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It is 280 years since Aegon forged the Iron Throne, and the Seven Kingdoms are uneasy (aren't they always)? King Aerys has been growing more unstable with each passing day, and has publicly split with his greatest ally, Lord Tywin Lannister. Lords make alliances to prepare for the coming storm, but hold out hope that the crown prince, beautiful and beloved, can fix the mistakes of his father.

This hope gutters at the great Tourney of Harrenhal, with the prince seemingly dead of a jousting accident. Yet there are others watching these events, and as Prince Rhaegar falls to the ground, an icy hand reaches down from the north to place its own bet on the game.

The Silver Prince rises again, but not as he was. With strange new powers, he is ordered to unite the land under his rule, in preparation for the coming Long Night. Will he fulfill the ominous design of his master? Or does he have his own vision for the land of Westeros?
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Verdant Maiden in Violet
By a Cedar Tree
It is 280 years since Aegon forged the Iron Throne, and the Seven Kingdoms are uneasy (aren't they always)? King Aerys has been growing more unstable with each passing day, and has publicly split with his greatest ally, Lord Tywin Lannister. Lords make alliances to prepare for the coming storm, but hold out hope that the crown prince, beautiful and beloved, can fix the mistakes of his father.

This hope gutters at the great Tourney of Harrenhal, with the prince seemingly dead of a jousting accident. Yet there are others watching these events, and as Prince Rhaegar falls to the ground, an icy hand reaches down from the north to place its own bet on the game.

The Silver Prince rises again, but not as he was. With strange new powers, he is ordered to unite the land under his rule, in preparation for the coming Long Night. Will he fulfill the ominous design of his master? Or does he have his own vision for the land of Westeros?
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Fire and Ice
The sky is white and clouded. Fat snowflakes drift down, landing soundlessly on the rocks around you. You can't hear a single sound, in fact. No birdsong or wind or any sign of life. Just undisturbed snow. The observation slowly sinks in, and suddenly your mind jerks from the dreamlike state it was in. Who are you? What are you doing here?

The answer to the first question comes back to you quickly. You are Rhaegar Targaryen, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms and heir to the Iron Throne. You are the Prince of Dragonstone. You have a wife named Elia, who is currently pregnant with your second child.
You were at Harrenhal for a grand tourney, you competed in the joust – wait, why did you compete in the joust?

[ ] You like jousting, and you're good at it, too. What? The answer doesn't always have to be complicated.
[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.

Right, right. And it was going well, until you got unhorsed on the first day by:

[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
[ ] Jon Connington Your oldest friend. A bit of a misanthrope, to be sure, but you'd trust him with your life.
[ ] The Knight of the Laughing Tree Some mystery knight who entered the tourney and enjoyed surprising success, especially against you.

Your memory of that last tilt is a bit fuzzy, but you think you remember flying through the air.

All very well. But how did you get to – wherever this is? You are standing in a ruined courtyard, walls crumbling around you. Snow-dusted trees poke up through the flagstones, and you stare at one as the memory works its way through your sluggish brain.

"Summerhall," you whisper, breath clouding the air. Of course. Your only excuse for taking so long to realize where you are is that you've never seen it like this – frosted like a cake, lines blurred by smooth snowdrifts. Summerhall, as the name suggests, is located on the southern edge of the Reach, almost at the border with Dorne. It would never get this cold. And furthermore, isn't it currently spring?

This must be a dream, then – a rather pleasant one, for you don't even feel cold. You start to relax. As you do, you realize that you do hear something. It's a song, unfamiliar and alien, but not unpleasant. It has no melody you recognize, nothing like what a human would create, but it speaks to you, of some faraway land, desolate and pure. Curious, you listen. Is it getting closer? Yes, you think—


Oh gods there's a dragon in front of you. There's a dragon in front of you and there definitely wasn't one there before.

…Is that actually a dragon, though? It seems more like a statue of one, carved out of glittering blue-white ice. And yet it radiates terrible power. Standing before it, you hear the song change to something more ominous. Suddenly you can feel the bitter cold.


You can look straight at it, but you know you're not seeing the whole thing. The song shapes itself around its words – no, the song delivers its words, they're just another part of the song. Seeing as you are totally lost, you answer the question honestly; the cold creeping farther up your limbs all the while.

"No. Tell me, if you please."

It looks straight at you then, and its eyes, oh, its eyes are the purest shade of clear blue ever imagined, and you know that if nothing else in this dream is real, those eyes are.


The song surges, then, and you are caught in it. There isn't even any time to struggle. All thought, all feeling, is obliterated in a moment. Only the song is left. You kneel to its rhythm.



The dragon-shaped thing delivers the last few words scornfully. It lowers its head towards you; the song makes you look up, meeting its eyes and letting them drill through you.


Suddenly your body is suffused with heat, as if you had been boiling in a kettle of water. The snow melts for a foot around you. You stay motionless through the pain, not able to care. Then it ends, as suddenly as a blown-out candle, and you know instinctively that the flame was not all that strong in the first place.


The dragon opens its mouth and breathes a torrent of air on you. There are no words to describe how cold it is. Frost forms on your eyes, on your hair, on your skin. The cold infiltrates you, freezing blood and flesh and weighing down your soul, until, through the overwhelming song, you manage to wish for unconsciousness.

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Character Sheet
Rhaegar Targaryen, the First of his Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, (formerly) The Bard Prince
Fire and Blood
A strikingly beautiful young man, Rhaegar has pure Valyrian features, with milk-pale skin, silver hair and ice-blue eyes - though, as some people note, those eyes were a dark indigo during his youth. Although a charming conversationalist who rarely fails to be polite, few people are allowed to see the true Rhaegar - with doubts, fears, and weaknesses - behind his practiced diplomacy. Sometimes, he acts distant even to them. The shadow of his father hangs heavy over him, and he seeks to avoid Aerys' mistakes in all things, from rulership to his family. Even without his father's influence, it is likely that Rhaegar would be melancholy and introverted by nature. Most of his smiles are for diplomatic purposes, and he tends to dress in black. Social interaction is a duty to him, as is practicing the sword and lance. His main joy in life is his harp: he labors over his songs, and performs them with such empathy and skill that few who hear him fail to be moved.

Diplomacy: 9+3+1+1+1+3+3+1+1+1=24
Martial: 7+2+3-2+1+4+1=16
Stewardship: 6+1=7
Intrigue: 9+2+1+1=13
Learning: 10+2+5+2=19
Occult: 12+1+5+3+3+1=25

Combat Skill
Physical: 18 (Martial)+45-10-5+5=53 (+10 against demons or ice creatures)
- Wounds: 0/7

Mental: 24 (Diplomacy)+20+30-10-15+5=54
- Strain: 0/6

King: You are the King on the Iron Throne. Within Westeros, none may gainsay you, none may defy you, none may turn his back on you. +3 Diplomacy, +1 Occult
Blood of the Dragon: You are a member of House Targaryen, the last dragonlords. +1 Diplomacy
Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy, +20 to Mental Combat
Knight: You have been oiled and blessed by a septon after going through a full squiring. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +10 against demons
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +45 to Physical Combat, +3 Martial, +3 Wounds
Bard: You have become famous for your music and songs. +3 Diplomacy, +30 to Mental Combat
Seer: On occasion, you get dreams that hint at the future. Through patience and study, you have learned to better understand them. +5 Occult, +2 Intrigue, +2 Learning, +2 Strain
Peaceful: Why can't we just talk things out? Why must we fight like barbarians? -2 Martial, +3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship, -10 Physical and Mental Combat
Erudite: You are well-read and enjoy intellectual discussion. +5 Learning, +2 Strain
Bearer of the Pact of Ice: In recent times, the White Walkers granted Rhaegar Targaryen a measure of their power, in the hope that he would prove a useful tool. +1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Revenant: You have died and come back with the blessing of the Pact of Ice, marked by your now-blue eyes. This has many effects, and you are still discovering them. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +2 Wounds
Advanced Magic Sense: You can sense magic that is near you, and get a very good idea of its nature. +3 Occult, +2 Learning
Eyes of the Other: The creatures of the ice do not see things in the same way as humans. Color is unimportant, and they can see easily in the dark. They track their living prey by the heat it leaves behind. (gives advantages in the dark)
Song of the Other: A song whispers to you from the Lands of Always Winter. It gives you valuable information, but such a direct connection to the Heart of Winter endangers your independence. +3 Occult, -15 Mental Combat
Dragon Rider: You have a dragon companion. In addition to being unstoppable in battle and the subject of great awe, you may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality in times of need. +1 Diplomacy, +4 Martial, +1 Wound, +1 Strain
Scarred Offhand: Your non-dominant hand was wounded and healed poorly, weakening its dexterity and strength. -5 Physical Combat

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Free Cities Valyrian (poor), Rhoynish (poor)

Song of Calm: Calm any chosen people who can hear your music. Cost: 1 Strain, a song.
Song of Fascination: Enhance the emotional effect of your music. Anyone within earshot is compelled to listen. If they try to do something else, the distracting music causes a -30 penalty. Cost: 2 Strain, a really good performance.
Voice of the Dragon: Inspire awe, terror, and obedience from those around you by channeling the personality of your dragon. Cost: 1 Strain, personality contamination - while using this power, a caster will tend to be arrogant, blunt, and aggressive.
Raise Revenant: One recently dead person may be resurrected, giving them the traits Eyes of the Other, Magic Sense, Revenant, and Bearer of the Pact of Ice. Cost: 4 Strain. The target of the spell must consent to be raised, or else only a wight will be produced.
Raise Wight: One cadaver may be resurrected as a wight. Wights will follow simple commands and can use skills they knew in life, but less well. Cost: 1 Strain.
Raise Giant Wight: One cadaver of a large creature (bigger than Gregor Clegane) may be resurrected as a wight. It will function identically to other wights. Cost: 2 Strain.
Sieve Knowledge: Make a Learning roll (difficulty 50) to scan the memories and knowledge of one wight under your control. The difficulty of the roll increases by 10 for each day the body has been dead. Cost: 1 Strain
Freezing Touch: The caster may freeze water. Cost: 1-3 Strain, depending on the amount of water. The caster must be near enough to touch the water.
Summon Ice: The caster may create ice. The ice must appear in a location the caster is near enough to touch. Cost: 2-4 Strain, depending on the amount of ice. The temperature around the caster will noticeably drop.

