The Shadow of Fire: An Aemond Targaryen Quest

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You are Aemond Targaryen; the second born son of King Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower, you sit as far from the throne as you are from your father's attentions. A life as a minor and forgotten princeling is seemingly all you can hope to aspire for, and yet there are plans unfolding across King's Landing. The legitimacy of Princess of Rhaenyra and her heirs are being increasingly called into question with the emergence of a male heir and in the events to come a second son may rise far indeed. Will you grab the harness of ambition and deliver Aemond a better future then he would've received otherwise?
Introduction: The Child
The Shadow of Fire
An Aemond Targaryen Quest

There are many corridors and passageways within the Red Keep. Like a weed it stretches its roots deep beneath the hovels and dwellings of King's Landing; a century of scheming councillors and paranoid kings had seen the old fort expand to the point where its full extent is known only to the vermin that so infest it.

In one of those deep and sunken corridors a boy called Aemond Targaryen was curled up next to an old stone wall. He had long since stopped crying, Aegon's taunts could only sting for so long, and now watched as a small white mouse with beady red eyes slinked along the shadowy corners of the wall opposite. It was a meagre thing, small and thin, and yet it's meagreness seemed to make it all the bolder as it slowly scurried closer to Aemond. The flickering of the torchlights above warped and stretched the shadow of the little creature, at the whim of flame was the mouse raised to the heights of a cat, then to a man, and then cast back down to its own meagre shadow. Aemond slowly began to crawl forwards on his knees towards the little creature with his hands cupped and held towards it. The mouse paused, it cautiously moved closer to the boy, it's nose twitched as it began to sniff Aemond's palm. The air shifted, a cold breeze came down the passageway, the torch light flickered and the mouse scurried off into the far depths of the Red Keep.

There is a silence that follows, wind flows through the corridor and then ceases. The Keep breathes in and then exhales.

Aemond curled up once again by the wall, burying his head into his knees. He was a ghost in this place; The second son of a second wife, not inconsequential enough to be sent to ward with one of the lesser houses, not notable enough to be paid any true heed within the Keep itself. He was retained here as a ghost, a waifish figure that patrolled through empty corridors and stared blankly at closed doors. As Aegon marched and pranced about upon Sunfyre, Aemond seemed to diminish; growing to be lesser and lesser in the wake of greater men. Of course Halaena had to get a dragon before him. She had first mounted Dreamfyre earlier this day. How they had showered her with praise and honours; mother had smuggled her some honey cakes afterwards, the King had embraced her and kissed her forehead... The King had appeared.

The only one who had noticed the waifish boy standing dourly to the side of the proceedings was Aegon, a foul smile alighting his lips. It didn't even need to be said: Aemond was a Targareyen without a dragon, a bastard in all but blood.

The boy beneath the Red Keep breathes in and out. Water rushes over stone and leaves it unscathed, men can be broken and scarred but the old walls and foundations of this cold place have outlasted tyrants and conquerors alike. Aemond Targareyen stands shakily and begins to trace his way back to the noble quarters of the Keep. If he cannot ride resplendent upon dragon back then he must armour himself in something hard and cold, something he would keep close by his heart.

What shall Aemond find comfort in?

[] Faith: Your mother is a woman of a bleak disposition. Even in her most joyous moments there is a spectre that hangs about her, an invisible sorrow that clings to the corner of her lips as she smiles at you. You think sometimes that the same spectre clings to yourself, perhaps that is why she seems to dote upon you so. It is in her darker moments that she heads to the Sept for guidance, sometimes for days at a time. Whatever she seems to find there allows her to come back to the world whole once more, the spectre abated for a while at least. Perhaps if you start to accompany her more often then it shall allow you to find the same comforts.
  • Your relationship with Alicent Hightower will Strengthen
  • You gain the trait: Pious
  • Your convictions may change!

[] Prowess: It is well known that Ser Criston Cole is the greatest knight in the Seven Kingdoms. His skill is such that he was even capable of unhorsing the Rogue Prince himself and then proceeded to best him in single combat! Your mother has already tasked Ser Criston with training you and your brother Aegon in the art of combat, both insist that the realm's peace will not last forever and that one day both of you shall be tempered in conflict's crucible. You shall seek out Cole for extra lessons in the art of combat, if for no other reason then to see Aegon on his arse.
  • Your relationship with Ser Criston Cole will Strengthen
  • You gain the trait: Diligent
  • Your convictions may change!

