
[] Doton: Earthen Rising Spears (mid; C-rank) - Spears of stone rise from the ground to skewer the target.
[] Doton: Hiding Like a Mole Technique (self; C-rank) - Allows the user to hide underground. Like a... gopher, or prairie dog, or something.
[] Katon: Dragon Fire (mid; C-rank) - The user breathes a stream of fire from their mouth. Prolonged exposure can melt rock.
[] Suiton: Water Whip (mid; C-rank) - The user shapes water into a controllable whip, which can be used to entangle, bludgeon, or drown opponents. It also notably conducts any lightning-based jutsu. The whip retains its shape for some time after focus is lost, making this technique difficult to interrupt.
[] Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique (short; D-rank) - A simple visual genjutsu that can alter or hinder the visual perception of the target. The specific image shown is often chosen to be shocking or disorienting.
[] Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique (location; C-rank) - A genjutsu that can be used to disguise a location as another. The technique is attached to a location rather than a specific opponent, and affects any who enter that location. It can last without upkeep for hours to days depending on the caster's skill. This technique must be prepared ahead of time.
And one of these:
[] Doton: Earth-Style Wall (self/short; B-rank) - The user creates a solid wall of earth, either using the natural earth present at the location, or by generating earth whole cloth out of chakra. The earth generated is laced with chakra, and therefore considerably tougher than normal mud or dirt. This is generally useful as a defensive technique, but can be adapted to other uses with sufficient creativity.
[] Fuuton: Vacuum Wave (long; B-rank) - The user expels a single blade of wind, sharp enough to remove limbs and fell small trees. Its size is controllable: it can hit either a single target, or multiple targets in a substantial area around the user, although its power diminishes with both range and size.
[] Seiton: Plasma Armor (self; B-rank) - By compressing the standard chakra cloak into a denser and harder form, the user gains a much better (although not impenetrable) defense against physical and chakra-based attacks, an increase to the destructive power of their own physical attacks, and a slight increase to speed and strength. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
All selected jutsu will have 4 ranks worth of training.
AttributesArticle: wind 0, earth 0
SkillsArticle: Strength 12 (D)
Agility 15 (C)
Constitution 12 (D)
Chakra Capacity 14 (C-)
Perception 13 (D+)
Intelligence 12 (D)
TechniquesArticle: Taijutsu 15 (C+)
Ninjutsu 16 (B-)
Genjutsu 15 (C+)
Ranged Weapons 15 (C+)
Stealth 15 (C+)
Chakra Control 16 (B-)
TraitsArticle: Seiton: Needle Storm 9 (poor)
(medium; b-rank) The user rapidly generates an enormous volley of Needles—dense and numerous enough to make dodging difficult if not impossible—and releases them in a single massed attack. The spread of the technique can be controlled, allowing everything from a tight focused cone to a uniform burst in all directions.
Seiton: Plasma Armor 9 (poor)
(self; b-rank) By compressing the standard chakra cloak into a denser and harder form, the user gains a much better (although not impenetrable) defense against physical and chakra-based attacks, an increase to the destructive power of their own physical attacks, and a slight increase to speed and strength. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
Doton: Hiding Like a Mole Technique 12 (acceptable)
(self; c-rank) Allows the user to hide underground. Like a... gopher, or prairie dog, or something.
Seiton: Chains 12 (acceptable)
(mid; c-rank) The user shapes chakra into a thin coil, which can then be used to trap and entangle an opponent. These chains immediately dissipate if focus is lost. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
Seiton: Impact 13 (acceptable)
(self; c-rank) By controlling the composition and density of their chakra cloak, the user can emit localized explosions upon physical contact, including from any weapons they might be holding. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
- Breaking Blow
By better controlling the shape of Impact's initial chakra release, you can push more of the technique's energy into your intended target rather than simply toward it. Your hits with Impact now partially bypass most kinds of armor and defensive jutsu that rely on physical buffers.
Doton: Trembling Earth 16 (instinctive)
(medium; d-rank) The user channels chakra through the earth, agitating it and making it difficult to find footing in a small area.
Fuuton: Air Bullet 16 (instinctive)
(long; d-rank) The user fires a single ball of compressed air, which lands with enough force to heavily injure an unprotected opponent.