Dragonglass Knife: An elegant knife of obsidian from Old Valyria. It appears to have been shaped by magic, not by mundane arts. +1 Occult, +10 Physical Combat against creatures of ice.
Meti's Sword Manual: A famous text on swordsmanship; it is used in the lands from Yi Ti to Asshai. Rather short, and written in plain language, it is easy to read but difficult to fully comprehend. A significant number of people say that it's nothing more than the bitter rantings of a grumpy old woman, but you disagree. +5 Physical and Mental Combat.
Dragon Egg Shards: The largest remaining shards of two dragon eggs destroyed by the Foundation.
Maekar's Crown: A warlike crown with points of black iron in a band of red gold. +1 Martial

Elia Nymeros Martell, Princess of Dorne, Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Small and frail she might be, but only fools underestimate Elia Martell. Behind her shockingly blue eyes gleams a ferocious intelligence, and she is accustomed to respect and consideration. Although her family pampered their sickly daughter (leaving her a tad spoiled to this day), she was also raised as the spare heir to Dorne - with the understanding that, whoever she married and wherever she ended up, she would rule. Kind yet calculating, she is no stranger to Dornish-style intrigue, even if she prefers to keep things straightforward. She has the coal-black hair and olive skin characteristic of the Salty Dornish, which she accentuates by dressing in bright, warm colors.

Diplomacy: 6+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=15
Martial: 4+1+1+1+3=10
Stewardship: 7+1+4+3+2+1+1+2=21
Intrigue: 7+1+1+4+1+2+3+1+1=21
Learning: 7+5+1+1+1+1+2=18
Occult: 5+5+1+2+1+1=15

Combat Skill
Physical: 10 (Martial)-20+10=0 (Please don't make Elia go into combat)
Wounds: 0/2

Mental: 16 (Diplomacy)+20+10=46
Strain: 0/6

Frail: Your constitution is weak and you do not do well in strenuous circumstances. -2 Wounds, -20 to Personal Combat
Princess of Dorne: A member of the royal family of Dorne, of the line of Nymeria. +1 Diplomacy
Erudite: You are well-read and enjoy intellectual discussion. +5 Learning, +2 Strain
Hex Maniac: You are especially well-read in the spooky books. +5 Occult, +2 Strain
Bearer of the Pact of Water: In ancient times, Mother Rhoyne adopted the people who lived on her banks as her own children. The memory of her love lives on to this day. +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue
Mother's Love: Mother Rhoyne loves you; this you know for certain. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Beloved of the Rhoyne: You have the personal attention of Mother Rhoyne. May the river carry you where you wish to go! +4 Stewardship, +4 Intrigue
Bearer of the Pact of Ice: In recent times, the White Walkers granted Rhaegar Targaryen a measure of their power, in the hope that he would prove a useful tool. +1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Revenant: You have died and come back with the blessing of the Pact of Ice, marked by your now-blue eyes. This has many effects, and you are still discovering them. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +2 Wounds
Magic Sense: You can sense magic when it's close, and get some idea of its nature. It turns out that the world is a more magical place than you ever imagined. +2 Occult, +1 Learning
Eyes of the Other: The creatures of the ice do not see things in the same way as humans. Color is unimportant, and they can see easily in the dark. They track their living prey by the heat it leaves behind. (gives advantages in the dark)
Lady's Education: You have been trained in the ladylike arts, including etiquette and the management of a household. +1 Diplomacy, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning, +20 Mental Combat
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
Vengeful: When you're slighted, you make sure to get even. +3 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +10 Mental and Physical combat
Foodie: You have an appreciation for fine food and drink. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship
Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Architect: You have studied buildings, old and new. +2 Learning, +2 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue
Enemy of the Deeps: You have done something to gain the ire of the primordial sea. Any voyage over the open ocean has a significant risk of running into complications. +1 Occult
Dragon Companion: You have a dragon companion. Though it is not suitable to ride, it still brings you great awe. You may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality in times of need. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Wound, +1 Strain

Common Westerosi, Rhoynish, High Valyrian (poor), Free Cities Valyrian (poor)

Treachery of the Flesh: Elia's worst enemy has always been her own body, so of course it is the first thing to fail. She is stricken by blindingly intense pain, a racing heartbeat, and an inability to breathe. This misery makes it difficult for her to do anything but curl up in bed.
Ice Healing: When your body is damaged, you can seal the wounds with magical ice that lets you operate as if unwounded. Cost: 0-2 Strain, depending on the extent of the wounds. Cannot affect wounds caused by fire or Valyrian Steel. The MP cost is always in effect until the wound heals.
Water Healing: With concentration and careful attention to detail, any living creature may be healed and their pain alleviated, as long as their wounds are immersed in clean water. This spell cannot heal wounds that have been cauterized by fire, nor wounds that have already healed and left scar tissue. Cost: Varies. 1 Strain to heal a shallow cut or alleviate moderate pain, 10 Strain to bring someone from the brink of death or regrow a lost limb.+1 to the cost when caster is not healing self. The wounds must be immersed in clean water at the time.
Purge Poison: The caster swiftly neutralizes any physical poison by warping and shattering its form. This can cure immediate effects, but not lingering damage. Cost: 1 Strain, +1 to the cost when caster is not healing self.
Summon Ice: The caster may create ice. The ice must appear in a location the caster is near enough to touch. Cost: 2-4 Strain, depending on the amount of ice. The temperature around the caster will noticeably drop.
Freezing Death: With a sample of a certain being's blood, the sorceress can cause all its blood to freeze in its veins. It will tend to stumble about for a minute or two before succumbing to death. Cost: 1 Strain, a bit of blood from the target of the spell.
Manipulate Water: The caster may freeze, melt, condense, or move water that is in the same general area. Cost: 1-4 Strain, depending on the amount of water.
Jon Connington, Lord of Griffon's Roost, the Loyal
A Fierce Foe, A Faithful Friend
Jon Connington's personality is rather accurately summed up by by his house words - with the caveat that he has few friends, and is not interested in making more. Prickly, prideful, and suspicious, he shows a different face around those he trusts - teasingly humorous, and quick to forgive. His relationship with Rhaegar Targeryen goes even deeper. Around that man, he is cautious, and protective, and devoted. No one can make him smile like Rhaegar. Jon much prefers solitude or the training yard to the intrigues of court, and if not for his silver prince he probably would have returned home long ago. He once was adequately handsome, with bold red hair, a short beard, and cold blue eyes - but five days of death have left their mark on him. His skin has gone grey and his hands are marred from the chewing of rats, inviting one to wonder what kinds of scars exist on the rest of his body.

Diplomacy: 6-3+1+1+2+1+1-3=6
Martial: 9+1+2+3+2+3+1+4=25
Stewardship: 10+1+1=12
Intrigue: 5+1+1+3=10
Learning: 6+1=7
Occult: 7+2+3=12

Combat Skill
Physical: 25(Martial)+45+10+30=108 (118 against demons, 78 without his griffon)
Wounds: 1/7

Mental: 6(Diplomacy)+15+10+15=46
Strain: 2/3

Antisocial: Curt and standoffish, you do not make friends easily and prefer to work alone. -3 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue
Bearer of the Pact of Sky: In ancient times, a man tamed a full-grown griffon and claimed kingship over the Vale. His descendants kept his fierceness. +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship
Knight: You have been oiled and blessed by a septon after going through a full squiring. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +10 against demons
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +45 to Physical Combat, +3 Martial, +3 Wounds
Authoritative: When you speak, your voice and bearing make you hard to disobey. +1 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat
Passionate: The fires of your soul burn strong and deep. +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat, +1 Strain
Vengeful: When you're slighted, you make sure to get even. +3 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +10 Mental and Physical combat
Bearer of the Pact of Ice: In recent times, the White Walkers granted Rhaegar Targaryen a measure of their power, in the hope that he would prove a useful tool. +1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy
Revenant: You have died and come back with the blessing of the Pact of Ice, marked by your now-blue eyes. This has many effects, and you are still discovering them. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +2 Wounds
Magic Sense: You can sense magic when it's close, and get some idea of its nature. It turns out that the world is a more magical place than you ever imagined. +2 Occult, +1 Learning
Eyes of the Other: The creatures of the ice do not see things in the same way as humans. Color is unimportant, and they can see easily in the dark. They track their living prey by the heat it leaves behind. (gives advantages in the dark)
Mark of the Grave: You spent long enough dead that your body is only being held together by magic and willpower. -3 Diplomacy, +3 Occult, +1 Strain, -1 Wound

Tessarion: A young adult Vale griffon. She is of a size to ride. +30 to Physical Combat, +4 Martial, +2 Wounds
Rhaella Targaryen, Queen Mother of Westeros
Fire and Blood
Formerly Queen of Westeros, Rhaella has more influence now than she ever did when her husband ruled. She spent most of her life being shut away - or shutting herself away, out of self-preservation - and is only now testing her true capabilities. Her skill at navigating court is somewhat rusty, but Rhaella learns quickly. Right now, her keenest desire is to carve her own place at court in order to become a true ally to her son, capable of helping him in her own way. She loves her children more than anything else in the world.