[] Knowledge: You have dug deep into the old manuscripts of the King's library; the histories of Essos and Westeros come alive at the turn of each page, Harrenhall alights in flame, dragons fly above the Rhonyar and Hugor of the Hill is crowned by the Father Above. Your interests have not got unnoticed and Grand Maester Orwyle has often pointed you in the direction of where you might find your next fascination. The Grand Maester himself has often fascinated you, a meagre figure that is seemingly been able to earn respect amongst the arrogant lords of the King's Council. Perhaps if you were to seek him out for extra lessons he might teach you how he does it.
  • Your relationship with Grand Maester Orwyle will Strengthen
  • You gain the trait: Erudite
  • Your Convictions may Change!
Aemond Targaryen - Character Sheet
Aemond Targaryen

Age: 11

Stress: 15/100


SHY - For whatever reason you have always found yourself apart from the others in the Red Keep. When you try to speak with others the words seem to turn to sand in your throat and so you adopt a sullen and glowering demeanour as your shield against the piercing eyes and expectations of others. As a result of your isolation you often find yourself turning towards your studies as a form of solace.
- -Diplomacy

DRAGON'S BLOOD - You are the descendent of Aegon the Conqueror, of Jaehaerys the Conciliator, of Maegor the Cruel. Greatness is not something you have to go out and earn, it is something that runs through your very veins. You have been wrapped in Fire and Blood since birth and you shall burn your way across the histories; for a Targareyen can be many things, yet insignificant is not one of them.
++ Dragon Rider (Valyrian Dragons only)
+ Prowess

DILIGENT - It is aft said about the Red Keep that the young prince is much akin to a workhorse. At every waking moment of the day can he be found training in the yards at the heart of the Keep or keeping the candles burning low in the library reading stories of old wars and great conquerors. The Young Prince is also loathe to leave a task half-finished, he would rather push himself to great and strenuous length then see his work be left to the wayside.
+ Prowess
+ Strategy


THE WHETSTONE - Aemond Targaryen is blunt and untested steel yet he has begun to fix that. The only way to combat the torments of family and the gods alike is to sharpen yourself, leave yourself impervious to their hidden laughter and snide comments with the irrepressible knowledge that you will overcome them. The child aft takes solace in the stories of knights and brave warriors, he paints himself a mask to face the world and believes that if he acts out the part then he shall be unassailable. The boy must be careful not to let the mask crack.
DRAGON OBSESSED - There is but one pillar to the power of the Targaryen dynasty: Dragons. The young prince has grown ever more erudite in his studies of dragons, it seems that if he cannot master dragons of flesh then he shall seek to master dragons of ink and parchment. There are also those who speak of a fire that has taken an ever greater hold of Aemond Targaryen, of a loathsome envy that alights within him when he sees one of his siblings' dragons take flight, of a need for a beast that will outdo them both.


Diplomacy (--) - Aemond is a sullen child not prone to making friends. Amongst the wards of nobles and the children of courtiers he is widely mocked as a strange and off-putting figure. It doesn't help that Aegon goads them on so enthusiastically.

Strategy (+) - Aemond often enjoys hearing stories of how Aegon the Conqueror marched through the Riverlands or of how King Jaehaerys marched against the tyrant Meagor. The young prince has made an effort to understand the strategies that these Targaryen kings employed and how they might be used again.

Intrigue - Aemond Targaryen has grown to be quite adept at smuggling honey cakes out from the kitchens (the villain) yet he has often been caught by flustered servants, his skills of evasion are far below that of his brother Aegon.

Learning (+) - Often has Aemond run from the torments of his brother into the libraries of King Viserys. He is fully literate and has already managed to acquire a passing understanding of High Valyrian.

Prowess (++) - Alicent Hightower has ensured that both of the young princes receive lessons in sword fighting from Ser Criston Cole himself. In recent weeks Aemond has sought out the personal instruction of Ser Criston and has begun to learn the more underhanded elements of combat

Dragon Rider (++) - Terrible things are said of Old Valyria. Rumours abound that the blood mages of that ancient place made a vile pact; crossing the blood of their own people with the bestial blood of dragons. It is that same blood that runs through Aemond's veins.

Administration - Aemond sometimes likes to sneak into his father's study and admire the stone model of the old Freehold. He imagines himself as a mighty dragonlord ruling over a vast and prosperous kingdom with grateful smallfolk cheering his name. These fantasies often conclude with King Viserys shooing the young prince from his study.