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique 15 (practiced)
(short; d-rank) A simple visual genjutsu that can alter or hinder the visual perception of the target. The specific image shown is often chosen to be shocking or disorienting.
Seiton: Cloak 16 (instinctive)
(self; d-rank) The most basic of Seiton techniques. The user coats themselves in a chakra cloak composed of star chakra, conferring very minor protection from incoming attacks, and a very minor boost to their physical attacks.
Seiton: Needle 17 (instinctive)
(long; d-rank) The user fires a single needle of compressed chakra, comparable to a kunai in size and effect. This technique can be performed reflexively, and does not require hand seals.
- Second Nature
Hours and hours of training have reduced the motions of Needle to pure reflex; it now no longer demands any conscious focus. You can use Needle even when actively dodging, in melee, or otherwise engaged in activity that demands your full attention.
Body Replacement Technique 16 (instinctive)
(self; e-rank) The user swaps positions with a nearby object of similar mass. This technique may be done reflexively without hand-seals; however, the target of the replacement must be chosen beforehand.
Clone Technique 16 (instinctive)
(self; e-rank) The user produces a number of intangible illusionary clones. The clones cannot attack, but can provide useful distraction in a fight.
Transformation Technique 16 (instinctive)
(self; e-rank) The user assumes the appearance of another person, animal, or inanimate object of roughly the same size. This requires constant emission of chakra to maintain and can therefore not be used in combat, and can be easily detected by most ninja.
Article: Technically Still a Kid
As an eight-year-old, your physical development is still a work in progress. You're generally still a great deal weaker and slower than a similarly-trained adult. (-2 to base strength, agility, constitution, and chakra capacity)
Perfect Vessel
You appear to have won the genetic lottery: you have an almost unbelievable level of natural physical ability! Your strength, agility, and stamina are all noticeably better than your peers'. There will certainly be no downsides to this. (+4 to base strength, agility, constitution, and chakra capacity)
You pick up new techniques and concepts with preternatural ease. (+2 base intelligence, new skills and techniques are gained at +2)
Kekkei genkai: Seiton
Your clan is known for their distinctive kekkei genkai, granting the ability to use "star-natured" chakra, which can be used to produce semi-solid chakra constructs. These range in complexity from a simple chakra cloak, to hand-held weapons, extremely durable ropes and bindings, and ranged energy attacks. (provides access to Seiton jutsu)
Gift of the Star [1/3]
In your vision, you received a gift from a strange pale man. Ever since, you've noticed that you see just a little bit more clearly, and are just a little bit more aware of nearby chakra signatures. (+1 perception)
AttributesArticle: wind 0, fire -2, earth -2
SkillsArticle: Strength 8 (E-)
Agility 11 (D-)
Constitution 7 (E-)
Chakra Capacity 9 (E)
Perception 13 (D+)
Intelligence 14 (C-)
TechniquesArticle: Taijutsu 11 (D+)
Ninjutsu 15 (C+)
Genjutsu 11 (D+)
Ranged Weapons 15 (C+)
Stealth 11 (D+)
Chakra Control 11 (D+)
TraitsArticle: Fuuton: Great Breakthrough 12 (acceptable)
(mid; c-rank) A simple technique that creates a powerful gust of wind. It has the power to blow over trees, and can be combined with projectile weapons for an even deadlier assault.
Fuuton: Air Bullet 16 (instinctive)
(long; d-rank) The user fires a single ball of compressed air, which lands with enough force to heavily injure an unprotected opponent.
Doton: Trembling Earth 16 (instinctive)
(medium; d-rank) The user channels chakra through the earth, agitating it and making it difficult to find footing in a small area.
Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique 12 (acceptable)
(short; d-rank) A simple visual genjutsu that can alter or hinder the visual perception of the target. The specific image shown is often chosen to be shocking or disorienting.
Body Replacement Technique 16 (instinctive)
(self; e-rank) The user swaps positions with a nearby object of similar mass. This technique may be done reflexively without hand-seals; however, the target of the replacement must be chosen beforehand.