Rhaella has scars, mental and physical, from the years of abuse she went through at her husband's hands. In public, however, they are hard to see, and one is likely to be distracted by her mature beauty and gracious comportment - indeed, it has been said that she gained back ten years of youth and vigor once her husband was placed under a regency.

Diplomacy: 7+1+1+3+1+1+1=15
Martial: 4+1-2+1=4
Stewardship: 9+3+5+1+1+2=21
Intrigue: 6+1+1+2=10
Learning: 5+1+3+1=10
Occult: 5+1+1=7

Combat Skill
Physical: (Martial) Putting Mother in harm's way? Perish the thought!
Wounds: 0/2

Mental: 15(Diplomacy)+20-10=25
Strain: 0/7

Blood of the Dragon: You are a member of House Targaryen, the last dragonlords. +1 Diplomacy
Lady's Education: You have been trained in the ladylike arts, including etiquette and the management of a household. +1 Diplomacy, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning, +20 Mental Combat
Bearer of the Pact of Fire: In ancient times, the dragon goddess Caeda blessed the Valyrian people with her own blood, making them kin. To this day, they have a connection to fire. +1 Martial, +1 Occult
Weaver: You are skilled at weaving cloth and making it into clothes. Do not underestimate the significance of this art. +5 Stewardship, +1 Strain
Frail: Your constitution is weak and you do not do well in strenuous circumstances. -2 Wounds, -20 to Personal Combat
Well-Read: You have made your way through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning, +1 Strain
Why can't we just talk things out? Why must we fight like barbarians? -2 Martial, +3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship, -10 to Physical and Mental Combat
Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
Resilient: After the astonishing life you've led, little things don't really faze you anymore. +3 Strain
Dragon Companion: You have a dragon companion. Though it is not suitable to ride, it still brings you great awe. You may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality in times of need. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Wound, +1 Strain

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian
Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning, Demonslayer, Kingsguard

Shining Day and Night
A sober man with neat white-blond hair and eyes of pale purple, his features make him look slightly unearthly, just like the blade he carries everywhere. Indeed, his devotion to Dawn - and his tendency to forget himself and refer to his sword as "she" and "her" - lead to jokes about Dawn being his wife. These used to bother him, but recently he has begun taking them in stride. Very few things bother Arthur Dayne. He bears himself with a remarkable placidity, as if he has already accepted all his hardships as transient and bearable. Those who talk with him will find him remarkably philosophical for a warrior. He takes his position as Sword of the Morning seriously - though, currently, he is still struggling to determine what that position means. Arthur leads a functional, almost ascetic lifestyle. This actually causes problems for him, as he has accumulated a great deal of money in tourney winnings and currently has no idea what to do with it all.

Diplomacy: 6+1+1+4+3+1=16
Martial: 10+1+2+2+5+3+1=24
Stewardship: 6+1+1+1=9
Intrigue: 6+1-2-5+1=1
Learning: 6+1+1=8
Occult: 8+1+1+1=11

Combat Skill
Physical: 24(Martial)+60+10=94, 114 against demons, the undead, and things of darkness
Wounds: 0/6

Mental: 16(Diplomacy)-15=1, 11 against demons
Strain: 0/4

Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Bearer of the Pact of Dawn: In unimaginably ancient times, Dawn vowed to be an eternal guardian of humanity, in partnership with her chosen bearers. The pact made then still lives on in those close to her. +1 Stewardship, +1 Occult
Knight: You have been oiled and blessed by a septon after going through a full squiring. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +10 against demons
Demonslayer: You are a living legend, having permanently killed a demon. +2 Martial, +10 against demons in Physical and Mental Combat. They fear you.
Formidable Fighter: You are one of the foremost warriors alive. +60 Combat Skill, +5 Martial, +4 Wounds
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Strain
Bad Liar: Your true feelings are always there for everyone to see. -5 Intrigue, -15 Mental Combat
Sword of the Morning: You are the chosen wielder of Dawn. People the world over know that you merit respect. +3 Diplomacy
Enemy of Darkness: Dawn kills the enemies of humanity when they slither out of their holes. Such creatures fear and hate you. Diplomatic consequences.

Temporary Tenant: The Sword of the Morning is never alone. If Arthur isn't home, Dawn can keep the lights on while he's gone.
Star-Eyes: Commune more fully with Dawn, and use her senses to 'see' all around you, gaining +5 Physical Combat and greatly enhanced senses, including magical ones. Cost: 1 Strain per 10 minutes.
Burning Blade: Dawn's blade glows white, becoming intensely hot. It will not harm the Sword of the Morning (just barely), but anything else it touches is liable to melt, scorch, or ignite. This is worth +20 to Physical Combat in most circumstances. Cost: 1 Strain and 1 Wound. The Sword of the Morning finds his flesh growing feverishly hot.
Ancient Archive: Dawn holds the secrets of ages past in her memories. The Sword of the Morning may search her archives to answer a question about the ancients. The result is determined by a straight d20 roll – on a 12 or above, she knows the answer. Cost: 2 Strain, some time meditating.

Dawn: A shining, milk-white greatsword. Definitely intelligent. According to her own account, she came from the stars, and was forged into her current form by a lost civilization in unimaginably ancient times. +3 Martial, +10 Physical Combat, +20 additional Physical Combat against creatures of Death and Darkness
-Metal Mind: Dawn may compensate for some of the limits of a human shell. +1 Wound, +1 Strain
-Intelligent Companion: Dawn's whispers help you pick up on things you would otherwise miss. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Lyanna Stark, The Knight of the Laughing Tree, Kingsguard

Winter is Coming
Lyanna is a classic Stark of the wolf blood, with stormy grey eyes and dark hair contrasting her pale skin. She is loud, quick to anger and quick to make her opinions known. She is short even for a woman - a fact which frustrates her endlessly - but strives to make up for it with passion and tenacity. Lyanna loves horses, the wilder the better; it stokes her pride to ride what others thought unrideable. She usually appears in armor or riding leathers, but is perfectly capable of dressing up in gowns when the situation calls for it - although the impression of a proper young lady will be quickly ruined as soon as she opens her mouth.

Diplomacy: 8+2-2+1=9
Martial: 9+2+2+3+5=21
Stewardship: 5
Intrigue: 9+1+2+3=15
Learning: 10-1+1=10
Occult: 9+5=14

Combat Skill
Physical: 21(Martial)-10+30+10+10+15=76 (61 without her horse)
Wounds: 0/4

Mental: 9(Diplomacy)+10+15=34
Strain: 0/6

Passionate: The fires of your soul burn strong and deep. +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat, +1 Strain
Stubborn: You refuse to give up, even when you are clearly wrong. -1 Learning, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Strain
Bearer of the Green Pact: In ancient times, the First Men and the Children of the Forest made a grand pact of cooperation and coexistence. It also gave humanity access to some of the Children's magic. +1 Learning, +1 Intrigue
Short: You are shorter than most. No growth spurt will remedy this. -10 to Physical Combat
Stark of Winterfell: A member of the house Stark, of the line of Brandon the Builder and the Kings of Winter. +1 Diplomacy
Hex Maniac: You are especially well-read in the spooky books. +5 Occult, +2 Strain
Trained Fighter: You know your way around a weapon. +30 Physical Combat, +2 Martial, +2 Wounds
Dirty Fighter: Rules are stupid. The point is to win. +10 to Physical Combat, +2 Intrigue
Vengeful: When you're slighted, you make sure to get even. +3 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +10 Mental and Physical combat
Skinchanger: You can connect with certain animals on a magical level. Specialties: horses, dogs

Centaur: The bond between a warg and their creatures goes both ways. Delving too deeply into her powers inflames Lyanna's skittishness and ill temper.
Call Bonded Animal: If Rosebud is within a day's rage, you may share simple images, emotions, and instructions. Free.
Panic Horse: Horses are naturally nervous creatures; making them fear is not difficult. Rolls to ride or control a panicked horse receive -30. Calming a panicked horse is a Difficulty 60 roll. May affect a single or a group of horses. Cost: 2 Strain. Some of your target's emotions spill over and affect you, giving you -5 to all rolls made for the next round.
Calm Horse: When a horse would otherwise be frightened, the skinchanger may keep it calm and focused. Affects a single horse. Cost: 2 Strain. Some of your target's emotions spill over and affect you, giving you -5 to all rolls made for the next round.

