The Spark, the Ember (Original, Civ-Builder)

[X] The Red Fields. The land is fecund beyond belief, the soils rich and black; harvests that could feed the limitless hordes can be made here, and the plant-life will grow tall; further, it is none-too-far from both the Urisian Forest, and the lumber that is there; or from the White-Gold Mountains, which are, as might be expected, rich in gold and other, lesser, metals. But none live there, and it is not hard to see why-- the Fields are across from the Black-Stone Keep, where the Shadow-Smith broods and hides and heals-- and in the path of any force that wishes to travel that way. Thought it will be many thousands of years until she is healed, even before then she will send armies to plunder, and to attack, and to destroy; and you will face them, all of them. Indeed, they are named the Red Fields because the grasses that grow in abundance here have been stained ever-crimson by the flowing life-blood of hero and villain alike as the forces of good and evil met for the first time.
We wil be the Sword in the Darkness

We will be the Horn in the Night

We will be the Watchers before the Shadow.

We will be the Shield that Guards the Day

Let Our Mother Know This.

Our Watch Has Begun.
My turn.
[X] The Red Fields.

In Evil, my Birth
In Birth, my Darkness
In Darkness, my Rebellion
In Rebellion, my Duty
In Duty, my Blood
In Blood, my Penance!

In Penance, my Death!!
In Death, my Redemption!!!

-Ogre War Chant
[X] Vanrayl's Forests. The timbers are strong, the beasts plentiful; these were the very forests where the Lord Jhlay led expedition before he Withdrew, and they were his retreat from the world. You will want for nothing-- golden wood and beasts, fatted by the holy nature and the strong water. But metals and stone will be lacking. More fearfully, it is said that a Beast of the Nothing itself, and not the Betrayer's lacking Simulacrums, has taken the land by force, driving them out. Though they do not think like you do, it is undoubtable that foul things will strike you, one day; and to defeat them will be misery itself.
Vote will be called at 8 CT.

Sorry about that, finals stuff got to me.
The Foundation
The Foundation
2000 BA

The bedraggled hordes-- the two-thousand that live-- walk through the dirt. It was a journey of a short month to make it to these the plains, for the dark one was sealed away, your befouled mother's twisted creations fleeing back to the stone fortress. Even still, there are those who died, slain by ambuscade and deceit; those who were felled by hunger and thirst; those who sickness ravaged. All the old ills have been released again on what was paradise.

All around you are the broken remnants of that, the first war. The shattered bodies of dragons, their six-limbed forms stretching from one end of the horizon to the other in mountains; the bodies of human soldiers, clad in glimmering star-metal, wrecked from the great powers unleashed by the Proud One and her coterie; mountain stretches torn open. Entire towns, villages, emptied.

The wild prairie grains themselves are yet stained red, too; the same red shade of the blood that was shed.

So much lost.

"Foes to evil!"

Your voice splits the plain air, the calm and quiet that had rested since the end of the war.

"Friends to the Left Lord!"

The downtrodden ogres, the crafted, the broken look to you with despair.

"The evil is defeated! The she-coward hides, licks her wounds. She believes the world will forget, and it might; but we will not. We will stand, and when she returns we will fight her with every faculty! And we will show her the folly of this, her betrayal! Her tyranny! And when her armies come, they will find us a proud, ready people, despite every problem!"

The sun rises.

Life continues.


The Settlement's Name:

The remnants of your people have reached here, a place near an unnamed stream. All they bear are great sleds of food and water and other supplies. They have come hear, under your command; but they can go no farther.

There are not enough of you to call what will be made a city proper, not for a very long time; but you should aim further, you think. The name you give this, your first settlement, will be a rallying cry to your kingdoms:

[] Ayt Falrain. The Summer City. The Foul things of Darkness will strive to destroy you, Man mistrusts you, the Dwarfs disdain all, and the Elves... the less you say of the elves, the better. You have few allies, as of yet, and that is unlikely to change. The whole world seeks to destroy you.

But first it will have to catch you.

And so this shall be nothing but a meeting point, a mark of stability for an otherwise nomadic people. They will hunt, and they will move, and they will live, baneful to the enemy.

[] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

But they will not face the unarmed, unarmored savages that you once were. Walls will provide strength. Steel bands will give protection. Weapons forged in the finest fires you can craft. It will be here, and no further, that the enemy will break themselves.

[] Ayt Kinreden. The City of Kinship. The Elves, and Men, and Dwarves-- they do not trust you, and for not entirely invalid reason: if you had not rebelled, not told the Foul One nay, you would have been their extinction.

And yet...and yet you are all servants of the Grieving Lord, the wounded one, are you not? He whose heart is gold? It is not right and well that you should not care for one another; and so this place shall one day be a place of friendship betwixt all peoples and kingdoms-- and when ultimate evil rises again, it will face all of you, together.

This is one of the important things to decide, but there is another that must be dealt with:

How to feed yourself?

[] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.

[] Hunting bands. The payoff would be immediate, for the animals of the plain are large beasts that can feed an ogre's appetites; but it will be dangerous, for the beasts that live here do not die easy.

There are others who suggest launching raids into the Blighted Lands and ripping the food from them-- particularly Niffar the Fair, the Daughter of the Just-- but you would hate to see what such constant combat-- the year of rebellion, the Long March, and then the near-constant raids that would be required to obtain the food stuff necessary to feed two-thousand ogres-- would do to their minds, and as such you ignore them.
Sorry about that, had to get ready for finals then move back and stuff just got kind of weird.
Adhoc vote count started by Voikirium on Jan 20, 2018 at 10:58 PM, finished with 20 posts and 16 votes.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
On one hand I do kind of like the idea of playing a nomadic civilization for once, on the other hand we did come specifically to be the shield that the enemy breaks themselves on.

[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.

I'm more willing to change the food option, but if we wanted to be nomads we should've gone somewhere else, and I'm not willing to bet the survival of our species on the kindness and understanding of three fantasy races in the medieval age
Considering we're the largest species in the setting, functionally immortal and will be fighting a forever war I really want to see what one of our warriors will look like.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

We are to be the wall, so we need a Bastion

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.

The soil of Red Fields is supposed to be really fertile, so this should pay dividends
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.

[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.
[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.
[X] Ayt Ordrain. The Bastion City. The She-Beast seeks to destroy all. Her soldiers would flow from these the plains to strike the world yet more. They will come, in their dozens and hundreds and thousands. The malignant spirits will seek to strike you down.
[X] You shall farm, as the other peoples of the world do. It will be, of course, a matter of time; but your people...they tire of war and death, greatly; this would be much pleasing to them.