Clone Technique 16 (instinctive)
(self; e-rank) The user produces a number of intangible illusionary clones. The clones cannot attack, but can provide useful distraction in a fight.
Transformation Technique 16 (instinctive)
(self; e-rank) The user assumes the appearance of another person, animal, or inanimate object of roughly the same size. This requires constant emission of chakra to maintain and can therefore not be used in combat, and can be easily detected by most ninja.
Article: Child
(-2 to base strength, agility, constitution, and chakra capacity)
Pretty Talented I Guess
Ikki might have been hailed as the prodigy of his generation in a world where you didn't exist. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) for him, you do. (+1 base intelligence, new skills and techniques are gained at +1)
Smarter than the Average Clan
The Azuma are known for their shrewdness and intellect both on the battlefield and off. Whether this is a case of nature or nurture has yet to be seen. (+1 base intelligence)
AttributesArticle: earth 0, water -2
SkillsArticle: Strength 14 (C-)
Agility 11 (D-)
Constitution 13 (D+)
Chakra Capacity 10 (E+)
Perception 8 (E-)
Intelligence 9 (E)
TechniquesArticle: Taijutsu 14 (C)
Ninjutsu 10 (D)
Genjutsu 9 (D)
Ranged Weapons 11 (D+)
Stealth 11 (D+)
Chakra Control 10 (D)
TraitsArticle: Doton: Shuriken 11 (unreliable)
(long; d-rank) Fire a small earthen projectile, either from available earth or created by the user's own chakra. Comparable to a kunai in size and effect, and remains after it hits or misses its target.
Body Replacement Technique 11 (unreliable)
(self; e-rank) The user swaps positions with a nearby object of similar mass. This technique may be done reflexively without hand-seals; however, the target of the replacement must be chosen beforehand.
Clone Technique 11 (unreliable)
(self; e-rank) The user produces a number of intangible illusionary clones. The clones cannot attack, but can provide useful distraction in a fight.
Transformation Technique 11 (unreliable)
(self; e-rank) The user assumes the appearance of another person, animal, or inanimate object of roughly the same size. This requires constant emission of chakra to maintain and can therefore not be used in combat, and can be easily detected by most ninja.
Article: Still Growing
Although he's obviously started his growth spurt, Keizo is not yet an adult, and is correspondingly still physically weaker. (-1 to base strength, agility, constitution, and chakra capacity)
Rude Health
The Koizumi are a hardier and more robust folk than most. (+1 base strength and constitution)
The rest of your day is still free; it's currently only early afternoon. Your rather... accelerated progression means that you haven't made a lot of friends among your peers, but you could spend some quality social time with Ikki, or with your family. You've also recently managed to finagle a scroll of ninjutsu off your father, although you've yet to crack it open to read it—now would be as good of a time as any. Finally, since you're going to be going around to shops anyways, it would be a good time to buy anything else you think you might need. What will you do for the rest of today?Article: [] escort. A local merchant is delivering his wares to the Land of Earth. Bandit activity has been unusually high lately, so he understandably wants to have protection for his caravan during the trip.
[] patrol. The forests around Hoshi are crossed by several important thoroughfares, and it's in the village's best interest to keep them clear of any undesirables. Ninja are often deployed to various guardposts around the area to form a sort of early-warning network against any intrusion.
[] delivery. An important personage has submitted an important package to be delivered to a presumably important destination in the Land of Wind, as quickly and as safely as possible.
Tomorrow you'll be back to your standard training routine, continuing the work you've been doing all week on your:Article: [] study the scroll
[] go shopping
-[] anything in particular?
[] socialize
-[] with Ikki
-[] with your father
-[] with Hotarubi-sensei
Article: (+1xp to)
[] physical conditioning
-[] strength
-[] agility
-[] constitution
-[] chakra capacity
[] foundational skills
-[] taijutsu
-[] ninjutsu
-[] genjutsu
-[] chakra control
-[] stealth
[] specific technique
-[] which one?
Article: Your plan? (feel free to write in details as sub-votes)
[] engage immediately. If you counter-attack now, you might be able to catch them off-balance before they're fully prepared for a fight.
[] ambush them. They're following at a fair distance, and you think you can probably set something up without them being any the wiser, although it depends a little on your ability to do so stealthily.