Rosebud: An ill-tempered, high-spirited stallion. Tends to bite people. +5 Martial, +15 to Mental and Physical Combat, +1 Wound
Ser Baelor Hightower, the Brightsmile, Hand of the King
We Light the Way
Baelor Hightower is nearly as close as one gets to the ideal Reacher knight. He is tall and handsome, with good teeth and a neat beard. He can read, write, and sing with charming skill. His manners are as impeccable as his horsemanship, he treats women and priests with chivalrous deference, and he piously observes the holy days of the Seven. It is very easy to overlook the little strangenesses - how he always sleeps with a bowl of honey by his bedside, how his sister Malora hangs around him like a miasma, his platinum-blonde hair and skin that never seems to tan no matter how long he spends outside. He is almost definitely just a really nice guy.

Diplomacy: 10+1+1+1+4+2+3=22
Martial: 9+2+3-2+3=15
Stewardship: 10+1+2+1+5=19
Intrigue: 8-2+1=7
Learning: 8+5=13
Occult: 8+1+3+3=15

Combat Skill
Physical: 15(Martial)+45-10+10=60, 70 against demons, 80 against ice creatures
Wounds: 0/4

Mental: 22(Diplomacy)+20-10+15=47
Strain: 0/7

Bearer of the Pact of Dawn: In unimaginably ancient times, Dawn vowed to be an eternal guardian of humanity, in partnership with her chosen bearers. The pact made then still lives on in those close to her. +1 Stewardship, +1 Occult
Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy, +20 to Mental Combat
Knight: You have been oiled and blessed by a septon after going through a full squiring. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +10 against demons
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +45 to Physical Combat, +3 Martial, +3 Wounds
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Strain
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship
Peaceful: Why can't we just talk things out? Why must we fight like barbarians? -2 Martial, +3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship, -10 Physical and Mental Combat
Erudite: You are well-read and enjoy intellectual discussion. +5 Learning, +2 Strain
Dabbler: You've listened to a lot of spooky stories. +3 Occult, +1 Strain
Dabbling Bard: You know many songs, though you have not truly devoted time to crafting music of your own. +15 to Mental Combat, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Strain
Administrator: You know well how to manage land and coin. +5 Stewardship
???: ??? Sometimes things just seem to go wrong around Baelor – minor items go missing, inkwells dry up. Every turn, roll for a random misfortune. +3 Occult

Common Westerosi, Free Cities Valyrian, Summertongue, High Valyrian (poor)

Vigilance: A Valyrian Steel longsword with a great diamond in the hilt. The ancestral sword of House Hightower. +3 Martial, +10 Physical Combat, +20 additional Physical Combat against creatures of ice
Skuld's Ring: A gold ring with sockets for three gems; all three are empty. An heirloom of House Hightower. The bearer of this ring may not be attacked by anything unseen. Any assailant must become visible or declare itself somehow before attacking.
Malora Hightower, the Mad Maid, the Queen's Raven
We Light the Way
The first thing most people notice about Malora Hightower is that she does not like them. Malora has a deep disgust for pageantry, waste, pointless traditions, and people in general. Despite being the eldest daughter of Lord Hightower, her family quickly learned that it was better to pass off any court duties to her younger sisters, for the good of the House. At a young age, Malora determined that there were only two ways for a woman to have any power in the stratified, deeply patriarchal society of the Reach: the path of the lady, the path of quiet alliances and graceful insinuations and carefully managed relationships, and the path of the witch. Malora, obviously, chose to be a witch. She cultivates a fearful, mystical reputation, although her magical powers are not really as potent as she likes to pretend. She certainly looks the part, with sleek platinum-white hair, skin that never sees the sun, and eyes such a pale blue that they almost look white. She dresses dramatically, all in black, "like the secret bastard of Bloodraven and Mad Danelle," as a certain Dornishman is fond of saying.

The truth is, she loves her role. She loves scaring small children and summer knights, loves hearing herself compared to fearsome women of the past, loves it when her relatives come to her for help cursing a rival. She loves her family too, and reading deep into the night, and…a certain Dornish Princess…

Diplomacy: 6-1-3-2-1=0
Martial: 6+3=9
Stewardship: 8+1+1=10
Intrigue: 8+2+1+1+3+2=17
Learning: 8+2+5+3+2+1-1=21

Combat Skill
Physical: 9(Martial)+10=19
Wounds: 0/1

Mental: 0(Diplomacy)+10=10
Strain: 0/9

Advanced Magic Sense: You can sense magic that is near you, and get a very good idea of its nature. +3 Occult, +2 Learning
Erudite: You are well-read and enjoy intellectual discussion. +5 Learning, +2 Strain
Hex Maniac: You are especially well-read in the spooky books. +5 Occult, +2 Strain
Herbalist: You know the properties of various herbs, and how to make use of them. +3 Learning, +2 Occult
Bearer of the Pact of Dawn: In unimaginably ancient times, Dawn vowed to be an eternal guardian of humanity, in partnership with her chosen bearers. The pact made then still lives on in those close to her. +1 Stewardship, +1 Occult
Seer: On occasion, you get dreams that hint at the future. Through patience and study, you have learned to better understand them. +5 Occult, +2 Intrigue, +2 Learning, +2 Strain
Sharp-Tongued: You entertain yourself by pricking at others. -1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning
Antisocial: Curt and standoffish, you do not make friends easily and prefer to work alone. -3 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue
Vengeful: When you're slighted, you make sure to get even. +3 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +10 Mental and Physical Combat
Stubborn: You refuse to give up, even when you are clearly wrong. -1 Learning, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Strain
Ominous Dress: You dress in a manner calculated to scare small children. -1 Diplomacy, +1 Occult

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Free Cities Valyrian, The Old Tongue (poor)

MP: 6/6
Magelight: Summon a small, heat-less light source to illuminate the surrounding area. It can be any color and the caster can command it to move, though it will dissipate if it gets too far from the caster. Cost: 1 Strain, a pinch of something glittery such as mica powder.
Glowing Crystal: Imbue a crystal with light, so that it glows permanently (or at least for a few decades, depending on how flawed the crystal is). Cost: 3 Strain. Requires a quartz crystal, the less flawed the better.
Crystal Charm: By imbuing a rare and flawless crystal with power, the caster can make a magical item. The item's effects must be within the caster's magical themes. Make an Occult roll to determine its quality (for every 20 below 100, the item gains a new flaw/drawback, such as limited uses or weakened effect). Cost: 5 Strain, takes several days, requires 100 Dr worth of high-quality materials.
True Name Command: By acknowledging a ghost (or other immaterial spirit) and giving her own true name, the caster forces the ghost to divulge its name. This command works even if the ghost has otherwise forgotten its identity. Cost: 2 Strain
Ghost Fence: By laying powdered silver or silver wire on the ground, the caster creates a barrier that no ghost (or other immaterial spirit) may cross. Cost: 3 Strain. The spell will end if anything causes a physical break in the silver barrier.
Scourge of Snarks: The caster sets out a bowl of honey infused with rosemary and garlic. If there are any snarks in the area, they will be lured to eat the honey and then become terribly ill. One who knows the Old Tongue may approach and treat with them at this time. Cost: 1 Strain, time and ingredients.

Glass Candle: A strange construction of rippled black glass, with many uses for scrying and communication. +2 Occult, +2 Intrigue, Allows access to the following spells:
-Candle Communication: Speak and see through other glass candles, or similar devices designed for communication. No Cost.
-Far Scrying: View other places that the magician is familiar with. Cost: 1 Strain
-Dream Scrying: Enter the dreams of another who is asleep, and even shape them. Cost: 1 Wound. 3 Strain to shape the dream.
Maester Qyburn

Qyburn is an unassuming man, thin and balding. He is an endless font of knowledge on medicine and the human body, always happy to regale listeners with amusing facts. Those who gain his trust will hear a special set of amusing facts that he learned in really gruesome ways, and come to realize, if they haven't already, that there is something deeply wrong with this man. Knowledge is Qyburn's one love, and he doesn't see any reason why moral compunctions should stand in his way. He is also worryingly good at hiding his true nature, presenting a pleasant and avuncular face to all.

Diplomacy: 7+1+1+1=10
Martial: 4+1=5
Stewardship: 5+3+1+2=11
Intrigue: 8+3+1+1+2=15
Learning: 8+3+3+3+1+5+1+5=29
Occult: 5+2+3+1=11

Doctor: You are well-versed in the human body, and the many many things that can go wrong with it. +3 Learning, +3 Intrigue
Alchemist: You are well-versed in the effects of chemical and magical concoctions. +3 Learning, +3 Stewardship
Herbalist: You know the properties of various herbs, and how to make use of them. +3 Learning, +2 Occult
Necromancer: You know how to make a corpse sit up and move. +3 Occult, +1 Learning, +1 Intrigue
Erudite: You are well-read and enjoy intellectual discussion. +5 Learning, +2 Strain
Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue
Maester: You have earned a chain at the Citadel and sworn yourself to the service of knowledge. +5 Learning, +1 Diplomacy

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Old Ghiscari, Andalish
Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale, Keeper of the Gates of the Moon, Warden of the East, Lord of the Eyrie, Master of Laws
As High as Honor
The Lord of House Arryn is well past his prime physically, the once-trim lines of his form growing softer and his golden beard now mostly grey. But while he has put down the sword, he still hones his mind sharper and sharper. His experience herding quarrelsome fosterlings and stubborn Valemen is something he now applies to the entire realm, hatching stratagems and penning letters with the potential to reshape the future. He holds great stock in honor and tradition, but this does not limit him as much as one would think, because the traditions of Westeros encompass a good deal of violence and tumult. He also possesses a streak of sheer cold pragmatism: What must be done, will be done.

