The Spark, the Ember (Original, Civ-Builder)

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The Spark, the Ember

The world is ruined.

The rebel spirits, the dark things at the edge of...


SV's Estalia Guy
Ruritania Illinois
The Spark, the Ember

The world is ruined.

The rebel spirits, the dark things at the edge of eternity, have cast down the Great Hall Kalayaix; the Golden Host is shattered, never to be repaired. The Kingdoms of Man have been thrown into ruin as the perverted hordes of the darkness rein; the Blackstone Fortress has been erected on the bones of the Aegis of the Dwarves; the ancient forests have been cast down and the elves set to flight. An age of misery and woe to mortal and immortal alike.

The Orrery of the Sky is struck.

The fire of paradise dies.

But every fire casts sparks, embers, and those most fortunate-- lucky enough-- might yet see rebirth, rekindling.

You must make it so.

You will earn vengeance for your slain lords; for the dead, who valiantly stood against the darkness; for the living, who struggle if only for one more day to live, in defiance of the maddened she-witch Ravai; for those unborn, that they will know a world free of her tyranny.

But first, we must know of people which you hail:

[] Man, doomed to die. It was you, and yours, that filled the great army that struck against the Nothing, time and again putting it and its minions to the sword. In the wake of the destruction of Kalayaix, you have fallen far from your Eden; the world of man is lessened. The gift of centuries has been shrunk to the time of decades, and all that remains of the Old Kingdoms are the Cahtar, the old ruined fortresses from which the Knights of the World have struck out to rebuild islands of civilization in the howling wastes of nothing, and the fringe edges of the earth. But though you have fallen, you will rebuild; for while Vreylon, first Knight, taught all Peoples of honor and glory, you alone were crafted in his image.

All the valor of Vreylon will be needed, for the She-Beast hates Man above all others for the death of her son; and thus her lieutenants she will send, though she herself can not come...yet.

[] Aeorlings, known more broadly as Elves. Yours are a dedicated people, who stood with the Lady Aernahn when her kingdom was destroyed. You will live... well, if there is some point at which the Elves might die of age and not of the evils of the world, Creation has not existed long enough for it be found. Living in grandiose longhouses that can hold five or six generations together and act as bastions of hope in this darkened time, your people were gifted the cold Isles of Ærpae, off the coast of the greater continent, for only you were hardy enough for it in the face of beasts. Long haired and with great beards, oft have the servants evil been awoken from their slumbers by the sound of your bows striking their foul beasts as you fell from your ships to take back the treasures of the Old Hall.

But the Dark One stirs beasts, and all your steely strength will be needed to face the old, ever foul things of the world...

[] Kaefvan, known also as Dwarfs. Your people are the most educated and intelligent in this den of vipers you have found yourself in, for unlike the Humans you live long enough to make your mark, and unlike the elves you will know death, eventually, thus giving yourself motivation to do so. Your people are cradled in the mountains of the east peninsula, divided between many Verak-- the great holds of your people. Marching to war in bronze, you will pay back the insults received a thousand-fold against the Dark-Smith, who perverts her craft. Smooth-faced and with short-shorn hair and body alike, the Dwarfs are often reckoned to be the handsomest of the Peoples.

They say Yanach the White-Wyrm has made a nest in the mountains near your homes. That would be a good place to starts.

[] Yafrun, the Ogres. You were meant, by your creator-- Ravai, the Dark-Smith-- to be a dark mirror to the Aeorlings, an insult to the Creator of what she believed the greatest inhabitant would be; and she snatched fire from him when she created you, hoping against hope you would be her army. But a bit of the perfection of Creation was held in the spark she used in forging you, and you were freed, ever and ever, from her command. It is little lie, if it is lie at all, to say that your Rebellion, timed as it was, saved the world. The tallest of all Peoples-- true-born, at least, those who think-- curling horns rise from your forehead and frame your hair, growing from short things at youth until they reach the small of your back unless shaped; they are always and ever the opposite hue of your flesh, gold to your blue, scarlet to your green, and sapphire to your yellow. An Ogre will only ever die when they have decided they are good and ready to, short of outside interference.

Now you are free, but with freedom comes the responsibility of Choice.
Hello. This is meant to be a more relaxing, laid-back quest; mechanics will come in time, but suffice to say right now it's just choosing your species.
[X] Man, doomed to die. It was you, and yours, that filled the great army that struck against the Nothing, time and again putting it and its minions to the sword. In the wake of the destruction of Kalayaix, you have fallen far from your Eden; the world of man is lessened. The gift of centuries has been shrunk to the time of decades, and all that remains of the Old Kingdoms are the Cahtar, the old ruined fortresses from which the Knights of the World have struck out to rebuild islands of civilization in the howling wastes of nothing, and the fringe edges of the earth. But though you have fallen, you will rebuild; for while Vreylon, first Knight, taught all Peoples of honor and glory, you alone were crafted in his image.
[X] Yafrun, the Ogres.

I don't like elves, mankind is too generic and you have somehow managed to makes an abomination in the form of beardless dwarfs *shudders* therefore this is the only option. Also I've had too much fun watching ogres smash up people in torroar's quest so this is an opportunity I can't afford to miss! :p
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[X] Yafrun, the Ogres.

I don't like elves, mankind is too generic and you have somehow managed to makes an abomination in the form of beardless dwarfs *shudders* therefore this is the only option. Also I've had too much fun watching ogres smash up people in torroar's quest so this is an opportunity I can't afford to miss! :p
Dwarf beardiness fluctuates based on time and place and individual; the Dwarves of Verak Khayn often end up with great things that can be stuck through their belt loops multiple times, while the Dwarves of Verak Vairn are usually smooth faced.

Generally, the more Barbarians they deal with, the less of a beard they'll grow.
[X] Yafrun, the Ogres.

I was all set to go dwarf here until I read the Ogre bit, creations of the evil goddess rebelling against her just seems like it would be a really cool quest to me. I laughed at the elves being the bearded warriors and the dwarves being the handsomest race though