[] wait and scout for information. You should see what their plan and abilities are before committing to anything.
[] other (write-in)
Article: Note: not all combinations of these votes are applicable, so in the case that two incompatible votes win, we'll take the most popular compatible combination of votes instead.
How to handle the ninja? (write-in details if applicable)
[] leave them.
[] take them for bounties.
[] take them to bargain with the ambushers.
[] kill them.
[] other (write-in)
The waiting ambush? (write-in details if applicable)
[] fight your way through, via
-[] frontal assault.
-[] something sneaky.
[] talk your way through, via
-[] ransoming your captives.
-[] intimidation.
[] other (write-in)
You spend time and interact with many people during this month. However, you feel like you spent the most time with:Article: [] write-in. You have 8xp to distribute among any items on your character sheet. XP costs to next level are displayed.
You're a little bit worried about the brief exchange you dropped into between Akahoshi and your father. You feel like you should:Article: [] Ikki
[] your father
[] Hotarubi-sensei
[] someone else (write-in)
Article: [] do nothing. You trust that your father has it handled.
[] ask your father. You're pretty sure it's something to do with you, and you'd like to know what it is, if only to avoid awkward situations in the future.
[] confront Takeo. You're related by blood, after all, even if he seems to hate you for no good reason. Whatever the problem is, you're sure you can talk it out.
[] confront Akahoshi. While the man is kind of creepy and definitely doesn't like you, he's also your uncle, and you deserve an explanation from him.
When you finally demonstrate what you've learned to your father, it's with a sense of great accomplishment and vague pleasant satisfaction at having conquered a milestone you know to have been difficult. You know on some level that it's simply what's expected of you, but sometimes the small victories are the important ones.Article: [] advanced shape control techniques, allowing you to more quickly collect and form the chakra needed for advanced ninjutsu. Gain +1 chakra control.
[] high-level body reinforcement exercises, providing you more effective ways to instinctively augment your strength and speed with chakra. Gain +1 taijutsu.
[] exotic chakra suppression techniques, allowing you to evade detection by chakra sense. Gain +1 stealth.
Article: [] Corporate Espionage: A glassmaker in Iwa believes one of his competitors has been paying bandits to raid his caravans and warehouses. He wishes you to break into said competitor's offices, and find proof of this malfeasance, preferably undetected.
[] Bump in the Night: Someone (or something) has been murdering the livestock of a nearby village during the night-time, and the citizens are understandably afraid. They've put in a request for someone to handle the situation.
[] Another Routine Patrol. Somebody's gotta do it. The roads and forests aren't gonna watch themselves.
As for the mission itself—apparently, the Lantern Festival begins at the end of the week here. That might be a good opportunity to sneak in, if you're not super confident in your ability to infiltrate undetected.Article: [] Yes. It's a relatively easy detour for making your job much easier down the road.
-[] He can handle it on his own. The more of you there are, the more likely you are to be detected, after all.
-[] Go with him. He'll need backup if he gets found out.
[] No. Too much risk, not enough benefit. You're fairly certain you can handle the existing guards-and-dogs setup, anyways, so there really isn't any point.
Article: [] Wait for the festival. In the meantime, you:
-[] Explore the town. Iwa is an intriguing city, and even though this is the second time you've come this year, you've barely seen any of it outside of hotels and customs offices.
-[] Prepare. There's always more details you could be learning, practicing, memorizing, and it only takes one slip-up to ruin the whole mission.
[] Go tomorrow. The sooner you get this done, the better.
Your training will, of course, not go neglected now that Hoshi is on war footing; rather the opposite. What do you focus on?Article: [] As your father's presumptive heir, this is specifically the kind of thing that you need to learn about. Find your father and ask to be looped in.
[] It seems like everything's pretty hectic right now, and you don't want to distract your father from his duties, but you're still curious. Ask Hotarubi-sensei for more information the next time you see him.
[] It's high-level strategery stuff, and it doesn't really concern you because you're not even nine yet. You should be training instead, anyways.
Article: [] write-in. You have 8+1=9xp to distribute among any items on your character sheet. XP costs to next level are displayed.