Diplomacy: 10+1+1+4+2+3+3+1=25
Martial: 10+2+2-2=12
Stewardship: 4+2+1+2=9
Intrigue: 8-2+1+2=9
Learning: 7+3=10
Occult: 5

Combat Skill
Physical: 12(Martial)+30-10=32, 42 against demons
Wounds: 0/3

Mental: 25(Diplomacy)-10+45=60
Strain: 0/4

Arryn of the Eyrie: You are a member of House Arryn, of the line of the legendary Falcon Knight and the Kings of Mountain and Vale. +1 Diplomacy
Well-Read: You have made your way through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning, +1 Strain
: You have been oiled and blessed by a septon after going through a full squiring. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +10 against demons
Trained Fighter: You know your way around a weapon. +30 Physical Combat, +2 Martial, +2 Wounds
Honorable: You take your oaths seriously. It's given you a good reputation. +4 Diplomacy, -2 Intrigue, +2 Strain
Just: You strive to uphold justice and duty. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship
Peaceful: Why can't we just talk things out? Why must we fight like barbarians? -2 Martial, +3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship, -10 Physical and Mental Combat
Peacemaker: You have been known to make peace and settle disputes with a firm hand and good sense. +3 Diplomacy, +45 Mental Combat
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue

Common Westerosi, Andalish (poor), High Valyrian (poor)
Genna Lannister Frey, Not the Master of Coin
Hear Me Roar
Diplomacy: 6+1+1+1+1+3+1=14
Martial: 9
Stewardship: 8+1+3+1+2=15
Intrigue: 8+3+2=12
Learning: 6+1+3+1=11
Occult: 6

Combat Skill
Physical: nah, that's men's work
Wounds: 0/1

Mental: 14(Diplomacy)+20+15+45=94
Strain: 0/2

Bearer of the Pact of Earth: In ancient times, the first Casterly delved into the deepest chambers of the Rock, and made a pact there. +1 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Lannister of Casterly Rock: A member of the house Lannister, of the line of Lann the Clever and the Kings of the Rock. +1 Diplomacy
Well-Read: You have made your way through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning, +1 Strain
You know all the latest rumors. +3 Intrigue
Lady's Education: You have been trained in the ladylike arts, including etiquette and the management of a household. +1 Diplomacy, +3 Stewardship, +1 Learning, +20 Mental Combat
Foodie: You have an appreciation for fine food and drink. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship
Authoritative: When you speak, your voice and bearing make you hard to disobey. +1 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat
Peacemaker: You have been known to make peace and settle disputes with a firm hand and good sense. +3 Diplomacy, +45 Mental Combat
Conscientious: You always take the time to do your work well, minding the little details. +1 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Intrigue

Common Westerosi, High Valyrian (poor)
Ravana Reyne, Lady of Castamere, Mistress of Whispers, Shatterstone, the Bloody-Clawed Lioness
Beneath Still Waters
Born a Hill, the bastard of one Reynard Reyne and a septa, Ravana spent her early years throwing knives with her half-brothers and being doted on by an attentive father. Unfortunately the Reynes moved in dangerous circles, and when Ravana was nine her home was flooded and her family slaughtered by Tywin Lannister in a conflict she could not comprehend. It was only the sudden, traumatic awakening of her stone magic that let her escape the tomb that claimed the others. The years after that were a rough, desperate existence on the streets of Lannisport, future and past mortgaged to survive another day, about which she refuses to speak. Her story picks back up in the Riverlands, where she found salvation and purpose on the Isle of Faces. She has great causes: the thwarting of the Others, and the restoration of House Reyne. Through her service to Rhaegar Targaryen she has made great progress in the latter already. She is forever grateful to him for legitimizing her and restoring her claim to Castamere.

Ravana is a deeply serious woman of dry humor and diligent habits (people familiar with them both find her to bear an uncanny similarity to Tywin Lannister, though they don't say so to her face). Her personal effects are always kept neat, and she refuses to drink anything intoxicating. Her eyes are a regal green and her hair is light red, wound through with strands of gold.

Diplomacy: 7+1-1=7
Martial: 7+1+2+3+1=14
Stewardship: 6+1+1=8
Intrigue: 9+1+3+5+2=20
Learning: 6+1+1+2+1=11
Occult: 8+1+4+2=15

Combat Skill
Physical: 14(Martial)+45+30+5=94 (64 when not doing a sneak attack)
Wounds: 0/5

Mental: 7(Diplomacy)+30=37
Strain: 0/2

Bearer of the Pact of Earth: In ancient times, the first Casterly delved into the deepest chambers of the Rock, and made a pact there. +1 Stewardship, +1 Learning
Patient: Sometimes better rewards are obtained when you can put off gratification. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning, +1 Occult
Paranoid: The world is out to get you. Trust no one. -1 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue, +1 Wound, -1 Strain
Footpad: You know how to sneak, how to escape – and how to end a man's life in a single blow. +5 Intrigue, +2 Martial, +30 Physical Combat when taking someone unawares
Green Acolyte
: You have lived with the mystical Green Men, and been initiated into their secrets. +4 Occult, +2 Learning, +2 Intrigue, +30 to Mental Combat, +2 Strain
Magic Sense: You can sense magic when it's close, and get some idea of its nature. It turns out that the world is a more magical place than you ever imagined. +2 Occult, +1 Learning
Skilled Fighter: You know well the use of a sharp knife, and keep many on your person at all times. +45 to Physical Combat, +3 Martial, +3 Wounds

Common Westerosi, The Old Tongue

Breaking Point (Bloody-Clawed Lioness): To win, this lioness is willing to spend oceans of her own blood. To fuel her magic, blood runs from beneath her fingernails, her gums, her eyes, nose and ears. In a sense, this makes her magic more potent. She knows well the power that lies in blood, and will sometimes enter this state willingly. In this state, all spells cost 1 and only one Wound.
Stone Sense:
You may determine the structure and composition of the stone around you, including which areas have people in them. Encompasses an entire building, or wing of a larger building. Cost: 1 Strain. Must be touching stone with bare skin to cast.
Listen through Stone: Vibrations carry through stone. The caster may Same range as Stone Sense. Cost: 1 Strain. Must be touching stone with bare skin to cast.
Stone Shatter: Shatter a smaller piece of stone entirely, or make a larger piece break in a certain place. Cost: 3 Strain. Must be touching stone with bare skin to cast.

Valyrian Steel Dagger: Its blade is smoky gray and its hilt is plain. Valyrian steel is rare enough that even this blade is a treasure. +1 Martial, +5 Physical Combat, +10 additional Physical Combat against creatures of ice
Robert Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, Lord of Storm's End, Master of War
Ours is the Fury
Robert Baratheon is a bear of a man with mountainous biceps, twinkling blue eyes, and coal-black hair, but that description is woefully inadequate to understanding the man's effect in person. Robert Baratheon is an ever-flowing fountain. Robert Baratheon is a star that draws other people into his gravitational orbit. One gets the impression that he is an aberration from some other, more intense, reality where the sun is brighter and every blade of grass is springy enough to break iron. Or perhaps he is a throwback to the Age of Heroes, when the blood of the gods ran stronger in his line.

Everything Robert does is done whole-heartedly, loudly, forcefully - and whimsically. It would be wrong to call him malicious, but he uproots order like a windstorm, with no care for what he tosses aside. His relationships with others are genial and shallow. Except for a certain few. When Robert Baratheon cares, when something pricks him enough to make him focus all of that primeval, Heroic power on one task for an extended period...mountains will move. Probably because he pushed them.

Very few have earned Robert's love. We ought to be thankful that, thus far, none have managed to earn his hate.

Diplomacy: 7+2+1+2+1+1+5=19
Martial: 10+2+2+2+1+3+1+1=23
Stewardship: 6-5+1=2
Intrigue: 5+3=8
Learning: 5
Occult: 5

Combat Skill
Physical: 23(Martial)+10+45+5+20=103, 113 against demons
Wounds: 0/6

Mental: 19(Diplomacy)+15+15+10=59
Strain: 0/2

Indulgent Wastrel: Money is for spending, right? +2 Diplomacy, -5 Stewardship
Authoritative: When you speak, your voice and bearing make you hard to disobey. +1 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat
Passionate: The fires of your soul burn strong and deep. +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat, +1 Strain
Vengeful: When you're slighted, you make sure to get even. +3 Martial, +3 Intrigue, +10 Mental and Physical Combat
Knight: You have been oiled and blessed by a septon after going through a full squiring. +2 Martial, +1 Diplomacy, +10 against demons
Sailor: You are adept at sailing, reading the wind, and the other necessary skills of captaining a ship.
Bearer of the Pact of Storm: In ancient times, Durran Godsgrief married Elenei Stormborn, daughter of the sea and the sky. Her divine blood lives on in men to this day. +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial
Storm Lord: A member of House Baratheon, of the line of the ancient Storm Kings. +1 Diplomacy
Skilled Fighter: You know well the ways of sword and lance. +45 to Physical Combat, +3 Martial, +3 Wounds
Gregarious: You love people, and people tend to like you back. +5 Diplomacy
Brawler: You are always ready to fight - anywhere, in any conditions. +1 Martial, +5 Personal Combat, no penalty for lacking weapons
Strong: Your size and strength is something exceptional. +1 Martial, +20 Personal Combat, +2 Wounds

Common Westerosi
Aelora Brightflame, the Coveted Golden Jewel, the Mirror that Sees the Hearts of Men
Wings Unbound
Aelora Brightflame, the greatest beauty of a generation, the slave who set a record with her virgin-price, who could have risen to rule Lys in all but name. She was once a girl, fearful of a pleasure-slave's uncertain life, who prayed tearfully one night. Her prayers attracted an unbound desire demon, an ancient existence who flitted from host to host. And there, a pact was made.

