[X] Search the internet for possible meanings to your stat abbreviations. And for a pdf or ebook for Atlas Shrugged
-[X] And for books on deontology, utilitarianism, the two core politico-economic models, and politics in general.
You decide to do a bit of research on the internet, hoping to find out anything you can about your power. You already have some hunches, based on what you've seen in the information on the screen. RAT, PHR, MER, BUL and STR are obviously short for Rationality, Phronesis (whatever that is), Merit, Bullshyte and Strength. Each abbreviation is just the first three letters. A few hours on the internet later and you have a text file with everything you think you know about what your statistics mean:
Rationality is your ability to reason and think logically. But you're great at that? Why's it a 6, when your other stats are so much higher? Even Strength is higher and you're completely out of shape!
Phronesis is apparently Greek for "practical wisdom". Or maybe "prudence" or "mindfulness". It has something to do with common sense. But if this is common sense, why is it the same as Rationality?
Merit Goodness? How much you deserve to be rewarded? You've heard of merit badges. And whenever your Merit changes, Virtue also changes. But sometimes Virtue changes even though Merit didn't? Also: Why is this so ridiculously high compared to your other stats?
Bullshyte and Strength are both pretty obvious. You didn't really need to Google there. Apparently these are your second and third best stats though.
HP is probably Health Points. It's 20, and you started with a Health of 20/20. Now you're at 20/30, after getting +10 Mental Hit Points. Is it 20 out of 30? Or are there different kinds of health?
You have no idea what Z means. Wikipedia says that it's written as β in German, and you have a 0 in that either. But that could also be a greek letter? Whatever. If you don't have any of it, it can't be THAT important, right?
W is probably related to Will. Your W is 8 and you have 8/8 Will. Both of your spells have stuff like Cost: 1W in them, so you decide to test that theory.
Glancing at the door to make sure your mom isn't about to walk in, you say, "Turing Test!" and point at yourself. You feel yourself trying to resist, but failing.
You already knew that, but okay. And you're at Will: 7/8 now. W is Maximum Will or something like that. Which means HP is probably Maximum Health? But no, you're over maximum for HP. Base Health and Willpower?
You get a sinking feeling that L is luck. Which is negative.
A is Association. It's 0 now. Is it membership in things? Does PHO count as an association? But no, it changed from 1 to 0 after you got banned. That can't be it.
I could be Intellect, maybe? Or Identity? Interest? Or it could be Greek. Again.
V is definitely Virtue. And it goes up whenever you do things relating to your Virtues. Or when Merit changes.
O is probably Oikonomia. Which is more Greek. It's a church doctrine about 'economy' and running churches. Are you supposed to start a church? Jedi don't even have churches. Unless you're supposed to find an apprentice to train as your Padawan?
Based on the 'first three letters' rule that base statistics use, you think the skills are ERUdition, RHEtoric, SOPhistry, SeNSe (which doesn't quite fit - no E), PREsence, TOMfoolery (that can't be it, can it?), RESponsibility (Apparently this is your best skill?), SEMantics, TEChnique and POIgnancy.
Your recent display of diligence has given you +2 to Virtue. Your efforts into researching your powers have given you +1 to Research.
Oh. Apparently it wasn't Responsibility at all. But you DID get an extra point in it.
You decide to work on your first quest. Atlas Shrugged. Finding a PDF online is easy enough with your skills, but it doesn't seem to satisfy the quest. You could order a copy, but it would take time to get here and you don't really have any money. Which means it's time to go to the library.
You almost make it out the door when you hear breaking dishes and a scream from down the hall. "Greg! What happened to you?"
Name: Greg Veder Aliases: xX_Void_Cowboy_Xx Title: The Gamer Gender: Male
Beliefs Religion: Jedi. (+1 Merit, +10 Mental Hit Points, -1 Rationality.) Substance: Idealism (-10% damage from all physical attacks. +10% damage from all mental attacks.) Civics: Liberalism (+1 to Oikonomia) Politics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Leftism|Rightism|Libertarianism|Agnostic] Economics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Capitalism|Communism|Agnostic] Ethics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Deontology|Utilitarianism|Agnostic] Agency: Agnostic. Please select one of [Determinism|Free Will|Compatibilism|Agnostic] Virtue 1: Curiosity Virtue 2: Diligence
You ignore your mother's questioning and instead look down, examining yourself. Your skin is covered with wrinkles. You can feel your bones through your skin. Your mother is openly crying. You need a mirror. You reach up, fumbling for the doorknob on the hall closet. The door swings open, revealing an tiny old man with a white and wispy bowl cut and pale blue eyes, wearing an oversized League of Heros shirt like a dress. Two feet tall, with just the first hints of a pale beard starting to grow in.