(Their Opinion of you/You Opinion of them)

Alicent Hightower - Devoted/Devoted
Notes: Your mother and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms

Ser Criston Cole - Warm/Admiration
Note: A Kingsguard and your mother's sworn sword

Aegon Targaryen - Hostile/Hostile
Note: Your brother; the firstborn son of the King

Helaena Targaryen - ???/Fond
Note: Your sister, she is often afflicted by strange and terrible dreams

King Viserys Targaryen - Distant/Cold
Note: The King of the Seven Kingdoms, he is also your father

Ser Harrold Westerling - Cautious/Curious
Note: The Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and the former sworn sword of Rhanerya Targaryen.
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These are truths that Aemond believes to be self-evident in the world, they are moulded by his experiences and by what those around him influence him to believe. Convictions will shape the actions that are available to Aemond and by playing into the convictions that Aemond holds dear you will be able to lower his stress and perhaps even increase his resolve. Vice versa if you were to go against Aemond convictions you will most likely see a significant increase in Aemond's stress, of course by consistently going against Aemond's convictions there is a chance you may change them yet at the young prince grows older this becomes significantly more difficult.

These are truths pertaining to the young prince himself. Traits are the building blocks of Aemond's personality, at the start of the quest he has the traits Shy and Dragon's Blood to represent how the young prince has been raised with the trappings of power and glory associated with the Targaryen dynasty and how he generally struggle in his interactions with both family and courtiers. At the start of the quest Aemond is a young boy at the age of 10 and as such he will be more malleable and open to experiences changing his traits, as he grows and becomes more set in his ways this shall become substantially more difficult. Traits will increase certain skills and decrease others, they also impact the stress gain and stress loss relating to certain actions.

Stress is largely caused by going against Aemond's traits and convictions. As you let stress increase it will start to have an impact on the actions that are available to you, Aemond may start to disregard more conciliatory options and opt more for brute force and violent retribution. If you let stress reach its maximum level then Aemond will most likely do something most regrettable indeed. On the flip side Aemond can loose stress by performing actions that align with his traits or his convictions.

Resolve represents the will and drive of the young prince. Functionally these are the amount of actions you have per turn. Every action will have a minimum amount of Resolve required to complete it, if you invest more resolve then is required it will represent Aemond putting an increased amount of effort into a task and as such he will reap a corresponding reward. Resolve can be increased by playing into Aemond's convictions or otherwise performing actions that increase his drive.
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[X] Faith

Reject war, politics and intrigue, become a holy man spreading the good word.
[X] Knowledge

Aemond likes to talk about how well read he is in the show so I'd like to see what he looked like if he leaned into that.
[x] Prowess

Say what you will about Aemond's... Everything, but him and Vhagar all but carried that war. Canonically he grows up a powerhouse, and diligent sees him grow up to be learned as well as formidable rather then just a meathead.

Might want to put a few points into diplomacy in order to make it less of a dump stat this time around though.

Even without sitting the throne we'd have a potential to be a formidable hand, perhaps we may even grow to be the next bearer of Dark Sister, traditionally given to the best living warrior of house Targaryen.
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[x] Prowess

We have a war to win, and I want to see if we can find some conflicts before it to hone ourselves.
[X] Prowess:
[X] Knowledge

Knowledge is a power in a way,but knowing who to fight too,why dont try learning the two things and show you are better than Aegon?.
[x] Prowess

He need prowess, knowledge wouldn't help with bullying. Knowledge wouldn't save his eye.
[X] Faith: Your mother is a woman of a bleak disposition. Even in her most joyous moments there is a spectre that hangs about her, an invisible sorrow that clings to the corner of her lips as she smiles at you. You think sometimes that the same spectre clings to yourself, perhaps that is why she seems to dote upon you so. It is in her darker moments that she heads to the Sept for guidance, sometimes for days at a time. Whatever she seems to find there allows her to come back to the world whole once more, the spectre abated for a while at least. Perhaps if you start to accompany her more often then it shall allow you to find the same comforts.

I know everyone is choosing knowledge to minmaz the game but I feel that faith would be a fascinating exploration imagine the ruthlessness of de Aemond with religious fanaticism we could have our justinian the great and it would also give us more access to mama's ear which would give us more influence with the greens.
Plus we show that we are more westerosis than the rest of our valyrian family where it would give us more points.

In short I would like us to roleplay being justinian the great in motivations or put the church of the 7 in a czarist autocracy.