Teasing out the demon known as "Jewel" from within Aelora is difficult, and they maintain that, for most purposes, they - or she - should be considered a single being. She also maintains that the minor fact that demons feed on human souls is really no more ethically problematic than humans feeding on meat, and in fact she abhors violence! She is a peace-loving, pious, cultured individual, and any stereotypes to the contrary are hateful propaganda spread by the Andals' false gods, for whom she bears a venomous dislike. All her words are twisted to suit her own agenda (admittedly, that agenda seems to be her own self-preservation, which is innocent enough) and she has no particular loyalty to Rhaegar. However, she has been more useful than not so far, and her behavior is strictly curtailed by an unbreakable magical oath.

Diplomacy: 7+1+1+1+3+1+5+2+2=23
Martial: 5+1-2=4
Stewardship: 6+1+1=8
Intrigue: 7+1+4+3+2=17
Learning: 6+2+3+1+6=18
Occult: 5+1+3+3=12

Combat Skill
Physical: oh dearie me, no!
Wounds: 0/1

Mental: 23(Diplomacy)+20-10+20+30=83
Strain: 4/8

Bearer of the Pact of Fire: In ancient times, the dragon goddess Caeda blessed the Valyrian people with her own blood, making them kin. To this day, they have a connection to fire. +1 Martial, +1 Occult
Advanced Magic Sense: You can sense magic that is near you, and get a very good idea of its nature. +3 Occult, +2 Learning
Well-Read: You have made your way through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning, +1 Strain
You have a gift for picking up languages. +1 Learning, +1 Diplomacy, learn new languages faster
Foodie: You have an appreciation for fine food and drink. +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship
Attractive: You are extremely pretty. +1 Diplomacy, +20 to Mental Combat
Peaceful: Why can't we just talk things out? Why must we fight like barbarians? -2 Martial, +3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +1 Stewardship, -10 Physical and Mental Combat
Master Seductress: You are an expert in sparking and fanning the flames of lust, and once you get someone in your bed you are an expert there, too. +1 Diplomacy, +4 Intrigue, +20 to Mental Combat
Gossip: You know all the latest rumors. +3 Intrigue
Gregarious: You love people, and people tend to like you back. +5 Diplomacy
Trained Bard: You know many songs, and can even write your own music. +30 to Mental Combat, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Strain
The Jewel: The nature of the Jewel is to be beautiful, to be coveted, to inspire desire. +2 Diplomacy, +2 Strain
The Mirror: The nature of the Mirror is to see the truth, to show illusions. +2 Intrigue, +2 Strain
Ancient Existence: The demon within you is a creature of staggering age. So much lost knowledge exists within its memory, and the creature itself can get surprisingly scholarly at times. +6 Learning, +3 Occult
Demon-Possessed: A demon lives within you, looking out through your eyes, stabilizing its existence with your mortal body, and shielding itself from magical detection by hiding behind your soul. It must feed. Inflicts 1 Strain every two days, on you or someone else.

Tongue of the Children of the Forest, Dawnchant, Quaathi, Old Ghiscari, High Valyrian, Summertongue, the Imperial Tongue, Classical Rhoynish, Rhoynish, The Old Tongue, Andalish (poor), Free Cities Valyrian, Ghiscari Valyrian, Common Westerosi, Naathi (poor), etc.

A Demon's Death: For a demon, always burning magic to fuel their existence in this world, running out is death. When they can scrape their reserves no farther, they have few options. If possessing a mortal vessel, they can consume the vessel's soul for a last burst of strength. They might try to flee the material world for the spiritual one using their last reserves. If they fail, they must die.
Sacred Oath: As a scribe of the Weaver, this demon has authority to enter oaths they witness into divine Law. The parties to such oaths may not break them by any means, knowingly or unknowingly. The parties, by magic, will always have a clear understanding and perfect recollection of the oath. Cost: 1 Strain, must say ritual invocation.

Heart-Reflecting Mirror: This spell allows you to choose a target and, by studying their words and body language, gain insight into their current desires and emotions – even ones the target is not quite aware of. Cost: 1 Strain, a moment of quiet observation

Desire-Presenting Mirror: This spell allows you to deceive one target's senses with illusions. Material for the illusions may draw upon the target's own memories, even invoking people or things the caster has not seen herself. Cost 2 Strain per hour. The illusions must be layered over a mirror or the caster herself.

A Jewel to Covet: This spell allows you to choose a target and present an idea, assertion, or plan to them by making a Mental Combat roll. If the roll succeeds, they will find it supremely sensible and appealing, adopting it as their own. This spell will become more difficult if the idea is absurd or if it conflicts with the target's deeply held beliefs. Cost: 2 Strain

Soul-Filling Gift: Although demons usually take, they can also give. By donating some raw soul-stuff to someone with an injured soul, you can speed their recovery. Cost: Strain equivalent to the size of the donation.
Nenya Brightflame, the Mad, Lady of Sunstone
Wings Unbound
It's me, Nenya! So you need my description? Well, I have nice curly hair, a ship, a special sword, um, I talk to God a lot, and spirits like you, I have a burning, unquenchable, furious grudge against all slavers, I like feeling the wind in my hair and burning slavers alive, I have a big family and I try to take care of them but, between you and me, these oddballs make it so hard...not Myrrh, though, my special little good boy. You're the goodest boy in the world, aren't you? Does my good boy want scritches? Scritches? The topic forgotten, Nenya's voice fades away into cutesy, high-pitched nonsense.

Diplomacy: 9+2+1+3+3-1-2+1=16
Martial: 6+1+2+2-2+2+7+3=21
Stewardship: 6-2-2+1=3
Intrigue: 7-2=5
Learning: 5+3-1=7
Occult: 7+1+3+7+3+2=23

Combat Skill
Physical: 21(Martial)+30+10=61, 81 against ice creatures
Wounds: 0/4

Mental: 16(Diplomacy)+15+15=46
Strain: 0/8

Bearer of the Pact of Fire: In ancient times, the dragon goddess Caeda blessed the Valyrian people with her own blood, making them kin. To this day, they have a connection to fire. +1 Martial, +1 Occult
Passionate: The fires of your soul burn strong and deep. +2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +15 to Mental Combat, +1 Strain
Trained Fighter: You know your way around a weapon. +30 Physical Combat, +2 Martial, +2 Wounds
Dabbling Bard: You know many songs, though you have not truly devoted time to crafting music of your own. +15 to Mental Combat, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Strain
Good-Natured: You tend to get along with others. +3 Diplomacy
Well-Read: You have made your way through an appreciable spread of books. +3 Learning, +1 Strain
You've listened to a lot of spooky stories. +3 Occult, +1 Strain
Out-of-Phase: You don't seem to live in quite the same world as everyone else. The extraordinary and the supernatural are obvious to you, while you tend to overlook more prosaic concerns. +7 Occult, -2 Stewardship, -2 Martial, -2 Intrigue
Beloved of Caeda: You have the personal attention of Merciful Caeda. May the skies enfold you! +3 Diplomacy, +3 Occult
Fire-Obsessed: Fire is so beautiful and your best friend. -1 Diplomacy, -2 Stewardship, +2 Martial, +2 Occult
Stubborn: You refuse to give up, even when you are clearly wrong. -1 Learning, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Strain
Sailor: You are adept at sailing, reading the wind, and the other necessary skills of captaining a ship.
Dragon Rider: You have a dragon companion. In addition to being unstoppable in battle and the subject of great awe, you may also draw on your dragon's supernatural vitality in times of need. +1 Diplomacy, +7 Martial, +1 Wound, +1 Strain

Free Cities Valyrian, Common Westerosi, High Valyrian, Summertongue

Blackfyre: A Valyrian Steel bastard sword with a ruby in the hilt; the ancestral sword of House Targaryen and an old symbol of the Iron Throne. +1 Diplomacy, +3 Martial, +10 Physical Combat, +20 additional Physical Combat against creatures of ice
Caeda's Comet: A well-loved ship of decent size. +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship
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Rules and Mechanics​
This quest uses a modified version of the CK2 system. Stats are:

Diplomacy: Your ability to persuade others and make people like you

Martial: Your ability to lead troops in battle; affects skill in combat

Stewardship: Your ability to manage money, organize, and complete projects

Intrigue: Your ability to lie and scheme, as well as see through lies and deceptions

Learning: Your knowledge, intelligence, and creativity

Occult: Your closeness to the magical, mystical forces of the world and knowledge of their secrets.