"Who are you and what have you done with with my son?"
You see your father behind you in the mirror. He's brandishing a stainless steel spatula like a flyswatter and has an enraged look on his face. You might want to come up with an answer and fast.
Name: Greg Veder Aliases: xX_Void_Cowboy_Xx Title: The Gamer Gender: Male
Beliefs Religion: Jedi. (+1 Merit, +10 Mental Hit Points, -1 Rationality.) Substance: Idealism (-10% damage from all physical attacks. +10% damage from all mental attacks.) Civics: Liberalism (+1 to Oikonomia) Politics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Leftism|Rightism|Libertarianism|Agnostic] Economics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Capitalism|Communism|Agnostic] Ethics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Deontology|Utilitarianism|Agnostic] Agency: Agnostic. Please select one of [Determinism|Free Will|Compatibilism|Agnostic] Virtue 1: Curiosity Virtue 2: Diligence
[X] I killed him, and am using him as fuel to live. I.E. I have eaten him.
-[X] Just kiddin', I've triggered.
--[X] Also, can you buy a book for me? It's name is Atlas Shrugged
[X] I killed him, and am using him as fuel to live. I.E. I have eaten him.
-[X] Just kiddin', I've triggered.
--[X] Also, can you buy a book for me? It's name is Atlas Shrugged
I think this is lacking enough social awareness to prove he is Greg.
'A is Association. It's 0 now. Is it membership in things? Does PHO count as an association? But no, it changed from 1 to 0 after you got banned. That can't be it.'
This is still wrong. He COULDN'T know that he had 1 point in A before being banned, to know it changed to 0 when you got banned. Simply because he DIDN'T HAVE POWERS before being banned.
It's impossible for Greg to know that while on PHO he had 1 in A.
Also, the phrase 'That can't be it' does not fit. If A changed because he lost his membership on PHO, then it is a sign that he WAS right that A stands for Association and membership on PHO counts.
So, again, where's the correction?
Edit: Sorry to nitpick, this is just how I am.
This is still wrong. He COULDN'T know that he had 1 point in A before being banned, to know it changed to 0 when you got banned. Simply because he DIDN'T HAVE POWERS before being banned.
In the very first post, Greg had 1 in Association. That went to 0 when you picked Elf. At first, he thought it went from 1 to 0 because he got forum banned. But then he realized that didn't make any sense.
Beliefs Religion: Jedi. (+1 Merit, +10 Mental Hit Points, -1 Rationality.) Substance: Idealism (-10% damage from all physical attacks. +10% damage from all mental attacks.) Civics: Liberalism (+1 to Oikonomia) Politics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Leftism|Rightism|Libertarianism|Agnostic] Economics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Capitalism|Communism|Agnostic] Ethics: Agnostic. Please select one of [Deontology|Utilitarianism|Agnostic] Agency: Agnostic. Please select one of [Determinism|Free Will|Compatibilism|Agnostic] Virtue 1: Curiosity Virtue 2: Diligence
Inventory Book #1: None. Book #2: None. Atlas Shrugged: No.
Quest Log:
-Obtain a copy of Atlas Shrugged. Reward: +1 Hints.
-Obtain Wealth. Reward: +5 to Oikonomia for 24 hours.
-Defeat an Endbringer. Reward: Kyber Crystal.
After you finally get around to explaining the situation to your parents, they're provisionally willing to get you the book. But they also want to call the PRT. Please vote now to either Let them or to Talk them out of it.
hah, defeat an endbringer for a fucking crystal, we don't do shit half-assed do we... no seriously that seems somewhat crappy as a reward for defeating one of those mass-murdering monsters.
the easiest would probably be leviethan we just need sting then we need to immobilize it
then shoot it in the crystal which is in either the fanon location of the base of the tail or in the chest