I will be doing all rolls myself. Generally, rolls will use a 100-sided die.

If the roll meets or exceeds the target number, the action succeeds. A roll of exactly 100 will trigger Special Very Good Consequences. A roll of exactly 1 will trigger Special Very Bad Consequences.

Managing Your Domain
As a feudal lord, you have lands. You take care of those lands, and the people who live there pay you taxes: it's a contract. Every in-game year, you can launch projects to find information, solve problems, or improve your lands.

Each project will be associated with a stat, and for every stat you will have an Advisor. You may launch two projects per stat each year. There will be a roll to determine whether projects succeed or fail, and to what degree: 1d100+King's stat/Hand's stat, whichever is higher+Advisor's stat. For example, if the roll just barely reaches the threshold, perhaps a project will succeed but cost more than expected.

50 or more under the DC = Critical Failure
20-49 under the DC = Failure
19 or less under the DC = Bare Failure
10 or less over the DC = Bare Success
11-40 over the DC = Success
41 or more over the DC = Great Success
80 or more over the DC = Critical Success

Every year you will also have some free time to work on personal projects, such as improving your skills or hanging out with friends. For obvious reasons, you cannot assign council members to these projects.

You will have lots of people hanging around your court (because I fill my stories with too many characters), and they can't all be advisors. Never fear! Your allies can still make themselves useful as Heroes: every turn, you will get to choose between a few special options for them. These options may boost your projects, increase characters' stats, or unlock new events, among other things.

Combat (Physical and Mental)
'Combat' refers to any confrontation between two characters, even on places not normally recognized as a battlefield. A character (one who expects to go into combat, anyway) will have a Physical Combat Score and a Mental Combat Score. They will also have a certain capacity for Wounds and Strain.

Mental Combat: Arguments, manipulation, illusions, curses. If you could theoretically nullify something by being really stubborn, it counts.
Strain: An active mind, good mental health, and a strong will all help someone endure mental Strain. Strain is also used to cast spells.

Physical Combat: Attacks with blade, fist, or fireball.
Wounds: Physical conditioning, good health, luck, and good equipment all help someone endure physical Wounds.

To attack, a combatant rolls 1d100 + Combat Score +/- any situational modifiers. If the result is above 60, the attack partially succeeds (half a Wound or an incidental benefit). If the result is above 80, the attack succeeds fully (one Wound, or the success of a ploy). Any result above 100 is a critical success (two Wounds, or one Wound and a beneficial change to the situation). That's right – this is not a roll-off system. It is perfectly possible for combatants to pull off a mutual kill. It is meant to be quicker and deadlier than a roll-off.

With that being said, combat will not always proceed to a deadly point. Characters are perfectly capable of surrendering. Combatants can have many goals besides the destruction of the opponent. Sometimes all you want is to convince someone their views are wrong, which can be accomplished with one or two good arguments.

When Wounds are full, a character dies. When Strain is full, there are two possible results:

-If the character is a mage, and used that Strain to cast a spell, they experience a Breaking Point. After they rest and recover from the Breaking Point, they are Exhausted, taking a -15 penalty to all rolls, for three days.

-If the Strain was filled by any other cause, a character simply becomes Exhausted, taking a -15 penalty to all rolls, until they reduce their Strain to 0.

Strain recovers at a rate of 1d3 per good night's rest. Wounds recover at a rate of 1 per week.

Skinchangers and their companions
An animal companion, in addition to other bonuses, usually gives a character more capacity for Wounds. This is because humans and their animal companions share a Wound pool. Thus, taking a Wound may be realized in the narrative as a blow to the human or to their animal.

The magic system in this quest is based on the adage that "magic always has a price." Spells are powerful, but you can't cast too many of them at once, and most people only know a few. Spells all have a cost, (usually) in Strain. Often they have other requirements too, like a long ritual, or a material sacrifice. A mage who fills up all their Strain experiences a Breaking Point. These are exciting individualized penalties such as bleeding from the eyes or becoming unable to tell the difference between hallucinations and reality. These can be cured with time and rest. A mage can continue to cast spells after Breaking by taking Wounds instead of the Strain the spell would usually cost. This can kill them.

Going into Breaking Point is usually a bad idea, and it always takes a toll on the body, mind and soul. Strain is restored at a rate of 1d3 per good night's rest. However, one remains Exhausted, taking a toll of -15 on all rolls, for three days after reaching Breaking Point. Certain characters can gain advantages from it in certain situations, however. It is even possible - albeit, quite reckless - to base your magic build around it (See Ravana Reyne for an example).

So what is this quest all about?
I envision this quest as having 3 fields of focus: 1) Your family and the people around you 2) The land and factions of Westeros 3) The quest to find out what to do about the magical apocalypse right around the corner. Of course, these fields all overlap. You will draw your councilors from the people of Westeros and send them out to solve problems on your behalf. The kingdom is going to have to be prepared for the magical changes that are coming, one way or another. And your loved ones are going to have plenty of opportunities to get involved with all the magic stuff.

On a final note, this is my first quest, as well as the first writing I've posted online in quite some time. I will make mistakes, but it's my hope that you all will bear with me and we can write a wonderful story together!
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Your Domain
Small Council
Hand of the King: Baelor Hightower
Master of Laws: Jon Arryn
Master of Coin: Emmon Frey
Master of Ships: Quellon Greyjoy
Master of War: Robert Baratheon
Mistress of Whispers: Ravana Reyne
Grand Maester: Ebrose
Lord Commander of the Kingsguard: Barristan Selmy

Barristan Selmy (Lord Commander)
Arthur Dayne
Lyanna Stark
Bonifer Hasty
Jacelyn Bywater
Desmond Redwyne
Harras Harlaw

Major Bannermen
The Crownlands
Lord Monford Velaryon, House Velaryon of Driftmark (The Old, The True, The Brave)
-Relationship: Massive crush on Rhaegar

Lord Ardrian Celtigar, House Celtigar of Claw Isle (Every Opportunity)
-Relationship: Cold

Lord Guncer Bar Emmon, House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point (Meddle Not With Us)
-Relationship: Dutiful Support

Lord Guncer Sunglass, House Sunglass of Sweetport Sound (Catch the Light)
-Relationship: Grateful
-Pays you a share of the profits from his glassworks

Lady Tanda Stokeworth, House Stokeworth of Stokeworth (Proud to be Faithful)
-Relationship: Dutiful Support

Lord Maldon Massey, House Massey of Massey's Hook
-Relationship: Dutiful Support
Lord Renfred Rykker, House Rykker of Duskendale
-Relationship: Cold
Lord Gyles Rosby, House Rosby of Rosby
-Relationship: Cautious
Lord Arstan Buckwell, House Buckwell of the Antlers
-Relationship: Enthusiastic support
Lady Maia Hayford, House Hayford of Hayford
-Relationship: Enthusiastic support

Lords Paramount
Lord Brandon Stark, Lord Paramount of the North (Winter is Coming)
-Relationship: Cold

Lord Hoster Tully, Lord Paramount of the Riverlands (Family, Duty, Honor)
-Relationship: Relieved

Lord Jon Arryn, Lord Paramount of the Vale (As High as Honor)
-Relationship: Cautious support

Lord Quellon Greyjoy, Lord Paramount of the Iron Islands (We do not Sow)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic support

Ser Kevan Lannister, Lord Regent of the Westerlands (Hear Me Roar)
-Relationship: Neutral

Lord Robert Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands (Ours is the Fury)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic support

Lord Mace Tyrell, Lord Paramount of the Reach (Growing Strong)
-Relationship: Enthusiastic support

Prince Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne (Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken)
-Relationship: Dutiful Support

Dragonstone Garrison: Understrength, Veteran
Red Keep Garrison: Full strength, Professional
City Watch: Expansive, Professional

Royal Fleet: Fullstrength, Veteran
The Black Seals: Fullstrength, Elite

Current Treasury after income and expenses: 79,450 Dragons
Trade: 2,500 Dr​
Mining: 600 Dr​
Glass: 300 Dr​
Demesne: 6,500 Dr​
Crownlands Taxes: 1,600 Dr​
North Taxes: 1,700 Dr​
Riverlands Taxes: 1,750 Dr​
Westerlands Taxes: 4,000 Dr​
Iron Islands Taxes: 2,000 Dr​
Stormlands Taxes: 2,200 Dr​
Reach Taxes: 3,500 Dr​
Dorne Taxes: 2,200 Dr​
Total: 28,850 Dragons
Household Upkeep: 5,000 Dr​
Glass Candle: 800 Dr​
Dragonstone Upkeep: 1,000 Dr​
Gold Cloaks: 3,500 Dr​
Royal Fleet: 4,000 Dr​
Black Seals: 400 Dr​
Total: 14,700 Dragons

Health: Weak
-Your subjects are poor, and battered by the recent siege.
Approval: Admiring
-The people of Dragonstone are proud to have you as their king.
Prosperity: Tolerable
-The port sees less traffic than nearby Driftmark.

King's Landing
Health: Well
-As cities go, it's safe, if you can find clean water to drink.
Approval: Content
-The city is peaceful, through suspicion pool here and there.
Prosperity: Comfortable
-King's Landing is normally one of the busiest ports in the realm. Though the war depressed trade, you expect things to pick back up soon.
Current Season: Summer

Weirwood Tree:
Sacred to those who follow the Old Gods, these trees are hard to find south of the Neck.
Dragonmont: This dormant volcano often releases clouds of smoke.
Dragon Skeleton: More enormous than most of the dragon remains at the Red Keep, and completely intact. You have ordered it to be left alone, for now.

King's Landing
The Iron Throne
: None who look on this dangerous thing can fail to be intimidated by its reputation and its sharpness.
Dragon Skulls: The Great Hall is decorated with reminders of the Targaryen dragons, many of them monstrous in size.
Secret Passages: A myriad of ways lead from building to building and out into the city. However there is but one passage within Maegor's Holdfast, which leads from the king's apartments to the cliffs overlooking Blackwater Bay.
Anti-Other Runes: These runes block the influence of the Others in Rhaegar's bedchamber and his solar. They are not meant to be long-lasting, however. (moderate chance of degrading every year)
Alchemists' Guild: A collection of scholars and mystics, always happy to consult on matters. They are also perhaps the world's greatest experts in wildfire.
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[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.

Prophecy, although it fucked Rheagar pretty hard in canon, can still be useful - and it did birth the Prince who was Promised. Having some sort of magical knowledge besides the Others would also be good.

[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.

Jaime could actually be a useful and loyal subordinate - getting him some prestige is a good idea.

Overall, I assume none of us have any intention of bending over and letting the Others have their way with us?
[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] Jon Connington Your oldest friend. A bit of a misanthrope, to be sure, but you'd trust him with your life.
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[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.

[X] Jon Connington Your oldest friend. A bit of a misanthrope, to be sure, but you'd trust him with your life.

@yinko you have spaces in your votes [ x] that I'm not sure they will get tallied correctly.
[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] The Knight of the Laughing Tree Some mystery knight who entered the tourney and enjoyed surprising success, especially against you.

This is fun.
Someone clad in the Old God's symbols has made the creation of their foe's champion possible.
I enjoy this twist.
[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.

[X] Jon Connington Your oldest friend. A bit of a misanthrope, to be sure, but you'd trust him with your life.
Overall, I assume none of us have any intention of bending over and letting the Others have their way with us?

To be honest, I'm not really expecting you guys to go along with the Great Other's plans, no. It's still an option though!

Vote Tally:

[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
Number of voters: 5

[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.
Number of voters: 3

[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
Number of voters: 4

[X] Jon Connington Your oldest friend. A bit of a misanthrope, to be sure, but you'd trust him with your life.
Number of voters: 3

[X] The Knight of the Laughing Tree Some mystery knight who entered the tourney and enjoyed surprising success, especially against you.
Number of voters: 1

Wonderful! I'm going to wait a bit longer for more votes while I work on the character sheet.
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[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.
[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
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To clarify, you will still get prophetic dreams even if you don't choose the "Prophetic Dream" option, but it will be at a lower level and be less controllable. No matter what you choose, there will be options later on to develop your abilities as a seer.
[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.

[X] The Knight of the Laughing Tree Some mystery knight who entered the tourney and enjoyed surprising success, especially against you.
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[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.
Don't forget to vote for a jousting opponent!

To the rest of our voters: We are now tied between "You had a prophetic dream" and "To gain prestige". Since this choice affects your stats, I can't post the character sheet until we have a clear winner.

It seems that our jousting opponent was Jaime Lannister, so I'll start working on the next update, now.
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[X] To gain prestige before the assembled lords. Truth be told, you don't enjoy martial pursuits. But reputation is everything, and the lords of Westeros will only respect a warrior king.
[X] Jaime Lannister The newest member of the Kingsguard, he was sworn in earlier that same day, greatly displeasing his lord father. Full of fire and idealism.
[X] You had a prophetic dream. You get those sometimes. You know you should win the joust, and crown a certain woman as your Queen of Love and Beauty. You haven't figured out who, yet.
[X] Jon Connington Your oldest friend. A bit of a misanthrope, to be sure, but you'd trust him with your life.
Harrenhal Part 1
You open your eyes upon a gray expanse. It takes you a moment to realize that you're lying on your back and looking up at a stone ceiling. You shift a bit, experimentally. Your neck feels stiff, and this stone slab is not comfortable in the slightest, but other than that you feel fine. You can still hear the ice song, but it's very faint.

You hear footsteps moving hesitantly toward you. Good, someone's noticed you're awake. You sit up, not at all prepared for the person approaching you to scream and jump backward.

"Sweet fucking gods!" It's Jon Connington, looking completely overwhelmed. He has a strange sheen in your vision, a strange brightness, but more importantly he looks like he's on the edge of a breakdown.

"Jon," you ask, "Are you all right?" You slip off the plinth where you were lying and walk over to him. He's trembling.

"It's you," he says. "It's really you. 'Am I all right?' Seven hells, Rhaegar! What about you? You were dead! Fucking dead!"

"Dead?" You look at the cavernous room around you and realize that it's Harrenhal's sept, empty but for you and Jon and a few bright-shining candles. The sky has a faint luminosity outside the windows and you judge that it must be near sunrise. "Were you standing vigil over me? Over my…corpse?"

He nods, leaning against you to steady himself. You put an arm around him and gradually his breathing begins to even out. Standing next to him, you hear something else – another song, its rhythm following his breath. It makes you think of clear skies and the calls of strange birds.
[New Trait! Magic Sense: You can sense magic when it's close, and get some idea of its nature. It turns out that the world is a more magical place than you ever imagined. +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning]

You are mulling over the strange tune when Jon chuckles. "I wonder if your father is still going to take bloody vengeance for your death?"

You find his words ominous. "What happened, exactly? I remember tilting against Lannister – he unhorsed me, right?"

Jon nods. "He was good – too good. You went flying through the air and broke your neck on the ground – at least, that's what the Grand Maester said. I have a hard time believing it now."

You feel your neck. There's a part on the side that feels hard and numb, and the ice song whispers an answer to your silent question. Leave it; it will heal.

"So everyone thought you were dead, and the king decided that Lannister's appointment to the Kingsguard was all part of a plot to assassinate you. All the Lannisters are in the dungeons now." You wince. Even for your father, this is all a bit…much. "He hasn't executed anyone yet, though. I think. It's only been twelve hours."

"We should probably find the king and let him know that I'm not dead, then," you sigh. Jon gives you a worried look in response.

"Are you sure you're well enough?" You nod. "Let me just get a torch." He lights a torch from one of the sept's candles, and the sudden brightness forces you to look away. As you slowly look back, you realize uneasily that your vision has changed since you last walked in the sun. Darkness is not a barrier to you – you honestly saw fine without the torch – and colors all seem faded. In the light of the torch, Jon's flame-red hair is just a pale tint, and his bright blue eyes seem watery. Furthermore, every source of heat, from Jon's body to the open flame, seems to glow with its own special light.
[New Trait! Eyes of the Other: The creatures of the ice do not see things in the same way as humans. Color is unimportant, and they can see easily in the dark. They track their living prey by the heat it leaves behind.]

"Let's go." Now is really not the time to contemplate the strange changes taking place.

You ask a few servants for directions and soon arrive in Harrenhal's dungeons, which are strangely close to the sept. Your father is pacing back and forth before a cell holding an extremely frustrated Tywin Lannister, who is trying to reason with him unsuccessfully. The two Kingsguard against the wall – Whent and Hightower – stare at your entrance, but the two most powerful men in the kingdom are too busy imagining each other's painful deaths to notice you.

"You should recall, my king, that I recommended against placing my son and heir on the Kingsguard," Tywin states tightly.

"Yes," Aerys mutters, "Just as you recommended against my visit to Duskendale. And then what happened, eh?" He points an accusing finger at the bars, eyes blazing.

"I was completely right and you got captured."

"Exactly! Don't think I'm going to fall for your reverse psychology a second time, Tywin!"

From the next cell over, young Jaime Lannister meets your eyes. "Good evening, your grace!" he calls loudly. "Is it evening? I can't tell, no windows down here. At any rate, welcome! No doubt you have something to say about the terrible and false accusations besmirching my family's good name."

His father and yours both turn, surprised to see you. Lord Lannister narrows his eyes in confusion; your father jumps a foot in the air and angrily yells, "WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?"

You thought about it on the way here, and you decided the best approach to this situation is:
[ ] Blame the Lannisters Encourage all your father's delusions about a nonexistent conspiracy. It will keep him focused on an enemy of your choosing, and give you plenty of opportunities to seize power from "traitors" and gain his trust.
[X] Blame the Maester There's no plot, and you were never dead. The only one at fault here is the incompetent Maester who declared you dead when you were just unconscious. What an idiot.
[ ] Write-in

The votes are still tied, so I'm just going to merge the two options (Prophetic Dream and To Gain Prestige). Character sheet is going up soon!
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[X] Blame the Maester There's no plot, and you were never dead. The only one at fault here is the incompetent Maester who declared you dead when you were just unconscious. What an idiot.
Pycelle is a bastard, and a Lannister stooge- anyone else would be leagues better.
[X] Blame the Maester There's no plot, and you were never dead. The only one at fault here is the incompetent Maester who declared you dead when you were just unconscious. What an idiot.
w/e :p
[X] Blame the Maester There's no plot, and you were never dead. The only one at fault here is the incompetent Maester who declared you dead when you were just unconscious. What an idiot.